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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Pain / Problems / Adversity
- Published: 11/07/2012
Foolish Boy
‘Run, run faster’, he urged himself. He could hear the steps closing in on him. Yet he could not see it. But he knew they were wolves. He recognized them by the howls. Those ugly howls that made your spine chill.
It was pitch dark, but he could hear the rustle of dried leaves in the soft breeze. He was in the middle of the woods lost, hungry, defenseless, running for his damn life.
His mom was a widowed lady who worked in a tiny store. She sold snacks to children and sometimes, if her circumstances permitted her, she would do small gifts to the children, with all her heart.
All the money she had was for food, bills, and if she had, clothing. She worked because she needed to feed Scott, her only kid, and of course herself.
Now at fourteen years old, Scott felt adult-like and mature. He felt like he wasn’t dependent on someone anymore. That’s why finally, for the first time in ½ a year, he asked something to his mother.
“Mom, can I go hunting?” he asked, his bow in his hand and the arrows on his back.
“When?” she replied in a shocked and worried tone. “Well of course today! But don’t worry I’ll have my bow at all times,” he said.
“No…no, no. You know what day it is. It is October…21st. It is forbidden! Remember all the warnings we’ve given you about this day!” she said in a firm tone.
Yes, of course he remembered. He was reminded each week of October about this date. It was a “warning” that if you went to the woods and you stayed there late, a pack of wolves would eat you alive. He felt his anger boiling up on him.
He wanted to go hunting this day so bad. It was his girlfriend’s birthday so he wanted to impress her with a nice coat. So, without thinking he said, “That is not true! They’re just stupid stories to keep me out of the woods! You’re so foolish by trying to lie to me! You just don’t want me to have fun and you don’t want me to become dependent of myself!” he yelled. And with that he ran.
“Don’t go, or the wolves will devour you!” was the last thing she yelled at the top of her lungs. Then she started sobbing because of all the insults her only kid had just thrown. She felt disappointed, and useless. But she couldn’t do anything about it. Just wait until he changed his mind and he came. If… he changed his mind. The one thing Scott didn’t know was that his father died on October 21.
He waited until dark. By then he was already a little hungry. Then he entered the woods without hesitation.
Now he remembered those words. Those life saving words. Now he acknowledged the fact that he was the foolish boy. Now he knew his mother was right. But now was too late. He couldn’t believe he was going to die like this. He couldn’t believe he was going to be eaten alive. But he couldn’t give up so he ran with all his might.
He was sobbing as he ran. He had dropped his bow when he first saw them, so he felt so vulnerable. He remembered the words, “Don’t go or the wolves will devour you!” Her mother’s words were the last thing he remembered as he tripped and the wolves feasted on every part of his body.
The next day he was found by the authorities half eaten. On the ground the following words were encrypted on the ground: “You were right Mom”.
Now, not only was his mom widowed but also childless.
Foolish Boy(Edgar Barron)
Foolish Boy
‘Run, run faster’, he urged himself. He could hear the steps closing in on him. Yet he could not see it. But he knew they were wolves. He recognized them by the howls. Those ugly howls that made your spine chill.
It was pitch dark, but he could hear the rustle of dried leaves in the soft breeze. He was in the middle of the woods lost, hungry, defenseless, running for his damn life.
His mom was a widowed lady who worked in a tiny store. She sold snacks to children and sometimes, if her circumstances permitted her, she would do small gifts to the children, with all her heart.
All the money she had was for food, bills, and if she had, clothing. She worked because she needed to feed Scott, her only kid, and of course herself.
Now at fourteen years old, Scott felt adult-like and mature. He felt like he wasn’t dependent on someone anymore. That’s why finally, for the first time in ½ a year, he asked something to his mother.
“Mom, can I go hunting?” he asked, his bow in his hand and the arrows on his back.
“When?” she replied in a shocked and worried tone. “Well of course today! But don’t worry I’ll have my bow at all times,” he said.
“No…no, no. You know what day it is. It is October…21st. It is forbidden! Remember all the warnings we’ve given you about this day!” she said in a firm tone.
Yes, of course he remembered. He was reminded each week of October about this date. It was a “warning” that if you went to the woods and you stayed there late, a pack of wolves would eat you alive. He felt his anger boiling up on him.
He wanted to go hunting this day so bad. It was his girlfriend’s birthday so he wanted to impress her with a nice coat. So, without thinking he said, “That is not true! They’re just stupid stories to keep me out of the woods! You’re so foolish by trying to lie to me! You just don’t want me to have fun and you don’t want me to become dependent of myself!” he yelled. And with that he ran.
“Don’t go, or the wolves will devour you!” was the last thing she yelled at the top of her lungs. Then she started sobbing because of all the insults her only kid had just thrown. She felt disappointed, and useless. But she couldn’t do anything about it. Just wait until he changed his mind and he came. If… he changed his mind. The one thing Scott didn’t know was that his father died on October 21.
He waited until dark. By then he was already a little hungry. Then he entered the woods without hesitation.
Now he remembered those words. Those life saving words. Now he acknowledged the fact that he was the foolish boy. Now he knew his mother was right. But now was too late. He couldn’t believe he was going to die like this. He couldn’t believe he was going to be eaten alive. But he couldn’t give up so he ran with all his might.
He was sobbing as he ran. He had dropped his bow when he first saw them, so he felt so vulnerable. He remembered the words, “Don’t go or the wolves will devour you!” Her mother’s words were the last thing he remembered as he tripped and the wolves feasted on every part of his body.
The next day he was found by the authorities half eaten. On the ground the following words were encrypted on the ground: “You were right Mom”.
Now, not only was his mom widowed but also childless.
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