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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 08/15/2012
Born 1966, F, from Mumbai, IndiaIS THIS POSSIBLE?
It was a full moon night, cold winds were blowing and the sky was clear and starry. The household of Zamindar Uttam Rai Chaudhuri was anxiously waiting for the arrival of the new born, for which Chaudhuriji and his wife Jonaki had craved for ten long years.
Raiji, as he was fondly referred to by all, was pacing up and down the long corridors of his beautiful haveli, his anxiety was growing and emotions were running high! He was a rich Zamindar and an owner of a hundred villages. He was very helpful and loved by all. The couple, year after year, had kept fasts, visited every temple, went for pilgrimages, but all in vain! It seemed now, the Gods were finally pleased and a miracle was about to happen, because so far they had not been blessed.
It was almost in the night and suddenly there was a new dawn! Raiji heard the first cry of the baby! Yes, it was surely a time to rejoice. The mid-wife came out and announced that Jonaki had given birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. Raiji, on hearing the news, was overwhelmed and was in tears. He immediately took off his golden bracelet and gave it to the mid-wife, for giving him this wonderful news, which he had awaited to hear for the last ten years.
The whole haveli was decorated, as though it was some big festival, the chants of the mantras, dances, shehnais and lot of sweets and food for whoever came to the haveli to have a first glimpse of the new born, were being served. He indeed was a gift of God, with which Raiji and Jonaki were finally blessed. Jonaki, who was the daughter of a well known business house in Chittagong, West Bengal, was very cultured, talented and extremely beautiful. She was married to Raiji and into a very loving family.
They were thrilled to be parents of a little wonder who had lovely thick hair, big black eyes and a birth mark at a very unusual place on the spinal column. The day of the naming ceremony came, and priests from all over the state came to bless the baby. The family priest, Maha rishi Keshabanandaji, came all the way from The Himalayas to name and bless the baby. The baby was named Agastiya. But, Maharishi was a little worried and told Raiji to specially take care of the boy, because he could sense something very drastic. He also noticed the birth mark, but did not comment. Everything went off very smoothly. The whole family was extremely thrilled with the baby’s arrival. It was like some big and long festival. The child was extraordinarily brilliant. Years passed by, Agastiya was being tutored at home by a Governess, Mrs. Lisa.
Agastiya had a very special bonding with Mrs. Lisa and Raiji used to notice and comment very often on this. Raiji used to tease Jonaki that Mrs. Lisa was his second mother. Jonaki used to get very irritated. At the age of nine, Agastiya was sent away from home to gain spiritual knowledge from Maharishi in his ashram, after his thread ceremony. Raiji had also gone to the ashram at the age of nine after his thread ceremony. Away from home, in the ashram, Agastiya had gone into his shell. He missed his family and Mrs. Lisa. Six months of his teachings had finished. One morning after his bath in the Ganges, he passed out! When he came back, he had a high fever. Nobody could understand the reason. What could it be? Maharishi unfortunately was not in the ashram at that time.
The hermits in the ashram were very worried. They asked for Vaidji to come and have a look. After a full check up, he said it was typhoid. Agastiya was semiconscious. His parents were called. He could not be moved from there, as he had high fever and also could get some other infection. They all stayed in the ashram for almost a fortnight, till he was able to walk and take the long journey home and outside breeze. He had become so weak, that it took a long time to recover. But, after his typhoid, he had become so weak that he used to pass out very often, which was worrying to the family. After some days he went back to the ashram to finish the rest of the training. Within six months his training in the ashram was successfully over and he came back home, under the tutelage of his dear Mrs. Lisa. He was a brilliant boy and a keen learner, whatever was taught to him he grasped it quickly.
Two years passed without any sickness or mishap. Mrs. Lisa had gone on leave so Agastiya went to his paternal aunt’s house as he enjoyed it there a lot. He stayed there for 10 days and came back home. After coming back from his aunt’s house, one day Jonaki noticed that Agastiya was looking pale and not eating well. Raiji told her not worry and he would be fine. Soon everything was fine but not normal. One day after coming from the park, he straight went to his room and lay down. Before Jonaki or anybody could ask anything the boy went into a coma! They were all shocked and disturbed, as to what could have happened suddenly. Raiji and Jonaki, and other family members discussed that he did not look normal, but tired and drained, but nothing drastic like a coma. Vaidji was called from the ashram, but unfortunately for the family it would take him three days to come. Jonaki was inconsolable and highly disturbed, as were Raiji and other members of the family. They were all so helpless and worried sick. Agastiya was in coma, but thankfully alive, he just lay still unmoved as though in deep slumber. The family tried waking the boy up, but all proved futile. Three days seemed like three decades, it was an unending wait. Finally the wait was over, Vaidji, with other hermits who were experts in herbs and aryurved arrived and consoled the family, that God willing everything would be fine. The examination went for about four long hours, they all came out of the room, where the family was waiting impatiently for them to finish the examination, and tell them the treatment and ailment. To the family’s shock, Vaidji said nothing was wrong, Agastiya was in a coma, and he could not do anything.
Raiji and Jonaki were shocked after hearing what Vaidji said, because Vaidji’s medicines worked like magic on people but he too was helpless. Raiji and Jonaki pleaded to the Vaid, to cure their only son, and they would give him their fortune, but Vaidji was apologetic and could not possibly do anything. He reassured them, to have faith in the Almighty and things would be fine. Unfortunately for the family, especially for Agastiya’s parents, it was an unending wait. The household was in grief. Everyone was thinking of only one thing, whether Agastiya would survive and come out of this dreadful coma? But no one was saying anything, because they all were worried, confused and very sad. Jonaki and Mrs. Lisa were inconsolable. Raiji, though a man of strong will, was broken from within. Seeing the state of the ladies and other members of the house, he just shed silent tears. After all, he was the patriarch of his family.
