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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: History / Historical
- Published: 06/03/2012
The Final Flame
Born 1996, F, from Abbotsford, BC, Canada.jpg)
*Authors note: This story is based on a true event that took place in 1964. It is the story of the Ku Klux Klan. The story is presented in the perspective of a fictional character who is in the Ku Klux Klan (KKK or The Klan for short).
-Paramilitary: unofficial organized military force
-Prohibitionist: opposed to intoxicating beverages
-Antisemitic: hates Jews
-Freedom Summer: a civil rights movement
My name is Noadiah Bowers. My father is Sam Bowers, Imperial Wizard for the Ku Klux Klan, KKK or The Klan for short. Let me set up the ranks for you.
-Klansman or Ghouls: A member. Robe colour: white.
-Nighthawk: Security. Robe colour: black. The Knighthawk's black robe is usually shorter so as to allow easier movement.
-Chaplain: Preacher. Robe colour: white.
-Grand Scribe: This person serves as secretary of the Klan and takes detailed accounts of the meetings. Robe colour: white.
-Lictors: These were the guards for the Den meetings. Robe colour: white
-Kleagle: State Public Relations Director. (His job is to be a spokesperson and to recruit and set up Klaverns.) Robe colour: red.
-Kludd: Leader over certain amounts of Klaverns, in some cases a territory. Robe colour: white.
-Klaliff: Usually assistant to Grand Cyclops or second in command over a Klavern. Robe colour: gold.
-Grand Cyclops: Klavern or Den Leader (like the mayor of a city). Assisted by 2 Nighthawks. Robe colour: white.
-Grand Giant: He ran each "Province," which was a County, and had 4 Goblins. Robe colour: white.
-Grand Titan: District leader (like a state representative), governs a Dominion, or several counties in a state, and is assisted by 6 Furies. Robe colour: reddish-purple.
-Grand Dragon: The state leader (like a Governor). He presides over his assigned state or realm with 8 Hydras to assist him. Robe colour: green.
-Grand Magi: He serves as a sort of "vice-president" to the organization and can act as deputy wizard. Robe colour: white.
-Imperial Wizard or Grand Wizard: The national leader (the highest ranking member of the Klan). Usually, the Imperial Wizard appoints state leaders like Grand Klaliff, Grand Titan, etc... Or they are elected. this is the leader of all KKK dens across the country. He is assisted by 10 Genii, and has been described as autocratic (absolute power). Robe colour: purple.
There are also Grand monks, Grand Exchequers, Grand Turks, and Grand Sentinels. Robe colours: white. As to why they...we...wear white, there are two popular theories: One is that it represents the Confederate troops who died in the American Civil War. The other is that it represents "purity of the white race". But that's as far as my knowledge goes. I never really had an interest in all that. Why do I know all this if I have no interest? My dad made me. Brought me up to hate anyone so much as a shade darker skinned than I. But in reality, The Klan was just a bunch of racist white people mad at the world for no reason. And I despised it here. As soon as I hit twenty on June 21st, I'm outta here. But for now, on March 2nd, as a dutiful Klan member and a Grand Wizards son of nineteen, I will bide my time.
“Heeey, Noah! What's up, my man?” A loud voice and a bang of the door came from behind. Great. It was Timothy Winston, commonly known as Timmy Two-Face. This guy would sell his own mom for a buck with no hesitation. It was also a code name used in private letters. On top of that, he was a Grand Cyclops as well. How he came to be ranked that high, I don't know. He was pretty slender for a dude of twenty-two and had copper hair with a mullet in the back. This matched his dark pine green eyes rather well. To top it off, he was my 'best friend'. I sighed.
“What do you want, Timmy?” I rubbed my forehead, leaning my elbow on my desk.
“Aw, don't be so cold Noadiah. I was just gonna invite you out to par-tay tonight with me and my boys.” He patted my shoulder and shrugged. Oh no. A 'par-tay' with Timmy Two-Face meant four things. Hitting up girls, drinking and smoking, joy-riding, and hunting and burning Negros. Not my cup of tea. It was more like a cup of frog juice in my opinion.
“Sorry Two-Face. Maybe later. I gotta finish up this book.” I declined as politely and firmly as possible.
“Ya know, this is why they call you Noah the Novice.” He goaded. I rolled my eyes.
“I like that nick-name.” I smiled. It was true.
“Fine. Your loss. Simon, Finny, lets go!” He called. Two goons dressed in black robes appeared at the door. I listened until they sped off hooting and hollering, then stretched and yawned. I got up and raided the kitchen. After a glass of milk and some thinking, I decided I would clear my head outside for a while. Of course, wandering in the opposite direction of the 'par-tay'. I slipped on my brown trench coat and fedora and headed down the street. I used this time to take in my surroundings. I breathed in the moist air and felt it roll off my face. The air was cold, yet my skin did not prickle. My breath came like smoke, as if I was a fire breathing dragon. I imagined myself to be one, lumbering through the streets, my great scarlet red hide glistening with moister. People would flee at the sight of me, but I would not harm them. No, I shall save my wrath for the monsters called the Klan. With a beat of my leathery wings, I take to the air and fly above my fair city. When I awoke from my day-dream, I found myself atop the roof of an abandon building, looking at the blurry lights of the town through the dense fog. Beautiful, but sad. The rain suddenly came out of nowhere, and it came down hard and fast. I shrunk my head into the collar of my trench coat like a turtle, and began to jog, with the direction of home in mind. As I hustled down the first few flights of stairs, a sudden crash startled me. I glanced to my side and saw a piece of aluminium sheet rock back and forth on the ground while a cloud of dust started to settle again around it. I breathed a sigh of relief and continued on my way. As I complete another level of stairs, I paused. Something about that sheet of metal was bothering me. I scrunched my eyebrows creating wrinkles on my forehead from thinking so hard, then turned and climbed up the stairway once more. I slowly scanned the room and cautiously approached the sheet.
