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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 10/21/2012
Why won't he leave me alone?
Born 1998, F, from Gibsons, Canada.jpg)
Natalie Brooks slammed her hands down on her desk, her bright blue eyes glinting with dangerous rage. She leaned over the desk, glaring right into his green eyes. "GO. AWAY. NOW!"
He smirked. "Why should I?"
"Because I'm trying to work, and I don't need some idiotic little boy to bother me." She turned back to her paper. Why wouldn't he leave her alone? This was only his 3rd week here, but Jake Hudson was already best friends with the guys and loved by every single girl. Except her.
He was always following her, telling her that she should stop stalking him, and that she should just admit she had a crush on him. Each time she would shout "NEVER", and either hit him or walk away. All the other girls were jealous, always watching from afar, the cattiness of grade 11 girls showing easily. They knew Natalie was pretty, and they hated it.
Natalie ignored him, and kept on working, digging her pencil so hard in the paper that it broke.
"Why you -" She started to mutter.
"Why you what?" She looked up, and Jake was still there, except he had brought a chair and was casually leaning on her desk.
"I told you to leave," She snapped, "And you know I'll hit you."
He was about to answer, but the bell rang, and Natalie hurried to her locker, her face red with anger.
"Oh, is Natalie mad again?"
"I think so!"
Natalie whirled to see her two best friends standing there, who were giggling.
"I just can't stand him." She growled through gritted teeth. They walked toward the cafeteria, to get their lunch.
"Well, it's obvious why he follows you." Jen said, her pretty brown eyes glinting with a mischievious look that Natalie didn't like.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because he likes you."
Natalie started coughing violently, her face distorted into a fiery look of hatred crossed with absolute grotesque. Jen knew she'd crossed the line.
"So, uh, Dari, let's go now." Jen laughed tentatively. She turned to Natalie. "We'll go find a place to sit."
Natalie glared after the pair as they scurried away.
He does NOT like me, she said to herself.
I guess it is a good time to tell you something about Natalie. She was smart, a straight-A student, honour roll, etc. But she was absolutely clueless about love, and crushes, and boys. So of course she didn't understand what Jen said.
She was trying to calm down, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around impatiently, to come face to face with Jake, who was flanked by 2 girls, who were glaring at her.
"What do you want?" She asked impatiently. He shrugged.
"I dunno."
"Fine, then go away." She grabbed a tray and headed down the line, grabbing food, her anger still not fading.
"Don't you diet?"
Jake was staring at her, an amused look on his face.
"Excuse me?" She said quietly.
"Uh, I mean, well, all girls do these days... Don't they?" He looked at her fearfully, knowing that he was about to be subject to her insane rage.
But she just glared at him and said, "Well I actually have something. It's called self-esteem and confidence." And then she walked to her table, turning her back to Jakes amused smile.
Jake at first DIDN'T have a crush on Natalie. When he first came to the new school, he saw her as a target for his annoying ways, he knew he would get a reaction out of her. But he saw how petty the other girls were. They would spend hours in the bathrooms prepping, and go on diets, and try to impress the boys. Natalie wasn't like that.
Natalie went home angry, and he went home calm and unfrustrated, much to her annoyance. But that night, both of their luck changed.
The earthquake wasn't too bad. Gibsons was a small town, and it had alot of new houses. But there were a few very old ones, and they didn't survive.
3 houses collapsed, one of which was Jakes house. Everyone was ok. But they didn't have a place to stay. So Jakes father called up an old friend, Harold Brooks. They were to stay there while their house was rebuilt.
* * * * *
Natalie sat on her couch. She had not heard about Jake staying with them. All she knew was that some of her dads friends were coming to stay. You can imagine her surprise when she saw him walk in with Jake, his dad, and his mum.
"Well," Peter Hudson was saying, "Your house is certainly very big..."
It was true. Mr.Brooks was very wealthy after a lucky break in his company. But Natalie ignored the remark and stared in open-mouthed horror. Jake looked over at her too, and his face went white.
