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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 01/26/2013
Your young doused in talent;
Life and youth have punched the last scraps of fighting blood from the scrawny bones attached to your worthless carcus you stand alone,now loud erotica cannot stirr ancient limbs you plant kisses, red bows left to taunt you,you have puckered your lips for the pleasure of anouther, swimming you play with it singing the lines in the erotica into his avid ear.
Thats how I narrate a relationship, mine.
Destructive,Murderous,Pointless,Plausable and utterly justifiable.
The toxicity of us is palpable I have no aquatances my love is even less endowned on the number of friends he keeps than myself.
He is lucid,acidic,dangerouse,undefiable and irrisistible.
We met in a bar, late he was the last.
(He is the last to leave anything I believe his indestructability will extend to the apocolypse)
I was tenous even before him. I held my back strainght with spaghetti straps so thin, crossing in multiple directions, nerves coping avoiding the crossing at all costs "I wasn't to be shrouded by twisted and backward thoughts again " a mantra by my own design and cost.
The last man aptly holds my attention fingers ajascent as he waits for the barman to push a single malt whiskey into them.
He has teeth too many on my first apparant appraisal but in further appraisal his lips appear to twitch and shift with the amount of bone behind them I find this intensely attractive.
A plume of grey smoke drifts uneasily around his cheeckbones I saw the tracks the contours, jealous of the tar and addatives mixed among the deadly mist.
He takes a tentative sip letting his bubbled tounge soak the liquid,before swallowing.
The hand that had been lately caressing a wide base tumbler is raised to his hair as he deftly rubs his crown catching a black curl ignoring its protests and the un-apposed protests of his future half he tugged at it before wincing and leaving it be.
I sagged with relief as he gripped his scalp I felt the pain deep in my abdomen we where joined by a chord instantly.
The paleness of his complexion was something to be spoken about in large groups so much was its potency.
"I have other qualities" He spoke in an accent an accent of an Island I would'nt of put him in, his stroke of pronunciation harsh like death by firing squad at dawn.
(He was British specifically London)
He was addressing me squinting into the distorted bottom of his wide base tumbler.
"Other than?"
"Other than my apperannce dazzling as it may be"; his lips piqued strings exposing the many teeth beneath the sorbet shaded entrance.
"I love to smoke cigarettes and lose myself in girls, and alcohol, although I should add I only like my alcohol full bodied and fiery"
Not a feminist she revelled in the honesty his honesty .
"You don't smoke cigars?"
"I would for you,do you want me to start?"
"Not particularly"
He stopped the conversation disengaging the cigarette from his lips unclamping their grim line and butting its head until he was satisfied it was dying.
"My name is Tom I want to know yours"
"I want never gets" I retorted bravely
Listening to my response his lips where they should of been plucked with controlled amusement where attached to a leer blatant in its indiscretion.
The next minuite in my mind was his doing he controlled each scene althought he would always protest that I had attacked him..
Now I understand the memory,he kissed me smashing his head down on mine,hands
bruised with their hurried nonsensical bashing.
"You can't do this"
"I can't see a mirror for you, to watch me do this" was is response
"You can do this later I'll let you not here please "
"My car is outside I'll take you home,you're the one I want to spend tonight with "
And so a turbulent realtionship ensued I gave him my name shrieked it into his neck.
Now to the current affairs.
Tom is an addict he confesses only to me ,but vehenemently argues that is all, he is a liar, on numerous occasions I have seen him hunt for a vein,punching the air victoriosly as he finds a blue winding road to euphoria.
On days of solitude we doze in drugged stupors needles littering the flat and our arms spiking not only our blood but our limbs making us prickly to touch both immune to each others temporary deformity.
"You're beautiful" he utters when my eyes are closed and my breathing is rhythmically timed by him to assure I cannot hear the sweet undoings he whispers into my hair.
"Don't leave me, ever","Your family can't have you back I won't share", "Nobody will ever love you like I love you","You are adored","It scares me how much I love you" reverent prayers of devotion poured into me.
In those hours I spun bathed in excitement what was to change tommorrow.