“Hello?” I called uncertainly. “Anyone there?” There was a small alcove behind the aluminium. I peeked my head inside just as a shadow moved. I snapped my head towards where the shadow came from to see a foot draw back into the darkness. I opened my mouth. “Come out. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.” I reassured. I backed up to give the person room. Soon after, a frail black girl of about seventeen crawled out on her hands and knees. Her sunken cheeks defined her sharp cheekbones and her skinny arms resembled tooth picks. Her raven black hair fell no more than shoulder length, and was badly torn. A streak of blood ran down it, a sign that she was thoroughly mistreated. Another hint was all the other wounds and scars covering her body. Instead of looking up at me, she instinctively covered her head with her hands, her small body shaking with fear. I bent down and touched her shoulder. She flinched and pulled further away. Gently, I removed my coat and laid it over frame. Then I sat down in front of her and waited. The girl quaked a bit more, then finally raised her eyes. They locked into mine, and began to study me. Her deep brown eyes encircled with a black ring stared long and hard at me. I found myself rendered immobile from her gaze. Finally, she moved to a sitting position, pulling the coat tightly around herself. I moved towards her to quickly, and she curled into a defensive ball. I then paced myself and when she began to come out once more, I moved more slowly this time, my hand extended, treating her like a lost puppy. I stopped arms length from her, awaiting her response, whether it be rejection or acceptance. The girl studied me a bit more, looking from my hand to my eyes. Then, she elongated her arm as well, and are fingertips touched. I didn't move, but she withdrew, scared at feeling something unfamiliar to her; a human hand. The rusted smell of the dank building no longer bothered me. All I could think about was the girl. The girl readied herself for another attempt, and once again reached out. This time, she placed her hand fully in mine, and I enclosed my fingers. I helped her off the ground, and led her outside. What choice did the girl have but to follow me? After all, I don't think she had anything left to lose.
A few minutes later, we arrived at my home. I was thankful the Timothy and his crew weren't back yet. They would surely kill the girl on sight. I hurried her gently into the house, and explained the situation quickly to her, hoping that she would understand.
“Listen,” I started, grabbing her hands “my friends are part of The Kl-...are not so friendly with Negr-...people of your...colour. You have to hide in the room.” Choosing words that wouldn't frighten her was more difficult than I thought. “I promise, I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to trust me. I will take care of you.” I heard hollering approach. They were back. “Hurry!” The girl nodded, and dashed towards where I had directed her.
“Did you see their faces!!?” Timmy laughed. “They were absolutely consumed with horror!” Timothy slapped his cheeks and opened his mouth to the fullest extent while making his eyes bulge. Finny and Simon laughed a terrible barbarous laugh of pure enjoyment. I knew what they had done. I knew that innocent Negros had died tonight. Probably in some cruel and unusual fashion. I could also tell that the trio was stone-cold drunk. That part was actually in my favour, believe it or not.
“Yo, guys!” I waved with a wolfish grin on my face.
“Lookie here boys, its Noah the Novice! He wants to know what its like in the world of men. Should we let him in?” Timmy leaned heavily on my shoulder and smirked. Finny and Simon just kept laughing. I headed towards the living room with Timmy's arm slung around my neck and his legs wobbling like someone trying to balance an egg. He regaled me with stories of his night out with the boys. Not seconds after setting foot in the living area, he passed out on the couch, along with the other two somehow ending up on the carpet. I grinned evilly. I was satisfied that not only did the three look like complete fools, they would also be so hungover when they woke up that they wouldn't be able to tell a fly from an elephant. The next morning would be one of the funnest in my life. But for know, back to the little matter of the black girl curled up in my room. I dashed to my quarters and let the door fly open. The girl was sitting rather calmly in the middle of my bed, fascinated by one of my books. She inspected every corner of the surface, then felt each page with her fingertips gently, but enthusiastically. I approached her, and when she caught sight of me, a huge smile covered her face. I smiled back at her.
“What's your name?” I asked. The girl shrugged. “You don't have one?” I continued, confused at her silence. The girl nodded. I thought for a moment, then gathered the courage to ask to name her. “Can I call you...Alaine?” The girl grabbed my hand and nodded vigorously. “Okay...Alaine...can you talk?” Alaine relaxed her grip and looked away. She shook her head. “Then...can you write?” Her eyes lit up again. I grabbed her a pen and paper, and handed it to her. She snatched it from me and began to scribble something down. I could barley read the writing.
What is YOUR name?
“Noadiah.” I lifted my head from the sheet. “But you can call me Noah.” Now it was my turn to ask a question. “Why can't you talk?” Alaine looked down and hovered the pen over the paper. She was thinking hard on the answer.
