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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Comedy / Humor
- Published: 05/07/2013
Fox’s Egg
Born 1976, M, from Juba, SudanOnce upon a time, Fox, whose nickname was called Kuaudit, that means ‘’Gentle Touch’’ in Jieng dialect, had gone to pay a visit to Crocodile, his maternal aunt, in dry season on the other side of the river bank. Fox arrived at Crocodile's home in the evening. He was warmly welcomed by his aunt. His aunt was upset by what her nephew would eat. Crocodile said she ate leaves of shrub and creepers on the river shore. Fox calmed his aunt to take it easy because he Fox would eat anything. Fox was given leaf food that evening, he ate it.
In the morning, the Fox said he should not be a burden on his aunt and that he would go and collect his own leaves at the river bank like the Crocodile his aunt too. They went to collect leaves. In the evening, they came back from collecting leaves and the crocodile told the fox to cook his leaves in the big part of the house and she the crocodile would cook her leaves in the small part of the house, because the house was divided into two parts, small and big parts, which are separated by a wall. In the big part of the house, the Crocodile had laid ten eggs. When the fox was cooking, he picked one egg, broke a small hole properly, and poured it into his leaves food, and he then closed the egg and he put the empty shell egg back into the good eggs in cage. After he had finished cooking he came out to eat with his aunt the crocodile. when they were eating, the fox’s leaf food tasted sweet and crocodile’s leaf food tasted very bad. The Crocodile asked,
‘Why does your leaf food taste sweet my nephew?’
‘’I washed my hands clean and I placed them on my leaves, that’s why it is sweet’’, the Fox said.
On another day, the Fox and Crocodile went and plucked the leaves again. The crocodile came and she washed her hands clean and put them on the leaves, and the fox cooked his leaves and put another egg in them. When they came to eat, the fox's leaf food tasted sweet and the crocodile's leaf food tasted badly. The crocodile said,
‘’My nephew Fox, I washed my hands and I put them on the leaves so why did it not taste sweet?’
‘’I don’t know’’ said the Fox.
The Crocodile left that question of bad taste and good taste leaves there and continued to live with fox. The Fox continued to break eggs of the Crocodile into leaves food. when Crocodile comes at the day time she sees her eggs there. For nine days Fox broke and returned the shells back into the cage until there remained one egg among empty shells in the cage. When the fox knew that one egg had remained, he told his aunt crocodile he wanted to leave for his home. Crocodile asked,
‘What will you carry to your home, son of my sister?’’
‘’I don’t know my aunt, I will just go as I came,’’ Fox said.
Crocodile told the Fox to go and wash all her eggs. Fox went and washed all eggs. After he finished the Crocodile told the Fox to take one egg. Fox took one egg and left. Sometime later, Crocodile went to her house and checked her eggs; she found them all empty shells. The Crocodile got out wailing and ran after the Fox. Crocodile came and found Fox in the boat in the middle of the river. Crocodile called out,
“People, People, People sailing the Fox across the river, turn Fox into the river, fox has destroyed my home’’.
People asked,
“Kuaudit what is Crocodile saying?’
Fox said, ‘’She said people, people, people sailing Fox across the river, sail the fox, my sister’s child, across river quickly because great wind is coming’.
People increased the speed of the boat quickly, the Crocodile kept on calling to the people many times to turn Fox into the water but Fox misinterpreted the Crocodile's words many times too. When the boat was nearing shore, the Crocodile called,
‘’People, people, sailing fox, turn fox into the river. Fox has destroyed my home.
People asked, “Kuaudit what is Crocodile saying?
Fox said, '’She said People, people, sailing the fox, turn the fox into the river, the fox has destroyed my home.’’
People turned over the boat immediately and Fox fell into water and the crocodile rushed into the water and caught Fox. The fox said cunningly
‘’She caught the weed and said it is the fox’’. The crocodile left him. The Fox got out of the water and ran away into the bush. The Crocodile remained on the shore.
In the bush the fox broke the egg and he drunk yolk in it and he carried the empty shell. He found two antelopes fighting; Fox put the shell under the legs of the fighting antelope. The antelope broke the shell.
“What have you done? You broke my egg, my egg, my egg that I destroyed my aunt's home for. Will my egg come and end here? Riardienciriaarawen” the Fox chanted his fight exclamation. Riardienciriaarawen means ‘’my twinkle white black spotted cow pay visit to fox land in twilight.’’
