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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 09/13/2012
Thomas' Friend
Born 1988, M, from Fort Bragg, NC, United StatesThomas’ Friend by Joseph Davoust
Nearby and yet located in a place impossible for any human to reach, the being’s orb came to an abrupt stop. It had reached its destination and now had only to wait for its designated host to come into existence.
To say that the being waited is to be grossly inaccurate and is only written this way because our language lacks the proper term to describe what was actually taking place. You see the being did not experience time in the same way that a human does. What we would think of as a matter of months passed for the creature as quickly as a falling star in the night sky. The being, which one moment sat in its orb passing the time, was instantaneously and quite silently pulled from the unreachable plane of existence and relocated to our area of space and, in fact, to our very planet.
The young woman awoke suddenly. She had been pregnant more than three months already and yet still found herself unable to get a full night’s sleep. She had not yet grown accustom to the abnormal feelings that come along with carrying an unborn child. It was all still very new to her. Of course there was no way for her to know that the moment before she awoke something amazing had happened inside of her womb. Just then the grouping of cells in the uppermost portion of her child’s developing body formed into what could be recognized as a human brain. The first spark of cognizant life had just brought the fetus into its very first stage of intelligent existence.
There was no way the young woman could have known the gender of her unborn child yet she could feel that it would be a boy. Therefore she had already picked out a name. She realized that there was only one name that she could bestow upon her son. Thomas was born a little over five months later.
From the very beginning of his life Thomas showed signs of being slightly different than most children. As an infant he rarely made a sound, even when he was hungry or tired and his unusual silence lasted throughout his life. His mother always found it very difficult to communicate with him. Working two jobs to try to support herself and her son, his mother had very little time to build a strong relationship with her son. Thomas’ father had never been in the picture and in fact was nowhere to be found.
In school Thomas found it difficult to make friends and could only be described as a “socially awkward” young man. It was not that he was slow or handicapped and in fact was thought of by all of his teachers as being one of the more intelligent students. But his unwillingness to talk to anybody was apparent to everyone around him. He refused to speak unless he absolutely had to.
These issues became even worse as Thomas reached his teenage years. He grew more distant from his family and classmates and even his grades began to slip until he was barely passing his high school classes. Nobody, not even Thomas himself, could see that he was suffering from severe depression. He soon grew to believe that living in his world was simply too difficult and lost all motivation to build a life for himself. Before long Thomas was seeking an easy way out.
When Thomas was seventeen he set himself to a destructive goal and began to research methods of suicide. He was afraid of pain and wished he could simply drift off to sleep and never wake up. He soon had a plan and set out to see about the preparations.
He knew he could not purchase all of the medicine he would need at the same time or else it would look too suspicious, so for a week Thomas visited the drug store every day after school and each day bought a bottle of the same over-the-counter cold medication. He had read that it was the strongest medicine one could get without a prescription and had even read articles suggesting that others had committed suicide using the same substance. At the end of the week Thomas decided he was ready. Ever since he had come up with his plan he knew that he was going to follow it through. He had never had a second thought about it. This was what he wanted. On Saturday morning when he knew that he would not be bothered, Thomas locked himself in his bedroom with all of his pills and a pint sized bottle of whiskey. In less than twenty minutes He had washed down every last pill and worked his way more than half way through the whiskey. All that was left to do was to wait.
The end came exactly the way Thomas had expected it to. First, his vision blurred and he grew weak, soon he was no longer able to stand. Next his heart slowed and finally his mind grew dark. Nearing his final moments, Thomas receded into delirium and began to hallucinate. At least he believed he was hallucinating. He envisioned a life form. It was not like any person or animal that Thomas had ever seen yet he somehow knew that it was alive. In his vision the creature was drifting through a vast area surrounded by cool colors. It was as if it were floating through a nebula in outer space. The strange thing was that there was something vaguely familiar about the creature. Finally he saw the being arrive at some sort of orb and the feeling of familiarity grew even stronger. It was as if Thomas were seeing an old friend that he had not met in a long time. Just as the being entered the orb, Thomas’ heart gave out and he was gone.
The being, having been returned to its transport, once again began to travel. It moved a short distance through space and yet a great distance through time. The journey, which we might see as lasting an eternity, was over in a few moments for the being, which could navigate through time at will, for it saw time, not as a set principal, but as a measurable dimension able to be manipulated. It could in fact exist in many different time periods simultaneously. Soon, the being arrived at its destination to await a new host. Ready to repeat the process over again. This time, it hoped, with better results.