Because I'm afraid too.
I opened my mouth to respond, but let it close again without a sound. I was going to say 'at least try too', but when I thought about a pain massive enough to silence someone, I thought it best not to push her. Perhaps in time, she would come around.
After a few hours, we learned much about each other. She was a very curious and bright girl, who wanted to know all about me. I told her as much as I could, without relating to The Klan. I would reveal that at a more...comfortable time. She told me of how she was just a normal girl leading a normal life, when some men in white cloaks burned down her home, and slaughtered her parents. Then, they took her and thrust her into illegal slavery. There she was sold on the black market, and kept quiet whenever her masters had another body in the house. But when they didn't, they forced her to do chores and...other unpleasant things. Alaine also explained that she had forgotten her old name, like she tried to forget her horrors, but could not. I learned of many of those frightening things. At one point, she began to cry, but there were no little sobbing sounds. Only silent tears fell. I patted her on the back and tried to comfort her to the best of my abilities. When she told me all that she could, it was her turn to ask the questions. To be as broad as possible, I only told her that I was from a high-ranking family in an organization of misguided people. Alaine seemed to except that answer. For now, anyway.
A few more minutes passed after our long conversation, and Alaine passed out. I covered her body with my quilt, and quietly left. It was nearly daybreak, and I myself had not slept for nearly twelve hours. I heard the rustling of Timmy and his thugs in the other room. They were arousing. I made a bet with myself that they wouldn't remember anything.
Timmy was the first to stumble in the kitchen. He kept keeling over onto his knees and eventually gave up on standing and just crawled to the table. Using what little arm strength he had left, Timmy hoisted himself up onto a chair. When he was able to make me out, he immediately asked me a question.
“Hey Noah. What happened yesterday?” He whispered through a dry throat. It took all my willpower to keep from bursting out into laughter. Now for the fun part. I could tell him anything and he would believe it. Oh, where to start...
“Well, you got home last night and destroyed your personal hockey card collection in a small fire which, by the way, quote, 'would be fun!'.” I lied. I turned around just in time to see Timmy's eyes pop out of his head and his lower jawbone unhinge. I slapped my hand over my mouth, now shaking with barely contained laughter. I finally broke when Timmy flew out of his chair towards the door to his room but ended up face-down on the floor. This didn't stop him, however, as he scrambled to his feet and flung his limp body through the opening. Ah, what fun it was to toy with Timothy Winston while he had a nasty hangover.
The day went quickly as I spent most of my time catching up on much needed sleep. When nighttime fell, I was excited to get to know Alaine more. Suddenly, a loud crash coming from my room woke me from my daytime nap.
“Yo Noadiah, you alright man?” Timmy called from his office. Fortunately, he didn't know that I was in the living room, and not my room. Something must have happened to Alaine. I hope she was alright.
“Yea, fine Timmy!” I shouted back. Then I crept to my room. Alaine was crouched in the sill of my window, ready to leap from the second story. I wanted to rush to her side, but she gave me a look that said 'if you do, I will jump'. So instead, I scanned my room for the thing that had scared her. Then I saw it. A white cloak hung like a phantom in my closet. This was not good. I licked my lips. This would take a certain touch of persuasion. Firm, but not harsh. Reassuring, but not sappy.
“Listen to me Alaine.” With every sentence I shuffled closer. “I'm not like them. I was born into a family which belongs with them, but I do not believe what they believe, and I have never laid hands in a harmful manner on people of you colour at any time. In fact, I have promised that once I hit the age of twenty, I will break away from them. Why don't you come with me? I promise that I won't let anything happen to you. Please trust me. Have faith in me.” I reached out my hand. It almost seemed as if the day kept repeating itself like a broken record. I had done this at least three times now. The good news is that Alaine dutifully played her part, and placed her hand in mine. When her nerves had calmed once again, her curious streak got the better of her, and she began to ask about the history of the KKK.
Of course I told her what I could. The summary would be this.
In 1865, the first official Ku Klux Klan was founded. It was actually a charity organization which helped widows and orphans. Unfortunately, they turned violent because black men gained the right to vote in 1870. This KKK was disbanded by the law in 1871.
A second organization was formed in 1915. This one was more brutal than the first and the third. Not only was it anti-black, but it was anti-immigrant, anti-catholic, prohibitionist, and antisemitic. This group considered themselves the 'Knights of Mary Phagan'. This was a paramilitary group. This KKK was ended in 1944.
The third and final Ku Klux Klan, which is the one today which I am part of, was formed in World War Two, 1960. (*Authors note: This one was disbanded in 2002 by the supreme court) Last year, we had two major attacks that impacted the world, both during 1963. One was a fire bombing on 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Four girls lost their lives, and it was only motivation for President Johnson to sign the Civil Rights Act at this time (1964). The other major impact was the assassination of the NAACP organizer; Medgar Evers.
After regaling Alaine with the history of my...unfortunate inheritance and upbringing...Alaine seemed surprisingly interested. I guess that information and culture pleased her. She had many questions for me, and I could barely keep up since she was writing them down so fast. I also found out to my shock that Alaine was a very naive and trusting girl. After knowing me for less than a day, she acted like we had known each other for years. If I were someone else, this might not have gone as smoothly.
