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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 08/23/2012
Born 1949, M, from Kashmir, IndiaHe decided to flee from the town and run off to some deserted place where there is no presence of humans. So he ventured out very far away from the town towards a dense jungle. He reached a hill and climbed to the top of it where he clambered over some slippery rocks, lost his footing and went rolling down and turning somersaults. When he came to rest at the base of the hill he discovered a dense jungle, presuming it spread out over a long area. He heaved a deep sigh. He inhaled the fresh air with long breaths. The feeling of security there made him forget all the weariness and exhaustion of the long travel and he overlooked the bruises and injuries sustained to his legs and arms while getting down the lofty mountain. He was finding and feeling himself safe. He was happy and relaxed. This was a great solace to him and it all offered him emotional comfort and mental tranquility.
It was the first time that he could think peacefully and freely. So the first thought which sprang up in his mind was about forests! He said to himself, “Forests bear the basis of our life; soil, water and fresh air!! Now it will be my place to live!”
The waves of gentle winds and sweet noise of gurgling stream sent him to sleep. He laid himself down on the carpet like green grass and soon he fell to snoring.
Soon his mind wandered to thoughts of his yes. His eyes were puzzling to him. He had gorgeous eyes! So fascinating that anyone, be that a guy or gal, old or young, would become mesmerized while encountering those eyes! They bore an angelic light and magnetic charm and would arrest the attention of people who would see them!
Ironically, it was that very awesomeness of his eyes which had created trouble for him.
There were bids on his life. Many times he escaped miraculously!
Actually, almost every woman coming across him would feel her heart captivated by his charming eyes and would be tempted! So jealousy would generate among the men folk, especially among the boyfriends and respective husbands of those women, and it put him at risk.
Amazingly, he had been named, Vision, and he was a competent ophthalmologist carrying big degrees and credentials with him! Threats to his life made him to move from one place to another. But wherever he would go, the same problems greeted him!
Sensing more attacks on his life, the situation forced him into shunning his business and treating patients. He was running for his life and changing hide-outs.
This running away and being on the run made him weary and tired. He was disturbed and so upset with his life. He developed hatred with his own cute eyes because these had virtually turned his enemies!!!
When he woke up, he felt fresh and decided to move ahead.
Again a big mountain came in his way which bared him to move ahead. It was a very high rocky mountain. He found it impossible to scale. The area around that mountain was full of bushes with glossy leaves and pink, red and white flowers. He did not stop there and looked for a way that could enable him to reach the other side of that lofty and slippery rocky mountain. That mountain was more hazardous than the rocks he had climbed earlier. His insight would tell him there would be a way to go on the other side of that mountain. He was searching for something which he himself did not know.
After making strenuous efforts and attempts to find a solution for headway he suddenly cried with excitement!!! He discovered a big hole at the bottom of the hill and was sure of it being a passage leading to the other side of the hill. But when he went closer to it and looked through it, he found it very risky. There was no light coming to this natural tunnel from anywhere and it seemed that no human had ever gone through it. But he decided, come what may, I have to pass through this tunnel!!!
Finally, with reciting the name of God, he stepped into the mouth of the tunnel. As soon as he walked a little forward inside the tunnel, the air was filled with a thunderous flutter of countless wings as the bats rested on the walls of the tunnel were disturbed, due to moment of human creature. As a consequence, the face and other parts of the body of Vision got bruised from the sharp edges of their wings. He felt some blood also oozing from his injuries. But it did not bar him to move ahead.
After covering some more distance he found the passage narrowing and it was difficult to step ahead. He felt suffocation in the tight space of the tunnel. But he was in no mood to back out from his decision of reaching the other end of the tunnel. “Come what may, I’ll bring this journey to conclusion!” He willed strongly.
Actually, he was held between the devil and the deep sea. Returning to any populace was as dangerous for him as moving further on in the dark and constricted tunnel, but he chose the possible death which might come in the adventure of finding the other end of the tunnel than to die from the hands of the envious!
