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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Childhood / Youth
- Published: 08/20/2012
By Annze
max: hey
lil: hi
max: what are you up 2?
lil: nothing
max: oh cool, so u coming to the fight?
lil: huh? What fight?
max: mich blad and tom dalli
lil: heard nothing about that!
pete: hey guys
max; hi
pete: the fight is what u talking about?
lil: yeah
max: no
pete: hummm…. Well, bye for now
max; bye!
kate: hey maxie!
max: its max not maxie
kate: sorry!
lil: kate , come
kate; ok, why?
Lil; tell u later
Kate; okay
pete: (coming in) ay, ma man axe
max: no, max
pete: oh okay, MAX so how is the fight?
max: yup, look a crowd is gathering
pete: of 9!
max: I know this is random but do u fancy...
ralfie: hey guys!
max: hi
pete: ay!
mich; welcome!
tom: shut it, I’m gonna win!
mich: no I am...
ralfie: okay, let’s get it started!!
mich: (pushes tom)
tom: (grabs his neck and throws Mich to the floor)
mich: dats enough (punches tom)
tom: (strangles mich)
mich (head buts tom)
mrs wing: what’s this?!
audience: (runs from scene)
tom: (grabs mich by the head and slaps it)
mr bongoie: (grabs tom)
mr kennal: (gets hold of mich)
mrs wing: not again! get them inside, and i will talk to them at assembly, (we were all talked to about bad behavior, i was so embarassed). As u all know boys are rough and love a fight, but no more! we as teachers are going to give out detentions to people for even attending a fight
boys: oh!
mrs wing: and football will be stopped
football freeks: no!
(we all walked out annoyed)
max: so pete do u like lil?
pete: huh? what did dat come from?
max; do u?
pete; eah as a friend
max; only a friend?
pete; yeah
max; good cause rumors about u and her are going around
pete: whaaat?
max: jokes, i just guessed u like her
mrs wing; who?
max: noo one important mrs
mrs wing: thats good to hear, also max murre is it?
max; yes mrs
mrs wing: u got a detention with me tomorrow murre
max: wat?! no how why
mrs wing : why MRS! and it’s for encouraging fights, i saw u there and no more answering back ( leaves)
pete: hahaha u got done mate
max: how come only me not u?!
pete: donno
My first lesson after break was history with grumpy old Haddle. This is also my nap time this is how boring it is
mr haddle: come in class, settle down (calls on register)... manurre?
max: sir its murre not manurre
mr haddle: realy?
he does this alot he knows it but just tries to annoy me, but i won’t close my mouth till i get my bit so he should really stop doing this.
max: yesss mr handle
mr haddle: murre stand up now!
max; (stands) wots the prob handle? u can’t open the door?
mr haddle: manurre shut that mouth up!
class : -laughs-
mr haddle; quiet now!
max; handle can i sit now?
mr haddle: -slams the table- u dont want to mess with me boy
max; so i can sit
mr haddle; ummmmm, no! Detention at lunch!
The class took me as a new hero for the day but it could have been for long because pinch head goerge did something bad after PE...
max: pete! where are my clothes
pete; on ya
max; not PE clothes my school ones
pete; donno
after that i had to get spare clothes from the office and they were soo small, but worst of all the t-shirt had a hole but i didn’t notice after i put it on and went for tecnology, and i tried to wear my coat over it but were not allowed to wear coats...
class: -sits down-
pete: wot u doing wearing a coat?
max: had to, there is a hole in my top, and it is big the buttons fell off and its ripped
pete; but mrs perch will kill u if she saw u wit that on!!
mrs perch; settle down class!
mrs perch is always shouting, giving detentions and u don’t want to mess with her plus i am not a good friend of hers, she sees me as stupid, lazy and rude boy all the time i bet ya!
mrs perch; -calls register fast and looks at the person as they go bye-
my name was last>
mrs perch: maxxet?!
max: here sir!
class; -laugh-
max; sorry mrs i meant mrs
mrs perch; u better or a detention, so let’s start now shal.. maxxet murre!?
max: yes mrs
mrs perch; take that jacket off!
max; sorry mrs can’t
mrs perch: off now!
max: no, i realy cant
class: -looks at me like i was competing with mrs perch-
mrs perch; MAXXET u rude boy take that stupid coat off now!
pete; ur in trouble now max
max; no
mrs perch; if u don’t I’ll take it off myself!
