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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Crime
- Published: 04/27/2013
Born 1994, M, from KARACHI, Pakistan.jpg)
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst...
A Murder and a Cop Chase
Ottawa, Wellington Towers, 8:30 pm, a tall, longhaired adult, knocks the door of an apartment wildly with an intention to kill someone. A woman on the corridor watches him fearfully and makes a phone call in panic.
8:40 pm, the cops enter at the same floor and find the apartment’s gate broken. Two cops enter inside with pistols aiming someone who might attack. In a room they find a longhaired guy murdered with a gunshot in his head and with a pistol in his own hand. One of the cops says:
‘Is it a suicide?’
‘I guess not’ replies the other by examining the dead body’s face carefully.
‘I didn’t do this’ a voice comes from behind.
The police officers turn around and see the dead body’s twin brother standing. The officers get vigilant at the brother who was alive, and one of officers claims:
‘Put your hands up!’
‘Look sir I haven’t killed my brother’
‘It’s ok you have to come with us to the police station’ the officer says getting closer.
The brother rushes outside immediately to escape from police, the cops run after him. The criminal runs faster and faster until he reaches the elevator. He enters inside the empty elevator and reaches the ground floor. As the elevator door opens, he finds four other cops aiming him with their pistols. He puts his hands forwards and gets his hands hand cuffed by the cops.
Next moment, the officers make him sit inside their vehicle, and leave for the police station.
An Interesting Case
A couple of minutes later at the detention center, the criminal is sitting on a chair inside the investigation cell with the large desk and another chair opposite to him. Police Inspector Kevin enters inside and sits on the chair opposite to the criminal, and talks face to face with him:
‘So what’s your name wild guy?’
The criminal remains silent.
‘As expected, you know something? I enjoy your sort of people’s company. You guys never speak up in the easy way, and then as usual I have to do the difficult way for you. Which means I have to persecute you guys’
The criminal angrily turns his face away.
‘But don’t worry I wouldn’t do this with you, because your case sounds interesting, a guy killed his own twin brother…wow an eye catching statement, no?’
Inspector sees his cell phone ringing. He stands up and leaves the cell. Outside the room, he sees his cops opening handcuffs of another criminal fellow. The fellow was dark skin colored and tough guy with aggressive looks. Inspector Kevin asks him:
‘So tough guy…what’s your name?’
‘Name’s George, I’m here to disclose some information’
‘Now that’s better isn’t it?’ he laughs, ‘Not for me, but for you as you won’t be persecuted by my men’
‘I have one condition before’ George replies angrily.
‘Oh really, and what is that?’
‘I should be released immediately’
‘Oh don’t worry about that’ he taunts, ‘I’ll definitely release a cunning fox from my cage, if it satisfies me with the case’
George starts with a story of a little time back:
Twin Matthew Brothers
“Two years ago, Mr. Matthew a multi millionaire had three sons, Raymond a well to do businessman and two younger twin brothers Alan and Alfred, who left their education before graduating from universities.
He never liked his twin sons, due to which before dying two years ago, he left his entire wealth and property for Raymond Matthew. But Alan and Alfred were sure that Raymond would give them some share. When they asked Raymond that they wanted 20% share from their father’s wealth, he refused and turned his back on them. He never helped his brothers since childhood, as he was always against them and wanted to achieve something greater than them.
Now the angry twin brothers left home at age of late twenties and decided to start their own lives individually, in separate homes but would remain in contact with each other.
Within next six months, Alan became a member of a cocaine supplying business. He was just an ordinary worker of their gang, which was lead by a Negro leader Jack. Alan could earn enough money to fulfill his basic necessities, and could also spend some on luxuries. He didn’t like using arms and weapons, which was actually one of the basic necessities required by their gang.
Whereas Alfred joined the contract killing business, which was under Rolf a crook serial killer, who used to assign particular tasks to his junior killers. In his gang, there were also paired groups made. I had a pair with Alfred, as we used to divide our money equally among each other. I shared an apartment with him in Wellington Towers, where we lived together.
Christina Francis
Alan was a homeless person who never had a shelter to sleep. He termed himself as a ‘Tramp’. He used to spend his days and nights roaming around in streets, and used to sleep on footpaths below stars. He was not bound for this but instead it was his desirable interest.
He wanted a peaceful life with a love in his life. He used to follow a pretty good-looking lady of his age. She was Christina Francis, a girl of higher class than him, as she was a struggling journalist and belonged to a higher-class family.
One day Alan finally decided to woo her and stop this life of being a tramp. He found her alone in a bookstore one day and seeing the perfect opportunity talked to her by standing behind her:
‘How long will you remain single?’
‘Excuse me?’ she replied turning behind getting surprised.
‘Wherever I see you, I see you without any boyfriend or date’
‘So? It’s none of your business, please go away’
‘Go away? Isn’t that a little harsh statement for your upcoming boy friend’
‘Oh God…please leave me, I’m married to someone else’
‘Don’t lie Christina Francis’
‘How come…how do you know my name?’ she asked getting surprised.
‘I know quiet a lot about you, this is the greatest thing about a being a tramp…nothing remains hidden from him’
‘Tramp? Well I’m a wild animal. You are after a wrong girl. I have made many boys cry. You’ll feel sorry for yourself one day if you make me your girl friend’
‘Well in that case I’m desperate to feel sorry for myself’
‘You’re interesting Mr. Tramp, but you can’t woo me this easily’
Saying this smilingly, she left him behind at the bookstore. Alan was sure that she was her type and decided not to leave her until she would make him his boyfriend.
Alan kept on following and wooing her for few days. And didn’t give up for her, until he would become friends with her. Within a week they finally became friends and somehow within a month fell in love. Alan didn’t hide anything from her and told her everything about his profession and ways of living. He only hid his family back ground from her and never told her about his twin brother Alfred. And whenever she asked him any such question, he only replied that he had an elder brother Raymond who was no more in touch with him.
Alfred’s Task
The other day, Alfred and I were given a task of assassinating a professor of the university within one hour. He was giving a lecture to his class and we had to do this task during his class. The professor had a brief case in which he used to carry his laptop. As he had kept that brief case in his office, so he asked one of the students to go and bring it for him.
Alfred had dressed himself as a student and secretly followed the student who had his brief case. Alfred took the brief case from him gently and told him that he would deliver it to the professor. After a couple of minutes he reached the lecture hall where the professor had his class. The professor took that brief case from him but didn’t unlock it. Alfred went quiet far and slowly escaped from the university. He stood outside and made a phone call to me,
‘Is it ready?’ I answered his phone.
‘Yes, do it now’
I pressed the button of a remote in my hand.
A huge explosive bomb blasted at the university, as that brief case had blasted. Because that brief case with the laptop was actually replaced by Alfred with the same colored brief case with the bomb planted inside it. This was entirely Alfred’s plan, who had a great mind in criminal activities.
Meanwhile at the university many ambulances and fire brigade vehicles had arrived. Therefore Alfred sat in his car and returned from the place without panicking.
Raymond follows the Tramp
Raymond was quiet curious about his brothers and still wanted to compete with them. As he came to know through his men that they were also living prosperous lives independently, he got jealous and decided to stop them by blackmailing them.
One after noon, Alan had large amount of Asian Cocaine in his bag. He was openly supplying it to some drug dealers in return of cash. This deal was taking place inside an empty and hidden street. The police and other cops were unaware of this street.
Raymond secretly recorded the entire scene in his camera, without letting anyone know.
That evening before ten o’clock, Alan was with Christina. They were sitting at a restaurant. While having dinner Christina said to him:
‘Alan I allow you to do this drug business, but once if I come to know that you also take these drugs and have become an addict, that day I’ll leave you, is that clear?’
‘No!’ he replied angrily, ‘I’ve told you many times I only supply and this is the rule of our gang that we are not supposed to take this. But my words are never clear enough to you, so are yours to me’
‘Why do you get mad whenever I talk about something to you’
‘Because you talk rubbish and useless’ he replied roughly.
‘Yeah of course, because I loved a tramp’ she taunted, ‘and by the way, what did you finally decide about our marriage?’
‘Forget it’
‘You know sometimes I feel like as if I’m wasting my time spending these moments with you’
‘So why don’t you share this feeling with everyone, I mean just give this as a headline in your newspaper, ‘A Vamp Spending Moments with a Tramp’, what do you say?’
‘Don’t call me a Vamp’ she said angrily, ‘since the day I’m with you, I’ve lost my sweetness’
‘That’s what I like about you, you’re getting wilder and wilder’
She looked at him and chuckled.
At a table next to them, Raymond was listening their conversation,
‘Alan I knew it’ he whispers to himself, ‘He had a harsh tongue at home, and it has remained like that’
Christina looked at Alan scornfully and said:
‘Don’t mind please but you’re actually just a dog in your business’
‘I know, but it’s better to be a head of a dog rather than being a tail of a lion’
‘Impressive!’ Raymond claims admiring him.
Raymond Blackmails Alan
Next morning, while Alan was making a phone call, his brother Raymond from behind suddenly interrupted him:
‘Good morning Alan!’
‘Good morning’ Alan said slowly turning behind, ‘Raymond? It’s you, what are you doing here?’
‘Why is there a problem, or are you not happy to see me?’
‘No, not at all, I was just a little surprised’
‘So what are you doing these days?’ Raymond said beginning to walk.
‘Oh I’m just a…just a…’
‘Drug dealer?’ he asked jokingly.
‘What? No what do you mean?’ Alan said confusingly.
