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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Survival / Success
- Subject: Personal Growth / Achievement
- Published: 03/14/2013
He sat in his palace, alone, frightened. He thought to himself; he thought what may happen if order was lost and chaos ensued. Dreading the future, uncertainty overcoming his thoughts like a disease, he began to feel anxious and abandoned. The young prince looked onward, across his lavish bedroom and out his window, observing the angry mobs gathering outside the majestic palace fences. “Down with the Tyrant” the mobs chanted, hate and boldness apparent in their voices. The Prince was well accustomed to hate, hate did not upset him. His life seemed to be saturated with hate, he enjoyed the animosity of his rivals, and he savored the feeling of flaunting his wealth and power to those who despised him. It was not the hate that instilled fear into the young prince; it was the boldness, the fearlessness of the mobs and the power in their voices. This was something the prince did not understand. How could they speak of their leaders with such disregard, it was not in their place to cause such unrest. If he had it his way, the Prince thought, he would have executed every one of the traitors who dared challenge their leaders. But it was not a decision for him to make, it was his fathers. And his father was old and weak, unfit for such a position. Frustration and anger began to replace the fear. “Fools all of them, fools!” the prince screams. “Your highness, the plane is ready. It is time to leave”.
Waking up from the long lasting slumber, the prince had an uneasy grimace from dreaming that he had lost everything, his power, his woman, his money. As the prince was getting up from his chamber, he was greeted by a friend, “Zayed, I heard the news, you must’ve been traumatized. Let me take care of you now.” the prince with a startled look raised his voice, “How dare you address me by my first name! Have you lost your mind? I am the prince of Satar! heir to the throne!”
“Zayed, you are no longer a Satari royal, there is no more Satari royals, your families dynasty is over, the royal bloodline’s legacy has ended”. Zayed sat solemnly on the side of his bed; it was an uncomfortable bed, unfamiliar to Zayed.
“It’s time to wake up! Hurry and get ready for breakfast.” said a man with rags as clothes. Before Zayed opened his mouth to question the subject, the man ran out and was out of his sight. Zayed’s head was being bombarded with unanswered questions, but the one that was bothering Zayed the most was the question, what happened to my bed, why is it so small? Looking around now, Zayed had noticed that his chamber is smaller than his ordinary chamber and smelt damp, musky. Glancing at the door, he saw a man, a different man but this man looked well dressed, “Get up now, you’re already late.”
Zayed didn’t understand the smallest bit why this man was speaking to him like that. Again, before being able to ask a question, the man was gone. Stepping out for what seemed to be a long time for Zayed, he was escorted by the first man who came in to a new room. There he saw his friend, “Finally, I can get some answers.” Zayed thought. But without wasting a second, Zayed was given a paper with writing on it; it seemed to be a list. “What is the meaning of this?” Zayed demanded to know.
“Oh, that is a list of all the things you will have to do from now on to live in my house.” explained the man. “What is he saying? I need to fulfill his desires for me to stay here? That’s outrageous!” puzzled Zayed. Having no chance to soothe his hectic brain, Zayed was then escorted by 2 other man wearing rags to a new room, but this room had a familiar odor to that of his chamber he had been in.
“This is where you will report every morning 6:00 am to start your duties and only after you have completed your duties will you then be able to go sleep.” This time, Zayed got a chance to figure out what has happened exactly. The man told him that he was no longer the prince and he became one of the servants officially. Then the man urged Zayed to work as a servant.
The life of a servant is not as easy as he usually thought. Servants did a huge quantity of work with very little pay. Zayed was thinking, if he still had power and status, he would never need to do these things he dislike. While he was doing these unfamiliar works, he could not stop thinking his past and pleasant life; he could not stop thinking that he used to be serviced by these people who just indicated tasks to him; he could not stop thinking how different things has changed nowadays; and he could not stop thinking how would his life be if he still has power. No matter how he desired to pretend that nothing has happened to him, his circumstances would never change. He was not the noble prince who lived in a palace anymore. He became a member of the lowest class in the society, a lonely man who lost everything, and a servant who was indicated by a group of fools. He thought of an old Chinese saying: “The wheel of fortune is turning forever.” Zayed was suffered by his circumstances, he was struggling with surviving.He missed his extravagant life which was filled with luxuries and “friends”. “Friends…” murmured Zayed. He thought of his “friend”, the man who humiliated him when he was broken. “Every dog has his day,” he sighed. He realized that he did not actually own a friend when he was a prince. “Keep working, don’t be lazy, I’m watching you!” the other servant’s yelling broke the silence. Zayed had to stop imagining his pleasant life and considering how life is uncertain.