He started crawling ahead with his resolve to defeat this arduous passage and discover the other end of the tunnel. Covering some more distance strenuously he saw a thin ray of light at a far away distance from him. He cried. He was so jubilant and excited that tears trickled down from his cheeks. He wept jubilantly. He accelerated his movement and began to move on his hands and knees speedily, dragging his body along the ground in the direction of the thin light.
When he came out of the last end of the tunnel he discovered a wondrous valley there. The enchanting beauty of the area held him spellbound. That was really a wonderland. More than a dozen streams were flowing in different directions. There the water was so pellucid as if the water itself were washed with water. Amazing sounds were emerging from the flowing water as if the tinkling anklets jangle of a dancer. It was all rhythmic and naturally orchestrated. The green grass all over looked like a green carpet stitched with emeralds.
It all was alluring, with dreamy mountains, romantic lakes and heavenly colorful flowers. He fell in love with this amazing land. The superb beauty of the land left him speechless. It was really a Shangri-La and he felt himself like being in the middle of heaven.
It was an amazing place nestled in a beautiful valley surrounded by lofty snow-clad mountains. It was a breathtaking beauty making a viewer spiritually salvaged! The meadows of flowers, vistas of snow capped mountains, green valley surrounded by dense forests with gurgling streams of pure and sweet water would leave anyone mesmerized. So was Vision!
He was exhausted, so he relaxed. It was the first time in his life that he was feeling so comfortable and peaceful. All the scenic beauty of that land and the feeling of security filled him with thrilling joy and sensations. He stretched his legs and slept free from any care and anxiety.
When he woke up, it was dusk. The night started to spurt across the sky like black ink dripped into a pool of clear water. Twinkling stars started surfacing like diamonds in the light. Then some patches of clouds flew from somewhere and covered these stars, so darkness enveloped the whole area. But he knew that if the stars were hidden from his view they were still there, shining for him just beyond the clouds.
Soon the clouds thinned and shining stars emerged again. In this atmosphere when he again looked at the scenic beauty of that environment he found it presenting new shades of beauty. In this mysterious land of magnificence he witnessed brilliance radiated from every bit and spot.
He wanted to take a bath so dived into a stream. Some water went inside his mouth and it was sweet. He gulped down plenty of water out of his hand. It had some delightful affects and Vision felt amazing strength and energy coming to his body. The water had some tranquil influences too.
He spent many days there. He had no problem of food because the sweet and delicious fruits were in abundance there on the trees spread all over the area. The climate was moderate. He witnessed significant moments of wildlife in the nearby jungle. There was abundant wildlife there. He was visited nightly by a family of musk deer. It was pleasing for him to see deer, stag, Hangeul, yolk and fox. There were moments of lions, tigers, wolves and bears also but none of these beasts harmed him! They walked right up to him while he was eating.
But after spending a few weeks in a routine and schedule he felt bored one day. He wanted some change. Loneliness is a torture. It was not liked even by Adam, although he was in heaven. Everything was available to him there besides the company of angels. But in spite of all the facilities available in the heaven, he was cheerless and gloomy because he felt lonely. Not even the heavenly nymphs were enough to console him. He wanted a companion of his species. It is God only who is One and Alone. No else in creatures desire for it.
So Vision wanted to explore new places of that land.
On a full moon night he decided to go beyond the jungle. When he reached inside the jungle he surprisingly witnessed the movements of a totally nude woman. In his first reaction he tried to hide himself after observing the new creature because of the threat perception that had conditioned him in his town, but then some thought stroked him and he went nearer to that nude woman. The nude woman turned no attention to him. It astonished Vision because it happened for the first time in his life that anyone ignored his presence. He moved closer to the nude woman. But still the nude woman did not turn her face towards him and continued her walking. It made Vision terribly curious. He thought the nude woman blind and that proved true afterwards when Vision looked towards her eyes keenly. Being a specialist in ophthalmologist he could determine that the nude woman had no sight. But simultaneously he was happy that there was presence of populace in that area somewhere.