Nevertheless, through the nights that seemed to pass faster than a flash of lighting, I thoroughly enjoyed her company. She was the moon in my night. The rose in my garden. The water in my fountain. Each day was drawn out and boring, but the nights were far too short. I never got as much time to spend with Alaine as I wanted to. Then, the fateful day of a crucial mission came as a letter that my father assigned to Timmy and I personally.
Dear Two-Face and Novice;
There is a rather annoying disturbance heading your way. Three men who work with Freedom Summer will pass by your headquarters soon. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Micheal Schwerner. As of this moment, I am activating Plan 4. I want them disposed of immediately. Our first attempt to kill Schwerner failed because we were misinformed. However, the boys did release their rage on the priests in the church that we burned down. This will not happen again. This time, Schwerner will be where he's supposed to be. To help you catch him, there is an ally in police force. Ask for a Sheriff named Cecil Price. Don't worry. He's trustworthy. Make sure that the three pests are taken care of permanently. Especially Schwerner. Do not fail me.
From: Samuel the Smasher.
“Dad sure knows how to write a letter. What's he got against this...Schwerner guy anyway?” I asked as Timmy and I finished reading the orders.
“You're kidding, right?” Timothy said as if everyone in the world knew who Micheal Schwerner was. I shrugged. Two-face sighed. “He's only like, the biggest pain in the neck of The Klan ever. This guy set up a ton of Freedom Schools, as well as getting people to register to allow black scum to vote. He even went as far as to organizing black boycotts of white-owned businesses. Not only that, he's done it all in our major area. This guy has got to go down.” Timmy explained.
“Okay.” I responded, slightly scared at Timothy's rage. “So what's this...'Plan 4' thing?” Timmy sneered chillingly.
“Simple. Terminate Schwerner.”
On the day of my birthday, we got another letter after a full week of waiting and searching for the three activists. Cecil Price had caught them and arrested them on the charges of suspected arson in the Mount Zion Church incident. That lie grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. The three were nowhere near that fire, and The Klan enjoyed every unmerciful moment of beating up those poor, helpless priests. It made me so infuriated.
To: Two-Face and Novice;
I have the three that the Smasher wanted. Blamed them for Mount Zion; have them under custody know. Need instructions on how to proceed with them. Be cautious; the FBI are on the move.
From: Cecil the Slicer.
Before I knew it, Timmy was stuffing me in the car telling my that this was my 'b-day present'. In the next instant, we were speeding off to Cecil's jailhouse. When we arrived, Cecil was talking to some black suits. I assumed they were the FBI. Eventually, they left. We waited in the shadows until they were out of sight, then quickly rolled up the driveway. As soon as we all got out, that would be Timmy, Simon, Finny, and I, the sheriff instantly recognized us and lead us to the jail cell containing the three KKK offenders. They were all gagged and tied to chairs. One was a black man. Timmy flicked out his pocket knife and Simon and Finny pulled out base ball bats.
“Now then boys. Lets par-tay.” Two-face drew in closer to his prey. I turned my head and slipped out the door. All four of the sickos were so absorbed in their gore-fest, they didn't even notice I had disappeared. I got into out car and drove off. That was it. It was the last straw. I was going to escape. Run. Leave forever and never come back. I couldn't take anymore of the twisted ways of The Klan. First I returned to the hideout and gathered up Alaine.
“We're leaving.” I said bluntly, while cramming some stuff into my suitcase. I threw it in the back of the car while Alaine obediently sat in the front. I slammed the door coming in and hit the gas petal.
Hours passed accompanied only by silence. Suddenly, I heard something I had never heard before.
“Together.” It said. I instantly slammed my brake petal (luckily we were on a deserted road) and stared at Alaine. She was looking out the window.
“Did you...just...” I trailed off. Alaine turned that ensnaring gaze to me.
“We will get through this together.” She said again. A broad smile covered my face.
“YOU CAN TALK!” I flung my arms around her and embraced Alaine in an unbreakable hold.
“Yes.” She responded. “All thanks to you.” and then Alaine returned my hug.
A few years later...
A newspaper tumbled onto my feet. The headlines:
Three Civil Rights Activists Missing
A picture of James, Andrew, and Micheal filled the entire front page. I let the wind carry the piece of paper out of my hands, and continued home. When I opened the door, my two children greeted me with hugs, smiles and kisses. I followed the delicious smell of food to the kitchen only to see my beautiful wife, Alaine Bowers, standing over the stove. I came up behind her and gave her kiss on the cheek.
“I'm home, honey.” I said. She turned around and kissed me back.
“Welcome home.”
“Make sure to take it easy honey. Number three is on their way.” I gently patted her tummy. Alaine giggled.
“How was work?” She asked. I smiled.
“It went great! We opened up another Freedom Summer school.” Alaine suddenly became dark. “What's wrong?” I asked, frowning at the heavy air.
“I'm just...afraid. I'm scared that what happened to those three will happen to you.” She shivered. I hugged her from behind to calm her fears.
“Oh, now darlin'. You know I made a vow to those very three. I promised them I would avenge them through means that they would approve of. You also know that I'm doing this partly for myself. I want to make this a better world for you and the children to live in. But I absolutely swear, that I will be as careful as careful can be.” I reassured. Alaine clung to my arm.
“I know baby. I know.”
An hour later, we all gathered at the dinner table and had a lively meal.
