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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Education / Instruction
- Published: 10/25/2012
3 Words
Born 1998, F, from Coventry, United KingdomToday. Today was the day to see whether all that training was worth it. All the sniggers when I said I wanted to be a teacher. I'm going to my first interview, and as they need someone ASAP, if it goes well today I'm in on monday!
Dressed in my grey business suit, with a black shirt underneath, I thought I looked smart. All I could do was hope and pray I got the job. I mean, I think I tick all the boxes. I'm young, so I'll be able to work longer. It's my first profession teaching job so I'm fresh minded from university. All I needed was; congratulations, see you monday.
The job was at my old secondary school and I couldn't help wonder if I would remember anybody.
I locked my house up and got into my little purple KA. I'd had that car since I first got my license, and it was my pride and joy. I got into the car and checked to make sure I had enough petrol. I could not afford to get half way there, break down and be late. Having enough, I set off down the familiar lane. Looking out of the window whilst in traffic it took me back to when I was little and the bus always used to stop at the same part. I arrived for my interview ten minutes early, so I signed in and took a wander around. Nothing had changed. All the old buildings were still there, except they had different names. They used to be named after animals and now it's country's. Looking around, I suddenly remembered one person I missed more than any other. My old history teacher. Miss Coyle. She helped me pass with an A*. Rushing up to her office, I wasn't prepared to hear the next thing I was told. She'd died in the night. It was her class I'd be taking.
I felt my legs give way and I started falling. That was the only person I ever spoke to, she helped me so much. And now I was taking her class! Was it a sign? Checking my watch I realised it was time for my interview. Walking up the stairs to the old interviewing room all my senses were all rushing to me, the colour was the same, the smell, there was one part of the corridor that was freezing. Knocking on the door, I braced myself. This was it.
"Come in" a familiar voice called. No, it can't be!
"Mrs Smith! Hello, how are you?"
"Sharon? Is that you? My how you've changed!"
"I told you I'd be back, and here I am. I'm ready for my interview!"
"Okay then! We have three questions, and then we pick out of the top 2 candidates answers. 2I'm not being funny Sharon, but you give me a basic answer you're in.
Question 1)
You're in your history lesson and a debate starts. Everyone joins in, but it gets physical. What do you do?"
"I get involved as much as I can without putting any other people in danger"
"Question2- a fire bell rings, you have to keep the class quiet, calm and orderly, what do you do?"
"No need to panic lady's and gents, grab your coats and let's go."
"Question3- a child is being disruptive and is stopping others learning. What do you do?"
"I remove them quietly, but quickly. If they refuse I ask for a senior member of staff for help."
"Thank you Sharon. You have the job. We'll see you monday."
"THANK YOU MISS COYLE!" I exclaimed, kissing both cheeks.
The weekend rushed around and was gone within a blink of the eye. It was monday morning and my first day on the job. I was wearing a red dress, with a white cardigan and flat white shoes and I was raring to go. I left my house at half seven and it took me half an hour to get there. Getting there at eight I saw so many familiar faces, it was very comforting. Every teacher that was here when I was a pupil recognised me, and said hello and made me feel very welcome. I rushed up to the class room that I had been given. It was SPAIN33. But when I was here it was ferret12 so it's an improvement.
The first thing I did today, mirrored my behaviour every time I started a new year. I consulted my timetable. I had two fresh faces year seven classes, one year eight, one year 9 and two year twelve. So a nice timetable, or so I thought.
I have taught at the school for four months now. My year sevens are angels, my year eights push it sometimes but know when to be serious. For the year twelve this course is so important so they are beyond exercise, but my year nines, well.....
They victimise me. Always on their phones, throwing things and what's worse is the girls sit there and talk about you behind your back! I have heard so many comments about my petite figure, I'm on the smaller side, I'm five foot two and they are just horrible! Every other class is fine! But in the year Nine class there is one little girl, her name is Tilly and she always does as I tell her, and exceeds tasks, and is excellent! I still remember my third lesson with the year nines when they broke me down. They made me cry. The girls with there comments got me. I had some eyeliner on and it had smudged so they made a big deal. I nearly passed them a wet wipe! They kept making references to a racoon. But I didn't think anything of it. But I had enough after about twenty minutes and I snapped.
"Oh for goodness sake girls! What are you going on about?!" I shouted at them. Tilly pulled me aside and told me about my make-up and I was gobsmacked. Then I started shouting at the class fully, I'd just had enough!
"WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO DO THIS EVERY LESSON? You throw pens, you throw anything you can get your hands on actually. Girls in the corner, I know you think you run the school, but you don't and what if someone was to walk in and see this? They'd say I couldn't teach nor cope with certain classes!"
"So really miss, we'd be doing you favour? Because you can't teach." Lucy, one of the particularly sharp tongued people told me.
I couldn't believe that. After everything I worked for! After everything I did for that job! It meant the world to me that all my other classes were simple and we fly through the lesson plans. No it's not me that isn't a good teacher, they aren't good students!
"FINE! If that's how you want it!" And with that I stormed out. The class went eerily silent and all you could hear was Tilly giving them an earful.
"Now look what you've done! How pathetic are you to throw things? And you, Lucy are one nasty piece of work!" I couldn't help smiling at the fact she was defending me, but I had steam coming out of my ears.
"Miss..." Tilly called. "Miss, don't let them do this. Don't let them cause this! You're stronger than them, and they are stupid! Remember my three words; strength, independence and femininity. You are all of these and much more. Stay strong." She went back into the class room and carried on shouting.
"Tilly, enough!" I said walking into the classroom giving her a wink. "Now, class. You might think you've won, but wait until next time."
