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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Family
- Published: 01/26/2013
She'll Never Be Fine... (Part 2 of 2)
Born 1990, F, from Worcestershire, United Kingdom.jpg)
Kathryn couldn’t walk unaided so B'elanna lifted her up and carried her back to her quarters. B'elanna entered her quarters and lay Kathryn gently down on the bed, knowing she must need some rest. She was walking out of the room when Kathryn grabbed her trouser leg. She turned around,
“Please don’t leave me alone,” B'elanna nodded and lay down next to Kathryn. Kathryn pushed her back into B'elanna, forcing her to spoon her. B'elanna had never been so comfortable in her life; she draped her hand over Kathryn's stomach and buried her head into Kathryn's strawberry scented hair. B'elanna absentmindedly rubbed Kathryn's stomach and then remembered she still had that horrid medical gown on.
“Hey Kathryn?” she turned around to face her. “You want me to get you something more comfortable to sleep in?” Kathryn nodded gratefully, her gown still pulled up so not to agitate the graze on her stomach. B'elanna replicated a cotton nightdress for Kathryn to wear. B'elanna had to undress Kathryn as she still found it difficult to move. She put on the new gown and then removed her bra and panties knowing it would be uncomfortable to sleep in them. Kathryn looked down sadly at her belly, wondering what the baby must be thinking was happening; she rubbed her belly trying to comfort her baby. B'elanna covered her hands with her own; trying to reassure Kathryn everything would be ok. B'elanna took Kathryn’s hands in her own and lay down, helping Kathryn to do the same. They once again entangled themselves in one another’s embrace and fell into the longest and most restful sleep they had both received in ages.
They slept peacefully until about 0300 hours when B'elanna awoke, the bed cold where Kathryn was once lay. She heard movement in her bathroom so she padded to the door wondering what had woken Kathryn up so early!
“Hey Kath are you…” she stopped when she heard the un-familiar sound of sick hitting the tiled floor and muffled cries. B'elanna opened the doors and guided Kathryn to the toilet. She held back Kathryn's long, auburn hair and rubbed her back gently. She didn’t say anything until Kathryn sat down exhausted from the heaving, B'elanna placed a fresh glass of tap water to her lips and Kathryn drank thirstily.
“Morning sickness is a b****…” Kathryn sighed, smiling dryly, “I'm really sorry for waking you up but would you please take me back to bed, my legs feel like jelly.” Kathryn's voice was still shaking slightly from the sickness; B'elanna nodded and scooped her up. She lay down with Kathryn still in her arms, facing her as she wanted to talk to her.
“Kathryn,” Kathryn's eyes opened, “How far along are you?” Kathryn smiled looking down at her belly.
“The Doc said about 3 months, but apparently because I'm so small I won’t start to show until later on. That reminds me Kes’ party is tomorrow and I promised myself I would tell everyone. But I don’t think I'm ready Lana!”
“Hey don’t get yourself into a tizzy about this Kath. I know everyone will be so pleased for you and if they're not then they're jerks! Tomorrows a good a time as any to tell people, you may not be big at the moment but in the next weeks you're gonna start growing and people may start to ask questions, so it’s better to tell them before rumours are started!” Kathryn nodded; snuggling down into B'elanna's chest she fell asleep. B'elanna too fell asleep, happy that she was the one to help Kathryn through this time.
This time they both woke up at 0800 hours. Kathryn had been given the next 2 days off, to recover, but B'elanna knew she would do no such thing so invited her to help keep up crew moral on the other ship. B'elanna thought it would keep her mind from thinking about yesterday and tonight. Kathryn readily agreed and got dressed. She replicated her and B'elanna a coffee and she hadn’t even taken on sip when the warm cup was removed from her hands.
“Caffeine's bad for the baby, sorry Kathryn but thanks for the drink!” Kathryn scrunched up her face, pouting at B'elanna. “No matter how many sad faces you pull at me you're not getting any!” Kathryn gave up and replicated herself a cup of tea; she would miss her coffee she would have to find something else to wake her up in the morning.
“This is horrid!” she pulled a face at the tea “I'm never gonna live without my coffee, just a little sip?” she looked at B'elanna hopefully; B'elanna placed a small kiss on Kathryn's cheek.
“Not gonna happen!” she skipped off and put the three cups into the bin and then took Kathryn's arm. “You ready?” Kathryn just bobbed out her tongue. “Fine give me the silent treatment, you could stay here all day and I was only thinking about your babies health!” she joked and Kathryn walked out of the door. B'elanna laughed at the stubbornness of her friend.
They arrived on the ship and instantaneously Kerala was by Kathryn's side. Kathryn went to pick her up but B'elanna intercepted and picked her up instead. Kathryn looked at B'elanna crossly,
“What are you playing at Lieutenant?”
“I'm sorry Kathryn but it’s for your own good. Pregnant woman like you shouldn’t be picking up heavy lumps, like this little monkey.” She tickled Kerala and she giggled, B'elanna put her down and Kerala latched herself onto Kathryn's leg. Kathryn looked unhappily at B'elanna, angry tears in her eyes.
“Anything else you wanna stop me doing huh?” B'elanna took her hand and stroked her face knowing Kathryn's hormones were once again getting the best of her. “Sorry” she offered into B'elanna's ear.
“I'm suppose I'm gonna have to get used to this! And I let you come with me didn’t I? The Doctor may possibly kill me when he finds out.”
“You're planning on staying?” Kathryn looked shocked; B'elanna looked Kathryn in the eyes.
“What you expect me to leave? No Kathryn I care for you. You need someone and I'm offering to be that someone.” Kathryn nodded and hugged B'elanna close, underestimating the loyalty of her friend.
They spent the whole day on the ship helping to look after the small children and fix the ship. Kathryn had almost forgotten about the party when B'elanna mentioned it on the way back to their shared quarters.
“Oh damn! Do I really have to go?” B'elanna looked at the smaller woman, a stern look on her face. Kathryn sighed, looked like she had no choice. They entered the quarters and Kathryn started to talk again, “But what if something goes wrong? What if I lose the baby? What would I tell the crew?” B'elanna stopped her placing a delicate finger over the older woman's mouth. Kathryn started to sob and B’elanna picked her up and they sat on the couch together.
