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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 09/14/2012
broken hearts, deserted islands, and cute boys
Born 2000, F, from Philadelphia/PA, United StatesChapter 1
“Come on, she’s not in here” I say gripping Drake by his hand and pulling him into my cabin. My friends and I go to school on a ship. I think Mr. Howards got the idea from that TV show Mac and Brody, or whatever it’s called. My best friend Drake came on board with me along with our two other friends Austin and Samuel (AKA socks). Why the weird nickname you ask, well don’t you know how some people like to match their socks with their outfits, well Samuel likes to wear mitch match socks that are brightly colored and covered with cartoon characters.
I look out of the door, down the hallway and close the door quietly. I’ve had a crush on Drake since the third grade and everyone always tells me he likes me so we’ve been hanging out alone more often. We almost kissed like three times but every time we tried someone would interrupt us. The first time we were up on the sky deck, the second time in the elevator, and the last time in the classroom during lunch. I figured no one could bother us in my cabin so I brought him here.
I share a cabin with the meanest most stuck up and intolerable girl on the ship, Sierra Hawke. I lock the door and turn to Drake who takes my hand and yanks me towards him. I laugh and flatten out my t-shirt. I run my hands down his shirt and smile. “we finally get to be alone” I say looking up at him.
Sierra hates when I bring my friends in here, yet she brings all of her bubble gum chewing, purse caring, high heeled shoe wearing, makeup fixing, perfume wearing, neon color loving freaks in here, especially when I’m trying to sleep, they blast music and talk so loud. “I get to be your first kiss, and you get to be mine” he says pushing my straight dark hair behind my ear. I put my hands on his shoulders and stand on my tippy toes. I close my eyes as we get closer and that when I hear it. The door unlocking, Sierra’s back from the spa.
Chapter 2
My eyes snap open, I look at the door and grab Drake by the arm and throw him into my closet and shut it, slip off my knee high canvas black lace up boots sit them on the floor grab a magazine and lay on my bed pretending to read, just in time too she is just walking in. I look up at her, her blue eyes complimented by the extra mascara that has been added to her eye lashes. Her dark hair curled, her nails are painted red to match her silky red shirt and her black skin tight jeans. She ignores me completely and walks into the bathroom. I get up and get drake out of my closet.
I throw the door open and walk out barefoot with Drake behind me. The door flies open, “Kristen you brought a boy in the cabin, that’s so messed up” she says walking behind us. “run” I yell and we race down the hallways and out to the sky deck where Mr. Ryan is giving orders to employees who volunteered to help set up for a dinner tonight. We run passed him with sierra right behind us. We slam into Austin and Socks who are walking around the sky deck checking out girls on their way to the pool.
“What’s the rush” says Socks, “she’s chasing us” I say laughing, I let go of Drakes hand and stand up giggling as Sierra walks over tapping her foot with her arms folded. My friends stand by me and we look at her. “I told you can’t have any of your boyfriends in the cabin” She says impatiently, they’re not my boyfriends, well technically they are boys, and they are my friends, so you could say they are my “boyfriends”” I quote with my fingers. “just keep them away from me, they aren’t exactly our species, and you vowed to keep them away” she says whining. “ah, crossies doesn’t count” I say smiling. The four of us high five, “nice” says Austin.
“that’s my girl” drake says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me back, I feel his body on my back. He kisses my cheek “I’ll be back, I’m gonna go look for a place” he says walking away. Sierra walks away mumbling to herself and the boys finish walking around. I walk back to my cabin and open the door. All of sierra’s friends are in there making a lot of noise. I sit on my bed and lie down taking a rest.
Chapter 3
The girls hover over me, “Kristen and Drake sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Drake with a baby carriage. I move my head with the tune, knowing it will annoy them. I sit up, “I bet if Drake and I ever get married, we’ll have the cutest little baby” I say smiling into space. Someone knocks on the door, and I answer to Shane Hawke, Sierra’s older brother, he’s a year older than me at the age of seventeen. “is my sister here” he asks leaning on the wall.
I take in the well built body, wet hair, blue swim trunks, the water on his exposed skin, chest and arms the towel over his shoulder and the piercing blue eyes. I snap out of it easily, “no” I say and shut the door. I lean on it and take a few deep breaths. “ooh, Kristen has a crush on Shane”, says one girl. “no, I don’t” I say, but I might, he is so unbelievably handsome, his dark brown hair stuck to his face.
A few days later I’m sitting in class, Drake behind me. I’ve been seeing Shane here and there, noting who he hangs with, and what he acts like. A note lands on my desk, I open it and read, “I haven’t found a place for our first kiss yet, let me know if you have any ideas, Drake”. I fold the paper neatly and place it in my desk, get a new slip and write back, “ill work on it” and toss it over my shoulder. Once the bell rings everyone leaves, I quickly turn around in my chair to face Drake, I lean over to his desk and kiss him for a long time one hand on his wrist keeping it on the table and the other on his shoulder.
