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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Fantasy / Dreams / Wishes
- Published: 08/23/2012
I sat on the plastic blue chair tapping my fingers in a rhythm on the table in front of me. My other fingers had parted their way through my long brown hair and my head rested on the hand as I let my mind take me to where it wanted to go. I let out a sigh letting anyone who could hear that I was bored. I was in the middle of a French lesson and like any other it was long, boring, and pointless. If there’s one thing to know about me it’s that I am rubbish when it comes to languages! I already know English, why do I have to learn another? I don’t plan on leaving Britain or getting a job that concerns these skills.
I felt a nudge in my side taking me away from my thoughts and looking up I saw my best friend Katie smirking down at me. “What?” I asked in an unpleasant tone. Another thing you should know about me is that I hate being disturbed, no matter who you are or what you want I won’t be pleased.
“Dylan.” She whispered so no one else to could hear. You know what, I take back what I previously said. Dylan is my only exception. I looked up to the front of the classroom where I noticed the sweetest, most beautiful boy standing talking to the teacher. How did I not notice him make his way into the room? I stare admiringly at Dylan and I wouldn’t be surprised if I started drooling any minute. Of course I was higher class than that and I wouldn’t start drooling, I hope. I felt another nudge in my side and groaning I looked back up to my annoying best friend, but let’s just say ‘one of a kind’ for now.
“Close your mouth.” Katie joked. Yeah, Katie thinks herself as a bit of a comedian, as I had said before she’s one of a kind. I rolled my eyes and looked back towards Dylan who was now leaving the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. I found myself drifting away back in my thoughts as the teacher started talking again. Do I look interested? No, now please stop.
Luckily I was saved from the bell and I jumped up from my seat as fast as possible shoving everything into my bag and hanging it loosely on my shoulders waiting eagerly to be dismissed.
“Hold your horses Becky.” Mr Harris laughed. “No need to rush, I don’t bite.” No you’re not at all funny sir, I thought to myself as I laughed awkwardly at his un-funny joke. If you were inside my head you’d think I was quite mean, but the truth is I would never say half the things I think and I may just seem like that innocent child everyone takes me for until they get to know me.
We were eventually dismissed after being held up five minutes after the bell as he decided to remind us about our French essay. It was a complete waste of five minutes even to the students who enjoyed school, but I wasn’t even planning on doing the essay so I had just lost five minutes of my life listening to nonsense I was going to forget by the next five.
I ran down the halls and out the school doors being hit by a fresh breeze. I let out a deep breath happy to finally be out of the death trap.
“Becks!” Katie called after me and I waited for her to catch up.
“About time.” I spoke as she hooked onto my arm ready to leave this school for the next two weeks!
We walked down the streets heading away from the school and over to the bus stop. Most people had already gone off home and only a bunch of students waiting around for afterschool clubs and that stuff were still hanging around nearby.
“You know I’m actually going to miss not being here for two weeks.” I stated.
“Because you won’t see Dylan?” She asked.
“I’m sure you’ll see him sometime in the holiday.”
“I doubt it, unless he hits his head and Toby convinces him they’re best mates.” I said receiving a laugh from Katie.
Toby was my brother - step brother. He was the snobbiest boy I had ever met and unfortunately I had to share my house with him. No one really liked him. he only had one friend, Jack, who was just as stuck up as him. I’m not saying it's bad having one friend, because Katie’s my only friend, at least only true friend, but I do mean everyone hates him, literally. He’s just so rude, stuck up, bossy and just like his father. I guess they mean it when they say it. Like father like son.
“You’re so mean about him.”
“You know what he’s like Kat.” I stated. Kat was Katie’s nickname due to our shared love of cats and it was just so much easier than her full name. “He only wishes to be friends with someone as great as Dylan.”
I eventually arrived home 20 minutes later, dropping onto the sofa and throwing my bag beside me, which was soon picked up by my unfortunate stepdad, Steve.
“I want you to go to your room and dress nicely.” He ordered me. “My parents are coming by later for dinner and I want you looking presentable or not there at all.”
I scoffed, getting up from the couch. “I choose not at all.” And with that I snatched my bag from his grip and started making my way to my room ignoring everything Steve was saying and locking the door behind me.