“Kathryn you gotta stop doubting yourself and your ability to be a good mother! If something does happen and our amazingly skilled doctor can’t figure it out, then we will deal with it if it ever comes to that. But I hope it doesn’t and I sincerely doubt it will. So Kathryn we ARE going tonight and you ARE going to tell everyone. It will be ok. I promise. I’ll be right there; you'll feel better when you’ve told everyone.” Kathryn looked at B'elanna.
“I hope you're right, I'm so scared, even more scared than when the Borg tried to assimilate us!”
“I'm always right Kath, now come on you’ve gotta find something to wear.” She smiled as she helped Kathryn up and into the bedroom. She left Kathryn on the bed to get dressed and she went into the bathroom to have a wash and do her hair and make-up.
When she came back out she tripped over one of the many garments on the floor and ended up splayed over the bed. Kathryn was sat looking around the room in her underwear, sadness in her eyes.
“I'm too fat!” B'elanna looked at Kathryn shocked that Kathryn was so mean to herself.
“Kathryn you're not fat you're pregnant, you need bigger clothes because you have a little baby growing inside of you.” Kathryn dipped her head she didn’t like gaining weight, her bump was hardly visible but she felt like a balloon already. B'elanna placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and Kathryn looked up returning the gentle kiss on B'elanna's lips.
“Fine then, you can find me an outfit darling…” she drawled going to into the bathroom to do her own hair and make-up. She laughed to herself seeing B'elanna's cheeks turn a dark shade of strawberry red. When she came out of the bathroom she worried seeing that B'elanna hadn’t moved from the spot she had left her in.
“Hey Lana you ok?” B'elanna jumped seeing Kathryn next to her. Maybe it was too soon she shouldn’t have kissed her, but her lips were too tempting. “I'm sorry I shouldn’t…”
“No its ok I just want to know where we’re going with this. Kathryn I love you. I just need to know we’re on the same wavelength.” Kathryn nodded completely understanding where B'elanna was coming from.
“I love you too Lana, I never thought we would ever get this close ever. I always saw you as competition for me especially when I loved…” she left the name Chakotay unsaid but both knew what she wanted to say. “But over these last few days I've seen the other side of you, caring, funny and cute.” She smiled when B'elanna didn’t reply and just kissed Kathryn soundly on the lips, when she felt Kathryn trace her lips she parted them allowing the older woman access to her mouth. Kathryn raked her hands through B'elanna's hair and B'elanna placed her hands on Kathryn's hips, holding her in place. They both explored the unfamiliar territory before both pulling back flushed and caught in the moment.
“Well I need to re-do my hair now!” Kathryn giggled at B'elanna's statement.
“No leave it like that; I like a flustered look on you.” B'elanna laughed in disagreement and went to brush her hair again. She then came back in and replicated a bigger dress for Kathryn. Kathryn put it on over her underwear and pulled a face at B'elanna.
“I look like a whale, it’s massive!” B'elanna got up and closed the space between them and placed a kiss on Kathryn's pouting lips.
“Well even if you did, you'd be the most beautiful whale I've ever seen.” Kathryn smiled and deposited another brief kiss on B'elannas cheek.
They made their way to the party arm in arm. B'elanna stopped before they went on when she realised Kathryn had fallen silent and her posture was tense and uptight. She hugged Kathryn feeling her loosen up slightly and gave her a quick kiss on each cheek.
“You'll be fine I promise, I’ll be right next to you darling!” B'elanna told Kathryn, Kathryn smiled a watery smile and made her way through the doors. The party was already in full swing and the room started chattering and pointing at the two woman arm in arm. Kathryn tried to pull away from B'elanna and to the door, but B'elanna wouldn’t allow it and continued into the crowd. She saw Tom, Seven and the Doctor and made her way directly for them. Kathryn stopped dead in her tracks and B'elanna stopped with her.
“I can’t do this B'elanna, they're gonna say something! I just need to get this over with.”
“Fine then, I’ll get everyone’s attention.” She didn’t give Kathryn any chance to answer before she dragged Kathryn onto the podium. “Everyone please could I have your attention.” The majority carried on talking so B'elanna shouted “OI!” Everyone fell silent! “The Captain has something she wants to tell you.” Kathryn glared at B'elanna, and B'elanna just shot back a sickly sweet smile as she left her alone on the podium.
“Yes… Ummm… I hope you're enjoying the party, this was Neelix's idea…” People were looking at Kathryn strangely she never stuttered. “Well I need to tell you all something very important, I'm…. I am….” She looked to B'elanna for support and B'elanna smiled at her giving her the thumbs up sign, encouraging her to continue! “I'm pregnant! There you go, thanks for listening.” She quickly got off the podium and made her way to B'elanna's arms. B'elanna held her whispering into her ear.
“Well done darling, you did it!” Kathryn nodded not wanting to look around at the faces of her crew. Suddenly Tom piped up and Harry and The Doctor grabbed her arms.
“Three cheers for the Captain…” Kathryn blushed as they chanted and everyone shouted their congratulations. Tears of joy and relief sprung to her eyes. Harry hugged his Captain as did a lot of other people in turn.
As B'elanna and Kathryn made their way back to their quarters Kathryn smiled happily to herself.
“Someone’s happy!” Kathryn nodded and kissed B'elanna on the lips; B'elanna pushed her against the corridor wall and deepened the kiss. “Very happy!” she laughed as the kiss finished. When they reached their quarters they both got changed and wiped off their make-up. When they finally arrived in bed together Kathryn voiced her silent worries.
“I hope I don’t wake you up again tonight! I'm sorry about last night.” B'elanna pulled her close and kissed Kathryn's forehead gently.
“Darling, I don’t mind how many times you wake up; I will always be there to help you. Promise! I love you and I always want to be there for you, even if it is 0200 hours in the morning.”
“Thanks Lana.” She drifted off to sleep as did B'elanna.
B'elanna awoke to a different action this morning. A fist made contact with her face. She lay there stunned for a second before she processed what was happening, Kathryn was having a nightmare, but it was different to the one she had on the other ship, she was trying to protect herself. B'elanna grabbed her arms in an attempt to stop the lashing out but she instantly released when Kathryn started to talk.
