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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Crime
- Published: 03/07/2013
Born 2001, F, from London, United Kingdom.jpg)
I wonder if people could ever fly? I wonder if the dead could come back from the dead? I wonder, if sweets will become healthy, and fruit and veg UN-healthy. And most of all, I wonder if I'll ever be the same again. It all started off on a normal school day. I was fine, Mum was fine, Dad was fine. We ALL were fine. As I was getting ready for school, the doorbell rang. *DING DONG* I listened carefully, my shiny-blonde hair tucked neatly behind my ears. I heard a snappy, shuffle-ey sound of mum's night slipper. I grinned. I always laughed at mum's shoes. Mum did too. I loved Mum ever so much. And Dad too. He always played funny little games with me, pretending to be a hungry sheep, and mimed eating my blonde hair, pretending it was grass. I always giggled uncontrollably when he did that, so much I fell to the ground with a thump. Dad picked me up carefully, checking for bruises. Oh, I have the perfect family. Little did I know, it was all going to change when mum opened the door. It opened, and I heard a shooting sound, and a blood-curdling scream of my mum. I gasped. Dad shot down the hall, trying to close the door on the fiendish people, however, he was no match for them. I heard another shooting sound, and the loud gasp of dad and a thud as his body hit the floor . I knew I was in danger when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I quietly but quickly opened my secret loft door. No-one knew it was there, not even mum and dad. I made it into a little play room, and sneaked there most evenings. I stole some cookies from the cupboard and ate them up in the loft. I took lots of felt pens and colored and decorated the walls my own way. I found an extra lamp in the garage, and put it in there too, along with a huge squashy cushion. I made the room my own. I quickly shut the door, locking it. It was barely noticeable anyway, as it was behind my bed, and was painted the same colour as my wall. I had to heave the bed away to get in there, then heave it back. I huddled in there, barely daring to breathe. I heard the loud BANG as my bedroom door opened. I heard fast, harsh murmurs of the people.
"Where's the kid!"
"I dunno!"
"Well, I don't!"
"Neither do I!"
"FIND HER THEN! Or I'll shoot all your skulls out, GOT IT?!"
I shivered. I heard loud bumps all around the room, the harsh sound of them destroying my neatly painted room. I held my breath when they started thumping the bed about, pulling back the duvet, and tearing off the mattress. I suddenly heard a screeching sound, the sound that I always heard when I pulled back the bed. I scarcely dared breathe. I prayed with all my life that they didn't notice my secret door. Then suddenly the door whipped open, and the sudden light shined on me. I gasped. The people grinned fiendishly, showing all their sharp, yellow teeth. They were all skinny and strong , and had lots of jewels and chains on. They wore leather jackets, and dark sunglasses. But the thing that scared me the most were their belts, positively heaving with weapons : Knives, guns, machetes, and other weapons of pure horror. One of them reached out and pulled me forward. I tried to resist, but it was no surprise that I was no match for them. They pulled me out, then dragged me down the stairs. I saw Mum and Dad's dead bodies. I let out a little gasp, and tears streamed out of my eyes. Mum and Dad both had blood on them all over. The image flashed in my mind, taunting me. They pulled me out of the house, and shoved me into a car. I sat there, astounded, traumatized. They just cackled at me. As they drove on, I looked at the door. It was unlocked. I was sitting next to the door. The people kept a close eye on me, but I could just do it.....
I suddenly opened the moving cars door, and leapt out. I heard shouts and gasps. I hit the ground with full-blown power, every inch of my body positively aching. I picked myself up, and ran for it. I ran even though I was limping. I ran even though my arm was sore. I ran even though my head was hurting ever so much, but I didn't stop running. I ran and ran, until the people were out of sight. I ran down a dark alley, and sat behind a smelly bin. I started to sob, because my situation was hopeless. I wanted my Mum and Dad back so much, but that was never going to happen.
