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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Childhood / Youth
- Published: 01/18/2013
Santa's SnowGlobe
And so it was Christmas once again, the year of 1903. Santa was sitting in his chair reading all the letters good little boys and girls wrote with a cookie in one hand that Mrs. Clause had just recently baked. Mrs. Clause specially makes chocolate cookies for him with tons of chocolate chips. In the other hand Santa holds a letter from a little girl by the name of Sarah. Now every once in a while Santa gets a letter with a wish that he cannot grant, like to bring a loved one back or simply make them healthy again. almost everyone knows that Santa can't bring someone back they love or heal any illness, but children believe in him so much that they believe he can do anything. after all, he is magical, but this is what saddens Santa the most, for what does he say or do for a girl who writes this:
Dear Santa Clause
My name is Sarah I'm ten years old I've been a good little girl. I eat all my veggies and clean my hands after every meal and always do as my mother says. what I want this Christmas is not a toy, after all I have all the dolls in the world and a dollhouse and I have a tea set. I've got plenty of clothes and tons of bows for my hair. I know I'm a lucky little girl but you see the one thing I want I don't have is I want to walk again and run in the snow, to make a snow-angel and throw a snowball at my brother. you see I can't walk and I sit in this chair every day I stare out the window and watch my brother play in the snow with his friends while I have to stay in because of this chair. this is all I want for Christmas. My mother says you can't grant me my wish but I believe she's wrong, after all your Santa Clause and you are magical. So I know you will grant me my wish. I've been a real good little girl and I will leave cookies and milk for you, oh and some carrots for the reindeer too, I know they get hungry too!
And so Santa does not know what to do, for what can he do? Santa cannot make the child walk, but Santa wants to give her a special Christmas. Santa decides to take a break, he puts on his black boots, coat, mitts and scarf and heads out to the reindeer pasture. Mrs. Clause told Santa, "don't worry my dear, the child will understand with time that you can't make her walk, for when she is older she will come to understand." but Santa worry's she will not believe in him if he does not fulfill her Christmas wish, that she will lose faith in him, and after all she has been a good little girl. Santa went out to the pasture to feed all his reindeer's. there he stands and talks to Prancer. "You know Prancer, I have been at this for many years. many children ask me for toys. I can do that for them. Many people across the world have different names for me though what I don't understand is why they call me Saint Nicholas, after all I'm not a saint. I can make a reindeer fly, I have many elves that make toys for me and I can deliver toys all around the world in one night, but I can't heal a child from any illness, I can't bring a loved one back to life, for that is what a saint does. oh my dear Prancer, what shall I do for a dear child that believes it will come true?"
Santa started when he was a young boy. he would make small gifts from his bare hands. he loved the feeling of a young child getting a present on Christmas day. Santa was an orphan himself and had been left on the doorstep of a widow of a toymaker. she loved her husband very much and kept a building of toys. then there she was, left with a young little baby on the doorstep, so the widow took the boy in and taught him and loved him with the magic of toys. this is what made Santa Clause to this day. Over the years Santa Clause met many wonderful people, like Merlin. he's what taught Santa Clause to see children who are naughty or nice. also let’s not forget Leonardo Da Vinci and his magnificent paintings and drawings, and there are still many more inventions to come. Santa is extremely excited about this!
Suddenly something sparked Santa. he thought for a moment about what Merlin taught him. You know how Santa knows how you're naughty or nice? he simply takes a snowball and suddenly something magical happens... he can see a child from anywhere... what they are doing or how they are. so Santa thinks, what if there is a way simply by shaking the snowball? but Santa then realizes this is magic and doing so can not be done for if one child knew this secret then many others will know, so to his workshop he goes.