“Chakotay let go! No, don’t do it, it hurts, please don’t. Let me go, you'll hurt the baby!” B'elanna didn’t know what to do, her lover was distressed. She took Kathryn by the shoulders and shook her until she awoke. When Kathryn woke up she cried out and fell off the bed. B'elanna knelt next to her and bundled her up; Kathryn was pale and shaking, her head still vibrant with memories. She buried her spinning head into B'elanna's hair. B'elanna stood up but Kathryn jumped out of her arms only just making it to the toilet before she threw up. B'elanna dashed to be by her side. She held back her hair and allowed her body to get rid of all of the stuff it didn’t want inside her. After she finished she collapsed backward into B'elanna's arms from exhaustion. B'elanna just carried her back to bed and rocked her closely until she fell into a restless sleep.
In the morning Kathryn awoke and apologised for, once again, waking B'elanna in the night. B'elanna sighed and told her, again, that she needn’t keep apologising because B'elanna would climb a mountain without shoes if it would help Kathryn or make her happy. They made their way to their duty station, Kathryn to the bridge and B'elanna to engineering. They had agreed to meet up afterwards to visit Kerala's ship as they were leaving later on that day as all repairs were complete and they were getting ready for the homeward bound journey. B'elanna was busy fixing the warp manifolds for the third time that week, cursing to herself that if she would’ve done the job properly in the first place they wouldn’t need to keep being redone. The chirp of her comm badge made her hit her head on the top of the Jeffries tube. A small, whimpering voice came through the badge.
“B'elanna…?” It was Kathryn, B'elanna could hear the tears in her voice and the sadness that overwhelmed her heart.
“Kathryn, darling what's the matter?” B'elanna questioned anxiously hating to hear her lover so upset.
“I don’t know Lana, I can’t keep my eyes open and my stomach feels tight, help me?”
“I'm on my way sweetheart stay strong” She hit her comm badge to end the transmission. “Computer, would you locate Kathryn Janeway?”
“Captain Janeway is in her ready room.” B'elanna left her tools and stalked out of engineering, she was a woman on a mission.
Harry shouted to her as she strode across the bridge to her lovers ready room.
“B'elanna you can’t go in…” The rest of his message was silenced by the closing of the doors. B'elanna made her way over to Kathryn, she was crunched up in a small ball, on the floor, next to her desk. Tears flowed from her pain induced body. She wrapped Kathryn in her embrace, in an attempt to comfort her, but quickly pulled back when she winced with pain. Kathryn was trembling and her temperature was running a lot hotter than usual. B'elanna decided this was a task for the Doctor. She quickly called him and ordered an emergency site to site emergency medical transport.
The rest was like a flash. Kathryn was whipped from B'elanna's arms. Placed on a biobed. Several hypo sprays administered to her pale neck. B'elanna was then flung outside of sick bay. She dropped ungracefully onto the floor and cried quietly, glad no-one passed by. What was wrong with Kathryn? Was it the baby? Was it Kathryn? Both of them? Was it serious? Several hours later the Doctor invited B'elanna back into the eerily silent sick bay. B'elanna peered around seeing Kathryn's deadly still body, covered up to the neck in a white blanket. She assumed the worst and ran to Kathryn crying on her chest, wondering if she could have done more for her friend. The Doctor patted B'elanna on the shoulder tentatively.
“B'elanna she's going to be ok. Sadly, the baby however is a different story. Come into my office, I'm sure you want to tell her yourself.” B'elanna followed the Doctor miserably, glancing once more at Kathryn's innocent expression. “I'm so sorry B'elanna. She's been under so much stress with the others ship and helping to make sure everything was repaired. She's been worried about Kerala. Her baby. Your relationship. And I think Chakotay's idiotic stunt just finished her off. I'm sorry but Kathryn's no longer pregnant.” B'elanna screamed, angry at Chakotay, the Doctor, and the whole f***ing world! Why would someone want to take away Kathryn's only chance of happiness? Now her baby is gone Kathryn will slink away once again into the world of self-absorption and depression. She wandered lost out of the Doctors office, how could she tell her lover that the baby, that brought meaning and love to her life, was now gone?
She contemplated this whilst sitting next to Kathryn, not realising that Kathryn was watching her. Kathryn reached out and caught a few stray tears with her delicate hand.
“Hey Lana, you ok?” B'elanna couldn’t answer that she wasn’t alright. She had to tell Kathryn now. “B'elanna?”
“Kathryn, sit up and let me hold you?” Kathryn nodded and climbed onto B'elanna's lap, knowing something horrific must have happened to make her lover so upset. “You need to be brave for me; I have something really sad to tell you. You have to promise me you will try to be strong.” Kathryn panicked, tears welled up in her innocent eyes, what was B'elanna going to tell her, what was wrong? B'elanna placed tender hands over Kathryn's bump. “I'm so sorry darling. But…Your… Your… Kathryn… Shit!” B'elanna didn’t know how to say this. “Your baby is gone! I'm so sorry Kath really I am!” It took a moment for B'elanna's words to sink in. She shook her head, tears spilling down her face; she wriggled away from B'elanna and crouched up a corner.
“No this can’t be happening, what did I do? It’s my fault! This isn’t right! B'elanna you're lying!” She pleaded B'elanna with her eyes to tell her otherwise, but B'elanna couldn’t and it broke her heart to see Kathryn like this. Vulnerable and forlorn. No words could make up for the whole torn in Kathryn's already damaged heart, so B'elanna just held her in her arms. Wishing that she could take away all of her pain.
For days Kathryn isolated herself from her crew, only allowing B'elanna near. Frequently breaking down in B'elanna's arms, pining for her baby, wising she could have done something more. B'elanna tried to explain it wasn’t her fault, but it was all in vain, Kathryn wouldn’t accept her reasons! She couldn’t even bring herself to say goodbye to Kerala and their other friends. But B'elanna had a plan, it wouldn’t mend Kathryn's heart but it would sure help the process. One evening B'elanna walked into their shared bedroom with a bundle under her arm. Kathryn sat up hearing the laughter and seeing the moving object under B'elanna arm.
“Kathryn I've brought you a present.” She uncovered the package and was delighted when Kathryn's face lit up with happiness. It was Kerala. Freple had suggested to B'elanna that Kathryn looked after the baby. B'elanna knew Kerala would be good for Kathryn, but knowing she needed a few days to recover from the initial shock she had asked Sam to look after Kerala. Kathryn took the small child into her arms and held her tight, tears of joy streaming down her face. The little girl was enjoying the attention and clung onto Kathryn neck.
“Oh Kerala I thought I’d never see you again!” she smiled at Kerala and then placed Kerala on the floor to kiss B'elanna on the lips. Kerala wrinkled up her nose but neither of them noticed as B'elanna started to explain the little girl’s appearance and that it was actually Freple’s idea!