3 Words(Nicole)
Today. Today was the day to see whether all that training was worth it. All the sniggers when I said I wanted to be a teacher. I'm going to my first interview, and as they need someone ASAP, if it goes well today I'm in on monday!
Dressed in my grey business suit, with a black shirt underneath, I thought I looked smart. All I could do was hope and pray I got the job. I mean, I think I tick all the boxes. I'm young, so I'll be able to work longer. It's my first profession teaching job so I'm fresh minded from university. All I needed was; congratulations, see you monday.
The job was at my old secondary school and I couldn't help wonder if I would remember anybody.
I locked my house up and got into my little purple KA. I'd had that car since I first got my license, and it was my pride and joy. I got into the car and checked to make sure I had enough petrol. I could not afford to get half way there, break down and be late. Having enough, I set off down the familiar lane. Looking out of the window whilst in traffic it took me back to when I was little and the bus always used to stop at the same part. I arrived for my interview ten minutes early, so I signed in and took a wander around. Nothing had changed. All the old buildings were still there, except they had different names. They used to be named after animals and now it's country's. Looking around, I suddenly remembered one person I missed more than any other. My old history teacher. Miss Coyle. She helped me pass with an A*. Rushing up to her office, I wasn't prepared to hear the next thing I was told. She'd died in the night. It was her class I'd be taking.
I felt my legs give way and I started falling. That was the only person I ever spoke to, she helped me so much. And now I was taking her class! Was it a sign? Checking my watch I realised it was time for my interview. Walking up the stairs to the old interviewing room all my senses were all rushing to me, the colour was the same, the smell, there was one part of the corridor that was freezing. Knocking on the door, I braced myself. This was it.
"Come in" a familiar voice called. No, it can't be!
"Mrs Smith! Hello, how are you?"
"Sharon? Is that you? My how you've changed!"
"I told you I'd be back, and here I am. I'm ready for my interview!"
"Okay then! We have three questions, and then we pick out of the top 2 candidates answers. 2I'm not being funny Sharon, but you give me a basic answer you're in.
Question 1)
You're in your history lesson and a debate starts. Everyone joins in, but it gets physical. What do you do?"
"I get involved as much as I can without putting any other people in danger"
"Question2- a fire bell rings, you have to keep the class quiet, calm and orderly, what do you do?"
"No need to panic lady's and gents, grab your coats and let's go."
"Question3- a child is being disruptive and is stopping others learning. What do you do?"
"I remove them quietly, but quickly. If they refuse I ask for a senior member of staff for help."
"Thank you Sharon. You have the job. We'll see you monday."
"THANK YOU MISS COYLE!" I exclaimed, kissing both cheeks.
The weekend rushed around and was gone within a blink of the eye. It was monday morning and my first day on the job. I was wearing a red dress, with a white cardigan and flat white shoes and I was raring to go. I left my house at half seven and it took me half an hour to get there. Getting there at eight I saw so many familiar faces, it was very comforting. Every teacher that was here when I was a pupil recognised me, and said hello and made me feel very welcome. I rushed up to the class room that I had been given. It was SPAIN33. But when I was here it was ferret12 so it's an improvement.
The first thing I did today, mirrored my behaviour every time I started a new year. I consulted my timetable. I had two fresh faces year seven classes, one year eight, one year 9 and two year twelve. So a nice timetable, or so I thought.
I have taught at the school for four months now. My year sevens are angels, my year eights push it sometimes but know when to be serious. For the year twelve this course is so important so they are beyond exercise, but my year nines, well.....
They victimise me. Always on their phones, throwing things and what's worse is the girls sit there and talk about you behind your back! I have heard so many comments about my petite figure, I'm on the smaller side, I'm five foot two and they are just horrible! Every other class is fine! But in the year Nine class there is one little girl, her name is Tilly and she always does as I tell her, and exceeds tasks, and is excellent! I still remember my third lesson with the year nines when they broke me down. They made me cry. The girls with there comments got me. I had some eyeliner on and it had smudged so they made a big deal. I nearly passed them a wet wipe! They kept making references to a racoon. But I didn't think anything of it. But I had enough after about twenty minutes and I snapped.
"Oh for goodness sake girls! What are you going on about?!" I shouted at them. Tilly pulled me aside and told me about my make-up and I was gobsmacked. Then I started shouting at the class fully, I'd just had enough!
"WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO DO THIS EVERY LESSON? You throw pens, you throw anything you can get your hands on actually. Girls in the corner, I know you think you run the school, but you don't and what if someone was to walk in and see this? They'd say I couldn't teach nor cope with certain classes!"
"So really miss, we'd be doing you favour? Because you can't teach." Lucy, one of the particularly sharp tongued people told me.
I couldn't believe that. After everything I worked for! After everything I did for that job! It meant the world to me that all my other classes were simple and we fly through the lesson plans. No it's not me that isn't a good teacher, they aren't good students!
"FINE! If that's how you want it!" And with that I stormed out. The class went eerily silent and all you could hear was Tilly giving them an earful.
"Now look what you've done! How pathetic are you to throw things? And you, Lucy are one nasty piece of work!" I couldn't help smiling at the fact she was defending me, but I had steam coming out of my ears.
"Miss..." Tilly called. "Miss, don't let them do this. Don't let them cause this! You're stronger than them, and they are stupid! Remember my three words; strength, independence and femininity. You are all of these and much more. Stay strong." She went back into the class room and carried on shouting.
"Tilly, enough!" I said walking into the classroom giving her a wink. "Now, class. You might think you've won, but wait until next time."
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