He walked over to her, his face returning to normal. A slight smile even played upon his face.
"So, this is gonna be my house for my while, I guess."
Natalie walked away, her face burning with anger.
At dinner, he relentlessly teased her, much to the amusmant of the parents. He made faces at her, trying to make her laugh.
"What are you, 5?"
"I know you are but what am I?" He sing sang.
"Shut up!" She stuffed mased potatos into her mouth.
"You really don't diet, do you!"
I said SHUT UP!" She threw a fork at him. It whistled past his head.
"Natalie," Mr.Brooks said warningly, "That's enough."
She fell into a sulky silence, glaring at Jake.
* * * * * *
At school, Natalie couldn't shake him.
"Why can't you go away?" She groaned. He pulled his chair closer to her desk.
"I don't wanna!" He whined.
"I told you not to act like a five year old!"
"No, you ASKED if I was a five year old, and I said-"
"I KNOW what you said, idiot!"
He stepped back in mock horror.
"Well!" He said, shocked. "I DO declare, we have a tiger on our hands!"
By this time, the class was engulfed in uncontrollable laughter. Natalie stared down at her desk, her face red. She didn't see Jake cast an almost loving glance at her before laughing too. The teacher was laughing too, but he quickly composed himself.
"Class," he said sharply, "seating change."
Everyone went silent. They always were excited to hear who they would be sitting next to. They were already about to start the change when Natalie and Jake had started fighting.
The teacher pulled two names out.
Natalie Brooks and Jake Hudson.
"Oh, dear God no!" She whispered, just as he pumped his fist and turned his green eyes to her.
"Hello, friend!"
"Shut up!"
"I told you not to talk like a five year old!" She snapped.
The class started laughing again.
* * * * *
Field day. A day of great importance to the competitive. Natalie walked down the stairs in determination, her long brown hair tied up in a high pony tail, bandanna around her head, war stripes on her face. She sat down at the breakfast table.
"Huh?" He turned his sleepy eyes up to her, before they lightened in amusement.
"It's field day, hurry up!"
She hustled him into her car, and took off so fast that they left black marks on the cement.
At the school, Natalie was standing with the rest of the class, who were all required to participate. They buzzed excitedly, all clad in red bandannas.
"Girls 400 meter, report to the track."
"Natalie, that's you!" The whole class went to watch her, sitting in the stands. Jake turned to one of his friends.
"Is she any good?" He asked.
"Good?", the boy asked, "She's incredible! She broke 3 records last year! She can run like the wind."
Jake turned back to the race.
A few moments later the cap gun went off, and Natalie took off with the rest. She stayed near the back.
"What is she doing?" He asked aloud. No one answered. When the runners went around the last turn, Natalie REALLY started running. She dodged between people, and was suddenly meters ahead, and getting faster. By the end of the race, she had won 5 meters ahead of everyone else. She walked up to the bleachers proudly, amidst cheers.
"Take THAT!" She laughed, pointing at Jake. He raised his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a competition."
"It's always a competition!"
Jake was about to reply when one of his friends nudged him.
"Dude, watch it. She's in her Competitive Mode." He shuddered. "Once she goes in, well, you gotta watch out."
Jake sighed.
"NOW who's acting like a 5 year old?"
"Well," She replied, "NOW who's being the mature one?"
They started bickering. It would've gone farther, but the P.A. System called for another race.
"Boys and Girls relay, come to the track."
Natalie raced down, and was shocked to see Jake coming down.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm in this race."
She sighed and they walked down the rest of the way.
The relay team was made of 4 people, Natalie, Jake, Jen, and a boy named Harrison. Natalie would go last, to catch up if they were behind at that point. Jake would be second last. Jen second, and Harrison was first.