‘So? How do you earn?’
Alan remained silent and realized that something was fishy. He felt that his brother was aware of his profession and was here for a very special purpose.
‘What are you thinking Tramp?’
‘So you know I’m a tramp. Ok I don’t want to talk for long, tell me straight, what do you want from me?’
‘Watch this video first’ he said showing him a video in his camera.
Alan saw the entire video of his last day’s drug deal and got panicked.
‘Ok ok, what do you want from me?’ he asked closing his eyes.
‘Nothing special, I just want you to give up your way of earning and live a low life which you deserve’
‘Low life? How do I earn or live, has no concern with you brother, stay out of my business’
‘You have twenty-four, ok forty-eight hours. I want you to hand over your masters to police or directly to FBI, who are looking for these drug dealers since long. Your time starts after I leave’
Saying this he left Alan and sat on his bike, and went on the opposite direction.
‘I have the right person to stop you Raymond, my time has not started, but your count down has begun’
A Task for Alfred and Confrontation of the Twins
Meanwhile outside a cinema theatre, Alfred and I were standing and having a conversation regarding the movie. During our conversation, he received a phone call, he answered:
‘Yes who is it?’
‘Alfred it’s me Alan’ Alan replied in a tensed voice.
‘Alan it’s you? I mean you sound quiet distressed’
‘Listen Alfred I need a favor from you, I’ll give you whatever amount you’ll demand’
‘Favor? What sort of?’
‘Now listen carefully, within one day I want you to kill Raymond and I want no objections’
‘Hold on hold on, you want me to murder our elder brother? What are you up to?’
‘Listen, we both said to each other that Raymond is no longer our brother and we are no more part of Matthew family’
‘Ok but I just want to know why do you want me to do this?’
‘I’ll answer all your questions once he will be dead, right now just go and assassinate him’
Alfred ended his call, and looked at me,
‘George I have a sort of task for you, which I can’t do myself’
‘You were talking about someone like an elder brother’ I said to him.
‘Yes, I want you to assassinate this person alone, and then you can keep our demanded amount’
Back at Alan’s place, he was feeling sort of relieved but still frightened with what was about to happen.
Next day at a park outside the museum, Alan was waiting since ten minutes for Alfred. He was holding a brief case with money demanded, which I demanded after assassinating Raymond in his home.
Alfred arrived after a couple of minutes in his bike, as he stopped. He kept aside his helmet and opened his hair. He went close to Alan and shook hands with him,
‘Good morning Alan! You’ve grown quiet a hair’
‘Yes you too, we are still the same, I thought you might have changed’
‘Anyways it’s really good to see you’ he said after laughing on Alan’s comment.
‘So did you get my work done?’ Alan asked feeling absurd.
‘Oh yes of course, my partner George killed him last night’
‘Good here’s your return back as much demanded’ Alfred said handing over the brief case.
‘So what’s going on at your cocaine business?’
‘It’s good but right now if it’s easy for you can I ask you for another favor?’
‘Yeah sure’
‘My girl friend Christina said if I won’t see her today, she’ll leave me forever’
‘I want you to go to her and act as me, I mean as Alan’
‘What if she recognizes me?’
‘Just show her that you are angry on something, and remain silent’
‘Ok I’ll try, where does she live?’
Alan gave him the details about her and left for his business purpose of supplying cocaine to new customers of their deal”.
Raymond’s Murderer
As George stops narrating the story, Inspector Kevin stands up and after walking for a while asks him:
‘So you murdered Raymond?’
‘No, Alfred did it. He kept this thing as a secret from Alan and told me to tell everyone that I had murdered him’
‘Oh any special reason?’
‘Maybe he didn’t want Alan to think of Alfred being a danger to family’
‘But the family was already broken, anyways what happened next?’
‘Hold on’ he interrupts George looking at one of the cops, ‘Take Raymond’s murderer to the lock up and keep him awakened, full night’
‘Sir how come you guessed that this guy is Alfred?’ George says pretending to be serious.
Moments later, the criminal is sitting inside the locked up cell. He is planning his escape until Inspector Kevin arrives with a cop and says to him:
‘That guy George is big fool, while telling the story he admitted his crime of making the bomb blast at the university’
‘Oh yeah, so?’
‘So what? We’ll arrest him what else’
Saying this he looks at the criminal guy.
‘So a hit man no? How much salary Rolf gives you’
‘Rolf? I don’t know any guy Rolf’
‘You don’t’ he laughs, ‘so you’ve left your serial killing business, and your boss Rolf?’
‘My boss is not Rolf, I work for Jack the cocaine supplier’
‘Wait a minute, you are not Alfred are you?’ he asks getting astonished.
‘Alfred’s dead, you saw him’
‘So you’re not Raymond’s murderer? We are actually up to arrest that criminal’
‘Raymond was murdered on my order, so no matter if Alfred did it or his partner, I’m the criminal’
‘Don’t teach me law, tell me why did you kill Alfred?’ Saying this he looks at the cop standing behind, ‘Go and bring George, I have some questions to ask’
‘Yes sir!’ the cop says leaving the lock up cell.
‘So tell me what happened after you ordered Alfred to go and act as yourself in front of Christina’
So Alan getting more frustrated starts narrating a story of a week ago:
Unexpected News
“I always knew that coming up events cast their shadows before, but this time there was no fire before the smoke was seen. Two months after my confrontation with Alfred, something happened which I didn’t expect to happen. I was returning to Christina at her home. She used to live with her maid in her pent house. She often persuaded me to live with her, under a roof. But I used to enjoy living as a Tramp.
As I reached her home, I rang her bell. She came outside and angrily said:
‘Now what do you want?’
‘Are you still mad at me?’ I said moving inside.
She got angrier and stopped me. She tried to push me outside.
‘What’s wrong with you Christi?’ I said angrily resisting my arm.
‘Why are you here? We broke up, remember?’
‘Broke up? Are you out of your senses?’
She angrily slapped me and yelled:
‘Get out right now! I don’t ever want to see you again’
Then I also got angrier and exclaimed in heavy voice:
‘What the hell is wrong with you today? Why are you acting as if you are an insane?’
‘I also asked the similar question, last day when we broke up’
‘Last day?’ I asked realizing something, ‘Which day are you talking about’
‘The day you fought Eddie’
‘Your brother Eddie?’ I asked realizing at once that Alfred had created the problem, ‘I’m sorry can you tell me what happened that day’
‘Excuse me? Now you’re acting as if you don’t know anything, right?’
‘Actually Christina I was drunk’ I lied pretending to be serious, ‘Really, trust me, I don’t remember anything about that day. My friends gave me too much alcohol that day that I was really out of mind’
‘Now that makes sense’ she said believing me.
‘So what happened that day?’
‘That day when you entered home, you were acting as if you knew nothing about me. You were looking at me as you never saw me before. My brother Eddie was already home that day, and he secretly said to me that you weren’t actually drunk, but you were acting like this on purpose. I sort of believed him. Perhaps you over heard us and started talking rubbish about us’
‘Oh no’ I whispered getting angry on Alfred.
‘When I tried to stop you, you started abusing me and said dirty talks about us. Eddie got angrier and began to fight, but you just broke his arm with one hard kick. I began to cry and asked you the question, which you did earlier right now. And then you said ‘let’s break up’ and saying this you left my home’
‘Unbelievable man!’ I said getting angrier than ever, ‘So Alfred, I mean I got your brother injured and destroyed our relationship myself’
‘Yes and I hate you for that, and I have decided that we’re not re-uniting ever’
‘There’s a lot explanation I have to give you regarding the secret behind that day. You’re unaware of a big fact, but in short I swear upon God that I haven’t done any harm to your brother’
After hearing this, she got a little confused. And I left her home immediately losing my temper.
My Intention to Murder
Finally I decided to kill Alfred and do nothing else. I was intended to murder him secretly in his apartment. I used to think that Raymond was the worst person I knew, but Alfred almost changed my judgment with one incident. Although this matter could be resolved any other way, but my hot temper only forced me to kill him for creating a chaos at my girl friend’s home.
Earlier today at evening, I went to my Boss Jack and took his sharp dagger from a desk, where he used to play cards. He was standing by the table’s side and he said to me:
‘You were always frightened of committing murders, today you seem to be over coming your fear’
‘Some treacherous incidents even turn angels into devils’
‘I agree, a personality can never be judged by clothes, right?’
‘But those clothes cannot save that person from upcoming danger’ I replied firmly.
‘Take this’ he said giving me his gun, ‘This dagger’s speed is not as much faster as that of a bullet’
‘Thanks’ I said taking the pistol.
I left the garage, which was our home place or sort of an office. I went on foot to the Wellington tower and decided to murder my brother.
8:30 sharp, I was standing outside his apartment, knocking his door wildly. Some people were panicked seeing me. I was getting angrier as I knew that he was inside and not opening because of my fear. So I just kicked the door hardly more than seven times due to which the door lock broke. I went inside breaking it further and yelled:
‘Alfred where are you?! Come out…’
There was no answer for five minutes. After that, I looked around and saw his dead body lying in a room, with a gunshot on head and a pistol in hand. I realized that it was actually a suicide. So getting scared without thinking of anything I threw my pistol outside. I was quiet surprised and confused thinking why he had shot himself”.
Inspector Kevin keeps a Condition
Alan stops telling the story and looks outside towards cops bringing George inside the cell. The inspector asks George to stand with Alan. Then he looks at Alan and says:
‘Are you sure this was a suicide?’