Vision pursued the nude woman. It was a tough track that was taken by the nude woman and Vision followed her silently. It was a hilly area densely covered by trees and there was abundance of herbal plants spread along the whole forest. Then the nude woman walked down through a slope till she reached the bottom of another hill. The next hill he encountered was like a beautiful hanging garden with more beautiful scenic beauty ahead of it. The hill was like a big orchard with different varieties of fruits. The hill was so green, as if a silken green carpet was pasted on it with tremendous craft and art.
Vision was surprised to discover that the hill was dotted by a huge nude population and they were extremely peaceful. No one seemed clothed. They were busy in different things. Some people seemed in sleep, some were eating fruits, some loving each other, some strolling, some playing with each other, but just a little number of them talking. His surprise doubled when he discovered them all without sight.
No one in the people there noticed that some stranger or a foreigner has sneaked into their land. Vision started watching the movements of these people and their life style. He found them contented and happy. The people there were healthy and robust. But their language and accent were a little different than that of Vision. He particularly watched constantly over the blind girl he first saw in the jungle. She was so beautiful! The Vision began to love her.
One day, when that blind girl began to walk towards the jungle again, Vision followed her without making her conscious about his presence. When the girl moved far away from her habitat, the Vision came in her way. While stepping ahead she unknowingly got stroked by Vision. She was a bit perturbed.
“hoo……u?” She asked Vision.
“Man!” Vision responded.
“Collecting…fruit?” She enquired.
“No”. Vision replied.
“Den….doing wat?” She asked.
“Just watching you and gazing at you!” The Vision said jokingly.
She giggled, “Watching? Gazing!? Wat mean dat?”
“You are beautiful!”
“Beautiful!? Wat beautiful?”
“I love you!”
She again giggled, “Nice!”
“Let us sit and talk!”
They both sat down on the green carpet-like grass there.
“I haven’t seen such a green carpet-like grass throughout my life!”
“Seen!? Green grass!? I can’t understand ur words! R u not from dis land?”
“Oh! Hoo u r?” She was again a bit disturbed and she stood up, “I move!”.
“No, you sit down. I wish to talk to you. I’ll not harm you. I love you”.
She started to feel his body by moving her hand on him. Then she sat down again and asked the Vision, “U r from?”
“Where is de earth?”
“On the other side of the hill”. The Vision cut short his reply keeping her blindness in view.
“Wat ur name?”
“O, Vjon!”
“Yes. What is your name?”
“Do you love me?”
She again giggled and abruptly stood up and before running away said, “U lovely!”
Vision smiled, stretched his legs and yawned and said in soliloquy, “Hathai! I love you!” Then he again smiled and cried in full pitch, “Hathai, I love you!” His voice echoed in the vastness of the jungle; it reverberated with the hills and came back.
Then the days of Vision passed peacefully there. Life went on joyfully. He was so happy there. The habitants were now acquainted with him. They took him as an angel. Vision married the Hathai.
People of that land were totally unaware about the rest of the world. But they were very peaceful, comfortable, happy and delighted. They lived on the fruit which was in abundance there. That area was also very rich in other natural resources. Since the people had no sight so they knew nothing about the concepts of beauty and charm. They did not know what light meant. Everyone loved another human there. If a beautiful woman had an ugly husband even then she loved him dedicatedly because she did not know what beauty meant. There were no crimes. Anyone feeling hunger would go to any tree and eat fresh and delicious fruits. There were no thefts because no one stocked or hoarded. Since they had no light so there was no jealousy among them; neither enmity nor greed. They lived in the hollow roots of big trees so no race or competition for constructions.
