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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 09/29/2012
Born 1983, F, from Swansea, United KingdomGina Willis has had the kind of life you see on crime shows, the type of life no one wants to have. Unloved even from an early age she is bitter and holds a grudge against everything and everyone. In and out of care throughout her horrific childhood due to a drug addict mother and absent father she has never felt settled, calm or really happy. She has no close family and no close friends, only acquaintances from buying drugs and clients from prostitution which she stumbled into from an awfully young age. Her thick, caked on make-up tried to hide the lines of age creeping up on her, older girls get less work you see, and often it also covers the bruises she regularly receives from clients who get rough and can't or won't pay. Occupational hazard she palms it off as. Her eye make up is also thick, usually black and smokey, because she thinks it makes her look sexy. Her eyebrows are thin lines she has drawn on herself due to over-plucking as a teenager. Her eyes are big and dark but the spark in them died years ago, now they are just soulless. She's seen and felt too much now. Her lips are thin, often down-turned, she only ever smiles to attract a punter or when the warm, comforting blanket of heroin wraps her up in a cloudy, peaceful haze. It's bliss to her.
She tried to keep her hair nice. she remembers when she was a child and it hung in golden waves down her back. her mother platted it once, she thinks, or perhaps that's just another memory she wants to be true? Now her hair is short, weak and broken from over processed bleaching and styling, often half blonde half black from dark, greasy roots. Gina's tough expression and painted on face hides years of pain, abuse and grief. At least it was, lately those thin lips have cracked a few smiles, her cheeks have flushed with natural color and the deadness in her eyes has been replaced with a shimmering glint. All because of one man, Tom O'Shea. He'd taken Gina to a hotel on the way home from a drunken night out and instead of using her body then throwing money at her like most guys do, that's assuming they actually pay since so many don't, Tom stayed and talked with her, treated her like a human being. He was very handsome. Gina couldn't believe her luck when he'd stumbled drunk up to her. most of her clients were old bald fat men who made her shiver and squirm. more than once she had violently vomited after a nights work. Tom, however was the cliched tall, dark and handsome. At 45 he was ten years her senior but didn't look it, he had a kind, warm clean shaven face, flecks of grey peppering his hair but adding to his charm. Gina wondered what the hell someone like him was doing crawling the streets for prostitutes! During their night he explained how lonely he was since his wife Kate had left him. Gina listened intently and found herself opening up about her own tough times, being abandoned by her mother, turning to drugs and prostitution, it just came pouring out and felt so natural. He was sympathetic and comforting, really listened to her, that had never happened before. Gina was thrilled to have discovered a friend finally, a genuine guy who actually saw past the bleached hair, clown like make-up and track marks. He saw her as a person, not an object to be used and thrown away like trash. So Tom became a regular visitor, not just for sex but for meals, coffee and talks. Gina had never had it so good! She had never felt love before, so wasn't sure if that is what she felt for him but she guessed it must be. She felt amazing! She had even cut down on her drugs, felt like the spell they had cast over here all these years was finally fading, and as Tom was around do much she found her client list was getting shorter and shorter. Life was getting pretty good for her.
During one night's meal Tom took her hand and said, "Gina, I've been thinking for a while, I don't want you living this life anymore, you deserve better, I want to be with you. You know, properly." Her heart nearly burst with joy and she sat there wide mouthed for what felt like an eternity before muttering a stumbled speech on how she felt the same. They spent the rest of the night making plans. Tom was going to rent them a small little flat for now, was going to pay for Gina to go into private rehab, everything was going to be amazing, beautiful perfect. Finally her time had come. Her head was swimming with happiness and plans which she'd yearned for for years. Perhaps one day they'd even get married and have kids! She would love to be a mother and now it seemed like this dream was now a possibility.
Hours flew by and Tom looked at his watch, he had to leave, had work tomorrow, but he would meet her same place tomorrow. He kissed her gently and left, leaving her in a bubble of euphoria. Snapping out of it she gathered her things and went to make her way back to her dark, damp flat, but for once didn't feel sad about it, she wouldn't be there for much longer. She noticed then that Tom had left his wallet on the table. She panicked a bit, he would need that to go to work tomorrow. Tom had never given her his address because his sick mother was staying with him, she had Alzheimers and would get confused with new faces. She picked the wallet up and opened it to find his drivers licence with his address. Tanner St, that wasn't far from where she was now, surely the best thing to do was to drop it there, he'd need it for work and is probably at home now wondering where it is, she thought. So it was decided she would take it, maybe she would just post it through the letter box as not to disturb anyone. Yes, that's what she would do. Still on a high from tonight's revelations she picked up the wallet and made her way to Tanner St. She pulled her coat around her as the autumn breeze was cold and chilly, didn't stop her smiling though. She was quite enjoying the walk and the click on her heels against the pavement seemed to sing to her.