Since Zayed was spoiled when he was a prince, works as a servant were too heavy to him. He could not finish his work as quickly as others, and everyone treated him as the most evil person in the world. No one sympathized with him; no one helped him; and no one respected him. He was completely isolated by others, like a virus. He had been working for two days, forty-eight hours without eating anything. He was so starving that he thought he was dying. He fell in a faint in the stable; he was washing a horse at that time.
“Your highness, your highness,” He was awaked by a gentle voice. He opened his eyes slowly, and he saw a stranger, the man who called him “your highness”. He found himself in a small but neat house. The house was quickly identified by Zayed, since he discovered a photograph of the stranger which was on the wall. This was the stranger’s house. Zayed inferred that the stranger was his savior.
While he was considering why the man saved him, the stranger started speaking. The Stranger told Zayed that he found him at the corner of the street. He recognized Zayed, and took him home. The stranger told Zayed that he was probably thrown out by those servants. Zayed was moved by the stranger. The man was the only person who forgave his arrogance; the only man who still treated him as a prince; and the only man who still respected him. Zayed was humbled by this stranger, this man who seemed to understand his struggle. He was moved, he was no longer concerned with his own self-pity. And this surprise quickly developed into shame. Zayed was ashamed for his arrogance, his previous beliefs that he was superior to those around him. A belief that held no value, not even when he was prince. Zayed would later find out that this stranger was a Satari national; his family persecuted by Zayed’s father’s regime and was forced to flee. Zayed was confused, why might this man be helping him? What did he want? “Ive only bestowed sadness and pain unto this man life and he treats me with such passion and respect”, Zayed thought. “Your father was a controversial figure” says the stranger. “He did many terrible things, but strangely enough he created an investment here in this country”. Zayed knew of his father’s business dealings, his father’s associates would say that he cared more about his overseas investors then he did his own people. But this investment bank was a philanthropic venture incepted by a subsidiary of Satar’s state oil company, mainly to improve public relations and exposure to investors. “Your father created this bank to improve the lives of the people here, create jobs and help businesses grow” says the stranger. Zayed knew that improving the lives of ordinary people was the farthest things from his father’s mind. “ The bank in turn has grown quite wealthy, it was of the few assets that were not seized by the government in light of the revolution, you may very well be capable of assuming control of the investment bank, in your name anyways”.
Zayed was shocked. Could this be? An opportunity to become wealthy again, regain the status he once had? It would not be the same but it’s a start, thought Zayed. First I assume control of the bank, it should not be so hard, I am the rightful beneficiary anyways. And after I assume control of the bank I will hastily sell it for whatever it may be worth. Thus providing me with the funds to carry out my free will, I will live in excess once again. More thoughts bombarded Zayed’s mind, the possibilities were endless. These thoughts were then cut short when the stranger began speaking again. “The bank your father set up here in this country allowed many of the impoverished communities in this area to prosper and grow. We depend on this bank for our well-being”. Zayed was torn, how he could sell such an entity after the treatment he was given by this grateful and forgiving stranger. This man humbled Zayed, sheltered him and loved him even after the many injustices Zayed committed. Zayed knew that if he were to dissolve the investment bank the livelihood of this stranger and many more would be ruined, and he would have all to gain. One phone call and Zayed would be on his way to prosperity once again, all he had to do was reveal him to the bank officials and they would recognize his rightful ownership, that’s the way business was done back in Satar. A family namesake is what identified you; it was an indicator of your wealth and power. And although Zayed family was overthrown, his name was still recognized. “I prepared your bed, we are up early tomorrow…Work is to be done, I shall introduce you to my friends, they are also Satari nationals” said the stranger, “I am glad to have you in my home”. “Do you have a phone?” asked Zayed, “I must call a relative”. “of course! Down the main hall and in the room to the right” said the stranger. Zayed did not really have calling a relative in mind; he was going to call the investment bank. “this man trusts me, he cares for me. How could I backstab him like this?”. Zayed stared at the black phone in front of him. One phone call, he thought, and he will be wealthy again. “What would you like from lunch tomorrow? I will prepare meals for us to enjoy while we visit friends, you will enjoy yourself Zayed” calls the stranger from the kitchen. Zayed felt a pain in his chest, as he grasps the black phone. “Hello, People’s Investment Bank how may I help you?” says the secretary on the other line.