“… and I know it can’t ever replace your own child, but I know how much you’ve always wanted a baby and Kerala needed a loving mother. So I put two and two together…” Kathryn took the baby into her arms and then gave her to B'elanna.
“I want you to be Kerala's mother as well, please?” She didn’t ask, she pleaded. B'elanna nodded joyfully, remembering the same look of happiness on her face when she told the crew that she was pregnant. Damn! They needed to tell the crew, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood so kept her thoughts to herself.
B'elanna's next few days were passed with her work in engineering and time at her quarters with Kerala and Kathryn. Kathryn was still hurting badly, from the loss of her child, some mornings she would forget until she saw Kerala toddling around. The feeling of emptiness would engulf her stomach and she fought hard to stop the tears from falling from her eyes. B'elanna knew at those moment Kathryn needed some alone time so took Kerala into another room to play. But all three were adjusting to their new lives, but it would take to time to completely settle in. Kathryn enjoyed waking up in B'elanna's arms and waking her up by peppering kisses across her face. Kathryn's nightmares were fading and she enjoyed the company of the ever lively Kerala who was becoming more and more active and talkative as the days passed.
B'elanna knew she needed to broach the topic, with Kathryn, about her going back to work and telling the rest of the crew about the devastating loss of her baby. B'elanna tucked in Kerala that night and made her way into her bedroom where she knew Kathryn was resting. She crept in not wanting to disturb her if she was asleep, she found Kathryn hugging a dress sobbing quietly into the materiel. B'elanna crawled across the bed and took Kathryn in her arms, whispering softly into her ear.
“Watcha got there sweetheart?”
“It’s the dress I wore when I told the crew about…” They both knew what she was going to say, B'elanna recognised the dress as the one that she had replicated Kathryn for Kes’ party when she announced her pregnancy. “What am I going to them B'elanna? It’s your Captain here I'm such a shit mother I didn’t even make it halfway through my pregnancy!” B'elanna kissed her lovingly on her lips, this action made Kathryn cry even more, B'elanna could taste the salty tears on her own lips.
“Kathryn, you're not a shit mother, Mother Nature is a bitch and she obviously didn’t think it was the right time for you to have a baby. It sucks, I know darling, but you’ve got Kerala to think about and you need to get back to work and into a routine. I love you and I will be there when you tell everyone if you want to?” Kathryn nodded appreciatively.
“I don’t think I will ever have a baby now B'elanna after all that has happened but thank you for being here for me; I don’t think I have the strength in me! I love you too gorgeous!” She smiled through her tears.
“I suggest you just speak to the whole ship through a comm call, and then you don’t need to face people’s reactions. In fact why not do it now? People will either be having their breakfast for day shift or dinner for night shift.” Kathryn nodded knowing it was better to tell everyone and get it out of her system rather than keep bottling it up and face the inevitable questioning of her crew.
“This is Captain Janeway and this a ship wide announcement.” She sniffed back the tears that were already welling in her eyes. “I have some rather upsetting personal information to share with you, I would appreciate you not bringing this up with me, ever, but I thought you deserved to hear it from me, not rumours in the mess hall. I… A few days ago… I lost my baby… This will probably help to explain my absence from duty. I promise this will not affect my ability to manage my crew or my ship. Thank you, Captain Janeway out.” She collapsed onto B'elanna and let out all of the tears that were held captive behind her closed eyes for so long, now let free to run down her cheeks. B'elanna praised her for her bravery and held her close until they both drifted off to sleep.
The following week Kathryn returned to work and agreed to meet B'elanna and Kerala in the Mess Hall after her shift for a late dinner. She stepped onto the bridge feeling all eyes on her; she sat calmly on her seat, allowing Harry to fill her in on what she had missed. All the time she was sat she could feel eyes piercing into her back. When she couldn’t take it anymore she retired to her ready room and passed the time with reports and duty rosters. She even spared a thought for her first officer rotting in the depths of the brig, but quickly rid him from her mind. When her duty finished she dashed through the bridge into the turbo lift and ordered to be taken to the Mess Hall. When she arrived Kathryn saw her adoptive daughter dash from her seat toward Kathryn, but Kerala never made it to Kathryn. Halfway to Kathryn she tripped over a stool and went flying grazing her knee on the carpet. Kathryn dashed to sooth the weeping girl, B'elanna quickly joined her and saw the look of panic in her eyes.
“Hey Kath, its ok she's just got a carpet burn, come on little lady lets wipe away those tears.” She picked up Kerala and lulled her until the pain was forgotten and Kerala wanted to be placed in Kathryn's arms. Kathryn took her readily and rocked the baby, kissing her on her hair. She knew that she shouldn’t get so worked about a graze but she seriously worried and cared about the little girl and hated to see her unhappy. B'elanna ordered from Neelix and they ate whilst Kerala talked a million miles a minute about goodness knows what, but both women nodded enthusiastically when they felt appropriate. To them it sounded like a load of rubbish, but Kerala was taking it seriously and seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. The eventually left, Kerala falling asleep in B'elanna's arms. Before they left Neelix caught Kathryn by the arm and enveloped her in a heart wrenching hug, he pulled back and kissed her on the forehead.
“Captain, I know I'm not meant to bring this up, but I'm so sorry for your loss and I can see Kerala and B'elanna are really helping you with the healing process. But you're strong and you will get through this in time, and remember I'm a very good listener.” He winked and returned to his cooking.
That night in bed Kathryn pulled B'elanna close and kissed her on the end of her nose.
“For what Kathryn?”
“For everything, for being there for me, for loving me and for giving me a beautiful baby girl. I love you so much that words can’t even begin to describe my feelings.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way Kath. I never thought I would find anything like I have now, a beautiful girlfriend, a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful life. All thanks to you Kath.” They both snuggled closely together. “You touch my heart like you don’t know Kathryn, even the little things mean to the most to me. Making me breakfast, kisses before we go to sleep and the leading winks that you send me during briefing.”
“I'm so glad that I have such a supportive crew and girlfriend, Lana you are more than I could ever have imagined in a partner and that’s why…” she paused as she pulled a ring out of her bra and B'elanna giggled. “I want you B'elanna Miral Torres to be my wife. Please?” B'elanna nodded as Kathryn slipped the ring on her finger. They engaged in an emotional kiss and then settled down for a good night’s sleep. Their lives were now complete.