Harrison took off, his short legs going surprisingly fast, but when he reached Jen, they were in third, Jen was faster, and got them into second. It was Jake who got them a lead, although it wasn't much. Finally, Natalies turn. Her long legs pulled her easily ahead. And then it happened. An angry girl from another class was right next to her. She hit Natalie in the back. Natalie flew forward, hitting her head on the pavement, and instantly blacked out. The girl kept running, and crossed the finish line, cheering herself on. But everyone else was quiet. Jakes breath caught in his throat. He sprinted to Natalie. She was lying face down. He rolled her over. There was a long cut on her forehead. Her face was beginning to swell, and blood was starting to pour out.
"Natalie!" He yelled. "Natalie, wake up!"
* * * * * *
When Natalies eyes opened, she saw one person: Jake. He was sitting next to her hospital bed, staring intently at her. She coughed.
"Natalie? You awake?"
"No Jake," She said sarcastically, "My eyes are open and I'm coughing, but I'm still asleep."
He smiled with relief.
"Now THAT'S the Natalie I know."
"What do you mean?"
"In the ambulance. You woke up and started crying. And then you told me to never leave."
She looked at him in horror.
"You're lying!"
"Nope." He smiled and leaned back, yawning.
"How long have you been here?"
"Um, well, afewhoursdsadl."
He sighed. "A few hours."
"Wow!" She smiled. "You must really like me or something." She was joking, but Jake went bright red.
"Shut up."
Their conversation was interupted by the arrival of the parents. Jackie, Jakes mum, rushed over and started asking questions. James Hudson was on the phone, but he smiled and waved. Mr. Brooks went over and took Natalies hand.
"Oh, hey guys!"
Jake watched as Natalie talked to her parents. She looked terrible. There were 3 stitches in her head, and most of her face was swollen. She'd had a severe concussion, but was going to be ok, and released in a few hours. She had long scrapes up her arms from when she'd fallen on the cement track. Jake was burning with anger at the thought of what that girl had done. He was going to tell her.
* * * * * *
Jake headed out the door.
"Jake! Hold on a second mister!" Natalie followed him, swaying slightly. She took his shoulders, looked into his eyes, and said: "You GET that girl!"
"Absolutely NOT!" Jackie hustled Natalie away, yelling to Jake that if he layed a finger on that girl, he would pay.
Jake hadn't said a thing, but he giggled as he walked out the door. He didn't know the girl who'd hit Natalie, and he certainly wasn't going to 'get' her, as Natalie, who had to stay home, had instructed.
When he got to school, he was greeted with a wave of questions.
"Where's Natalie?"
"Is she ok?"
"Who was that girl who tripped her?"
"She was from my class."
"Is Natalie ok?"
Jake held up a hand and smiled.
"Natalie will be coming soon. She's fine."
He walked passed them to his class room. Before any one could say anything, he told them the exact same thing.
There was a sigh of relief. Jake heard that the girl had been suspended. A few people said she was jealous of Natalie. Jake just sat down, looking at the empty seat next to him. He sighed unhappily. He knew he liked Natalie. He also knew she didn't like him.
* * * * * *
Natalie had retuerned to everyones delight. Everything was back to normal, but she still didn't forget that Jake had stayed with her when she had the accident. She would ask herself at night if he liked her. She began to realize that he did.
Grade 11 was over, and suddenly grade 12 was tarting. Jake and Natalie were in the same class. Again. When they found out, they erupted into a huge arguement, although Jake was secretly happy. Finally the first day of school started.
"JAKE! Are you keeping Natalie waiting again?"
"NO, MOM!"
"The Brooks have let us permamently move into their house! We owe them SOMETHING! HURRY UP, YOUNG MAN!" It was true. The Hudsons moved in with the Brooks for good. It worked for everyone, the commute was easier for Mr.Hudson, Jackie was going to stay at home and clean, so there was no maid needed. There were also many other reasons, but let's get back to the story.
"I'M GOING MOM!" He ran out, tooth brush on his mouth, flinging his bag over his shoulder. Natalie flung the door open, just as he tripped. He hit the door head first, and lay on the ground.
He made a magnificent jump, landing with his head in her lap. She reached over, slammed the door, and accelerated. Jake sat up.