‘Yes this was a suicide I guarantee, or at least I swear I didn’t kill him’
‘So Mr. George?’ he says looking at George, ‘You lied to us, this one is not Alfred’
‘No he is he is’ George lies.
‘Ok we know he’s not, but right now I have some conditions for both of you’
‘In return of?’ Alan asks.
‘Now listen to me care fully, Ottawa is a city of peace, crime doesn’t take place so often here…so if you two won’t cooperate with us, then crime rate here will increase. So coming to the point, I want you Alan to help us arrest your boss Mr. Jack, we have to arrest him. If you’ll do this, I’ll forgive your crime of Raymond’s murder which was actually your plan and secondly I’ll give you a job in return’
‘Wait a second wait a second’ George interrupts surprisingly, ‘a job in prison, do people get a job in prisons’
‘He’s not going in jail. I mean he didn’t murder Alfred. He’s not a criminal according to law. Alfred committed a suicide’
‘Suicide? Sir please can I make a phone call’ George says
‘Give him his cell phone’ Inspector orders his cop.
As the cop takes out his cell phone, George snatches it and immediately calls someone, he whispers in a phone call:
‘They’ve figured out that he is not Alfred’
‘No problem I have a plan B’ someone replies.
‘What about my escape?’
‘Don’t worry I’ll let you out’
His call ends, he deletes the number from the call log. He gives his cell phone to the cop and looks at the Inspector,
‘Ok what do you want from me?’
‘The serial killer Rolf, I’ll give you amnesty from your previous crimes’ he lies.
‘…Ok’ he says after thinking for a while.
‘Good we’ll start this mission tomorrow’
He leaves the cell with his cops with Alan and George in their custody.
The Crossfire
Next morning at eight o’ clock, Inspector Kevin, Alan and George leave the police station in a police vehicle along with four other police vans. Someone mysterious in a black tinted car follows them from behind.
Moments later, they reach the spot lead by George. They see small villa, where there were two guards standing outside with their arms. As the guards see the police force, they begin gunfire on their vehicles. The cops open the doors and shower their bullets on them. Both the guards die, with gunshots.
The serial killer Rolf sees them from his window secretly, and makes a phone call to his men.
Meanwhile at the police station, one of the cops who had kept Alfred’s cell phone and other documents regarding their business from his apartment sees Alfred’s cell phone ringing. He receives the call and hears Rolf’s voice:
‘Alfred get here at my home immediately, the police force is attacking my house’
As he ends his call, the police cop understands that Rolf was calling his gang to attack the police officers. So he decides to inform Inspector Kevin about this.
Moments later outside Rolf’s Villa, Inspector Kevin after getting report about their gang’s attack spreads his police force at different positions from where attack was possible.
Two of the police officers see two bikes with two men each and one jeep with six men. Both the police officers boldly shoot all the men at bikes. The jeep rushes fast towards them, but while they are shooting towards it’s front, they shoot the driver due to which, the jeep goes to a wrong direction and after crashing a pole, it turns upside down and all the gangsters inside get injured.
From the opposite direction, two more gangs come on separate cars with three men each. The sharp shooters inside shower bullets on police vehicles. All the cops aim them and start firing on them with their pistols. Both the gangsters and some police officers get shot and die.
Meanwhile during the crossfire, George looks behind and sees a black vehicle waiting quiet afar. Seeing the opportunity, he escapes from the police vehicle and runs behind, but is suddenly stopped by Alan who grabs his shirt from behind. George gives him a blow on face, but he still doesn’t lets him go. Inspector Kevin turns behind and sees them. George then kicks Alan on waist and runs away fast towards that car and sits inside. Alan fells and realizes that he was running with Rolf’s other hit men.
When all the gangsters are shot dead or injured, Inspector Kevin goes inside the villa with other police officers, and finally arrests Rolf.
Alan Explains Christina
Next day outside a private clinic of a gynecologist, Christina is standing outside who has just done an abortion of her child. She receives a call from Alan, which she answers angrily:
‘Hello Alan!’
‘Christina, where are you? I need to see you right now on the spot’
‘I’m going home, reach there immediately’
‘Ok but where are you now?’
‘Good news for you, your child has been murdered’
‘Oh thank goodness’ he sighs in relief.
She ends the call and angrily calls a taxi. She leaves on the taxi and reaches her home within few minutes.
While she reaches home, she sees two police vehicles parked outside her home and waiting for her. Alan steps out from one of the vehicles and runs towards her,
‘Christina Christina, there’s a lot I have to tell you but right now…’
‘…Right now you’re going to listen’ she interrupts, ‘I’ve been visiting these hospitals and clinics since a week and you have just switched off your cell phone, and being a criminal you’re found here with police, what’s going on? Would you mind telling me by now?’
‘Ok shut up shut up’, he’s says getting irritated, ‘I’m explaining…I’ve been hiding this from you since the day we met, Alfred was my twin brother, he had killed our elder brother Raymond on my order. And then he was ordered to act as a substitute in front of you, of becoming myself. That day the guy who fought your brother was not I, neither he was anyone drunk. He was actually my brother Alfred, who habitually fought you and Eddie, which resulted in our break up’
‘Hold on hold on!’ she claims getting confused, ‘You mean the guy who fought my brother and me was your twin brother Alfred? How can I believe this new story right now’
‘I have a proof for this’ he says taking out a picture from his pocket and showing it to her, ‘see…now do you believe me? We both brothers were like this few years back’
‘Oh boy…then what?’
‘Then I decided to take revenge by killing him. I went to his home with an intention to kill him. But as I entered inside, he had already committed a suicide. And all the fuss was created when the police arrived and considered me to be the killer’
‘So are you still in their custody?’
‘Only till I give them my boss Mr. Jack’
‘So they are letting you go even though they claim you to be a murderer’
‘No, actually I’ve told them the real story, they are accepting it only on behalf of Mr. Jack, getting alive. If I do this much for them they won’t demand any proof for not committing the murder’
‘Oh come on just try my idea, kill the inspector and escape with me somewhere outside Ottawa’
‘One should not bite the hand that feeds him, if I murder him then instead of getting an amnesty I would definitely be imprisoned because I’m not so smart in double-crossing the police’
‘Ok, so tell me once you hand over your boss, you won’t have any occupation for money’
‘No, Inspector Kevin has promised me that he would offer me a job against this’
‘I think they are offering you too much against handing over just one person’
‘Ok Christina, now I’m leaving, just hope for my return’
‘I always hope for the best but I prepare for worst’
‘But not this time’
Saying this he immediately leaves her, and sits inside the police vehicle with Inspector Kevin.
A Fatal Encounter
Early at evening, Mr. Jack is sitting in a double cabin wagon with his driver. Their vehicle has quiet a large amount of Cocaine loaded on its second cabin. Their vehicle is standing outside their garage. His driver says to him:
‘Sir you’re about to earn a lot of money from your upcoming deals’
‘No, you can not count your chickens until they are hatched’
‘Yes but you’ve been in this business since five years and you haven’t been caught. All of your employees are very faithful, don’t you think?’
‘Don’t forget all that glitters is not gold’ Jack says smartly.
‘I didn’t get you’
‘What I mean is that every thing is not like what it appears to be. People say that what they hear can be a lie but what they see is clearly a truth. This is where they are doing a blunder, because other than words and statements appearances can also be deceptive’
‘Really? So you mean there is someone as a rat for police in your department?’
‘Yes and unfortunately for him, I know who he is…it’s Alan’
‘Alan how come?’
‘I kept Rocky behind him to keep an eye on him, and Rocky told me that he is under police custody’
‘So does this mean we all are in danger?’
‘Definitely and it’s time for war now’
Within a minute, Mr. Jack orders all his men to prepare for a war, as police was about to reach them.
An hour later, Inspector Kevin and Alan reach with their team to Mr. Jack’s secret hideout and their officers start taking different positions. One of the teams of cops drives their vehicle close to their garage. But all of sudden, a grenade is thrown by someone that the explosion blasts their whole vehicle that it flies away to a greater height.
Inspector Kevin and other cops pick out larger weapons such as machine guns and attack them with non-stop consecutive bullets. During that cross fire Inspector Kevin takes out a heavy weapon and keeps it before Alan. Alan examines it carefully and finds out it was bazooka.
Meanwhile, a little distance away from the cross fire, George is standing against the black vehicle and enjoying the scene as a T.V. show. After a while he sits inside the vehicle with a mysterious person and they drive away.
Most of Mr. Jack’s men die but he himself secretly escapes from the place and decides to avenge Alan at some other time when he would be found alone. Many of the police officers also die in this war like crossfire, and Alan finally picks up the bazooka and blasts the entire garage with just one shot.
George Calls
A couple of hours later, Inspector Kevin and Alan arrive near Christina’s home in their half broken vehicle. Alan steps out and looks at Kevin,
‘We had a deal, I got both of your criminals arrested or killed’
‘Yes thank you for your co-operation, now according to our deal you can join that pharmaceutical store from next week as your new job’
‘Sir you didn’t get Jack’
‘Don’t worry I’m sure he’s dead in that blast, which you did at the garage’
‘Honestly sir now I realize that I’m no more a tramp, but have been transformed into a scamp’
‘Scamp? You mean a troublemaker’
‘Yes wherever I go, like I created trouble at Alfred’s apartment and then I went to a serial killer Rolf’s place and created trouble outside destroying lives. The same happened at Mr. Jack’s hideout, an easily resolvable case solved in a fatal encounter. I created an explosion’
‘There’s nothing wrong with becoming a scamp’ Inspector laughs, ‘you didn’t created trouble; it was the police and those criminals. And secondly being a scamp is a progress for a guy like you’
‘Thanks’ he smiles.