There was sorrow everywhere. Throughout all the villages, as the news spread, the villagers started fasting and praying. In temples the priests started chanting mantras for the wellbeing of Agastiya. Every possible thing was done to bring him back to consciousness. But nothing seemed to work.
Three long months passed, it was just a long wait, hope against hope. Finally one morning, the wait was over and a new dawn arose in everyone’s life. As usual after their bath and morning pooja, Raiji and Jonaki came to Agastiya’s room, just to see him lying, and to their astonishment, they saw their son awake! He was sitting up in his bed smiling. Both the parents hugged and kissed their little son and their happiness knew no bounds, as though they had come back to life. After a little while Agastiya’s parents asked him what was wrong with him, but he could not explain. He seemed very confused. The only thing he kept saying was he had some visions off and on. Three days passed, then one night his parents heard a loud scream from his room, it was around mid-night. They rushed to their child’s room, and saw that he was sitting and panting. They were stunned to see him like this. Jonaki rushed towards him, and held him tight, and consoled him. His father gave him water and tried to pacify him with sweet talk. After a while when the boy was relaxed, they asked him the reason of his screaming. Agastiya said that he had seen a nightmare! He saw someone whipping him and putting him into a cellar, but it was not very clear. They sat beside their son and consoled him by saying that it was just a bad dream and should be forgotten.
That night Jonaki slept with her son beside him in his room. Next morning, he woke up fresh and smiling, as though nothing had happened in the night. That morning Mrs. Lisa came early and took up his studies. After a while he got tired and slept again. While asleep he saw strange visions again, and this time he saw a monastery and a big lawn. After he woke up, he told his parents about these visions and now they were really worried. What was their son going through? They had several apprehensions, but did not know whatto do or how.
Some days passed, Agastiya often started seeing dreams, which were strange and confusing for such a young child. He saw a girl often who was dark skinned, he also saw an army with soldiers and sometimes he had scary nightmares of jungles and wild animals like lions and jackals. He often screamed in the night and held his mother tightly. The child and his family were going through traumatic times. He could not understand why he was seeing such horrifying dreams. Agastiya started sleeping in his parent’s room.
Raiji was very worried and could not see their child in such a painful state anymore. He wanted his son to be once again his happy and bubbly self. He could give anything to bring normalcy into his son’s life. Everyone in the family thought that after coming from his aunt’s place he went into coma, so there someone must have done black magic, and that is why the child was going through all these problems.
Soon durga pooja came and once again Maharishi came to their house, and saw Agastiya looking pale and sick. He was also very worried to see the child and the whole family in such a bad state. After the ceremonies were over, Maharishi took Raiji and Jonaki aside and suggested to them that they should take their son to the city, where his very close and old disciple stayed, and also consult a specialist and take an opinion. He also told them that Vaidji would not be able to give him proper medication nor diagnose any ailment, if at all, properly. This seemed to be a very complicated case. Raiji was happy that Maharishi gave them such good advice, but Jonaki was very skeptical about taking their son to the city for treatment. According to her, children could have bad dreams and they would scream. But Raiji explained to her that this was something more than bad dreams. They all took Maharishi’s blessings and started preparing to go to the city, as soon as the festivities were over.
Agastiya was unaware about their sudden plans to go the city. When he found out he was very excited and was jumping around their house and teasing his cousins that they were not going, only he was going with his parents and was going to have a rollicking time. They were all very envious of him, as only the adults of the house knew the actual reason. Agastiya was after his mother, that he would take all his toys and his pet dog Chief along with him. But his mother firmly put her foot down to his unnecessary demands and stubbornness. She told him that he could take some of his toys and the dog was definitely not going with them. He sulked the whole day, but his mother was unmoved. To cheer him up, his father bought him a lot of hot jalebis and samosas and the innocent child was again cheerful and happy.
Next morning was the day of departure, the family was anxious about what lay ahead. They all looked sad, but pretended to be happy in front of the little child who was jumping with joy. He took blessings of all the elders in the family and hugged all his cousins. They all blessed him and wished him good luck. After an overnight journey in the train, next morning they reached Calcutta. Raiji went outside the coach to look for Maharishi’s disciple as per his description of the person. He didn’t know who this Shirshir babu was? Suddenly he saw a familiar face walking towards him, and to his surprise, the disciple was none other than his childhood friend Shishir!
They were extremely happy to see each other after years. They had studied together in Chittagong when they were kids and were best of friends. Raiji admitted to Shishir that he was relieved that he was not going to stay with a stranger, but a childhood friend and guru bhai. On reaching Shishir’s house, and refreshing themselves from the tiring journey, Raiji explained to his friend and his wife Suhagi the whole situation. They were both shocked on hearing what the little child was going through. Suhagi, who was a kind hearted lady, was in tears.
Shishir assured Raiji and Jonaki that whatever they will be able to do, they will, and he also informed them that he knew the top psychiatrist of the city and would take an appointment with him. Agastiya’s parents saw a ray of hope. That night they all, including the child, slept well, without any mishap.
Next morning, Shishir called up Dr.Ghosh, and to their disappointment his secretary informed them that the doctor was out of town and would only return in a week’s time. For Raiji and Jonaki, time was at a standstill. They were getting impatient but could not do anything, but wait. Shishir and Suhagi, who had no children of their own, wanted to show Agastiya the whole city and some famous place of Calcutta like Howrah bridge, Kali badi, The famous Hooghly river and The Tram, as they had some time on hand and he had come to a big city for the first time. They also arranged a picnic. By doing this they would divert the attention of Agastiya and his parents who needed a change badly.
