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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 12/10/2012
The Story of a Young Girl Who Though Her Life...
Born 1997, F, from Van Meter, Iowa, United StatesThe story of a young girl who thought her life was over by just one stupid mistake.
Once their was a girl named Alexandra, who thought her life was completely over. Then, a handsome young man named Paul came along and the girl, Alexandra, went up to Paul and introduced herself and said her name was Alexandra. So, Paul, he introduced himself as well, next thing you know is that Paul and Alexandra are going on dates, until Paul found someone else, and her name was Amie.
The next day Alexandra was worried about Paul so she called back up, the person she called was her best friend named Angel. Then when Angel came over, she found myself, Alexandra, crying in front of my house (Alexandra's house), so Angel went over and asked me what's wrong, then before I could ever even say anything, Paul's car pulled up and ran up to Angel and I, Alexandra, and asked us what's wrong, then Angel moved Paul off to the side and said: "Alexandra called me and told me to come over for back up, or that she needed back up."
Paul says: "Back up, back up for what?" sounding all mad kinda angry or both.
Angel says: "Alexandra, thinks your seeing someone else, is it true Paul, are you seeing someone else? "
Just then 4 more cars pulled up and then I/Alexandra looked up, stood up and saw Pauls' 4 best friends named: Junior, Logan, Lucas, and Michael. Then another car pulled up and I/Alexandra saw who it was and it was my sister Amie, then Paul saw myself/Alexandra walk up to Amie, with Angel right behind me, and I asked my sister: "Where have you been, mom has been worried sick about you? " sounding all mad and a little angry at Amie and Paul, but not for long for Paul you will see what happens.
Then our mom, mine/Alexandra and Amie's mom, came out and asked: "Where have you been Amie, I have been worried sick? "
Then my bf, Paul, came over and said: "It was my fault, I took your daughter out, it's my fault not hers."
Just then I came over and said : "You what? " sounding definitely mad.
Paul said:" Yes I did, it's my fault not hers. "
I got really mad then. Angel tried calming me down, but it didn't work. Then another car pulled up and it was our, Alexandra and Amie's, dad, then our mom had said: "You have your father deal with you. "
Then Paul said to me/Alexandra: "Its nothing okay, I love you WAY more then your sister, even though I didn't even know Amie was your sister until now, but what I did was wrong, VERY VERY VERY VERY wrong and....."
Just then I said something: "So you are breaking up with me?"
Paul says: "No, no, no I'm not, I want to be with you forever and ever.
"You do?" I asked.
Just then Paul's friends came over and gave him a box, and before anything happened or before anyone could say anything,
I said: "Yes, yes YES, a million times YES!"
Everyone was shocked even Amie, and then she, Amie, came up to me and said:
"This whole thing of me and Paul was a prank, but the ring is or was NOT a prank. And you are my older sister, and I would NEVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS ever try to break you and your boy friend up, I just wanted to prank my older sister."
I asked my sister: "Did it work then Amie?"
And then Amie said: "Yes it worked, and yes it's true, well half of it is anyways."
I asked her: "Wait what? You knew about this , Paul?"
Paul said: "Some of it, but the ring WASN'T a prank."
I then ask Paul: "So this ring is real?" "See now I'm confused.!."
Paul opens the box and kneels and asks me/Alexandra,... but before that ever happened, I say while crying and my hand covering my mouth and I nor my head 3 times yes and mumbles: "Yes, yes yes i will!"
And then everyone cheers and Amie and Angel hugged and everyone was happy expect for Paul's ex girlfriend who promised that ring was for her, oh the ex-gf of Paul, yeah her name was Rachael, and was she MAD, and then Rachael came over with the most angry look on her face and asked Paul: "What is this?" very angry and hey what the heck what can I say besides that ... she is EVIL.
Paul told her : "It's soemthing that you may never EVER forget."
Then Paul went over to me/Alexandra and kissed me on the lips and Rachael just went all crazy and EVERYONE got their phones out, even me, but after I was done kissing Paul, and we ALL RECORDED IT AND WE ALL JUST STOOD THERE AND LAUGHED. Then, one of Paul's' friends said: "Hey, you know what we should do?"
Paul was like,but with a puzzled look on his face: "What?"
His friend, Logan, was like: "We should post it on EVERY WEBSITE that their is on the Internet and I mean literally, like EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE that we can find that is out there."
Then I said: "You know what also could work instead of that, I mean that's a REALLY SUPER COOL IDEA, but what also could work is that..."
Just then Paul's and everyone else's faces went blank.
So I told them: "We should do something totally evil to her and I got it, but I may need A LOT OF HELP."
"We could help." Said one of Paul's friends.
"We ALL will help." said Angel.
"OKAY. What I need is THE BIGGEST ANIMAL THERE IS, okay got that?" I (Alexandra) asked.
"Uh.." said Patrick.
"Good," I said, "Next I need is...oh Paul?"
"Yeah?" Paul asks.
"I need you to go inside and get LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF PEANUTS, if we have any."
"Okay." Paul says.
Angel goes inside to help him.
Then Patrick found the LARGEST ANIMAL HE COULD EVER FIND. Just then Rachael came back and I told everyone to go hide either inside or around back.
Then when Rachael came over, and I asked her: "So whats up?"
"You know whats up Alexandra?!?" Rachael asked in the MOST ferocious voice.
"Or do I?" Asked Alexandra.
"I know what's going on here." Said Rachael.
"Oh do you now, then tell me then, what is going on?" Asked Alexandra.
"And I'm not going to stop until I find out what you are up too." Said Rachael.
"Oh really now, okay well one question and I want you to figure it out." Says Alexandra.
"Oh I'm ready." Says Rachael.
"Okay ready?" Asks Alexandra.
"I was born ready." Says Rachael.
"NO YOU WERENT!" Someone yells from behind the house.
"Who was that?" Asks Rachael.
"That was nobody." Says Alexandra. Just then the elephant trumpeted. "Now what was that?" Asks Rachael.
Alexandra says "nothing, nothing it was nothing."