The ophthalmologist was the lone person having light. When he talked to them, his notes would generate interest among them and they would enjoy listening to him. He would talk of beauty, light, colors, stars, moon, sun, rainbows, etc. while these things were unknown to them. They would ask him what those things mean.
One day the ophthalmologist thought that, I owe many things to these people. They loved me and gave me all regards. It is the first time in my life that I have felt solace anywhere. These people are angels. No crime is here. All live peacefully. No thefts, no rapes, no killings, no fighting is here. I should do something for them. I should try for their light. How wonderful it would it be if these people get light and see the beauty of this world!
He worked day and night. Then he saw a ray of hope. An idea struck him that if the eyes of dogs were transplanted to them, maybe light would return to them. But he needed tools. It was not easy to go to his town and get the tools. It was almost impossible.
He thought on it. Going back to his town was so tough that it could cost his life. But he decided to go and get the requisite paraphernalia for transplantation experiment. He remembered the words of his teacher who had taught him in medical college that the highest cadre of a man is to attain the status of humane. He said to himself that it is no life to live just for eating, sleeping and having sex. If it is the meaning of life then animals are preferable to live than me. My life should have a mission. I should be meant to serve not only the humans but other creatures also.
These thoughts filled him with fresh energy and enthusiasm. He left this place but his eyes moistened while saying good bye to his wife. He loved her so much and loved this place also. He was not sure he could come back. But he wanted to try. He wanted to attempt it. His wife too loved him so much. Her eyes too became watery when he left. He had briefed his wife about his mission. Although she was not able to understand his meaning of giving light to their eyes because she had no concept of such a thing and had not even heard about that, but thought her husband wanted to do some good work.
Finally, taking up the toughest and very risky journey, he succeeded to get the requisite paraphernalia to this place. But this journey caused many deep scars on his face and other parts of his body and he suffered blood loss. His wife, while feeling some thick moisture on the face and other parts of her husband, gathered that he was wounded and his voice sounded like he had developed physical weakness. She got some herbs and treated his wounds with them and also got some singular type of wild fruits and asked her husband to eat them. These things surprisingly gave strength to the ophthalmologist and he quickly recuperated and his wounds were healed.
The ophthalmologist started on working his experiment. He extracted each eye from two dogs and transplanted them to his wife. His experiment succeeded. His wife got the light. She could see. When she saw the wonders of light and new things appeared before her, she became mad with joy. She danced, she cried, she wept, she laughed and she hugged everyone coming in her way.
The ophthalmologist continued working on his experiment. He extracted one eye from each dog and transplanted them to the people there. Everyone got light. All of them were engulfed with the same situation of joy and thrill as was his wife. The whole populace got light.
But now there started trouble. Confusions generated. Problems gave rise. Disturbances became the routine of the day. A beautiful woman finding her husband hideous began to hate him and fell in love with another handsome guy. One man finding alone a beautiful girl in the jungle raped her. Nudity became a risk and women unsafe, so woman started covering their bodies with thick and long leaves of some special trees. They would run seeing the men naked, so the guys too began to wear the long thick leaves of trees. People began to stock their food items, so lethargic guys found it easier to steel these things instead of undertaking a long journey into the jungle to collect it from trees. So thefts started there. People started to decorate their caves, so race of competition started. Men and women began to lure opposite sex through different means, so jealousy developed.
All these things made everyone there insecure. Fighting became a routine. Everyone there was disturbed. This peaceful land became a disturbed area.
When the situation there assumed alarming dimensions and fear engulfed the land, the elders convened a meeting and deliberated as to why this land of peace became a place of fright. They all arrived at this conclusion, that someone who was an outsider came here and gave something in our eyes which became the root cause of instability and trouble here. So they decided that this foreigner should be punished for generating crimes in the land through his ‘light’. Finally the penalty fixed was to take the eyes of this ophthalmologist out of his body. And the decision was carried out!
So everyone in that land had sight, but the ophthalmologist alone was blind!