They went all the places where Shishir had promised to take the child. It was indeed enjoyable for all of them and for sometime they forgot the real purpose of their visit. They all laughed, ate and made merry and all was well and the day was filled with fun and joy. Shishir and Raiji went on a nostalgic trip, talking about their childhood and youth. The ladies got to know each other and enjoyed time with little Agastiya. Two days passed, their sightseeing was almost done. After they were returning from the picnic, which was organized by Shishir, on their way to home, they saw some men working on the road, who were dark skinned. On seeing them Agastiya suddenly screamed. Everyone was stunned by the sudden change in his behaviour. Raiji explained to him that there was nothing to get scared about and they were just workers, working for their living.
Agastiya soon forgot what he had seen, but others were left worried. Finally the wait was over, and the day came when finally they would meet Dr. Ghosh and things would get clear. Agastiya and his parents were accompanied by Shishir to see the doctor. At the doctors clinic they waited for about fifteen minutes before they were called inside. Raiji pleaded to Dr.Ghos, to do something fast, because they could not see their child in pain anymore.
Dr.Ghosh was a very pleasant and understanding person, and he was a fast friend of Shishir, and was considerate too. He told them not to worry and asked all of them to sit outside, till he examined the child. He did not want any disturbance, but Jonaki insisted that she wanted to be with her son, as he would get scared alone and would not talk in front of a stranger. Raiji explained to Jonaki to let the doctor do his work and they would sit out. But she was adamant and stayed back in the room with her child.
It took him almost an hour to do the entire check-up of Agastiya. Dr. Ghosh came to a conclusion that it was something more than just dreams, visions and nightmares. But even he could not understand the exact ailment and was unable to explain it to the child’s parents. Agastiya had to go through some more tests and was under twenty-four hour observation of his actions. Jonaki became defensive about her son, and said that all this was not needed. He was a normal kid with some dreams. As she was not educated and was an illiterate, she was unable to understand those medical terms and procedures. She just wanted him to get well, without any further complications. They too were going through very traumatic times and felt very helpless.
Dr. Ghosh after a full check up and interrogation of the child, told Raiji and Jonaki that this was a complicated case. After a long silence and a lot of hesitation he shocked the parents by saying that Agastiya may be remembering his past! They were shocked and stared at him in disbelief. They could not digest what the doctor had told them and Jonaki again told the doctor, in her agitation, that their son was not mad, and he was absolutely normal like other children. Raiji apologized to the doctor for her behavior as she was really stressed. Dr. Ghosh was very patient with both of them, and explained to them that this happened very rarely and unfortunately it had happened to their son. Raiji and Jonaki did not understand what exactly the doctor meant, so he further explained that it could be the case of reincarnation, and for the confirmation of the same, they would have to consult a parapsychologist, a specialist in previous lives and life after death cases. On hearing this, Jonaki passed out and they were all shocked to see this. To revive her back, she was given smelling salts and after some time she came to her normal self.
Dr. Ghosh was very helpful and he himself took an appointment with Calcutta’s top parapsychologist, Dr. Ashish Sen. He immediately gave an appointment for the next day. They all went to see him accompanied by Dr. Ghosh. After seeing all the reports and doing a thorough check up of Agastiya, he came to the conclusion that they would have to hypnotize Agastiya for further investigation. Dr. Sen explained to Raiji, that once he had hypnotized their child, he would go into a trance and then he would know more about the case, and have a clearer picture of what his visions and dreams were all about.
They all decided for the next morning, which was very crucial for the parents as well as the doctors. Agastiya was told by his parents that he would be soon fine after the treatment, but he would have to help the doctors, because without him they would not be able to treat him. This made the child feel very important, that without his help doctors would not be able to do anything.
Raiji and Jonaki were very tensed, as well as skeptical about the whole process and where it was all leading to. Next morning, they all went to the doctor’s place and he was waiting for them with everything ready. He sent everyone out as he did not want the child to get distracted. He put Agastiya on a high chair and told him to be at complete ease. Dr. Sen reassured his parents, that they should not worry, and have faith in God, and all would be fine in some days, this being the most important part of the treatment.
Dr. Sen asked Agastiya a few questions. There was pin drop silence in the room, with two other doctors and a nurse. He started the hypnosis. It took about two hours, before the child was in full control of the doctors. Dr. Sen started asking him questions. The wheel had started moving. Finally Agastiya had started pouring facts out. He could remember his previous BIRTHS!!
After a few sessions of hypnosis, facts emerged. In his condition of hypnotism, he narrated that he was a slave in Africa and was bought in ‘Slave Trade’. His name in that birth was ‘Gome’. He was very poor with no food and very scanty clothing. He was treated mercilessly by his master, who whipped him and put him in underground cellars for days as punishment for not completing work in time and properly. Once he took some rest in between work, so he was burnt with a red hot iron rod, on his spinal column (that was his birth mark in the present birth also). He screamed with excruciating pain and irrespective of his pain and agony, he had to carry heavy sacks on his back, even though he could not stand properly. The only ray of hope in his depressing life was Jane, a slave girl in his master’s house. Gome was attracted towards her and she also had an attraction towards him. But unfortunately they never got to meet each other, because of their inhuman master. Once they were lucky to have got a chance to meet and Gome promised Jane that he would marry her. Many days passed in this stressful and depressing life, but one day when Gome was cleaning his master’s room, he saw something shining, it looked like gold to him and to his surprise it was a sack of gold coins. His hands shivered as he could not believe what he saw. He had never seen so much money his whole life. Greed raised its ugly head in his mind and he stole the sack and ran away that night. He became rich like a king over night and betrayed his first love and married a rich girl. He was a slave and so was Jane. She loved him dearly, but after becoming rich he betrayed her. When Jane learnt this, she was shattered and cursed him that he would never ever be a happy man.