Now the elves are known to make toys but Santa makes them even more special in his own tiny workroom. it's filled with tiny little dolls and wood trains plus teddy bears too. Santa thinks and draws and realizes there is a way, so gently with his hands he takes the clay and molds it into a figure of a girl and boy playing in the snow. but it does not seem life like enough for snow does not fall from it like it does the sky. how could he make snow fall? he then thought of sugar cubes and how they dissolve in water. it looks like little clumps of snow falling to the bottom of the glass so Santa takes some snow and turns it into a snowball and with a wave of his hand Santa turns the snowball and it turns to glass, all this coming from magic. The glass is now made into the shape of a snowball so he takes a cup of water and fills it, but what will make the snow? another puzzle he would solve tomorrow. Santa needs his rest too so he slowly drifts off to sleep. he has a dream of Sarah opening her gift on Christmas morning and her eyes gleaming with excitement and then he awakes. In Santa's dream he had envisioned Sarah shaking the snowball and then this sparks Santa's mind. he will call it a snow globe. now back to the workshop he goes. Santa remembers something... a pearl necklace Santa had put aside for Mrs. Clause as a Christmas present for her for what she does for him each day. he never can thank her enough, she's always cooking delicious cookies or organizing the elves and even making sure each toy is properly placed on a shelf, but Santa knows Mrs. Clause greatest gift is seeing each child gleam on Christmas day. now Sarah would be extra special. So he takes each little pearl and strings them off like popcorn on the Christmas tree. Finally Santa carves a wood base to the snow globe in place and with a wave of his hand magically it all comes together. There sitting on his table Santa sees his masterpiece. he certainly hopes that Sarah loves it indeed. Santa brings the snow globe and shows Mrs. Clause. "My dear it's the finest thing I ever seen, Sarah will love it indeed. what imagination you have my dear!"
Santa, with a gleam, realized what had and will make this gift great. Imagination, after all, is what makes the North pole. imagination of child a child can build any world, can build a world around him or her no matter what happens in life. Santa now rests for tomorrow it's Christmas eve.
Well all the toys are packed, cheered all the elves, and Mrs. Clause saying “Now dear do not eat too many cookies." Santa says "HO HO HO, but it's Christmas my dear, but I will try!" So Santa is on his sleigh. he says "On Dasher on Dancer on Prancer and Vixen On Comet on Cupid On Donner and Blitzen and Rudolph. Dash away dash away all!"
Little Sarah cleans her hands and teeth. she knows Santa is going to grant her wish indeed. she kneels and prays and goes to bed. Her mother hovers over her watching her sleep with a tear gently streaking from her eyes. her daughter longs to walk. how her daughter will be disappointed indeed when reality brings Christmas day.
Now no one is steering, all are asleep, this is when Santa gently creeps. he take his milk and eats his cookies, HO HO HO! And off he dashes and fly's away.
It's Christmas Day and her mother’s awakes her. "Sarah darling my dear it's Christmas." "Hi mother, oh I can't move mother”. “Now dear you honestly believed it didn't you." Sarah says "Why yes mother I thought Santa could do anything." suddenly Sarah's brother Alexander comes, "Sister sister Santa left a note for you." puzzled, Sarah's mother and father watch Sarah take the letter and this is what it reads:
My Dearest Sarah,
It's Santa Clause. I heard you were a very good little girl indeed. What you wish I cannot do. It's what saddens me the most. you see my magic is limited to what I can do. but listen, my dear Sarah, you do have a gift and your wish has been fulfilled. your body can't move but my dear your mind is free. imagination is a gift, truly, you see it made a gift for you that I know you will love. Imagination is what gives me the magic of Being Santa Clause. so my dearest Sarah, open your present and just imagine for a minute and you will walk again.
Your dearest Friend
Santa Clause
P.s. Don't forget to shake the gift gently.
"Open it Open it" said Sarah's mother. There gleamed the snow globe. inside was a little figure of a boy and girl in the snow. Sarah shook it gently and each tiny pearl fell inside like tiny little snowflakes. "mother that's me!" "why, look at it dear!" both mother and father, staring at each other, wonder who would have given such a lovely gift. Sarah closed her eyes for just a minute. she imagines what it would be like to walk and run in the snow. it was almost like if she really could. Little Sarah indeed stared at the gift so fondly, with joy Santa had made her Christmas the most special.
Santa and Mrs. Clause stared into the snowball and saw all of Sarah’s gleam. it had been the greatest Christmas ever. This is how the first snow globe was created. with a little imagination it made Sarah’s dream come true.
So little ones out there, Santa does exist, not in reality but imagination. Imagination is all magic itself and it's what makes the North pole exist. close your eyes for a few minutes and there you see magic and Santa exist truly indeed.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Katrina Elina
(Hi There. I want to Thank my Parents who gave me the Confidence to write, but I also wanted to say this is the First Short Story I've written as a Child that knew what it was like to grow up in the Hospital. writing is a way I used as a coping tool. this story goes out to all the Kids that are in the hospital. Dreams do come true and I am here to say things do get better. I would also want to Thank the Hospital For Sick Children as I am extremely grateful for their past care, and to Hamilton Mcmaster too. Also I want to say Thank you so much for the Angels in my life. without any of you there this would not be possible. may your life be blessed all of you !!!)
