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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Survival / Healing / Renewal
- Published: 01/19/2013
Robert Mundy and The Omega Orb
Born 1956, F, from Frankfort, United States.jpg)
Author: Marsha A. Prude
The Farewell Party
Robert Mundy was a short thin boy with brown hair and a very fair complexion! Robert was moving to a new State, because his Mom had a new job as a video effects designer! The only thing Robert wasn’t happy about was moving from Chicago to a small town in Indiana.
Robert was always capable of dealing with new surroundings. Roberts a single parent child. His Dad went missing in the Afghanistan war. Robert had a great affection for his Dad. He always hoped one day he’s Dad would walk through the front door. And give him a big hug.
Having a Mom as a video effects designer was exciting, because he would always get first glimpses on the video editing technology.
This was Roberts last day at his old school, and he was in for a big surprise. “Robert, the car pool is here, see you this evening,” shouted his Mom.Then off to school he went.
When he walked into the class room he was surely surprised!
“Surprise, Robert!” shouted his class mates. “Happy going away dude,” said his friend Daniel. “We’re going to miss you, Robert,” said the math teacher! “Wow, this is great, I’m going to miss you all too,” said Robert while holding a hand full of candy!
School was out for the day, and Robert was on his way home to help with the moving. The u-haul was loaded up. Robert was going to miss his old friends, but he always seemed to make new friends easy. Then Robert was headed to a new state.
The new Neighborhood
The u-haul pulled into the new Neighborhood. “This neighborhood is awesome, it’s like a little Utopia," said Robert. "I’m glad you like it Robert,” said his Mom.
Robert was still fourteen, his birthday was in two weeks. Up the street was the community church, around the corner the local store, and the school was three blocks from Robert’s home.
The weekend had come, and there was a knock on the front door! “I’ll get it Mom,” shouted Robert. “Hello there, we’re your new neighbors,” said a short lady with red hair and freckles! “I’m Susan Lambkin, and this is Buster and Talley,” she said in a joyful voice.
“Oh, come in. I’m Linda Mundy and this is my son Robert,” she replied. Then Susan Lambkin invited Robert and his Mom to next Sunday worship service, and dinner. Linda Mundy thought it was a great idea. It would give them a chance to get acquainted with the new Neighbors.
The weekend went by fast, it was Monday morning. Robert was excited to meet the new students. Robert’s Mom drove him to school. Then he went to his homeroom class. “Hello there Students, I’m Mr. Brawer. I see we have a new student, and who may you be young lad?” asked Mr. Brawer. “Oh! My name is Robert Mundy Sir,” said Robert. Two chairs up from Robert was Buster and Talley Lambkin. The home room went by fast. Then it was time for English class.
The other class mate
It was finally lunch time and the children were on their way to lunch. Buster and Talley sit next to Robert. Buster introduced Robert to a few new class mates. One lads name was Matt Holt. Matt had a stuttering disorder. Matt was a grade A student.
Then there was Jenny Davis who loved to dress fancy, her Mom was a cloth designer. Jenny called herself the school diva, and loved attention. Jenny is Talley’s best friend.
On their way back to class, standing near the classroom door was a boy named Wade Jones.
Wade was a forceful boy with an upside down smile. He was always with his two cousins, Brick, and Powell Jones. Brick and Powell’s dad owned the town Junk yard.
The lads were kicked off the High school football team, and that made them angry at half of the school.
Today was pay day for the boys. Everyone in the class had to pay Wade lunch money.
Then Wade noticed the new student, which was Robert Mundy. Class had started, Wade walked in the class room last. “Hey Buster who’s your new friend,” Wade shouted. “Oh no, Buster, be careful" stuttered Matt Holt in a nervous voice!
“I said, Buster who’s yawls new friend?” asked Wade once more. Then Matt pulled Robert aside and asked him to be quiet while he was haltingly repeating words.
Why Can’t We Be Friends?
“Oh hello Wade, I’m Robert Mundy,” said Robert in a joyful voice. “Hum! Did I ask you your name, nerd,” shouted Wade. “Robert, shush,” said Matt Holt in a low tone of speech. “Wade why can’t we be friends?” asked a terrified Robert!
Then Brick and Powell started to push Robert around the class room. All of a sudden Mr. Yuan, the music teacher, walked in the class room. Wade Jones told Robert he’ll see him after school. ”Robert what are you going to do?” asked Talley.