Within a few minutes she arrived at his house. Wow it was lovely! A large old fashioned detached house with a graveled drive and a neat garden littered with rose bushes. Oh gosh why did he want to leave this to get a flat with her? She pushed that thought out of her head quickly, she didn't want paranoia and low self esteem ruining this for her, if he didn't want this he wouldn't have said all he did tonight. The house was dark, only one dim light on, his mother must be sleeping, she would be as quiet as she could. Being as quiet as she possibly could she lifted the letterbox and dropped the wallet through. As she turned to leave the door opened and standing there was a slim, red haired women with smooth skin and a stern face. "Can I help you?" she said raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow quizzically. Gina froze. Who the hell was this? Her mouth went dry and she began to shake. "Um, I'm sorry to disturb you, I was returning Tom's wallet, have I got the wrong house?" But she knew she hadn't, the churning in her stomach told her she had just come face to face with Kate who had apparently left him. "No darling, you haven't got the wrong house. I take it you're one of Tom's many floozy's then are you? Given you all the usual speech has he? Well listen honey you're not the first and you definitely won't be the last. Now hurry along back to the hole you crawled out of, there's a good little girl" She slammed the door shut with a loud bang and Gina felt it right through her chest into her heart. It literally broke as the door slammed. Her body shook and her breathing became labored and unsteady. Cold sweat came oozing from her pores and salty hot tears streamed down her face. She turned on her heels and ran. As she ran she felt her heart crumbling into tiny pieces, her head rushed with a thousand thoughts and blood pumped and rushed through her ears making sounds like waves crashing against rocks. Lies, it had all been lies! How could he do this to her? The words, the hugs, the kisses, all lies! She heard a loud scream and realized it was her, pure heartache escaping from her heart into her mouth. All he'd wanted was sex, just like the others. There was never going to be a flat, no wedding, no children. He was married, had lied that his wife had gone just to get sympathy vote, and lower rates perhaps! What a fool she had been, his mother was probably alive and well too. Sick! He was sick!
Before she knew it she was back at her dark dingy flat, the flat that a few hours ago she thought she was leaving for the life she had always craved. The cheap furniture and smell of damp seemed a thousand times worse than usual now. All hope had drained from her. she was back to nothing. Gina, the child no one wanted, now the woman no one did either. Darkness enveloped her, chocking her with its depression and despair. She slumped into the broken armchair and wept.
Meanwhile back in Tanner St Tom came downstairs after tending to his mother. Kate stood at the bottom of the stairs with his wallet in her hand and a smug look on her face. "Your little tramp just dropped this off. I told her where to go. Tom you haven't half lowered your standards my God" she said laughing. Tom froze with a horrified look on his face. "Jesus Christ Kate, what the hell did you say to her? It's got nothing to do with you, we've broken up! You left me! Did you upset her? Where is she?" He ran to the door and looked round hoping to see her outside. "Get a grip Tom, I was kidding, it's not my fault the skank took it the wrong way! Thanks for signing the papers, I'm off, take care." She said and casually flounced out of the door not knowing or caring about the devastation and heartache she had caused. Tom was furious. how dare she do this. she had run off with a 20 year old chump and had the cheek to do this now he had finally met someone. He had to get to Gina and explain. she was vulnerable and would no doubt be extremely upset. Getting his coat he made a wild dash for the door in a wild panic. He ran as fast as he could, oblivious to the cars lights and people around him. His heart was racing with fury and panic. Don't worry he tried to calm himself, you're almost there. He reached the flat to luckily find the communal front door open. He charged through and took the steps two at a time up to the third floor where her flat was. Stopping at number 15a he hammered on the door with all his might. "Gina, Gina open up , please, I can explain" He roared. If only she will come to the door he knew he could explain and make it right again, they could start living the life they had planned just a few hours ago. No answer. He tried the handle expecting it to be locked, to his joy it was open. He went in. "Gina?" he called. Silence. The flat was dark, maybe she hadn't come home? No, why would she leave it unlocked? He saw a thin slither of light through the opening of her bedroom door. Ah, she must have fallen asleep, he thought, and with delight that he had found her he pushed the door open. As he entered his jaw dropped and his eyes widened in horror. Lying sprawled out on the bed, blood and vomit running from her open mouth, was his beloved Gina. Rushing over to her still, lifeless body he saw packets and packets of empty tablets. Still with a tiny shred of hope in his heart he ran to her, scooped her up in his arms screaming her name, sobbing it, using all his strength and might. Her skin was cold, her eyes closed, the life totally drained from her. He was too late.