max; uh no u don’t, i have a condion, hypofermia hits me easily so i need warmth
mrs perch; do u have a note?!
max; oh yeah
mrs perch; gimmie then!
max: -i look through my pockets trying to find a pretend note that i know doesn’t even exist!- sorry sir, mrs i dont hav it with me
mrs perch; then u will have to take it off
max; oh no i don’t
class; - all they do is look at wat’s happening and see if a fight occurs obviously not with a teacher but by arguing- - whispers-
mrs perch;- tries to get my coat of-
max; no! -pushes her off-
mrs perch head office now!
i go to the head with my jaket on
mrs donnals; hello what r u here for?
max; -hand in pockets- nothing
mr wing is not married to mrs wing and they are both head!
mr wing: yes he is here for something, mrs perch just rang me up about him
max; so?
mr wing; do u have to be so rude?!
max; yes
mr wing; come in to my office boy, hands out pockets and let’s talk
max; -goes in and stays standing and leaning against the wall-
mr wing; get ur greasy bum off my wall stand up straight and HANDS OUT OF POCKETS!
max: - stands up, hands out of pocket-
mr wing; wot the coat for?
max; -strugges-
mr wing; -stands up slams the table- ok i will take it slowley, WATS. THE .COAT. FOR?
max; um sir...
mrs donnals; pls MR wing could u keep ur temper down , remember your diabetes
this is what gave me an idea of winding him up so he could no longer scream at me so this is basically wat i did
max; wing!
mr wing; MR wing to u boy -look through papers-
max; can i go NOW?!
mr wing; no
max; -leans against wall, hands in pockets, chews fake gum and whistles-
mr wing; what is up with u today?
max; u
mr wing; get off the wall, hands out, spit out that chewing gum and stop the noise!!!!
mrs donnal; mr wing wat did i say?
mr wing; wat? he is the most insolent boy i hav ever seen and murre do as i say!
max; no
mr wing and mrs donnals; whaaaaat?
max; i said no. Have u got a prob?
mr wing; -puts out hand- spit it out now
mrs donnal;- leaves room-
max; ok -spits spit into hand- there u go!
mr wing went over his temper and started screaming like mad I am glad i didnt hear it because the diabetes he had stopped him from talking properly and so he said random things...
mr wing; uuooo! baaoy! rrrupid guuuulkkiitlo baaoy.
max; -laughs helplessly-
mrs donna ; out now!
max; ok whatever u say donnals!
it was lunch and i sat with pete, lil and kate
max; hia guys -sits down-
lil: pete and kate; hi
lil; wat happened?
max; nothing
lil; yes... you wouldn’t take off ur coat!
max; u tell them pete
pete; tell us wot happened about the hole in his coat and ...
kate; wait i can understand u
lil; he said.. well, what happend was, he had a hole in his coat and... then u interupted him!
kate; oh, ok bye anyway got to go
lil; bye
kate; -gets up-
lil; continue
pete; he got in wot u saw at last, dat’s all i know
lil; max?
max; i went to head then he got angry started screaming and i got away
kate; oh cool r u eating that banana?
max; no way u can have it
after lunch we went to art with miss miggin
miss miggin; settle down class
they always say that! and as i came in boys and girl patted me on the back they thought i had won the war with the head!
miss miggin; who would like to call the register
class; -no reply-
geoge; i thing manurre wants to miss!
max; uh no i don’t
miss miggin; come up manurre is it?
max; no miss its murre, maxxet murre
miss miggin; ok maxxet
i took the ragister and sat down. i don’t know why miss miggin doesn’t know my name yet but anyway she got it this time! she is a nice teacher i don’t want to spoil her day.
max; i will get u pinch face!
miss miggin; sorry wat was... maxxet wat with the coat?
max; hypofermia thing
miss miggin; could you go to the head about that please?
max; i have been, he let me keep it on
miss miggin; oh realy i am quite amazed!