“Even if I do die, I'll die a happy man.” I silently thought to myself.
The Final Flame(rachel)
*Authors note: This story is based on a true event that took place in 1964. It is the story of the Ku Klux Klan. The story is presented in the perspective of a fictional character who is in the Ku Klux Klan (KKK or The Klan for short).
-Paramilitary: unofficial organized military force
-Prohibitionist: opposed to intoxicating beverages
-Antisemitic: hates Jews
-Freedom Summer: a civil rights movement
My name is Noadiah Bowers. My father is Sam Bowers, Imperial Wizard for the Ku Klux Klan, KKK or The Klan for short. Let me set up the ranks for you.
-Klansman or Ghouls: A member. Robe colour: white.
-Nighthawk: Security. Robe colour: black. The Knighthawk's black robe is usually shorter so as to allow easier movement.
-Chaplain: Preacher. Robe colour: white.
-Grand Scribe: This person serves as secretary of the Klan and takes detailed accounts of the meetings. Robe colour: white.
-Lictors: These were the guards for the Den meetings. Robe colour: white
-Kleagle: State Public Relations Director. (His job is to be a spokesperson and to recruit and set up Klaverns.) Robe colour: red.
-Kludd: Leader over certain amounts of Klaverns, in some cases a territory. Robe colour: white.
-Klaliff: Usually assistant to Grand Cyclops or second in command over a Klavern. Robe colour: gold.
-Grand Cyclops: Klavern or Den Leader (like the mayor of a city). Assisted by 2 Nighthawks. Robe colour: white.
-Grand Giant: He ran each "Province," which was a County, and had 4 Goblins. Robe colour: white.
-Grand Titan: District leader (like a state representative), governs a Dominion, or several counties in a state, and is assisted by 6 Furies. Robe colour: reddish-purple.
-Grand Dragon: The state leader (like a Governor). He presides over his assigned state or realm with 8 Hydras to assist him. Robe colour: green.
-Grand Magi: He serves as a sort of "vice-president" to the organization and can act as deputy wizard. Robe colour: white.
-Imperial Wizard or Grand Wizard: The national leader (the highest ranking member of the Klan). Usually, the Imperial Wizard appoints state leaders like Grand Klaliff, Grand Titan, etc... Or they are elected. this is the leader of all KKK dens across the country. He is assisted by 10 Genii, and has been described as autocratic (absolute power). Robe colour: purple.
There are also Grand monks, Grand Exchequers, Grand Turks, and Grand Sentinels. Robe colours: white. As to why they...we...wear white, there are two popular theories: One is that it represents the Confederate troops who died in the American Civil War. The other is that it represents "purity of the white race". But that's as far as my knowledge goes. I never really had an interest in all that. Why do I know all this if I have no interest? My dad made me. Brought me up to hate anyone so much as a shade darker skinned than I. But in reality, The Klan was just a bunch of racist white people mad at the world for no reason. And I despised it here. As soon as I hit twenty on June 21st, I'm outta here. But for now, on March 2nd, as a dutiful Klan member and a Grand Wizards son of nineteen, I will bide my time.
“Heeey, Noah! What's up, my man?” A loud voice and a bang of the door came from behind. Great. It was Timothy Winston, commonly known as Timmy Two-Face. This guy would sell his own mom for a buck with no hesitation. It was also a code name used in private letters. On top of that, he was a Grand Cyclops as well. How he came to be ranked that high, I don't know. He was pretty slender for a dude of twenty-two and had copper hair with a mullet in the back. This matched his dark pine green eyes rather well. To top it off, he was my 'best friend'. I sighed.
“What do you want, Timmy?” I rubbed my forehead, leaning my elbow on my desk.
“Aw, don't be so cold Noadiah. I was just gonna invite you out to par-tay tonight with me and my boys.” He patted my shoulder and shrugged. Oh no. A 'par-tay' with Timmy Two-Face meant four things. Hitting up girls, drinking and smoking, joy-riding, and hunting and burning Negros. Not my cup of tea. It was more like a cup of frog juice in my opinion.
“Sorry Two-Face. Maybe later. I gotta finish up this book.” I declined as politely and firmly as possible.
“Ya know, this is why they call you Noah the Novice.” He goaded. I rolled my eyes.
“I like that nick-name.” I smiled. It was true.
“Fine. Your loss. Simon, Finny, lets go!” He called. Two goons dressed in black robes appeared at the door. I listened until they sped off hooting and hollering, then stretched and yawned. I got up and raided the kitchen. After a glass of milk and some thinking, I decided I would clear my head outside for a while. Of course, wandering in the opposite direction of the 'par-tay'. I slipped on my brown trench coat and fedora and headed down the street. I used this time to take in my surroundings. I breathed in the moist air and felt it roll off my face. The air was cold, yet my skin did not prickle. My breath came like smoke, as if I was a fire breathing dragon. I imagined myself to be one, lumbering through the streets, my great scarlet red hide glistening with moister. People would flee at the sight of me, but I would not harm them. No, I shall save my wrath for the monsters called the Klan. With a beat of my leathery wings, I take to the air and fly above my fair city. When I awoke from my day-dream, I found myself atop the roof of an abandon building, looking at the blurry lights of the town through the dense fog. Beautiful, but sad. The rain suddenly came out of nowhere, and it came down hard and fast. I shrunk my head into the collar of my trench coat like a turtle, and began to jog, with the direction of home in mind. As I hustled down the first few flights of stairs, a sudden crash startled me. I glanced to my side and saw a piece of aluminium sheet rock back and forth on the ground while a cloud of dust started to settle again around it. I breathed a sigh of relief and continued on my way. As I complete another level of stairs, I paused. Something about that sheet of metal was bothering me. I scrunched my eyebrows creating wrinkles on my forehead from thinking so hard, then turned and climbed up the stairway once more. I slowly scanned the room and cautiously approached the sheet.