Gina(karla macey)
Gina Willis has had the kind of life you see on crime shows, the type of life no one wants to have. Unloved even from an early age she is bitter and holds a grudge against everything and everyone. In and out of care throughout her horrific childhood due to a drug addict mother and absent father she has never felt settled, calm or really happy. She has no close family and no close friends, only acquaintances from buying drugs and clients from prostitution which she stumbled into from an awfully young age. Her thick, caked on make-up tried to hide the lines of age creeping up on her, older girls get less work you see, and often it also covers the bruises she regularly receives from clients who get rough and can't or won't pay. Occupational hazard she palms it off as. Her eye make up is also thick, usually black and smokey, because she thinks it makes her look sexy. Her eyebrows are thin lines she has drawn on herself due to over-plucking as a teenager. Her eyes are big and dark but the spark in them died years ago, now they are just soulless. She's seen and felt too much now. Her lips are thin, often down-turned, she only ever smiles to attract a punter or when the warm, comforting blanket of heroin wraps her up in a cloudy, peaceful haze. It's bliss to her.
She tried to keep her hair nice. she remembers when she was a child and it hung in golden waves down her back. her mother platted it once, she thinks, or perhaps that's just another memory she wants to be true? Now her hair is short, weak and broken from over processed bleaching and styling, often half blonde half black from dark, greasy roots. Gina's tough expression and painted on face hides years of pain, abuse and grief. At least it was, lately those thin lips have cracked a few smiles, her cheeks have flushed with natural color and the deadness in her eyes has been replaced with a shimmering glint. All because of one man, Tom O'Shea. He'd taken Gina to a hotel on the way home from a drunken night out and instead of using her body then throwing money at her like most guys do, that's assuming they actually pay since so many don't, Tom stayed and talked with her, treated her like a human being. He was very handsome. Gina couldn't believe her luck when he'd stumbled drunk up to her. most of her clients were old bald fat men who made her shiver and squirm. more than once she had violently vomited after a nights work. Tom, however was the cliched tall, dark and handsome. At 45 he was ten years her senior but didn't look it, he had a kind, warm clean shaven face, flecks of grey peppering his hair but adding to his charm. Gina wondered what the hell someone like him was doing crawling the streets for prostitutes! During their night he explained how lonely he was since his wife Kate had left him. Gina listened intently and found herself opening up about her own tough times, being abandoned by her mother, turning to drugs and prostitution, it just came pouring out and felt so natural. He was sympathetic and comforting, really listened to her, that had never happened before. Gina was thrilled to have discovered a friend finally, a genuine guy who actually saw past the bleached hair, clown like make-up and track marks. He saw her as a person, not an object to be used and thrown away like trash. So Tom became a regular visitor, not just for sex but for meals, coffee and talks. Gina had never had it so good! She had never felt love before, so wasn't sure if that is what she felt for him but she guessed it must be. She felt amazing! She had even cut down on her drugs, felt like the spell they had cast over here all these years was finally fading, and as Tom was around do much she found her client list was getting shorter and shorter. Life was getting pretty good for her.
During one night's meal Tom took her hand and said, "Gina, I've been thinking for a while, I don't want you living this life anymore, you deserve better, I want to be with you. You know, properly." Her heart nearly burst with joy and she sat there wide mouthed for what felt like an eternity before muttering a stumbled speech on how she felt the same. They spent the rest of the night making plans. Tom was going to rent them a small little flat for now, was going to pay for Gina to go into private rehab, everything was going to be amazing, beautiful perfect. Finally her time had come. Her head was swimming with happiness and plans which she'd yearned for for years. Perhaps one day they'd even get married and have kids! She would love to be a mother and now it seemed like this dream was now a possibility.
Hours flew by and Tom looked at his watch, he had to leave, had work tomorrow, but he would meet her same place tomorrow. He kissed her gently and left, leaving her in a bubble of euphoria. Snapping out of it she gathered her things and went to make her way back to her dark, damp flat, but for once didn't feel sad about it, she wouldn't be there for much longer. She noticed then that Tom had left his wallet on the table. She panicked a bit, he would need that to go to work tomorrow. Tom had never given her his address because his sick mother was staying with him, she had Alzheimers and would get confused with new faces. She picked the wallet up and opened it to find his drivers licence with his address. Tanner St, that wasn't far from where she was now, surely the best thing to do was to drop it there, he'd need it for work and is probably at home now wondering where it is, she thought. So it was decided she would take it, maybe she would just post it through the letter box as not to disturb anyone. Yes, that's what she would do. Still on a high from tonight's revelations she picked up the wallet and made her way to Tanner St. She pulled her coat around her as the autumn breeze was cold and chilly, didn't stop her smiling though. She was quite enjoying the walk and the click on her heels against the pavement seemed to sing to her.