"I know what you are up too."Says Rachael again.
Just then Rachael heard the elephant again, and ran around back, then, Alexandra ran after her.
Alexandra then yelled: "NOW!" And everyone started throwing EVERYTHING, that Rachel hated, AT HER AND ALSO... ALEXANDRA YELLED: "NOW! LET THE ELEPHANT GO AND..." Paul came over, gave Rachael the peanuts and then the elephant came running and trumpeting over.
Paul and I went out of the way and watched while Junior, Logan, and the rest of Paul's friends were recording it.
Until I said: "Ow."
And Paul asks, with this worried look on his face: "What's wrong?" then his face went a little pale/white.
Then I told him, while holding my arm: "I...I... I don't know what happened, after I chased after Rachael, I think I ran..." then my face was burning and my stomach felt like i was going to hurl or something (but I really didn't) and I couldn't talk.
"I don't know... I think into the side of the house because Rachael, I.. I.. I think she shoved me then I just... I.. I.. I really have no clue and I just can't breathe right now I.. I.. I don't know.. I just I just I.. I.. I.."
Paul interrupted me and asks: "Are you sure you are okay? I mean really are you alright?"
Then I said: "Yeah, I'm.. I'm fine I just hurt."
Paul says: "Okay, don't worry okay you will be fine don't worry alright,"
I said, while almost crying or am crying well a little but anyways: "Okay."
Right after Paul helps me up, I sniff and wipe the tears from my face. Then Paul looks down at me, whispers and asks: "Hey, you okay?" Then I told him: "Yeah," nods head. "I just ha I just, yeah I'm alright." "It's just that my arm hurts that bad."
Paul helps me up and 2 of his friends, Patrick and Logan, come running over and they started laughing because they just posted the video on YouTube and it just got like 18 million views in like 2-3 minutes.
And then Patrick and Logan said while being all happy, proud and a little energetic: "We just posted it on YouTube!" said Patrick and then Logan said: "Yeah, it just got like 18 million views in like 2-3 minutes because this is why we needed to do this because everyone well not everyone that hated Rachael, well not her popular club or group or wait maybe, BUT anyways, we posted it on here because of the other kids and students..."
Just then I interrupted them and told them: "Guys, that's great but wait what, how many views in like how many minutes?" I asked. Paul said and asked the same thing.
Then Paul and I just stood there with weird looks on our faces, like what was going on or something.
Then, Paul and I saw the elephant chase Rachael down the road until she, Rachael, ran into the zoo and jumped into a tank full of sharks and screamed.
Then, all of us, even Paul and I, were just laughing until I had said something: "Wait a minute, that wasn't supposed to happen, what was supposed to happen was that Rachael, she was supposed to... "
Just then, Logan says: "Who cares, your planned worked!"
Then one of my friends, who were with us, had said: "That was one of your EXCELLENT MOST FANTANSTIC BEST PLANS EVER!!"
"Yeah but," I said worriedly.
"But what, your planned worked that's all that matters, right?" Patrick asked happily and proud.
"Well, yeah I guess, but I still feel very..."
Then we heard an ambulance go by and we all rushed inside my house and locked the door then we heard the police and fire department, then Angel realized something and that was...
"Guys we may have done something VERY WRONG HERE." said Angel very worried and terrified.
"And that was..?" Asked Lucas, one of Paul's friends. Then Amie said a little worried: "I kinda agree with you there Angel.." "Ha yeah." Amie chuclkes a little.
"Wait, what is going on here?" Paul asked a little scared and worried.
Just then the doorbell rang, Logan and Lucas went to the window, opened the curtains and said, with the same look that in a story that they, Logan and Lucas, told once when some of these teenagers were at some summer camp once and what the lunch ladies had given them: "Uh, Alex?"
"Yeah?" I asked.
"You may want to come to see this.."
"Come see what?" I asked.
Just then Lucas said: "I think I'm going to be sick..." and runs to the kitchen sink and yeah you get it... Just then the door bell rang again and my annoying little brother, Benjamin who was 3, came running down the stairs and asked: "Isn't anyone going to bet this door?"
Then my baby sister, Luaran who was almost 1 I think, started crying and then Angel had said: "I'll get Luaran and you get the door."
Before Ben opened the door, Paul ran over and moved Ben out of the way and unlocked the door and yelled: "IT'S OPEN!"
And then all of us ran to the couches and chairs and turned on the TV. Ben was playing with some of his toys, that he got from christmas last year, on the floor.
And then walked in the police and asked us: "Do you guys know anything what happened or know a Rachael Anderson?"
Then we all shook our heads and said: " Hmm, No."
Then Angel came down and said: "Dad?"
The officer turned and saw Angel, her daughter, and said: "Angel, do you know ANYTHING OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"
And then Angel looked at us and we shook our heads and
mouthed the word, no, like we knew nothing about what just happened.
Then Angel said: "No, I know nothing of what happened."
Then the officer, or her dad, said: "Angel you know what happens when you are not telling me the thruth?"
Angel says: "Yes I do, but Alexandra is my friend and I will tell you the story, the WHOLE STORY, if you promise me not to do ANYTHING TO MY BEST FRIEND?"
"I won't, but tell me what happened, okay?" Her dad asked.
Just then I, Alexandra, stood up and said: "It was my fault not Angel's my fault."
Then the officer turned around and saw Alexandra, I, holding her arm and the officer walked over to me and asked: "What happened to your arm? May I please see it?"
Then Paul got up from the chair that we, me and him, were sitting on and then the officer asked: "Does this hurt Alex?"
"Ow yeah." I said hurt.
Then the officer said: "Okay, I'm gonna call some people and tell them to come over." "Is that alright with you Alex?" asked the officer.
"Yeah that's fine." I told him.
Just then we heard something from the kitchen and it was Amie she fainted and then I said: "She'll be fine, it happens all the time when something like this happens."
Just then the doorbell rang and the officer yelled: "COME ON IN!"
And then doctors came in and the officer motioned his hand to come into the living room and just then Logan said: "Dad?"
And then Paul said: "Great another parent who saves people's lives."
