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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 04/16/2013
Red Hood
Red’s frightened eyes stared intensely at the two paths branching off in the distance, her whole body paralyzed with shock. The only thing that stirred was her red velvet cloak. The last words from her mother echoed through her head.
Dear Red,
Suspicious town dwellers have accused me guilty of witchcraft and thus I am wanted dead or alive. I trust that for me you will be careful and not endanger yourself. Find a place far from home and wherever you go I promise I will find you.
As a passion Red's mother worked with herbs, making remedies to heal the sick. When people saw Ruby with the herbs villagers grew suspicious. Working with herbs to create unknown substances had the word witch written all over it. Towns people were determined to purify their village of any blasphemies and set off to exterminate Ruby.
Red felt as if her heart was going to knock out of her chest, but she knew she had to think rationally and stay calm; panicking would get her nowhere. She started going through all her options.
She knew couldn’t go back to her mother, there was absolutely no way to track her, but she couldn’t go on with her life not knowing her mom was safe. Red realized the reality of the situation, there was no plan A or plan B. Unfortunately the only thing she could do was wait and hope when the chaos dies down her mother will come back for her.
The more Red analyzed the situation, the more certain she knew there was no way she could sit and do nothing. A strong realization hit her. She could get the villagers to tell her the direction her mother went. Getting the information would certainly not be pleasant, she would have to threaten. Fight. Torture if it came down to it.
When she entered the village she would have to blend in very well with everyone else. If one person recognized her they would without a doubt reveal her identity. She also needed a retreat spot to run to, incase things didn’t go according to plan.
She started walking east of the path she was on hoping to find a nearby source of water before she set off on her unsettling journey. She walked along the trail of amber leaves at a fast rapid pace, wasting no time. She thought of the beauty of water; moisturous, cool, tingly; the source of life. She felt if she could imagine it her senses would eventually reach for it.
Suddenly Red heard the rough crunching of leaves. She gripped her spear tightly in her hands prepared to attack if necessary. There was nothing she had ever relied on more in her life than the spear she had positioned in front of her. As soon as she sees the shadow of the figure out in the clearing she lunges forward, tracing it like a wild dog. Just before she's about to attack, she sees the owner of the shadow and freezes. A dark haired man faces her with sapphire blue eyes and cheeks that are red from the exertion. She is not the only one frozen; the dark stranger is stopped dead his tracks.
“ I’m not going to hurt you,” he says firmly. “ Just let me pass”.
“ Deal, ” Red declares.
As he walks away, each moment seems to stretch to the end of the universe. She feels as if she can just collapse into him, but cannot take any chances. Be strong she tells herself, but as she says that her vision begins to blur and she tries to hold back; telling herself she’s being ridiculous, that the stranger who begins to fade is a potential threat, not an alliance. The tears start to slowly flow down past her neck and a quiet sniffle is released. Although quite a distance separates the two, the man see’s Red’s broken face and runs to her like he would for a lost friend he’s known all his life.
His strong arms wrap around Red, her face buried in his chest. No words are spoken, just the contact of their bodies against one another. His gentle hands whip away the tears from her face continuously tracing the shape. Red removes her cape wanting to feel even closer to the stranger than before. As he kisses the tips of her fingers he asks who she is.
“ What are you doing in the middle of the forest?” He asks.
“ I lost someone I love very much. I need to find their location, so I was looking for a place to escape to incase my plan goes amiss” She said slowly.
“ Who is it that’s missing?”
“ My mother,” Red sighed.
“ I can locate her” The man said firmly.
“ You can!” Red exclaimed, her arms feeling him as if to test that he's real.
“ Who are you?” Red asked softly.
“ Your hero,” He said with a smirk. Her mouth started to open but his finger silenced her lips.
“ Braedyn,” he said.
Braedyn she repeated like a melody in her head.
“ Do you have an object of your mother’s?”
“ I have a locket,” Red confirmed.
“ I’ll need a few things,” Braedyn said.