The Prince of Satar(David Giordan Ying)
He sat in his palace, alone, frightened. He thought to himself; he thought what may happen if order was lost and chaos ensued. Dreading the future, uncertainty overcoming his thoughts like a disease, he began to feel anxious and abandoned. The young prince looked onward, across his lavish bedroom and out his window, observing the angry mobs gathering outside the majestic palace fences. “Down with the Tyrant” the mobs chanted, hate and boldness apparent in their voices. The Prince was well accustomed to hate, hate did not upset him. His life seemed to be saturated with hate, he enjoyed the animosity of his rivals, and he savored the feeling of flaunting his wealth and power to those who despised him. It was not the hate that instilled fear into the young prince; it was the boldness, the fearlessness of the mobs and the power in their voices. This was something the prince did not understand. How could they speak of their leaders with such disregard, it was not in their place to cause such unrest. If he had it his way, the Prince thought, he would have executed every one of the traitors who dared challenge their leaders. But it was not a decision for him to make, it was his fathers. And his father was old and weak, unfit for such a position. Frustration and anger began to replace the fear. “Fools all of them, fools!” the prince screams. “Your highness, the plane is ready. It is time to leave”.
Waking up from the long lasting slumber, the prince had an uneasy grimace from dreaming that he had lost everything, his power, his woman, his money. As the prince was getting up from his chamber, he was greeted by a friend, “Zayed, I heard the news, you must’ve been traumatized. Let me take care of you now.” the prince with a startled look raised his voice, “How dare you address me by my first name! Have you lost your mind? I am the prince of Satar! heir to the throne!”
“Zayed, you are no longer a Satari royal, there is no more Satari royals, your families dynasty is over, the royal bloodline’s legacy has ended”. Zayed sat solemnly on the side of his bed; it was an uncomfortable bed, unfamiliar to Zayed.
“It’s time to wake up! Hurry and get ready for breakfast.” said a man with rags as clothes. Before Zayed opened his mouth to question the subject, the man ran out and was out of his sight. Zayed’s head was being bombarded with unanswered questions, but the one that was bothering Zayed the most was the question, what happened to my bed, why is it so small? Looking around now, Zayed had noticed that his chamber is smaller than his ordinary chamber and smelt damp, musky. Glancing at the door, he saw a man, a different man but this man looked well dressed, “Get up now, you’re already late.”
Zayed didn’t understand the smallest bit why this man was speaking to him like that. Again, before being able to ask a question, the man was gone. Stepping out for what seemed to be a long time for Zayed, he was escorted by the first man who came in to a new room. There he saw his friend, “Finally, I can get some answers.” Zayed thought. But without wasting a second, Zayed was given a paper with writing on it; it seemed to be a list. “What is the meaning of this?” Zayed demanded to know.
“Oh, that is a list of all the things you will have to do from now on to live in my house.” explained the man. “What is he saying? I need to fulfill his desires for me to stay here? That’s outrageous!” puzzled Zayed. Having no chance to soothe his hectic brain, Zayed was then escorted by 2 other man wearing rags to a new room, but this room had a familiar odor to that of his chamber he had been in.
“This is where you will report every morning 6:00 am to start your duties and only after you have completed your duties will you then be able to go sleep.” This time, Zayed got a chance to figure out what has happened exactly. The man told him that he was no longer the prince and he became one of the servants officially. Then the man urged Zayed to work as a servant.
The life of a servant is not as easy as he usually thought. Servants did a huge quantity of work with very little pay. Zayed was thinking, if he still had power and status, he would never need to do these things he dislike. While he was doing these unfamiliar works, he could not stop thinking his past and pleasant life; he could not stop thinking that he used to be serviced by these people who just indicated tasks to him; he could not stop thinking how different things has changed nowadays; and he could not stop thinking how would his life be if he still has power. No matter how he desired to pretend that nothing has happened to him, his circumstances would never change. He was not the noble prince who lived in a palace anymore. He became a member of the lowest class in the society, a lonely man who lost everything, and a servant who was indicated by a group of fools. He thought of an old Chinese saying: “The wheel of fortune is turning forever.” Zayed was suffered by his circumstances, he was struggling with surviving.He missed his extravagant life which was filled with luxuries and “friends”. “Friends…” murmured Zayed. He thought of his “friend”, the man who humiliated him when he was broken. “Every dog has his day,” he sighed. He realized that he did not actually own a friend when he was a prince. “Keep working, don’t be lazy, I’m watching you!” the other servant’s yelling broke the silence. Zayed had to stop imagining his pleasant life and considering how life is uncertain.