“Hello?” I called uncertainly. “Anyone there?” There was a small alcove behind the aluminium. I peeked my head inside just as a shadow moved. I snapped my head towards where the shadow came from to see a foot draw back into the darkness. I opened my mouth. “Come out. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.” I reassured. I backed up to give the person room. Soon after, a frail black girl of about seventeen crawled out on her hands and knees. Her sunken cheeks defined her sharp cheekbones and her skinny arms resembled tooth picks. Her raven black hair fell no more than shoulder length, and was badly torn. A streak of blood ran down it, a sign that she was thoroughly mistreated. Another hint was all the other wounds and scars covering her body. Instead of looking up at me, she instinctively covered her head with her hands, her small body shaking with fear. I bent down and touched her shoulder. She flinched and pulled further away. Gently, I removed my coat and laid it over frame. Then I sat down in front of her and waited. The girl quaked a bit more, then finally raised her eyes. They locked into mine, and began to study me. Her deep brown eyes encircled with a black ring stared long and hard at me. I found myself rendered immobile from her gaze. Finally, she moved to a sitting position, pulling the coat tightly around herself. I moved towards her to quickly, and she curled into a defensive ball. I then paced myself and when she began to come out once more, I moved more slowly this time, my hand extended, treating her like a lost puppy. I stopped arms length from her, awaiting her response, whether it be rejection or acceptance. The girl studied me a bit more, looking from my hand to my eyes. Then, she elongated her arm as well, and are fingertips touched. I didn't move, but she withdrew, scared at feeling something unfamiliar to her; a human hand. The rusted smell of the dank building no longer bothered me. All I could think about was the girl. The girl readied herself for another attempt, and once again reached out. This time, she placed her hand fully in mine, and I enclosed my fingers. I helped her off the ground, and led her outside. What choice did the girl have but to follow me? After all, I don't think she had anything left to lose.
A few minutes later, we arrived at my home. I was thankful the Timothy and his crew weren't back yet. They would surely kill the girl on sight. I hurried her gently into the house, and explained the situation quickly to her, hoping that she would understand.
“Listen,” I started, grabbing her hands “my friends are part of The Kl-...are not so friendly with Negr-...people of your...colour. You have to hide in the room.” Choosing words that wouldn't frighten her was more difficult than I thought. “I promise, I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to trust me. I will take care of you.” I heard hollering approach. They were back. “Hurry!” The girl nodded, and dashed towards where I had directed her.
“Did you see their faces!!?” Timmy laughed. “They were absolutely consumed with horror!” Timothy slapped his cheeks and opened his mouth to the fullest extent while making his eyes bulge. Finny and Simon laughed a terrible barbarous laugh of pure enjoyment. I knew what they had done. I knew that innocent Negros had died tonight. Probably in some cruel and unusual fashion. I could also tell that the trio was stone-cold drunk. That part was actually in my favour, believe it or not.
“Yo, guys!” I waved with a wolfish grin on my face.
“Lookie here boys, its Noah the Novice! He wants to know what its like in the world of men. Should we let him in?” Timmy leaned heavily on my shoulder and smirked. Finny and Simon just kept laughing. I headed towards the living room with Timmy's arm slung around my neck and his legs wobbling like someone trying to balance an egg. He regaled me with stories of his night out with the boys. Not seconds after setting foot in the living area, he passed out on the couch, along with the other two somehow ending up on the carpet. I grinned evilly. I was satisfied that not only did the three look like complete fools, they would also be so hungover when they woke up that they wouldn't be able to tell a fly from an elephant. The next morning would be one of the funnest in my life. But for know, back to the little matter of the black girl curled up in my room. I dashed to my quarters and let the door fly open. The girl was sitting rather calmly in the middle of my bed, fascinated by one of my books. She inspected every corner of the surface, then felt each page with her fingertips gently, but enthusiastically. I approached her, and when she caught sight of me, a huge smile covered her face. I smiled back at her.
“What's your name?” I asked. The girl shrugged. “You don't have one?” I continued, confused at her silence. The girl nodded. I thought for a moment, then gathered the courage to ask to name her. “Can I call you...Alaine?” The girl grabbed my hand and nodded vigorously. “Okay...Alaine...can you talk?” Alaine relaxed her grip and looked away. She shook her head. “Then...can you write?” Her eyes lit up again. I grabbed her a pen and paper, and handed it to her. She snatched it from me and began to scribble something down. I could barley read the writing.
What is YOUR name?
“Noadiah.” I lifted my head from the sheet. “But you can call me Noah.” Now it was my turn to ask a question. “Why can't you talk?” Alaine looked down and hovered the pen over the paper. She was thinking hard on the answer.
Because I'm afraid too.