After that she let me wear it
we got on with the lesson and at the end george met up with me
george; hello lil
lil; hi
george; hello manurre and feet
pete; hello pinch face!
george; wat u call me?
lil; he shouldn’t have said that
george; that’s it -pushed pete over-
max; george stop it, we will get in trouble!
george; so -grabs my coat- take it off then!
i got soo angry just at the time head came in
max; ohh u get on my nerves sooooo much! -punches his jaw-
george; ooooow!
mr wing; pete, lil, MAXXET!
max; sir i can ex...
mr wing; shut that gob of urs come with me all of u
we went in, he told us to sit and george was doing a pretend weep that we all knew except the teachers!
mr wing; look what u have done!
max and pete; but...
mr wing; and u lil saddler!
lil; yes sir, sorry sir
mr wing ; it seems that only lil can be let off this time, out now saddler
lil; -comes out-
mr wing; explain pete
pete; he called me feet and pushed me over!
mr wing; well he might of mistaken ur name because of ur accent isn’t that right?
george; -agrees-
pete: but!..
mr wing; and u murre?!
max; i, he shoved me sir!
mr wing; mabee it was friendlish shove don’t u think george
george; -agrees-
mr wing thinks he should step up for the victim but he doesn’t get our world yet because even in george’s head he would be laughing at the fool for beliving him.
max; manurre is what he called me, so can u get him out of this one!
mr wing; i am not getting him out of anything it is me who understands what his feelings are!
pete; -laughs- ahhh, feelings!
mr wing; what do u have none?
pete shut up after that and wing turned to me
mr wing; u misunderstood what he said when he had a broken jaw
max; that was after! and it is not broken
george; hcccan eye ggggow?
mr wing; yes go to the nurse to give it a checkup
george left and stuck his tough at us through the window as he left
mr wing; and for u 2 detention tomorrow at lunch!
max; can’t do got one there already
pete; same for me
mr wing; ok break time, now go!
we left
max: u haven’t gone on a detention
pete; yes i haven’t
lil: hey guys!
pete; hay
lil; u coming max?
max;; no got to go home
lil; oh ok bye then
i live at the bottom of the street and pete and lil live in the same house even though they aren’t related!
max; hello mum
mum; max! where have u been, mr wing told us about...
max; mum! really? i need to change
i went upstairs, took off my clothes and put on joggings and a bright orange shirt. mum keept on about the detention for ages. i ignored.
mum; can u believe this bob!
dad; yep that’s my boy-winks-
mum; that’s where it comes from... u!
dad and mum started arguing and i left the table without my dessert and climbed on my bed, i wanted revenge that’s all. But how?..
mum; max!?
max; yes mom
mum; -comes up stair- do ur home work
max; can i um.. read first?
mum; ok but 10 minutes
max; yeah, yeah
i didnt do my homework i just went on my computer and played "magic warriors 2" it is the best game ever! i slipped into bed at 9:47 and fell asleep around ten.
beep beep beep beep that annoying sound again and again school is not fun. i turn my alarm of and driffted back to sleep for 17minutes to here a shout.
mum; max! get up now or u will be late for school!
it was friday last day of school until the weekend is over, welcome 2 detentions for the day! i got ready and met pete and lil at the shops again
lil; did u know pete has been working on his language!
max; really?
lil; yeah, say feet he and need
pete; oh okie, ffffeet he and nununeed
lil; improvement?
max; yeah much better
pete; hey!
we walked into school and saw george there
george; hello feet and manure
max; hello pinch face stink breath!
pete; -give evils to pinch face-
lil; max , pete lets go
we left and went for registration with mr lenno
mr lenno; hello class! -comes in room-
goodie; hello mr lenno!
pete; why is he so happy ?
lil; he always is pete
pete; no, more hhhhhhappyer
max; yeah MORE happier
mr lenno; ok class i have good news!
lil; oh boy!
mr lenno; we have free chocolate for everyone
fatties; yes!
dieters; noooo!
mr lenno; if u don’t want it then giv...
mrs wing; -interrupts- sorry mr lenn but could i have pete and max?
mr lenno; yes u can still register them in
we went into the office with mrs wing
mrs wing; sit
we sat down
mrs wing; i would like to talk to u about bullying
pete and max; BULLYING?!
mrs wing ; yes
then she chatted for 24 minutes on it then finally she showed us a video of us calling pinch face names! he tricked us. the cameras switch on at exactly 8:47 and he knew that and said his line before that. we left and went straight to english with mr grea
mr grea; u r late boys
pete and me; sorry sir!