Nothing was to change his abuse stemmend from love he professed a love for me so historic it was genetic he carved my name into his bicep with the finger of a pair of scissors.
I remember the bloodiness of the act, brutal in its vividness.
I love you beyond mutilation was his message he loved me over apperances to the top of hysteria it was a hysterical swipe of ignorance and isolation.
The phisicality of our relationship would stem pinching my skin like a nettle, I would itch, he attempted to rub away the red bumps while lathargic tumbling me into abiss I needed a doc leaf a healer calm and methodical, real in their improvemens.
Tom hit me blocking out the life we continued to do so succsesfully with regular and scheduled beatings while out not far,never far I would recieve a text describing his festering fury and how he needed to hit me I would agree to it raising my jaw to be met with his fist.
You still love me? he would ask anxiosly afterward
To let him know my love had not broken like my nose I kissed his knuckles
Our life would continue passionate proposals of love would be married with kicks to my temple.
"You have my heart what do I have of yours?"He had asked
"Everything" I had replied sincerely
"But you hold back I feel it there is somehting that lights your eyes soemthing other than me tell me"
"You would choose it over me?"
She coudnt muster the streth the stifle an ill advised giggle.
DONT LAUGH AT ME!! he roared
"Tom I would ne"
He slapped her cheeck back handing her and spitting on her balled figure
"I am your priority"
"Always" I spat blood the thickly glue sliming down my chin, mingling with my teeth.
"Your bleeding" he was appaled
"It's nothing I'll clean myself off"
I staggered into the filthy cubicle burying my head in the toilet bowl wrenching bile.Rinsing my mouth with brown water I felt no better.
Tom knocked slowly 3 succsesive taps "Sweetheart I have someone called Rube on the phone do you know a Rube?"
"I've never heard of him what does he want?"
"You, he said you told him, to give you a call apparently you gave out your number to him at The Iish Center,isn't that where we met we have'nt been back there since"
"Oh he was a guy from earlier on he asked, I handed it to him out of politenes"
The next hour was riddled with broken fingers crushed skulls and hair tore from heads he nearly killed me that night that night I left determined to self destrect on my own terms.
Your young doused in talent;
Life and youth have punched the last scraps of fighting blood from the scrawny bones attached to your worthless carcus you stand alone,now loud erotica cannot stirr ancient limbs you plant kisses, red bows left to taunt you,you have puckered your lips for the pleasure of anouther, swimming you play with it singing the lines in the erotica into his avid ear.
Thats how I narrate a relationship, mine.
Destructive,Murderous,Pointless,Plausable and utterly justifiable.
The toxicity of us is palpable I have no aquatances my love is even less endowned on the number of friends he keeps than myself.
He is lucid,acidic,dangerouse,undefiable and irrisistible.
We met in a bar, late he was the last.
(He is the last to leave anything I believe his indestructability will extend to the apocolypse)
I was tenous even before him. I held my back strainght with spaghetti straps so thin, crossing in multiple directions, nerves coping avoiding the crossing at all costs "I wasn't to be shrouded by twisted and backward thoughts again " a mantra by my own design and cost.
The last man aptly holds my attention fingers ajascent as he waits for the barman to push a single malt whiskey into them.
He has teeth too many on my first apparant appraisal but in further appraisal his lips appear to twitch and shift with the amount of bone behind them I find this intensely attractive.
A plume of grey smoke drifts uneasily around his cheeckbones I saw the tracks the contours, jealous of the tar and addatives mixed among the deadly mist.
He takes a tentative sip letting his bubbled tounge soak the liquid,before swallowing.
The hand that had been lately caressing a wide base tumbler is raised to his hair as he deftly rubs his crown catching a black curl ignoring its protests and the un-apposed protests of his future half he tugged at it before wincing and leaving it be.
I sagged with relief as he gripped his scalp I felt the pain deep in my abdomen we where joined by a chord instantly.
The paleness of his complexion was something to be spoken about in large groups so much was its potency.
"I have other qualities" He spoke in an accent an accent of an Island I would'nt of put him in, his stroke of pronunciation harsh like death by firing squad at dawn.
(He was British specifically London)
He was addressing me squinting into the distorted bottom of his wide base tumbler.