Since Zayed was spoiled when he was a prince, works as a servant were too heavy to him. He could not finish his work as quickly as others, and everyone treated him as the most evil person in the world. No one sympathized with him; no one helped him; and no one respected him. He was completely isolated by others, like a virus. He had been working for two days, forty-eight hours without eating anything. He was so starving that he thought he was dying. He fell in a faint in the stable; he was washing a horse at that time.
“Your highness, your highness,” He was awaked by a gentle voice. He opened his eyes slowly, and he saw a stranger, the man who called him “your highness”. He found himself in a small but neat house. The house was quickly identified by Zayed, since he discovered a photograph of the stranger which was on the wall. This was the stranger’s house. Zayed inferred that the stranger was his savior.
While he was considering why the man saved him, the stranger started speaking. The Stranger told Zayed that he found him at the corner of the street. He recognized Zayed, and took him home. The stranger told Zayed that he was probably thrown out by those servants. Zayed was moved by the stranger. The man was the only person who forgave his arrogance; the only man who still treated him as a prince; and the only man who still respected him. Zayed was humbled by this stranger, this man who seemed to understand his struggle. He was moved, he was no longer concerned with his own self-pity. And this surprise quickly developed into shame. Zayed was ashamed for his arrogance, his previous beliefs that he was superior to those around him. A belief that held no value, not even when he was prince. Zayed would later find out that this stranger was a Satari national; his family persecuted by Zayed’s father’s regime and was forced to flee. Zayed was confused, why might this man be helping him? What did he want? “Ive only bestowed sadness and pain unto this man life and he treats me with such passion and respect”, Zayed thought. “Your father was a controversial figure” says the stranger. “He did many terrible things, but strangely enough he created an investment here in this country”. Zayed knew of his father’s business dealings, his father’s associates would say that he cared more about his overseas investors then he did his own people. But this investment bank was a philanthropic venture incepted by a subsidiary of Satar’s state oil company, mainly to improve public relations and exposure to investors. “Your father created this bank to improve the lives of the people here, create jobs and help businesses grow” says the stranger. Zayed knew that improving the lives of ordinary people was the farthest things from his father’s mind. “ The bank in turn has grown quite wealthy, it was of the few assets that were not seized by the government in light of the revolution, you may very well be capable of assuming control of the investment bank, in your name anyways”.
Zayed was shocked. Could this be? An opportunity to become wealthy again, regain the status he once had? It would not be the same but it’s a start, thought Zayed. First I assume control of the bank, it should not be so hard, I am the rightful beneficiary anyways. And after I assume control of the bank I will hastily sell it for whatever it may be worth. Thus providing me with the funds to carry out my free will, I will live in excess once again. More thoughts bombarded Zayed’s mind, the possibilities were endless. These thoughts were then cut short when the stranger began speaking again. “The bank your father set up here in this country allowed many of the impoverished communities in this area to prosper and grow. We depend on this bank for our well-being”. Zayed was torn, how he could sell such an entity after the treatment he was given by this grateful and forgiving stranger. This man humbled Zayed, sheltered him and loved him even after the many injustices Zayed committed. Zayed knew that if he were to dissolve the investment bank the livelihood of this stranger and many more would be ruined, and he would have all to gain. One phone call and Zayed would be on his way to prosperity once again, all he had to do was reveal him to the bank officials and they would recognize his rightful ownership, that’s the way business was done back in Satar. A family namesake is what identified you; it was an indicator of your wealth and power. And although Zayed family was overthrown, his name was still recognized. “I prepared your bed, we are up early tomorrow…Work is to be done, I shall introduce you to my friends, they are also Satari nationals” said the stranger, “I am glad to have you in my home”. “Do you have a phone?” asked Zayed, “I must call a relative”. “of course! Down the main hall and in the room to the right” said the stranger. Zayed did not really have calling a relative in mind; he was going to call the investment bank. “this man trusts me, he cares for me. How could I backstab him like this?”. Zayed stared at the black phone in front of him. One phone call, he thought, and he will be wealthy again. “What would you like from lunch tomorrow? I will prepare meals for us to enjoy while we visit friends, you will enjoy yourself Zayed” calls the stranger from the kitchen. Zayed felt a pain in his chest, as he grasps the black phone. “Hello, People’s Investment Bank how may I help you?” says the secretary on the other line.
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