Agastya, in a few more sessions recollected that he was a bhikkhu in Montana, in USA, a Buddhist monk, and his name was Buddhananda. He stayed in a monastery. He had a very depressing childhood, as he was the eleventh child of his parents. He did not get that love and care that he desired. He was made to do all sort of odd jobs at an age when children are carefree and play. He was made to slog, much as he wanted to be like other children who went to school and played and ate to their heart’s content, but his parents were not so well to do and had so many mouths to feed. One day some monks were passing by and that is when he decided to run away from home and got into monastic rules and regulations and spent the rest his life there.
It was becoming very difficult for Dr. Sen, as in every session, Agastiya was narrating something new and of a different birth. He also recollected that in one of the births, he was born as a girl, in London, and could not remember the girl’s name as she was a barmaid and was addressed as ‘Miss’. It was a very degrading job but to survive she was forced to do a lot of unwanted things. Agastya could not remember anything else about his birth as a girl.
He also told Dr. Sen that he was born to a fair couple, but only survived for two days. Raiji and Jonaki sat motionless, after hearing the recordings on the dicta phone. They could not comment. Their child, who was a baby for them, in these recordings his voice also seemed to have changed. It was shocking for the poor parents. Jonaki and Suhagi would keep praying, and wished all this would get over fast. But the sessions continued, and during the next few sessions and a few weeks later, new facts emerged.
Agastiya, in his hypnotized state, also recollected that he could see jungles and wild animals and see a man, possibly a hunter, killing them inhumanly and mercilessly. He also told the doctors the he was an artisan, and his name was Kanu. He was in a huge warehouse, where he used to make things with wood and carve them. He could not remember more of his life as an artisan.
After many session things were clear, and strangely enough whatever Agastya had told the doctors, two things were common, one his birthmark and second his unhappy and dissatisfied lives.
Dr. Sen told Agastiya’s parents that at this point things were clearer, and he could now go ahead with the treatment. His parents sat in disbelief and could not digest the fact that their little wonder could remember his several births. Dr. Sen agreed that this was a very rare case and he had never come across any such patient in his medical career of forty years, but assured Raiji and Jonaki that hopefully their son, over a span of a few months, would forget all that he remembered, with medication and yogic exercises. They were lucky that he was still a kid and kids forget everything easily.
A few months passed, and at last the treatment was over and extremely successful. Agastiya was absolutely fine and had forgotten everything and was cured of his dreams and nightmares. He was now impatiently waiting to go back to his house and meet his cousins aunts and uncles, whom he missed terribly, and his best friend his dog Chief. Though he was unaware of his state, it took him a few months to recover totally. Dr. Sen suggested to his parents that he should do yoga and some other exercises in the form of games for his acute concentration, so that he does not remember anything and it is wiped out completely from his memory. He had learnt a little bit of yoga in the ashram, when he was there for a year, which was put to good use.
Dr. Sen and Dr. Ghosh told Raiji that this was an unforgettable experience and experiment for them and a professional victory, in the field of parapsychology. They had also achieved and learnt something from this rare case acknowledging that nothing is impossible in this world.
Dr. Sen told Raiji and Jonaki that it would take some time for Agastiya to completely lead a normal life. They must remember not to talk about whatever had happened, and try to divert his attention and prevent him from remembering the past. He may have visions often, but they had to keep a watch for some days, and then everything would be fine as before.
Medicines would help to a great extent, but more so their love and caring would matter to a great extent at this point. They were also advised to talk about good and happy things, and involve him in activities of his liking and make him forget his past. Now it was Raiji and Jonaki’s turn to do their bit, for their little son. Both the doctors bid them goodbye. Agastiya touched their feet, and took their blessings. In the past few months they had all become extremely fond of him, as he was an adorable kid. They both wished a happy and a peaceful life ahead. Raiji and his wife gave them special gifts apart from their fees. The gift was an idol of Goddess Durga and both the doctors Dr. Sen and Dr. Ghosh were overwhelmed on receiving this token of love and gratitude. Agastiya’s parents were indebted to them for life.
They also thanked Shishir and Suhagi who were both in tears, on seeing little Agastiya jumping happily as he was ready to go home. Raiji and Jonaki thanked them for their hospitality and patience of bearing with them for so many months and finally left for home.
On returning home they got a very warm welcome. The whole house was decorated with lights and marigolds. Maharishi came to meet the family and bless them. Maharishi confided to Raiji that he knew Agastiya’s state and wanted them to get better and modern treatment by specialists and not vaidji. They were indebted to the Rishi. He went back to the ashram after blessing Agastiya.
It took some time for Agastiya to be totally cured with the help of his parents and other family members. After some days he was back to his normal self. Years passed by, Agastiya grew up to be a very handsome, intelligent and a family oriented boy. He married a beautiful Bengali girl named Bhairavi. After a year of marriage she gave birth to twin boys. They lived a very happy and a satisfying life full of contentment and peace.
Agastiya in his past lives had a very unpleasant and unhappy life. In this life he got an opportunity to serve others and get involved in helping and doing his bit for the underprivileged and needy. That made his present birth fruitful and harmonious.