"Wow. Almost kill me, why don't you?"
Natalie ignored him, her face angry.
"It's bad enough that I have to share a class with you. What were you doing?"
"I was getting ready for school!"
"Jake," Natalie said as she turned right, "You took longer than me. What were you doing?"
"Trying to impress a girl." You, he said to himself.
Which girl? She asked herself.
* * * * *
College. Natalie was going to leave for college. Her car was filling up with suitcases fast. She was majoring in medicine, trying to become a doctor. She rushed out of the door, kissing her dad, Jackie, and Mr.Hudson.
"Ready to drop me off, Jake?" She asked, smiling. She would fly to Victoria from Vancouver, to go to the main University there.
"Yeah," he said glumly. They walked out the door.
The drive to the airport was quiet. Jake wouldn't look at her. When they reached the parking lot, she turned and looked at him.
"Jake, I don't know what-"
"Natalie," He interrupted, looking straight ahead. "Natalie, I need to tell you something."
She sighed impatiently. "What?"
"Natalie," He turned his green eyes to hers. "I love you."
"I love you."
He leaned forward, and kissed her. His eyes closed, but hers stayed open. She looked at his face, his brown hair, his long lashes, and as he opened his eyes, those incredible green eyes.
"I... I...Um..."
He shrugged. "Don't worry. Let's go drop you off."
Natalie nodded. They walked to the gate. Jake was happy. He'd finally told her. It was her choice now. And she knew it. She thought about the 2 years she'd known him, how he'd never leave her alone, how he had cast those loving glances, been so protective.
"Jake," She called to him. He turned around.
"Jake, I, well," She watched him walk towards her. And then she jumped at him, throwing her hands around him, planting her lips on his. He smiled, opened his eyes, and watched her walk away.
* * * * *
Anna Lily Hudson was born May 29, at 3:00 a.m. Natalie looked proudly at her little daughter, and turned and was kissed softly by Jake.
"I love you, Natalie Hudson." He whispered.
"I love you too."
Why won't he leave me alone?(Rayray)
Natalie Brooks slammed her hands down on her desk, her bright blue eyes glinting with dangerous rage. She leaned over the desk, glaring right into his green eyes. "GO. AWAY. NOW!"
He smirked. "Why should I?"
"Because I'm trying to work, and I don't need some idiotic little boy to bother me." She turned back to her paper. Why wouldn't he leave her alone? This was only his 3rd week here, but Jake Hudson was already best friends with the guys and loved by every single girl. Except her.
He was always following her, telling her that she should stop stalking him, and that she should just admit she had a crush on him. Each time she would shout "NEVER", and either hit him or walk away. All the other girls were jealous, always watching from afar, the cattiness of grade 11 girls showing easily. They knew Natalie was pretty, and they hated it.
Natalie ignored him, and kept on working, digging her pencil so hard in the paper that it broke.
"Why you -" She started to mutter.
"Why you what?" She looked up, and Jake was still there, except he had brought a chair and was casually leaning on her desk.
"I told you to leave," She snapped, "And you know I'll hit you."
He was about to answer, but the bell rang, and Natalie hurried to her locker, her face red with anger.
"Oh, is Natalie mad again?"
"I think so!"
Natalie whirled to see her two best friends standing there, who were giggling.
"I just can't stand him." She growled through gritted teeth. They walked toward the cafeteria, to get their lunch.
"Well, it's obvious why he follows you." Jen said, her pretty brown eyes glinting with a mischievious look that Natalie didn't like.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because he likes you."
Natalie started coughing violently, her face distorted into a fiery look of hatred crossed with absolute grotesque. Jen knew she'd crossed the line.
"So, uh, Dari, let's go now." Jen laughed tentatively. She turned to Natalie. "We'll go find a place to sit."
Natalie glared after the pair as they scurried away.
He does NOT like me, she said to herself.