`english was boring all i heard was blah blah blah, but when he said WAR all the boys went huh? and woke up from their dreams
mr grea; yes WAR, after the WAR of flook the winners stuck their hands down the losers’ mouths even if dead or alive to claim victory!
boys; cool! -more interested now-
girls; eeeeew - sickened-
but then he went back to how rubbish our spellings were i fell asleep after that
next was maths with mr kennal it was ok till this happened
mr kennal; maxxet, maxxet? maxxet!
max; wakes up- oh yes sir?
mr kennal; answer my question
lil; -wispers- 19920
max; um.. 19920?
mr kennal; what? how? u got it right! good boy my lad
class: laughs
i was sooo enbaressed next time no good boy! after maths it was detention with mr wing. boring!
lil; where r u 2 going?
pete; detention with haddle
max; detention with wing
lil; oh bye then meet u after break
mrs donnal; oh u again murre, go in, he is in his office
max; okay mrs
mr wing; hello maxxet
max; hello sir
we meet again hahahahahaha..
mr wing; sit
max; -sits-
i can’t believe it ! he told me to sit! after that he looked at me with doubt and sighed
mr wing; ummmm...
max; detention sir?
mr wing; yes yes, maxxet
max; yes.
mr wing; i would like to let u go to break
realy?! this is great, let me go then
mr wing; but i won’t, i have to leave my sandwich for later, murre i would like to see u as a sensible young lad
oh ok...
mr wing; but i can’t, let me show u the way, FRIEND?
are u jokig? is wat i thought, i am totaly not gonna be friends with the teacher or a HEAD! everyone will think i am a joke, weird and teacher's pet!
mr wing; -puts out hand to confirm friend, but only if i shake it- so what d'you say?
max; umm...
the bell rang, i was actually SAVED by the bell!
max; sorry got to go
i left him with a hanging hand oooops
next was re with mrs humble. huuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm....
mrs humble; settle down class
she called out the register and she told us cool stuff like..
mrs humble; in roman history..
rodger; mrs humble we are taking RE!
mrs humble; i know! it is related to re anyway as i was saying... people would have many children and if they got hungry and had no food, they would cook the youngest girl...
girls; nooo?!
boy; nice!
manda; wat if there are only boys?
girls; yeah!
mrs humble; they would get the youngest child
gross boy(liam); how?
mrs humble; first beat them so the meat is chewy then cut the skin of even if the child is still alive..
well u don’t want to hear more of that
we walked to history
mr haddle; come in class
all sat except me, there is poo on my seat
mr haddle; murre sit!
max; can’t sir
mr haddle; why?
max;i hav poo...
mr haddle; murre! not ur stupid nonsense again, no sit!
max; but..
mr haddle; -comes up to me and pushes me down- see better!
max; yeah
i kew it was george and i had to get him!
mr haddle; so class lets sta...
max; -stands up- sir there is poo on MY seat!
mr haddle saw it and sent me to the office to change they had no spare trousers i wonder why but then PINCH FACE said he has a pair i wore them but sadly it smelt BAD i mean real bad like sweaty foot ballers
max; this stinks!
mr haddle; wat? Can’t u be grateful
max; no not to him and also have u ever washed this?
george; no -wisters to me-
i went around stinking people looked at me with "have U ever washed" look
lunch was ok till george came
george; hi lil, pete, maxxet
pete; wat do u want?
george; i wan...
max; -pushes george- i hate u -kicks him-
george is a tuff head and he aimed to head, but trying to end the fight was in vain for me, so i dodged and ran
lil; boys are so stupid
we fought, punched, kicked and finally george ended it with a big fat head in my head. i was knocked out.
mr wing; wat hav u done?
george; sir, i, he started it
lil and pete; -run up to me-
lil; max r u ok
finniue; cant u see he is dead
lil; dead?
mr wing; no unconscious tell mrs donnals to call the ambullance
and that was it i died and never woke up. i dont know wat happened next cause i was dead.
mum; oh darling please wake up
my eyes were opening, i was alive
mum; he is alive! come on u can do it!!!
dad; wake up my strong boy!
max; mum? dad? where am i?
dad; hospital
mum; everyone has been sick worried!
max; even pinch head?
mum; who?
max; don’t worry. how long have i been dead?
dad; son. u were in a coma
max; yeah, so how long?
lil; 2 years
max; lil! pete! ur here wait we are not friends anymore u have made new ones?
pete; yeah, we are in year 9 now
max; oh
lil; and u have to go through year 7 AGAIN
max; oh y did u come?
lil; the class has come so it’s not so like.... hahahaha!
max; what
pete; u were only asleep 5 days
max; yes! so we haven’t drifted apart! mum y didnt u say something?
mum; just a joke hun
lil; and u should of seen ur face!
well my story ends as a happy ending and i hope u enjoyed it and also school after that was great! mr haddle got fired for taking drugs and well, I and george became friends, but trust me i ain’t gonna be besties with him!