I elbowed him in the stomach and I gave him a stare/look and then he, Paul, asked me shocked: "What?" Then I told him: "Just stop and yes I will help you with chemistry later."
Paul said: "Okay.."
And then Logan's dad said: "Son, I thought u were supposed to be at mom's house?"
Logan responded by saying: "I was but, I came to hang with Paul and Alexandra's and friends."
Logans dad said: "Does mom know that you are here?"
Logan said: "I think so."
Logans dad asks him: "Do you want me to call her and tell her that you are here at Alexandra's house for a while?"
Logan says: "Sure."
Then Parick and Lucas both had asked the doctors: "Will she be okay?"
And one of the doctors, who was a girl, said: "She'll be fine, we just need some X-rays and blood tests and everything will be good as new and over before you know it..."
Just then something happened again and this time it was Lucas's girlfriend, El, and she fainted, and then I said: "This happens all the time when something like this happens."
Doctors & officers responded by noding their heads and saying: "Hmm, okay then."
"There, you are good as new. Just make sure to ice your arm every two or three hours a day."
Then I said: "Thank you!"
Angel's dad asks: "Do u need a ride home Angel?"
Angel says: "No, I'll spend the night with Alex tonight, if that's okay with her that is anyway."
Angel asks Alexandra: "Alex?"
I answer: "What?"
Angel: "Is it okay if I spend the night tonight, here at your house?"
I: "Umm... Yeah that's fine it's totally fine."
Officer asks Paul: "Do u need a ride son?"
Paul: "Uh no it's fine."
Officer asks: "Okay then, we're good here right nothing else huh okay then, hey Angel?"
Angel: "yeah dad?"
Officer: be good.
Angel: I will daddy I promise!<3 * blows kiss*
Paul: Alex?
Alex: what?
Paul: chemistry?
Alex: oh um can I help u later?
Just then doorbell rang... And Paul went to get it and when he opened he door it was Angel's younger sister, Sunny, and then
Sunny came skipping in and said: hi sissy!
Angel said: sunny sis u can't be here right now okay fine u can stay but go upstairs and play okay go I'll b up there in like 2 minutes okay now go.
Paul and Alex r having one of those talks where one person is trying to put his/her younger sibling upstairs to play... So, what happened was that Paul asked Alex: I thought no one was going to be here besides me, u and Ben and baby Luaran?
Alex said: idk okay.
Paul asks: can we just try to get through this together?
Alex replies with: ya I guess so.
Just then angel came down he satires with baby Luaran and little Benjamin and Angela little sister, sunny as well. And Alexandra asks: where r u guys going?
And Angel says: we r going to the park.
Alex: oh okay then well have fun then!
Paul asks: what time will u guys be back?
Angel: idk y?
Paul: no reason.
Angel: then its not a bit problem is it?
Paul: no not really.
Angel: oh okay well bye!
Paul and Alex: bye!
And yeah you get it right...
Okay so back to the next day starts off wit Alexandra and Paul and their friends and family try to say sorry to Rachael for what happened yesterday....
Alexandra had said: Rachael I am TOTALLY ABSOLUTLEY SORRY FOR EVRYTHING AND I THOUGHT MY PLAN WOULD HAVE WORKED IF YOU JSUT ANSWERED MY QUESTION , BUT I OR WE WANTED TO GIVE YOU THIS. It was a note or 2 notes the first one said: Dear Rachael, We miss you dearly and please PLEASE except their apology and Alexandra called us and told us everything and me and your father forgave her right away and when you get out of the hospital their IS A BIG SURPRISE FOR YOU. So please forgive Alexandra and her friends and we will see you after you get out of the hospital.
Love, Mom Dad and brother, Derek<3
The second letter was from her best friend , Jo, who was so mad at herself that she wrote it in a letter and the letter said:
Dear Rachael, I am so SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry of what happened but I tried calling before this incident ever even happened and I was so easily upset I wanted to surprise you so put down this letter and see for yourself.
Love your trusting friend, Jo<3
Then Rachael looked up and their was Jo, right their in front of her and then Jo asked the nurse if Rachael could come outside and the nurse said sure, So, Jo took Rachael outside and with Rachael's eyes closed and in her wheelchair... Jo told Rachael to take her blind off, but officially she couldn't so Jo did it and then when she opened her eyes, everyone yelled: SURPRISE! And Rachael's mom dad and brother, Derek, came over to hug and all said Happy Birthday! And then Paul said : Wow I'm glad this happened before her birthday and then I or Alexandra elbowed him in the stomach and gave him this weird eye look and Paul wishpered: Ow, okay now that hurt, said Paul.. Oh, I'll make it hurt. I or Alexandra said. Ssh, just be quite and yes I will do it with you later, says Alexandra.
Everyone had the best TIME ever, even Ben and baby Luara or Luaran, either way it's the same name. So what happened to Paul and Alexandra, everyone asks me this question over and over, okay fine I'll tell you.
Heres what happened.....
After the marriage of Paul and Alexandra they both agrees to have the BEST FAMILY AND FUTURE OF THE 2 OF THEM OH AND OF COURSE THEIR FRIENDS AS WELL.
And in the end, Alexandra said to herslef and to everyone around her: You know what, my life actually really wasn't over, even though I thought it was it really wasn't, I loved my life from the start until now, and I remembered my mom and dad and ALL my friends and neighbors told me that life is just life, so just don't go out their and make things happens by your friends nor nobody because you are own person not someone else and if you feel different or want to be that isnt you what's you is you, not someone else or anything, but just be you and everythigng will work out trust me it will, I mean I have gone through the same things as anybody else, I mean really I have and its not fun being someone else. So for all you people out there feeling the same way as I did take from me and your parents that you are own person and everything will be okay and it doesnt matter what people say or wear you are your own person you can make a difference I mean anyone can if you just believe in yourself and in god coz life is just one in life time and I believed in god and my family and friends that you are who are and don't let anything I mean ANYTHING OR NOTHING GET IN THE WAY OF BEING YOU.