Eyes!(Nazir Jahangir)
He decided to flee from the town and run off to some deserted place where there is no presence of humans. So he ventured out very far away from the town towards a dense jungle. He reached a hill and climbed to the top of it where he clambered over some slippery rocks, lost his footing and went rolling down and turning somersaults. When he came to rest at the base of the hill he discovered a dense jungle, presuming it spread out over a long area. He heaved a deep sigh. He inhaled the fresh air with long breaths. The feeling of security there made him forget all the weariness and exhaustion of the long travel and he overlooked the bruises and injuries sustained to his legs and arms while getting down the lofty mountain. He was finding and feeling himself safe. He was happy and relaxed. This was a great solace to him and it all offered him emotional comfort and mental tranquility.
It was the first time that he could think peacefully and freely. So the first thought which sprang up in his mind was about forests! He said to himself, “Forests bear the basis of our life; soil, water and fresh air!! Now it will be my place to live!”
The waves of gentle winds and sweet noise of gurgling stream sent him to sleep. He laid himself down on the carpet like green grass and soon he fell to snoring.
Soon his mind wandered to thoughts of his yes. His eyes were puzzling to him. He had gorgeous eyes! So fascinating that anyone, be that a guy or gal, old or young, would become mesmerized while encountering those eyes! They bore an angelic light and magnetic charm and would arrest the attention of people who would see them!
Ironically, it was that very awesomeness of his eyes which had created trouble for him.
There were bids on his life. Many times he escaped miraculously!
Actually, almost every woman coming across him would feel her heart captivated by his charming eyes and would be tempted! So jealousy would generate among the men folk, especially among the boyfriends and respective husbands of those women, and it put him at risk.
Amazingly, he had been named, Vision, and he was a competent ophthalmologist carrying big degrees and credentials with him! Threats to his life made him to move from one place to another. But wherever he would go, the same problems greeted him!
Sensing more attacks on his life, the situation forced him into shunning his business and treating patients. He was running for his life and changing hide-outs.
This running away and being on the run made him weary and tired. He was disturbed and so upset with his life. He developed hatred with his own cute eyes because these had virtually turned his enemies!!!
When he woke up, he felt fresh and decided to move ahead.
Again a big mountain came in his way which bared him to move ahead. It was a very high rocky mountain. He found it impossible to scale. The area around that mountain was full of bushes with glossy leaves and pink, red and white flowers. He did not stop there and looked for a way that could enable him to reach the other side of that lofty and slippery rocky mountain. That mountain was more hazardous than the rocks he had climbed earlier. His insight would tell him there would be a way to go on the other side of that mountain. He was searching for something which he himself did not know.
After making strenuous efforts and attempts to find a solution for headway he suddenly cried with excitement!!! He discovered a big hole at the bottom of the hill and was sure of it being a passage leading to the other side of the hill. But when he went closer to it and looked through it, he found it very risky. There was no light coming to this natural tunnel from anywhere and it seemed that no human had ever gone through it. But he decided, come what may, I have to pass through this tunnel!!!
Finally, with reciting the name of God, he stepped into the mouth of the tunnel. As soon as he walked a little forward inside the tunnel, the air was filled with a thunderous flutter of countless wings as the bats rested on the walls of the tunnel were disturbed, due to moment of human creature. As a consequence, the face and other parts of the body of Vision got bruised from the sharp edges of their wings. He felt some blood also oozing from his injuries. But it did not bar him to move ahead.
After covering some more distance he found the passage narrowing and it was difficult to step ahead. He felt suffocation in the tight space of the tunnel. But he was in no mood to back out from his decision of reaching the other end of the tunnel. “Come what may, I’ll bring this journey to conclusion!” He willed strongly.
Actually, he was held between the devil and the deep sea. Returning to any populace was as dangerous for him as moving further on in the dark and constricted tunnel, but he chose the possible death which might come in the adventure of finding the other end of the tunnel than to die from the hands of the envious!
