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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Life Experience
- Published: 06/13/2012
I stood there. It was all unreal to me. I looked down the path. I could see the Marines in their dress blues marching slowly toward where I was standing. Behind them was a horse drawn carriage, on it a flag draped coffin. Was this really happening? It was just seven months ago everything was normal. It was the first day of school. I had just started fourth grade, all my friends were in my class and my teacher was Mr. Lopez, the coolest teacher in the school. It was going to be an awesome year. I walked into the house excited to tell my mom all about how fun my school year was going to be. As I walked into the house I saw my mom was crying and dad didn’t look too happy. My big brother Junior was there with them.
“What’s going on?” I asked. “Why is mom crying?”
“Sit down mijo” dad said. I walked over and sat next to dad.
“Junior,” mom said, “why do you want to join the Marines? There’s a war on. Mijo, you’re barely eighteen.”
“I know mom, but it’s something I feel I need to do. It’s time for me to grow up and this is the way to do it. Besides I’ll get money for college after I get out.
“So you’re determined to do this aye mijo?” dad asked.
“Yeah jefe, I am.”
“Well Carmen, our mijo is a man now and all we can do is give him un bendicion, dios se bendiga.”
“Thanks pop.” Junior walked over and dad hugged him. Mom got up from the sofa, joined in the hug and started crying even harder.
I didn’t know what to do. Junior looked toward me, “hey manito, you're part of this too, get over here.” I walked over and hugged Junior too. A knot formed in my stomach all of a sudden, I felt like I wanted to cry. I mean, Junior was leaving me. What was I going to do without him? Who was going to take care of me when I had a bad dream? My big brother was my best friend and he was going away.
Dad stepped away and walked toward the cabinet where he kept the liquor. He pulled out a bottle of tequila and two glasses and poured the tequila. “Here mijo.” He handed a glass to junior and raised his glass, “to my son, the man.” Dads voice cracked as he said that and as he put the glass to his mouth I saw a tear run down dads cheek. My mouth dropped open. I had never seen my dad cry before. This really was something big.
The next few weeks were hectic as junior got ready to leave. He did spend a lot of time with me. He even took me to Disneyland. The night before he left for basic training we had a big party, all my tios and tias where there as well as my cousins. My dad made toast after toast to my brother, telling everyone how proud he was of him. Grandma even gave him a St. Christopher medal, saying that no matter what the pope said he was still a saint to her and he would protect him.
The next day we took junior to the bus depot to take the bus to Camp Pendleton for his training, and this time I did cry along with my mom and even my dad. “Aye people.” Junior just shook his head. "I’ll be back in a few weeks" and he got on the bus and he was gone.
The next few weeks went by fast. Before I knew it it was Halloween and in honor of my brother I decided to be a soldier. So here I was playing soldier while at basic training my brother was learning the business of war, how to shoot, how to fight and especially how to kill. At night I would lie awake. It took me a long time to fall asleep, knowing Junior wasn’t there. I would wonder if Junior missed me as much as I missed him. As the weeks went by I started being able to sleep at night again. I was actually getting use to not having Junior there with me at night. I even started feeling guilty about it.
It was getting close to Thanksgiving and one day me and mom were at the store buying the turkey. Someone came up behind mom and grabbed her by the waist, and scared the heck out of her. She screamed and I turned around to see who it was. It was junior.
“Mijo!” mama cried, as she grabbed him around the neck and started crying.
“Aye ma,” said Junior, as he rolled his eyes in mock disgust, “is that all you ever do now?”
“Junior” I yelped, as I grabbed him too.
“Hey squirt.“
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back today carajo?” mom said as she smacked him in the butt.
“I wanted to surprise you. I got home and abuelita told me you were at the store."
So it ended up a very special Thanksgiving. Everyone was there and everyone was happy to see Junior there. We ate and we laughed and it was like every other thanksgiving. That night after everyone was gone and we went to bed, it was the most wonderful feeling to have junior back and sleeping back in our room. I realized that I really did miss junior, but I also realized that I would miss him a hundred times more when he left again. But I figured I would just enjoy the two weeks he would be home. Those two weeks flew by and on the night before he went back he walked into the living room where mom and dad were.
“You all packed mijo?“ asked dad.
“Yeah pop” said Junior, "I’ve got something to tell you.”
“What is it mijo?"
“I’ve got my orders, I’m going to Iraq.”
“Aye mijo no!” cried mom.
“I leave the day after tomorrow.”
Dad got up from the sofa, walked over to junior, put his arm around him, and said, “you be safe mijo, and be cautious, okay?”