Red brought Braedyn to her house, which was about a 3 mile walk and got the supplies. The house definitely didn’t look like one that had been abandoned. Everything lay sprawled out in place: dishes, coats, blankets. She sifted through the cupboard where Ruby kept the candles and matches.
“ Your home, it’s very welcoming,” Braedyn said.
“ Yeah, it was really cozy” Red smiled.
“ To bad I’ll never see it again.”
“ You’ll start a new home.” Braedyn said.
Red nodded, but still doubted it would happen. She filled up a steamy pot of water and they both went outside. Braedyn set up a circle of 8 candles, him and Red separated by the pot of water in the middle.
“ your going to take the locket, hold it in your hands and while holding mine, your going to picture your mother, think about your connection with her and pretend your soul is trying to reach her.”
Red tightly laced her fingers through Braedyn’s and began by deeply exhaling. She pictured her mom in her head. Her light brown shoulder length hair, her magnificent golden eyes and her bronzed glowing skin. She recalled all the nights they sat by the fire with their tea and they would talk about what tomorrow held for the both of them. She recalled all the times her mother would say, “ I told you so” knowing she was pulling the strings that could so easily be tugged. Red imagined her soul leaving her body out on a journey to find her mom, floating everywhere at once. She thought of what her mother was currently doing right now. Suddenly she felt it, a heavy slam against her body, as if someone had just thrown a solid rock at her.
`` I know where she is,`` Braedyn said.
`` She`s by Lake Remedy; she plans on building a raft and setting off by sun rise tomorrow``
" You did it," She said, still not able to believe it herself.
" Thank you, Braedyn!" Red cried happily.
Red couldn't believe he had found her mother. She finally was no longer lost, she had a solid plan. Although she was overjoyed with the thought that her mother was safe and she was going to find her, she couldn't stop thinking about the departure from Braedyn. The first time when she heard the sound of his steps fade away was terrifying. It felt like she was in hell and an angel had just entered and was fading into the light. Now that he had come to reveal himself, all she wanted to do was to keep on digging through him to figure him out. There was something she had to know about him before they went their separate ways.
The words rambled out of her mouth
" Braedyn, there's something I got to know about you before I set out to find my mom." She paused to look at his expression, it was just like when he revealed the information his face remained tense, but there was something in his expression that softened.
“ What are you?”
His face deepened and he regarded Red with utter seriousness. He knew that when he had agreed to help Red that he would have to tell her his secret.
“ I’m a witch,” He said.
Red shivered, but it wasn’t because she was afraid, she felt delight in knowing something about him that no one else knew. He trusted her, and to Red that meant the world.
“ Who else knows?”
“ No one knows, but they’ve suspected. That was enough to drive me away.”
“ How about your family?" He bit his lip, and pain surfaced all over his face.
“ They shunned me.”
Red reached for his hand and with no hesitation his fingers wrapped around hers.
“ I would never do that,” she said, looking at him meaningfully.
“ I know,” Braedyn smiled stroking her rich dark hair. No words were said the second their feet started traveling south. Red knew now that she would not be entering the journey alone.
Lake remedy was 20 miles from their current location, they both knew they would never get there on time by feet so they decided they needed horses which were at the far end of the village where all the farm land was situated. They crossed the village at a fast pace but not a run or a jog. The most important aspect of passing through the village was blending in. Red wore a scarf covering her whole face and her hair was tied back, the only thing that revealed was her golden eyes. Braedyn needed no disguise since no one in the village was familiar with him. He gripped Red’s hand tightly feeling as if they were walking across a tight rope and could lose their balance any minute. Silence filled the air.
When they got to the edge of the town, they found a calm quiet farm with just a few horses. They climbed under the fence and when they got into the farm they let the horses sniff them so they could determine them as a friend or foe. When they found the saddle and reins they quickly tacked the two horses up leaving the other 2 to face the farmers fury in the morning.