Love, Alexandra Harris now Alexandra Foster who is now also married to Paul Foster and has lovely children: a son named Roger and a daughter named Alice and more on the way... But until then, we had some difficulties... 1. New baby room/s and getting the nurseries ready as well. So yeah, then what happens next, if you REALLY REALLY REAAAALLLYY WANT TO KNOW READ THE SECOND/CHAPTER, or yeah you get the point.... To be continued...
Part 2 of the young girl who thought her life was over.... Not really...
So this next part is about Alexandra and her family.
Alexandra had two more kids named, James and Kala, twins actually, and they are doing very well, and Roger just started kindergarten and baby Alice just turned 2. So the story goes on, but wait what happened to Alexandra, Paul, little Benjamin, baby Lauran and Alexandra's younger sister, Amie, and her other sister and her best friend forever, well, I will tell you....
Paul got a part time job as a sound engineer, a person who studies sound and stuff, and for Alexandra, she has two jobs: one is a stay-home mom to take care of James and Kala and of course yes Alice, but for Alice she has to go to preschool for 2-3 hours and when either Paul, I, or one of our friends can pick them up they will but for Me and Paul, they can't, because they have work to do and My other job is a waitress at Sonic, and I work there for at least 4-5 hours or longer and if neither Paul, Junior, Logan, Lucas, Michael, nor Amie can pick up the kids then I have to get off work early and pick them up even my little brother, Benjamin, from daycare. And baby Lauran just turned 1.
One night while I was at work and so we, Paul and I, got 2 calls, one from Alice's preschool teacher and the other one from Roger's kindergarten teacher saying that:
"Alice isnt feeling very well and she said that Benjamin gave her somehing that she was aligric too." said Mrs. Wince.
"Roger isn't feeling that well because he told
me that last night he wasn't feeling that great, and today when you, Alexandra, dropped him off at kindergarten this morning you told me that I would have to keep an eye on him, and I have but today during lunch or after lunch he went all over the place (puked) and I just wanted to call you and tell you."
When Amie got home from school, she graduated high school early to work on fashion designing, and when she got home to visit Alexandra she wasn't there, neither was Paul, but when she came in she had picked up Benjamin and the twins, James and Kala, and when they walked in Amie saw messages and played them and then right after she heard the 2 messages she called Alexandra and then she called Paul.
Amie asked:
" Alexandra, did u hear these 2 new messages from Alice's teacher and Roger's?"
Alexandra said while sounding confused: "What, "
Amie jumped in and asked all scared: "Do you want me 2 call Paul and tell him to go pick them up or do you want me 2?"
Alexandra said: "Wait what?!?!"
Amie: " Do you want me to go pick up the kids, Alice and Roger, or do you want me to call Paul and tell him what happened?"
Alexabdra: "What happened again?"
Amie: " OMG, okay, Alice and Roger are sick and their teaches want you to pick them up."
Alexandra: " Okay I will call Paul and if he can't then I will pick them up. Hey, did you pick up Benjamin, Kayla and James?"
Amie: "Yes I did and doesn't Benjamin have a doctors oppointment today @2?"
Alexandra: "OMG, yes I am so sorry I thought it was next week but is was today! I am such a terrible mother."
Amie: "Listen, A. Don't worry about it okay I will take Ben into get his doctor oppointment and B. You are NOT a terrible mother, okay you just can't handle more than one or two things at a time. So you call Paul and tell him what happened and I will take Ben in for his checkup."
Alexandra: "Thank you so much Amie, you are the best sister ever love you<3!!"
Amie: " Nope, no problem love you too sis<3!!"
They both hung up the phone and Alexandra texted Paul and told him everything. And Paul did not get mad besides saying " I knew that would have of happened if we didnt give him that" "the food that we gave little Roger last night was a bad idea, I am so sorry for feeding him that." "Why what's wrong with little Roger and Alice?"
Alexandra had texted and told Paul: " It's not your fault it's no ones fault its just that little Roger, his stomach didnt like what we feed him so, so today at kindergarten he puked and for Alice was that last night when Benjamin was over with mom and dad, he gave something to Alice and Alice today at preschool didnt feel very well, so.."
Paul read the txt and texted back and asked: "So, what do you want me to do about it?"
Alexandra texted back and said: "I want you to pick them up before anything else bad happens. Okay."
Paul texted back and said: " Why can't you do it you are closer to them and I'm like 3 hours away?"
Alexandra said: " Okay I'll do it. And tell your friends good luck tonight at that football or basketball game or whatever they have tonight? Wait what do they have tonight?"
Paul texted in return and said:" it's football ( British term for soccer) And aren't you and the kids supposed to come too?"
Alexandra was on her way to pick up Roger and Alice until she got a txt from Paul answering her question about late tonight, and also Alexandra was like 15 minutes away and her restuaraunt was like 45 minutes away from the preschool place and just 2 blocks down was Roger's kindergarten place. So what happened was that when Alexandra checked her phone and it was Paul, but Paul didn't know what time Alexandra was leaving to pick the kids up so he called her and she didn't answer because she got into a car accident and so cops and paramedics and ambulance were their at the scene and so was news reporters. So when she couldnt make it in time one of her best friends named Nathanial was at the scene but he was just walking home with some friends because him and his friends were at a movie, and they knew nothing about it until Nathan's phone buzzed and it was Paul and Paul sounded very scared and worried and said that I should've gone and picked up the sick kids not her and then Nathan said back was that your right or wait we should've picked up the kids, niether one of you guys should've. but then a car pulled up and it was Amie and Ben coming back from Ben's doctors oppointment and also the twins, James and Kayla, were in the back seat as well as Alice and Roger, so Amie got out of her car and told the kids to stay in the car as well, with Amie's boyfriend named Brady..... Brady is Amie's new bf since last year after thanksgiving and before Christmas, so yeah and Amie wants to go on a romantic cruise with Brady, and she kinda wants Paul and I to go with them but no maybe not...
Too hear the rest of this story and if you want to know what happened to me, Alexandra, and if I/she will ever see her kids and anyone again, read the next chapter coming real soon....