She'll Never Be Fine... (Part 2 of 2)(Beki)
Kathryn couldn’t walk unaided so B'elanna lifted her up and carried her back to her quarters. B'elanna entered her quarters and lay Kathryn gently down on the bed, knowing she must need some rest. She was walking out of the room when Kathryn grabbed her trouser leg. She turned around,
“Please don’t leave me alone,” B'elanna nodded and lay down next to Kathryn. Kathryn pushed her back into B'elanna, forcing her to spoon her. B'elanna had never been so comfortable in her life; she draped her hand over Kathryn's stomach and buried her head into Kathryn's strawberry scented hair. B'elanna absentmindedly rubbed Kathryn's stomach and then remembered she still had that horrid medical gown on.
“Hey Kathryn?” she turned around to face her. “You want me to get you something more comfortable to sleep in?” Kathryn nodded gratefully, her gown still pulled up so not to agitate the graze on her stomach. B'elanna replicated a cotton nightdress for Kathryn to wear. B'elanna had to undress Kathryn as she still found it difficult to move. She put on the new gown and then removed her bra and panties knowing it would be uncomfortable to sleep in them. Kathryn looked down sadly at her belly, wondering what the baby must be thinking was happening; she rubbed her belly trying to comfort her baby. B'elanna covered her hands with her own; trying to reassure Kathryn everything would be ok. B'elanna took Kathryn’s hands in her own and lay down, helping Kathryn to do the same. They once again entangled themselves in one another’s embrace and fell into the longest and most restful sleep they had both received in ages.
They slept peacefully until about 0300 hours when B'elanna awoke, the bed cold where Kathryn was once lay. She heard movement in her bathroom so she padded to the door wondering what had woken Kathryn up so early!
“Hey Kath are you…” she stopped when she heard the un-familiar sound of sick hitting the tiled floor and muffled cries. B'elanna opened the doors and guided Kathryn to the toilet. She held back Kathryn's long, auburn hair and rubbed her back gently. She didn’t say anything until Kathryn sat down exhausted from the heaving, B'elanna placed a fresh glass of tap water to her lips and Kathryn drank thirstily.
“Morning sickness is a b****…” Kathryn sighed, smiling dryly, “I'm really sorry for waking you up but would you please take me back to bed, my legs feel like jelly.” Kathryn's voice was still shaking slightly from the sickness; B'elanna nodded and scooped her up. She lay down with Kathryn still in her arms, facing her as she wanted to talk to her.
“Kathryn,” Kathryn's eyes opened, “How far along are you?” Kathryn smiled looking down at her belly.
“The Doc said about 3 months, but apparently because I'm so small I won’t start to show until later on. That reminds me Kes’ party is tomorrow and I promised myself I would tell everyone. But I don’t think I'm ready Lana!”
“Hey don’t get yourself into a tizzy about this Kath. I know everyone will be so pleased for you and if they're not then they're jerks! Tomorrows a good a time as any to tell people, you may not be big at the moment but in the next weeks you're gonna start growing and people may start to ask questions, so it’s better to tell them before rumours are started!” Kathryn nodded; snuggling down into B'elanna's chest she fell asleep. B'elanna too fell asleep, happy that she was the one to help Kathryn through this time.
This time they both woke up at 0800 hours. Kathryn had been given the next 2 days off, to recover, but B'elanna knew she would do no such thing so invited her to help keep up crew moral on the other ship. B'elanna thought it would keep her mind from thinking about yesterday and tonight. Kathryn readily agreed and got dressed. She replicated her and B'elanna a coffee and she hadn’t even taken on sip when the warm cup was removed from her hands.
“Caffeine's bad for the baby, sorry Kathryn but thanks for the drink!” Kathryn scrunched up her face, pouting at B'elanna. “No matter how many sad faces you pull at me you're not getting any!” Kathryn gave up and replicated herself a cup of tea; she would miss her coffee she would have to find something else to wake her up in the morning.
“This is horrid!” she pulled a face at the tea “I'm never gonna live without my coffee, just a little sip?” she looked at B'elanna hopefully; B'elanna placed a small kiss on Kathryn's cheek.
“Not gonna happen!” she skipped off and put the three cups into the bin and then took Kathryn's arm. “You ready?” Kathryn just bobbed out her tongue. “Fine give me the silent treatment, you could stay here all day and I was only thinking about your babies health!” she joked and Kathryn walked out of the door. B'elanna laughed at the stubbornness of her friend.
They arrived on the ship and instantaneously Kerala was by Kathryn's side. Kathryn went to pick her up but B'elanna intercepted and picked her up instead. Kathryn looked at B'elanna crossly,
“What are you playing at Lieutenant?”
“I'm sorry Kathryn but it’s for your own good. Pregnant woman like you shouldn’t be picking up heavy lumps, like this little monkey.” She tickled Kerala and she giggled, B'elanna put her down and Kerala latched herself onto Kathryn's leg. Kathryn looked unhappily at B'elanna, angry tears in her eyes.
“Anything else you wanna stop me doing huh?” B'elanna took her hand and stroked her face knowing Kathryn's hormones were once again getting the best of her. “Sorry” she offered into B'elanna's ear.
“I'm suppose I'm gonna have to get used to this! And I let you come with me didn’t I? The Doctor may possibly kill me when he finds out.”
“You're planning on staying?” Kathryn looked shocked; B'elanna looked Kathryn in the eyes.
“What you expect me to leave? No Kathryn I care for you. You need someone and I'm offering to be that someone.” Kathryn nodded and hugged B'elanna close, underestimating the loyalty of her friend.
They spent the whole day on the ship helping to look after the small children and fix the ship. Kathryn had almost forgotten about the party when B'elanna mentioned it on the way back to their shared quarters.
“Oh damn! Do I really have to go?” B'elanna looked at the smaller woman, a stern look on her face. Kathryn sighed, looked like she had no choice. They entered the quarters and Kathryn started to talk again, “But what if something goes wrong? What if I lose the baby? What would I tell the crew?” B'elanna stopped her placing a delicate finger over the older woman's mouth. Kathryn started to sob and B’elanna picked her up and they sat on the couch together.