Red and Braedyn rode their horses over the fence and got them to a gallop. Braedyn fortunately was used to moving this rapidly. For a short period of time before he had completely left his home town, he was being hunted down just as Red’s mom had. Red however was a different story she had never ridden on a horse before. Her hands held onto the horse for dear life, not planning to losen her grip anytime soon. Suddenly, Braedyn stopped and told her to hop on. Red refused to leave the horse she was on though. She loved animals and the thought of abandoning one was unbearable.
After 3 hours on foot, they were only about 5 miles from the lake when they saw people in front of them standing around discussing matters. The group had stakes in their hands and were talking about their plan of attack they were going to use on Ruby.
“ Walk very slowly,” Braedyn whispered.
Red held on very tightly to the reins and very gently with her legs urged the horse to walk on. Red was terrified, and she knew the horse could sense it. She sped up slightly wanting to get away faster out of the men’s sight. The horse, feeling the tension became nervous and tripped over a fallen tree. The men caught sight of Red and Braedyn and in a flash, recognition of Red crawled on their faces.
“ Red!” Braedyn cried forcing her to leave the horse and hop on.
“ I’ll heal it , I promise!” Her trust for Braedyn was unbreakable and with his promise in her head she dragged herself on tightly clinging on to him as he rode the horse so fast that it’s feet barely touched the ground. It felt like they were flying, and although she was terrified she felt like nothing was going to happen as long as she was beside him.
Although their horse was stealthy and fast the men’s determination was gaining up on Red and Braedyn. They shot their stakes trying to hit them. Many hit the ground and trees but one stabbed through Red’s arm. The pain was agonizing, every cell in her body burned. She screamed so loud, her piercing shriek could reach miles back. Losing her balance she flung off the horse hitting the hard solid ground. Braedyn went flying after her and forcefully removed the stake. The horse had fled from the chaos, so it was now up to their endurance to survive. Red ran so fast she couldn’t believe that her heart hadn’t stopped yet. When her feet began to slow Braedyn pulled her along as though she was as light as air.
When they finally reached the river, she did not even have to search. Her mom stood right in front of it her back to Red.
“Mom!!” Red cried, but there was no time for a reunion, they had business to take care of. The men quickly followed and their they stood, fully armed with spears and some with wooden stakes.
“ Stand back, we cause you no harm, we are leaving and will never return,” Braedyn shouted over the chaos.
A women wearing a black cloak and straight pale hair snickered “ So you can curse another village with your darkness!”
“ Not if I have a say!”
“ Please, ” Red pleaded.
“ My mom practices no magic, she just tries to make medicines to heal the sick.”
‘ it all starts with herbs and leads to temptation of other dark paths and forces, ” a man snarled.
He took a step towards Red, but Braedyn quickly threw himself in between them, and threw a few blows at his face. When the man lunged towards him he yelled “Sleep doth come nor sleep doth fright, sleep, sleep and rest thou souls tonight,” he shouted over and over again. The mob’s body started to slump and their eye lids began to droop. They tried to wake up by proceeding forward, but all it did was make them more sleepy. Eventually they all collapsed.
Red, her mother, and Braedyn sailed on the raft Ruby had crafted and ended up in a beautiful clearing with a forest where mainly pine trees dwelled. Ruby was very greatful that fate had brought Red and Braedyn to cross paths. He and Red had fallen in love on the journey to save Ruby and after that Braedyn never felt the emptiness he had felt when he fled from home. Red had filled up the hole in his heart which held the pain he had when his family sent him to fend for himself. Ruby, Braedyn and Red all worked together to build a beautiful cabin in the woods. It took 2 days of hard work and when it was finished Red and Braedyn went out to the lake for some time to themselves. They walked there quietly and sat down with their feet touching the water.
“ It’s as if all this was supposed to happen; some sort of plan orchestrated for us to meet.”
“ You saved us Braedyn,” Red said, her hand gently sweeping over his. His eyes met her with a light gleam in it, his lips lifted into a smile, but at the same time intense.
“ You saved me too, Red,” he said as his hands stroked her face which turned crimson and he drew his lips to hers.