Crazy World(Annze)
By Annze
max: hey
lil: hi
max: what are you up 2?
lil: nothing
max: oh cool, so u coming to the fight?
lil: huh? What fight?
max: mich blad and tom dalli
lil: heard nothing about that!
pete: hey guys
max; hi
pete: the fight is what u talking about?
lil: yeah
max: no
pete: hummm…. Well, bye for now
max; bye!
kate: hey maxie!
max: its max not maxie
kate: sorry!
lil: kate , come
kate; ok, why?
Lil; tell u later
Kate; okay
pete: (coming in) ay, ma man axe
max: no, max
pete: oh okay, MAX so how is the fight?
max: yup, look a crowd is gathering
pete: of 9!
max: I know this is random but do u fancy...
ralfie: hey guys!
max: hi
pete: ay!
mich; welcome!
tom: shut it, I’m gonna win!
mich: no I am...
ralfie: okay, let’s get it started!!
mich: (pushes tom)
tom: (grabs his neck and throws Mich to the floor)
mich: dats enough (punches tom)
tom: (strangles mich)
mich (head buts tom)
mrs wing: what’s this?!
audience: (runs from scene)
tom: (grabs mich by the head and slaps it)
mr bongoie: (grabs tom)
mr kennal: (gets hold of mich)
mrs wing: not again! get them inside, and i will talk to them at assembly, (we were all talked to about bad behavior, i was so embarassed). As u all know boys are rough and love a fight, but no more! we as teachers are going to give out detentions to people for even attending a fight
boys: oh!
mrs wing: and football will be stopped
football freeks: no!
(we all walked out annoyed)
max: so pete do u like lil?
pete: huh? what did dat come from?
max; do u?
pete; eah as a friend
max; only a friend?
pete; yeah
max; good cause rumors about u and her are going around
pete: whaaat?
max: jokes, i just guessed u like her
mrs wing; who?
max: noo one important mrs
mrs wing: thats good to hear, also max murre is it?
max; yes mrs
mrs wing: u got a detention with me tomorrow murre
max: wat?! no how why
mrs wing : why MRS! and it’s for encouraging fights, i saw u there and no more answering back ( leaves)
pete: hahaha u got done mate
max: how come only me not u?!
pete: donno
My first lesson after break was history with grumpy old Haddle. This is also my nap time this is how boring it is
mr haddle: come in class, settle down (calls on register)... manurre?
max: sir its murre not manurre
mr haddle: realy?
he does this alot he knows it but just tries to annoy me, but i won’t close my mouth till i get my bit so he should really stop doing this.
max: yesss mr handle
mr haddle: murre stand up now!
max; (stands) wots the prob handle? u can’t open the door?
mr haddle: manurre shut that mouth up!
class : -laughs-
mr haddle; quiet now!
max; handle can i sit now?
mr haddle: -slams the table- u dont want to mess with me boy
max; so i can sit
mr haddle; ummmmm, no! Detention at lunch!
The class took me as a new hero for the day but it could have been for long because pinch head goerge did something bad after PE...
max: pete! where are my clothes
pete; on ya
max; not PE clothes my school ones
pete; donno
after that i had to get spare clothes from the office and they were soo small, but worst of all the t-shirt had a hole but i didn’t notice after i put it on and went for tecnology, and i tried to wear my coat over it but were not allowed to wear coats...
class: -sits down-
pete: wot u doing wearing a coat?
max: had to, there is a hole in my top, and it is big the buttons fell off and its ripped
pete; but mrs perch will kill u if she saw u wit that on!!
mrs perch; settle down class!
mrs perch is always shouting, giving detentions and u don’t want to mess with her plus i am not a good friend of hers, she sees me as stupid, lazy and rude boy all the time i bet ya!
mrs perch; -calls register fast and looks at the person as they go bye-
my name was last>
mrs perch: maxxet?!
max: here sir!
class; -laugh-
max; sorry mrs i meant mrs
mrs perch; u better or a detention, so let’s start now shal.. maxxet murre!?
max: yes mrs
mrs perch; take that jacket off!
max; sorry mrs can’t
mrs perch: off now!
max: no, i realy cant
class: -looks at me like i was competing with mrs perch-
mrs perch; MAXXET u rude boy take that stupid coat off now!
pete; ur in trouble now max
max; no
mrs perch; if u don’t I’ll take it off myself!
max; uh no u don’t, i have a condion, hypofermia hits me easily so i need warmth
mrs perch; do u have a note?!