Why did mum marry the man? Oh, that’s right, he was rich. Other than very rich he was also extremely stuck up, ignorant, and need I go on? I think you’ve got my point. I highly doubt mum even likes the man, at least not anymore, but after my father died mum and I were broke and in need of a home just as much as mum believed I was in need of a father. Maybe I was in need of a father, it’s not easy for a young girl to grow up without a dad, but Steve isn’t at all much of a father to me, he treats me more like a slave than anything, while he’s faithful to my mum, which I guess is just to make her stay. Toby was also in need of a mother. Steve’s ex wife wasn’t much of a wife at all but a gold digger, she stayed around for Toby, most the time, but when she wasn’t she would be getting it on with just about every other man in sight. Did Steve and Toby know this? Not at the time as far as I’m aware. I don’t think Steve realised what his so called darling wife was doing in her spare time till he came home from work and found a goodbye message from her saying she’d gone off with another man, whose name she never mentioned and her last words were ‘This really is goodbye, I’m never coming back’. And that in fact was true, Toby never saw his mother again.
I guess I got to feel bad for the boy, I mean his mother ran off with another man leaving him at the age of five. Yeah, my dad is gone but that wasn’t his choice, he died in a car accident when I was seven, words couldn’t describe how bad I’d feel knowing my father just left my mum and I because we obviously weren’t good enough for her. But that doesn’t clear my hatred for either Steve or Toby. they are still the worst creatures to step foot on this planet. Anyway, I guess that’s just how they found each other, they were both looking for someone to be the other half in their child’s life. My mum was looking for a working man with money, one who had a child of his own. And Steve must have been looking for a loyal lady, one that can cook and clean, along with the bonus of being blessed with the stunning looks many forty year olds dream they still had so he’d have someone to show off, and stunning was my mum’s middle name. She may be forty-one but she could pass for ten years younger and was indeed very beautiful. I take it at first Steve must have treated her like the queen she is, but now not so much. but while he puts on the ‘nice’ husband act to my mum, and the proud father act to Toby, he’s forever treating me like floorboards he walks on.
“Honey.” I heard my mum’s voice say from the other side of the door. “Open up.”
I got up, opening the door for my mum.
“What do you want?” I sighed. I really didn’t want to be bothered right now, my excitement for the Easter holidays seemed to have died down.
“I wanted to make sure you were getting ready, which I can see you're not. Steve’s parents will be here in half an hour so get ready.”
“Steve has already given me the choice and I’m not dining with you tonight." I told my mum. “Tell Toby I said sorry for the disappointment.” I said adding a little sarcasm which could either lighten the mood, or make my mum a little annoyed.
Even though I was avoiding eye contact with my mum I could tell she was rolling her eyes at my sarcastic comment. “You’re eating with us downstairs. I’m not giving you the choice Becky.” She warned me. “Besides, Steve’s parents would want to see you.” That I must admit is a true fact. They loved me for some bizarre reason.
“Whatever.” I replied, shutting the door on her. Not normally something I’d do to my mum but right now I wasn’t in the best of moods thanks to Steve, and my mum clearly knew so she’ll probably let it slip and blame it on my ‘time of the month’ or something like that.
By the next half an hour I hadn’t changed, In fact I hadn’t done anything except lay down on my bed blasting music which I know Steve hated. I could hear him shout up to me telling me to ‘turn that nonsense down.’ Which I ignored completely as if I wasn’t the one he was shouting to.
Eventually I heard the doorbell ring followed by the voices of the cheerful grandparents, too cheerful if you ask me. Yeah, they were much, much better to Steve and Toby, but their happiness did annoy me. Why are they so happy all the time anyway?
Soon enough my mum was calling me down and I obeyed her calls showing up downstairs.
“I thought I told you to change.” Steve scolded looking at me in disgust.
I was still wearing the same worn out blue jeans and grey jumper I wore for mufti at school.
“I wanted you to make a good impression.” He spoke again.
“She’s fine Steve, let the girl be herself.” Charlie, Steve’s dad told him.
“We just want Becky to be herself around us.” Ellen, his mum added and came over giving me a hug and wet kiss on the cheek that I wiped away in disgust as soon as she did.
I don’t know why Steve tries to make me dress up nicely to make a good impression for his parent’s. Is he really that oblivious? His parents already love me, which I find a little weird seeing as they care more for me than they do Toby who is their own flesh and blood! I don’t see why they do, I guess it’s just the fact they always wanted a granddaughter which is something Steve, their only child had never produced himself so I was the closest thing to a granddaughter they got.
“Here you go dear.” Ellen said handing me a fifty-pound note. “Don’t spend it all at once.”
I smirked as I looked across the room to Toby who was glaring back at me. I take it they haven’t given him a single penny!
The night went on forever. I couldn’t bear being stuck in the same room as Steve and Toby any longer, so giving my mum the excuse of ‘I’m tired’ I made my way upstairs and went to bed seeing as I had nothing better to do.