“that was the best first kiss ever” he says, “I guess its official, were a couple” he says smiling at me. We leave out hand in hand, me leaning on his arm never wanting to leave his side. His phone beeps, he checks it “I’ll be right back, love you” he says kissing me and walking away to the hall with our cabins. I keep walking looking at my shadow and bump into someone “sorry” I say without looking up. “heh hey, door slam” the person says, I look up and blush, Shane Hawke, “what?” I say confused “you slammed the door in my face” he says laughing.
“oh, I’m sorry” I say shyly. “it’s cool, uh, do you want to hang out, grab a smoothie” he says. “sure” I say and we walk around and drink smoothies in lounge chairs, talking getting to know each other more, laughing, being silly when I realize how long it’s been, almost two hours, where is Drake. “one sec” I tell Shane and I walk down to my cabin and open the door. My eyes open wide and my mouth drops open, the air escapes my lunges and my heart feels like it just ripped, Drake and Sierra, they are kissing.
Chapter 4
“whaah” I say trying to breathe. Drake has sierra up against the wall, her legs wrapped around him, his arm on her leg hoisting her up and the other in the air holding her two wrists together. He has on no shirt and his pants are loose. Sierra has on nothing put a very small tank top and her underwear. Tears rush down my face, “Drake” I say quietly.
They stop everything and look at me, drake drops sierra on the floor and rushes to me, “this isn’t what it looks like” he says. “oh, so you weren’t just kissing her and feeling her body up against that wall, you didn’t leave me to hook up with her; you didn’t lie to my face saying you loved me when you didn’t. was this all some kind of prank? Do you hate me”, “no” he says, “what did I ever do to you” I say crying. He softly takes my hands in his, “it’s not like that, I….” he begins, “don’t tell me” I interrupt. “no baby” he says trying to kiss me.
“let go” I yell trying to yank my hands free. He has my hands in a tight grip, refusing to let me leave, “let me go, get off” I say struggling. I kick him right between the legs; he screams and falls to the floor releasing my hand. I run away crying, I run past Shane, “what happened” I hear him say as I run. I keep going until I reach a lifeboat and hide inside under the tarp.
After a few minutes of crying Shane climbs in, “what happened, are you okay” he says looking me in the eye. He wipes away the tears and caresses my face moving loose strands of hair from my red eyes. Drake runs over to us, “look, I’m am so, so, so sorry I hurt your feelings” he says out of breath from running. He leans his hand on a small box, accidently pressing a big red button. The boat starts to go down and eventually hits the water.
Chapter 5
The boat shakes; I stop crying and look at Shane who is just as terrified as I am. We lift the tarp and place it in the boat. I freeze and look around, I slowly sit down. Shane and I are stranded in the middle of the ocean. The boat is going by quickly and the waves are pushing us out farther.
“What are we going to do” I say shivering, I’m in nothing but a regular shirt and a very small skirt, I had on boots but I left them by the lounge chairs. Shane grabs the tarp and wraps it around me then goes rummaging through our supplies. “Flare gun” he shouts pulling it out. He shoots it into the air twice; they go off with loud booms. He throws its back in the bag and says, “We have some packs of food, two bottles of water, uh, life jackets, let’s see, that’s it” he says upset and sits across from me.
“Aren’t you cold” I say to him, he has on just swim trunks. “No” he says shaking his head. He is, I can see him shivering. “You are cold” I say standing and walking over to him. I sit next to him and extend the tarp so it covers both of us.
I put my feet up and lean on chest. He wraps his arms around me, tight. I drift off, the soothing sound of the waves, the swaying motion and the warmth from the tarp and the boy have put me to sleep. I can feel him stroking my hair, numerous times, not stopping. I don’t want it to stop and it doesn’t.
Chapter 6
“Kristen” he says softly. I open my big brown eyes and sit up. I was sleeping on the floor under the tarp using it like a blanket. I rub my eyes and stand. It’s much, much warmer now.
I sit next to Shane who hands me a strip off beef jerky. I chew slowly when I realize, “maybe you should get some sleep” I offer. “Oh, I already did” he says chewing, “I woke up like five minutes ago” he says laughing, I only smile. I’m still wounded from last night, seeing my boyfriend with the meanest girl on board. If he had ditched me that one time, then he must’ve done it before, like the times when he wasn’t around me, or claimed he had to go to the bathroom, but was gone for an hour.
“Kristen” he says looking at me concerned, “why are you crying” he asks. I hadn’t noticed, I wipe my face with my sleeve, “I was just thinking” I say flipping my bangs from my eyes. “you mad about yesterday” he says quietly, I nod my head, “Drake and your sister were kissing in my cabin, up against the wall, Drake had said that he loved me, yesterday was our first kiss, he made some big deal out of it pretending he cared, but whatever ill get over it” I say putting my chin in my hand. “I would never do that, that’s like the worst possible thing to do to a girl, cheat on them then get caught and say nothing happened” he says leaning back resting his elbows on the boat. “You’re too nice to do that” I say leaning back the same way he did.