I opened my mouth to respond, but let it close again without a sound. I was going to say 'at least try too', but when I thought about a pain massive enough to silence someone, I thought it best not to push her. Perhaps in time, she would come around.
After a few hours, we learned much about each other. She was a very curious and bright girl, who wanted to know all about me. I told her as much as I could, without relating to The Klan. I would reveal that at a more...comfortable time. She told me of how she was just a normal girl leading a normal life, when some men in white cloaks burned down her home, and slaughtered her parents. Then, they took her and thrust her into illegal slavery. There she was sold on the black market, and kept quiet whenever her masters had another body in the house. But when they didn't, they forced her to do chores and...other unpleasant things. Alaine also explained that she had forgotten her old name, like she tried to forget her horrors, but could not. I learned of many of those frightening things. At one point, she began to cry, but there were no little sobbing sounds. Only silent tears fell. I patted her on the back and tried to comfort her to the best of my abilities. When she told me all that she could, it was her turn to ask the questions. To be as broad as possible, I only told her that I was from a high-ranking family in an organization of misguided people. Alaine seemed to except that answer. For now, anyway.
A few more minutes passed after our long conversation, and Alaine passed out. I covered her body with my quilt, and quietly left. It was nearly daybreak, and I myself had not slept for nearly twelve hours. I heard the rustling of Timmy and his thugs in the other room. They were arousing. I made a bet with myself that they wouldn't remember anything.
Timmy was the first to stumble in the kitchen. He kept keeling over onto his knees and eventually gave up on standing and just crawled to the table. Using what little arm strength he had left, Timmy hoisted himself up onto a chair. When he was able to make me out, he immediately asked me a question.
“Hey Noah. What happened yesterday?” He whispered through a dry throat. It took all my willpower to keep from bursting out into laughter. Now for the fun part. I could tell him anything and he would believe it. Oh, where to start...
“Well, you got home last night and destroyed your personal hockey card collection in a small fire which, by the way, quote, 'would be fun!'.” I lied. I turned around just in time to see Timmy's eyes pop out of his head and his lower jawbone unhinge. I slapped my hand over my mouth, now shaking with barely contained laughter. I finally broke when Timmy flew out of his chair towards the door to his room but ended up face-down on the floor. This didn't stop him, however, as he scrambled to his feet and flung his limp body through the opening. Ah, what fun it was to toy with Timothy Winston while he had a nasty hangover.
The day went quickly as I spent most of my time catching up on much needed sleep. When nighttime fell, I was excited to get to know Alaine more. Suddenly, a loud crash coming from my room woke me from my daytime nap.
“Yo Noadiah, you alright man?” Timmy called from his office. Fortunately, he didn't know that I was in the living room, and not my room. Something must have happened to Alaine. I hope she was alright.
“Yea, fine Timmy!” I shouted back. Then I crept to my room. Alaine was crouched in the sill of my window, ready to leap from the second story. I wanted to rush to her side, but she gave me a look that said 'if you do, I will jump'. So instead, I scanned my room for the thing that had scared her. Then I saw it. A white cloak hung like a phantom in my closet. This was not good. I licked my lips. This would take a certain touch of persuasion. Firm, but not harsh. Reassuring, but not sappy.
“Listen to me Alaine.” With every sentence I shuffled closer. “I'm not like them. I was born into a family which belongs with them, but I do not believe what they believe, and I have never laid hands in a harmful manner on people of you colour at any time. In fact, I have promised that once I hit the age of twenty, I will break away from them. Why don't you come with me? I promise that I won't let anything happen to you. Please trust me. Have faith in me.” I reached out my hand. It almost seemed as if the day kept repeating itself like a broken record. I had done this at least three times now. The good news is that Alaine dutifully played her part, and placed her hand in mine. When her nerves had calmed once again, her curious streak got the better of her, and she began to ask about the history of the KKK.
Of course I told her what I could. The summary would be this.
In 1865, the first official Ku Klux Klan was founded. It was actually a charity organization which helped widows and orphans. Unfortunately, they turned violent because black men gained the right to vote in 1870. This KKK was disbanded by the law in 1871.
A second organization was formed in 1915. This one was more brutal than the first and the third. Not only was it anti-black, but it was anti-immigrant, anti-catholic, prohibitionist, and antisemitic. This group considered themselves the 'Knights of Mary Phagan'. This was a paramilitary group. This KKK was ended in 1944.
The third and final Ku Klux Klan, which is the one today which I am part of, was formed in World War Two, 1960. (*Authors note: This one was disbanded in 2002 by the supreme court) Last year, we had two major attacks that impacted the world, both during 1963. One was a fire bombing on 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Four girls lost their lives, and it was only motivation for President Johnson to sign the Civil Rights Act at this time (1964). The other major impact was the assassination of the NAACP organizer; Medgar Evers.
After regaling Alaine with the history of my...unfortunate inheritance and upbringing...Alaine seemed surprisingly interested. I guess that information and culture pleased her. She had many questions for me, and I could barely keep up since she was writing them down so fast. I also found out to my shock that Alaine was a very naive and trusting girl. After knowing me for less than a day, she acted like we had known each other for years. If I were someone else, this might not have gone as smoothly.