It was a full moon night, cold winds were blowing and the sky was clear and starry. The household of Zamindar Uttam Rai Chaudhuri was anxiously waiting for the arrival of the new born, for which Chaudhuriji and his wife Jonaki had craved for ten long years.
Raiji, as he was fondly referred to by all, was pacing up and down the long corridors of his beautiful haveli, his anxiety was growing and emotions were running high! He was a rich Zamindar and an owner of a hundred villages. He was very helpful and loved by all. The couple, year after year, had kept fasts, visited every temple, went for pilgrimages, but all in vain! It seemed now, the Gods were finally pleased and a miracle was about to happen, because so far they had not been blessed.
It was almost in the night and suddenly there was a new dawn! Raiji heard the first cry of the baby! Yes, it was surely a time to rejoice. The mid-wife came out and announced that Jonaki had given birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. Raiji, on hearing the news, was overwhelmed and was in tears. He immediately took off his golden bracelet and gave it to the mid-wife, for giving him this wonderful news, which he had awaited to hear for the last ten years.
The whole haveli was decorated, as though it was some big festival, the chants of the mantras, dances, shehnais and lot of sweets and food for whoever came to the haveli to have a first glimpse of the new born, were being served. He indeed was a gift of God, with which Raiji and Jonaki were finally blessed. Jonaki, who was the daughter of a well known business house in Chittagong, West Bengal, was very cultured, talented and extremely beautiful. She was married to Raiji and into a very loving family.
They were thrilled to be parents of a little wonder who had lovely thick hair, big black eyes and a birth mark at a very unusual place on the spinal column. The day of the naming ceremony came, and priests from all over the state came to bless the baby. The family priest, Maha rishi Keshabanandaji, came all the way from The Himalayas to name and bless the baby. The baby was named Agastiya. But, Maharishi was a little worried and told Raiji to specially take care of the boy, because he could sense something very drastic. He also noticed the birth mark, but did not comment. Everything went off very smoothly. The whole family was extremely thrilled with the baby’s arrival. It was like some big and long festival. The child was extraordinarily brilliant. Years passed by, Agastiya was being tutored at home by a Governess, Mrs. Lisa.
Agastiya had a very special bonding with Mrs. Lisa and Raiji used to notice and comment very often on this. Raiji used to tease Jonaki that Mrs. Lisa was his second mother. Jonaki used to get very irritated. At the age of nine, Agastiya was sent away from home to gain spiritual knowledge from Maharishi in his ashram, after his thread ceremony. Raiji had also gone to the ashram at the age of nine after his thread ceremony. Away from home, in the ashram, Agastiya had gone into his shell. He missed his family and Mrs. Lisa. Six months of his teachings had finished. One morning after his bath in the Ganges, he passed out! When he came back, he had a high fever. Nobody could understand the reason. What could it be? Maharishi unfortunately was not in the ashram at that time.
The hermits in the ashram were very worried. They asked for Vaidji to come and have a look. After a full check up, he said it was typhoid. Agastiya was semiconscious. His parents were called. He could not be moved from there, as he had high fever and also could get some other infection. They all stayed in the ashram for almost a fortnight, till he was able to walk and take the long journey home and outside breeze. He had become so weak, that it took a long time to recover. But, after his typhoid, he had become so weak that he used to pass out very often, which was worrying to the family. After some days he went back to the ashram to finish the rest of the training. Within six months his training in the ashram was successfully over and he came back home, under the tutelage of his dear Mrs. Lisa. He was a brilliant boy and a keen learner, whatever was taught to him he grasped it quickly.
Two years passed without any sickness or mishap. Mrs. Lisa had gone on leave so Agastiya went to his paternal aunt’s house as he enjoyed it there a lot. He stayed there for 10 days and came back home. After coming back from his aunt’s house, one day Jonaki noticed that Agastiya was looking pale and not eating well. Raiji told her not worry and he would be fine. Soon everything was fine but not normal. One day after coming from the park, he straight went to his room and lay down. Before Jonaki or anybody could ask anything the boy went into a coma! They were all shocked and disturbed, as to what could have happened suddenly. Raiji and Jonaki, and other family members discussed that he did not look normal, but tired and drained, but nothing drastic like a coma. Vaidji was called from the ashram, but unfortunately for the family it would take him three days to come. Jonaki was inconsolable and highly disturbed, as were Raiji and other members of the family. They were all so helpless and worried sick. Agastiya was in coma, but thankfully alive, he just lay still unmoved as though in deep slumber. The family tried waking the boy up, but all proved futile. Three days seemed like three decades, it was an unending wait. Finally the wait was over, Vaidji, with other hermits who were experts in herbs and aryurved arrived and consoled the family, that God willing everything would be fine. The examination went for about four long hours, they all came out of the room, where the family was waiting impatiently for them to finish the examination, and tell them the treatment and ailment. To the family’s shock, Vaidji said nothing was wrong, Agastiya was in a coma, and he could not do anything.
Raiji and Jonaki were shocked after hearing what Vaidji said, because Vaidji’s medicines worked like magic on people but he too was helpless. Raiji and Jonaki pleaded to the Vaid, to cure their only son, and they would give him their fortune, but Vaidji was apologetic and could not possibly do anything. He reassured them, to have faith in the Almighty and things would be fine. Unfortunately for the family, especially for Agastiya’s parents, it was an unending wait. The household was in grief. Everyone was thinking of only one thing, whether Agastiya would survive and come out of this dreadful coma? But no one was saying anything, because they all were worried, confused and very sad. Jonaki and Mrs. Lisa were inconsolable. Raiji, though a man of strong will, was broken from within. Seeing the state of the ladies and other members of the house, he just shed silent tears. After all, he was the patriarch of his family.