Alan shakes hands with him and leaves him advancing towards Christina’s house. The police vehicle leaves him and moves to an opposite direction.
He knocks the house’ door, no one comes out. He keeps on knocking wildly for five minutes and no one comes out. He angrily breaks the door lock by kicking it wildly and enters inside. As he enters inside, he finds a dead body of her maid with blood all over on her face. He takes out his cell phone and calls Christina in panic. As the call is answered, a familiar voice replies:
‘Hello Alan, we’ve been waiting for your call’
‘Hey you are the guy who worked for…George! What are you doing? Where’s Christina?’
‘She’s right here next to my pistol’
‘Listen George I know I had done a loss to your business, please don’t harm her. What do you want from me’
‘I’ll text you an address, reach there tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock. And yes this time come alone not in police custody’
George ends the call. Alan gets alert, as he knew something was about to happen.
He receives a text message in his cell phone. He walks alone at home for a while and says to himself:
‘George a hungry dog of my twin brother is asking me to come alone without any valuable sum of money. There is something fishy about this phone call, I can bet someone else is behind this’
Then he prepares for an upcoming rescue mission. He finds his pistol in her closet, which he had kept in her home for her security purpose.
Unexpected Rival
Next day, Alan arrives at the address on the perfect time. The place was a deep underground basement of a public library. As he descends down the stairs, he finds the place totally dark with no lights. He walks around and keeps his pistol in his hand.
All of sudden, the blue lights turn on. He gets alert and looks around where he finds George standing in front of him. He looks at him pretending to be calm,
‘Look George, we both can deal with our matter ourselves, let Christina go’
‘Alan today you’ll see someone new and unexpected, who is actually your real rival behind every task’
‘Whom are you talking about?’
‘About me!’ a familiar voice replies from behind.
Alan turns around and sees his elder brother Raymond standing in black clothes and with a little beard grown. Alan gets more shocked than ever and feels like a heavy thunderbolt in front of him.
‘You’re alive? But Alfred and this guy killed you, no?’
‘Alfred killed me? What a joke’ he taunts, ‘I will tell you a true joke to laugh on’
‘What sort of a joke?’
‘The day you and Alfred confronted each other in order to get me killed, I learnt about my murder task from my personal security guard whom I had kept following you, so that I could get reported of your each and every move…Then after a little time, George came to murder me but I gave him a word that I would give him three times more sum of money than you were giving him, only if he would help me kill both of my twin brothers. Now I wanted an unusual way to get you arrested by the police, and Alfred made my work easy by spending a day with your girl friend, breaking up with her and by fighting her brother, enforcing you to kill him. Another evening at 8:00 sharp, I went to Alfred’s home, thanked him and shot him on his forehead. After killing him, I kept that pistol in his hand and at sharp 8:20 I left his apartment’s building’.
‘Unbelievable man!’ Alan says touching his forehead, ‘so I thought that it was Alfred who was behind your death, but actually you were behind his murder. So did he knew that George had double-crossed him’
‘The last thing he came to know before his death was about this betrayal. Ok then, I told George to get arrested by that Inspector if he arrests you, which actually happened and then narrate them the true story of both the twin brothers. The main purpose was to make them believe that you were actually Alfred. This plan failed, so I decided to go for plan B which was to kidnap your girl friend and then take the perfect revenge’
‘You’re a very cunning animal’ Alan sighs, ‘I appreciate your intelligence. Anyways what do you want from me?’
‘I want your dead body, I didn’t wanted this, I just wanted my brothers to give up their bad work. But they didn’t agree and instead turned on me so I decided to…’
‘…Shut up!’ Alan interrupts calmly, ‘You didn’t wanted us to give up the bad work, you only wanted us to live a distressed and miserable life without earnings and luxuriousness. You were jealous’
‘You know you are a very good observer because you’re absolutely right’
‘So you were following me since long even before I met Christina and knew that I was a tramp, and so turned me into a scamp’
‘Alan!’ George calls him from behind.
Alan turns around and sees Christina tied up with ropes and lying on ground with George aiming his pistol on her forehead. He gets angrier but remains calm and looks towards Raymond.
The Brothers Wrestle
‘Raymond, I know you can kill me very easily, but I suggest you to make it a little interesting. You know what I mean, let’s just give me a chance, you fight with me and if I win I’ll go out safely after killing George’
‘Hey!’ George exclaims from behind.
‘And if I loose you can do whatever you want to do with me and Christina, what do you say?’
‘What do you mean by what he says?’ George yells angrily.
‘Shut up George’ Raymond replies, ‘I like his suggestion’.
‘Ok good, now to win this fight, the player has to break any body joint of his opponent’s body, like his elbow or knee. Use of weapons is allowed’
‘Oh you sound tough, someone’s going to cry today’
‘Let’s begin on’ Alan says taking off his shirt.
‘You’ve got biceps and triceps, but you’re slim unlike me’
‘Shall we?’
‘Match begins now!’ exclaiming this Raymond kicks his chest.
Alan fells on ground, but stands up with a back flip and punches Alan hard on his left eye. Raymond gets back and is about to fall, but manages to stand. Alan jumps higher till Raymond’s chest and hits him on his head with his elbow.
As Raymond fells, George gets angrier and thinks of shooting Alan, but stops and watches Raymond bleeding from head. Raymond stands up aggressively and hits Alan on his face with his own hand. Then he punches him thrice wildly on his left cheek. Alan gets a little weaker and fells.
George drags a chair close to Raymond. Raymond puts Alan’s right foot on the chair that his leg gets straight. He keeps his foot on his knee and decides to break it. All of sudden, Raymond’s other leg is kicked by Alan’s left foot. Raymond fells, and Alan stands up. As he stands up, he first pushes away George and then kicks Raymond on his face. He grabs him from his shirt and beats him till he gets more injured.
Meanwhile George rushes towards Christina and aims her with his pistol. Alan runs after him and pushes him that he fells on ground. Alan quickly unties Christina and makes her run towards the exit. He picks up George’s pistol and walks towards Raymond, where he shoots him on his both knees. Raymond cries out in pain.
‘I told you, use of weapons is allowed’
As he says this, Raymond’s two hit men come in front of Alan and aim him with their pistols.
‘Put your hands up’ Raymond orders him in pain.
Alan angrily throws away his pistol, and puts his hands on his head.
All of sudden, some police officers enter inside the room from where Christina was entering and start showering bullets on them. Another cross fire takes place, but during this cross fire, Alan runs and picks up his pistol and targets his brother from a little distance. Then he stops and goes near to him where he was lying. Saving himself from bullets, he goes nearer and says to Raymond:
‘I can kill you now as easily as a hunter can hunt animals. But I won’t do that, because we’re the same blood and if I shoot you, then there would be no difference between you and me…So I’ll let you go in police custody which is your actual place, good bye’
Saying this he kicks him badly on face. Alan escapes the place and runs towards exit.
Christina sees someone running towards her, but because of the smoke and dusty atmosphere she can’t see him properly. So she calls him:
‘Come on Alan let’s go!’
As she says this, she sees him getting shot from someone behind her. As she turns around it was Mr. Jack. She realizes he had avenged her boy friend by killing him. So instead of running towards the dead body she runs away on the staircase. Where she sees Inspector Kevin entering inside. She keeps on running weeping out thinking about Alan shot dead. Whereas Inspector Kevin reaches the last step of the stairs, Jack aims him with his pistol from behind and says:
‘Coming events cast their shadows before, which you should have observed while the girl was running’
‘That running girl once told me’ Alan says from behind aiming his head with his pistol, ‘hope for the best, but prepare for worst’
‘You’re alive Alan?’ he asks angrily getting surprised.
‘Unfortunate for you, the guy you shot was George not me’
He shoots Mr. Jack on his forehead.
‘Thanks for saving me but right now you must leave, this is police operation’
Alan slowly walks away, seeing the crime world for the last time, waving it good-bye.
Next day, while Christina was packing her bags and stuff weeping since morning, a doorbell rang outside her home. She wiped off her tears and went towards the gate. As she opened the gate, it was Inspector Kevin. He said to her:
‘Good morning Ma’am’
‘Yes how can I…’
‘There’s someone who wants to meet you’
‘Who is it?’
‘The wild scamp!’ Alan exclaims interfering them from Inspector’s left side.
‘Alan you’re alive?’ Christina asks happily getting astonished, ‘I knew it, I swear to God, I had a doubt’
‘Your sixth sense was right’
‘I know someone else might have been shot, but look at you Alan you’re looking so weird, with bandages all over on your face’
‘Identity of a scamp, this time I’m proud of being a scamp’
‘Scamp? A trouble maker?’
‘Yes ma’am’ Inspector says to her, ‘a scamp is someone who creates trouble wherever he goes, but he is a special scamp because wherever he creates trouble, he comes back alive with success, which is a very rear case’
‘Anyways sir it was a nice adventure with you’ Alan says to him, ‘Thank you for the job, now we can live individually. And if you need me please ask for help without hesitation’
They both shake hands, and Inspector Kevin leaves.
* * * * *
Alan and Christina soon get married. Alan for the first time earns his livelihood with drugs but legal according to laws of his country. And now they never had a chance to deal with the crime world because Alan now was neither a tramp nor a scamp, but a sort of lamp for patients.
