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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Friends / Friendship
- Published: 12/07/2012
The Perfect Prom
F, from Vermont, United States.jpg)
Home-school proms are creepy. Way too many socially awkward kids who bring their siblings as dates, and will only listen to music about Jesus. I didn't want that. I wanted a real prom. I wanted a sparkly dress, and flowers, and fancy shoes. I wanted loud music and staying out late. Most of all, I wanted that one special dance with that one special boy. I thought it would never happen though. It was my last year of high school, my last chance, and I didn't have a boyfriend to go to prom with. My only hope was that some random boy would ask me, and one did!
It happened late one night. I was at home, trying to get some homework done (although I guess all my school work is homework), when the phone rang. It was Hannah, my little brothers girlfriend. She asked if Teddy was there. I told her no, he is at a friends house. I didn't tell her that the friend who's house he was at was Charlotte. I hated making her sad or jealous. We hung up and I went back to my school work. A minute latter the phone rang again. This time it was K.J. She was also asking for Teddy. I told her that he was at Charlotte's house and would be until late, maybe over night. I wasn't worried about making K.J. sad or jealous. I once again went back to my school work, and got a little done, when the phone range for a third time. I almost ignored it, thinking it would be just another girl looking for my brother. But I hate leaving a phone ringing, so I answered.
"Um, Hi Sarah, it's Greg"
"Oh hi Greg, Whats up?"
"I was wondering if you would want to go to prom with me?"
"Yeah, I would love to!"
"Awesome, great, well I will talk to you later."
"OK, bye"
I was going to prom!
I bought a gorgeous dress, and awesome heels. Hannah was making Teddy go with her, although he was far less excited than me. Greg was Hannah's brother, so the four of us were making all our plans together. It was going to be so much fun. The day of prom I spent hours getting ready, and making Teddy get ready. By the time Greg and Hannah were supposed to get to our house we looked pretty darn good. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, I was going to get my dream prom. But then disaster struck. Instead of Hannah and Greg arriving at my house, it was Hannah and her dad.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"I have some really bad news," Greg's Dad replied. "Greg is very sick, his mother is taking him to the hospital, but he wanted you to still go to prom. So I will be escorting you, then you can just dance with the other kids there. Ok?"
"I guess so, I hope Greg will be alright."
We went to prom and tried to forget that Greg was sick. I was worried about him, and so was Hannah. I don't think Teddy noticed that anything was wrong. As much as I love my brother, he is kind of a jerk. I danced with Hannah and some other girls I knew for the fast songs. For the slow songs I talked with Jesse, a kid I had known for as long as I could remember. He didn't have a date, but he hated dancing anyway. I was sad that I would not get a special slow dance, and apparently Jesse knew it. When the D.J. announced the last song of the night, he asked me to dance. He put his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck, and we danced to a very unromantic Green Day song. It may not have been the magically romantic moment I had always dreamed of, but there was some magic in having a friend who would put aside his hatred of dancing to give a silly dreamer like me a perfect prom.
Greg got out of the hospital a few days latter and is doing great now.
Jesse has not danced since.
Teddy dumped Hannah through a note a few weeks later. He than started dating another girl who dumped him and broke his heart. I hope he learned something.
Hannah got over Teddy, and is doing really well.
And I now spend my free time planing my perfect wedding.
The Perfect Prom(Sarah Kenyon)
Home-school proms are creepy. Way too many socially awkward kids who bring their siblings as dates, and will only listen to music about Jesus. I didn't want that. I wanted a real prom. I wanted a sparkly dress, and flowers, and fancy shoes. I wanted loud music and staying out late. Most of all, I wanted that one special dance with that one special boy. I thought it would never happen though. It was my last year of high school, my last chance, and I didn't have a boyfriend to go to prom with. My only hope was that some random boy would ask me, and one did!
It happened late one night. I was at home, trying to get some homework done (although I guess all my school work is homework), when the phone rang. It was Hannah, my little brothers girlfriend. She asked if Teddy was there. I told her no, he is at a friends house. I didn't tell her that the friend who's house he was at was Charlotte. I hated making her sad or jealous. We hung up and I went back to my school work. A minute latter the phone rang again. This time it was K.J. She was also asking for Teddy. I told her that he was at Charlotte's house and would be until late, maybe over night. I wasn't worried about making K.J. sad or jealous. I once again went back to my school work, and got a little done, when the phone range for a third time. I almost ignored it, thinking it would be just another girl looking for my brother. But I hate leaving a phone ringing, so I answered.
"Um, Hi Sarah, it's Greg"
"Oh hi Greg, Whats up?"
"I was wondering if you would want to go to prom with me?"
"Yeah, I would love to!"
"Awesome, great, well I will talk to you later."
"OK, bye"
I was going to prom!
I bought a gorgeous dress, and awesome heels. Hannah was making Teddy go with her, although he was far less excited than me. Greg was Hannah's brother, so the four of us were making all our plans together. It was going to be so much fun. The day of prom I spent hours getting ready, and making Teddy get ready. By the time Greg and Hannah were supposed to get to our house we looked pretty darn good. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, I was going to get my dream prom. But then disaster struck. Instead of Hannah and Greg arriving at my house, it was Hannah and her dad.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"I have some really bad news," Greg's Dad replied. "Greg is very sick, his mother is taking him to the hospital, but he wanted you to still go to prom. So I will be escorting you, then you can just dance with the other kids there. Ok?"
"I guess so, I hope Greg will be alright."
We went to prom and tried to forget that Greg was sick. I was worried about him, and so was Hannah. I don't think Teddy noticed that anything was wrong. As much as I love my brother, he is kind of a jerk. I danced with Hannah and some other girls I knew for the fast songs. For the slow songs I talked with Jesse, a kid I had known for as long as I could remember. He didn't have a date, but he hated dancing anyway. I was sad that I would not get a special slow dance, and apparently Jesse knew it. When the D.J. announced the last song of the night, he asked me to dance. He put his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck, and we danced to a very unromantic Green Day song. It may not have been the magically romantic moment I had always dreamed of, but there was some magic in having a friend who would put aside his hatred of dancing to give a silly dreamer like me a perfect prom.
Greg got out of the hospital a few days latter and is doing great now.
Jesse has not danced since.
Teddy dumped Hannah through a note a few weeks later. He than started dating another girl who dumped him and broke his heart. I hope he learned something.
Hannah got over Teddy, and is doing really well.
And I now spend my free time planing my perfect wedding.
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