A few more hours pass, we just calmly sat in the little boat eating jerky, sipping water, asking random questions. “Uh, what’s your favorite gem” he asks bored, “emerald, um, what kinds of books do you like to read” I say lying on my back staring at the clouds. “ Action he says, what…” he begins. The boat starts to shake and water is splashing us.
“Quick get on a life jacket” he instructs. I go over to our bag and reach for a jacket when we hit a bump, a large rock has damaged our little boat. The boat gets caught on the rock and I fly overboard.
Chapter 7
The water hits like glass, little tiny pieces. All of my air is gone, I can’t breathe, I can’t see, I don’t even know how to swim. I feel thousands of little bubbles on my face and feel his arm grab me by the middle and carry me to the surface. I open my eyes and see Shane with the boat in one hand and me in the other, he’s pulling us over to what looks like an island. I feel the sand in my toes when we reach land.
He pulls the boat onto the sand and lies me down while he catches his breath. I sit up coughing, rubbing my eyes. “Thank you” I say. “What part of ‘quick get on a life jacket’ don’t you understand” he says smiling. We stand and drag the boat over to the grass and stand it up against a palm tree.
I plop down next to the boat while Shane leaves to go wash the sand out of his trunks. I squeeze the access water from my hair and clothes. I look around, there is a jungle to the left and the beach to the right. The jungle might have some fruit and nuts, maybe even a spring that we could use, and the sea provides seafood, I noticed some fish brush by my feet when in the water.
Shane walks back over and sits down next to me. “Do you think we’ll get out of here” he says. “Well I’m sure somebody noticed we were gone, of course Drake and sierra but what about Austin and Samuel, they should know by now.” Shane chuckles a little and looks to the ocean, “what” I ask. “Your shirt” he snickers.
“What about my…, oh my god” I say using my knees and arms to cover my torso. My shirt is see through, a person can see my bra underneath. Shane is on his back laughing, “Very mature Shane” I say embarrassed. I grab the life jacket from the boat and wear it over my shirt. After about an hour I take off the jacket, my shirt is dry.
“We should go find some water” I say getting thirsty. We stand and walk silently through the jungle. Shane is still giggling, and even soaking wet and covered in sand he is still unbelievably handsome. After walking for what felt like hours we make it to a waterfall. I get down on my knees and slurp down the cold fresh water.
Shane does the same. I wash the sand out of my hair and clothes not caring about my shirt anymore. I look from the corner of my eyes and see Shane is still smiling. We walk back to the beach as the sun it going down. I had gathered up some rocks and twigs. I make a fire, not the corny small ones but a fairly big one.
We keep warm and use the tarp to keep out any cold air. We eat more jerky and talk. “you know, I think that Drake guy was a real jerk to do that to you, you deserve better, your such a nice, pretty, funny girl” he says sincerely. I lean on his chest again “thanks, that really means a lot” I say staring at him. He pushes back my long dark hair and lifts my chin. I know what he’s about to do so I close my eyes as our lips press together pationitaly.
Chapter 8
A few days later I walk to the waterfall by myself, Shane is trying to catch fish. I peel off my sandy wet clothes and place them on a boulder to dry. I walk into the water and stay in the shallow end washing the sand from my body and hair. “Kristen” I hear Shane call, if he comes over here he’ll tell me he needs my help back on the beach and I’ll have to get out, and he’ll see me naked! I go behind the waterfall and sit on a big rock. I peek from behind it and see Shane looking around.
He sees my clothes on the rock and picks up my bra and puts it on, clipping it in the back. He dances around like an idiot. It’s so funny I have to laugh, does he do this with his sisters clothes. I grab a giant leaf and cover myself. I walk out and sneak up behind him.
He sees me and screams. I take the strap and pull it then let it go. “Oww” he says, unclipping it and handing it back over to me. I grab the rest of my close and go a few yards away behind a giant tree to change. We walk back to the beach and go to the water.
“I’m going to teach you how to swim” he says taking my hand and leading me to the deep end. I learn basic strokes and some other things he tells me aren’t important. I throw my arms around him and kiss him, allowing us to sink underwater. When we resurface we lay in the sand kissing as the waves wash over us. “So how are we going to get out of here” he says in between kisses.
“I don’t want to leave” I whisper. I like it here, with Shane, away from people who want to hurt you, and make you feel bad. “I love you” he says to me stroking my hair again. I smile at him; I won’t answer if he is lying the way Drake was. I know I shouldn’t act like this but he hasn’t proven to me that I should trust him yet.