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst...
A Murder and a Cop Chase
Ottawa, Wellington Towers, 8:30 pm, a tall, longhaired adult, knocks the door of an apartment wildly with an intention to kill someone. A woman on the corridor watches him fearfully and makes a phone call in panic.
8:40 pm, the cops enter at the same floor and find the apartment’s gate broken. Two cops enter inside with pistols aiming someone who might attack. In a room they find a longhaired guy murdered with a gunshot in his head and with a pistol in his own hand. One of the cops says:
‘Is it a suicide?’
‘I guess not’ replies the other by examining the dead body’s face carefully.
‘I didn’t do this’ a voice comes from behind.
The police officers turn around and see the dead body’s twin brother standing. The officers get vigilant at the brother who was alive, and one of officers claims:
‘Put your hands up!’
‘Look sir I haven’t killed my brother’
‘It’s ok you have to come with us to the police station’ the officer says getting closer.
The brother rushes outside immediately to escape from police, the cops run after him. The criminal runs faster and faster until he reaches the elevator. He enters inside the empty elevator and reaches the ground floor. As the elevator door opens, he finds four other cops aiming him with their pistols. He puts his hands forwards and gets his hands hand cuffed by the cops.
Next moment, the officers make him sit inside their vehicle, and leave for the police station.
An Interesting Case
A couple of minutes later at the detention center, the criminal is sitting on a chair inside the investigation cell with the large desk and another chair opposite to him. Police Inspector Kevin enters inside and sits on the chair opposite to the criminal, and talks face to face with him:
‘So what’s your name wild guy?’
The criminal remains silent.
‘As expected, you know something? I enjoy your sort of people’s company. You guys never speak up in the easy way, and then as usual I have to do the difficult way for you. Which means I have to persecute you guys’
The criminal angrily turns his face away.
‘But don’t worry I wouldn’t do this with you, because your case sounds interesting, a guy killed his own twin brother…wow an eye catching statement, no?’
Inspector sees his cell phone ringing. He stands up and leaves the cell. Outside the room, he sees his cops opening handcuffs of another criminal fellow. The fellow was dark skin colored and tough guy with aggressive looks. Inspector Kevin asks him:
‘So tough guy…what’s your name?’
‘Name’s George, I’m here to disclose some information’
‘Now that’s better isn’t it?’ he laughs, ‘Not for me, but for you as you won’t be persecuted by my men’
‘I have one condition before’ George replies angrily.
‘Oh really, and what is that?’
‘I should be released immediately’
‘Oh don’t worry about that’ he taunts, ‘I’ll definitely release a cunning fox from my cage, if it satisfies me with the case’
George starts with a story of a little time back:
Twin Matthew Brothers
“Two years ago, Mr. Matthew a multi millionaire had three sons, Raymond a well to do businessman and two younger twin brothers Alan and Alfred, who left their education before graduating from universities.
He never liked his twin sons, due to which before dying two years ago, he left his entire wealth and property for Raymond Matthew. But Alan and Alfred were sure that Raymond would give them some share. When they asked Raymond that they wanted 20% share from their father’s wealth, he refused and turned his back on them. He never helped his brothers since childhood, as he was always against them and wanted to achieve something greater than them.
Now the angry twin brothers left home at age of late twenties and decided to start their own lives individually, in separate homes but would remain in contact with each other.
Within next six months, Alan became a member of a cocaine supplying business. He was just an ordinary worker of their gang, which was lead by a Negro leader Jack. Alan could earn enough money to fulfill his basic necessities, and could also spend some on luxuries. He didn’t like using arms and weapons, which was actually one of the basic necessities required by their gang.
Whereas Alfred joined the contract killing business, which was under Rolf a crook serial killer, who used to assign particular tasks to his junior killers. In his gang, there were also paired groups made. I had a pair with Alfred, as we used to divide our money equally among each other. I shared an apartment with him in Wellington Towers, where we lived together.
Christina Francis
Alan was a homeless person who never had a shelter to sleep. He termed himself as a ‘Tramp’. He used to spend his days and nights roaming around in streets, and used to sleep on footpaths below stars. He was not bound for this but instead it was his desirable interest.
He wanted a peaceful life with a love in his life. He used to follow a pretty good-looking lady of his age. She was Christina Francis, a girl of higher class than him, as she was a struggling journalist and belonged to a higher-class family.
One day Alan finally decided to woo her and stop this life of being a tramp. He found her alone in a bookstore one day and seeing the perfect opportunity talked to her by standing behind her:
‘How long will you remain single?’
‘Excuse me?’ she replied turning behind getting surprised.
‘Wherever I see you, I see you without any boyfriend or date’
‘So? It’s none of your business, please go away’
‘Go away? Isn’t that a little harsh statement for your upcoming boy friend’
‘Oh God…please leave me, I’m married to someone else’
‘Don’t lie Christina Francis’
‘How come…how do you know my name?’ she asked getting surprised.
‘I know quiet a lot about you, this is the greatest thing about a being a tramp…nothing remains hidden from him’
‘Tramp? Well I’m a wild animal. You are after a wrong girl. I have made many boys cry. You’ll feel sorry for yourself one day if you make me your girl friend’
‘Well in that case I’m desperate to feel sorry for myself’
‘You’re interesting Mr. Tramp, but you can’t woo me this easily’
Saying this smilingly, she left him behind at the bookstore. Alan was sure that she was her type and decided not to leave her until she would make him his boyfriend.
Alan kept on following and wooing her for few days. And didn’t give up for her, until he would become friends with her. Within a week they finally became friends and somehow within a month fell in love. Alan didn’t hide anything from her and told her everything about his profession and ways of living. He only hid his family back ground from her and never told her about his twin brother Alfred. And whenever she asked him any such question, he only replied that he had an elder brother Raymond who was no more in touch with him.
Alfred’s Task
The other day, Alfred and I were given a task of assassinating a professor of the university within one hour. He was giving a lecture to his class and we had to do this task during his class. The professor had a brief case in which he used to carry his laptop. As he had kept that brief case in his office, so he asked one of the students to go and bring it for him.
Alfred had dressed himself as a student and secretly followed the student who had his brief case. Alfred took the brief case from him gently and told him that he would deliver it to the professor. After a couple of minutes he reached the lecture hall where the professor had his class. The professor took that brief case from him but didn’t unlock it. Alfred went quiet far and slowly escaped from the university. He stood outside and made a phone call to me,
‘Is it ready?’ I answered his phone.
‘Yes, do it now’
I pressed the button of a remote in my hand.
A huge explosive bomb blasted at the university, as that brief case had blasted. Because that brief case with the laptop was actually replaced by Alfred with the same colored brief case with the bomb planted inside it. This was entirely Alfred’s plan, who had a great mind in criminal activities.
Meanwhile at the university many ambulances and fire brigade vehicles had arrived. Therefore Alfred sat in his car and returned from the place without panicking.
Raymond follows the Tramp
Raymond was quiet curious about his brothers and still wanted to compete with them. As he came to know through his men that they were also living prosperous lives independently, he got jealous and decided to stop them by blackmailing them.
One after noon, Alan had large amount of Asian Cocaine in his bag. He was openly supplying it to some drug dealers in return of cash. This deal was taking place inside an empty and hidden street. The police and other cops were unaware of this street.
Raymond secretly recorded the entire scene in his camera, without letting anyone know.
That evening before ten o’clock, Alan was with Christina. They were sitting at a restaurant. While having dinner Christina said to him:
‘Alan I allow you to do this drug business, but once if I come to know that you also take these drugs and have become an addict, that day I’ll leave you, is that clear?’
‘No!’ he replied angrily, ‘I’ve told you many times I only supply and this is the rule of our gang that we are not supposed to take this. But my words are never clear enough to you, so are yours to me’
‘Why do you get mad whenever I talk about something to you’
‘Because you talk rubbish and useless’ he replied roughly.
‘Yeah of course, because I loved a tramp’ she taunted, ‘and by the way, what did you finally decide about our marriage?’
‘Forget it’
‘You know sometimes I feel like as if I’m wasting my time spending these moments with you’
‘So why don’t you share this feeling with everyone, I mean just give this as a headline in your newspaper, ‘A Vamp Spending Moments with a Tramp’, what do you say?’
‘Don’t call me a Vamp’ she said angrily, ‘since the day I’m with you, I’ve lost my sweetness’
‘That’s what I like about you, you’re getting wilder and wilder’
She looked at him and chuckled.
At a table next to them, Raymond was listening their conversation,
‘Alan I knew it’ he whispers to himself, ‘He had a harsh tongue at home, and it has remained like that’
Christina looked at Alan scornfully and said:
‘Don’t mind please but you’re actually just a dog in your business’
‘I know, but it’s better to be a head of a dog rather than being a tail of a lion’
‘Impressive!’ Raymond claims admiring him.
Raymond Blackmails Alan
Next morning, while Alan was making a phone call, his brother Raymond from behind suddenly interrupted him:
‘Good morning Alan!’
‘Good morning’ Alan said slowly turning behind, ‘Raymond? It’s you, what are you doing here?’
‘Why is there a problem, or are you not happy to see me?’
‘No, not at all, I was just a little surprised’
‘So what are you doing these days?’ Raymond said beginning to walk.
‘Oh I’m just a…just a…’
‘Drug dealer?’ he asked jokingly.
‘What? No what do you mean?’ Alan said confusingly.
‘So? How do you earn?’
