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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 03/04/2013
The Tale of PikaDew
Born 2013, M, from Florida, United States Minor Outlying Islands"The Tale of PikaDew!!"
Our adventure begins in a dark, mysterious room where the only sound was my breathing. There was not a single light because this room was my grandma’s basement. Now you may be wondering, “Why is he in his grandma’s basement?” Well, I shall tell you; It’s simple really, I live here sadly. Anyways, she forgot to unlock the door so I decided to wait. I have a very good attention span, so after waiting for about 10 seconds (which is a personal best record), I lifted my TV up and rammed the door down. I stood there shocked, not for breaking my TV and the door, but because there was a box full of Oreos! I jumped in joy, and as I jumped, I hit my head on the ceiling, slipped on the rug, tripped over my Legos, and fell onto the ground in fetal position. I cried for a few minutes then sprinted towards the Oreos, grabbed twenty of them and dropped down doing Tim Tebows touchdown pose. I scarfed down the Oreos and decided to relax by drinking an ice cold Coca-Cola and watch Adventure Time. Then I started scratching my belly violently…Very violently, when out of nowhere, a huge explosion occurred outside of the house. I would investigate but I decided to let the government deal with it but then I realized that the economy sucks and the government doesn’t care about us. So I crawled through the doggy door and looked around the amazing world of Random Normal Land. I looked for the source of the explosion and saw it was my friend Fumblemore using his power of spawning TNT to blow up the Willy Wonka Factory for not letting him inside. I ran to him but as I did, I started flying, I wondered why then remembered that a few Oreos I ate were glowing red. I thought I could become a Hero or Villain so I thought about it, I chose to be a Villain. I told Fumblemore of my evil plan to tell little kids that Santa Claus doesn’t love them. “Can I blow up there slides?” He replied. I agreed and we started walking to a pre-school, on the way there, a news announcement came on in the town central TV. The announcement was informing everyone about The Golden Taco which gives the consumer Immortality and it has the ability to multiply so it shall never run out. I told Fumblemore that we must find it at once, “Can I still blow up the slides?” He again replied. I told him he could after we find the Taco, so we packed our bags, thought of Super Hero names since people might try to stop us if we are Villains. Fumblemores was Kamikaze Survivor, and mine was PikaDew since I just grew a Pikachu tail and when I fly, it starts to rain Mountain Dew.
Our adventure continues with our villain, person….thing- PikaDew and his companion Fumblemore. These adventures are now traveling over Michael Jacksons Netherland and decided to take a break at Default Windsy Studios to compose their own song titled, “We Has Le Powers Bruh.” We now go to PikaDews perspective for the rest of the chapter; Okay reader, first of all, it’s like a billion degrees in the studio because our track is so hot! We might even make whole album with artists like Blaka Blaka Shame, The Fu Tang Clan, and Hickey Mouse. Fumblemore and I began arguing over the album name, I want it to be “Convict Pandas” but Fumblemore wants it to be “3D ninjas.” Fumblemore nodded and we recorded the rest of the songs. After we were done, everyone said we blew up the studio, mainly because Fumblemore put TNT in the studio and blew up it up. We sold some copies of the album with merchandise like Shirts, Hats, Pants, and Belts. After packing up the albums and merchandise in a box, Hickey Mouse gave us some information of the where the Taco is located. He told us, “The Taco is said to be located in a town with no air but the town is long forgotten.” Fumblemore said that we should check Ching Chang Chong Land, so we flew there at lightning speed. I told him that we should split up to cover more ground, I went North and Fumblemore went East, don’t ask me why but he did. Then I spotted these two girls and I decided to put on the ol’ Obi charm; but as I walked up to them, I became extremely nervous so my voice changed and so did the language I spoke. The girls looked at me, I wanted to say “What’s up?” but I ended up saying “I am here to have a Manage a Trois (Which is French for threesome.)” The girls became confused and walked away; I’ll be honest, I cried for about three minutes but I stopped as soon as I saw Fumblemore. He told me that he has new info on where to go next and he also made some money from selling more copies of our album and merchandise. We bought some snacks and some new clothes, new phones, and Rocket boots. Even though we could fly, we still bought them because they look cool. We flew off to Far Far Away to seek the help of Frek & Diona.