“Don’t worry dad I will,” and Junior got up and came to our room.
I was crying when he walked in he sat down next to me. “and why are you crying?” he asked.
“Oh Junior” I sobbed as I buried my head into his chest,” I don’t want you to go to the war. What if you never come back?"
“Oh mijo, don’t worry, I promise I’ll come back. You know I always keep my promise to you. As a matter of fact, here... he reached for the St. Christopher medal that grandma gave him around his neck. “You hold onto this until I come back and give it back to me then, okay?” I reached out for the medal and put it around my neck. ”Okay junior, I will," I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Good. let’s go to sleep” and he leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.
The next morning my big brother was gone again and I was sadder than I was the first time he left.
It was coming to Christmas and I wasn’t as excited about it as I usually was and it was because Junior wasn’t going to be there. It just didn’t seem like Christmas without my brother. Christmas Eve came and I just wasn’t into it, even though we were at my grandmas and there were fresh tamales and atole. I mean, I did eat, but I wanted my brother there. The phone rang and mom picked it up. “Junior” she cried. It was my brother. He called just for Christmas. Mom and dad talked to junior and then they handed me the phone. “hey squirt!” Boy it felt so good hearing Juniors voice, I started to cry. ”Hey, hey“ he said, “don’t cry.”
“I miss you so much junior.”
“I know mijo, I miss you too, but it’s Christmas, you should be happy.”
“I know.”
“Did you get the presents I sent you?”
“Yes, presents, like in more than one.”
For the first time that night a smile spread across my face as mom and dad brought the gifts from my brother out.
“Enjoy squirt, I gotta go.”
“Ok junior, I love you brother.“
“I love you too squirt.”
I looked over to mom and dad. “Can I open them now?” There were two presents there and I couldn’t wait to open them. All of a sudden it was really Christmas to me.
“Go ahead mijo.”
I opened the smaller present first. It was a picture of junior standing next to a tank and he was holding a machine gun. He looked tough. I started to open the second bigger present and my mouth dropped open, I couldn’t believe it was an X Box 360. “Wow!” I yelled. I couldn’t believe it. So even though he wasn’t there in person, Junior made Christmas for me, not only because of the gifts but because I got to talk to him.
The time started going by fast. Junior would call every week to let us know he was doing ok, but he started to sound different. He didn’t sound as happy as he used to. All he could say was that he couldn’t wait to get home and that he hated it there. He kinda scared me. I would lie there at night wondering what he was going through and pray to god that he would come home safe. I couldn’t wait to give him back his St. Christopher.
Before I knew it, it was April and my 10th birthday was coming up. But most of all it was one more month before Junior came home.
We were getting ready for my birthday party. We set up chairs and tables in the backyard and mom was at the bakery getting my cake. I was very happy and excited. This was going to be the best day ever. The party had started and all my friends, cousins, tios and tias were there. We were all having fun. My Tia Esther came from inside. She had a bewildered look on her face. “Carmen, there’s two marines at the door.” Mom collapsed and started crying. Even I knew what it meant. My big brother was dead.
The two marines came in and confirmed that Junior had been killed during combat. They said that he had died while saving the lives of three other marines, that he had died a hero and was getting a medal and that we should be proud of him. Dad just stood there and said nothing. The Marines said how sorry they were and they left.
During the next few days we were visited by other marines that were going to help us get the funeral arranged.
The day of the funeral came. One of juniors friends in Iraq had escorted his body back and was there for the funeral. And so I stood there. It was all unreal to me. I looked down the path. I could see the marines in their dress blues marching slowly toward where I was standing. Behind them was a horse drawn carriage. On it a flag draped coffin. I closed my eyes. “Come on,” I said to myself, “it’s time to wake up, please god let me wake up. It had to be a bad dream. This can’t be real, please, please let me wake up." The carriage stopped. The marines in their dress blues removed the coffin from it. They walked slowly to the grave and set the coffin down. "No, come on, god, let me wake up." Someone spoke and said how my brother was a hero, how other marines were alive because of his sacrifice. They took the flag off the coffin and gave it to my mom. Then some marines lifted the rifles they had and fired into the air. A bugle started to play. This wasn’t a dream. It was real. I let go of my dads hand and walked towards my brothers coffin, tears streaming down my face. I started sobbing. I reached the coffin and pulled the St. Christopher medal off my neck. "Here Junior. You promised me you would come back,” I sobbed, my voice cracking as I spoke. “And I promised I would give this back when you did.” I laid the medal on the coffin and walked back to my dad. I looked up at him. “He kept his promise dad.” He put his arm around me and held me tight.