Alan remained silent and realized that something was fishy. He felt that his brother was aware of his profession and was here for a very special purpose.
‘What are you thinking Tramp?’
‘So you know I’m a tramp. Ok I don’t want to talk for long, tell me straight, what do you want from me?’
‘Watch this video first’ he said showing him a video in his camera.
Alan saw the entire video of his last day’s drug deal and got panicked.
‘Ok ok, what do you want from me?’ he asked closing his eyes.
‘Nothing special, I just want you to give up your way of earning and live a low life which you deserve’
‘Low life? How do I earn or live, has no concern with you brother, stay out of my business’
‘You have twenty-four, ok forty-eight hours. I want you to hand over your masters to police or directly to FBI, who are looking for these drug dealers since long. Your time starts after I leave’
Saying this he left Alan and sat on his bike, and went on the opposite direction.
‘I have the right person to stop you Raymond, my time has not started, but your count down has begun’
A Task for Alfred and Confrontation of the Twins
Meanwhile outside a cinema theatre, Alfred and I were standing and having a conversation regarding the movie. During our conversation, he received a phone call, he answered:
‘Yes who is it?’
‘Alfred it’s me Alan’ Alan replied in a tensed voice.
‘Alan it’s you? I mean you sound quiet distressed’
‘Listen Alfred I need a favor from you, I’ll give you whatever amount you’ll demand’
‘Favor? What sort of?’
‘Now listen carefully, within one day I want you to kill Raymond and I want no objections’
‘Hold on hold on, you want me to murder our elder brother? What are you up to?’
‘Listen, we both said to each other that Raymond is no longer our brother and we are no more part of Matthew family’
‘Ok but I just want to know why do you want me to do this?’
‘I’ll answer all your questions once he will be dead, right now just go and assassinate him’
Alfred ended his call, and looked at me,
‘George I have a sort of task for you, which I can’t do myself’
‘You were talking about someone like an elder brother’ I said to him.
‘Yes, I want you to assassinate this person alone, and then you can keep our demanded amount’
Back at Alan’s place, he was feeling sort of relieved but still frightened with what was about to happen.
Next day at a park outside the museum, Alan was waiting since ten minutes for Alfred. He was holding a brief case with money demanded, which I demanded after assassinating Raymond in his home.
Alfred arrived after a couple of minutes in his bike, as he stopped. He kept aside his helmet and opened his hair. He went close to Alan and shook hands with him,
‘Good morning Alan! You’ve grown quiet a hair’
‘Yes you too, we are still the same, I thought you might have changed’
‘Anyways it’s really good to see you’ he said after laughing on Alan’s comment.
‘So did you get my work done?’ Alan asked feeling absurd.
‘Oh yes of course, my partner George killed him last night’
‘Good here’s your return back as much demanded’ Alfred said handing over the brief case.
‘So what’s going on at your cocaine business?’
‘It’s good but right now if it’s easy for you can I ask you for another favor?’
‘Yeah sure’
‘My girl friend Christina said if I won’t see her today, she’ll leave me forever’
‘I want you to go to her and act as me, I mean as Alan’
‘What if she recognizes me?’
‘Just show her that you are angry on something, and remain silent’
‘Ok I’ll try, where does she live?’
Alan gave him the details about her and left for his business purpose of supplying cocaine to new customers of their deal”.
Raymond’s Murderer
As George stops narrating the story, Inspector Kevin stands up and after walking for a while asks him:
‘So you murdered Raymond?’
‘No, Alfred did it. He kept this thing as a secret from Alan and told me to tell everyone that I had murdered him’
‘Oh any special reason?’
‘Maybe he didn’t want Alan to think of Alfred being a danger to family’
‘But the family was already broken, anyways what happened next?’
‘Hold on’ he interrupts George looking at one of the cops, ‘Take Raymond’s murderer to the lock up and keep him awakened, full night’
‘Sir how come you guessed that this guy is Alfred?’ George says pretending to be serious.
Moments later, the criminal is sitting inside the locked up cell. He is planning his escape until Inspector Kevin arrives with a cop and says to him:
‘That guy George is big fool, while telling the story he admitted his crime of making the bomb blast at the university’
‘Oh yeah, so?’
‘So what? We’ll arrest him what else’
Saying this he looks at the criminal guy.
‘So a hit man no? How much salary Rolf gives you’
‘Rolf? I don’t know any guy Rolf’
‘You don’t’ he laughs, ‘so you’ve left your serial killing business, and your boss Rolf?’
‘My boss is not Rolf, I work for Jack the cocaine supplier’
‘Wait a minute, you are not Alfred are you?’ he asks getting astonished.
‘Alfred’s dead, you saw him’
‘So you’re not Raymond’s murderer? We are actually up to arrest that criminal’
‘Raymond was murdered on my order, so no matter if Alfred did it or his partner, I’m the criminal’
‘Don’t teach me law, tell me why did you kill Alfred?’ Saying this he looks at the cop standing behind, ‘Go and bring George, I have some questions to ask’
‘Yes sir!’ the cop says leaving the lock up cell.
‘So tell me what happened after you ordered Alfred to go and act as yourself in front of Christina’
So Alan getting more frustrated starts narrating a story of a week ago:
Unexpected News
“I always knew that coming up events cast their shadows before, but this time there was no fire before the smoke was seen. Two months after my confrontation with Alfred, something happened which I didn’t expect to happen. I was returning to Christina at her home. She used to live with her maid in her pent house. She often persuaded me to live with her, under a roof. But I used to enjoy living as a Tramp.
As I reached her home, I rang her bell. She came outside and angrily said:
‘Now what do you want?’
‘Are you still mad at me?’ I said moving inside.
She got angrier and stopped me. She tried to push me outside.
‘What’s wrong with you Christi?’ I said angrily resisting my arm.
‘Why are you here? We broke up, remember?’
‘Broke up? Are you out of your senses?’
She angrily slapped me and yelled:
‘Get out right now! I don’t ever want to see you again’
Then I also got angrier and exclaimed in heavy voice:
‘What the hell is wrong with you today? Why are you acting as if you are an insane?’
‘I also asked the similar question, last day when we broke up’
‘Last day?’ I asked realizing something, ‘Which day are you talking about’
‘The day you fought Eddie’
‘Your brother Eddie?’ I asked realizing at once that Alfred had created the problem, ‘I’m sorry can you tell me what happened that day’
‘Excuse me? Now you’re acting as if you don’t know anything, right?’
‘Actually Christina I was drunk’ I lied pretending to be serious, ‘Really, trust me, I don’t remember anything about that day. My friends gave me too much alcohol that day that I was really out of mind’
‘Now that makes sense’ she said believing me.
‘So what happened that day?’
‘That day when you entered home, you were acting as if you knew nothing about me. You were looking at me as you never saw me before. My brother Eddie was already home that day, and he secretly said to me that you weren’t actually drunk, but you were acting like this on purpose. I sort of believed him. Perhaps you over heard us and started talking rubbish about us’
‘Oh no’ I whispered getting angry on Alfred.
‘When I tried to stop you, you started abusing me and said dirty talks about us. Eddie got angrier and began to fight, but you just broke his arm with one hard kick. I began to cry and asked you the question, which you did earlier right now. And then you said ‘let’s break up’ and saying this you left my home’
‘Unbelievable man!’ I said getting angrier than ever, ‘So Alfred, I mean I got your brother injured and destroyed our relationship myself’
‘Yes and I hate you for that, and I have decided that we’re not re-uniting ever’
‘There’s a lot explanation I have to give you regarding the secret behind that day. You’re unaware of a big fact, but in short I swear upon God that I haven’t done any harm to your brother’
After hearing this, she got a little confused. And I left her home immediately losing my temper.
My Intention to Murder
Finally I decided to kill Alfred and do nothing else. I was intended to murder him secretly in his apartment. I used to think that Raymond was the worst person I knew, but Alfred almost changed my judgment with one incident. Although this matter could be resolved any other way, but my hot temper only forced me to kill him for creating a chaos at my girl friend’s home.
Earlier today at evening, I went to my Boss Jack and took his sharp dagger from a desk, where he used to play cards. He was standing by the table’s side and he said to me:
‘You were always frightened of committing murders, today you seem to be over coming your fear’
‘Some treacherous incidents even turn angels into devils’
‘I agree, a personality can never be judged by clothes, right?’
‘But those clothes cannot save that person from upcoming danger’ I replied firmly.
‘Take this’ he said giving me his gun, ‘This dagger’s speed is not as much faster as that of a bullet’
‘Thanks’ I said taking the pistol.
I left the garage, which was our home place or sort of an office. I went on foot to the Wellington tower and decided to murder my brother.
8:30 sharp, I was standing outside his apartment, knocking his door wildly. Some people were panicked seeing me. I was getting angrier as I knew that he was inside and not opening because of my fear. So I just kicked the door hardly more than seven times due to which the door lock broke. I went inside breaking it further and yelled:
‘Alfred where are you?! Come out…’
There was no answer for five minutes. After that, I looked around and saw his dead body lying in a room, with a gunshot on head and a pistol in hand. I realized that it was actually a suicide. So getting scared without thinking of anything I threw my pistol outside. I was quiet surprised and confused thinking why he had shot himself”.
Inspector Kevin keeps a Condition
Alan stops telling the story and looks outside towards cops bringing George inside the cell. The inspector asks George to stand with Alan. Then he looks at Alan and says:
‘Are you sure this was a suicide?’