Thomas' Friend(Joseph Davoust)
Thomas’ Friend by Joseph Davoust
Nearby and yet located in a place impossible for any human to reach, the being’s orb came to an abrupt stop. It had reached its destination and now had only to wait for its designated host to come into existence.
To say that the being waited is to be grossly inaccurate and is only written this way because our language lacks the proper term to describe what was actually taking place. You see the being did not experience time in the same way that a human does. What we would think of as a matter of months passed for the creature as quickly as a falling star in the night sky. The being, which one moment sat in its orb passing the time, was instantaneously and quite silently pulled from the unreachable plane of existence and relocated to our area of space and, in fact, to our very planet.
The young woman awoke suddenly. She had been pregnant more than three months already and yet still found herself unable to get a full night’s sleep. She had not yet grown accustom to the abnormal feelings that come along with carrying an unborn child. It was all still very new to her. Of course there was no way for her to know that the moment before she awoke something amazing had happened inside of her womb. Just then the grouping of cells in the uppermost portion of her child’s developing body formed into what could be recognized as a human brain. The first spark of cognizant life had just brought the fetus into its very first stage of intelligent existence.
There was no way the young woman could have known the gender of her unborn child yet she could feel that it would be a boy. Therefore she had already picked out a name. She realized that there was only one name that she could bestow upon her son. Thomas was born a little over five months later.
From the very beginning of his life Thomas showed signs of being slightly different than most children. As an infant he rarely made a sound, even when he was hungry or tired and his unusual silence lasted throughout his life. His mother always found it very difficult to communicate with him. Working two jobs to try to support herself and her son, his mother had very little time to build a strong relationship with her son. Thomas’ father had never been in the picture and in fact was nowhere to be found.
In school Thomas found it difficult to make friends and could only be described as a “socially awkward” young man. It was not that he was slow or handicapped and in fact was thought of by all of his teachers as being one of the more intelligent students. But his unwillingness to talk to anybody was apparent to everyone around him. He refused to speak unless he absolutely had to.
These issues became even worse as Thomas reached his teenage years. He grew more distant from his family and classmates and even his grades began to slip until he was barely passing his high school classes. Nobody, not even Thomas himself, could see that he was suffering from severe depression. He soon grew to believe that living in his world was simply too difficult and lost all motivation to build a life for himself. Before long Thomas was seeking an easy way out.
When Thomas was seventeen he set himself to a destructive goal and began to research methods of suicide. He was afraid of pain and wished he could simply drift off to sleep and never wake up. He soon had a plan and set out to see about the preparations.
He knew he could not purchase all of the medicine he would need at the same time or else it would look too suspicious, so for a week Thomas visited the drug store every day after school and each day bought a bottle of the same over-the-counter cold medication. He had read that it was the strongest medicine one could get without a prescription and had even read articles suggesting that others had committed suicide using the same substance. At the end of the week Thomas decided he was ready. Ever since he had come up with his plan he knew that he was going to follow it through. He had never had a second thought about it. This was what he wanted. On Saturday morning when he knew that he would not be bothered, Thomas locked himself in his bedroom with all of his pills and a pint sized bottle of whiskey. In less than twenty minutes He had washed down every last pill and worked his way more than half way through the whiskey. All that was left to do was to wait.
The end came exactly the way Thomas had expected it to. First, his vision blurred and he grew weak, soon he was no longer able to stand. Next his heart slowed and finally his mind grew dark. Nearing his final moments, Thomas receded into delirium and began to hallucinate. At least he believed he was hallucinating. He envisioned a life form. It was not like any person or animal that Thomas had ever seen yet he somehow knew that it was alive. In his vision the creature was drifting through a vast area surrounded by cool colors. It was as if it were floating through a nebula in outer space. The strange thing was that there was something vaguely familiar about the creature. Finally he saw the being arrive at some sort of orb and the feeling of familiarity grew even stronger. It was as if Thomas were seeing an old friend that he had not met in a long time. Just as the being entered the orb, Thomas’ heart gave out and he was gone.
The being, having been returned to its transport, once again began to travel. It moved a short distance through space and yet a great distance through time. The journey, which we might see as lasting an eternity, was over in a few moments for the being, which could navigate through time at will, for it saw time, not as a set principal, but as a measurable dimension able to be manipulated. It could in fact exist in many different time periods simultaneously. Soon, the being arrived at its destination to await a new host. Ready to repeat the process over again. This time, it hoped, with better results.
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