There was sorrow everywhere. Throughout all the villages, as the news spread, the villagers started fasting and praying. In temples the priests started chanting mantras for the wellbeing of Agastiya. Every possible thing was done to bring him back to consciousness. But nothing seemed to work.
Three long months passed, it was just a long wait, hope against hope. Finally one morning, the wait was over and a new dawn arose in everyone’s life. As usual after their bath and morning pooja, Raiji and Jonaki came to Agastiya’s room, just to see him lying, and to their astonishment, they saw their son awake! He was sitting up in his bed smiling. Both the parents hugged and kissed their little son and their happiness knew no bounds, as though they had come back to life. After a little while Agastiya’s parents asked him what was wrong with him, but he could not explain. He seemed very confused. The only thing he kept saying was he had some visions off and on. Three days passed, then one night his parents heard a loud scream from his room, it was around mid-night. They rushed to their child’s room, and saw that he was sitting and panting. They were stunned to see him like this. Jonaki rushed towards him, and held him tight, and consoled him. His father gave him water and tried to pacify him with sweet talk. After a while when the boy was relaxed, they asked him the reason of his screaming. Agastiya said that he had seen a nightmare! He saw someone whipping him and putting him into a cellar, but it was not very clear. They sat beside their son and consoled him by saying that it was just a bad dream and should be forgotten.
That night Jonaki slept with her son beside him in his room. Next morning, he woke up fresh and smiling, as though nothing had happened in the night. That morning Mrs. Lisa came early and took up his studies. After a while he got tired and slept again. While asleep he saw strange visions again, and this time he saw a monastery and a big lawn. After he woke up, he told his parents about these visions and now they were really worried. What was their son going through? They had several apprehensions, but did not know whatto do or how.
Some days passed, Agastiya often started seeing dreams, which were strange and confusing for such a young child. He saw a girl often who was dark skinned, he also saw an army with soldiers and sometimes he had scary nightmares of jungles and wild animals like lions and jackals. He often screamed in the night and held his mother tightly. The child and his family were going through traumatic times. He could not understand why he was seeing such horrifying dreams. Agastiya started sleeping in his parent’s room.
Raiji was very worried and could not see their child in such a painful state anymore. He wanted his son to be once again his happy and bubbly self. He could give anything to bring normalcy into his son’s life. Everyone in the family thought that after coming from his aunt’s place he went into coma, so there someone must have done black magic, and that is why the child was going through all these problems.
Soon durga pooja came and once again Maharishi came to their house, and saw Agastiya looking pale and sick. He was also very worried to see the child and the whole family in such a bad state. After the ceremonies were over, Maharishi took Raiji and Jonaki aside and suggested to them that they should take their son to the city, where his very close and old disciple stayed, and also consult a specialist and take an opinion. He also told them that Vaidji would not be able to give him proper medication nor diagnose any ailment, if at all, properly. This seemed to be a very complicated case. Raiji was happy that Maharishi gave them such good advice, but Jonaki was very skeptical about taking their son to the city for treatment. According to her, children could have bad dreams and they would scream. But Raiji explained to her that this was something more than bad dreams. They all took Maharishi’s blessings and started preparing to go to the city, as soon as the festivities were over.
Agastiya was unaware about their sudden plans to go the city. When he found out he was very excited and was jumping around their house and teasing his cousins that they were not going, only he was going with his parents and was going to have a rollicking time. They were all very envious of him, as only the adults of the house knew the actual reason. Agastiya was after his mother, that he would take all his toys and his pet dog Chief along with him. But his mother firmly put her foot down to his unnecessary demands and stubbornness. She told him that he could take some of his toys and the dog was definitely not going with them. He sulked the whole day, but his mother was unmoved. To cheer him up, his father bought him a lot of hot jalebis and samosas and the innocent child was again cheerful and happy.
Next morning was the day of departure, the family was anxious about what lay ahead. They all looked sad, but pretended to be happy in front of the little child who was jumping with joy. He took blessings of all the elders in the family and hugged all his cousins. They all blessed him and wished him good luck. After an overnight journey in the train, next morning they reached Calcutta. Raiji went outside the coach to look for Maharishi’s disciple as per his description of the person. He didn’t know who this Shirshir babu was? Suddenly he saw a familiar face walking towards him, and to his surprise, the disciple was none other than his childhood friend Shishir!
They were extremely happy to see each other after years. They had studied together in Chittagong when they were kids and were best of friends. Raiji admitted to Shishir that he was relieved that he was not going to stay with a stranger, but a childhood friend and guru bhai. On reaching Shishir’s house, and refreshing themselves from the tiring journey, Raiji explained to his friend and his wife Suhagi the whole situation. They were both shocked on hearing what the little child was going through. Suhagi, who was a kind hearted lady, was in tears.
Shishir assured Raiji and Jonaki that whatever they will be able to do, they will, and he also informed them that he knew the top psychiatrist of the city and would take an appointment with him. Agastiya’s parents saw a ray of hope. That night they all, including the child, slept well, without any mishap.
Next morning, Shishir called up Dr.Ghosh, and to their disappointment his secretary informed them that the doctor was out of town and would only return in a week’s time. For Raiji and Jonaki, time was at a standstill. They were getting impatient but could not do anything, but wait. Shishir and Suhagi, who had no children of their own, wanted to show Agastiya the whole city and some famous place of Calcutta like Howrah bridge, Kali badi, The famous Hooghly river and The Tram, as they had some time on hand and he had come to a big city for the first time. They also arranged a picnic. By doing this they would divert the attention of Agastiya and his parents who needed a change badly.