I guess it is a good time to tell you something about Natalie. She was smart, a straight-A student, honour roll, etc. But she was absolutely clueless about love, and crushes, and boys. So of course she didn't understand what Jen said.
She was trying to calm down, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around impatiently, to come face to face with Jake, who was flanked by 2 girls, who were glaring at her.
"What do you want?" She asked impatiently. He shrugged.
"I dunno."
"Fine, then go away." She grabbed a tray and headed down the line, grabbing food, her anger still not fading.
"Don't you diet?"
Jake was staring at her, an amused look on his face.
"Excuse me?" She said quietly.
"Uh, I mean, well, all girls do these days... Don't they?" He looked at her fearfully, knowing that he was about to be subject to her insane rage.
But she just glared at him and said, "Well I actually have something. It's called self-esteem and confidence." And then she walked to her table, turning her back to Jakes amused smile.
Jake at first DIDN'T have a crush on Natalie. When he first came to the new school, he saw her as a target for his annoying ways, he knew he would get a reaction out of her. But he saw how petty the other girls were. They would spend hours in the bathrooms prepping, and go on diets, and try to impress the boys. Natalie wasn't like that.
Natalie went home angry, and he went home calm and unfrustrated, much to her annoyance. But that night, both of their luck changed.
The earthquake wasn't too bad. Gibsons was a small town, and it had alot of new houses. But there were a few very old ones, and they didn't survive.
3 houses collapsed, one of which was Jakes house. Everyone was ok. But they didn't have a place to stay. So Jakes father called up an old friend, Harold Brooks. They were to stay there while their house was rebuilt.
* * * * *
Natalie sat on her couch. She had not heard about Jake staying with them. All she knew was that some of her dads friends were coming to stay. You can imagine her surprise when she saw him walk in with Jake, his dad, and his mum.
"Well," Peter Hudson was saying, "Your house is certainly very big..."
It was true. Mr.Brooks was very wealthy after a lucky break in his company. But Natalie ignored the remark and stared in open-mouthed horror. Jake looked over at her too, and his face went white.
He walked over to her, his face returning to normal. A slight smile even played upon his face.
"So, this is gonna be my house for my while, I guess."
Natalie walked away, her face burning with anger.
At dinner, he relentlessly teased her, much to the amusmant of the parents. He made faces at her, trying to make her laugh.
"What are you, 5?"
"I know you are but what am I?" He sing sang.
"Shut up!" She stuffed mased potatos into her mouth.
"You really don't diet, do you!"
I said SHUT UP!" She threw a fork at him. It whistled past his head.
"Natalie," Mr.Brooks said warningly, "That's enough."
She fell into a sulky silence, glaring at Jake.
* * * * * *
At school, Natalie couldn't shake him.
"Why can't you go away?" She groaned. He pulled his chair closer to her desk.
"I don't wanna!" He whined.
"I told you not to act like a five year old!"
"No, you ASKED if I was a five year old, and I said-"
"I KNOW what you said, idiot!"
He stepped back in mock horror.
"Well!" He said, shocked. "I DO declare, we have a tiger on our hands!"
By this time, the class was engulfed in uncontrollable laughter. Natalie stared down at her desk, her face red. She didn't see Jake cast an almost loving glance at her before laughing too. The teacher was laughing too, but he quickly composed himself.
"Class," he said sharply, "seating change."
Everyone went silent. They always were excited to hear who they would be sitting next to. They were already about to start the change when Natalie and Jake had started fighting.
The teacher pulled two names out.
Natalie Brooks and Jake Hudson.
"Oh, dear God no!" She whispered, just as he pumped his fist and turned his green eyes to her.
"Hello, friend!"
"Shut up!"
"I told you not to talk like a five year old!" She snapped.
The class started laughing again.
* * * * *
Field day. A day of great importance to the competitive. Natalie walked down the stairs in determination, her long brown hair tied up in a high pony tail, bandanna around her head, war stripes on her face. She sat down at the breakfast table.
"Huh?" He turned his sleepy eyes up to her, before they lightened in amusement.