“Kathryn you gotta stop doubting yourself and your ability to be a good mother! If something does happen and our amazingly skilled doctor can’t figure it out, then we will deal with it if it ever comes to that. But I hope it doesn’t and I sincerely doubt it will. So Kathryn we ARE going tonight and you ARE going to tell everyone. It will be ok. I promise. I’ll be right there; you'll feel better when you’ve told everyone.” Kathryn looked at B'elanna.
“I hope you're right, I'm so scared, even more scared than when the Borg tried to assimilate us!”
“I'm always right Kath, now come on you’ve gotta find something to wear.” She smiled as she helped Kathryn up and into the bedroom. She left Kathryn on the bed to get dressed and she went into the bathroom to have a wash and do her hair and make-up.
When she came back out she tripped over one of the many garments on the floor and ended up splayed over the bed. Kathryn was sat looking around the room in her underwear, sadness in her eyes.
“I'm too fat!” B'elanna looked at Kathryn shocked that Kathryn was so mean to herself.
“Kathryn you're not fat you're pregnant, you need bigger clothes because you have a little baby growing inside of you.” Kathryn dipped her head she didn’t like gaining weight, her bump was hardly visible but she felt like a balloon already. B'elanna placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and Kathryn looked up returning the gentle kiss on B'elanna's lips.
“Fine then, you can find me an outfit darling…” she drawled going to into the bathroom to do her own hair and make-up. She laughed to herself seeing B'elanna's cheeks turn a dark shade of strawberry red. When she came out of the bathroom she worried seeing that B'elanna hadn’t moved from the spot she had left her in.
“Hey Lana you ok?” B'elanna jumped seeing Kathryn next to her. Maybe it was too soon she shouldn’t have kissed her, but her lips were too tempting. “I'm sorry I shouldn’t…”
“No its ok I just want to know where we’re going with this. Kathryn I love you. I just need to know we’re on the same wavelength.” Kathryn nodded completely understanding where B'elanna was coming from.
“I love you too Lana, I never thought we would ever get this close ever. I always saw you as competition for me especially when I loved…” she left the name Chakotay unsaid but both knew what she wanted to say. “But over these last few days I've seen the other side of you, caring, funny and cute.” She smiled when B'elanna didn’t reply and just kissed Kathryn soundly on the lips, when she felt Kathryn trace her lips she parted them allowing the older woman access to her mouth. Kathryn raked her hands through B'elanna's hair and B'elanna placed her hands on Kathryn's hips, holding her in place. They both explored the unfamiliar territory before both pulling back flushed and caught in the moment.
“Well I need to re-do my hair now!” Kathryn giggled at B'elanna's statement.
“No leave it like that; I like a flustered look on you.” B'elanna laughed in disagreement and went to brush her hair again. She then came back in and replicated a bigger dress for Kathryn. Kathryn put it on over her underwear and pulled a face at B'elanna.
“I look like a whale, it’s massive!” B'elanna got up and closed the space between them and placed a kiss on Kathryn's pouting lips.
“Well even if you did, you'd be the most beautiful whale I've ever seen.” Kathryn smiled and deposited another brief kiss on B'elannas cheek.
They made their way to the party arm in arm. B'elanna stopped before they went on when she realised Kathryn had fallen silent and her posture was tense and uptight. She hugged Kathryn feeling her loosen up slightly and gave her a quick kiss on each cheek.
“You'll be fine I promise, I’ll be right next to you darling!” B'elanna told Kathryn, Kathryn smiled a watery smile and made her way through the doors. The party was already in full swing and the room started chattering and pointing at the two woman arm in arm. Kathryn tried to pull away from B'elanna and to the door, but B'elanna wouldn’t allow it and continued into the crowd. She saw Tom, Seven and the Doctor and made her way directly for them. Kathryn stopped dead in her tracks and B'elanna stopped with her.
“I can’t do this B'elanna, they're gonna say something! I just need to get this over with.”
“Fine then, I’ll get everyone’s attention.” She didn’t give Kathryn any chance to answer before she dragged Kathryn onto the podium. “Everyone please could I have your attention.” The majority carried on talking so B'elanna shouted “OI!” Everyone fell silent! “The Captain has something she wants to tell you.” Kathryn glared at B'elanna, and B'elanna just shot back a sickly sweet smile as she left her alone on the podium.
“Yes… Ummm… I hope you're enjoying the party, this was Neelix's idea…” People were looking at Kathryn strangely she never stuttered. “Well I need to tell you all something very important, I'm…. I am….” She looked to B'elanna for support and B'elanna smiled at her giving her the thumbs up sign, encouraging her to continue! “I'm pregnant! There you go, thanks for listening.” She quickly got off the podium and made her way to B'elanna's arms. B'elanna held her whispering into her ear.
“Well done darling, you did it!” Kathryn nodded not wanting to look around at the faces of her crew. Suddenly Tom piped up and Harry and The Doctor grabbed her arms.
“Three cheers for the Captain…” Kathryn blushed as they chanted and everyone shouted their congratulations. Tears of joy and relief sprung to her eyes. Harry hugged his Captain as did a lot of other people in turn.
As B'elanna and Kathryn made their way back to their quarters Kathryn smiled happily to herself.
“Someone’s happy!” Kathryn nodded and kissed B'elanna on the lips; B'elanna pushed her against the corridor wall and deepened the kiss. “Very happy!” she laughed as the kiss finished. When they reached their quarters they both got changed and wiped off their make-up. When they finally arrived in bed together Kathryn voiced her silent worries.
“I hope I don’t wake you up again tonight! I'm sorry about last night.” B'elanna pulled her close and kissed Kathryn's forehead gently.
“Darling, I don’t mind how many times you wake up; I will always be there to help you. Promise! I love you and I always want to be there for you, even if it is 0200 hours in the morning.”
“Thanks Lana.” She drifted off to sleep as did B'elanna.
B'elanna awoke to a different action this morning. A fist made contact with her face. She lay there stunned for a second before she processed what was happening, Kathryn was having a nightmare, but it was different to the one she had on the other ship, she was trying to protect herself. B'elanna grabbed her arms in an attempt to stop the lashing out but she instantly released when Kathryn started to talk.
“Chakotay let go! No, don’t do it, it hurts, please don’t. Let me go, you'll hurt the baby!” B'elanna didn’t know what to do, her lover was distressed. She took Kathryn by the shoulders and shook her until she awoke. When Kathryn woke up she cried out and fell off the bed. B'elanna knelt next to her and bundled her up; Kathryn was pale and shaking, her head still vibrant with memories. She buried her spinning head into B'elanna's hair. B'elanna stood up but Kathryn jumped out of her arms only just making it to the toilet before she threw up. B'elanna dashed to be by her side. She held back her hair and allowed her body to get rid of all of the stuff it didn’t want inside her. After she finished she collapsed backward into B'elanna's arms from exhaustion. B'elanna just carried her back to bed and rocked her closely until she fell into a restless sleep.