Someone Else's Angel(A.C.W.)
I sat on the plastic blue chair tapping my fingers in a rhythm on the table in front of me. My other fingers had parted their way through my long brown hair and my head rested on the hand as I let my mind take me to where it wanted to go. I let out a sigh letting anyone who could hear that I was bored. I was in the middle of a French lesson and like any other it was long, boring, and pointless. If there’s one thing to know about me it’s that I am rubbish when it comes to languages! I already know English, why do I have to learn another? I don’t plan on leaving Britain or getting a job that concerns these skills.
I felt a nudge in my side taking me away from my thoughts and looking up I saw my best friend Katie smirking down at me. “What?” I asked in an unpleasant tone. Another thing you should know about me is that I hate being disturbed, no matter who you are or what you want I won’t be pleased.
“Dylan.” She whispered so no one else to could hear. You know what, I take back what I previously said. Dylan is my only exception. I looked up to the front of the classroom where I noticed the sweetest, most beautiful boy standing talking to the teacher. How did I not notice him make his way into the room? I stare admiringly at Dylan and I wouldn’t be surprised if I started drooling any minute. Of course I was higher class than that and I wouldn’t start drooling, I hope. I felt another nudge in my side and groaning I looked back up to my annoying best friend, but let’s just say ‘one of a kind’ for now.
“Close your mouth.” Katie joked. Yeah, Katie thinks herself as a bit of a comedian, as I had said before she’s one of a kind. I rolled my eyes and looked back towards Dylan who was now leaving the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. I found myself drifting away back in my thoughts as the teacher started talking again. Do I look interested? No, now please stop.
Luckily I was saved from the bell and I jumped up from my seat as fast as possible shoving everything into my bag and hanging it loosely on my shoulders waiting eagerly to be dismissed.
“Hold your horses Becky.” Mr Harris laughed. “No need to rush, I don’t bite.” No you’re not at all funny sir, I thought to myself as I laughed awkwardly at his un-funny joke. If you were inside my head you’d think I was quite mean, but the truth is I would never say half the things I think and I may just seem like that innocent child everyone takes me for until they get to know me.
We were eventually dismissed after being held up five minutes after the bell as he decided to remind us about our French essay. It was a complete waste of five minutes even to the students who enjoyed school, but I wasn’t even planning on doing the essay so I had just lost five minutes of my life listening to nonsense I was going to forget by the next five.
I ran down the halls and out the school doors being hit by a fresh breeze. I let out a deep breath happy to finally be out of the death trap.
“Becks!” Katie called after me and I waited for her to catch up.
“About time.” I spoke as she hooked onto my arm ready to leave this school for the next two weeks!
We walked down the streets heading away from the school and over to the bus stop. Most people had already gone off home and only a bunch of students waiting around for afterschool clubs and that stuff were still hanging around nearby.
“You know I’m actually going to miss not being here for two weeks.” I stated.
“Because you won’t see Dylan?” She asked.
“I’m sure you’ll see him sometime in the holiday.”
“I doubt it, unless he hits his head and Toby convinces him they’re best mates.” I said receiving a laugh from Katie.
Toby was my brother - step brother. He was the snobbiest boy I had ever met and unfortunately I had to share my house with him. No one really liked him. he only had one friend, Jack, who was just as stuck up as him. I’m not saying it's bad having one friend, because Katie’s my only friend, at least only true friend, but I do mean everyone hates him, literally. He’s just so rude, stuck up, bossy and just like his father. I guess they mean it when they say it. Like father like son.
“You’re so mean about him.”
“You know what he’s like Kat.” I stated. Kat was Katie’s nickname due to our shared love of cats and it was just so much easier than her full name. “He only wishes to be friends with someone as great as Dylan.”
I eventually arrived home 20 minutes later, dropping onto the sofa and throwing my bag beside me, which was soon picked up by my unfortunate stepdad, Steve.
“I want you to go to your room and dress nicely.” He ordered me. “My parents are coming by later for dinner and I want you looking presentable or not there at all.”
I scoffed, getting up from the couch. “I choose not at all.” And with that I snatched my bag from his grip and started making my way to my room ignoring everything Steve was saying and locking the door behind me.