The Story of a Young Girl Who Though Her Life...(Kelsey Hagen)
The story of a young girl who thought her life was over by just one stupid mistake.
Once their was a girl named Alexandra, who thought her life was completely over. Then, a handsome young man named Paul came along and the girl, Alexandra, went up to Paul and introduced herself and said her name was Alexandra. So, Paul, he introduced himself as well, next thing you know is that Paul and Alexandra are going on dates, until Paul found someone else, and her name was Amie.
The next day Alexandra was worried about Paul so she called back up, the person she called was her best friend named Angel. Then when Angel came over, she found myself, Alexandra, crying in front of my house (Alexandra's house), so Angel went over and asked me what's wrong, then before I could ever even say anything, Paul's car pulled up and ran up to Angel and I, Alexandra, and asked us what's wrong, then Angel moved Paul off to the side and said: "Alexandra called me and told me to come over for back up, or that she needed back up."
Paul says: "Back up, back up for what?" sounding all mad kinda angry or both.
Angel says: "Alexandra, thinks your seeing someone else, is it true Paul, are you seeing someone else? "
Just then 4 more cars pulled up and then I/Alexandra looked up, stood up and saw Pauls' 4 best friends named: Junior, Logan, Lucas, and Michael. Then another car pulled up and I/Alexandra saw who it was and it was my sister Amie, then Paul saw myself/Alexandra walk up to Amie, with Angel right behind me, and I asked my sister: "Where have you been, mom has been worried sick about you? " sounding all mad and a little angry at Amie and Paul, but not for long for Paul you will see what happens.
Then our mom, mine/Alexandra and Amie's mom, came out and asked: "Where have you been Amie, I have been worried sick? "
Then my bf, Paul, came over and said: "It was my fault, I took your daughter out, it's my fault not hers."
Just then I came over and said : "You what? " sounding definitely mad.
Paul said:" Yes I did, it's my fault not hers. "
I got really mad then. Angel tried calming me down, but it didn't work. Then another car pulled up and it was our, Alexandra and Amie's, dad, then our mom had said: "You have your father deal with you. "
Then Paul said to me/Alexandra: "Its nothing okay, I love you WAY more then your sister, even though I didn't even know Amie was your sister until now, but what I did was wrong, VERY VERY VERY VERY wrong and....."
Just then I said something: "So you are breaking up with me?"
Paul says: "No, no, no I'm not, I want to be with you forever and ever.
"You do?" I asked.
Just then Paul's friends came over and gave him a box, and before anything happened or before anyone could say anything,
I said: "Yes, yes YES, a million times YES!"
Everyone was shocked even Amie, and then she, Amie, came up to me and said:
"This whole thing of me and Paul was a prank, but the ring is or was NOT a prank. And you are my older sister, and I would NEVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS ever try to break you and your boy friend up, I just wanted to prank my older sister."
I asked my sister: "Did it work then Amie?"
And then Amie said: "Yes it worked, and yes it's true, well half of it is anyways."
I asked her: "Wait what? You knew about this , Paul?"
Paul said: "Some of it, but the ring WASN'T a prank."
I then ask Paul: "So this ring is real?" "See now I'm confused.!."
Paul opens the box and kneels and asks me/Alexandra,... but before that ever happened, I say while crying and my hand covering my mouth and I nor my head 3 times yes and mumbles: "Yes, yes yes i will!"
And then everyone cheers and Amie and Angel hugged and everyone was happy expect for Paul's ex girlfriend who promised that ring was for her, oh the ex-gf of Paul, yeah her name was Rachael, and was she MAD, and then Rachael came over with the most angry look on her face and asked Paul: "What is this?" very angry and hey what the heck what can I say besides that ... she is EVIL.
Paul told her : "It's soemthing that you may never EVER forget."
Then Paul went over to me/Alexandra and kissed me on the lips and Rachael just went all crazy and EVERYONE got their phones out, even me, but after I was done kissing Paul, and we ALL RECORDED IT AND WE ALL JUST STOOD THERE AND LAUGHED. Then, one of Paul's' friends said: "Hey, you know what we should do?"
Paul was like,but with a puzzled look on his face: "What?"
His friend, Logan, was like: "We should post it on EVERY WEBSITE that their is on the Internet and I mean literally, like EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE that we can find that is out there."
Then I said: "You know what also could work instead of that, I mean that's a REALLY SUPER COOL IDEA, but what also could work is that..."
Just then Paul's and everyone else's faces went blank.
So I told them: "We should do something totally evil to her and I got it, but I may need A LOT OF HELP."
"We could help." Said one of Paul's friends.
"We ALL will help." said Angel.
"OKAY. What I need is THE BIGGEST ANIMAL THERE IS, okay got that?" I (Alexandra) asked.
"Uh.." said Patrick.
"Good," I said, "Next I need is...oh Paul?"
"Yeah?" Paul asks.
"I need you to go inside and get LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF PEANUTS, if we have any."
"Okay." Paul says.
Angel goes inside to help him.
Then Patrick found the LARGEST ANIMAL HE COULD EVER FIND. Just then Rachael came back and I told everyone to go hide either inside or around back.
Then when Rachael came over, and I asked her: "So whats up?"
"You know whats up Alexandra?!?" Rachael asked in the MOST ferocious voice.
"Or do I?" Asked Alexandra.
"I know what's going on here." Said Rachael.
"Oh do you now, then tell me then, what is going on?" Asked Alexandra.
"And I'm not going to stop until I find out what you are up too." Said Rachael.
"Oh really now, okay well one question and I want you to figure it out." Says Alexandra.
"Oh I'm ready." Says Rachael.
"Okay ready?" Asks Alexandra.
"I was born ready." Says Rachael.
"NO YOU WERENT!" Someone yells from behind the house.
"Who was that?" Asks Rachael.
"That was nobody." Says Alexandra. Just then the elephant trumpeted. "Now what was that?" Asks Rachael.
Alexandra says "nothing, nothing it was nothing."
"I know what you are up too."Says Rachael again.