“I’m going to tell,” replied Robert. Oh! No you can’t do that,” said Jenny Davis. “The last time someone told on Wade Jones our parent’s tires were slashed." “We knew Wade slashed the tires,” said Matt Holt with his hands shaking in fear.
Wow! This is the first time I’ve ever been around Bullies,” said Robert while looking in discontent. Then all of a sudden Talley’s cell phone began to ring. “Hello, Oh great,” said Talley. “Oh that was Mom, she’s coming to car pool us today!" “Robert you can ride with us,” said Buster.
“Yes that way you won’t get beat up by Wade and his tacky cousins,” said Jenny Davis.
The weekend had come, the children had planned to go to the Fish aquarium. Buster and Talley went to pick up Robert. Then off to the aquarium they went.
“This is great,” shouted Robert. However a shadow away was Wade Jones. “Oh, how great is it Robert?” asked Wade, with his two cousins alongside him. “Oh Buster where’s our money?” asked Wade. “You leave him alone Wade,” shouted Talley.
The straw that broke the camel’s back
“OK, that’s what I like, someone to stand up to me,” said Wade. “Wade leave Talley alone,” said Robert. “Oh Robert didn’t I tell you to be quiet,” said Matt Holt while walking fast.
“Hey stutter brain, the only reason we don’t mess with you is because we can’t understand a word you’re saying,” said Wade to Matt. Then Matt ran to the fish aquarium as fast as he could.
“Ok! Now for you pale face Mundy, you better bring ten dollars to school Monday, or your tires are coming off your Mom’s car,” yelled Wade .“I’m not giving you anything Wade,” said Robert! “WHAT,” shouted Brick, Wades bully cousin.
‘Wade, You leave them alone, here’s ten dollars for you,” said Jenny. Oh how sweet of you class diva,” said Wade. “Oh, I’ve had it with Wade,” said a small Robert Mundy. Then Buster hastily pulled Robert to the fish aquarium! Then Wade, Brick and Powell went to the junk yard to lift weights.
Sunday morning had come and the Mundy’s were going to worship service with the lambkins! Beep, Beep. It was Susan Lambkins and the children. “Here we come,” shouted Robert. When Robert opened the Church door he saw Wade Jones two pews up. Oh no It’s Wade Jones, Robert thought to himself. “Robert what’s wrong?” Asked his Mom. “Oh nothing Mom,” replied Robert with his eye’s looking over at Buster.
“Oh no, Wade is looking at us,” said Matt Holt. “Oh stop worrying about Wade, Matt,” said Jenny Davis. “Oh yes I thought we left all our care’s outside,” said Buster. Then the preacher spoke of how everyone should love their neighbors!
Pray for the bullies.
Wade's Dad was a truck driver for the junk yard, and his Mom was a caretaker. They worked all the time. Wade was always hanging out with his bully cousins Brick and Powell.
Church was over. Robert and his Mom were walking out the door. All of a sudden Wade leaped down on the floor as if he had tripped.
“Oh are you all right young man?” asked Mrs. Mundy. “Oh yes Mrs. Mundy I’m ok. I tripped over my own feet,” said Wade. Then he leaned over and whispered in Roberts’s ear. “Hey don’t forget my ten dollars,” said Wade while getting up from the floor. “Wow what did Wade say Robert?” asked Talley. “Oh nothing,” replied Robert.
“Mom does God answer prayers?” asked Robert. “Son as long as it’s not selfish,” said his Mom. Then all of a sudden Robert walked back into the church and prayed. “Dear Lord! Please help my friends to stop being bullied, and please help Wade and his cousin’s stop being bullies."
“I’ll see you Robert,” said Wade with a smile on his face! “Oh that Wade is such a polite young child,” said Susan Lambkin. “WHAT! No, Mom, not Wade,” Shouted Buster. “Buster you shouldn’t talk bad about Wade,” said Talley in a sarcastic way.
It was Monday morning, time for school. “Robert, you’re going to be late, let’s go,” said Mom. “I’m tired Mom,” Shouted Robert. “That’s no excuse for missing school,” said his Mom. I wonder if my prayer was answered, thought Robert to himself. “Robert, let’s go, unless you’ll be walking to school,” said his Mom. Robert ran to the car and saw Wade and his Bully cousins walking to school. Wow that was close, thought Robert. “Mom can I have ten dollars?” asked Robert. “Ten dollars! What do you need ten dollars for Robert?” asked his Mom. “Oh that’s ok, I’ll get by,” said Robert.
