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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Life Experience
- Published: 09/30/2012
Cold Black Eyes
Born 1990, F, from Ohio, United StatesHow did this ever happen to us? How did the mind of one man become so powerful and so wicked. It's like living in a nightmare, and no matter how many times you slap yourself you can't wake up out of this dream. The reason you can't wake up is because that nightmare is reality.
My name is nicole and I'm 17 years old. My whole teenage years were something wild for me. Party, drugs, and sex. I loved the wild life and how the feel of danger excited me. When I was 16 I moved to ohio from Kentucky to live and take care of my grandma. She put me in homeschooling, which was a big relief for me. Where she lived was full of hicks and racist people. I knew I would never fit in. I never seen color. I was glad to be home and glad to be close to my cousin Lynette. I've always been close to her, she's more like my sister than cousin just because we was both raised together in the same household by our grandmother. Lynette was wild and daring too. I think that's why we got along so well. No matter what we always had each others back. She's older than I was. She has four beautiful intelligent kids. And, she's married to a man named andrew. Andrew was different from any of the guys she's been with. He was daring, wild, a heavy metal lover, tatted up, and sometimes a hater. I eventually started living with Lynette. We had a lot of good times. Our childhood friend started to come around like everyday. His name was tony. Tony was very different from all of us. His mother tina was a witch doctor. Although, tony wasn't as wicked or powerful as she was he still creeped us out. He and andrew became best friends. Tony and his mother started bringing us cookies and coffee made with meth. Now remember what I said at the beginning of my story (me and Lynette was daring and wild) of course we was doing meth. No matter what we did, we had to be high. We didn't care, we was basically using tony and tina cause we was getting free meth. Lynette and andrew preferred the coffee. Me, on the other hand, would drink the coffee but I preferred to smoke it from foil. Even though I hated the fact that my lips would chap real bad and I had to force myself to eat and be up all hours of the night for a week straight.
Tina decided to read Lynettes hands one night. I wouldn't let her read mine. Tina explained to Lynette about everything, then wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it in a little box. She gave her a red piece of ribbon. she also told her not to let anybody read it. Lynette did as she was told.
A few weeks later and tonys been staying the night every night. Very creepy. He looked me in my eyes and told me that he knows I've been lost and hurt for awhile. He told me about his childhood and about how his father put him down in a well and left him there to get over his fears. We wanted tony to leave. Things just kept getting weird and we was tired of him being there. He eventually left but came back later that night and dropped off a meth lab. He put it by the door as soon as you walk in. Andrew picked it up and went through the living room down the hallway out the back door and put it in the shed. It's the week of my 18th birthday. We let him stay the night again. But this night and the rest of the week got out of control and dark. That night changed everything, even andrew. Lynette sat down at the table with tony. Now before I tell you the rest let me tell you about Lynettes oldest daughter. Her father had custody and wouldn't let Lynette see or talk to her unless she slept with him. She wouldn't do it, so he gave her a hard time. Now back to tony and Lynette. He told Lynette that she can get her daughter back. He wanted her to go outside with him and walk 100 feet into the woods with him. He said if she did that she'll know how to get her daughter back. Lynette was confused and freaked out. She thinks he was talking about killing her daughters father and burying him 100 feet in the woods. She didn't go outside with him. she was too scared to. Later all of us was sitting at the table smoking meth. From there on out is when things started to change. Andrews eyes turned black. Coal black. His eyebrow would go into a triangle. He become mean and hateful. We told tony not to come back for awhile. We didn't know our lives in that house would be cursed.
I never thought all three of us would be scared of the dark or even afraid to fall asleep. The house was possessed with something evil. It's always dark, everyday got worse, everyday grew darker, everyday we got scareder, everyday andrew turned colder, and everyday we got weaker. That evil spirit was sucking the life out of us. We tried leaving but we was trapped. we was too weak. We slept in the front room with the tv on. Lynette and andrew couldn't sleep in their room, something was telling them they was unwelcome. Their tv would turn on by itself and turn all the way up. Their toilet would flush by itself. The car in their sons room would turn on. Andrew took the battery out and it would still turn on. The hallway was even feeling dark. I layed down on the couch one night with the tv off. I couldn't sleep I felt strange. It felt like something was watching me, watching all of us. I layed on my back and looked up. A strange dark figure was circling around above me. I started to get chills. I felt like a little kid that was afraid of the dark. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go to sleep. The next night Lynette wanted me to go into town with her. She asked me to go in the bathroom with her so she can put her makeup on. I stood in the hallway by the bathroom door. There's a mirror in the hallway. I turned to look at myself then Lynette screamed and pulled me away from the mirror. She was freaking out and shaking. I asked her what was wrong. She told me to stand in front of the mirror again. I stood in front of it and I knew exactly what she was talking about. The girl in the mirror wasn't me. I backed away from the mirror and told her, let's get out of this house and go to town. Before we left andrews friend came over. We asked him if he felt anything weird in the house. His answer was no.