‘Yes this was a suicide I guarantee, or at least I swear I didn’t kill him’
‘So Mr. George?’ he says looking at George, ‘You lied to us, this one is not Alfred’
‘No he is he is’ George lies.
‘Ok we know he’s not, but right now I have some conditions for both of you’
‘In return of?’ Alan asks.
‘Now listen to me care fully, Ottawa is a city of peace, crime doesn’t take place so often here…so if you two won’t cooperate with us, then crime rate here will increase. So coming to the point, I want you Alan to help us arrest your boss Mr. Jack, we have to arrest him. If you’ll do this, I’ll forgive your crime of Raymond’s murder which was actually your plan and secondly I’ll give you a job in return’
‘Wait a second wait a second’ George interrupts surprisingly, ‘a job in prison, do people get a job in prisons’
‘He’s not going in jail. I mean he didn’t murder Alfred. He’s not a criminal according to law. Alfred committed a suicide’
‘Suicide? Sir please can I make a phone call’ George says
‘Give him his cell phone’ Inspector orders his cop.
As the cop takes out his cell phone, George snatches it and immediately calls someone, he whispers in a phone call:
‘They’ve figured out that he is not Alfred’
‘No problem I have a plan B’ someone replies.
‘What about my escape?’
‘Don’t worry I’ll let you out’
His call ends, he deletes the number from the call log. He gives his cell phone to the cop and looks at the Inspector,
‘Ok what do you want from me?’
‘The serial killer Rolf, I’ll give you amnesty from your previous crimes’ he lies.
‘…Ok’ he says after thinking for a while.
‘Good we’ll start this mission tomorrow’
He leaves the cell with his cops with Alan and George in their custody.
The Crossfire
Next morning at eight o’ clock, Inspector Kevin, Alan and George leave the police station in a police vehicle along with four other police vans. Someone mysterious in a black tinted car follows them from behind.
Moments later, they reach the spot lead by George. They see small villa, where there were two guards standing outside with their arms. As the guards see the police force, they begin gunfire on their vehicles. The cops open the doors and shower their bullets on them. Both the guards die, with gunshots.
The serial killer Rolf sees them from his window secretly, and makes a phone call to his men.
Meanwhile at the police station, one of the cops who had kept Alfred’s cell phone and other documents regarding their business from his apartment sees Alfred’s cell phone ringing. He receives the call and hears Rolf’s voice:
‘Alfred get here at my home immediately, the police force is attacking my house’
As he ends his call, the police cop understands that Rolf was calling his gang to attack the police officers. So he decides to inform Inspector Kevin about this.
Moments later outside Rolf’s Villa, Inspector Kevin after getting report about their gang’s attack spreads his police force at different positions from where attack was possible.
Two of the police officers see two bikes with two men each and one jeep with six men. Both the police officers boldly shoot all the men at bikes. The jeep rushes fast towards them, but while they are shooting towards it’s front, they shoot the driver due to which, the jeep goes to a wrong direction and after crashing a pole, it turns upside down and all the gangsters inside get injured.
From the opposite direction, two more gangs come on separate cars with three men each. The sharp shooters inside shower bullets on police vehicles. All the cops aim them and start firing on them with their pistols. Both the gangsters and some police officers get shot and die.
Meanwhile during the crossfire, George looks behind and sees a black vehicle waiting quiet afar. Seeing the opportunity, he escapes from the police vehicle and runs behind, but is suddenly stopped by Alan who grabs his shirt from behind. George gives him a blow on face, but he still doesn’t lets him go. Inspector Kevin turns behind and sees them. George then kicks Alan on waist and runs away fast towards that car and sits inside. Alan fells and realizes that he was running with Rolf’s other hit men.
When all the gangsters are shot dead or injured, Inspector Kevin goes inside the villa with other police officers, and finally arrests Rolf.
Alan Explains Christina
Next day outside a private clinic of a gynecologist, Christina is standing outside who has just done an abortion of her child. She receives a call from Alan, which she answers angrily:
‘Hello Alan!’
‘Christina, where are you? I need to see you right now on the spot’
‘I’m going home, reach there immediately’
‘Ok but where are you now?’
‘Good news for you, your child has been murdered’
‘Oh thank goodness’ he sighs in relief.
She ends the call and angrily calls a taxi. She leaves on the taxi and reaches her home within few minutes.
While she reaches home, she sees two police vehicles parked outside her home and waiting for her. Alan steps out from one of the vehicles and runs towards her,
‘Christina Christina, there’s a lot I have to tell you but right now…’
‘…Right now you’re going to listen’ she interrupts, ‘I’ve been visiting these hospitals and clinics since a week and you have just switched off your cell phone, and being a criminal you’re found here with police, what’s going on? Would you mind telling me by now?’
‘Ok shut up shut up’, he’s says getting irritated, ‘I’m explaining…I’ve been hiding this from you since the day we met, Alfred was my twin brother, he had killed our elder brother Raymond on my order. And then he was ordered to act as a substitute in front of you, of becoming myself. That day the guy who fought your brother was not I, neither he was anyone drunk. He was actually my brother Alfred, who habitually fought you and Eddie, which resulted in our break up’
‘Hold on hold on!’ she claims getting confused, ‘You mean the guy who fought my brother and me was your twin brother Alfred? How can I believe this new story right now’
‘I have a proof for this’ he says taking out a picture from his pocket and showing it to her, ‘see…now do you believe me? We both brothers were like this few years back’
‘Oh boy…then what?’
‘Then I decided to take revenge by killing him. I went to his home with an intention to kill him. But as I entered inside, he had already committed a suicide. And all the fuss was created when the police arrived and considered me to be the killer’
‘So are you still in their custody?’
‘Only till I give them my boss Mr. Jack’
‘So they are letting you go even though they claim you to be a murderer’
‘No, actually I’ve told them the real story, they are accepting it only on behalf of Mr. Jack, getting alive. If I do this much for them they won’t demand any proof for not committing the murder’
‘Oh come on just try my idea, kill the inspector and escape with me somewhere outside Ottawa’
‘One should not bite the hand that feeds him, if I murder him then instead of getting an amnesty I would definitely be imprisoned because I’m not so smart in double-crossing the police’
‘Ok, so tell me once you hand over your boss, you won’t have any occupation for money’
‘No, Inspector Kevin has promised me that he would offer me a job against this’
‘I think they are offering you too much against handing over just one person’
‘Ok Christina, now I’m leaving, just hope for my return’
‘I always hope for the best but I prepare for worst’
‘But not this time’
Saying this he immediately leaves her, and sits inside the police vehicle with Inspector Kevin.
A Fatal Encounter
Early at evening, Mr. Jack is sitting in a double cabin wagon with his driver. Their vehicle has quiet a large amount of Cocaine loaded on its second cabin. Their vehicle is standing outside their garage. His driver says to him:
‘Sir you’re about to earn a lot of money from your upcoming deals’
‘No, you can not count your chickens until they are hatched’
‘Yes but you’ve been in this business since five years and you haven’t been caught. All of your employees are very faithful, don’t you think?’
‘Don’t forget all that glitters is not gold’ Jack says smartly.
‘I didn’t get you’
‘What I mean is that every thing is not like what it appears to be. People say that what they hear can be a lie but what they see is clearly a truth. This is where they are doing a blunder, because other than words and statements appearances can also be deceptive’
‘Really? So you mean there is someone as a rat for police in your department?’
‘Yes and unfortunately for him, I know who he is…it’s Alan’
‘Alan how come?’
‘I kept Rocky behind him to keep an eye on him, and Rocky told me that he is under police custody’
‘So does this mean we all are in danger?’
‘Definitely and it’s time for war now’
Within a minute, Mr. Jack orders all his men to prepare for a war, as police was about to reach them.
An hour later, Inspector Kevin and Alan reach with their team to Mr. Jack’s secret hideout and their officers start taking different positions. One of the teams of cops drives their vehicle close to their garage. But all of sudden, a grenade is thrown by someone that the explosion blasts their whole vehicle that it flies away to a greater height.
Inspector Kevin and other cops pick out larger weapons such as machine guns and attack them with non-stop consecutive bullets. During that cross fire Inspector Kevin takes out a heavy weapon and keeps it before Alan. Alan examines it carefully and finds out it was bazooka.
Meanwhile, a little distance away from the cross fire, George is standing against the black vehicle and enjoying the scene as a T.V. show. After a while he sits inside the vehicle with a mysterious person and they drive away.
Most of Mr. Jack’s men die but he himself secretly escapes from the place and decides to avenge Alan at some other time when he would be found alone. Many of the police officers also die in this war like crossfire, and Alan finally picks up the bazooka and blasts the entire garage with just one shot.
George Calls
A couple of hours later, Inspector Kevin and Alan arrive near Christina’s home in their half broken vehicle. Alan steps out and looks at Kevin,
‘We had a deal, I got both of your criminals arrested or killed’
‘Yes thank you for your co-operation, now according to our deal you can join that pharmaceutical store from next week as your new job’
‘Sir you didn’t get Jack’
‘Don’t worry I’m sure he’s dead in that blast, which you did at the garage’
‘Honestly sir now I realize that I’m no more a tramp, but have been transformed into a scamp’
‘Scamp? You mean a troublemaker’
‘Yes wherever I go, like I created trouble at Alfred’s apartment and then I went to a serial killer Rolf’s place and created trouble outside destroying lives. The same happened at Mr. Jack’s hideout, an easily resolvable case solved in a fatal encounter. I created an explosion’
‘There’s nothing wrong with becoming a scamp’ Inspector laughs, ‘you didn’t created trouble; it was the police and those criminals. And secondly being a scamp is a progress for a guy like you’
‘Thanks’ he smiles.