In the morning Kathryn awoke and apologised for, once again, waking B'elanna in the night. B'elanna sighed and told her, again, that she needn’t keep apologising because B'elanna would climb a mountain without shoes if it would help Kathryn or make her happy. They made their way to their duty station, Kathryn to the bridge and B'elanna to engineering. They had agreed to meet up afterwards to visit Kerala's ship as they were leaving later on that day as all repairs were complete and they were getting ready for the homeward bound journey. B'elanna was busy fixing the warp manifolds for the third time that week, cursing to herself that if she would’ve done the job properly in the first place they wouldn’t need to keep being redone. The chirp of her comm badge made her hit her head on the top of the Jeffries tube. A small, whimpering voice came through the badge.
“B'elanna…?” It was Kathryn, B'elanna could hear the tears in her voice and the sadness that overwhelmed her heart.
“Kathryn, darling what's the matter?” B'elanna questioned anxiously hating to hear her lover so upset.
“I don’t know Lana, I can’t keep my eyes open and my stomach feels tight, help me?”
“I'm on my way sweetheart stay strong” She hit her comm badge to end the transmission. “Computer, would you locate Kathryn Janeway?”
“Captain Janeway is in her ready room.” B'elanna left her tools and stalked out of engineering, she was a woman on a mission.
Harry shouted to her as she strode across the bridge to her lovers ready room.
“B'elanna you can’t go in…” The rest of his message was silenced by the closing of the doors. B'elanna made her way over to Kathryn, she was crunched up in a small ball, on the floor, next to her desk. Tears flowed from her pain induced body. She wrapped Kathryn in her embrace, in an attempt to comfort her, but quickly pulled back when she winced with pain. Kathryn was trembling and her temperature was running a lot hotter than usual. B'elanna decided this was a task for the Doctor. She quickly called him and ordered an emergency site to site emergency medical transport.
The rest was like a flash. Kathryn was whipped from B'elanna's arms. Placed on a biobed. Several hypo sprays administered to her pale neck. B'elanna was then flung outside of sick bay. She dropped ungracefully onto the floor and cried quietly, glad no-one passed by. What was wrong with Kathryn? Was it the baby? Was it Kathryn? Both of them? Was it serious? Several hours later the Doctor invited B'elanna back into the eerily silent sick bay. B'elanna peered around seeing Kathryn's deadly still body, covered up to the neck in a white blanket. She assumed the worst and ran to Kathryn crying on her chest, wondering if she could have done more for her friend. The Doctor patted B'elanna on the shoulder tentatively.
“B'elanna she's going to be ok. Sadly, the baby however is a different story. Come into my office, I'm sure you want to tell her yourself.” B'elanna followed the Doctor miserably, glancing once more at Kathryn's innocent expression. “I'm so sorry B'elanna. She's been under so much stress with the others ship and helping to make sure everything was repaired. She's been worried about Kerala. Her baby. Your relationship. And I think Chakotay's idiotic stunt just finished her off. I'm sorry but Kathryn's no longer pregnant.” B'elanna screamed, angry at Chakotay, the Doctor, and the whole f***ing world! Why would someone want to take away Kathryn's only chance of happiness? Now her baby is gone Kathryn will slink away once again into the world of self-absorption and depression. She wandered lost out of the Doctors office, how could she tell her lover that the baby, that brought meaning and love to her life, was now gone?
She contemplated this whilst sitting next to Kathryn, not realising that Kathryn was watching her. Kathryn reached out and caught a few stray tears with her delicate hand.
“Hey Lana, you ok?” B'elanna couldn’t answer that she wasn’t alright. She had to tell Kathryn now. “B'elanna?”
“Kathryn, sit up and let me hold you?” Kathryn nodded and climbed onto B'elanna's lap, knowing something horrific must have happened to make her lover so upset. “You need to be brave for me; I have something really sad to tell you. You have to promise me you will try to be strong.” Kathryn panicked, tears welled up in her innocent eyes, what was B'elanna going to tell her, what was wrong? B'elanna placed tender hands over Kathryn's bump. “I'm so sorry darling. But…Your… Your… Kathryn… Shit!” B'elanna didn’t know how to say this. “Your baby is gone! I'm so sorry Kath really I am!” It took a moment for B'elanna's words to sink in. She shook her head, tears spilling down her face; she wriggled away from B'elanna and crouched up a corner.
“No this can’t be happening, what did I do? It’s my fault! This isn’t right! B'elanna you're lying!” She pleaded B'elanna with her eyes to tell her otherwise, but B'elanna couldn’t and it broke her heart to see Kathryn like this. Vulnerable and forlorn. No words could make up for the whole torn in Kathryn's already damaged heart, so B'elanna just held her in her arms. Wishing that she could take away all of her pain.
For days Kathryn isolated herself from her crew, only allowing B'elanna near. Frequently breaking down in B'elanna's arms, pining for her baby, wising she could have done something more. B'elanna tried to explain it wasn’t her fault, but it was all in vain, Kathryn wouldn’t accept her reasons! She couldn’t even bring herself to say goodbye to Kerala and their other friends. But B'elanna had a plan, it wouldn’t mend Kathryn's heart but it would sure help the process. One evening B'elanna walked into their shared bedroom with a bundle under her arm. Kathryn sat up hearing the laughter and seeing the moving object under B'elanna arm.
“Kathryn I've brought you a present.” She uncovered the package and was delighted when Kathryn's face lit up with happiness. It was Kerala. Freple had suggested to B'elanna that Kathryn looked after the baby. B'elanna knew Kerala would be good for Kathryn, but knowing she needed a few days to recover from the initial shock she had asked Sam to look after Kerala. Kathryn took the small child into her arms and held her tight, tears of joy streaming down her face. The little girl was enjoying the attention and clung onto Kathryn neck.
“Oh Kerala I thought I’d never see you again!” she smiled at Kerala and then placed Kerala on the floor to kiss B'elanna on the lips. Kerala wrinkled up her nose but neither of them noticed as B'elanna started to explain the little girl’s appearance and that it was actually Freple’s idea!
