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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Horror / Scary
- Published: 11/10/2012
his skin was titanium. his eyes liquid steel. his bulging muscles made him look like arnold schwarzenegger in his bodybuilding days. his poker face showed no emotion. i wondered what was going on in that syco brain of his right now. probably pure pleasure at the thought of my starving to death, beaten to a pulp. locked in my cage and on the verge of insanity. while he sat on his fat, well fed ass watching t.v., mapping out what my next torture would be. stupid bastard. he ought to be turned in. given the death penalty. crazy people like him couldn’t be trusted in prison. he was like a combo of michael myers and the joker off of batman; there was no way to contain him. just a madman living off of other peoples fear. my fear.
i heard footsteps coming down the stairs. oh no, that couldn't be good. he opened the door to my cage and threw me a frozen dinner, still frozen. “i'll be back in an hour or so. i’ve got to run some arons. i swear to god if you try anything you will be praying for the power tools. got it?”
he practically spit his words at me. i whimpered and nodded my head like a good little school girl. he shut the door and left. i was alone again surrounded by three inch concrete walls.
i opened the frozen hungry man and shoved a block of frozen potato in my mouth. it was disgusting, pathetic of me even.i shouldn't have eaten it. i should have starved myself to death and escaped torture. but my body wouldn't let me. as my hand came up towards my mouth with the block of potato, i tried to force my mouth shut.but it was like someone else was controlling me. my hand shoved it into my mouth. as i uncontrollably chewed, my teeth felt as if someone had taken a hammer to them and when nothing but gums were left, hammered some nails in to replace the teeth. it was pure agony. as i sat against the wall, i suddenly had the worst headache imaginable. the room started spinning. i felt like there were a million kids running around my brain yelling for ice cream. it was the result of every ounce of energy being drained from my body just from chewing that frozen potato. then, as my head swayed to the left, i noticed something on the floor. it was a black square of leather. his wallet! but as i tried to walk over to it, i realized i didn’t have the energy to stand. i looked in front of me at the rest of the hungry man. to get my energy back, i was going to have to risk severe food poisoning and eat the meat. i didn’t think i could do it. but then my right ankle started to scream out in pain. i remembered the repetitive stabbing of the screw driver from the day before. i HAD to get out of here. my anger was growing. fueling the bomb that was about to explode. my brain. i realized that i couldn’t take this anymore. this might be my last chance to escape before i fully lost all hope. and then i exploded. an intense fire washed over me. all my pain vanished. all i could see was the meat and the wallet. but with this intense rage. this adrenaline, i didn’t need the meat. screw it, i thought and gobbled it up anyways. i had no clue how long adrenaline could last. i picked up the wallet and dumped out a pile of credit cards. i grabbed one and fitted it into the side of the steel door. i jiggled it this way and that. come on. just a few more minutes. i heard the distant sound of a car entering the driveway. then a door opening. footsteps coming down the stairs. i desperately shoved the piece of plastic into the door. i heard a click. unfortunately, HE heard it too. but i wasn’t going to let that stop me. i opened the door and started running up the stairs. i lunged at him from three steps away, bit his adams apple, and ran up the stairs. it had been two years since i’d seen this hallway. it looked so different. pictures of me beaten and naked, crying, sleeping, burn marks on my skin. but i’d have time to explore later. right now i had to call the police, while he was still down.
but out of nowhere, just as i was about to reach for the phone, i felt a sharp pain in my back. then felt a knife being pulled out. my life didn’t flash before my eyes. i saw no bright lights. just an endless blackness. my captor, my own son, had killed me.
locked up(nick barrett)
his skin was titanium. his eyes liquid steel. his bulging muscles made him look like arnold schwarzenegger in his bodybuilding days. his poker face showed no emotion. i wondered what was going on in that syco brain of his right now. probably pure pleasure at the thought of my starving to death, beaten to a pulp. locked in my cage and on the verge of insanity. while he sat on his fat, well fed ass watching t.v., mapping out what my next torture would be. stupid bastard. he ought to be turned in. given the death penalty. crazy people like him couldn’t be trusted in prison. he was like a combo of michael myers and the joker off of batman; there was no way to contain him. just a madman living off of other peoples fear. my fear.
i heard footsteps coming down the stairs. oh no, that couldn't be good. he opened the door to my cage and threw me a frozen dinner, still frozen. “i'll be back in an hour or so. i’ve got to run some arons. i swear to god if you try anything you will be praying for the power tools. got it?”
he practically spit his words at me. i whimpered and nodded my head like a good little school girl. he shut the door and left. i was alone again surrounded by three inch concrete walls.
i opened the frozen hungry man and shoved a block of frozen potato in my mouth. it was disgusting, pathetic of me even.i shouldn't have eaten it. i should have starved myself to death and escaped torture. but my body wouldn't let me. as my hand came up towards my mouth with the block of potato, i tried to force my mouth shut.but it was like someone else was controlling me. my hand shoved it into my mouth. as i uncontrollably chewed, my teeth felt as if someone had taken a hammer to them and when nothing but gums were left, hammered some nails in to replace the teeth. it was pure agony. as i sat against the wall, i suddenly had the worst headache imaginable. the room started spinning. i felt like there were a million kids running around my brain yelling for ice cream. it was the result of every ounce of energy being drained from my body just from chewing that frozen potato. then, as my head swayed to the left, i noticed something on the floor. it was a black square of leather. his wallet! but as i tried to walk over to it, i realized i didn’t have the energy to stand. i looked in front of me at the rest of the hungry man. to get my energy back, i was going to have to risk severe food poisoning and eat the meat. i didn’t think i could do it. but then my right ankle started to scream out in pain. i remembered the repetitive stabbing of the screw driver from the day before. i HAD to get out of here. my anger was growing. fueling the bomb that was about to explode. my brain. i realized that i couldn’t take this anymore. this might be my last chance to escape before i fully lost all hope. and then i exploded. an intense fire washed over me. all my pain vanished. all i could see was the meat and the wallet. but with this intense rage. this adrenaline, i didn’t need the meat. screw it, i thought and gobbled it up anyways. i had no clue how long adrenaline could last. i picked up the wallet and dumped out a pile of credit cards. i grabbed one and fitted it into the side of the steel door. i jiggled it this way and that. come on. just a few more minutes. i heard the distant sound of a car entering the driveway. then a door opening. footsteps coming down the stairs. i desperately shoved the piece of plastic into the door. i heard a click. unfortunately, HE heard it too. but i wasn’t going to let that stop me. i opened the door and started running up the stairs. i lunged at him from three steps away, bit his adams apple, and ran up the stairs. it had been two years since i’d seen this hallway. it looked so different. pictures of me beaten and naked, crying, sleeping, burn marks on my skin. but i’d have time to explore later. right now i had to call the police, while he was still down.
but out of nowhere, just as i was about to reach for the phone, i felt a sharp pain in my back. then felt a knife being pulled out. my life didn’t flash before my eyes. i saw no bright lights. just an endless blackness. my captor, my own son, had killed me.
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