They flew for hours talking about random things and playing a few games like Monopoly, I Spy, and Tag. When they landed in Far Far Away, Obi realized that my powers were having side effects, like his flying for example; Instead of raining Mountain Dew, it rained flaming carrots. Also, my voice ad personality was changing every 10 minutes. He didn’t tell Fumblemore because he was too focused on finding The Golden Taco; they walked around town trying to figure out the where a bouts of Frek & Diona. Everyone told us that there swamp is located at the end of the Death Valley woods; we decided to eat some KLC (Kentucky Lime Chicken) then set off into the woods. Sadly, no one told us that there would be challenges that we must go through; the First challenge was the doom puppies. These dogs shot out fireballs when threatened or frightened, I was scared at first but then I saw the puppies. They were awesome and looked super friendly, I ran into a group of them and played with them, making sounds and saying “Ah goo!” Fumblemore shook his head and called me a fruit cup; I got up, walked to him, and told him “Look at me, do you see my face? I have not had coffee in three hours, my wife is pregnant, and I might have diabetes. Do I look like the person to mess with?” He walked away and I grabbed one of the puppies. Then we walked to the next challenge. On our way there we bumped into a strange alien code named E.T. We talked to him for a bit and we ended up killing him; now we had a reason, he was annoying and here is how the conversation went. “What’s your name?” “Edward Tucker.” “Ha-ha, we got ourselves a little joker here.” Then I slapped him a couple times. “Now tell us your name.” “And speak some damn English!” “I am speaking English.” Then one thing led to another and now he is dead, I mean he “killed himself”. We walked to the next challenge which had a bridge and we thought we were supposed to cross it but instead a yellow troll jumped up from under the bridge and began singing, “I’m a grumpy old troll, Who lives the under the bridge.” I thought for a second and realized that this was the troll from Dora, the Explorer and sure enough, here she came along. The troll told us that to pass we must make up a sentence using his aunt’s name and the sentence had to have at least one Spanish word in it. Dora, Boots and Fumblemore were yelling out random things which began to annoy me until I scream “QUIET!” Dora then asked me “What’s your name?” “HAY CARAMBA, MY NAME IS CAROL.” The troll told us that we may pass, Dora and boots crossed it but Fumblemore and I decided to just fly over the woods until we got to the swamp. I looked down at the other challenges and they were terrible, there was My Little Pont, Phineas & Ferb and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We stopped at the last challenge which was Caillou; when we walked out, we couldn’t stop saying Like Caillou at the end of every sentence. Frek came to us and asked what we were doing here, Fumble more told him of our quest. Frek told us that the Taco is in Atlantis then Fiona came out and asked us to dance with her. I jumped out yelling, “Synchronized Dance... Yeah… Synchronized Dance, Like Caillou.” We all laughed and started dancing, then after an hour we traveled to Bikini Bottom to get the help of SpongeBob.
We sank to the bottom of the ocean, swam for a bit, and soon found the town of Bikini Bottom. We met some of the citizens who were fans of our music and took pictures with them; then we walked around looking for the Krusty Krab. When we found it, we saw Patrick trying to walk through the wall thinking it was the door. I walked inside as Fumblemore helped Patrick in; I walked into the kitchen which was easy since Squidward was sleeping. I told SpongeBob our plan to go to Atlantis and he said he’ll take us when he finishes his shift. We waited for about 10 hours which we spent most of the time sleeping and eating. We walked out back to where SpongeBob’s car the Sponge Mobile and Mr. Krabs called SpongeBob so we had to wait. I looked at Fumblemore and he looked back; “I got my grades back today.” “What are you talking about?” “There below Sea level.” “Dude I’m tired.” “Boy that teacher sure Harbors a grudge.” “Dude…” “She’s a real… Beach!” Then SpongeBob and Patrick came back with the decision that one person should ride in their cars. I looked at the cars, “Well I’m going to go with Patrick, Sea you later.” We drove for hours upon hours but I had fun, Fumblemore didn’t because SpongeBob kept blabbing on about Jelly Fishing. Fumblemore and I talked to the Atlantians, who guided us to the cave where the Taco was at. We were so excited that we started singing our favorite song, “Black Cop! Black Cop! What They Gone Do? What They Gone Do, When You Step In Poo Poo.” We ran through the cave, all giddy and singing random songs that came to mind; I saw the Diamond box that the Taco was in and let out a sigh. Our Journey was over; we’d be Immortal and do amazing things in the world. The only standing between us and the Taco was highly deadly weapons and an undead army. I wasn’t going to let them stop me so I used my secret weapon which was a Giant Bunny named Chuck. Chuck grew bigger and bigger till he finally exploded, destroying the deadly weapons and killing the undead army. I smiled and walked to the Taco, reaching for it I felt an immense energy emitting from it. I grabbed the box and was about to pull the Taco out BUT THEN SUDDENLY…