"It's field day, hurry up!"
She hustled him into her car, and took off so fast that they left black marks on the cement.
At the school, Natalie was standing with the rest of the class, who were all required to participate. They buzzed excitedly, all clad in red bandannas.
"Girls 400 meter, report to the track."
"Natalie, that's you!" The whole class went to watch her, sitting in the stands. Jake turned to one of his friends.
"Is she any good?" He asked.
"Good?", the boy asked, "She's incredible! She broke 3 records last year! She can run like the wind."
Jake turned back to the race.
A few moments later the cap gun went off, and Natalie took off with the rest. She stayed near the back.
"What is she doing?" He asked aloud. No one answered. When the runners went around the last turn, Natalie REALLY started running. She dodged between people, and was suddenly meters ahead, and getting faster. By the end of the race, she had won 5 meters ahead of everyone else. She walked up to the bleachers proudly, amidst cheers.
"Take THAT!" She laughed, pointing at Jake. He raised his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a competition."
"It's always a competition!"
Jake was about to reply when one of his friends nudged him.
"Dude, watch it. She's in her Competitive Mode." He shuddered. "Once she goes in, well, you gotta watch out."
Jake sighed.
"NOW who's acting like a 5 year old?"
"Well," She replied, "NOW who's being the mature one?"
They started bickering. It would've gone farther, but the P.A. System called for another race.
"Boys and Girls relay, come to the track."
Natalie raced down, and was shocked to see Jake coming down.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm in this race."
She sighed and they walked down the rest of the way.
The relay team was made of 4 people, Natalie, Jake, Jen, and a boy named Harrison. Natalie would go last, to catch up if they were behind at that point. Jake would be second last. Jen second, and Harrison was first.
Harrison took off, his short legs going surprisingly fast, but when he reached Jen, they were in third, Jen was faster, and got them into second. It was Jake who got them a lead, although it wasn't much. Finally, Natalies turn. Her long legs pulled her easily ahead. And then it happened. An angry girl from another class was right next to her. She hit Natalie in the back. Natalie flew forward, hitting her head on the pavement, and instantly blacked out. The girl kept running, and crossed the finish line, cheering herself on. But everyone else was quiet. Jakes breath caught in his throat. He sprinted to Natalie. She was lying face down. He rolled her over. There was a long cut on her forehead. Her face was beginning to swell, and blood was starting to pour out.
"Natalie!" He yelled. "Natalie, wake up!"
* * * * * *
When Natalies eyes opened, she saw one person: Jake. He was sitting next to her hospital bed, staring intently at her. She coughed.
"Natalie? You awake?"
"No Jake," She said sarcastically, "My eyes are open and I'm coughing, but I'm still asleep."
He smiled with relief.
"Now THAT'S the Natalie I know."
"What do you mean?"
"In the ambulance. You woke up and started crying. And then you told me to never leave."
She looked at him in horror.
"You're lying!"
"Nope." He smiled and leaned back, yawning.
"How long have you been here?"
"Um, well, afewhoursdsadl."
He sighed. "A few hours."
"Wow!" She smiled. "You must really like me or something." She was joking, but Jake went bright red.
"Shut up."
Their conversation was interupted by the arrival of the parents. Jackie, Jakes mum, rushed over and started asking questions. James Hudson was on the phone, but he smiled and waved. Mr. Brooks went over and took Natalies hand.
"Oh, hey guys!"
Jake watched as Natalie talked to her parents. She looked terrible. There were 3 stitches in her head, and most of her face was swollen. She'd had a severe concussion, but was going to be ok, and released in a few hours. She had long scrapes up her arms from when she'd fallen on the cement track. Jake was burning with anger at the thought of what that girl had done. He was going to tell her.
* * * * * *
Jake headed out the door.
"Jake! Hold on a second mister!" Natalie followed him, swaying slightly. She took his shoulders, looked into his eyes, and said: "You GET that girl!"