Nevertheless, through the nights that seemed to pass faster than a flash of lighting, I thoroughly enjoyed her company. She was the moon in my night. The rose in my garden. The water in my fountain. Each day was drawn out and boring, but the nights were far too short. I never got as much time to spend with Alaine as I wanted to. Then, the fateful day of a crucial mission came as a letter that my father assigned to Timmy and I personally.
Dear Two-Face and Novice;
There is a rather annoying disturbance heading your way. Three men who work with Freedom Summer will pass by your headquarters soon. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Micheal Schwerner. As of this moment, I am activating Plan 4. I want them disposed of immediately. Our first attempt to kill Schwerner failed because we were misinformed. However, the boys did release their rage on the priests in the church that we burned down. This will not happen again. This time, Schwerner will be where he's supposed to be. To help you catch him, there is an ally in police force. Ask for a Sheriff named Cecil Price. Don't worry. He's trustworthy. Make sure that the three pests are taken care of permanently. Especially Schwerner. Do not fail me.
From: Samuel the Smasher.
“Dad sure knows how to write a letter. What's he got against this...Schwerner guy anyway?” I asked as Timmy and I finished reading the orders.
“You're kidding, right?” Timothy said as if everyone in the world knew who Micheal Schwerner was. I shrugged. Two-face sighed. “He's only like, the biggest pain in the neck of The Klan ever. This guy set up a ton of Freedom Schools, as well as getting people to register to allow black scum to vote. He even went as far as to organizing black boycotts of white-owned businesses. Not only that, he's done it all in our major area. This guy has got to go down.” Timmy explained.
“Okay.” I responded, slightly scared at Timothy's rage. “So what's this...'Plan 4' thing?” Timmy sneered chillingly.
“Simple. Terminate Schwerner.”
On the day of my birthday, we got another letter after a full week of waiting and searching for the three activists. Cecil Price had caught them and arrested them on the charges of suspected arson in the Mount Zion Church incident. That lie grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. The three were nowhere near that fire, and The Klan enjoyed every unmerciful moment of beating up those poor, helpless priests. It made me so infuriated.
To: Two-Face and Novice;
I have the three that the Smasher wanted. Blamed them for Mount Zion; have them under custody know. Need instructions on how to proceed with them. Be cautious; the FBI are on the move.
From: Cecil the Slicer.
Before I knew it, Timmy was stuffing me in the car telling my that this was my 'b-day present'. In the next instant, we were speeding off to Cecil's jailhouse. When we arrived, Cecil was talking to some black suits. I assumed they were the FBI. Eventually, they left. We waited in the shadows until they were out of sight, then quickly rolled up the driveway. As soon as we all got out, that would be Timmy, Simon, Finny, and I, the sheriff instantly recognized us and lead us to the jail cell containing the three KKK offenders. They were all gagged and tied to chairs. One was a black man. Timmy flicked out his pocket knife and Simon and Finny pulled out base ball bats.
“Now then boys. Lets par-tay.” Two-face drew in closer to his prey. I turned my head and slipped out the door. All four of the sickos were so absorbed in their gore-fest, they didn't even notice I had disappeared. I got into out car and drove off. That was it. It was the last straw. I was going to escape. Run. Leave forever and never come back. I couldn't take anymore of the twisted ways of The Klan. First I returned to the hideout and gathered up Alaine.
“We're leaving.” I said bluntly, while cramming some stuff into my suitcase. I threw it in the back of the car while Alaine obediently sat in the front. I slammed the door coming in and hit the gas petal.
Hours passed accompanied only by silence. Suddenly, I heard something I had never heard before.
“Together.” It said. I instantly slammed my brake petal (luckily we were on a deserted road) and stared at Alaine. She was looking out the window.
“Did you...just...” I trailed off. Alaine turned that ensnaring gaze to me.
“We will get through this together.” She said again. A broad smile covered my face.
“YOU CAN TALK!” I flung my arms around her and embraced Alaine in an unbreakable hold.
“Yes.” She responded. “All thanks to you.” and then Alaine returned my hug.
A few years later...
A newspaper tumbled onto my feet. The headlines:
Three Civil Rights Activists Missing
A picture of James, Andrew, and Micheal filled the entire front page. I let the wind carry the piece of paper out of my hands, and continued home. When I opened the door, my two children greeted me with hugs, smiles and kisses. I followed the delicious smell of food to the kitchen only to see my beautiful wife, Alaine Bowers, standing over the stove. I came up behind her and gave her kiss on the cheek.
“I'm home, honey.” I said. She turned around and kissed me back.
“Welcome home.”
“Make sure to take it easy honey. Number three is on their way.” I gently patted her tummy. Alaine giggled.
“How was work?” She asked. I smiled.
“It went great! We opened up another Freedom Summer school.” Alaine suddenly became dark. “What's wrong?” I asked, frowning at the heavy air.
“I'm just...afraid. I'm scared that what happened to those three will happen to you.” She shivered. I hugged her from behind to calm her fears.
“Oh, now darlin'. You know I made a vow to those very three. I promised them I would avenge them through means that they would approve of. You also know that I'm doing this partly for myself. I want to make this a better world for you and the children to live in. But I absolutely swear, that I will be as careful as careful can be.” I reassured. Alaine clung to my arm.
“I know baby. I know.”
An hour later, we all gathered at the dinner table and had a lively meal.
“Even if I do die, I'll die a happy man.” I silently thought to myself.
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