He started crawling ahead with his resolve to defeat this arduous passage and discover the other end of the tunnel. Covering some more distance strenuously he saw a thin ray of light at a far away distance from him. He cried. He was so jubilant and excited that tears trickled down from his cheeks. He wept jubilantly. He accelerated his movement and began to move on his hands and knees speedily, dragging his body along the ground in the direction of the thin light.
When he came out of the last end of the tunnel he discovered a wondrous valley there. The enchanting beauty of the area held him spellbound. That was really a wonderland. More than a dozen streams were flowing in different directions. There the water was so pellucid as if the water itself were washed with water. Amazing sounds were emerging from the flowing water as if the tinkling anklets jangle of a dancer. It was all rhythmic and naturally orchestrated. The green grass all over looked like a green carpet stitched with emeralds.
It all was alluring, with dreamy mountains, romantic lakes and heavenly colorful flowers. He fell in love with this amazing land. The superb beauty of the land left him speechless. It was really a Shangri-La and he felt himself like being in the middle of heaven.
It was an amazing place nestled in a beautiful valley surrounded by lofty snow-clad mountains. It was a breathtaking beauty making a viewer spiritually salvaged! The meadows of flowers, vistas of snow capped mountains, green valley surrounded by dense forests with gurgling streams of pure and sweet water would leave anyone mesmerized. So was Vision!
He was exhausted, so he relaxed. It was the first time in his life that he was feeling so comfortable and peaceful. All the scenic beauty of that land and the feeling of security filled him with thrilling joy and sensations. He stretched his legs and slept free from any care and anxiety.
When he woke up, it was dusk. The night started to spurt across the sky like black ink dripped into a pool of clear water. Twinkling stars started surfacing like diamonds in the light. Then some patches of clouds flew from somewhere and covered these stars, so darkness enveloped the whole area. But he knew that if the stars were hidden from his view they were still there, shining for him just beyond the clouds.
Soon the clouds thinned and shining stars emerged again. In this atmosphere when he again looked at the scenic beauty of that environment he found it presenting new shades of beauty. In this mysterious land of magnificence he witnessed brilliance radiated from every bit and spot.
He wanted to take a bath so dived into a stream. Some water went inside his mouth and it was sweet. He gulped down plenty of water out of his hand. It had some delightful affects and Vision felt amazing strength and energy coming to his body. The water had some tranquil influences too.
He spent many days there. He had no problem of food because the sweet and delicious fruits were in abundance there on the trees spread all over the area. The climate was moderate. He witnessed significant moments of wildlife in the nearby jungle. There was abundant wildlife there. He was visited nightly by a family of musk deer. It was pleasing for him to see deer, stag, Hangeul, yolk and fox. There were moments of lions, tigers, wolves and bears also but none of these beasts harmed him! They walked right up to him while he was eating.
But after spending a few weeks in a routine and schedule he felt bored one day. He wanted some change. Loneliness is a torture. It was not liked even by Adam, although he was in heaven. Everything was available to him there besides the company of angels. But in spite of all the facilities available in the heaven, he was cheerless and gloomy because he felt lonely. Not even the heavenly nymphs were enough to console him. He wanted a companion of his species. It is God only who is One and Alone. No else in creatures desire for it.
So Vision wanted to explore new places of that land.
On a full moon night he decided to go beyond the jungle. When he reached inside the jungle he surprisingly witnessed the movements of a totally nude woman. In his first reaction he tried to hide himself after observing the new creature because of the threat perception that had conditioned him in his town, but then some thought stroked him and he went nearer to that nude woman. The nude woman turned no attention to him. It astonished Vision because it happened for the first time in his life that anyone ignored his presence. He moved closer to the nude woman. But still the nude woman did not turn her face towards him and continued her walking. It made Vision terribly curious. He thought the nude woman blind and that proved true afterwards when Vision looked towards her eyes keenly. Being a specialist in ophthalmologist he could determine that the nude woman had no sight. But simultaneously he was happy that there was presence of populace in that area somewhere.