max; oh yeah
mrs perch; gimmie then!
max: -i look through my pockets trying to find a pretend note that i know doesn’t even exist!- sorry sir, mrs i dont hav it with me
mrs perch; then u will have to take it off
max; oh no i don’t
class; - all they do is look at wat’s happening and see if a fight occurs obviously not with a teacher but by arguing- - whispers-
mrs perch;- tries to get my coat of-
max; no! -pushes her off-
mrs perch head office now!
i go to the head with my jaket on
mrs donnals; hello what r u here for?
max; -hand in pockets- nothing
mr wing is not married to mrs wing and they are both head!
mr wing: yes he is here for something, mrs perch just rang me up about him
max; so?
mr wing; do u have to be so rude?!
max; yes
mr wing; come in to my office boy, hands out pockets and let’s talk
max; -goes in and stays standing and leaning against the wall-
mr wing; get ur greasy bum off my wall stand up straight and HANDS OUT OF POCKETS!
max: - stands up, hands out of pocket-
mr wing; wot the coat for?
max; -strugges-
mr wing; -stands up slams the table- ok i will take it slowley, WATS. THE .COAT. FOR?
max; um sir...
mrs donnals; pls MR wing could u keep ur temper down , remember your diabetes
this is what gave me an idea of winding him up so he could no longer scream at me so this is basically wat i did
max; wing!
mr wing; MR wing to u boy -look through papers-
max; can i go NOW?!
mr wing; no
max; -leans against wall, hands in pockets, chews fake gum and whistles-
mr wing; what is up with u today?
max; u
mr wing; get off the wall, hands out, spit out that chewing gum and stop the noise!!!!
mrs donnal; mr wing wat did i say?
mr wing; wat? he is the most insolent boy i hav ever seen and murre do as i say!
max; no
mr wing and mrs donnals; whaaaaat?
max; i said no. Have u got a prob?
mr wing; -puts out hand- spit it out now
mrs donnal;- leaves room-
max; ok -spits spit into hand- there u go!
mr wing went over his temper and started screaming like mad I am glad i didnt hear it because the diabetes he had stopped him from talking properly and so he said random things...
mr wing; uuooo! baaoy! rrrupid guuuulkkiitlo baaoy.
max; -laughs helplessly-
mrs donna ; out now!
max; ok whatever u say donnals!
it was lunch and i sat with pete, lil and kate
max; hia guys -sits down-
lil: pete and kate; hi
lil; wat happened?
max; nothing
lil; yes... you wouldn’t take off ur coat!
max; u tell them pete
pete; tell us wot happened about the hole in his coat and ...
kate; wait i can understand u
lil; he said.. well, what happend was, he had a hole in his coat and... then u interupted him!
kate; oh, ok bye anyway got to go
lil; bye
kate; -gets up-
lil; continue
pete; he got in wot u saw at last, dat’s all i know
lil; max?
max; i went to head then he got angry started screaming and i got away
kate; oh cool r u eating that banana?
max; no way u can have it
after lunch we went to art with miss miggin
miss miggin; settle down class
they always say that! and as i came in boys and girl patted me on the back they thought i had won the war with the head!
miss miggin; who would like to call the register
class; -no reply-
geoge; i thing manurre wants to miss!
max; uh no i don’t
miss miggin; come up manurre is it?
max; no miss its murre, maxxet murre
miss miggin; ok maxxet
i took the ragister and sat down. i don’t know why miss miggin doesn’t know my name yet but anyway she got it this time! she is a nice teacher i don’t want to spoil her day.
max; i will get u pinch face!
miss miggin; sorry wat was... maxxet wat with the coat?
max; hypofermia thing
miss miggin; could you go to the head about that please?
max; i have been, he let me keep it on
miss miggin; oh realy i am quite amazed!