Discouraged and tired
When Robert opened the car door Wade Jones waved at his Mom with a smile. Today was Robert’s day to pay Wade Jones lunch money.
Robert sat in his class with a discouraged look on his face. Then the lunch bell began to chime! “Oh no it’s lunch time,” said Matt Holt. “Hey Robert are you going to lunch?” asked Matt. “Oh I guess" replied Robert!
On the way to lunch they saw Wade and his two cousins entering the lunch room. Then there was a loud shout from the other side of the lunch room. It was Wade Jones.
“Hey nerd where’s my lunch money?” Shouted Wade! “Oh, it’s like this, Wade, my Mom paid my lunch with a check,” said Robert. Then Robert pulled a new video game out of his backpack. “Now what do we have here Nerd?” asked Wade. “Oh this is a new game my Mom designed; it’s called all hands on." “This is a child’s game nerd,” said Wade,
”Robert I’ll l see you after school,” shouted Wade. “Wade Jones you leave Robert alone,” said Talley. “Or what?” asked Wade. Then Talley looked at her friends in dismay!
“It’s a wonder if Wade doesn’t have a stroke, he’s always screaming,” said Matt Holt. “What did you say speech impediment nerd?” "Oh Wade, I said I’m glad my names Matt Holt." Then the children walked back to their last class for the day. They all were very discouraged and tired of Wade and his cousins.
The big Blue Orb
After school Robert ran home as fast as he could. Buster and Talley had to stay after school for music class. Then Wade walked up to Buster and told him to tell Robert it was tire slashing time!
“Wait Wade, here’s ten dollars Robert told me to give you,” said Talley. ‘Oh you guys have a great business organization, Talley,” said Wade with a big laugh. “Talley you gave him our pizza money,” cried Buster. “Buster it’s called friendship, and Robert’s our friend,” said Talley!
That evening Roberts Mom made his favorite dish! After dinner Robert helped his Mom. “I’ll take the trash out Mom,” shouted Robert. All of a sudden a bright blue glow appeared over the hill near the school. Buster was in his tree house next door thinking about the ten dollars Talley gave Wade. “Robert did you see that?” Asked Buster. “Oh wow, I sure did,” replied Robert.
Then all the lights went out all over town for a minute! “Mom there was a big Blue glowing orb over the hill,” said Robert. All of a sudden the lights were back on. Then Robert and Buster went in their homes for the night.
Expression of Sadness
The next day at school the children walked in the door in dread. “Greetings everyone, my office is now open. We have a new protection fee,” said Wade. “Anyone who doesn’t pay will meet me and the boys on the playground,” shouted Wade.
This was the worst school Robert had ever gone to."‘I’m telling,” said Robert. “NO! Screamed Matt Holt. “I’ve got to walk to school this week,” he said with his hands shaking in fear.
“Wow! The last time someone told on Wade, Brick, and Powell they started beating everyone up." “Oh and don’t forget the car tires,” cried Talley. “Oh man I’m tired of Wade Jones,” whimpered Robert!
The school day was going fast and the children were in for a big surprise!
“Good day Class,” said Mrs. Mahjong! “Why does everyone have an expression of sadness on their face?” asked Mrs. Mahjong!
“Oh you wouldn’t want to know Mrs. Mahjong,” said Matt Holt. “Ok children I have a surprise, we’re having an exchange student,” said Mrs. Mahjong. “He will be here tomorrow all the way from China, so everyone put on your smiles tomorrow,” laughed Mrs. Mahjong!
That night Robert prayed once more, in pure hope that his prayer would be answered!
The New Students
The school day went by fast. Wade Jones and his cousins went to visit their sick Grandmother. “Wow this has been a wonderful day,” said Buster.
“Oh! Yes but tomorrow will be here soon, and so will Wade,” sighed Jenny Davis. It was time for Mrs. Mahjong’s class. And time to meet the new student, Ong Tiong Chuan.
Then a tall redhead lad stood and told everyone he was glad to be in the new school. “Who are you?” Asked Mrs. Mahjong. “Oh I’m Zach Jackson Blue,” said the young lad. ‘Hello,” said Buster. “Oh you can call me Zach,” said the tall long neck young boy.