Vision pursued the nude woman. It was a tough track that was taken by the nude woman and Vision followed her silently. It was a hilly area densely covered by trees and there was abundance of herbal plants spread along the whole forest. Then the nude woman walked down through a slope till she reached the bottom of another hill. The next hill he encountered was like a beautiful hanging garden with more beautiful scenic beauty ahead of it. The hill was like a big orchard with different varieties of fruits. The hill was so green, as if a silken green carpet was pasted on it with tremendous craft and art.
Vision was surprised to discover that the hill was dotted by a huge nude population and they were extremely peaceful. No one seemed clothed. They were busy in different things. Some people seemed in sleep, some were eating fruits, some loving each other, some strolling, some playing with each other, but just a little number of them talking. His surprise doubled when he discovered them all without sight.
No one in the people there noticed that some stranger or a foreigner has sneaked into their land. Vision started watching the movements of these people and their life style. He found them contented and happy. The people there were healthy and robust. But their language and accent were a little different than that of Vision. He particularly watched constantly over the blind girl he first saw in the jungle. She was so beautiful! The Vision began to love her.
One day, when that blind girl began to walk towards the jungle again, Vision followed her without making her conscious about his presence. When the girl moved far away from her habitat, the Vision came in her way. While stepping ahead she unknowingly got stroked by Vision. She was a bit perturbed.
“hoo……u?” She asked Vision.
“Man!” Vision responded.
“Collecting…fruit?” She enquired.
“No”. Vision replied.
“Den….doing wat?” She asked.
“Just watching you and gazing at you!” The Vision said jokingly.
She giggled, “Watching? Gazing!? Wat mean dat?”
“You are beautiful!”
“Beautiful!? Wat beautiful?”
“I love you!”
She again giggled, “Nice!”
“Let us sit and talk!”
They both sat down on the green carpet-like grass there.
“I haven’t seen such a green carpet-like grass throughout my life!”
“Seen!? Green grass!? I can’t understand ur words! R u not from dis land?”
“Oh! Hoo u r?” She was again a bit disturbed and she stood up, “I move!”.
“No, you sit down. I wish to talk to you. I’ll not harm you. I love you”.
She started to feel his body by moving her hand on him. Then she sat down again and asked the Vision, “U r from?”
“Where is de earth?”
“On the other side of the hill”. The Vision cut short his reply keeping her blindness in view.
“Wat ur name?”
“O, Vjon!”
“Yes. What is your name?”
“Do you love me?”
She again giggled and abruptly stood up and before running away said, “U lovely!”
Vision smiled, stretched his legs and yawned and said in soliloquy, “Hathai! I love you!” Then he again smiled and cried in full pitch, “Hathai, I love you!” His voice echoed in the vastness of the jungle; it reverberated with the hills and came back.
Then the days of Vision passed peacefully there. Life went on joyfully. He was so happy there. The habitants were now acquainted with him. They took him as an angel. Vision married the Hathai.
People of that land were totally unaware about the rest of the world. But they were very peaceful, comfortable, happy and delighted. They lived on the fruit which was in abundance there. That area was also very rich in other natural resources. Since the people had no sight so they knew nothing about the concepts of beauty and charm. They did not know what light meant. Everyone loved another human there. If a beautiful woman had an ugly husband even then she loved him dedicatedly because she did not know what beauty meant. There were no crimes. Anyone feeling hunger would go to any tree and eat fresh and delicious fruits. There were no thefts because no one stocked or hoarded. Since they had no light so there was no jealousy among them; neither enmity nor greed. They lived in the hollow roots of big trees so no race or competition for constructions.