I roll over on my back and stare at the sky. Shane does the same. A couple hours later I sit up and realize I was asleep. I look around for Shane. “Shane” I call out.
There is no answer. There is a big pile of bananas, coconuts, berries and nuts on the tarp. I look around the beach and turn to the water, then the jungle. There is a big splash and I whip around. As if in slow motion, he runs from the water, glistening, and very handsome, hair stuck to his face, “where were you” I say when he stops in front of me, “fishing” he says, “I caught some fish”.
Chapter 9
We haven’t had any fish since we got here; we only ate fruits and the food in the boat. I make another fire and we cook the fish over the fire and pick off pieces of it one by one with our fingers eating it and spitting out the bones. “So good” I say chewing. When I finish my fish I lick my fingers, “how long have we been here” he asks me. “Maybe a week” I say wiping my hands on my shirt and wiping my mouth with my sleeve.
“I guess they don’t care that were gone” he says peeling a banana and eating it. “Well it’s not like anyone really cares about me, I only have two friends, Austin and Socks”. “Two, what about me” he says looking at me. “You’re not my friend, you’re my boyfriend” I say snuggling close to him. He kisses me, pushes my hair behind my ears and caresses my face.
I rest my hands on his chest. He lays down on my back and I lay on top of him. “Why not” he says, “what” I say. “if we go back, if were rescued, why wouldn’t we go back, I mean life on this island is easy but we do have family, friends, school, our whole life ahead of us, college” he says. I get up and sit cross legged.
“yea, I guess it would be beneficial for us to go back, finish school, grow up, get jobs, get married, move out, have kids, grow old, sounds nice” I say staring into space. I don’t really want to leave I love it here, warm, plentiful food. He sits up and massages my shoulders, “it would be nice to see our parents at graduation, we could go to college together, we could get married, move to Oklahoma get a dog, have kids, go to their soccer games and clarinet recitals, watch ‘em grow. Doesn’t that sound amazing, none of that will happen if we stay here” he says. I nod my head still uncertain.
That night we lay down for sleep. I feel the cold ocean breeze blow over me and I move over closer to Shane who is sound asleep. I snuggling close to him, his arms wrap around me holding me closer. I stare into the fire, should I go back, I don’t want to but at the same time I do. This is too much to take in, I think about it in the morning.
Chapter 10
The sound of a horn wakes me up. We jump up alert and see our ship sail up to the shore splashing our fire out. People pile off and run to us. I rub my eyes and stand up looking at the familiar faces, Mr. Ryan, Sierra, Drake, her friends, and Austin and Socks. Shane stands up and runs to hug his sister.
I run to my friends and hug them both. Laughing and sighing out of relief. “We thought we’d never see you again” says Socks, “I owe you five bucks” he says to Austin. I laugh and hug them again, “I’m so happy to see you” I say. I look at Shane who is hugging his sister.
Sierra has her arm around Drake who is looking at me looking quite guilty. He walks over, “Kristen…” he starts, “its fine” I say cutting him off. “I shouldn’t have lied to you, you didn’t deserve to have your heart broken like that, not to mention I accidentally set you adrift in the middle of the ocean” he says. I hug him slightly, “it’s okay, we may not be together but you’re still a friend” I say patting his shoulder. “We can’t be friends, I don’t want to hurt you, your too nice” he says “you can’t hurt me, I’m going with Shane” I say smiling. “No she, she’s pregnant” he says.
My smile fades away, “what” I say, “when did this happen” I say looking up at him. “Two days after you and Shane got lost in the ocean”. “And you’re going to keep the baby” I say. He nods, “yeah, why not, I mean, I’ve always wanted a kid, I’m hoping it’s a boy” he says. “Well congrats, I’m happy for you” I say smiling and I walk away.
I walk over to Mr. Ryan, “Mr. Ryan” I say hugging him. “Kristen, oh dear I’m sorry it took so long to find you two, I hadn’t found out until three days ago, when I overheard it in the restroom. I had the ship turned around immediately and we sailed around until we found you, oh, I’m so happy your okay.” I walk over to sierra’s friends, I’m not very fond of them but there aren’t mean. “So you and Shane are the only ones on the island” one girl says” I nod, “did you two do it” another girl says.
“No!” I say shocked “why would we do that” I say, “why not” she says. “If I was on a deserted island with Shane I surely would have”. Okay, that was very awkward, I turn and walk away. I say hi to other passengers who greet me. “Okay, everyone back on the ship” says Mr. Ryan.