Red Hood(Rose)
Red Hood
Red’s frightened eyes stared intensely at the two paths branching off in the distance, her whole body paralyzed with shock. The only thing that stirred was her red velvet cloak. The last words from her mother echoed through her head.
Dear Red,
Suspicious town dwellers have accused me guilty of witchcraft and thus I am wanted dead or alive. I trust that for me you will be careful and not endanger yourself. Find a place far from home and wherever you go I promise I will find you.
As a passion Red's mother worked with herbs, making remedies to heal the sick. When people saw Ruby with the herbs villagers grew suspicious. Working with herbs to create unknown substances had the word witch written all over it. Towns people were determined to purify their village of any blasphemies and set off to exterminate Ruby.
Red felt as if her heart was going to knock out of her chest, but she knew she had to think rationally and stay calm; panicking would get her nowhere. She started going through all her options.
She knew couldn’t go back to her mother, there was absolutely no way to track her, but she couldn’t go on with her life not knowing her mom was safe. Red realized the reality of the situation, there was no plan A or plan B. Unfortunately the only thing she could do was wait and hope when the chaos dies down her mother will come back for her.
The more Red analyzed the situation, the more certain she knew there was no way she could sit and do nothing. A strong realization hit her. She could get the villagers to tell her the direction her mother went. Getting the information would certainly not be pleasant, she would have to threaten. Fight. Torture if it came down to it.
When she entered the village she would have to blend in very well with everyone else. If one person recognized her they would without a doubt reveal her identity. She also needed a retreat spot to run to, incase things didn’t go according to plan.
She started walking east of the path she was on hoping to find a nearby source of water before she set off on her unsettling journey. She walked along the trail of amber leaves at a fast rapid pace, wasting no time. She thought of the beauty of water; moisturous, cool, tingly; the source of life. She felt if she could imagine it her senses would eventually reach for it.
Suddenly Red heard the rough crunching of leaves. She gripped her spear tightly in her hands prepared to attack if necessary. There was nothing she had ever relied on more in her life than the spear she had positioned in front of her. As soon as she sees the shadow of the figure out in the clearing she lunges forward, tracing it like a wild dog. Just before she's about to attack, she sees the owner of the shadow and freezes. A dark haired man faces her with sapphire blue eyes and cheeks that are red from the exertion. She is not the only one frozen; the dark stranger is stopped dead his tracks.
“ I’m not going to hurt you,” he says firmly. “ Just let me pass”.
“ Deal, ” Red declares.
As he walks away, each moment seems to stretch to the end of the universe. She feels as if she can just collapse into him, but cannot take any chances. Be strong she tells herself, but as she says that her vision begins to blur and she tries to hold back; telling herself she’s being ridiculous, that the stranger who begins to fade is a potential threat, not an alliance. The tears start to slowly flow down past her neck and a quiet sniffle is released. Although quite a distance separates the two, the man see’s Red’s broken face and runs to her like he would for a lost friend he’s known all his life.
His strong arms wrap around Red, her face buried in his chest. No words are spoken, just the contact of their bodies against one another. His gentle hands whip away the tears from her face continuously tracing the shape. Red removes her cape wanting to feel even closer to the stranger than before. As he kisses the tips of her fingers he asks who she is.
“ What are you doing in the middle of the forest?” He asks.
“ I lost someone I love very much. I need to find their location, so I was looking for a place to escape to incase my plan goes amiss” She said slowly.
“ Who is it that’s missing?”
“ My mother,” Red sighed.
“ I can locate her” The man said firmly.
“ You can!” Red exclaimed, her arms feeling him as if to test that he's real.
“ Who are you?” Red asked softly.
“ Your hero,” He said with a smirk. Her mouth started to open but his finger silenced her lips.
“ Braedyn,” he said.
Braedyn she repeated like a melody in her head.
“ Do you have an object of your mother’s?”
“ I have a locket,” Red confirmed.
“ I’ll need a few things,” Braedyn said.
