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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Survival / Success
- Subject: Survival / Healing / Renewal
- Published: 12/06/2012
Born 1946, M, from Buffalo, Minnesota, United States.jpg)
I have been sober for 22 years and encourage you to give this story to everyone who has ever swallowed Alcohol. Our disease: Alcoholism, is a Monster. It is worse than Cancer because the line between detection and treatment is so invisible that not even a CAT Scan can find it. Cancer can be detected and treated. Alcoholism is not Laboratory Detectable but rather Medically Analytical with no Black or White line to cross. Alcoholism can be arrested by quitting drinking while Cancer cannot be arrested in many cases. Alcoholism will kill you if not arrested! All your organs will break down to a point of inoperability and many times other physical actions cause us to die a violent death. Fighting Alcoholism is a Personal Treatment: Get Help, Stop Drinking, Read the Big Book, and Go to AA Meetings. NOT PUTTING ALCOHOL INTO YOUR BODY CAUSES THE DISEASE TO ENTER REMISSION. Remember: One Drink and the Disease ignites with the same INTENSITY and COMPULSION that it consumed you on the last day you quit drinking!
This seems so simple, so how in the world can people go on drinking and risk the dangers of the disease and miss the opportunity to arrest the Monster? The answer is DENIAL. The Strongest, Greatest, and most Powerful Symptom of Alcoholism is DENIAL: the Mental ability to convince ourselves and others that our present Reality is acceptable and of no consequence because of the presence of Alcohol. We all have used the Denial thoughts to give ourselves permission to get high one more time and put our lives in Reverse one notch.
Do any of these denials sound familiar? Which one was your favorite? Which one almost killed you? Which one are you still holding on to? “Just one won’t hurt.” “AA is for those Sick Suckers.” “I don’t drink during the week.” “I have my drinking under control.” “My girlfriend says I’m OK.” “ I only have a couple.” “AA would be good for him.” “My friends enjoy my company.” “All the boys have a few.” “I work hard and deserve a relaxer.” “I get more work done with a drink or two.” “I’ll take a look at this next week.” “All my friends use and they are great people.” “I would rather not talk about it.” “I stay away from those Alcoholics.” “Look at him drink! It’s Bad.” “Let’s have another for old time’s sake.” “I keep a bottle in different places for my convenience.” “My parties are always the best in town.” “My user friends are very successful.” “My girlfriend is a perfect hostess at throwing parties.” “I only drink 3.2% beer; not that hard stuff.” “I enjoy being alone to have a few.” I know there are more examples but they all give us mental permission to use and keep on with our slow form of suicide.
The intensity of the Denial process is heightened when the user is confronted about his Denial. Very often the conversation ends in a confrontation and the two parties do not talk again. The accusations made between the two parties are forever impregnated into the mind of the user. “How dare that person tell me that my drinking is a problem and that I am in Denial”: then the user takes one of the Denial Phrases from above and twists it into his Statement of Survival and with a couple of drinks; medicates the confrontation into his Reality zone. Once again the user is in control and avoiding the Truth presented to him.
The recovery process is best won when the user identifies the Problem himself. Self-admission and ownership of the problem and disease puts Denial on a back burner for the time being. If the user begins the Recovery process and starts the Stinking Thinking in which he or she reverts back to the Denial Phrases and past Behavior; it is only a matter of time before the alcoholic uses and the Monster Disease is back in control. This is why AA and Sponsorship are so important. A Sponsor or an AA Meeting puts that negative thinking into perspective and we remember our Last Drunk and how we got there along with the reasons why we Never want to go back. Others in the AA Program will save you and it then becomes your duty to save the next wave of Entrees.
Denial exists in other forms of Compulsive Behavior and the Recovery process is much the same. Consider these addictions and how you would Deny that any of these are your Chemical or Behavior of choice. Gambling, Sex, Shopping, Candy, Food, Cocaine, Smoking, Stealing, Marijuana, Heroin, Methamphetamines, Prescription Drugs, Money, Hypochondria, and Hoarding. All of these offer a substitute for Reality if you want them. Once you have chosen to abuse them again and again you will probably reject the need at some point in your life to crush Denial; the most Powerful Symptom and face Reality with your heart and gut. Please: GET HELP!
At my Treatment Facility: “New Beginnings” in Waverly, Minnesota; DENIAL was Preached as the #1 Strongest Symptom of the Disease “Alcoholism”.