After that she let me wear it
we got on with the lesson and at the end george met up with me
george; hello lil
lil; hi
george; hello manurre and feet
pete; hello pinch face!
george; wat u call me?
lil; he shouldn’t have said that
george; that’s it -pushed pete over-
max; george stop it, we will get in trouble!
george; so -grabs my coat- take it off then!
i got soo angry just at the time head came in
max; ohh u get on my nerves sooooo much! -punches his jaw-
george; ooooow!
mr wing; pete, lil, MAXXET!
max; sir i can ex...
mr wing; shut that gob of urs come with me all of u
we went in, he told us to sit and george was doing a pretend weep that we all knew except the teachers!
mr wing; look what u have done!
max and pete; but...
mr wing; and u lil saddler!
lil; yes sir, sorry sir
mr wing ; it seems that only lil can be let off this time, out now saddler
lil; -comes out-
mr wing; explain pete
pete; he called me feet and pushed me over!
mr wing; well he might of mistaken ur name because of ur accent isn’t that right?
george; -agrees-
pete: but!..
mr wing; and u murre?!
max; i, he shoved me sir!
mr wing; mabee it was friendlish shove don’t u think george
george; -agrees-
mr wing thinks he should step up for the victim but he doesn’t get our world yet because even in george’s head he would be laughing at the fool for beliving him.
max; manurre is what he called me, so can u get him out of this one!
mr wing; i am not getting him out of anything it is me who understands what his feelings are!
pete; -laughs- ahhh, feelings!
mr wing; what do u have none?
pete shut up after that and wing turned to me
mr wing; u misunderstood what he said when he had a broken jaw
max; that was after! and it is not broken
george; hcccan eye ggggow?
mr wing; yes go to the nurse to give it a checkup
george left and stuck his tough at us through the window as he left
mr wing; and for u 2 detention tomorrow at lunch!
max; can’t do got one there already
pete; same for me
mr wing; ok break time, now go!
we left
max: u haven’t gone on a detention
pete; yes i haven’t
lil: hey guys!
pete; hay
lil; u coming max?
max;; no got to go home
lil; oh ok bye then
i live at the bottom of the street and pete and lil live in the same house even though they aren’t related!
max; hello mum
mum; max! where have u been, mr wing told us about...
max; mum! really? i need to change
i went upstairs, took off my clothes and put on joggings and a bright orange shirt. mum keept on about the detention for ages. i ignored.
mum; can u believe this bob!
dad; yep that’s my boy-winks-
mum; that’s where it comes from... u!
dad and mum started arguing and i left the table without my dessert and climbed on my bed, i wanted revenge that’s all. But how?..
mum; max!?
max; yes mom
mum; -comes up stair- do ur home work
max; can i um.. read first?
mum; ok but 10 minutes
max; yeah, yeah
i didnt do my homework i just went on my computer and played "magic warriors 2" it is the best game ever! i slipped into bed at 9:47 and fell asleep around ten.
beep beep beep beep that annoying sound again and again school is not fun. i turn my alarm of and driffted back to sleep for 17minutes to here a shout.
mum; max! get up now or u will be late for school!
it was friday last day of school until the weekend is over, welcome 2 detentions for the day! i got ready and met pete and lil at the shops again
lil; did u know pete has been working on his language!
max; really?
lil; yeah, say feet he and need
pete; oh okie, ffffeet he and nununeed
lil; improvement?
max; yeah much better
pete; hey!
we walked into school and saw george there
george; hello feet and manure
max; hello pinch face stink breath!
pete; -give evils to pinch face-
lil; max , pete lets go
we left and went for registration with mr lenno
mr lenno; hello class! -comes in room-
goodie; hello mr lenno!
pete; why is he so happy ?
lil; he always is pete
pete; no, more hhhhhhappyer
max; yeah MORE happier
mr lenno; ok class i have good news!
lil; oh boy!
mr lenno; we have free chocolate for everyone
fatties; yes!
dieters; noooo!
mr lenno; if u don’t want it then giv...
mrs wing; -interrupts- sorry mr lenn but could i have pete and max?
mr lenno; yes u can still register them in
we went into the office with mrs wing
mrs wing; sit
we sat down
mrs wing; i would like to talk to u about bullying
pete and max; BULLYING?!
mrs wing ; yes
then she chatted for 24 minutes on it then finally she showed us a video of us calling pinch face names! he tricked us. the cameras switch on at exactly 8:47 and he knew that and said his line before that. we left and went straight to english with mr grea
mr grea; u r late boys
pete and me; sorry sir!