The antelopes gave Fox a shoulder of meat of another dead antelope. The fox left. He went and found a woman who had just given birth and she was given fruits to burn her mouth. Fox came and asked,
‘’Why are you warming the delivered woman with the fruit soup?
‘’There is no meat’’, said the husband.
‘’You take this my antelope shoulder’’, the Fox gave out shoulder and left. The Fox went and he transformed himself into a Wind and he returned and took the shoulder away, and after one hour he returned in person as a Fox and said,
‘’Where is my shoulder?
The husband of the woman said,
‘’You had given it to my wife before and then it was taken by the Wind,
“Please, my egg, my egg of which I have destroyed my maternal aunt's home. for my egg, I was given the shoulder. Can my shoulder come and end here? Riardiencirriaarawen.’’ he chanted his fight exclamation. The husband of the just delivered woman said that he had nothing in his home, only the ostrich bead so he gave Fox an ostrich bead. Fox took the bead and left.
Fox went and found a bride being taken to her husband with grass cord on her neck. the Fox asked “Why you are taking this beautiful girl to her bridegroom with a grass cord?’'
The people said that they have no bead. Fox said you put this ostrich bead on her neck. Fox gave out bead and he left. He went and transformed himself into a Wind and after one hour he returned and took away the bead and he came back as Fox and asked for the bead. the bridegroom said the whirlwind had taken away the bead.
“What? Please my egg, my egg, my egg that I destroy the home of my maternal aunt. For my egg I was given a shoulder. For my shoulder I was given an ostrich bead, Can my bead come and end up here? Impossible, Riardienciriaarawen’’ he chanted his fight exclamation. The bridegroom said he would give the fox a goat. The Fox rejected the goat. Fox was offered a cow and he rejected the cow. He was given a razor blade, he took it and left.
Fox went and found a group of girls shaving hairs on their vagina with cowries and the Fox asked,
‘’Why do you shave with a cowries’ shell? The girls said they didn’t have razor blade, the Fox gave them razor blade and he left. The Fox went and transformed himself into a Whirlwind and came and took his razor blade and he returned back as a Fox and said,
‘’Where is my razor blade?
‘’The whirlwind has taken it‘’ the girls replied. ‘’What? Don’t say like that, my egg, my egg that destroyed the home of my maternal aunt. for my egg I was given a shoulder. for my shoulder I was given ostrich bead. for my ostrich bead I was given a razor blade, can my razor blade come and end here? Riardienciriaarawen’’ he chanted his fights exclamation. The girls said they are poor and that they have no cattle or hen to pay back his razor blade. The girls gave Fox an axe. Fox took an axe and left.
Fox went and found a man cutting a tree with his penis. Fox asked ‘’why do you cut a tree with your penis?’’ ‘’I don’t have an axe‘’ the man said. Fox gave him an axe. Fox left and returned and found an axe broken. Fox asked ‘’where is my axe?’’ ‘’It is broken’’ said the man.
‘’My egg, my egg, my egg that I destroy the home of my maternal aunt. for my egg I was given a shoulder. For my shoulder I was given an ostrich bead. for my bead I was given razor blade, for my razor blade I was given my axe, ‘’Can my axe come and end up here? Riardiencirriaarawen’’ the fox chanted his fight exclamation. The man gave him a fishing spear, fox took it and left.
Fox came and found boys fishing with their hands. Fox asked “why are you fishing with your hands?” ‘’we don’t have fishing spear the boys said. The fox gave them the fishing spear and he left. When he returned he got a fishing spear loose from shaft into water, Fox asked ‘’where is my fishing spear?’’ ‘’It loosen from shaft into the water’’ said the boys. ‘’My egg, my egg, for my egg I was given my shoulder, for my shoulder I was given a bead, for my bead I was given a razor blade, for my razor blade I was given an axe, for my axe I was given a fishing spear. Can my fishing spear come and end up here? Riardiencirriaarawen‘’ he chanted his fight exclamation. The boys gave him a big catfish, he rejected it. Fox saw a small and alive “akonthok” a type of small eel, Fox said ‘’give me that eel fish’’, the boys gave him the fish.
Fox went and found a pond of water, ‘’You this pond when will you dry up?” ‘’I will dry up soon,’’ the pond said. “stupid pond you are not my pond” said the fox. Fox went and found another pond, “You this pond when will you dry up?’’
‘’I will not dry up till the rain comes’’, said the pond. “You are my pond “said the fox. And he put his akonthok eel fish in it.