Alan shakes hands with him and leaves him advancing towards Christina’s house. The police vehicle leaves him and moves to an opposite direction.
He knocks the house’ door, no one comes out. He keeps on knocking wildly for five minutes and no one comes out. He angrily breaks the door lock by kicking it wildly and enters inside. As he enters inside, he finds a dead body of her maid with blood all over on her face. He takes out his cell phone and calls Christina in panic. As the call is answered, a familiar voice replies:
‘Hello Alan, we’ve been waiting for your call’
‘Hey you are the guy who worked for…George! What are you doing? Where’s Christina?’
‘She’s right here next to my pistol’
‘Listen George I know I had done a loss to your business, please don’t harm her. What do you want from me’
‘I’ll text you an address, reach there tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock. And yes this time come alone not in police custody’
George ends the call. Alan gets alert, as he knew something was about to happen.
He receives a text message in his cell phone. He walks alone at home for a while and says to himself:
‘George a hungry dog of my twin brother is asking me to come alone without any valuable sum of money. There is something fishy about this phone call, I can bet someone else is behind this’
Then he prepares for an upcoming rescue mission. He finds his pistol in her closet, which he had kept in her home for her security purpose.
Unexpected Rival
Next day, Alan arrives at the address on the perfect time. The place was a deep underground basement of a public library. As he descends down the stairs, he finds the place totally dark with no lights. He walks around and keeps his pistol in his hand.
All of sudden, the blue lights turn on. He gets alert and looks around where he finds George standing in front of him. He looks at him pretending to be calm,
‘Look George, we both can deal with our matter ourselves, let Christina go’
‘Alan today you’ll see someone new and unexpected, who is actually your real rival behind every task’
‘Whom are you talking about?’
‘About me!’ a familiar voice replies from behind.
Alan turns around and sees his elder brother Raymond standing in black clothes and with a little beard grown. Alan gets more shocked than ever and feels like a heavy thunderbolt in front of him.
‘You’re alive? But Alfred and this guy killed you, no?’
‘Alfred killed me? What a joke’ he taunts, ‘I will tell you a true joke to laugh on’
‘What sort of a joke?’
‘The day you and Alfred confronted each other in order to get me killed, I learnt about my murder task from my personal security guard whom I had kept following you, so that I could get reported of your each and every move…Then after a little time, George came to murder me but I gave him a word that I would give him three times more sum of money than you were giving him, only if he would help me kill both of my twin brothers. Now I wanted an unusual way to get you arrested by the police, and Alfred made my work easy by spending a day with your girl friend, breaking up with her and by fighting her brother, enforcing you to kill him. Another evening at 8:00 sharp, I went to Alfred’s home, thanked him and shot him on his forehead. After killing him, I kept that pistol in his hand and at sharp 8:20 I left his apartment’s building’.
‘Unbelievable man!’ Alan says touching his forehead, ‘so I thought that it was Alfred who was behind your death, but actually you were behind his murder. So did he knew that George had double-crossed him’
‘The last thing he came to know before his death was about this betrayal. Ok then, I told George to get arrested by that Inspector if he arrests you, which actually happened and then narrate them the true story of both the twin brothers. The main purpose was to make them believe that you were actually Alfred. This plan failed, so I decided to go for plan B which was to kidnap your girl friend and then take the perfect revenge’
‘You’re a very cunning animal’ Alan sighs, ‘I appreciate your intelligence. Anyways what do you want from me?’
‘I want your dead body, I didn’t wanted this, I just wanted my brothers to give up their bad work. But they didn’t agree and instead turned on me so I decided to…’
‘…Shut up!’ Alan interrupts calmly, ‘You didn’t wanted us to give up the bad work, you only wanted us to live a distressed and miserable life without earnings and luxuriousness. You were jealous’
‘You know you are a very good observer because you’re absolutely right’
‘So you were following me since long even before I met Christina and knew that I was a tramp, and so turned me into a scamp’
‘Alan!’ George calls him from behind.
Alan turns around and sees Christina tied up with ropes and lying on ground with George aiming his pistol on her forehead. He gets angrier but remains calm and looks towards Raymond.
The Brothers Wrestle
‘Raymond, I know you can kill me very easily, but I suggest you to make it a little interesting. You know what I mean, let’s just give me a chance, you fight with me and if I win I’ll go out safely after killing George’
‘Hey!’ George exclaims from behind.
‘And if I loose you can do whatever you want to do with me and Christina, what do you say?’
‘What do you mean by what he says?’ George yells angrily.
‘Shut up George’ Raymond replies, ‘I like his suggestion’.
‘Ok good, now to win this fight, the player has to break any body joint of his opponent’s body, like his elbow or knee. Use of weapons is allowed’
‘Oh you sound tough, someone’s going to cry today’
‘Let’s begin on’ Alan says taking off his shirt.
‘You’ve got biceps and triceps, but you’re slim unlike me’
‘Shall we?’
‘Match begins now!’ exclaiming this Raymond kicks his chest.
Alan fells on ground, but stands up with a back flip and punches Alan hard on his left eye. Raymond gets back and is about to fall, but manages to stand. Alan jumps higher till Raymond’s chest and hits him on his head with his elbow.
As Raymond fells, George gets angrier and thinks of shooting Alan, but stops and watches Raymond bleeding from head. Raymond stands up aggressively and hits Alan on his face with his own hand. Then he punches him thrice wildly on his left cheek. Alan gets a little weaker and fells.
George drags a chair close to Raymond. Raymond puts Alan’s right foot on the chair that his leg gets straight. He keeps his foot on his knee and decides to break it. All of sudden, Raymond’s other leg is kicked by Alan’s left foot. Raymond fells, and Alan stands up. As he stands up, he first pushes away George and then kicks Raymond on his face. He grabs him from his shirt and beats him till he gets more injured.
Meanwhile George rushes towards Christina and aims her with his pistol. Alan runs after him and pushes him that he fells on ground. Alan quickly unties Christina and makes her run towards the exit. He picks up George’s pistol and walks towards Raymond, where he shoots him on his both knees. Raymond cries out in pain.
‘I told you, use of weapons is allowed’
As he says this, Raymond’s two hit men come in front of Alan and aim him with their pistols.
‘Put your hands up’ Raymond orders him in pain.
Alan angrily throws away his pistol, and puts his hands on his head.
All of sudden, some police officers enter inside the room from where Christina was entering and start showering bullets on them. Another cross fire takes place, but during this cross fire, Alan runs and picks up his pistol and targets his brother from a little distance. Then he stops and goes near to him where he was lying. Saving himself from bullets, he goes nearer and says to Raymond:
‘I can kill you now as easily as a hunter can hunt animals. But I won’t do that, because we’re the same blood and if I shoot you, then there would be no difference between you and me…So I’ll let you go in police custody which is your actual place, good bye’
Saying this he kicks him badly on face. Alan escapes the place and runs towards exit.
Christina sees someone running towards her, but because of the smoke and dusty atmosphere she can’t see him properly. So she calls him:
‘Come on Alan let’s go!’
As she says this, she sees him getting shot from someone behind her. As she turns around it was Mr. Jack. She realizes he had avenged her boy friend by killing him. So instead of running towards the dead body she runs away on the staircase. Where she sees Inspector Kevin entering inside. She keeps on running weeping out thinking about Alan shot dead. Whereas Inspector Kevin reaches the last step of the stairs, Jack aims him with his pistol from behind and says:
‘Coming events cast their shadows before, which you should have observed while the girl was running’
‘That running girl once told me’ Alan says from behind aiming his head with his pistol, ‘hope for the best, but prepare for worst’
‘You’re alive Alan?’ he asks angrily getting surprised.
‘Unfortunate for you, the guy you shot was George not me’
He shoots Mr. Jack on his forehead.
‘Thanks for saving me but right now you must leave, this is police operation’
Alan slowly walks away, seeing the crime world for the last time, waving it good-bye.
Next day, while Christina was packing her bags and stuff weeping since morning, a doorbell rang outside her home. She wiped off her tears and went towards the gate. As she opened the gate, it was Inspector Kevin. He said to her:
‘Good morning Ma’am’
‘Yes how can I…’
‘There’s someone who wants to meet you’
‘Who is it?’
‘The wild scamp!’ Alan exclaims interfering them from Inspector’s left side.
‘Alan you’re alive?’ Christina asks happily getting astonished, ‘I knew it, I swear to God, I had a doubt’
‘Your sixth sense was right’
‘I know someone else might have been shot, but look at you Alan you’re looking so weird, with bandages all over on your face’
‘Identity of a scamp, this time I’m proud of being a scamp’
‘Scamp? A trouble maker?’
‘Yes ma’am’ Inspector says to her, ‘a scamp is someone who creates trouble wherever he goes, but he is a special scamp because wherever he creates trouble, he comes back alive with success, which is a very rear case’
‘Anyways sir it was a nice adventure with you’ Alan says to him, ‘Thank you for the job, now we can live individually. And if you need me please ask for help without hesitation’
They both shake hands, and Inspector Kevin leaves.
* * * * *
Alan and Christina soon get married. Alan for the first time earns his livelihood with drugs but legal according to laws of his country. And now they never had a chance to deal with the crime world because Alan now was neither a tramp nor a scamp, but a sort of lamp for patients.
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