Just then Rachael heard the elephant again, and ran around back, then, Alexandra ran after her.
Alexandra then yelled: "NOW!" And everyone started throwing EVERYTHING, that Rachel hated, AT HER AND ALSO... ALEXANDRA YELLED: "NOW! LET THE ELEPHANT GO AND..." Paul came over, gave Rachael the peanuts and then the elephant came running and trumpeting over.
Paul and I went out of the way and watched while Junior, Logan, and the rest of Paul's friends were recording it.
Until I said: "Ow."
And Paul asks, with this worried look on his face: "What's wrong?" then his face went a little pale/white.
Then I told him, while holding my arm: "I...I... I don't know what happened, after I chased after Rachael, I think I ran..." then my face was burning and my stomach felt like i was going to hurl or something (but I really didn't) and I couldn't talk.
"I don't know... I think into the side of the house because Rachael, I.. I.. I think she shoved me then I just... I.. I.. I really have no clue and I just can't breathe right now I.. I.. I don't know.. I just I just I.. I.. I.."
Paul interrupted me and asks: "Are you sure you are okay? I mean really are you alright?"
Then I said: "Yeah, I'm.. I'm fine I just hurt."
Paul says: "Okay, don't worry okay you will be fine don't worry alright,"
I said, while almost crying or am crying well a little but anyways: "Okay."
Right after Paul helps me up, I sniff and wipe the tears from my face. Then Paul looks down at me, whispers and asks: "Hey, you okay?" Then I told him: "Yeah," nods head. "I just ha I just, yeah I'm alright." "It's just that my arm hurts that bad."
Paul helps me up and 2 of his friends, Patrick and Logan, come running over and they started laughing because they just posted the video on YouTube and it just got like 18 million views in like 2-3 minutes.
And then Patrick and Logan said while being all happy, proud and a little energetic: "We just posted it on YouTube!" said Patrick and then Logan said: "Yeah, it just got like 18 million views in like 2-3 minutes because this is why we needed to do this because everyone well not everyone that hated Rachael, well not her popular club or group or wait maybe, BUT anyways, we posted it on here because of the other kids and students..."
Just then I interrupted them and told them: "Guys, that's great but wait what, how many views in like how many minutes?" I asked. Paul said and asked the same thing.
Then Paul and I just stood there with weird looks on our faces, like what was going on or something.
Then, Paul and I saw the elephant chase Rachael down the road until she, Rachael, ran into the zoo and jumped into a tank full of sharks and screamed.
Then, all of us, even Paul and I, were just laughing until I had said something: "Wait a minute, that wasn't supposed to happen, what was supposed to happen was that Rachael, she was supposed to... "
Just then, Logan says: "Who cares, your planned worked!"
Then one of my friends, who were with us, had said: "That was one of your EXCELLENT MOST FANTANSTIC BEST PLANS EVER!!"
"Yeah but," I said worriedly.
"But what, your planned worked that's all that matters, right?" Patrick asked happily and proud.
"Well, yeah I guess, but I still feel very..."
Then we heard an ambulance go by and we all rushed inside my house and locked the door then we heard the police and fire department, then Angel realized something and that was...
"Guys we may have done something VERY WRONG HERE." said Angel very worried and terrified.
"And that was..?" Asked Lucas, one of Paul's friends. Then Amie said a little worried: "I kinda agree with you there Angel.." "Ha yeah." Amie chuclkes a little.
"Wait, what is going on here?" Paul asked a little scared and worried.
Just then the doorbell rang, Logan and Lucas went to the window, opened the curtains and said, with the same look that in a story that they, Logan and Lucas, told once when some of these teenagers were at some summer camp once and what the lunch ladies had given them: "Uh, Alex?"
"Yeah?" I asked.
"You may want to come to see this.."
"Come see what?" I asked.
Just then Lucas said: "I think I'm going to be sick..." and runs to the kitchen sink and yeah you get it... Just then the door bell rang again and my annoying little brother, Benjamin who was 3, came running down the stairs and asked: "Isn't anyone going to bet this door?"
Then my baby sister, Luaran who was almost 1 I think, started crying and then Angel had said: "I'll get Luaran and you get the door."
Before Ben opened the door, Paul ran over and moved Ben out of the way and unlocked the door and yelled: "IT'S OPEN!"
And then all of us ran to the couches and chairs and turned on the TV. Ben was playing with some of his toys, that he got from christmas last year, on the floor.
And then walked in the police and asked us: "Do you guys know anything what happened or know a Rachael Anderson?"
Then we all shook our heads and said: " Hmm, No."
Then Angel came down and said: "Dad?"
The officer turned and saw Angel, her daughter, and said: "Angel, do you know ANYTHING OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"
And then Angel looked at us and we shook our heads and
mouthed the word, no, like we knew nothing about what just happened.
Then Angel said: "No, I know nothing of what happened."
Then the officer, or her dad, said: "Angel you know what happens when you are not telling me the thruth?"
Angel says: "Yes I do, but Alexandra is my friend and I will tell you the story, the WHOLE STORY, if you promise me not to do ANYTHING TO MY BEST FRIEND?"
"I won't, but tell me what happened, okay?" Her dad asked.
Just then I, Alexandra, stood up and said: "It was my fault not Angel's my fault."
Then the officer turned around and saw Alexandra, I, holding her arm and the officer walked over to me and asked: "What happened to your arm? May I please see it?"
Then Paul got up from the chair that we, me and him, were sitting on and then the officer asked: "Does this hurt Alex?"
"Ow yeah." I said hurt.
Then the officer said: "Okay, I'm gonna call some people and tell them to come over." "Is that alright with you Alex?" asked the officer.
"Yeah that's fine." I told him.
Just then we heard something from the kitchen and it was Amie she fainted and then I said: "She'll be fine, it happens all the time when something like this happens."
Just then the doorbell rang and the officer yelled: "COME ON IN!"
And then doctors came in and the officer motioned his hand to come into the living room and just then Logan said: "Dad?"
And then Paul said: "Great another parent who saves people's lives."