“I see no Zach on the exchange paper,” said Mrs. Mahjong.
“Oh here’s my school papers, I’m the new student from Oklahoma,” said Zach.
“Oh I didn’t know we had another new student,” replied Mrs. Mahjong.
“Oh my name is Zach Jackson Blue, but you all can call me Blue,” said Zach.
The children were delighted to meet their new class mate. And Mrs. Mahjong was confused.
The next day Wade and his two bully cousins were back in town. Everyone was on the play ground. Then all of a sudden Wade showed up. “Hum I see we have new entrepreneurs to our establishment,” said Wade.
The last shove
“Hey Buster, who’s your strange looking friend?” asked Wade.
“You guys look like the geek nerd force,” laughed Wade and his two cousins.
“OK see you nerds tomorrow, we just got back, and wanted to stop by and show some pandemonium,” laughed Wade, Brick and Powell!
Then Wade yelled out, "payday is tomorrow".
“Who was that?” Asked Zach. All of a sudden Matt Holt cried out, "you need not know". The next day everyone was going to lunch. All of a sudden Wade runs up to Buster.
“Hey you, buster, my feet feel like kicking someone,” said Wade.
“What’s wrong Now Wade?’ asked Jenny Davis.
“Oh! I’ll tell you what’s wrong; someone went to Principal Gilbert’s office this morning. Now who was it?” asked Wade with his fist balled up in anger.
Little did the children know things were about to change.
“Hum! I bet it was that new nerd Jackson Blue or whatever his weird name is,” said Powell, while waving his fist! Then after school all three boys were called to the office.
Wade and his two cousins entered the office. “Hello Wade,” said Zach Jackson Blue.
“What is this,” why you snitch,” shouted Wade. Then all of a sudden Wade heard a familiar voice. “Wade what’s going on here Son?” Asked Mr. Jones. “Nothing’s going on Dad,” replied Wade. “I hear you’re a bully son, and I’m glad this young lad wasn’t afraid to step forward,” said Mr. Jones.
The Heroic student
“Thank you young man for bringing this to the schools attention,” said Mr. Gilbert. Then Mr. Gilbert shook Zach’s hand. Wade was made to give all the children’s money back. All the parents were told about the bulling Wade and his two cousins were doing. Wade’s dad had to place him in another school. As for his two cousins they also received punishment.
“Wow Zach wasn’t afraid of Wade” said Buster!
“Everyone let’s give Zach a high five,” shouted Matt Holt.
The children were all happy once more. Spring break was almost near.
Zach would tell the children to always tell when someone is hurting them. Everyday Zach would speak to the children on the playground to talk to someone they could trust. Zach would tell them bullies can cause casualties.
Spring break had come. Buster and Talley had gone to Florida for two weeks. Robert’s Mom let Zach stay two weeks with Robert! They had a great time.
The week after spring break something strange happened once more. Robert, Buster and Talley were in the tree house. Then all of a sudden a big blue orb lit the sky up once more.
The children were glad to be back from spring break.
“Hey Robert, where’s Zach?” asked Matt Holt.
“Oh I almost forgot, Children, here are some gifts from Zach,” said Mrs. Mahjong.
Robert opened the box, inside were five shining candles, all Blue! Also Zach had a picture of Robert, Talley, Buster and Matt. Around them was a big Blue Orb with a beautiful rainbow.
“Hey! Wasn’t Zach in that picture?” asked Talley. “Oh yes he was,” replied Robert. “All I see is a big blue orb,” said Buster. “Hum I remember he said his name was Blue,” said Talley.
“Maybe he’s that big Blue orb. I remember when he showed up after I prayed,” said Robert! The blue light came again when spring break was over also,” said Buster. “So Zach’s an orb,” said Matt. “We had an Orb for a friend,” said Robert.
“Wow he was the Brother I always wanted,” said Robert.
“So who do we tell?” asked Talley. “Talley! No one would believe this,” replied Buster.
“That’s right Talley it was just for us,” replied Robert.
Zach left a small note, it said: thanks for Praying Robert!
“Wow a real Alpha Orb,” shouted Robert Mundy. “Wow! He was an omega Orb,” replied Buster!
While the children were in class a small boy walked in and introduced himself.
“And who are you?” asked Mrs. Mahjong! “Oh I’m the exchange student Ong Tiong! Then the children looked at each other and smiled.