Everyone climbs aboard but me. Shane walks over, “come on, you get on now, we can live the life we talked about, don’t you want that for us” he says. “I do, but I just wanna know, you have to promise not to ever hurt me the way Drake did, you’ll be kind and sincere, you won’t lie, and you won’t keep secrets from me, promise”. He kisses me for a long time then looks me in the eye and says, “I promise”.
broken hearts, deserted islands, and cute boys(Jannah Lee)
Chapter 1
“Come on, she’s not in here” I say gripping Drake by his hand and pulling him into my cabin. My friends and I go to school on a ship. I think Mr. Howards got the idea from that TV show Mac and Brody, or whatever it’s called. My best friend Drake came on board with me along with our two other friends Austin and Samuel (AKA socks). Why the weird nickname you ask, well don’t you know how some people like to match their socks with their outfits, well Samuel likes to wear mitch match socks that are brightly colored and covered with cartoon characters.
I look out of the door, down the hallway and close the door quietly. I’ve had a crush on Drake since the third grade and everyone always tells me he likes me so we’ve been hanging out alone more often. We almost kissed like three times but every time we tried someone would interrupt us. The first time we were up on the sky deck, the second time in the elevator, and the last time in the classroom during lunch. I figured no one could bother us in my cabin so I brought him here.
I share a cabin with the meanest most stuck up and intolerable girl on the ship, Sierra Hawke. I lock the door and turn to Drake who takes my hand and yanks me towards him. I laugh and flatten out my t-shirt. I run my hands down his shirt and smile. “we finally get to be alone” I say looking up at him.
Sierra hates when I bring my friends in here, yet she brings all of her bubble gum chewing, purse caring, high heeled shoe wearing, makeup fixing, perfume wearing, neon color loving freaks in here, especially when I’m trying to sleep, they blast music and talk so loud. “I get to be your first kiss, and you get to be mine” he says pushing my straight dark hair behind my ear. I put my hands on his shoulders and stand on my tippy toes. I close my eyes as we get closer and that when I hear it. The door unlocking, Sierra’s back from the spa.
Chapter 2
My eyes snap open, I look at the door and grab Drake by the arm and throw him into my closet and shut it, slip off my knee high canvas black lace up boots sit them on the floor grab a magazine and lay on my bed pretending to read, just in time too she is just walking in. I look up at her, her blue eyes complimented by the extra mascara that has been added to her eye lashes. Her dark hair curled, her nails are painted red to match her silky red shirt and her black skin tight jeans. She ignores me completely and walks into the bathroom. I get up and get drake out of my closet.
I throw the door open and walk out barefoot with Drake behind me. The door flies open, “Kristen you brought a boy in the cabin, that’s so messed up” she says walking behind us. “run” I yell and we race down the hallways and out to the sky deck where Mr. Ryan is giving orders to employees who volunteered to help set up for a dinner tonight. We run passed him with sierra right behind us. We slam into Austin and Socks who are walking around the sky deck checking out girls on their way to the pool.
“What’s the rush” says Socks, “she’s chasing us” I say laughing, I let go of Drakes hand and stand up giggling as Sierra walks over tapping her foot with her arms folded. My friends stand by me and we look at her. “I told you can’t have any of your boyfriends in the cabin” She says impatiently, they’re not my boyfriends, well technically they are boys, and they are my friends, so you could say they are my “boyfriends”” I quote with my fingers. “just keep them away from me, they aren’t exactly our species, and you vowed to keep them away” she says whining. “ah, crossies doesn’t count” I say smiling. The four of us high five, “nice” says Austin.
“that’s my girl” drake says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me back, I feel his body on my back. He kisses my cheek “I’ll be back, I’m gonna go look for a place” he says walking away. Sierra walks away mumbling to herself and the boys finish walking around. I walk back to my cabin and open the door. All of sierra’s friends are in there making a lot of noise. I sit on my bed and lie down taking a rest.
Chapter 3
The girls hover over me, “Kristen and Drake sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Drake with a baby carriage. I move my head with the tune, knowing it will annoy them. I sit up, “I bet if Drake and I ever get married, we’ll have the cutest little baby” I say smiling into space. Someone knocks on the door, and I answer to Shane Hawke, Sierra’s older brother, he’s a year older than me at the age of seventeen. “is my sister here” he asks leaning on the wall.
I take in the well built body, wet hair, blue swim trunks, the water on his exposed skin, chest and arms the towel over his shoulder and the piercing blue eyes. I snap out of it easily, “no” I say and shut the door. I lean on it and take a few deep breaths. “ooh, Kristen has a crush on Shane”, says one girl. “no, I don’t” I say, but I might, he is so unbelievably handsome, his dark brown hair stuck to his face.
A few days later I’m sitting in class, Drake behind me. I’ve been seeing Shane here and there, noting who he hangs with, and what he acts like. A note lands on my desk, I open it and read, “I haven’t found a place for our first kiss yet, let me know if you have any ideas, Drake”. I fold the paper neatly and place it in my desk, get a new slip and write back, “ill work on it” and toss it over my shoulder. Once the bell rings everyone leaves, I quickly turn around in my chair to face Drake, I lean over to his desk and kiss him for a long time one hand on his wrist keeping it on the table and the other on his shoulder.