Sarah's Magical Wish(Katrina Elina)
Santa's SnowGlobe
And so it was Christmas once again, the year of 1903. Santa was sitting in his chair reading all the letters good little boys and girls wrote with a cookie in one hand that Mrs. Clause had just recently baked. Mrs. Clause specially makes chocolate cookies for him with tons of chocolate chips. In the other hand Santa holds a letter from a little girl by the name of Sarah. Now every once in a while Santa gets a letter with a wish that he cannot grant, like to bring a loved one back or simply make them healthy again. almost everyone knows that Santa can't bring someone back they love or heal any illness, but children believe in him so much that they believe he can do anything. after all, he is magical, but this is what saddens Santa the most, for what does he say or do for a girl who writes this:
Dear Santa Clause
My name is Sarah I'm ten years old I've been a good little girl. I eat all my veggies and clean my hands after every meal and always do as my mother says. what I want this Christmas is not a toy, after all I have all the dolls in the world and a dollhouse and I have a tea set. I've got plenty of clothes and tons of bows for my hair. I know I'm a lucky little girl but you see the one thing I want I don't have is I want to walk again and run in the snow, to make a snow-angel and throw a snowball at my brother. you see I can't walk and I sit in this chair every day I stare out the window and watch my brother play in the snow with his friends while I have to stay in because of this chair. this is all I want for Christmas. My mother says you can't grant me my wish but I believe she's wrong, after all your Santa Clause and you are magical. So I know you will grant me my wish. I've been a real good little girl and I will leave cookies and milk for you, oh and some carrots for the reindeer too, I know they get hungry too!
And so Santa does not know what to do, for what can he do? Santa cannot make the child walk, but Santa wants to give her a special Christmas. Santa decides to take a break, he puts on his black boots, coat, mitts and scarf and heads out to the reindeer pasture. Mrs. Clause told Santa, "don't worry my dear, the child will understand with time that you can't make her walk, for when she is older she will come to understand." but Santa worry's she will not believe in him if he does not fulfill her Christmas wish, that she will lose faith in him, and after all she has been a good little girl. Santa went out to the pasture to feed all his reindeer's. there he stands and talks to Prancer. "You know Prancer, I have been at this for many years. many children ask me for toys. I can do that for them. Many people across the world have different names for me though what I don't understand is why they call me Saint Nicholas, after all I'm not a saint. I can make a reindeer fly, I have many elves that make toys for me and I can deliver toys all around the world in one night, but I can't heal a child from any illness, I can't bring a loved one back to life, for that is what a saint does. oh my dear Prancer, what shall I do for a dear child that believes it will come true?"
Santa started when he was a young boy. he would make small gifts from his bare hands. he loved the feeling of a young child getting a present on Christmas day. Santa was an orphan himself and had been left on the doorstep of a widow of a toymaker. she loved her husband very much and kept a building of toys. then there she was, left with a young little baby on the doorstep, so the widow took the boy in and taught him and loved him with the magic of toys. this is what made Santa Clause to this day. Over the years Santa Clause met many wonderful people, like Merlin. he's what taught Santa Clause to see children who are naughty or nice. also let’s not forget Leonardo Da Vinci and his magnificent paintings and drawings, and there are still many more inventions to come. Santa is extremely excited about this!
Suddenly something sparked Santa. he thought for a moment about what Merlin taught him. You know how Santa knows how you're naughty or nice? he simply takes a snowball and suddenly something magical happens... he can see a child from anywhere... what they are doing or how they are. so Santa thinks, what if there is a way simply by shaking the snowball? but Santa then realizes this is magic and doing so can not be done for if one child knew this secret then many others will know, so to his workshop he goes.