They went all the places where Shishir had promised to take the child. It was indeed enjoyable for all of them and for sometime they forgot the real purpose of their visit. They all laughed, ate and made merry and all was well and the day was filled with fun and joy. Shishir and Raiji went on a nostalgic trip, talking about their childhood and youth. The ladies got to know each other and enjoyed time with little Agastiya. Two days passed, their sightseeing was almost done. After they were returning from the picnic, which was organized by Shishir, on their way to home, they saw some men working on the road, who were dark skinned. On seeing them Agastiya suddenly screamed. Everyone was stunned by the sudden change in his behaviour. Raiji explained to him that there was nothing to get scared about and they were just workers, working for their living.
Agastiya soon forgot what he had seen, but others were left worried. Finally the wait was over, and the day came when finally they would meet Dr. Ghosh and things would get clear. Agastiya and his parents were accompanied by Shishir to see the doctor. At the doctors clinic they waited for about fifteen minutes before they were called inside. Raiji pleaded to Dr.Ghos, to do something fast, because they could not see their child in pain anymore.
Dr.Ghosh was a very pleasant and understanding person, and he was a fast friend of Shishir, and was considerate too. He told them not to worry and asked all of them to sit outside, till he examined the child. He did not want any disturbance, but Jonaki insisted that she wanted to be with her son, as he would get scared alone and would not talk in front of a stranger. Raiji explained to Jonaki to let the doctor do his work and they would sit out. But she was adamant and stayed back in the room with her child.
It took him almost an hour to do the entire check-up of Agastiya. Dr. Ghosh came to a conclusion that it was something more than just dreams, visions and nightmares. But even he could not understand the exact ailment and was unable to explain it to the child’s parents. Agastiya had to go through some more tests and was under twenty-four hour observation of his actions. Jonaki became defensive about her son, and said that all this was not needed. He was a normal kid with some dreams. As she was not educated and was an illiterate, she was unable to understand those medical terms and procedures. She just wanted him to get well, without any further complications. They too were going through very traumatic times and felt very helpless.
Dr. Ghosh after a full check up and interrogation of the child, told Raiji and Jonaki that this was a complicated case. After a long silence and a lot of hesitation he shocked the parents by saying that Agastiya may be remembering his past! They were shocked and stared at him in disbelief. They could not digest what the doctor had told them and Jonaki again told the doctor, in her agitation, that their son was not mad, and he was absolutely normal like other children. Raiji apologized to the doctor for her behavior as she was really stressed. Dr. Ghosh was very patient with both of them, and explained to them that this happened very rarely and unfortunately it had happened to their son. Raiji and Jonaki did not understand what exactly the doctor meant, so he further explained that it could be the case of reincarnation, and for the confirmation of the same, they would have to consult a parapsychologist, a specialist in previous lives and life after death cases. On hearing this, Jonaki passed out and they were all shocked to see this. To revive her back, she was given smelling salts and after some time she came to her normal self.
Dr. Ghosh was very helpful and he himself took an appointment with Calcutta’s top parapsychologist, Dr. Ashish Sen. He immediately gave an appointment for the next day. They all went to see him accompanied by Dr. Ghosh. After seeing all the reports and doing a thorough check up of Agastiya, he came to the conclusion that they would have to hypnotize Agastiya for further investigation. Dr. Sen explained to Raiji, that once he had hypnotized their child, he would go into a trance and then he would know more about the case, and have a clearer picture of what his visions and dreams were all about.
They all decided for the next morning, which was very crucial for the parents as well as the doctors. Agastiya was told by his parents that he would be soon fine after the treatment, but he would have to help the doctors, because without him they would not be able to treat him. This made the child feel very important, that without his help doctors would not be able to do anything.
Raiji and Jonaki were very tensed, as well as skeptical about the whole process and where it was all leading to. Next morning, they all went to the doctor’s place and he was waiting for them with everything ready. He sent everyone out as he did not want the child to get distracted. He put Agastiya on a high chair and told him to be at complete ease. Dr. Sen reassured his parents, that they should not worry, and have faith in God, and all would be fine in some days, this being the most important part of the treatment.
Dr. Sen asked Agastiya a few questions. There was pin drop silence in the room, with two other doctors and a nurse. He started the hypnosis. It took about two hours, before the child was in full control of the doctors. Dr. Sen started asking him questions. The wheel had started moving. Finally Agastiya had started pouring facts out. He could remember his previous BIRTHS!!
After a few sessions of hypnosis, facts emerged. In his condition of hypnotism, he narrated that he was a slave in Africa and was bought in ‘Slave Trade’. His name in that birth was ‘Gome’. He was very poor with no food and very scanty clothing. He was treated mercilessly by his master, who whipped him and put him in underground cellars for days as punishment for not completing work in time and properly. Once he took some rest in between work, so he was burnt with a red hot iron rod, on his spinal column (that was his birth mark in the present birth also). He screamed with excruciating pain and irrespective of his pain and agony, he had to carry heavy sacks on his back, even though he could not stand properly. The only ray of hope in his depressing life was Jane, a slave girl in his master’s house. Gome was attracted towards her and she also had an attraction towards him. But unfortunately they never got to meet each other, because of their inhuman master. Once they were lucky to have got a chance to meet and Gome promised Jane that he would marry her. Many days passed in this stressful and depressing life, but one day when Gome was cleaning his master’s room, he saw something shining, it looked like gold to him and to his surprise it was a sack of gold coins. His hands shivered as he could not believe what he saw. He had never seen so much money his whole life. Greed raised its ugly head in his mind and he stole the sack and ran away that night. He became rich like a king over night and betrayed his first love and married a rich girl. He was a slave and so was Jane. She loved him dearly, but after becoming rich he betrayed her. When Jane learnt this, she was shattered and cursed him that he would never ever be a happy man.