An explosion came from the ceiling above and a smoke bomb was thrown inside, clouding us. I heard a high pitch laugh as the diamond box was taken out of my hands; I quickly swung my arms in a circular motion, which formed a gust of wind that blew the smoke away. I looked around for the Villain who stole it from and I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was my grandma! “What are you doing here Grandma?” “I’m going to use this taco to create an immortal senior citizen army to wreak havoc on children with your ‘Swag’, and your ‘Tweeter’ and your ‘My Book’.” The thought of this happening horrified me so I knew that I would have to combat with my grandma; Fumblemore and I charged at her but she repelled us back with great power as if she was using the force. We became unconscious and I thought this was the end, but when I awoke I saw Sparrow from Gotham and Patrick to even though he and SpongeBob are banned from here for breaking an ancient artifact. Sparrow told us that he could easily handle this, he used his special glasses to scan my grandma but no info came up. He was shocked to see this but he still attacked her, He used 20% of his energy to waves of energy at her but nothing happened. Fumblemore and I rose to our feet but by that time Sparrow used 50% of his energy. We decided to all attack her at once with everything we had excluding Patrick. Sparrow drank a potion he made that recharged his energy, I transformed into a Giant Pikachu and turned Fumblemore into an Eagle; we flew into a thunder cloud which turned us into a giant electric gold ball. We charged at my grandma while Sparrow used most of his energy to fire energy at her, sadly we couldn’t even scratch her. Patrick found an old TV and turned it on; it had a soap opera playing. My grandma started watching it, “No Jacob, you’re supposed to love nattily not Penelope!” We seized this opportunity and beat my grandma, we didn’t kill her but she did die of a Heart Attack. I grabbed the Taco, said bye to Sparrow and ate the Taco with Fumblemore. We took the duplications of the Taco home with us and we finally accomplished our journey; but there was still something left to do. We walked to a Pre-School, entered the classroom, went to a group of kids and yelled out “SANTA CLAUS DOESN’T LOVE YOU!” Then Fumblemore blew up there slides and we went home. “Looks like this is the end my friend.” “Sure is, see you next time Obi.” We decided to meet up for our next adventure which was sooner than we thought.
The Tale of PikaDew(Drizzle Dre)
"The Tale of PikaDew!!"
Our adventure begins in a dark, mysterious room where the only sound was my breathing. There was not a single light because this room was my grandma’s basement. Now you may be wondering, “Why is he in his grandma’s basement?” Well, I shall tell you; It’s simple really, I live here sadly. Anyways, she forgot to unlock the door so I decided to wait. I have a very good attention span, so after waiting for about 10 seconds (which is a personal best record), I lifted my TV up and rammed the door down. I stood there shocked, not for breaking my TV and the door, but because there was a box full of Oreos! I jumped in joy, and as I jumped, I hit my head on the ceiling, slipped on the rug, tripped over my Legos, and fell onto the ground in fetal position. I cried for a few minutes then sprinted towards the Oreos, grabbed twenty of them and dropped down doing Tim Tebows touchdown pose. I scarfed down the Oreos and decided to relax by drinking an ice cold Coca-Cola and watch Adventure Time. Then I started scratching my belly violently…Very violently, when out of nowhere, a huge explosion occurred outside of the house. I would investigate but I decided to let the government deal with it but then I realized that the economy sucks and the government doesn’t care about us. So I crawled through the doggy door and looked around the amazing world of Random Normal Land. I looked for the source of the explosion and saw it was my friend Fumblemore using his power of spawning TNT to blow up the Willy Wonka Factory for not letting him inside. I ran to him but as I did, I started flying, I wondered why then remembered that a few Oreos I ate were glowing red. I thought I could become a Hero or Villain so I thought about it, I chose to be a Villain. I told Fumblemore of my evil plan to tell little kids that Santa Claus doesn’t love them. “Can I blow up there slides?” He replied. I agreed and we started walking to a pre-school, on the way there, a news announcement came on in the town central TV. The announcement was informing everyone about The Golden Taco which gives the consumer Immortality and it has the ability to multiply so it shall never run out. I told Fumblemore that we must find it at once, “Can I still blow up the slides?” He again replied. I told him he could after we find the Taco, so we packed our bags, thought of Super Hero names since people might try to stop us if we are Villains. Fumblemores was Kamikaze Survivor, and mine was PikaDew since I just grew a Pikachu tail and when I fly, it starts to rain Mountain Dew.