There were sudden footsteps. There were fast and furious shouts. I froze. An evil face suddenly went in my face. He looked petrifying. It was obvious he was the leader. He grabbed me, and the rest of his crew tied me in ropes, so I couldn't escape. They all carried me to the car, and squashed me in the middle where I could me watched. I trembled in fear, and tears came seeping out again. They drove on for what felt like forever, until it became eerily dark, but I could just make out a rickety building. I pretended to be asleep, and shut my eyes tight, but not as tight to know I was awake. I said in my head, "Keep breathing, eyes shut, don't flinch!" They picked me up, took me inside, and thrust me in a small corner, and chained me. I was truly tired then, so my eyes seemed to stay asleep, until I was awoken by sudden sun-light. I looked around. I clambered to my feet. It looked like that I could run, even if my hands were useless. I crept slowly. The door was just there, I could make it- and the leader popped out of no-where. He grinned in an evil and scary way. I then terror in his eyes. He seemed to be looking out of the window. I looked too, when he suddenly grabbed me, just as the door was kicked open. There were police-men, and the whole kid-napping crew came out, still sleepy, but froze when they say the surprise that awaited them. Then the leader put a gun to my chest. He yelled that he would shoot me if they didn't left, and I froze in panic, and shivered and the cold metal of the gun brushed against my skin. They was a huge BANG, and I gasped in horrendous pain. I heard lots of running, and shouts. The world closed in on me, as I fell into darkness...
I woke up by the sound of a beep. I looked around, and I realized that I was in hospital. A nurse smiled at me.
"Ah, you've woken up! Don't worry, you're all right."
I looked at her intensely.
"Where's Mum and Dad?"
She looked back at me, and kept right on smiling.
"Well dear, your neighbors heard the sound of the shooting, and came over and called the police. They're here in hospital, lovie, and they're doing well. They've woken up too. But ever since you went missing the police were looking for you. It was such a shock to the police-men to see you covered in blood. Ah, and those criminals have been caught, dear, so no need to worry. You're safe."
My stomach churned. I had a sore but faint pain in my chest where I had been shot. Then I smiled. I was alive.
It was frightening seeing Mum and Dad when going home. There was still that horrifying image of them covered in blood. When i got home, I ran up the stairs, and looked. My room was still trashed. And Mum and Dad resolved to move, and the house was going to be knocked down. I sat in my loft, and crammed the cookies in my mouth, until I felt sick. I threw up a bit in the corner. The tears streamed down my cheeks. I spent the night in the loft.
The next morning was the day we moved. I stayed in the loft. Mum and Dad started to panic, and called for me. I stayed right where I was. I was never going to move. Then I heard them go out of the door and called my name. I heard them call the police. A moment too late. The house was knocked down in a matter of seconds, and the stone hit me all over, and covered me in blood. I took my last painful breath. Now you're wondering, if I'm dead, how can I re-tell this story? Well, that's the thing. I'm the ghost that haunts my house to this day. I call out my story to people, wailing.... And they wonder.....
I wonder if people could ever fly? I wonder if the dead could come back from the dead? I wonder, if sweets will become healthy, and fruit and veg UN-healthy. And most of all, I wonder if I'll ever be the same again. It all started off on a normal school day. I was fine, Mum was fine, Dad was fine. We ALL were fine. As I was getting ready for school, the doorbell rang. *DING DONG* I listened carefully, my shiny-blonde hair tucked neatly behind my ears. I heard a snappy, shuffle-ey sound of mum's night slipper. I grinned. I always laughed at mum's shoes. Mum did too. I loved Mum ever so much. And Dad too. He always played funny little games with me, pretending to be a hungry sheep, and mimed eating my blonde hair, pretending it was grass. I always giggled uncontrollably when he did that, so much I fell to the ground with a thump. Dad picked me up carefully, checking for bruises. Oh, I have the perfect family. Little did I know, it was all going to change when mum opened the door. It opened, and I heard a shooting sound, and a blood-curdling scream of my mum. I gasped. Dad shot down the hall, trying to close the door on the fiendish people, however, he was no match for them. I heard another shooting sound, and the loud gasp of dad and a thud as his body hit the floor . I knew I was in danger when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I quietly but quickly opened my secret loft door. No-one knew it was there, not even mum and dad. I made it into a little play room, and sneaked there most evenings. I stole some cookies from the cupboard and ate them up in the loft. I took lots of felt pens and colored and decorated the walls my own way. I found an extra lamp in the garage, and put it in there too, along with a huge squashy cushion. I made the room my own. I quickly shut the door, locking it. It was barely noticeable anyway, as it was behind my bed, and was painted the same colour as my wall. I had to heave the bed away to get in there, then heave it back. I huddled in there, barely daring to breathe. I heard the loud BANG as my bedroom door opened. I heard fast, harsh murmurs of the people.
"Where's the kid!"
"I dunno!"
"Well, I don't!"
"Neither do I!"
"FIND HER THEN! Or I'll shoot all your skulls out, GOT IT?!"