Agastya, in a few more sessions recollected that he was a bhikkhu in Montana, in USA, a Buddhist monk, and his name was Buddhananda. He stayed in a monastery. He had a very depressing childhood, as he was the eleventh child of his parents. He did not get that love and care that he desired. He was made to do all sort of odd jobs at an age when children are carefree and play. He was made to slog, much as he wanted to be like other children who went to school and played and ate to their heart’s content, but his parents were not so well to do and had so many mouths to feed. One day some monks were passing by and that is when he decided to run away from home and got into monastic rules and regulations and spent the rest his life there.
It was becoming very difficult for Dr. Sen, as in every session, Agastiya was narrating something new and of a different birth. He also recollected that in one of the births, he was born as a girl, in London, and could not remember the girl’s name as she was a barmaid and was addressed as ‘Miss’. It was a very degrading job but to survive she was forced to do a lot of unwanted things. Agastya could not remember anything else about his birth as a girl.
He also told Dr. Sen that he was born to a fair couple, but only survived for two days. Raiji and Jonaki sat motionless, after hearing the recordings on the dicta phone. They could not comment. Their child, who was a baby for them, in these recordings his voice also seemed to have changed. It was shocking for the poor parents. Jonaki and Suhagi would keep praying, and wished all this would get over fast. But the sessions continued, and during the next few sessions and a few weeks later, new facts emerged.
Agastiya, in his hypnotized state, also recollected that he could see jungles and wild animals and see a man, possibly a hunter, killing them inhumanly and mercilessly. He also told the doctors the he was an artisan, and his name was Kanu. He was in a huge warehouse, where he used to make things with wood and carve them. He could not remember more of his life as an artisan.
After many session things were clear, and strangely enough whatever Agastya had told the doctors, two things were common, one his birthmark and second his unhappy and dissatisfied lives.
Dr. Sen told Agastiya’s parents that at this point things were clearer, and he could now go ahead with the treatment. His parents sat in disbelief and could not digest the fact that their little wonder could remember his several births. Dr. Sen agreed that this was a very rare case and he had never come across any such patient in his medical career of forty years, but assured Raiji and Jonaki that hopefully their son, over a span of a few months, would forget all that he remembered, with medication and yogic exercises. They were lucky that he was still a kid and kids forget everything easily.
A few months passed, and at last the treatment was over and extremely successful. Agastiya was absolutely fine and had forgotten everything and was cured of his dreams and nightmares. He was now impatiently waiting to go back to his house and meet his cousins aunts and uncles, whom he missed terribly, and his best friend his dog Chief. Though he was unaware of his state, it took him a few months to recover totally. Dr. Sen suggested to his parents that he should do yoga and some other exercises in the form of games for his acute concentration, so that he does not remember anything and it is wiped out completely from his memory. He had learnt a little bit of yoga in the ashram, when he was there for a year, which was put to good use.
Dr. Sen and Dr. Ghosh told Raiji that this was an unforgettable experience and experiment for them and a professional victory, in the field of parapsychology. They had also achieved and learnt something from this rare case acknowledging that nothing is impossible in this world.
Dr. Sen told Raiji and Jonaki that it would take some time for Agastiya to completely lead a normal life. They must remember not to talk about whatever had happened, and try to divert his attention and prevent him from remembering the past. He may have visions often, but they had to keep a watch for some days, and then everything would be fine as before.
Medicines would help to a great extent, but more so their love and caring would matter to a great extent at this point. They were also advised to talk about good and happy things, and involve him in activities of his liking and make him forget his past. Now it was Raiji and Jonaki’s turn to do their bit, for their little son. Both the doctors bid them goodbye. Agastiya touched their feet, and took their blessings. In the past few months they had all become extremely fond of him, as he was an adorable kid. They both wished a happy and a peaceful life ahead. Raiji and his wife gave them special gifts apart from their fees. The gift was an idol of Goddess Durga and both the doctors Dr. Sen and Dr. Ghosh were overwhelmed on receiving this token of love and gratitude. Agastiya’s parents were indebted to them for life.
They also thanked Shishir and Suhagi who were both in tears, on seeing little Agastiya jumping happily as he was ready to go home. Raiji and Jonaki thanked them for their hospitality and patience of bearing with them for so many months and finally left for home.
On returning home they got a very warm welcome. The whole house was decorated with lights and marigolds. Maharishi came to meet the family and bless them. Maharishi confided to Raiji that he knew Agastiya’s state and wanted them to get better and modern treatment by specialists and not vaidji. They were indebted to the Rishi. He went back to the ashram after blessing Agastiya.
It took some time for Agastiya to be totally cured with the help of his parents and other family members. After some days he was back to his normal self. Years passed by, Agastiya grew up to be a very handsome, intelligent and a family oriented boy. He married a beautiful Bengali girl named Bhairavi. After a year of marriage she gave birth to twin boys. They lived a very happy and a satisfying life full of contentment and peace.
Agastiya in his past lives had a very unpleasant and unhappy life. In this life he got an opportunity to serve others and get involved in helping and doing his bit for the underprivileged and needy. That made his present birth fruitful and harmonious.
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