Our adventure continues with our villain, person….thing- PikaDew and his companion Fumblemore. These adventures are now traveling over Michael Jacksons Netherland and decided to take a break at Default Windsy Studios to compose their own song titled, “We Has Le Powers Bruh.” We now go to PikaDews perspective for the rest of the chapter; Okay reader, first of all, it’s like a billion degrees in the studio because our track is so hot! We might even make whole album with artists like Blaka Blaka Shame, The Fu Tang Clan, and Hickey Mouse. Fumblemore and I began arguing over the album name, I want it to be “Convict Pandas” but Fumblemore wants it to be “3D ninjas.” Fumblemore nodded and we recorded the rest of the songs. After we were done, everyone said we blew up the studio, mainly because Fumblemore put TNT in the studio and blew up it up. We sold some copies of the album with merchandise like Shirts, Hats, Pants, and Belts. After packing up the albums and merchandise in a box, Hickey Mouse gave us some information of the where the Taco is located. He told us, “The Taco is said to be located in a town with no air but the town is long forgotten.” Fumblemore said that we should check Ching Chang Chong Land, so we flew there at lightning speed. I told him that we should split up to cover more ground, I went North and Fumblemore went East, don’t ask me why but he did. Then I spotted these two girls and I decided to put on the ol’ Obi charm; but as I walked up to them, I became extremely nervous so my voice changed and so did the language I spoke. The girls looked at me, I wanted to say “What’s up?” but I ended up saying “I am here to have a Manage a Trois (Which is French for threesome.)” The girls became confused and walked away; I’ll be honest, I cried for about three minutes but I stopped as soon as I saw Fumblemore. He told me that he has new info on where to go next and he also made some money from selling more copies of our album and merchandise. We bought some snacks and some new clothes, new phones, and Rocket boots. Even though we could fly, we still bought them because they look cool. We flew off to Far Far Away to seek the help of Frek & Diona.
They flew for hours talking about random things and playing a few games like Monopoly, I Spy, and Tag. When they landed in Far Far Away, Obi realized that my powers were having side effects, like his flying for example; Instead of raining Mountain Dew, it rained flaming carrots. Also, my voice ad personality was changing every 10 minutes. He didn’t tell Fumblemore because he was too focused on finding The Golden Taco; they walked around town trying to figure out the where a bouts of Frek & Diona. Everyone told us that there swamp is located at the end of the Death Valley woods; we decided to eat some KLC (Kentucky Lime Chicken) then set off into the woods. Sadly, no one told us that there would be challenges that we must go through; the First challenge was the doom puppies. These dogs shot out fireballs when threatened or frightened, I was scared at first but then I saw the puppies. They were awesome and looked super friendly, I ran into a group of them and played with them, making sounds and saying “Ah goo!” Fumblemore shook his head and called me a fruit cup; I got up, walked to him, and told him “Look at me, do you see my face? I have not had coffee in three hours, my wife is pregnant, and I might have diabetes. Do I look like the person to mess with?” He walked away and I grabbed one of the puppies. Then we walked to the next challenge. On our way there we bumped into a strange alien code named E.T. We talked to him for a bit and we ended up killing him; now we had a reason, he was annoying and here is how the conversation went. “What’s your name?” “Edward Tucker.” “Ha-ha, we got ourselves a little joker here.” Then I slapped him a couple times. “Now tell us your name.” “And speak some damn English!” “I am speaking English.” Then one thing led to another and now he is dead, I mean he “killed himself”. We walked to the next challenge which had a bridge and we thought we were supposed to cross it but instead a yellow troll jumped up from under the bridge and began singing, “I’m a grumpy old troll, Who lives the under the bridge.” I thought for a second and realized that this was the troll from Dora, the Explorer and sure enough, here she came along. The troll told us that to pass we must make up a sentence using his aunt’s name and the sentence had to have at least one Spanish word in it. Dora, Boots and Fumblemore were yelling out random things which began to annoy me until I scream “QUIET!” Dora then asked me “What’s your name?” “HAY CARAMBA, MY NAME IS CAROL.” The troll told us that we may pass, Dora and boots crossed it but Fumblemore and I decided to just fly over the woods until we got to the swamp. I looked down at the other challenges and they were terrible, there was My Little Pont, Phineas & Ferb and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We stopped at the last challenge which was Caillou; when we walked out, we couldn’t stop saying Like Caillou at the end of every sentence. Frek came to us and asked what we were doing here, Fumble more told him of our quest. Frek told us that the Taco is in Atlantis then Fiona came out and asked us to dance with her. I jumped out yelling, “Synchronized Dance... Yeah… Synchronized Dance, Like Caillou.” We all laughed and started dancing, then after an hour we traveled to Bikini Bottom to get the help of SpongeBob.