The Promise(Anthony J Montejano)
I stood there. It was all unreal to me. I looked down the path. I could see the Marines in their dress blues marching slowly toward where I was standing. Behind them was a horse drawn carriage, on it a flag draped coffin. Was this really happening? It was just seven months ago everything was normal. It was the first day of school. I had just started fourth grade, all my friends were in my class and my teacher was Mr. Lopez, the coolest teacher in the school. It was going to be an awesome year. I walked into the house excited to tell my mom all about how fun my school year was going to be. As I walked into the house I saw my mom was crying and dad didn’t look too happy. My big brother Junior was there with them.
“What’s going on?” I asked. “Why is mom crying?”
“Sit down mijo” dad said. I walked over and sat next to dad.
“Junior,” mom said, “why do you want to join the Marines? There’s a war on. Mijo, you’re barely eighteen.”
“I know mom, but it’s something I feel I need to do. It’s time for me to grow up and this is the way to do it. Besides I’ll get money for college after I get out.
“So you’re determined to do this aye mijo?” dad asked.
“Yeah jefe, I am.”
“Well Carmen, our mijo is a man now and all we can do is give him un bendicion, dios se bendiga.”
“Thanks pop.” Junior walked over and dad hugged him. Mom got up from the sofa, joined in the hug and started crying even harder.
I didn’t know what to do. Junior looked toward me, “hey manito, you're part of this too, get over here.” I walked over and hugged Junior too. A knot formed in my stomach all of a sudden, I felt like I wanted to cry. I mean, Junior was leaving me. What was I going to do without him? Who was going to take care of me when I had a bad dream? My big brother was my best friend and he was going away.
Dad stepped away and walked toward the cabinet where he kept the liquor. He pulled out a bottle of tequila and two glasses and poured the tequila. “Here mijo.” He handed a glass to junior and raised his glass, “to my son, the man.” Dads voice cracked as he said that and as he put the glass to his mouth I saw a tear run down dads cheek. My mouth dropped open. I had never seen my dad cry before. This really was something big.
The next few weeks were hectic as junior got ready to leave. He did spend a lot of time with me. He even took me to Disneyland. The night before he left for basic training we had a big party, all my tios and tias where there as well as my cousins. My dad made toast after toast to my brother, telling everyone how proud he was of him. Grandma even gave him a St. Christopher medal, saying that no matter what the pope said he was still a saint to her and he would protect him.
The next day we took junior to the bus depot to take the bus to Camp Pendleton for his training, and this time I did cry along with my mom and even my dad. “Aye people.” Junior just shook his head. "I’ll be back in a few weeks" and he got on the bus and he was gone.
The next few weeks went by fast. Before I knew it it was Halloween and in honor of my brother I decided to be a soldier. So here I was playing soldier while at basic training my brother was learning the business of war, how to shoot, how to fight and especially how to kill. At night I would lie awake. It took me a long time to fall asleep, knowing Junior wasn’t there. I would wonder if Junior missed me as much as I missed him. As the weeks went by I started being able to sleep at night again. I was actually getting use to not having Junior there with me at night. I even started feeling guilty about it.
It was getting close to Thanksgiving and one day me and mom were at the store buying the turkey. Someone came up behind mom and grabbed her by the waist, and scared the heck out of her. She screamed and I turned around to see who it was. It was junior.
“Mijo!” mama cried, as she grabbed him around the neck and started crying.
“Aye ma,” said Junior, as he rolled his eyes in mock disgust, “is that all you ever do now?”
“Junior” I yelped, as I grabbed him too.
“Hey squirt.“
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back today carajo?” mom said as she smacked him in the butt.
“I wanted to surprise you. I got home and abuelita told me you were at the store."
So it ended up a very special Thanksgiving. Everyone was there and everyone was happy to see Junior there. We ate and we laughed and it was like every other thanksgiving. That night after everyone was gone and we went to bed, it was the most wonderful feeling to have junior back and sleeping back in our room. I realized that I really did miss junior, but I also realized that I would miss him a hundred times more when he left again. But I figured I would just enjoy the two weeks he would be home. Those two weeks flew by and on the night before he went back he walked into the living room where mom and dad were.
“You all packed mijo?“ asked dad.
“Yeah pop” said Junior, "I’ve got something to tell you.”
“What is it mijo?"
“I’ve got my orders, I’m going to Iraq.”
“Aye mijo no!” cried mom.
“I leave the day after tomorrow.”
Dad got up from the sofa, walked over to junior, put his arm around him, and said, “you be safe mijo, and be cautious, okay?”