5/14/2006 – Rusty Winters Author
Copyright: © ACO00017 - 2011
DENIAL(Rusty C. Winters)
I have been sober for 22 years and encourage you to give this story to everyone who has ever swallowed Alcohol. Our disease: Alcoholism, is a Monster. It is worse than Cancer because the line between detection and treatment is so invisible that not even a CAT Scan can find it. Cancer can be detected and treated. Alcoholism is not Laboratory Detectable but rather Medically Analytical with no Black or White line to cross. Alcoholism can be arrested by quitting drinking while Cancer cannot be arrested in many cases. Alcoholism will kill you if not arrested! All your organs will break down to a point of inoperability and many times other physical actions cause us to die a violent death. Fighting Alcoholism is a Personal Treatment: Get Help, Stop Drinking, Read the Big Book, and Go to AA Meetings. NOT PUTTING ALCOHOL INTO YOUR BODY CAUSES THE DISEASE TO ENTER REMISSION. Remember: One Drink and the Disease ignites with the same INTENSITY and COMPULSION that it consumed you on the last day you quit drinking!
This seems so simple, so how in the world can people go on drinking and risk the dangers of the disease and miss the opportunity to arrest the Monster? The answer is DENIAL. The Strongest, Greatest, and most Powerful Symptom of Alcoholism is DENIAL: the Mental ability to convince ourselves and others that our present Reality is acceptable and of no consequence because of the presence of Alcohol. We all have used the Denial thoughts to give ourselves permission to get high one more time and put our lives in Reverse one notch.
Do any of these denials sound familiar? Which one was your favorite? Which one almost killed you? Which one are you still holding on to? “Just one won’t hurt.” “AA is for those Sick Suckers.” “I don’t drink during the week.” “I have my drinking under control.” “My girlfriend says I’m OK.” “ I only have a couple.” “AA would be good for him.” “My friends enjoy my company.” “All the boys have a few.” “I work hard and deserve a relaxer.” “I get more work done with a drink or two.” “I’ll take a look at this next week.” “All my friends use and they are great people.” “I would rather not talk about it.” “I stay away from those Alcoholics.” “Look at him drink! It’s Bad.” “Let’s have another for old time’s sake.” “I keep a bottle in different places for my convenience.” “My parties are always the best in town.” “My user friends are very successful.” “My girlfriend is a perfect hostess at throwing parties.” “I only drink 3.2% beer; not that hard stuff.” “I enjoy being alone to have a few.” I know there are more examples but they all give us mental permission to use and keep on with our slow form of suicide.
The intensity of the Denial process is heightened when the user is confronted about his Denial. Very often the conversation ends in a confrontation and the two parties do not talk again. The accusations made between the two parties are forever impregnated into the mind of the user. “How dare that person tell me that my drinking is a problem and that I am in Denial”: then the user takes one of the Denial Phrases from above and twists it into his Statement of Survival and with a couple of drinks; medicates the confrontation into his Reality zone. Once again the user is in control and avoiding the Truth presented to him.
The recovery process is best won when the user identifies the Problem himself. Self-admission and ownership of the problem and disease puts Denial on a back burner for the time being. If the user begins the Recovery process and starts the Stinking Thinking in which he or she reverts back to the Denial Phrases and past Behavior; it is only a matter of time before the alcoholic uses and the Monster Disease is back in control. This is why AA and Sponsorship are so important. A Sponsor or an AA Meeting puts that negative thinking into perspective and we remember our Last Drunk and how we got there along with the reasons why we Never want to go back. Others in the AA Program will save you and it then becomes your duty to save the next wave of Entrees.
Denial exists in other forms of Compulsive Behavior and the Recovery process is much the same. Consider these addictions and how you would Deny that any of these are your Chemical or Behavior of choice. Gambling, Sex, Shopping, Candy, Food, Cocaine, Smoking, Stealing, Marijuana, Heroin, Methamphetamines, Prescription Drugs, Money, Hypochondria, and Hoarding. All of these offer a substitute for Reality if you want them. Once you have chosen to abuse them again and again you will probably reject the need at some point in your life to crush Denial; the most Powerful Symptom and face Reality with your heart and gut. Please: GET HELP!
At my Treatment Facility: “New Beginnings” in Waverly, Minnesota; DENIAL was Preached as the #1 Strongest Symptom of the Disease “Alcoholism”.
5/14/2006 – Rusty Winters Author
Copyright: © ACO00017 - 2011
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