Red brought Braedyn to her house, which was about a 3 mile walk and got the supplies. The house definitely didn’t look like one that had been abandoned. Everything lay sprawled out in place: dishes, coats, blankets. She sifted through the cupboard where Ruby kept the candles and matches.
“ Your home, it’s very welcoming,” Braedyn said.
“ Yeah, it was really cozy” Red smiled.
“ To bad I’ll never see it again.”
“ You’ll start a new home.” Braedyn said.
Red nodded, but still doubted it would happen. She filled up a steamy pot of water and they both went outside. Braedyn set up a circle of 8 candles, him and Red separated by the pot of water in the middle.
“ your going to take the locket, hold it in your hands and while holding mine, your going to picture your mother, think about your connection with her and pretend your soul is trying to reach her.”
Red tightly laced her fingers through Braedyn’s and began by deeply exhaling. She pictured her mom in her head. Her light brown shoulder length hair, her magnificent golden eyes and her bronzed glowing skin. She recalled all the nights they sat by the fire with their tea and they would talk about what tomorrow held for the both of them. She recalled all the times her mother would say, “ I told you so” knowing she was pulling the strings that could so easily be tugged. Red imagined her soul leaving her body out on a journey to find her mom, floating everywhere at once. She thought of what her mother was currently doing right now. Suddenly she felt it, a heavy slam against her body, as if someone had just thrown a solid rock at her.
`` I know where she is,`` Braedyn said.
`` She`s by Lake Remedy; she plans on building a raft and setting off by sun rise tomorrow``
" You did it," She said, still not able to believe it herself.
" Thank you, Braedyn!" Red cried happily.
Red couldn't believe he had found her mother. She finally was no longer lost, she had a solid plan. Although she was overjoyed with the thought that her mother was safe and she was going to find her, she couldn't stop thinking about the departure from Braedyn. The first time when she heard the sound of his steps fade away was terrifying. It felt like she was in hell and an angel had just entered and was fading into the light. Now that he had come to reveal himself, all she wanted to do was to keep on digging through him to figure him out. There was something she had to know about him before they went their separate ways.
The words rambled out of her mouth
" Braedyn, there's something I got to know about you before I set out to find my mom." She paused to look at his expression, it was just like when he revealed the information his face remained tense, but there was something in his expression that softened.
“ What are you?”
His face deepened and he regarded Red with utter seriousness. He knew that when he had agreed to help Red that he would have to tell her his secret.
“ I’m a witch,” He said.
Red shivered, but it wasn’t because she was afraid, she felt delight in knowing something about him that no one else knew. He trusted her, and to Red that meant the world.
“ Who else knows?”
“ No one knows, but they’ve suspected. That was enough to drive me away.”
“ How about your family?" He bit his lip, and pain surfaced all over his face.
“ They shunned me.”
Red reached for his hand and with no hesitation his fingers wrapped around hers.
“ I would never do that,” she said, looking at him meaningfully.
“ I know,” Braedyn smiled stroking her rich dark hair. No words were said the second their feet started traveling south. Red knew now that she would not be entering the journey alone.
Lake remedy was 20 miles from their current location, they both knew they would never get there on time by feet so they decided they needed horses which were at the far end of the village where all the farm land was situated. They crossed the village at a fast pace but not a run or a jog. The most important aspect of passing through the village was blending in. Red wore a scarf covering her whole face and her hair was tied back, the only thing that revealed was her golden eyes. Braedyn needed no disguise since no one in the village was familiar with him. He gripped Red’s hand tightly feeling as if they were walking across a tight rope and could lose their balance any minute. Silence filled the air.
When they got to the edge of the town, they found a calm quiet farm with just a few horses. They climbed under the fence and when they got into the farm they let the horses sniff them so they could determine them as a friend or foe. When they found the saddle and reins they quickly tacked the two horses up leaving the other 2 to face the farmers fury in the morning.