We left to go to town. We thought we had a small break from that dark house. We was wrong. Somebody was following us. Bumper to bumper. They tried to run us off the road. When we got into town they backed off and turned. We just wanted to get our cigarettes and get back to that house. Wed rather be in a possessed house than somebody trying to kill us. When we got back to the house andrews friend was pale white and shaky. We asked what was wrong he said he was standing in the kitchen and he happened to look down the hallway and coming out of Lynettes and andrews room was a dark figure that kept going back in forth out of their room. He said it looked like it was taunting him. That creeped us out even more. The next day andrews friend felt the same way we did. He felt like something was sucking the life out of him. Andrew started to talk crazy. He thought everybody was out to get him so again he hated everybody. he even got violent with Lynette. He's changed into a demon. We got fed up with it. We had to do something about this house and andrew. Lynette called andrews mom and asked for advice. She told us to get everything out that's tonys and burn it, even the things that he gave us. We knew what we had to do. We found clothing of tonys in places that it shouldn't have been. Under the sink was his hat, in Lynettes closet was his hoodie, under the couch was his socks, and in the bathroom on the shelf was another hat. We burned all of it we stood there and watched his cursed clothes burn. Things got a little better. there was some light coming in the house instead of being so dark. But things was still weird. Andrew was still cold. Lynette remembered the notes she had from tina reading her hands. She grabbed the box and the ribbon the next day and we burned that too. The notes burned slowly. I've never seen a piece of paper burn in two hours.
Everything was clear now. We have been cursed. they put a curse on us. The house still wasn't normal. It wasn't as bad but we still felt something watching us. We wasn't as weak as before. The house wasn't that dark. Andrew wasn't that cold. His eyeborrows are back to normal. But every now and then his eyes would turn coal black and he would get so angry.
Two weeks go by. we haven't heard from tony or tina. We didn't want to. We didn't even want answers from them. we didn't want to risk our souls. Lynette finally mentioned the meth lab. she told andrew to get rid of it and fast. He walked outside, got it and took it far away from us. After that things got back to normal. We found out that tina and tony moved. We was relieved that we didn't have to deal with them anymore.
We can't really explain that experience. But we was glad it was over. We knew it was time to stop doing meth. A little after that experience I had a beautiful baby boy. Lynette and andrew is now separated. We think he's still possessed. he got too mean and hateful to Lynette. She left him. He moved to a different state. I'm now 22 and I'm happy as can be. Lynette found a wonderful guy who loves her and her kids. So our lives are doing great. Just because it's over it's still stuck in the back of our minds and it always will be.
Cold Black Eyes(michelle)
How did this ever happen to us? How did the mind of one man become so powerful and so wicked. It's like living in a nightmare, and no matter how many times you slap yourself you can't wake up out of this dream. The reason you can't wake up is because that nightmare is reality.
My name is nicole and I'm 17 years old. My whole teenage years were something wild for me. Party, drugs, and sex. I loved the wild life and how the feel of danger excited me. When I was 16 I moved to ohio from Kentucky to live and take care of my grandma. She put me in homeschooling, which was a big relief for me. Where she lived was full of hicks and racist people. I knew I would never fit in. I never seen color. I was glad to be home and glad to be close to my cousin Lynette. I've always been close to her, she's more like my sister than cousin just because we was both raised together in the same household by our grandmother. Lynette was wild and daring too. I think that's why we got along so well. No matter what we always had each others back. She's older than I was. She has four beautiful intelligent kids. And, she's married to a man named andrew. Andrew was different from any of the guys she's been with. He was daring, wild, a heavy metal lover, tatted up, and sometimes a hater. I eventually started living with Lynette. We had a lot of good times. Our childhood friend started to come around like everyday. His name was tony. Tony was very different from all of us. His mother tina was a witch doctor. Although, tony wasn't as wicked or powerful as she was he still creeped us out. He and andrew became best friends. Tony and his mother started bringing us cookies and coffee made with meth. Now remember what I said at the beginning of my story (me and Lynette was daring and wild) of course we was doing meth. No matter what we did, we had to be high. We didn't care, we was basically using tony and tina cause we was getting free meth. Lynette and andrew preferred the coffee. Me, on the other hand, would drink the coffee but I preferred to smoke it from foil. Even though I hated the fact that my lips would chap real bad and I had to force myself to eat and be up all hours of the night for a week straight.
Tina decided to read Lynettes hands one night. I wouldn't let her read mine. Tina explained to Lynette about everything, then wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it in a little box. She gave her a red piece of ribbon. she also told her not to let anybody read it. Lynette did as she was told.