The End
Robert Mundy and The Omega Orb(Author Marsha prude)
Author: Marsha A. Prude
The Farewell Party
Robert Mundy was a short thin boy with brown hair and a very fair complexion! Robert was moving to a new State, because his Mom had a new job as a video effects designer! The only thing Robert wasn’t happy about was moving from Chicago to a small town in Indiana.
Robert was always capable of dealing with new surroundings. Roberts a single parent child. His Dad went missing in the Afghanistan war. Robert had a great affection for his Dad. He always hoped one day he’s Dad would walk through the front door. And give him a big hug.
Having a Mom as a video effects designer was exciting, because he would always get first glimpses on the video editing technology.
This was Roberts last day at his old school, and he was in for a big surprise. “Robert, the car pool is here, see you this evening,” shouted his Mom.Then off to school he went.
When he walked into the class room he was surely surprised!
“Surprise, Robert!” shouted his class mates. “Happy going away dude,” said his friend Daniel. “We’re going to miss you, Robert,” said the math teacher! “Wow, this is great, I’m going to miss you all too,” said Robert while holding a hand full of candy!
School was out for the day, and Robert was on his way home to help with the moving. The u-haul was loaded up. Robert was going to miss his old friends, but he always seemed to make new friends easy. Then Robert was headed to a new state.
The new Neighborhood
The u-haul pulled into the new Neighborhood. “This neighborhood is awesome, it’s like a little Utopia," said Robert. "I’m glad you like it Robert,” said his Mom.
Robert was still fourteen, his birthday was in two weeks. Up the street was the community church, around the corner the local store, and the school was three blocks from Robert’s home.
The weekend had come, and there was a knock on the front door! “I’ll get it Mom,” shouted Robert. “Hello there, we’re your new neighbors,” said a short lady with red hair and freckles! “I’m Susan Lambkin, and this is Buster and Talley,” she said in a joyful voice.
“Oh, come in. I’m Linda Mundy and this is my son Robert,” she replied. Then Susan Lambkin invited Robert and his Mom to next Sunday worship service, and dinner. Linda Mundy thought it was a great idea. It would give them a chance to get acquainted with the new Neighbors.
The weekend went by fast, it was Monday morning. Robert was excited to meet the new students. Robert’s Mom drove him to school. Then he went to his homeroom class. “Hello there Students, I’m Mr. Brawer. I see we have a new student, and who may you be young lad?” asked Mr. Brawer. “Oh! My name is Robert Mundy Sir,” said Robert. Two chairs up from Robert was Buster and Talley Lambkin. The home room went by fast. Then it was time for English class.
The other class mate
It was finally lunch time and the children were on their way to lunch. Buster and Talley sit next to Robert. Buster introduced Robert to a few new class mates. One lads name was Matt Holt. Matt had a stuttering disorder. Matt was a grade A student.
Then there was Jenny Davis who loved to dress fancy, her Mom was a cloth designer. Jenny called herself the school diva, and loved attention. Jenny is Talley’s best friend.
On their way back to class, standing near the classroom door was a boy named Wade Jones.
Wade was a forceful boy with an upside down smile. He was always with his two cousins, Brick, and Powell Jones. Brick and Powell’s dad owned the town Junk yard.
The lads were kicked off the High school football team, and that made them angry at half of the school.
Today was pay day for the boys. Everyone in the class had to pay Wade lunch money.
Then Wade noticed the new student, which was Robert Mundy. Class had started, Wade walked in the class room last. “Hey Buster who’s your new friend,” Wade shouted. “Oh no, Buster, be careful" stuttered Matt Holt in a nervous voice!
“I said, Buster who’s yawls new friend?” asked Wade once more. Then Matt pulled Robert aside and asked him to be quiet while he was haltingly repeating words.
Why Can’t We Be Friends?
“Oh hello Wade, I’m Robert Mundy,” said Robert in a joyful voice. “Hum! Did I ask you your name, nerd,” shouted Wade. “Robert, shush,” said Matt Holt in a low tone of speech. “Wade why can’t we be friends?” asked a terrified Robert!
Then Brick and Powell started to push Robert around the class room. All of a sudden Mr. Yuan, the music teacher, walked in the class room. Wade Jones told Robert he’ll see him after school. ”Robert what are you going to do?” asked Talley.