`english was boring all i heard was blah blah blah, but when he said WAR all the boys went huh? and woke up from their dreams
mr grea; yes WAR, after the WAR of flook the winners stuck their hands down the losers’ mouths even if dead or alive to claim victory!
boys; cool! -more interested now-
girls; eeeeew - sickened-
but then he went back to how rubbish our spellings were i fell asleep after that
next was maths with mr kennal it was ok till this happened
mr kennal; maxxet, maxxet? maxxet!
max; wakes up- oh yes sir?
mr kennal; answer my question
lil; -wispers- 19920
max; um.. 19920?
mr kennal; what? how? u got it right! good boy my lad
class: laughs
i was sooo enbaressed next time no good boy! after maths it was detention with mr wing. boring!
lil; where r u 2 going?
pete; detention with haddle
max; detention with wing
lil; oh bye then meet u after break
mrs donnal; oh u again murre, go in, he is in his office
max; okay mrs
mr wing; hello maxxet
max; hello sir
we meet again hahahahahaha..
mr wing; sit
max; -sits-
i can’t believe it ! he told me to sit! after that he looked at me with doubt and sighed
mr wing; ummmm...
max; detention sir?
mr wing; yes yes, maxxet
max; yes.
mr wing; i would like to let u go to break
realy?! this is great, let me go then
mr wing; but i won’t, i have to leave my sandwich for later, murre i would like to see u as a sensible young lad
oh ok...
mr wing; but i can’t, let me show u the way, FRIEND?
are u jokig? is wat i thought, i am totaly not gonna be friends with the teacher or a HEAD! everyone will think i am a joke, weird and teacher's pet!
mr wing; -puts out hand to confirm friend, but only if i shake it- so what d'you say?
max; umm...
the bell rang, i was actually SAVED by the bell!
max; sorry got to go
i left him with a hanging hand oooops
next was re with mrs humble. huuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm....
mrs humble; settle down class
she called out the register and she told us cool stuff like..
mrs humble; in roman history..
rodger; mrs humble we are taking RE!
mrs humble; i know! it is related to re anyway as i was saying... people would have many children and if they got hungry and had no food, they would cook the youngest girl...
girls; nooo?!
boy; nice!
manda; wat if there are only boys?
girls; yeah!
mrs humble; they would get the youngest child
gross boy(liam); how?
mrs humble; first beat them so the meat is chewy then cut the skin of even if the child is still alive..
well u don’t want to hear more of that
we walked to history
mr haddle; come in class
all sat except me, there is poo on my seat
mr haddle; murre sit!
max; can’t sir
mr haddle; why?
max;i hav poo...
mr haddle; murre! not ur stupid nonsense again, no sit!
max; but..
mr haddle; -comes up to me and pushes me down- see better!
max; yeah
i kew it was george and i had to get him!
mr haddle; so class lets sta...
max; -stands up- sir there is poo on MY seat!
mr haddle saw it and sent me to the office to change they had no spare trousers i wonder why but then PINCH FACE said he has a pair i wore them but sadly it smelt BAD i mean real bad like sweaty foot ballers
max; this stinks!
mr haddle; wat? Can’t u be grateful
max; no not to him and also have u ever washed this?
george; no -wisters to me-
i went around stinking people looked at me with "have U ever washed" look
lunch was ok till george came
george; hi lil, pete, maxxet
pete; wat do u want?
george; i wan...
max; -pushes george- i hate u -kicks him-
george is a tuff head and he aimed to head, but trying to end the fight was in vain for me, so i dodged and ran
lil; boys are so stupid
we fought, punched, kicked and finally george ended it with a big fat head in my head. i was knocked out.
mr wing; wat hav u done?
george; sir, i, he started it
lil and pete; -run up to me-
lil; max r u ok
finniue; cant u see he is dead
lil; dead?
mr wing; no unconscious tell mrs donnals to call the ambullance
and that was it i died and never woke up. i dont know wat happened next cause i was dead.
mum; oh darling please wake up
my eyes were opening, i was alive
mum; he is alive! come on u can do it!!!
dad; wake up my strong boy!
max; mum? dad? where am i?
dad; hospital
mum; everyone has been sick worried!
max; even pinch head?
mum; who?
max; don’t worry. how long have i been dead?
dad; son. u were in a coma
max; yeah, so how long?
lil; 2 years
max; lil! pete! ur here wait we are not friends anymore u have made new ones?
pete; yeah, we are in year 9 now
max; oh
lil; and u have to go through year 7 AGAIN
max; oh y did u come?
lil; the class has come so it’s not so like.... hahahaha!
max; what
pete; u were only asleep 5 days
max; yes! so we haven’t drifted apart! mum y didnt u say something?
mum; just a joke hun
lil; and u should of seen ur face!
well my story ends as a happy ending and i hope u enjoyed it and also school after that was great! mr haddle got fired for taking drugs and well, I and george became friends, but trust me i ain’t gonna be besties with him!
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