“that was the best first kiss ever” he says, “I guess its official, were a couple” he says smiling at me. We leave out hand in hand, me leaning on his arm never wanting to leave his side. His phone beeps, he checks it “I’ll be right back, love you” he says kissing me and walking away to the hall with our cabins. I keep walking looking at my shadow and bump into someone “sorry” I say without looking up. “heh hey, door slam” the person says, I look up and blush, Shane Hawke, “what?” I say confused “you slammed the door in my face” he says laughing.
“oh, I’m sorry” I say shyly. “it’s cool, uh, do you want to hang out, grab a smoothie” he says. “sure” I say and we walk around and drink smoothies in lounge chairs, talking getting to know each other more, laughing, being silly when I realize how long it’s been, almost two hours, where is Drake. “one sec” I tell Shane and I walk down to my cabin and open the door. My eyes open wide and my mouth drops open, the air escapes my lunges and my heart feels like it just ripped, Drake and Sierra, they are kissing.
Chapter 4
“whaah” I say trying to breathe. Drake has sierra up against the wall, her legs wrapped around him, his arm on her leg hoisting her up and the other in the air holding her two wrists together. He has on no shirt and his pants are loose. Sierra has on nothing put a very small tank top and her underwear. Tears rush down my face, “Drake” I say quietly.
They stop everything and look at me, drake drops sierra on the floor and rushes to me, “this isn’t what it looks like” he says. “oh, so you weren’t just kissing her and feeling her body up against that wall, you didn’t leave me to hook up with her; you didn’t lie to my face saying you loved me when you didn’t. was this all some kind of prank? Do you hate me”, “no” he says, “what did I ever do to you” I say crying. He softly takes my hands in his, “it’s not like that, I….” he begins, “don’t tell me” I interrupt. “no baby” he says trying to kiss me.
“let go” I yell trying to yank my hands free. He has my hands in a tight grip, refusing to let me leave, “let me go, get off” I say struggling. I kick him right between the legs; he screams and falls to the floor releasing my hand. I run away crying, I run past Shane, “what happened” I hear him say as I run. I keep going until I reach a lifeboat and hide inside under the tarp.
After a few minutes of crying Shane climbs in, “what happened, are you okay” he says looking me in the eye. He wipes away the tears and caresses my face moving loose strands of hair from my red eyes. Drake runs over to us, “look, I’m am so, so, so sorry I hurt your feelings” he says out of breath from running. He leans his hand on a small box, accidently pressing a big red button. The boat starts to go down and eventually hits the water.
Chapter 5
The boat shakes; I stop crying and look at Shane who is just as terrified as I am. We lift the tarp and place it in the boat. I freeze and look around, I slowly sit down. Shane and I are stranded in the middle of the ocean. The boat is going by quickly and the waves are pushing us out farther.
“What are we going to do” I say shivering, I’m in nothing but a regular shirt and a very small skirt, I had on boots but I left them by the lounge chairs. Shane grabs the tarp and wraps it around me then goes rummaging through our supplies. “Flare gun” he shouts pulling it out. He shoots it into the air twice; they go off with loud booms. He throws its back in the bag and says, “We have some packs of food, two bottles of water, uh, life jackets, let’s see, that’s it” he says upset and sits across from me.
“Aren’t you cold” I say to him, he has on just swim trunks. “No” he says shaking his head. He is, I can see him shivering. “You are cold” I say standing and walking over to him. I sit next to him and extend the tarp so it covers both of us.
I put my feet up and lean on chest. He wraps his arms around me, tight. I drift off, the soothing sound of the waves, the swaying motion and the warmth from the tarp and the boy have put me to sleep. I can feel him stroking my hair, numerous times, not stopping. I don’t want it to stop and it doesn’t.
Chapter 6
“Kristen” he says softly. I open my big brown eyes and sit up. I was sleeping on the floor under the tarp using it like a blanket. I rub my eyes and stand. It’s much, much warmer now.
I sit next to Shane who hands me a strip off beef jerky. I chew slowly when I realize, “maybe you should get some sleep” I offer. “Oh, I already did” he says chewing, “I woke up like five minutes ago” he says laughing, I only smile. I’m still wounded from last night, seeing my boyfriend with the meanest girl on board. If he had ditched me that one time, then he must’ve done it before, like the times when he wasn’t around me, or claimed he had to go to the bathroom, but was gone for an hour.
“Kristen” he says looking at me concerned, “why are you crying” he asks. I hadn’t noticed, I wipe my face with my sleeve, “I was just thinking” I say flipping my bangs from my eyes. “you mad about yesterday” he says quietly, I nod my head, “Drake and your sister were kissing in my cabin, up against the wall, Drake had said that he loved me, yesterday was our first kiss, he made some big deal out of it pretending he cared, but whatever ill get over it” I say putting my chin in my hand. “I would never do that, that’s like the worst possible thing to do to a girl, cheat on them then get caught and say nothing happened” he says leaning back resting his elbows on the boat. “You’re too nice to do that” I say leaning back the same way he did.