After some days fox came and said ‘’Akonthok fish Fox, come out so we go and eat sweet berries of the thorn bush,’’ The Akonthok fish came out, ‘’Good my dear fish has grown up” said the Fox. Fox and Akonthok went to bush and in the evening Fox came and put fish back into the pond. Fox always went and spent some days and came back and he always went to eat berries with the fish, the lion used to see fox coming and talk to the fish. One day the lion came to the pond and said, ‘’Akonthok, akonthok the fish of fox come out so that we go and eat berries of thorn bush’’ in a hoarse voice. Akonthok recognize and knew it wasn’t the voice of the fox. Akonthok never came out. Lion called many times but fish never came, so lion left and called in black stork to help. ‘’Stork, I have something in mind which I would like you to lure out! ‘’What is that?’’ Asked the black stork, ‘’it is fox’s fish in the pond’’ replied the lion. The black stork came and said in small sweet like a Fox voice ‘’’Akonthok! Akonthok of the fox come out so we can go to eat sweet berries of thorn bush’’.
Akonthok fish came out and the lion caught akonthok with its big teeth and a fat slice fell from the lion’s mouth and he took away the fish.
After the lion left, came the fox and saw bird picking slice of fishes. The Fox calls “Akonthok, Akonthok, Fish of Fox, come out, so we go to eat sweet berries of thorn bush” the fish never came out. The Fox threatened the birds “I'll kill all of you now”. The birds answer ”if you kill us, you create us until we become beautiful like we are”.
“What are you picking here” Fox asked, “the slice of your fish” the birds said. ”Who killed my fish” said Fox, “it is lion“ said the birds. The fox left went to lion’s home but found all lions had gone to dance. he only found one blind lioness, young child and baby in apron skin hanged up on the pole. The fish was boiling in the pot. The fox went to pond and got a frog and asked him “How do you cry?” I cry like a frog. “You are not my frog” said the Fox. He got another frog and asked ‘’how do you cry?’’. “I cry like a baby” said the frog. “You are my frog” said the fox. Fox picked the frog and took it. Fox came and ate the fish in the pot. He killed the lion’s baby and put it in the pot. He took log and put it an apron’s skin and put frog on the log. The frog cried like baby. The old blind woman shake and sing lullaby for it. Fox went to dance and found lions’ dancing.
The fox sung:
‘’Some people are dancing and
Their baby is boiling in the pot,
Bubble, bubble.’’
The lion heard the Fox singing and asked the Fox, ‘’Kuaudit what are you saying?’’
‘’I say, Girls who are going to cattle camp,
Take rope of Riar,
the twinkle white black spotted cow,
The black Riar is known by girls
Riar is known by boys
By all children
“Your song is good, sing yours” Lions said. After dance, lions came home; they rushed and ate the fish. Young child was given her fish part. he refused and,
“I cannot eat my hand, so can ring remain in pot can ostrich bead remain in pot?” All lions failed to understand what their child was saying so they asked it ,
“Can you eat with father?”
No I can’t eat my hand, so can ring remain in pot can ostrich bead remain in pot’’, he repeated in child language which is difficult to understand by adult lions. The lion ate their fish. After eating the father of child went to bring witchdoctor to come and tell what the child is saying.
The father brought Crow, the witchdoctor, crow said, fried sorghum, so I I will tell what the baby said. The sorghum is fried and poured down, Crow picked. The child was brought before the Crow. Crow asked the child, the child said ‘’I cannot eat my hand so remain ring in pot so remain ostrich bead in pot’’ Crow failed to tell what the child was saying and he flew away.
The father went and brought Vulture the witchdoctor. vulture said he needed a bull to be slaughtered. So that vulture can peck the bull. The bull was slaughtered but the vulture pecked the bull. The child was brought the Vulture asked the child , the child said ‘’I cannot eat my hand so remain ring in pot so remain ostrich bead in pot’’ Vulture failed to tell what the child was saying and flew away.
The father went and brought Crested Crane, the God. The Crane never asked for anything and said bring the child, the child was brought. He asked, child said ‘’I cannot eat my hand so remain ring in pot so remain ostrich bead in pot’’
The Crane said “the child refused to eat because what is in pot is not a fish but your baby, the Fox came and ate the fish and put the baby in the pot’’.
When Lions heard this bad information, all lions ran and vomited and every lion said he or she never ‘’taste the baby”
The lions took a decision immediately to kill the Fox.