The ophthalmologist was the lone person having light. When he talked to them, his notes would generate interest among them and they would enjoy listening to him. He would talk of beauty, light, colors, stars, moon, sun, rainbows, etc. while these things were unknown to them. They would ask him what those things mean.
One day the ophthalmologist thought that, I owe many things to these people. They loved me and gave me all regards. It is the first time in my life that I have felt solace anywhere. These people are angels. No crime is here. All live peacefully. No thefts, no rapes, no killings, no fighting is here. I should do something for them. I should try for their light. How wonderful it would it be if these people get light and see the beauty of this world!
He worked day and night. Then he saw a ray of hope. An idea struck him that if the eyes of dogs were transplanted to them, maybe light would return to them. But he needed tools. It was not easy to go to his town and get the tools. It was almost impossible.
He thought on it. Going back to his town was so tough that it could cost his life. But he decided to go and get the requisite paraphernalia for transplantation experiment. He remembered the words of his teacher who had taught him in medical college that the highest cadre of a man is to attain the status of humane. He said to himself that it is no life to live just for eating, sleeping and having sex. If it is the meaning of life then animals are preferable to live than me. My life should have a mission. I should be meant to serve not only the humans but other creatures also.
These thoughts filled him with fresh energy and enthusiasm. He left this place but his eyes moistened while saying good bye to his wife. He loved her so much and loved this place also. He was not sure he could come back. But he wanted to try. He wanted to attempt it. His wife too loved him so much. Her eyes too became watery when he left. He had briefed his wife about his mission. Although she was not able to understand his meaning of giving light to their eyes because she had no concept of such a thing and had not even heard about that, but thought her husband wanted to do some good work.
Finally, taking up the toughest and very risky journey, he succeeded to get the requisite paraphernalia to this place. But this journey caused many deep scars on his face and other parts of his body and he suffered blood loss. His wife, while feeling some thick moisture on the face and other parts of her husband, gathered that he was wounded and his voice sounded like he had developed physical weakness. She got some herbs and treated his wounds with them and also got some singular type of wild fruits and asked her husband to eat them. These things surprisingly gave strength to the ophthalmologist and he quickly recuperated and his wounds were healed.
The ophthalmologist started on working his experiment. He extracted each eye from two dogs and transplanted them to his wife. His experiment succeeded. His wife got the light. She could see. When she saw the wonders of light and new things appeared before her, she became mad with joy. She danced, she cried, she wept, she laughed and she hugged everyone coming in her way.
The ophthalmologist continued working on his experiment. He extracted one eye from each dog and transplanted them to the people there. Everyone got light. All of them were engulfed with the same situation of joy and thrill as was his wife. The whole populace got light.
But now there started trouble. Confusions generated. Problems gave rise. Disturbances became the routine of the day. A beautiful woman finding her husband hideous began to hate him and fell in love with another handsome guy. One man finding alone a beautiful girl in the jungle raped her. Nudity became a risk and women unsafe, so woman started covering their bodies with thick and long leaves of some special trees. They would run seeing the men naked, so the guys too began to wear the long thick leaves of trees. People began to stock their food items, so lethargic guys found it easier to steel these things instead of undertaking a long journey into the jungle to collect it from trees. So thefts started there. People started to decorate their caves, so race of competition started. Men and women began to lure opposite sex through different means, so jealousy developed.
All these things made everyone there insecure. Fighting became a routine. Everyone there was disturbed. This peaceful land became a disturbed area.
When the situation there assumed alarming dimensions and fear engulfed the land, the elders convened a meeting and deliberated as to why this land of peace became a place of fright. They all arrived at this conclusion, that someone who was an outsider came here and gave something in our eyes which became the root cause of instability and trouble here. So they decided that this foreigner should be punished for generating crimes in the land through his ‘light’. Finally the penalty fixed was to take the eyes of this ophthalmologist out of his body. And the decision was carried out!
So everyone in that land had sight, but the ophthalmologist alone was blind!
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