“I’m going to tell,” replied Robert. Oh! No you can’t do that,” said Jenny Davis. “The last time someone told on Wade Jones our parent’s tires were slashed." “We knew Wade slashed the tires,” said Matt Holt with his hands shaking in fear.
Wow! This is the first time I’ve ever been around Bullies,” said Robert while looking in discontent. Then all of a sudden Talley’s cell phone began to ring. “Hello, Oh great,” said Talley. “Oh that was Mom, she’s coming to car pool us today!" “Robert you can ride with us,” said Buster.
“Yes that way you won’t get beat up by Wade and his tacky cousins,” said Jenny Davis.
The weekend had come, the children had planned to go to the Fish aquarium. Buster and Talley went to pick up Robert. Then off to the aquarium they went.
“This is great,” shouted Robert. However a shadow away was Wade Jones. “Oh, how great is it Robert?” asked Wade, with his two cousins alongside him. “Oh Buster where’s our money?” asked Wade. “You leave him alone Wade,” shouted Talley.
The straw that broke the camel’s back
“OK, that’s what I like, someone to stand up to me,” said Wade. “Wade leave Talley alone,” said Robert. “Oh Robert didn’t I tell you to be quiet,” said Matt Holt while walking fast.
“Hey stutter brain, the only reason we don’t mess with you is because we can’t understand a word you’re saying,” said Wade to Matt. Then Matt ran to the fish aquarium as fast as he could.
“Ok! Now for you pale face Mundy, you better bring ten dollars to school Monday, or your tires are coming off your Mom’s car,” yelled Wade .“I’m not giving you anything Wade,” said Robert! “WHAT,” shouted Brick, Wades bully cousin.
‘Wade, You leave them alone, here’s ten dollars for you,” said Jenny. Oh how sweet of you class diva,” said Wade. “Oh, I’ve had it with Wade,” said a small Robert Mundy. Then Buster hastily pulled Robert to the fish aquarium! Then Wade, Brick and Powell went to the junk yard to lift weights.
Sunday morning had come and the Mundy’s were going to worship service with the lambkins! Beep, Beep. It was Susan Lambkins and the children. “Here we come,” shouted Robert. When Robert opened the Church door he saw Wade Jones two pews up. Oh no It’s Wade Jones, Robert thought to himself. “Robert what’s wrong?” Asked his Mom. “Oh nothing Mom,” replied Robert with his eye’s looking over at Buster.
“Oh no, Wade is looking at us,” said Matt Holt. “Oh stop worrying about Wade, Matt,” said Jenny Davis. “Oh yes I thought we left all our care’s outside,” said Buster. Then the preacher spoke of how everyone should love their neighbors!
Pray for the bullies.
Wade's Dad was a truck driver for the junk yard, and his Mom was a caretaker. They worked all the time. Wade was always hanging out with his bully cousins Brick and Powell.
Church was over. Robert and his Mom were walking out the door. All of a sudden Wade leaped down on the floor as if he had tripped.
“Oh are you all right young man?” asked Mrs. Mundy. “Oh yes Mrs. Mundy I’m ok. I tripped over my own feet,” said Wade. Then he leaned over and whispered in Roberts’s ear. “Hey don’t forget my ten dollars,” said Wade while getting up from the floor. “Wow what did Wade say Robert?” asked Talley. “Oh nothing,” replied Robert.
“Mom does God answer prayers?” asked Robert. “Son as long as it’s not selfish,” said his Mom. Then all of a sudden Robert walked back into the church and prayed. “Dear Lord! Please help my friends to stop being bullied, and please help Wade and his cousin’s stop being bullies."
“I’ll see you Robert,” said Wade with a smile on his face! “Oh that Wade is such a polite young child,” said Susan Lambkin. “WHAT! No, Mom, not Wade,” Shouted Buster. “Buster you shouldn’t talk bad about Wade,” said Talley in a sarcastic way.
It was Monday morning, time for school. “Robert, you’re going to be late, let’s go,” said Mom. “I’m tired Mom,” Shouted Robert. “That’s no excuse for missing school,” said his Mom. I wonder if my prayer was answered, thought Robert to himself. “Robert, let’s go, unless you’ll be walking to school,” said his Mom. Robert ran to the car and saw Wade and his Bully cousins walking to school. Wow that was close, thought Robert. “Mom can I have ten dollars?” asked Robert. “Ten dollars! What do you need ten dollars for Robert?” asked his Mom. “Oh that’s ok, I’ll get by,” said Robert.