"Other than?"
"Other than my apperannce dazzling as it may be"; his lips piqued strings exposing the many teeth beneath the sorbet shaded entrance.
"I love to smoke cigarettes and lose myself in girls, and alcohol, although I should add I only like my alcohol full bodied and fiery"
Not a feminist she revelled in the honesty his honesty .
"You don't smoke cigars?"
"I would for you,do you want me to start?"
"Not particularly"
He stopped the conversation disengaging the cigarette from his lips unclamping their grim line and butting its head until he was satisfied it was dying.
"My name is Tom I want to know yours"
"I want never gets" I retorted bravely
Listening to my response his lips where they should of been plucked with controlled amusement where attached to a leer blatant in its indiscretion.
The next minuite in my mind was his doing he controlled each scene althought he would always protest that I had attacked him..
Now I understand the memory,he kissed me smashing his head down on mine,hands
bruised with their hurried nonsensical bashing.
"You can't do this"
"I can't see a mirror for you, to watch me do this" was is response
"You can do this later I'll let you not here please "
"My car is outside I'll take you home,you're the one I want to spend tonight with "
And so a turbulent realtionship ensued I gave him my name shrieked it into his neck.
Now to the current affairs.
Tom is an addict he confesses only to me ,but vehenemently argues that is all, he is a liar, on numerous occasions I have seen him hunt for a vein,punching the air victoriosly as he finds a blue winding road to euphoria.
On days of solitude we doze in drugged stupors needles littering the flat and our arms spiking not only our blood but our limbs making us prickly to touch both immune to each others temporary deformity.
"You're beautiful" he utters when my eyes are closed and my breathing is rhythmically timed by him to assure I cannot hear the sweet undoings he whispers into my hair.
"Don't leave me, ever","Your family can't have you back I won't share", "Nobody will ever love you like I love you","You are adored","It scares me how much I love you" reverent prayers of devotion poured into me.
In those hours I spun bathed in excitement what was to change tommorrow.
Nothing was to change his abuse stemmend from love he professed a love for me so historic it was genetic he carved my name into his bicep with the finger of a pair of scissors.
I remember the bloodiness of the act, brutal in its vividness.
I love you beyond mutilation was his message he loved me over apperances to the top of hysteria it was a hysterical swipe of ignorance and isolation.
The phisicality of our relationship would stem pinching my skin like a nettle, I would itch, he attempted to rub away the red bumps while lathargic tumbling me into abiss I needed a doc leaf a healer calm and methodical, real in their improvemens.
Tom hit me blocking out the life we continued to do so succsesfully with regular and scheduled beatings while out not far,never far I would recieve a text describing his festering fury and how he needed to hit me I would agree to it raising my jaw to be met with his fist.
You still love me? he would ask anxiosly afterward
To let him know my love had not broken like my nose I kissed his knuckles
Our life would continue passionate proposals of love would be married with kicks to my temple.
"You have my heart what do I have of yours?"He had asked
"Everything" I had replied sincerely
"But you hold back I feel it there is somehting that lights your eyes soemthing other than me tell me"
"You would choose it over me?"
She coudnt muster the streth the stifle an ill advised giggle.
DONT LAUGH AT ME!! he roared
"Tom I would ne"
He slapped her cheeck back handing her and spitting on her balled figure
"I am your priority"
"Always" I spat blood the thickly glue sliming down my chin, mingling with my teeth.
"Your bleeding" he was appaled
"It's nothing I'll clean myself off"
I staggered into the filthy cubicle burying my head in the toilet bowl wrenching bile.Rinsing my mouth with brown water I felt no better.
Tom knocked slowly 3 succsesive taps "Sweetheart I have someone called Rube on the phone do you know a Rube?"
"I've never heard of him what does he want?"
"You, he said you told him, to give you a call apparently you gave out your number to him at The Iish Center,isn't that where we met we have'nt been back there since"
"Oh he was a guy from earlier on he asked, I handed it to him out of politenes"
The next hour was riddled with broken fingers crushed skulls and hair tore from heads he nearly killed me that night that night I left determined to self destrect on my own terms.
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