A few more hours pass, we just calmly sat in the little boat eating jerky, sipping water, asking random questions. “Uh, what’s your favorite gem” he asks bored, “emerald, um, what kinds of books do you like to read” I say lying on my back staring at the clouds. “ Action he says, what…” he begins. The boat starts to shake and water is splashing us.
“Quick get on a life jacket” he instructs. I go over to our bag and reach for a jacket when we hit a bump, a large rock has damaged our little boat. The boat gets caught on the rock and I fly overboard.
Chapter 7
The water hits like glass, little tiny pieces. All of my air is gone, I can’t breathe, I can’t see, I don’t even know how to swim. I feel thousands of little bubbles on my face and feel his arm grab me by the middle and carry me to the surface. I open my eyes and see Shane with the boat in one hand and me in the other, he’s pulling us over to what looks like an island. I feel the sand in my toes when we reach land.
He pulls the boat onto the sand and lies me down while he catches his breath. I sit up coughing, rubbing my eyes. “Thank you” I say. “What part of ‘quick get on a life jacket’ don’t you understand” he says smiling. We stand and drag the boat over to the grass and stand it up against a palm tree.
I plop down next to the boat while Shane leaves to go wash the sand out of his trunks. I squeeze the access water from my hair and clothes. I look around, there is a jungle to the left and the beach to the right. The jungle might have some fruit and nuts, maybe even a spring that we could use, and the sea provides seafood, I noticed some fish brush by my feet when in the water.
Shane walks back over and sits down next to me. “Do you think we’ll get out of here” he says. “Well I’m sure somebody noticed we were gone, of course Drake and sierra but what about Austin and Samuel, they should know by now.” Shane chuckles a little and looks to the ocean, “what” I ask. “Your shirt” he snickers.
“What about my…, oh my god” I say using my knees and arms to cover my torso. My shirt is see through, a person can see my bra underneath. Shane is on his back laughing, “Very mature Shane” I say embarrassed. I grab the life jacket from the boat and wear it over my shirt. After about an hour I take off the jacket, my shirt is dry.
“We should go find some water” I say getting thirsty. We stand and walk silently through the jungle. Shane is still giggling, and even soaking wet and covered in sand he is still unbelievably handsome. After walking for what felt like hours we make it to a waterfall. I get down on my knees and slurp down the cold fresh water.
Shane does the same. I wash the sand out of my hair and clothes not caring about my shirt anymore. I look from the corner of my eyes and see Shane is still smiling. We walk back to the beach as the sun it going down. I had gathered up some rocks and twigs. I make a fire, not the corny small ones but a fairly big one.
We keep warm and use the tarp to keep out any cold air. We eat more jerky and talk. “you know, I think that Drake guy was a real jerk to do that to you, you deserve better, your such a nice, pretty, funny girl” he says sincerely. I lean on his chest again “thanks, that really means a lot” I say staring at him. He pushes back my long dark hair and lifts my chin. I know what he’s about to do so I close my eyes as our lips press together pationitaly.
Chapter 8
A few days later I walk to the waterfall by myself, Shane is trying to catch fish. I peel off my sandy wet clothes and place them on a boulder to dry. I walk into the water and stay in the shallow end washing the sand from my body and hair. “Kristen” I hear Shane call, if he comes over here he’ll tell me he needs my help back on the beach and I’ll have to get out, and he’ll see me naked! I go behind the waterfall and sit on a big rock. I peek from behind it and see Shane looking around.
He sees my clothes on the rock and picks up my bra and puts it on, clipping it in the back. He dances around like an idiot. It’s so funny I have to laugh, does he do this with his sisters clothes. I grab a giant leaf and cover myself. I walk out and sneak up behind him.
He sees me and screams. I take the strap and pull it then let it go. “Oww” he says, unclipping it and handing it back over to me. I grab the rest of my close and go a few yards away behind a giant tree to change. We walk back to the beach and go to the water.
“I’m going to teach you how to swim” he says taking my hand and leading me to the deep end. I learn basic strokes and some other things he tells me aren’t important. I throw my arms around him and kiss him, allowing us to sink underwater. When we resurface we lay in the sand kissing as the waves wash over us. “So how are we going to get out of here” he says in between kisses.
“I don’t want to leave” I whisper. I like it here, with Shane, away from people who want to hurt you, and make you feel bad. “I love you” he says to me stroking my hair again. I smile at him; I won’t answer if he is lying the way Drake was. I know I shouldn’t act like this but he hasn’t proven to me that I should trust him yet.