I shivered. I heard loud bumps all around the room, the harsh sound of them destroying my neatly painted room. I held my breath when they started thumping the bed about, pulling back the duvet, and tearing off the mattress. I suddenly heard a screeching sound, the sound that I always heard when I pulled back the bed. I scarcely dared breathe. I prayed with all my life that they didn't notice my secret door. Then suddenly the door whipped open, and the sudden light shined on me. I gasped. The people grinned fiendishly, showing all their sharp, yellow teeth. They were all skinny and strong , and had lots of jewels and chains on. They wore leather jackets, and dark sunglasses. But the thing that scared me the most were their belts, positively heaving with weapons : Knives, guns, machetes, and other weapons of pure horror. One of them reached out and pulled me forward. I tried to resist, but it was no surprise that I was no match for them. They pulled me out, then dragged me down the stairs. I saw Mum and Dad's dead bodies. I let out a little gasp, and tears streamed out of my eyes. Mum and Dad both had blood on them all over. The image flashed in my mind, taunting me. They pulled me out of the house, and shoved me into a car. I sat there, astounded, traumatized. They just cackled at me. As they drove on, I looked at the door. It was unlocked. I was sitting next to the door. The people kept a close eye on me, but I could just do it.....
I suddenly opened the moving cars door, and leapt out. I heard shouts and gasps. I hit the ground with full-blown power, every inch of my body positively aching. I picked myself up, and ran for it. I ran even though I was limping. I ran even though my arm was sore. I ran even though my head was hurting ever so much, but I didn't stop running. I ran and ran, until the people were out of sight. I ran down a dark alley, and sat behind a smelly bin. I started to sob, because my situation was hopeless. I wanted my Mum and Dad back so much, but that was never going to happen.
There were sudden footsteps. There were fast and furious shouts. I froze. An evil face suddenly went in my face. He looked petrifying. It was obvious he was the leader. He grabbed me, and the rest of his crew tied me in ropes, so I couldn't escape. They all carried me to the car, and squashed me in the middle where I could me watched. I trembled in fear, and tears came seeping out again. They drove on for what felt like forever, until it became eerily dark, but I could just make out a rickety building. I pretended to be asleep, and shut my eyes tight, but not as tight to know I was awake. I said in my head, "Keep breathing, eyes shut, don't flinch!" They picked me up, took me inside, and thrust me in a small corner, and chained me. I was truly tired then, so my eyes seemed to stay asleep, until I was awoken by sudden sun-light. I looked around. I clambered to my feet. It looked like that I could run, even if my hands were useless. I crept slowly. The door was just there, I could make it- and the leader popped out of no-where. He grinned in an evil and scary way. I then terror in his eyes. He seemed to be looking out of the window. I looked too, when he suddenly grabbed me, just as the door was kicked open. There were police-men, and the whole kid-napping crew came out, still sleepy, but froze when they say the surprise that awaited them. Then the leader put a gun to my chest. He yelled that he would shoot me if they didn't left, and I froze in panic, and shivered and the cold metal of the gun brushed against my skin. They was a huge BANG, and I gasped in horrendous pain. I heard lots of running, and shouts. The world closed in on me, as I fell into darkness...
I woke up by the sound of a beep. I looked around, and I realized that I was in hospital. A nurse smiled at me.
"Ah, you've woken up! Don't worry, you're all right."
I looked at her intensely.
"Where's Mum and Dad?"
She looked back at me, and kept right on smiling.
"Well dear, your neighbors heard the sound of the shooting, and came over and called the police. They're here in hospital, lovie, and they're doing well. They've woken up too. But ever since you went missing the police were looking for you. It was such a shock to the police-men to see you covered in blood. Ah, and those criminals have been caught, dear, so no need to worry. You're safe."
My stomach churned. I had a sore but faint pain in my chest where I had been shot. Then I smiled. I was alive.
It was frightening seeing Mum and Dad when going home. There was still that horrifying image of them covered in blood. When i got home, I ran up the stairs, and looked. My room was still trashed. And Mum and Dad resolved to move, and the house was going to be knocked down. I sat in my loft, and crammed the cookies in my mouth, until I felt sick. I threw up a bit in the corner. The tears streamed down my cheeks. I spent the night in the loft.
The next morning was the day we moved. I stayed in the loft. Mum and Dad started to panic, and called for me. I stayed right where I was. I was never going to move. Then I heard them go out of the door and called my name. I heard them call the police. A moment too late. The house was knocked down in a matter of seconds, and the stone hit me all over, and covered me in blood. I took my last painful breath. Now you're wondering, if I'm dead, how can I re-tell this story? Well, that's the thing. I'm the ghost that haunts my house to this day. I call out my story to people, wailing.... And they wonder.....
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