“Don’t worry dad I will,” and Junior got up and came to our room.
I was crying when he walked in he sat down next to me. “and why are you crying?” he asked.
“Oh Junior” I sobbed as I buried my head into his chest,” I don’t want you to go to the war. What if you never come back?"
“Oh mijo, don’t worry, I promise I’ll come back. You know I always keep my promise to you. As a matter of fact, here... he reached for the St. Christopher medal that grandma gave him around his neck. “You hold onto this until I come back and give it back to me then, okay?” I reached out for the medal and put it around my neck. ”Okay junior, I will," I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Good. let’s go to sleep” and he leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.
The next morning my big brother was gone again and I was sadder than I was the first time he left.
It was coming to Christmas and I wasn’t as excited about it as I usually was and it was because Junior wasn’t going to be there. It just didn’t seem like Christmas without my brother. Christmas Eve came and I just wasn’t into it, even though we were at my grandmas and there were fresh tamales and atole. I mean, I did eat, but I wanted my brother there. The phone rang and mom picked it up. “Junior” she cried. It was my brother. He called just for Christmas. Mom and dad talked to junior and then they handed me the phone. “hey squirt!” Boy it felt so good hearing Juniors voice, I started to cry. ”Hey, hey“ he said, “don’t cry.”
“I miss you so much junior.”
“I know mijo, I miss you too, but it’s Christmas, you should be happy.”
“I know.”
“Did you get the presents I sent you?”
“Yes, presents, like in more than one.”
For the first time that night a smile spread across my face as mom and dad brought the gifts from my brother out.
“Enjoy squirt, I gotta go.”
“Ok junior, I love you brother.“
“I love you too squirt.”
I looked over to mom and dad. “Can I open them now?” There were two presents there and I couldn’t wait to open them. All of a sudden it was really Christmas to me.
“Go ahead mijo.”
I opened the smaller present first. It was a picture of junior standing next to a tank and he was holding a machine gun. He looked tough. I started to open the second bigger present and my mouth dropped open, I couldn’t believe it was an X Box 360. “Wow!” I yelled. I couldn’t believe it. So even though he wasn’t there in person, Junior made Christmas for me, not only because of the gifts but because I got to talk to him.
The time started going by fast. Junior would call every week to let us know he was doing ok, but he started to sound different. He didn’t sound as happy as he used to. All he could say was that he couldn’t wait to get home and that he hated it there. He kinda scared me. I would lie there at night wondering what he was going through and pray to god that he would come home safe. I couldn’t wait to give him back his St. Christopher.
Before I knew it, it was April and my 10th birthday was coming up. But most of all it was one more month before Junior came home.
We were getting ready for my birthday party. We set up chairs and tables in the backyard and mom was at the bakery getting my cake. I was very happy and excited. This was going to be the best day ever. The party had started and all my friends, cousins, tios and tias were there. We were all having fun. My Tia Esther came from inside. She had a bewildered look on her face. “Carmen, there’s two marines at the door.” Mom collapsed and started crying. Even I knew what it meant. My big brother was dead.
The two marines came in and confirmed that Junior had been killed during combat. They said that he had died while saving the lives of three other marines, that he had died a hero and was getting a medal and that we should be proud of him. Dad just stood there and said nothing. The Marines said how sorry they were and they left.
During the next few days we were visited by other marines that were going to help us get the funeral arranged.
The day of the funeral came. One of juniors friends in Iraq had escorted his body back and was there for the funeral. And so I stood there. It was all unreal to me. I looked down the path. I could see the marines in their dress blues marching slowly toward where I was standing. Behind them was a horse drawn carriage. On it a flag draped coffin. I closed my eyes. “Come on,” I said to myself, “it’s time to wake up, please god let me wake up. It had to be a bad dream. This can’t be real, please, please let me wake up." The carriage stopped. The marines in their dress blues removed the coffin from it. They walked slowly to the grave and set the coffin down. "No, come on, god, let me wake up." Someone spoke and said how my brother was a hero, how other marines were alive because of his sacrifice. They took the flag off the coffin and gave it to my mom. Then some marines lifted the rifles they had and fired into the air. A bugle started to play. This wasn’t a dream. It was real. I let go of my dads hand and walked towards my brothers coffin, tears streaming down my face. I started sobbing. I reached the coffin and pulled the St. Christopher medal off my neck. "Here Junior. You promised me you would come back,” I sobbed, my voice cracking as I spoke. “And I promised I would give this back when you did.” I laid the medal on the coffin and walked back to my dad. I looked up at him. “He kept his promise dad.” He put his arm around me and held me tight.
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