Red and Braedyn rode their horses over the fence and got them to a gallop. Braedyn fortunately was used to moving this rapidly. For a short period of time before he had completely left his home town, he was being hunted down just as Red’s mom had. Red however was a different story she had never ridden on a horse before. Her hands held onto the horse for dear life, not planning to losen her grip anytime soon. Suddenly, Braedyn stopped and told her to hop on. Red refused to leave the horse she was on though. She loved animals and the thought of abandoning one was unbearable.
After 3 hours on foot, they were only about 5 miles from the lake when they saw people in front of them standing around discussing matters. The group had stakes in their hands and were talking about their plan of attack they were going to use on Ruby.
“ Walk very slowly,” Braedyn whispered.
Red held on very tightly to the reins and very gently with her legs urged the horse to walk on. Red was terrified, and she knew the horse could sense it. She sped up slightly wanting to get away faster out of the men’s sight. The horse, feeling the tension became nervous and tripped over a fallen tree. The men caught sight of Red and Braedyn and in a flash, recognition of Red crawled on their faces.
“ Red!” Braedyn cried forcing her to leave the horse and hop on.
“ I’ll heal it , I promise!” Her trust for Braedyn was unbreakable and with his promise in her head she dragged herself on tightly clinging on to him as he rode the horse so fast that it’s feet barely touched the ground. It felt like they were flying, and although she was terrified she felt like nothing was going to happen as long as she was beside him.
Although their horse was stealthy and fast the men’s determination was gaining up on Red and Braedyn. They shot their stakes trying to hit them. Many hit the ground and trees but one stabbed through Red’s arm. The pain was agonizing, every cell in her body burned. She screamed so loud, her piercing shriek could reach miles back. Losing her balance she flung off the horse hitting the hard solid ground. Braedyn went flying after her and forcefully removed the stake. The horse had fled from the chaos, so it was now up to their endurance to survive. Red ran so fast she couldn’t believe that her heart hadn’t stopped yet. When her feet began to slow Braedyn pulled her along as though she was as light as air.
When they finally reached the river, she did not even have to search. Her mom stood right in front of it her back to Red.
“Mom!!” Red cried, but there was no time for a reunion, they had business to take care of. The men quickly followed and their they stood, fully armed with spears and some with wooden stakes.
“ Stand back, we cause you no harm, we are leaving and will never return,” Braedyn shouted over the chaos.
A women wearing a black cloak and straight pale hair snickered “ So you can curse another village with your darkness!”
“ Not if I have a say!”
“ Please, ” Red pleaded.
“ My mom practices no magic, she just tries to make medicines to heal the sick.”
‘ it all starts with herbs and leads to temptation of other dark paths and forces, ” a man snarled.
He took a step towards Red, but Braedyn quickly threw himself in between them, and threw a few blows at his face. When the man lunged towards him he yelled “Sleep doth come nor sleep doth fright, sleep, sleep and rest thou souls tonight,” he shouted over and over again. The mob’s body started to slump and their eye lids began to droop. They tried to wake up by proceeding forward, but all it did was make them more sleepy. Eventually they all collapsed.
Red, her mother, and Braedyn sailed on the raft Ruby had crafted and ended up in a beautiful clearing with a forest where mainly pine trees dwelled. Ruby was very greatful that fate had brought Red and Braedyn to cross paths. He and Red had fallen in love on the journey to save Ruby and after that Braedyn never felt the emptiness he had felt when he fled from home. Red had filled up the hole in his heart which held the pain he had when his family sent him to fend for himself. Ruby, Braedyn and Red all worked together to build a beautiful cabin in the woods. It took 2 days of hard work and when it was finished Red and Braedyn went out to the lake for some time to themselves. They walked there quietly and sat down with their feet touching the water.
“ It’s as if all this was supposed to happen; some sort of plan orchestrated for us to meet.”
“ You saved us Braedyn,” Red said, her hand gently sweeping over his. His eyes met her with a light gleam in it, his lips lifted into a smile, but at the same time intense.
“ You saved me too, Red,” he said as his hands stroked her face which turned crimson and he drew his lips to hers.
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