I roll over on my back and stare at the sky. Shane does the same. A couple hours later I sit up and realize I was asleep. I look around for Shane. “Shane” I call out.
There is no answer. There is a big pile of bananas, coconuts, berries and nuts on the tarp. I look around the beach and turn to the water, then the jungle. There is a big splash and I whip around. As if in slow motion, he runs from the water, glistening, and very handsome, hair stuck to his face, “where were you” I say when he stops in front of me, “fishing” he says, “I caught some fish”.
Chapter 9
We haven’t had any fish since we got here; we only ate fruits and the food in the boat. I make another fire and we cook the fish over the fire and pick off pieces of it one by one with our fingers eating it and spitting out the bones. “So good” I say chewing. When I finish my fish I lick my fingers, “how long have we been here” he asks me. “Maybe a week” I say wiping my hands on my shirt and wiping my mouth with my sleeve.
“I guess they don’t care that were gone” he says peeling a banana and eating it. “Well it’s not like anyone really cares about me, I only have two friends, Austin and Socks”. “Two, what about me” he says looking at me. “You’re not my friend, you’re my boyfriend” I say snuggling close to him. He kisses me, pushes my hair behind my ears and caresses my face.
I rest my hands on his chest. He lays down on my back and I lay on top of him. “Why not” he says, “what” I say. “if we go back, if were rescued, why wouldn’t we go back, I mean life on this island is easy but we do have family, friends, school, our whole life ahead of us, college” he says. I get up and sit cross legged.
“yea, I guess it would be beneficial for us to go back, finish school, grow up, get jobs, get married, move out, have kids, grow old, sounds nice” I say staring into space. I don’t really want to leave I love it here, warm, plentiful food. He sits up and massages my shoulders, “it would be nice to see our parents at graduation, we could go to college together, we could get married, move to Oklahoma get a dog, have kids, go to their soccer games and clarinet recitals, watch ‘em grow. Doesn’t that sound amazing, none of that will happen if we stay here” he says. I nod my head still uncertain.
That night we lay down for sleep. I feel the cold ocean breeze blow over me and I move over closer to Shane who is sound asleep. I snuggling close to him, his arms wrap around me holding me closer. I stare into the fire, should I go back, I don’t want to but at the same time I do. This is too much to take in, I think about it in the morning.
Chapter 10
The sound of a horn wakes me up. We jump up alert and see our ship sail up to the shore splashing our fire out. People pile off and run to us. I rub my eyes and stand up looking at the familiar faces, Mr. Ryan, Sierra, Drake, her friends, and Austin and Socks. Shane stands up and runs to hug his sister.
I run to my friends and hug them both. Laughing and sighing out of relief. “We thought we’d never see you again” says Socks, “I owe you five bucks” he says to Austin. I laugh and hug them again, “I’m so happy to see you” I say. I look at Shane who is hugging his sister.
Sierra has her arm around Drake who is looking at me looking quite guilty. He walks over, “Kristen…” he starts, “its fine” I say cutting him off. “I shouldn’t have lied to you, you didn’t deserve to have your heart broken like that, not to mention I accidentally set you adrift in the middle of the ocean” he says. I hug him slightly, “it’s okay, we may not be together but you’re still a friend” I say patting his shoulder. “We can’t be friends, I don’t want to hurt you, your too nice” he says “you can’t hurt me, I’m going with Shane” I say smiling. “No she, she’s pregnant” he says.
My smile fades away, “what” I say, “when did this happen” I say looking up at him. “Two days after you and Shane got lost in the ocean”. “And you’re going to keep the baby” I say. He nods, “yeah, why not, I mean, I’ve always wanted a kid, I’m hoping it’s a boy” he says. “Well congrats, I’m happy for you” I say smiling and I walk away.
I walk over to Mr. Ryan, “Mr. Ryan” I say hugging him. “Kristen, oh dear I’m sorry it took so long to find you two, I hadn’t found out until three days ago, when I overheard it in the restroom. I had the ship turned around immediately and we sailed around until we found you, oh, I’m so happy your okay.” I walk over to sierra’s friends, I’m not very fond of them but there aren’t mean. “So you and Shane are the only ones on the island” one girl says” I nod, “did you two do it” another girl says.
“No!” I say shocked “why would we do that” I say, “why not” she says. “If I was on a deserted island with Shane I surely would have”. Okay, that was very awkward, I turn and walk away. I say hi to other passengers who greet me. “Okay, everyone back on the ship” says Mr. Ryan.
Everyone climbs aboard but me. Shane walks over, “come on, you get on now, we can live the life we talked about, don’t you want that for us” he says. “I do, but I just wanna know, you have to promise not to ever hurt me the way Drake did, you’ll be kind and sincere, you won’t lie, and you won’t keep secrets from me, promise”. He kisses me for a long time then looks me in the eye and says, “I promise”.
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