I elbowed him in the stomach and I gave him a stare/look and then he, Paul, asked me shocked: "What?" Then I told him: "Just stop and yes I will help you with chemistry later."
Paul said: "Okay.."
And then Logan's dad said: "Son, I thought u were supposed to be at mom's house?"
Logan responded by saying: "I was but, I came to hang with Paul and Alexandra's and friends."
Logans dad said: "Does mom know that you are here?"
Logan said: "I think so."
Logans dad asks him: "Do you want me to call her and tell her that you are here at Alexandra's house for a while?"
Logan says: "Sure."
Then Parick and Lucas both had asked the doctors: "Will she be okay?"
And one of the doctors, who was a girl, said: "She'll be fine, we just need some X-rays and blood tests and everything will be good as new and over before you know it..."
Just then something happened again and this time it was Lucas's girlfriend, El, and she fainted, and then I said: "This happens all the time when something like this happens."
Doctors & officers responded by noding their heads and saying: "Hmm, okay then."
"There, you are good as new. Just make sure to ice your arm every two or three hours a day."
Then I said: "Thank you!"
Angel's dad asks: "Do u need a ride home Angel?"
Angel says: "No, I'll spend the night with Alex tonight, if that's okay with her that is anyway."
Angel asks Alexandra: "Alex?"
I answer: "What?"
Angel: "Is it okay if I spend the night tonight, here at your house?"
I: "Umm... Yeah that's fine it's totally fine."
Officer asks Paul: "Do u need a ride son?"
Paul: "Uh no it's fine."
Officer asks: "Okay then, we're good here right nothing else huh okay then, hey Angel?"
Angel: "yeah dad?"
Officer: be good.
Angel: I will daddy I promise!<3 * blows kiss*
Paul: Alex?
Alex: what?
Paul: chemistry?
Alex: oh um can I help u later?
Just then doorbell rang... And Paul went to get it and when he opened he door it was Angel's younger sister, Sunny, and then
Sunny came skipping in and said: hi sissy!
Angel said: sunny sis u can't be here right now okay fine u can stay but go upstairs and play okay go I'll b up there in like 2 minutes okay now go.
Paul and Alex r having one of those talks where one person is trying to put his/her younger sibling upstairs to play... So, what happened was that Paul asked Alex: I thought no one was going to be here besides me, u and Ben and baby Luaran?
Alex said: idk okay.
Paul asks: can we just try to get through this together?
Alex replies with: ya I guess so.
Just then angel came down he satires with baby Luaran and little Benjamin and Angela little sister, sunny as well. And Alexandra asks: where r u guys going?
And Angel says: we r going to the park.
Alex: oh okay then well have fun then!
Paul asks: what time will u guys be back?
Angel: idk y?
Paul: no reason.
Angel: then its not a bit problem is it?
Paul: no not really.
Angel: oh okay well bye!
Paul and Alex: bye!
And yeah you get it right...
Okay so back to the next day starts off wit Alexandra and Paul and their friends and family try to say sorry to Rachael for what happened yesterday....
Alexandra had said: Rachael I am TOTALLY ABSOLUTLEY SORRY FOR EVRYTHING AND I THOUGHT MY PLAN WOULD HAVE WORKED IF YOU JSUT ANSWERED MY QUESTION , BUT I OR WE WANTED TO GIVE YOU THIS. It was a note or 2 notes the first one said: Dear Rachael, We miss you dearly and please PLEASE except their apology and Alexandra called us and told us everything and me and your father forgave her right away and when you get out of the hospital their IS A BIG SURPRISE FOR YOU. So please forgive Alexandra and her friends and we will see you after you get out of the hospital.
Love, Mom Dad and brother, Derek<3
The second letter was from her best friend , Jo, who was so mad at herself that she wrote it in a letter and the letter said:
Dear Rachael, I am so SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry of what happened but I tried calling before this incident ever even happened and I was so easily upset I wanted to surprise you so put down this letter and see for yourself.
Love your trusting friend, Jo<3
Then Rachael looked up and their was Jo, right their in front of her and then Jo asked the nurse if Rachael could come outside and the nurse said sure, So, Jo took Rachael outside and with Rachael's eyes closed and in her wheelchair... Jo told Rachael to take her blind off, but officially she couldn't so Jo did it and then when she opened her eyes, everyone yelled: SURPRISE! And Rachael's mom dad and brother, Derek, came over to hug and all said Happy Birthday! And then Paul said : Wow I'm glad this happened before her birthday and then I or Alexandra elbowed him in the stomach and gave him this weird eye look and Paul wishpered: Ow, okay now that hurt, said Paul.. Oh, I'll make it hurt. I or Alexandra said. Ssh, just be quite and yes I will do it with you later, says Alexandra.
Everyone had the best TIME ever, even Ben and baby Luara or Luaran, either way it's the same name. So what happened to Paul and Alexandra, everyone asks me this question over and over, okay fine I'll tell you.
Heres what happened.....
After the marriage of Paul and Alexandra they both agrees to have the BEST FAMILY AND FUTURE OF THE 2 OF THEM OH AND OF COURSE THEIR FRIENDS AS WELL.
And in the end, Alexandra said to herslef and to everyone around her: You know what, my life actually really wasn't over, even though I thought it was it really wasn't, I loved my life from the start until now, and I remembered my mom and dad and ALL my friends and neighbors told me that life is just life, so just don't go out their and make things happens by your friends nor nobody because you are own person not someone else and if you feel different or want to be that isnt you what's you is you, not someone else or anything, but just be you and everythigng will work out trust me it will, I mean I have gone through the same things as anybody else, I mean really I have and its not fun being someone else. So for all you people out there feeling the same way as I did take from me and your parents that you are own person and everything will be okay and it doesnt matter what people say or wear you are your own person you can make a difference I mean anyone can if you just believe in yourself and in god coz life is just one in life time and I believed in god and my family and friends that you are who are and don't let anything I mean ANYTHING OR NOTHING GET IN THE WAY OF BEING YOU.