Within a few minutes she arrived at his house. Wow it was lovely! A large old fashioned detached house with a graveled drive and a neat garden littered with rose bushes. Oh gosh why did he want to leave this to get a flat with her? She pushed that thought out of her head quickly, she didn't want paranoia and low self esteem ruining this for her, if he didn't want this he wouldn't have said all he did tonight. The house was dark, only one dim light on, his mother must be sleeping, she would be as quiet as she could. Being as quiet as she possibly could she lifted the letterbox and dropped the wallet through. As she turned to leave the door opened and standing there was a slim, red haired women with smooth skin and a stern face. "Can I help you?" she said raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow quizzically. Gina froze. Who the hell was this? Her mouth went dry and she began to shake. "Um, I'm sorry to disturb you, I was returning Tom's wallet, have I got the wrong house?" But she knew she hadn't, the churning in her stomach told her she had just come face to face with Kate who had apparently left him. "No darling, you haven't got the wrong house. I take it you're one of Tom's many floozy's then are you? Given you all the usual speech has he? Well listen honey you're not the first and you definitely won't be the last. Now hurry along back to the hole you crawled out of, there's a good little girl" She slammed the door shut with a loud bang and Gina felt it right through her chest into her heart. It literally broke as the door slammed. Her body shook and her breathing became labored and unsteady. Cold sweat came oozing from her pores and salty hot tears streamed down her face. She turned on her heels and ran. As she ran she felt her heart crumbling into tiny pieces, her head rushed with a thousand thoughts and blood pumped and rushed through her ears making sounds like waves crashing against rocks. Lies, it had all been lies! How could he do this to her? The words, the hugs, the kisses, all lies! She heard a loud scream and realized it was her, pure heartache escaping from her heart into her mouth. All he'd wanted was sex, just like the others. There was never going to be a flat, no wedding, no children. He was married, had lied that his wife had gone just to get sympathy vote, and lower rates perhaps! What a fool she had been, his mother was probably alive and well too. Sick! He was sick!
Before she knew it she was back at her dark dingy flat, the flat that a few hours ago she thought she was leaving for the life she had always craved. The cheap furniture and smell of damp seemed a thousand times worse than usual now. All hope had drained from her. she was back to nothing. Gina, the child no one wanted, now the woman no one did either. Darkness enveloped her, chocking her with its depression and despair. She slumped into the broken armchair and wept.
Meanwhile back in Tanner St Tom came downstairs after tending to his mother. Kate stood at the bottom of the stairs with his wallet in her hand and a smug look on her face. "Your little tramp just dropped this off. I told her where to go. Tom you haven't half lowered your standards my God" she said laughing. Tom froze with a horrified look on his face. "Jesus Christ Kate, what the hell did you say to her? It's got nothing to do with you, we've broken up! You left me! Did you upset her? Where is she?" He ran to the door and looked round hoping to see her outside. "Get a grip Tom, I was kidding, it's not my fault the skank took it the wrong way! Thanks for signing the papers, I'm off, take care." She said and casually flounced out of the door not knowing or caring about the devastation and heartache she had caused. Tom was furious. how dare she do this. she had run off with a 20 year old chump and had the cheek to do this now he had finally met someone. He had to get to Gina and explain. she was vulnerable and would no doubt be extremely upset. Getting his coat he made a wild dash for the door in a wild panic. He ran as fast as he could, oblivious to the cars lights and people around him. His heart was racing with fury and panic. Don't worry he tried to calm himself, you're almost there. He reached the flat to luckily find the communal front door open. He charged through and took the steps two at a time up to the third floor where her flat was. Stopping at number 15a he hammered on the door with all his might. "Gina, Gina open up , please, I can explain" He roared. If only she will come to the door he knew he could explain and make it right again, they could start living the life they had planned just a few hours ago. No answer. He tried the handle expecting it to be locked, to his joy it was open. He went in. "Gina?" he called. Silence. The flat was dark, maybe she hadn't come home? No, why would she leave it unlocked? He saw a thin slither of light through the opening of her bedroom door. Ah, she must have fallen asleep, he thought, and with delight that he had found her he pushed the door open. As he entered his jaw dropped and his eyes widened in horror. Lying sprawled out on the bed, blood and vomit running from her open mouth, was his beloved Gina. Rushing over to her still, lifeless body he saw packets and packets of empty tablets. Still with a tiny shred of hope in his heart he ran to her, scooped her up in his arms screaming her name, sobbing it, using all his strength and might. Her skin was cold, her eyes closed, the life totally drained from her. He was too late.
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