A few weeks later and tonys been staying the night every night. Very creepy. He looked me in my eyes and told me that he knows I've been lost and hurt for awhile. He told me about his childhood and about how his father put him down in a well and left him there to get over his fears. We wanted tony to leave. Things just kept getting weird and we was tired of him being there. He eventually left but came back later that night and dropped off a meth lab. He put it by the door as soon as you walk in. Andrew picked it up and went through the living room down the hallway out the back door and put it in the shed. It's the week of my 18th birthday. We let him stay the night again. But this night and the rest of the week got out of control and dark. That night changed everything, even andrew. Lynette sat down at the table with tony. Now before I tell you the rest let me tell you about Lynettes oldest daughter. Her father had custody and wouldn't let Lynette see or talk to her unless she slept with him. She wouldn't do it, so he gave her a hard time. Now back to tony and Lynette. He told Lynette that she can get her daughter back. He wanted her to go outside with him and walk 100 feet into the woods with him. He said if she did that she'll know how to get her daughter back. Lynette was confused and freaked out. She thinks he was talking about killing her daughters father and burying him 100 feet in the woods. She didn't go outside with him. she was too scared to. Later all of us was sitting at the table smoking meth. From there on out is when things started to change. Andrews eyes turned black. Coal black. His eyebrow would go into a triangle. He become mean and hateful. We told tony not to come back for awhile. We didn't know our lives in that house would be cursed.
I never thought all three of us would be scared of the dark or even afraid to fall asleep. The house was possessed with something evil. It's always dark, everyday got worse, everyday grew darker, everyday we got scareder, everyday andrew turned colder, and everyday we got weaker. That evil spirit was sucking the life out of us. We tried leaving but we was trapped. we was too weak. We slept in the front room with the tv on. Lynette and andrew couldn't sleep in their room, something was telling them they was unwelcome. Their tv would turn on by itself and turn all the way up. Their toilet would flush by itself. The car in their sons room would turn on. Andrew took the battery out and it would still turn on. The hallway was even feeling dark. I layed down on the couch one night with the tv off. I couldn't sleep I felt strange. It felt like something was watching me, watching all of us. I layed on my back and looked up. A strange dark figure was circling around above me. I started to get chills. I felt like a little kid that was afraid of the dark. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go to sleep. The next night Lynette wanted me to go into town with her. She asked me to go in the bathroom with her so she can put her makeup on. I stood in the hallway by the bathroom door. There's a mirror in the hallway. I turned to look at myself then Lynette screamed and pulled me away from the mirror. She was freaking out and shaking. I asked her what was wrong. She told me to stand in front of the mirror again. I stood in front of it and I knew exactly what she was talking about. The girl in the mirror wasn't me. I backed away from the mirror and told her, let's get out of this house and go to town. Before we left andrews friend came over. We asked him if he felt anything weird in the house. His answer was no.
We left to go to town. We thought we had a small break from that dark house. We was wrong. Somebody was following us. Bumper to bumper. They tried to run us off the road. When we got into town they backed off and turned. We just wanted to get our cigarettes and get back to that house. Wed rather be in a possessed house than somebody trying to kill us. When we got back to the house andrews friend was pale white and shaky. We asked what was wrong he said he was standing in the kitchen and he happened to look down the hallway and coming out of Lynettes and andrews room was a dark figure that kept going back in forth out of their room. He said it looked like it was taunting him. That creeped us out even more. The next day andrews friend felt the same way we did. He felt like something was sucking the life out of him. Andrew started to talk crazy. He thought everybody was out to get him so again he hated everybody. he even got violent with Lynette. He's changed into a demon. We got fed up with it. We had to do something about this house and andrew. Lynette called andrews mom and asked for advice. She told us to get everything out that's tonys and burn it, even the things that he gave us. We knew what we had to do. We found clothing of tonys in places that it shouldn't have been. Under the sink was his hat, in Lynettes closet was his hoodie, under the couch was his socks, and in the bathroom on the shelf was another hat. We burned all of it we stood there and watched his cursed clothes burn. Things got a little better. there was some light coming in the house instead of being so dark. But things was still weird. Andrew was still cold. Lynette remembered the notes she had from tina reading her hands. She grabbed the box and the ribbon the next day and we burned that too. The notes burned slowly. I've never seen a piece of paper burn in two hours.
Everything was clear now. We have been cursed. they put a curse on us. The house still wasn't normal. It wasn't as bad but we still felt something watching us. We wasn't as weak as before. The house wasn't that dark. Andrew wasn't that cold. His eyeborrows are back to normal. But every now and then his eyes would turn coal black and he would get so angry.
Two weeks go by. we haven't heard from tony or tina. We didn't want to. We didn't even want answers from them. we didn't want to risk our souls. Lynette finally mentioned the meth lab. she told andrew to get rid of it and fast. He walked outside, got it and took it far away from us. After that things got back to normal. We found out that tina and tony moved. We was relieved that we didn't have to deal with them anymore.
We can't really explain that experience. But we was glad it was over. We knew it was time to stop doing meth. A little after that experience I had a beautiful baby boy. Lynette and andrew is now separated. We think he's still possessed. he got too mean and hateful to Lynette. She left him. He moved to a different state. I'm now 22 and I'm happy as can be. Lynette found a wonderful guy who loves her and her kids. So our lives are doing great. Just because it's over it's still stuck in the back of our minds and it always will be.
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