Now the elves are known to make toys but Santa makes them even more special in his own tiny workroom. it's filled with tiny little dolls and wood trains plus teddy bears too. Santa thinks and draws and realizes there is a way, so gently with his hands he takes the clay and molds it into a figure of a girl and boy playing in the snow. but it does not seem life like enough for snow does not fall from it like it does the sky. how could he make snow fall? he then thought of sugar cubes and how they dissolve in water. it looks like little clumps of snow falling to the bottom of the glass so Santa takes some snow and turns it into a snowball and with a wave of his hand Santa turns the snowball and it turns to glass, all this coming from magic. The glass is now made into the shape of a snowball so he takes a cup of water and fills it, but what will make the snow? another puzzle he would solve tomorrow. Santa needs his rest too so he slowly drifts off to sleep. he has a dream of Sarah opening her gift on Christmas morning and her eyes gleaming with excitement and then he awakes. In Santa's dream he had envisioned Sarah shaking the snowball and then this sparks Santa's mind. he will call it a snow globe. now back to the workshop he goes. Santa remembers something... a pearl necklace Santa had put aside for Mrs. Clause as a Christmas present for her for what she does for him each day. he never can thank her enough, she's always cooking delicious cookies or organizing the elves and even making sure each toy is properly placed on a shelf, but Santa knows Mrs. Clause greatest gift is seeing each child gleam on Christmas day. now Sarah would be extra special. So he takes each little pearl and strings them off like popcorn on the Christmas tree. Finally Santa carves a wood base to the snow globe in place and with a wave of his hand magically it all comes together. There sitting on his table Santa sees his masterpiece. he certainly hopes that Sarah loves it indeed. Santa brings the snow globe and shows Mrs. Clause. "My dear it's the finest thing I ever seen, Sarah will love it indeed. what imagination you have my dear!"
Santa, with a gleam, realized what had and will make this gift great. Imagination, after all, is what makes the North pole. imagination of child a child can build any world, can build a world around him or her no matter what happens in life. Santa now rests for tomorrow it's Christmas eve.
Well all the toys are packed, cheered all the elves, and Mrs. Clause saying “Now dear do not eat too many cookies." Santa says "HO HO HO, but it's Christmas my dear, but I will try!" So Santa is on his sleigh. he says "On Dasher on Dancer on Prancer and Vixen On Comet on Cupid On Donner and Blitzen and Rudolph. Dash away dash away all!"
Little Sarah cleans her hands and teeth. she knows Santa is going to grant her wish indeed. she kneels and prays and goes to bed. Her mother hovers over her watching her sleep with a tear gently streaking from her eyes. her daughter longs to walk. how her daughter will be disappointed indeed when reality brings Christmas day.
Now no one is steering, all are asleep, this is when Santa gently creeps. he take his milk and eats his cookies, HO HO HO! And off he dashes and fly's away.
It's Christmas Day and her mother’s awakes her. "Sarah darling my dear it's Christmas." "Hi mother, oh I can't move mother”. “Now dear you honestly believed it didn't you." Sarah says "Why yes mother I thought Santa could do anything." suddenly Sarah's brother Alexander comes, "Sister sister Santa left a note for you." puzzled, Sarah's mother and father watch Sarah take the letter and this is what it reads:
My Dearest Sarah,
It's Santa Clause. I heard you were a very good little girl indeed. What you wish I cannot do. It's what saddens me the most. you see my magic is limited to what I can do. but listen, my dear Sarah, you do have a gift and your wish has been fulfilled. your body can't move but my dear your mind is free. imagination is a gift, truly, you see it made a gift for you that I know you will love. Imagination is what gives me the magic of Being Santa Clause. so my dearest Sarah, open your present and just imagine for a minute and you will walk again.
Your dearest Friend
Santa Clause
P.s. Don't forget to shake the gift gently.
"Open it Open it" said Sarah's mother. There gleamed the snow globe. inside was a little figure of a boy and girl in the snow. Sarah shook it gently and each tiny pearl fell inside like tiny little snowflakes. "mother that's me!" "why, look at it dear!" both mother and father, staring at each other, wonder who would have given such a lovely gift. Sarah closed her eyes for just a minute. she imagines what it would be like to walk and run in the snow. it was almost like if she really could. Little Sarah indeed stared at the gift so fondly, with joy Santa had made her Christmas the most special.
Santa and Mrs. Clause stared into the snowball and saw all of Sarah’s gleam. it had been the greatest Christmas ever. This is how the first snow globe was created. with a little imagination it made Sarah’s dream come true.
So little ones out there, Santa does exist, not in reality but imagination. Imagination is all magic itself and it's what makes the North pole exist. close your eyes for a few minutes and there you see magic and Santa exist truly indeed.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Katrina Elina
(Hi There. I want to Thank my Parents who gave me the Confidence to write, but I also wanted to say this is the First Short Story I've written as a Child that knew what it was like to grow up in the Hospital. writing is a way I used as a coping tool. this story goes out to all the Kids that are in the hospital. Dreams do come true and I am here to say things do get better. I would also want to Thank the Hospital For Sick Children as I am extremely grateful for their past care, and to Hamilton Mcmaster too. Also I want to say Thank you so much for the Angels in my life. without any of you there this would not be possible. may your life be blessed all of you !!!)
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