"Absolutely NOT!" Jackie hustled Natalie away, yelling to Jake that if he layed a finger on that girl, he would pay.
Jake hadn't said a thing, but he giggled as he walked out the door. He didn't know the girl who'd hit Natalie, and he certainly wasn't going to 'get' her, as Natalie, who had to stay home, had instructed.
When he got to school, he was greeted with a wave of questions.
"Where's Natalie?"
"Is she ok?"
"Who was that girl who tripped her?"
"She was from my class."
"Is Natalie ok?"
Jake held up a hand and smiled.
"Natalie will be coming soon. She's fine."
He walked passed them to his class room. Before any one could say anything, he told them the exact same thing.
There was a sigh of relief. Jake heard that the girl had been suspended. A few people said she was jealous of Natalie. Jake just sat down, looking at the empty seat next to him. He sighed unhappily. He knew he liked Natalie. He also knew she didn't like him.
* * * * * *
Natalie had retuerned to everyones delight. Everything was back to normal, but she still didn't forget that Jake had stayed with her when she had the accident. She would ask herself at night if he liked her. She began to realize that he did.
Grade 11 was over, and suddenly grade 12 was tarting. Jake and Natalie were in the same class. Again. When they found out, they erupted into a huge arguement, although Jake was secretly happy. Finally the first day of school started.
"JAKE! Are you keeping Natalie waiting again?"
"NO, MOM!"
"The Brooks have let us permamently move into their house! We owe them SOMETHING! HURRY UP, YOUNG MAN!" It was true. The Hudsons moved in with the Brooks for good. It worked for everyone, the commute was easier for Mr.Hudson, Jackie was going to stay at home and clean, so there was no maid needed. There were also many other reasons, but let's get back to the story.
"I'M GOING MOM!" He ran out, tooth brush on his mouth, flinging his bag over his shoulder. Natalie flung the door open, just as he tripped. He hit the door head first, and lay on the ground.
He made a magnificent jump, landing with his head in her lap. She reached over, slammed the door, and accelerated. Jake sat up.
"Wow. Almost kill me, why don't you?"
Natalie ignored him, her face angry.
"It's bad enough that I have to share a class with you. What were you doing?"
"I was getting ready for school!"
"Jake," Natalie said as she turned right, "You took longer than me. What were you doing?"
"Trying to impress a girl." You, he said to himself.
Which girl? She asked herself.
* * * * *
College. Natalie was going to leave for college. Her car was filling up with suitcases fast. She was majoring in medicine, trying to become a doctor. She rushed out of the door, kissing her dad, Jackie, and Mr.Hudson.
"Ready to drop me off, Jake?" She asked, smiling. She would fly to Victoria from Vancouver, to go to the main University there.
"Yeah," he said glumly. They walked out the door.
The drive to the airport was quiet. Jake wouldn't look at her. When they reached the parking lot, she turned and looked at him.
"Jake, I don't know what-"
"Natalie," He interrupted, looking straight ahead. "Natalie, I need to tell you something."
She sighed impatiently. "What?"
"Natalie," He turned his green eyes to hers. "I love you."
"I love you."
He leaned forward, and kissed her. His eyes closed, but hers stayed open. She looked at his face, his brown hair, his long lashes, and as he opened his eyes, those incredible green eyes.
"I... I...Um..."
He shrugged. "Don't worry. Let's go drop you off."
Natalie nodded. They walked to the gate. Jake was happy. He'd finally told her. It was her choice now. And she knew it. She thought about the 2 years she'd known him, how he'd never leave her alone, how he had cast those loving glances, been so protective.
"Jake," She called to him. He turned around.
"Jake, I, well," She watched him walk towards her. And then she jumped at him, throwing her hands around him, planting her lips on his. He smiled, opened his eyes, and watched her walk away.
* * * * *
Anna Lily Hudson was born May 29, at 3:00 a.m. Natalie looked proudly at her little daughter, and turned and was kissed softly by Jake.
"I love you, Natalie Hudson." He whispered.
"I love you too."
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