“… and I know it can’t ever replace your own child, but I know how much you’ve always wanted a baby and Kerala needed a loving mother. So I put two and two together…” Kathryn took the baby into her arms and then gave her to B'elanna.
“I want you to be Kerala's mother as well, please?” She didn’t ask, she pleaded. B'elanna nodded joyfully, remembering the same look of happiness on her face when she told the crew that she was pregnant. Damn! They needed to tell the crew, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood so kept her thoughts to herself.
B'elanna's next few days were passed with her work in engineering and time at her quarters with Kerala and Kathryn. Kathryn was still hurting badly, from the loss of her child, some mornings she would forget until she saw Kerala toddling around. The feeling of emptiness would engulf her stomach and she fought hard to stop the tears from falling from her eyes. B'elanna knew at those moment Kathryn needed some alone time so took Kerala into another room to play. But all three were adjusting to their new lives, but it would take to time to completely settle in. Kathryn enjoyed waking up in B'elanna's arms and waking her up by peppering kisses across her face. Kathryn's nightmares were fading and she enjoyed the company of the ever lively Kerala who was becoming more and more active and talkative as the days passed.
B'elanna knew she needed to broach the topic, with Kathryn, about her going back to work and telling the rest of the crew about the devastating loss of her baby. B'elanna tucked in Kerala that night and made her way into her bedroom where she knew Kathryn was resting. She crept in not wanting to disturb her if she was asleep, she found Kathryn hugging a dress sobbing quietly into the materiel. B'elanna crawled across the bed and took Kathryn in her arms, whispering softly into her ear.
“Watcha got there sweetheart?”
“It’s the dress I wore when I told the crew about…” They both knew what she was going to say, B'elanna recognised the dress as the one that she had replicated Kathryn for Kes’ party when she announced her pregnancy. “What am I going to them B'elanna? It’s your Captain here I'm such a shit mother I didn’t even make it halfway through my pregnancy!” B'elanna kissed her lovingly on her lips, this action made Kathryn cry even more, B'elanna could taste the salty tears on her own lips.
“Kathryn, you're not a shit mother, Mother Nature is a bitch and she obviously didn’t think it was the right time for you to have a baby. It sucks, I know darling, but you’ve got Kerala to think about and you need to get back to work and into a routine. I love you and I will be there when you tell everyone if you want to?” Kathryn nodded appreciatively.
“I don’t think I will ever have a baby now B'elanna after all that has happened but thank you for being here for me; I don’t think I have the strength in me! I love you too gorgeous!” She smiled through her tears.
“I suggest you just speak to the whole ship through a comm call, and then you don’t need to face people’s reactions. In fact why not do it now? People will either be having their breakfast for day shift or dinner for night shift.” Kathryn nodded knowing it was better to tell everyone and get it out of her system rather than keep bottling it up and face the inevitable questioning of her crew.
“This is Captain Janeway and this a ship wide announcement.” She sniffed back the tears that were already welling in her eyes. “I have some rather upsetting personal information to share with you, I would appreciate you not bringing this up with me, ever, but I thought you deserved to hear it from me, not rumours in the mess hall. I… A few days ago… I lost my baby… This will probably help to explain my absence from duty. I promise this will not affect my ability to manage my crew or my ship. Thank you, Captain Janeway out.” She collapsed onto B'elanna and let out all of the tears that were held captive behind her closed eyes for so long, now let free to run down her cheeks. B'elanna praised her for her bravery and held her close until they both drifted off to sleep.
The following week Kathryn returned to work and agreed to meet B'elanna and Kerala in the Mess Hall after her shift for a late dinner. She stepped onto the bridge feeling all eyes on her; she sat calmly on her seat, allowing Harry to fill her in on what she had missed. All the time she was sat she could feel eyes piercing into her back. When she couldn’t take it anymore she retired to her ready room and passed the time with reports and duty rosters. She even spared a thought for her first officer rotting in the depths of the brig, but quickly rid him from her mind. When her duty finished she dashed through the bridge into the turbo lift and ordered to be taken to the Mess Hall. When she arrived Kathryn saw her adoptive daughter dash from her seat toward Kathryn, but Kerala never made it to Kathryn. Halfway to Kathryn she tripped over a stool and went flying grazing her knee on the carpet. Kathryn dashed to sooth the weeping girl, B'elanna quickly joined her and saw the look of panic in her eyes.
“Hey Kath, its ok she's just got a carpet burn, come on little lady lets wipe away those tears.” She picked up Kerala and lulled her until the pain was forgotten and Kerala wanted to be placed in Kathryn's arms. Kathryn took her readily and rocked the baby, kissing her on her hair. She knew that she shouldn’t get so worked about a graze but she seriously worried and cared about the little girl and hated to see her unhappy. B'elanna ordered from Neelix and they ate whilst Kerala talked a million miles a minute about goodness knows what, but both women nodded enthusiastically when they felt appropriate. To them it sounded like a load of rubbish, but Kerala was taking it seriously and seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. The eventually left, Kerala falling asleep in B'elanna's arms. Before they left Neelix caught Kathryn by the arm and enveloped her in a heart wrenching hug, he pulled back and kissed her on the forehead.
“Captain, I know I'm not meant to bring this up, but I'm so sorry for your loss and I can see Kerala and B'elanna are really helping you with the healing process. But you're strong and you will get through this in time, and remember I'm a very good listener.” He winked and returned to his cooking.
That night in bed Kathryn pulled B'elanna close and kissed her on the end of her nose.
“For what Kathryn?”
“For everything, for being there for me, for loving me and for giving me a beautiful baby girl. I love you so much that words can’t even begin to describe my feelings.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way Kath. I never thought I would find anything like I have now, a beautiful girlfriend, a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful life. All thanks to you Kath.” They both snuggled closely together. “You touch my heart like you don’t know Kathryn, even the little things mean to the most to me. Making me breakfast, kisses before we go to sleep and the leading winks that you send me during briefing.”
“I'm so glad that I have such a supportive crew and girlfriend, Lana you are more than I could ever have imagined in a partner and that’s why…” she paused as she pulled a ring out of her bra and B'elanna giggled. “I want you B'elanna Miral Torres to be my wife. Please?” B'elanna nodded as Kathryn slipped the ring on her finger. They engaged in an emotional kiss and then settled down for a good night’s sleep. Their lives were now complete.
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