Discouraged and tired
When Robert opened the car door Wade Jones waved at his Mom with a smile. Today was Robert’s day to pay Wade Jones lunch money.
Robert sat in his class with a discouraged look on his face. Then the lunch bell began to chime! “Oh no it’s lunch time,” said Matt Holt. “Hey Robert are you going to lunch?” asked Matt. “Oh I guess" replied Robert!
On the way to lunch they saw Wade and his two cousins entering the lunch room. Then there was a loud shout from the other side of the lunch room. It was Wade Jones.
“Hey nerd where’s my lunch money?” Shouted Wade! “Oh, it’s like this, Wade, my Mom paid my lunch with a check,” said Robert. Then Robert pulled a new video game out of his backpack. “Now what do we have here Nerd?” asked Wade. “Oh this is a new game my Mom designed; it’s called all hands on." “This is a child’s game nerd,” said Wade,
”Robert I’ll l see you after school,” shouted Wade. “Wade Jones you leave Robert alone,” said Talley. “Or what?” asked Wade. Then Talley looked at her friends in dismay!
“It’s a wonder if Wade doesn’t have a stroke, he’s always screaming,” said Matt Holt. “What did you say speech impediment nerd?” "Oh Wade, I said I’m glad my names Matt Holt." Then the children walked back to their last class for the day. They all were very discouraged and tired of Wade and his cousins.
The big Blue Orb
After school Robert ran home as fast as he could. Buster and Talley had to stay after school for music class. Then Wade walked up to Buster and told him to tell Robert it was tire slashing time!
“Wait Wade, here’s ten dollars Robert told me to give you,” said Talley. ‘Oh you guys have a great business organization, Talley,” said Wade with a big laugh. “Talley you gave him our pizza money,” cried Buster. “Buster it’s called friendship, and Robert’s our friend,” said Talley!
That evening Roberts Mom made his favorite dish! After dinner Robert helped his Mom. “I’ll take the trash out Mom,” shouted Robert. All of a sudden a bright blue glow appeared over the hill near the school. Buster was in his tree house next door thinking about the ten dollars Talley gave Wade. “Robert did you see that?” Asked Buster. “Oh wow, I sure did,” replied Robert.
Then all the lights went out all over town for a minute! “Mom there was a big Blue glowing orb over the hill,” said Robert. All of a sudden the lights were back on. Then Robert and Buster went in their homes for the night.
Expression of Sadness
The next day at school the children walked in the door in dread. “Greetings everyone, my office is now open. We have a new protection fee,” said Wade. “Anyone who doesn’t pay will meet me and the boys on the playground,” shouted Wade.
This was the worst school Robert had ever gone to."‘I’m telling,” said Robert. “NO! Screamed Matt Holt. “I’ve got to walk to school this week,” he said with his hands shaking in fear.
“Wow! The last time someone told on Wade, Brick, and Powell they started beating everyone up." “Oh and don’t forget the car tires,” cried Talley. “Oh man I’m tired of Wade Jones,” whimpered Robert!
The school day was going fast and the children were in for a big surprise!
“Good day Class,” said Mrs. Mahjong! “Why does everyone have an expression of sadness on their face?” asked Mrs. Mahjong!
“Oh you wouldn’t want to know Mrs. Mahjong,” said Matt Holt. “Ok children I have a surprise, we’re having an exchange student,” said Mrs. Mahjong. “He will be here tomorrow all the way from China, so everyone put on your smiles tomorrow,” laughed Mrs. Mahjong!
That night Robert prayed once more, in pure hope that his prayer would be answered!
The New Students
The school day went by fast. Wade Jones and his cousins went to visit their sick Grandmother. “Wow this has been a wonderful day,” said Buster.
“Oh! Yes but tomorrow will be here soon, and so will Wade,” sighed Jenny Davis. It was time for Mrs. Mahjong’s class. And time to meet the new student, Ong Tiong Chuan.
Then a tall redhead lad stood and told everyone he was glad to be in the new school. “Who are you?” Asked Mrs. Mahjong. “Oh I’m Zach Jackson Blue,” said the young lad. ‘Hello,” said Buster. “Oh you can call me Zach,” said the tall long neck young boy.