Why did mum marry the man? Oh, that’s right, he was rich. Other than very rich he was also extremely stuck up, ignorant, and need I go on? I think you’ve got my point. I highly doubt mum even likes the man, at least not anymore, but after my father died mum and I were broke and in need of a home just as much as mum believed I was in need of a father. Maybe I was in need of a father, it’s not easy for a young girl to grow up without a dad, but Steve isn’t at all much of a father to me, he treats me more like a slave than anything, while he’s faithful to my mum, which I guess is just to make her stay. Toby was also in need of a mother. Steve’s ex wife wasn’t much of a wife at all but a gold digger, she stayed around for Toby, most the time, but when she wasn’t she would be getting it on with just about every other man in sight. Did Steve and Toby know this? Not at the time as far as I’m aware. I don’t think Steve realised what his so called darling wife was doing in her spare time till he came home from work and found a goodbye message from her saying she’d gone off with another man, whose name she never mentioned and her last words were ‘This really is goodbye, I’m never coming back’. And that in fact was true, Toby never saw his mother again.
I guess I got to feel bad for the boy, I mean his mother ran off with another man leaving him at the age of five. Yeah, my dad is gone but that wasn’t his choice, he died in a car accident when I was seven, words couldn’t describe how bad I’d feel knowing my father just left my mum and I because we obviously weren’t good enough for her. But that doesn’t clear my hatred for either Steve or Toby. they are still the worst creatures to step foot on this planet. Anyway, I guess that’s just how they found each other, they were both looking for someone to be the other half in their child’s life. My mum was looking for a working man with money, one who had a child of his own. And Steve must have been looking for a loyal lady, one that can cook and clean, along with the bonus of being blessed with the stunning looks many forty year olds dream they still had so he’d have someone to show off, and stunning was my mum’s middle name. She may be forty-one but she could pass for ten years younger and was indeed very beautiful. I take it at first Steve must have treated her like the queen she is, but now not so much. but while he puts on the ‘nice’ husband act to my mum, and the proud father act to Toby, he’s forever treating me like floorboards he walks on.
“Honey.” I heard my mum’s voice say from the other side of the door. “Open up.”
I got up, opening the door for my mum.
“What do you want?” I sighed. I really didn’t want to be bothered right now, my excitement for the Easter holidays seemed to have died down.
“I wanted to make sure you were getting ready, which I can see you're not. Steve’s parents will be here in half an hour so get ready.”
“Steve has already given me the choice and I’m not dining with you tonight." I told my mum. “Tell Toby I said sorry for the disappointment.” I said adding a little sarcasm which could either lighten the mood, or make my mum a little annoyed.
Even though I was avoiding eye contact with my mum I could tell she was rolling her eyes at my sarcastic comment. “You’re eating with us downstairs. I’m not giving you the choice Becky.” She warned me. “Besides, Steve’s parents would want to see you.” That I must admit is a true fact. They loved me for some bizarre reason.
“Whatever.” I replied, shutting the door on her. Not normally something I’d do to my mum but right now I wasn’t in the best of moods thanks to Steve, and my mum clearly knew so she’ll probably let it slip and blame it on my ‘time of the month’ or something like that.
By the next half an hour I hadn’t changed, In fact I hadn’t done anything except lay down on my bed blasting music which I know Steve hated. I could hear him shout up to me telling me to ‘turn that nonsense down.’ Which I ignored completely as if I wasn’t the one he was shouting to.
Eventually I heard the doorbell ring followed by the voices of the cheerful grandparents, too cheerful if you ask me. Yeah, they were much, much better to Steve and Toby, but their happiness did annoy me. Why are they so happy all the time anyway?
Soon enough my mum was calling me down and I obeyed her calls showing up downstairs.
“I thought I told you to change.” Steve scolded looking at me in disgust.
I was still wearing the same worn out blue jeans and grey jumper I wore for mufti at school.
“I wanted you to make a good impression.” He spoke again.
“She’s fine Steve, let the girl be herself.” Charlie, Steve’s dad told him.
“We just want Becky to be herself around us.” Ellen, his mum added and came over giving me a hug and wet kiss on the cheek that I wiped away in disgust as soon as she did.
I don’t know why Steve tries to make me dress up nicely to make a good impression for his parent’s. Is he really that oblivious? His parents already love me, which I find a little weird seeing as they care more for me than they do Toby who is their own flesh and blood! I don’t see why they do, I guess it’s just the fact they always wanted a granddaughter which is something Steve, their only child had never produced himself so I was the closest thing to a granddaughter they got.
“Here you go dear.” Ellen said handing me a fifty-pound note. “Don’t spend it all at once.”
I smirked as I looked across the room to Toby who was glaring back at me. I take it they haven’t given him a single penny!
The night went on forever. I couldn’t bear being stuck in the same room as Steve and Toby any longer, so giving my mum the excuse of ‘I’m tired’ I made my way upstairs and went to bed seeing as I had nothing better to do.
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