Love, Alexandra Harris now Alexandra Foster who is now also married to Paul Foster and has lovely children: a son named Roger and a daughter named Alice and more on the way... But until then, we had some difficulties... 1. New baby room/s and getting the nurseries ready as well. So yeah, then what happens next, if you REALLY REALLY REAAAALLLYY WANT TO KNOW READ THE SECOND/CHAPTER, or yeah you get the point.... To be continued...
Part 2 of the young girl who thought her life was over.... Not really...
So this next part is about Alexandra and her family.
Alexandra had two more kids named, James and Kala, twins actually, and they are doing very well, and Roger just started kindergarten and baby Alice just turned 2. So the story goes on, but wait what happened to Alexandra, Paul, little Benjamin, baby Lauran and Alexandra's younger sister, Amie, and her other sister and her best friend forever, well, I will tell you....
Paul got a part time job as a sound engineer, a person who studies sound and stuff, and for Alexandra, she has two jobs: one is a stay-home mom to take care of James and Kala and of course yes Alice, but for Alice she has to go to preschool for 2-3 hours and when either Paul, I, or one of our friends can pick them up they will but for Me and Paul, they can't, because they have work to do and My other job is a waitress at Sonic, and I work there for at least 4-5 hours or longer and if neither Paul, Junior, Logan, Lucas, Michael, nor Amie can pick up the kids then I have to get off work early and pick them up even my little brother, Benjamin, from daycare. And baby Lauran just turned 1.
One night while I was at work and so we, Paul and I, got 2 calls, one from Alice's preschool teacher and the other one from Roger's kindergarten teacher saying that:
"Alice isnt feeling very well and she said that Benjamin gave her somehing that she was aligric too." said Mrs. Wince.
"Roger isn't feeling that well because he told
me that last night he wasn't feeling that great, and today when you, Alexandra, dropped him off at kindergarten this morning you told me that I would have to keep an eye on him, and I have but today during lunch or after lunch he went all over the place (puked) and I just wanted to call you and tell you."
When Amie got home from school, she graduated high school early to work on fashion designing, and when she got home to visit Alexandra she wasn't there, neither was Paul, but when she came in she had picked up Benjamin and the twins, James and Kala, and when they walked in Amie saw messages and played them and then right after she heard the 2 messages she called Alexandra and then she called Paul.
Amie asked:
" Alexandra, did u hear these 2 new messages from Alice's teacher and Roger's?"
Alexandra said while sounding confused: "What, "
Amie jumped in and asked all scared: "Do you want me 2 call Paul and tell him to go pick them up or do you want me 2?"
Alexandra said: "Wait what?!?!"
Amie: " Do you want me to go pick up the kids, Alice and Roger, or do you want me to call Paul and tell him what happened?"
Alexabdra: "What happened again?"
Amie: " OMG, okay, Alice and Roger are sick and their teaches want you to pick them up."
Alexandra: " Okay I will call Paul and if he can't then I will pick them up. Hey, did you pick up Benjamin, Kayla and James?"
Amie: "Yes I did and doesn't Benjamin have a doctors oppointment today @2?"
Alexandra: "OMG, yes I am so sorry I thought it was next week but is was today! I am such a terrible mother."
Amie: "Listen, A. Don't worry about it okay I will take Ben into get his doctor oppointment and B. You are NOT a terrible mother, okay you just can't handle more than one or two things at a time. So you call Paul and tell him what happened and I will take Ben in for his checkup."
Alexandra: "Thank you so much Amie, you are the best sister ever love you<3!!"
Amie: " Nope, no problem love you too sis<3!!"
They both hung up the phone and Alexandra texted Paul and told him everything. And Paul did not get mad besides saying " I knew that would have of happened if we didnt give him that" "the food that we gave little Roger last night was a bad idea, I am so sorry for feeding him that." "Why what's wrong with little Roger and Alice?"
Alexandra had texted and told Paul: " It's not your fault it's no ones fault its just that little Roger, his stomach didnt like what we feed him so, so today at kindergarten he puked and for Alice was that last night when Benjamin was over with mom and dad, he gave something to Alice and Alice today at preschool didnt feel very well, so.."
Paul read the txt and texted back and asked: "So, what do you want me to do about it?"
Alexandra texted back and said: "I want you to pick them up before anything else bad happens. Okay."
Paul texted back and said: " Why can't you do it you are closer to them and I'm like 3 hours away?"
Alexandra said: " Okay I'll do it. And tell your friends good luck tonight at that football or basketball game or whatever they have tonight? Wait what do they have tonight?"
Paul texted in return and said:" it's football ( British term for soccer) And aren't you and the kids supposed to come too?"
Alexandra was on her way to pick up Roger and Alice until she got a txt from Paul answering her question about late tonight, and also Alexandra was like 15 minutes away and her restuaraunt was like 45 minutes away from the preschool place and just 2 blocks down was Roger's kindergarten place. So what happened was that when Alexandra checked her phone and it was Paul, but Paul didn't know what time Alexandra was leaving to pick the kids up so he called her and she didn't answer because she got into a car accident and so cops and paramedics and ambulance were their at the scene and so was news reporters. So when she couldnt make it in time one of her best friends named Nathanial was at the scene but he was just walking home with some friends because him and his friends were at a movie, and they knew nothing about it until Nathan's phone buzzed and it was Paul and Paul sounded very scared and worried and said that I should've gone and picked up the sick kids not her and then Nathan said back was that your right or wait we should've picked up the kids, niether one of you guys should've. but then a car pulled up and it was Amie and Ben coming back from Ben's doctors oppointment and also the twins, James and Kayla, were in the back seat as well as Alice and Roger, so Amie got out of her car and told the kids to stay in the car as well, with Amie's boyfriend named Brady..... Brady is Amie's new bf since last year after thanksgiving and before Christmas, so yeah and Amie wants to go on a romantic cruise with Brady, and she kinda wants Paul and I to go with them but no maybe not...
Too hear the rest of this story and if you want to know what happened to me, Alexandra, and if I/she will ever see her kids and anyone again, read the next chapter coming real soon....
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