“I see no Zach on the exchange paper,” said Mrs. Mahjong.
“Oh here’s my school papers, I’m the new student from Oklahoma,” said Zach.
“Oh I didn’t know we had another new student,” replied Mrs. Mahjong.
“Oh my name is Zach Jackson Blue, but you all can call me Blue,” said Zach.
The children were delighted to meet their new class mate. And Mrs. Mahjong was confused.
The next day Wade and his two bully cousins were back in town. Everyone was on the play ground. Then all of a sudden Wade showed up. “Hum I see we have new entrepreneurs to our establishment,” said Wade.
The last shove
“Hey Buster, who’s your strange looking friend?” asked Wade.
“You guys look like the geek nerd force,” laughed Wade and his two cousins.
“OK see you nerds tomorrow, we just got back, and wanted to stop by and show some pandemonium,” laughed Wade, Brick and Powell!
Then Wade yelled out, "payday is tomorrow".
“Who was that?” Asked Zach. All of a sudden Matt Holt cried out, "you need not know". The next day everyone was going to lunch. All of a sudden Wade runs up to Buster.
“Hey you, buster, my feet feel like kicking someone,” said Wade.
“What’s wrong Now Wade?’ asked Jenny Davis.
“Oh! I’ll tell you what’s wrong; someone went to Principal Gilbert’s office this morning. Now who was it?” asked Wade with his fist balled up in anger.
Little did the children know things were about to change.
“Hum! I bet it was that new nerd Jackson Blue or whatever his weird name is,” said Powell, while waving his fist! Then after school all three boys were called to the office.
Wade and his two cousins entered the office. “Hello Wade,” said Zach Jackson Blue.
“What is this,” why you snitch,” shouted Wade. Then all of a sudden Wade heard a familiar voice. “Wade what’s going on here Son?” Asked Mr. Jones. “Nothing’s going on Dad,” replied Wade. “I hear you’re a bully son, and I’m glad this young lad wasn’t afraid to step forward,” said Mr. Jones.
The Heroic student
“Thank you young man for bringing this to the schools attention,” said Mr. Gilbert. Then Mr. Gilbert shook Zach’s hand. Wade was made to give all the children’s money back. All the parents were told about the bulling Wade and his two cousins were doing. Wade’s dad had to place him in another school. As for his two cousins they also received punishment.
“Wow Zach wasn’t afraid of Wade” said Buster!
“Everyone let’s give Zach a high five,” shouted Matt Holt.
The children were all happy once more. Spring break was almost near.
Zach would tell the children to always tell when someone is hurting them. Everyday Zach would speak to the children on the playground to talk to someone they could trust. Zach would tell them bullies can cause casualties.
Spring break had come. Buster and Talley had gone to Florida for two weeks. Robert’s Mom let Zach stay two weeks with Robert! They had a great time.
The week after spring break something strange happened once more. Robert, Buster and Talley were in the tree house. Then all of a sudden a big blue orb lit the sky up once more.
The children were glad to be back from spring break.
“Hey Robert, where’s Zach?” asked Matt Holt.
“Oh I almost forgot, Children, here are some gifts from Zach,” said Mrs. Mahjong.
Robert opened the box, inside were five shining candles, all Blue! Also Zach had a picture of Robert, Talley, Buster and Matt. Around them was a big Blue Orb with a beautiful rainbow.
“Hey! Wasn’t Zach in that picture?” asked Talley. “Oh yes he was,” replied Robert. “All I see is a big blue orb,” said Buster. “Hum I remember he said his name was Blue,” said Talley.
“Maybe he’s that big Blue orb. I remember when he showed up after I prayed,” said Robert! The blue light came again when spring break was over also,” said Buster. “So Zach’s an orb,” said Matt. “We had an Orb for a friend,” said Robert.
“Wow he was the Brother I always wanted,” said Robert.
“So who do we tell?” asked Talley. “Talley! No one would believe this,” replied Buster.
“That’s right Talley it was just for us,” replied Robert.
Zach left a small note, it said: thanks for Praying Robert!
“Wow a real Alpha Orb,” shouted Robert Mundy. “Wow! He was an omega Orb,” replied Buster!
While the children were in class a small boy walked in and introduced himself.
“And who are you?” asked Mrs. Mahjong! “Oh I’m the exchange student Ong Tiong! Then the children looked at each other and smiled.
The End
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