We sank to the bottom of the ocean, swam for a bit, and soon found the town of Bikini Bottom. We met some of the citizens who were fans of our music and took pictures with them; then we walked around looking for the Krusty Krab. When we found it, we saw Patrick trying to walk through the wall thinking it was the door. I walked inside as Fumblemore helped Patrick in; I walked into the kitchen which was easy since Squidward was sleeping. I told SpongeBob our plan to go to Atlantis and he said he’ll take us when he finishes his shift. We waited for about 10 hours which we spent most of the time sleeping and eating. We walked out back to where SpongeBob’s car the Sponge Mobile and Mr. Krabs called SpongeBob so we had to wait. I looked at Fumblemore and he looked back; “I got my grades back today.” “What are you talking about?” “There below Sea level.” “Dude I’m tired.” “Boy that teacher sure Harbors a grudge.” “Dude…” “She’s a real… Beach!” Then SpongeBob and Patrick came back with the decision that one person should ride in their cars. I looked at the cars, “Well I’m going to go with Patrick, Sea you later.” We drove for hours upon hours but I had fun, Fumblemore didn’t because SpongeBob kept blabbing on about Jelly Fishing. Fumblemore and I talked to the Atlantians, who guided us to the cave where the Taco was at. We were so excited that we started singing our favorite song, “Black Cop! Black Cop! What They Gone Do? What They Gone Do, When You Step In Poo Poo.” We ran through the cave, all giddy and singing random songs that came to mind; I saw the Diamond box that the Taco was in and let out a sigh. Our Journey was over; we’d be Immortal and do amazing things in the world. The only standing between us and the Taco was highly deadly weapons and an undead army. I wasn’t going to let them stop me so I used my secret weapon which was a Giant Bunny named Chuck. Chuck grew bigger and bigger till he finally exploded, destroying the deadly weapons and killing the undead army. I smiled and walked to the Taco, reaching for it I felt an immense energy emitting from it. I grabbed the box and was about to pull the Taco out BUT THEN SUDDENLY…
An explosion came from the ceiling above and a smoke bomb was thrown inside, clouding us. I heard a high pitch laugh as the diamond box was taken out of my hands; I quickly swung my arms in a circular motion, which formed a gust of wind that blew the smoke away. I looked around for the Villain who stole it from and I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was my grandma! “What are you doing here Grandma?” “I’m going to use this taco to create an immortal senior citizen army to wreak havoc on children with your ‘Swag’, and your ‘Tweeter’ and your ‘My Book’.” The thought of this happening horrified me so I knew that I would have to combat with my grandma; Fumblemore and I charged at her but she repelled us back with great power as if she was using the force. We became unconscious and I thought this was the end, but when I awoke I saw Sparrow from Gotham and Patrick to even though he and SpongeBob are banned from here for breaking an ancient artifact. Sparrow told us that he could easily handle this, he used his special glasses to scan my grandma but no info came up. He was shocked to see this but he still attacked her, He used 20% of his energy to waves of energy at her but nothing happened. Fumblemore and I rose to our feet but by that time Sparrow used 50% of his energy. We decided to all attack her at once with everything we had excluding Patrick. Sparrow drank a potion he made that recharged his energy, I transformed into a Giant Pikachu and turned Fumblemore into an Eagle; we flew into a thunder cloud which turned us into a giant electric gold ball. We charged at my grandma while Sparrow used most of his energy to fire energy at her, sadly we couldn’t even scratch her. Patrick found an old TV and turned it on; it had a soap opera playing. My grandma started watching it, “No Jacob, you’re supposed to love nattily not Penelope!” We seized this opportunity and beat my grandma, we didn’t kill her but she did die of a Heart Attack. I grabbed the Taco, said bye to Sparrow and ate the Taco with Fumblemore. We took the duplications of the Taco home with us and we finally accomplished our journey; but there was still something left to do. We walked to a Pre-School, entered the classroom, went to a group of kids and yelled out “SANTA CLAUS DOESN’T LOVE YOU!” Then Fumblemore blew up there slides and we went home. “Looks like this is the end my friend.” “Sure is, see you next time Obi.” We decided to meet up for our next adventure which was sooner than we thought.
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