Someone went and told Fox that someone's leg is swelled so could he come and pierce the swollen. The Fox agreed and told the messenger that he would come. When Fox was going to lions home, he tied the head tuft of grass on cross the path. When he arrived at lion home, all lion surrounded swollen leg lion. Fox said ‘’Why do you sit around that, how shall I dodge the pus. you open one side.’’ The Lions opened one side. The Fox pierced the swollen leg and ran immediately. the lion chased him but stumbled by tied grass and fell down. Fox jumped over and escaped.
The lion decided to give a girl to the fox. The girl went to fox and said my father said You will marry me, the fox agreed and married the lion’s daughter. Fox built his house. The lion girl went to her parents one day. her parents asked, ‘’where do you sleep with fox’’, the girl told them. The lion said “We shall burn your house so you sleep with your hands out tonight so we shall catch them and pull you out of fire’’.
While Fox's wife was talking with her parents, Fox was hiding in the farm. Fox heard the message, fox came and said to his wife, “if you are the wife of my father cattles, give this ivory ring in your hands’’, the wife gave the rings. That night lion came and burned the house. Fox gave his hand, the lion pulled Fox out and the Fox ran and their daughter cried in the fire, they pulled her out too. “The fox has escaped death” the lion said.
The lions started a big hunt for the fox, they went to fox’s byre and the fox was not around. The lions returned to their home. At night, the lion returned and burned fox’s byre and stood at the door waiting for the Fox to come out. The fox was cunning, he dug a tunnel, longest hole from byre until opened up in forest, he made as his escaping route. When the lion burned the byre, the Fox escaped.
There were pumpkins in byre. The pumpkin busted with loud sound. The lion danced and jubilated outside byre and said,
“burst the head of the fox,
That’s what we want”.
When they were leaving, they met the fox in the forest. From there, the lions gave up their quest to kill the fox.
Fox’s Egg(David Aoloch Bion)
Once upon a time, Fox, whose nickname was called Kuaudit, that means ‘’Gentle Touch’’ in Jieng dialect, had gone to pay a visit to Crocodile, his maternal aunt, in dry season on the other side of the river bank. Fox arrived at Crocodile's home in the evening. He was warmly welcomed by his aunt. His aunt was upset by what her nephew would eat. Crocodile said she ate leaves of shrub and creepers on the river shore. Fox calmed his aunt to take it easy because he Fox would eat anything. Fox was given leaf food that evening, he ate it.
In the morning, the Fox said he should not be a burden on his aunt and that he would go and collect his own leaves at the river bank like the Crocodile his aunt too. They went to collect leaves. In the evening, they came back from collecting leaves and the crocodile told the fox to cook his leaves in the big part of the house and she the crocodile would cook her leaves in the small part of the house, because the house was divided into two parts, small and big parts, which are separated by a wall. In the big part of the house, the Crocodile had laid ten eggs. When the fox was cooking, he picked one egg, broke a small hole properly, and poured it into his leaves food, and he then closed the egg and he put the empty shell egg back into the good eggs in cage. After he had finished cooking he came out to eat with his aunt the crocodile. when they were eating, the fox’s leaf food tasted sweet and crocodile’s leaf food tasted very bad. The Crocodile asked,
‘Why does your leaf food taste sweet my nephew?’
‘’I washed my hands clean and I placed them on my leaves, that’s why it is sweet’’, the Fox said.
On another day, the Fox and Crocodile went and plucked the leaves again. The crocodile came and she washed her hands clean and put them on the leaves, and the fox cooked his leaves and put another egg in them. When they came to eat, the fox's leaf food tasted sweet and the crocodile's leaf food tasted badly. The crocodile said,
‘’My nephew Fox, I washed my hands and I put them on the leaves so why did it not taste sweet?’
‘’I don’t know’’ said the Fox.
The Crocodile left that question of bad taste and good taste leaves there and continued to live with fox. The Fox continued to break eggs of the Crocodile into leaves food. when Crocodile comes at the day time she sees her eggs there. For nine days Fox broke and returned the shells back into the cage until there remained one egg among empty shells in the cage. When the fox knew that one egg had remained, he told his aunt crocodile he wanted to leave for his home. Crocodile asked,
‘What will you carry to your home, son of my sister?’’
‘’I don’t know my aunt, I will just go as I came,’’ Fox said.
Crocodile told the Fox to go and wash all her eggs. Fox went and washed all eggs. After he finished the Crocodile told the Fox to take one egg. Fox took one egg and left. Sometime later, Crocodile went to her house and checked her eggs; she found them all empty shells. The Crocodile got out wailing and ran after the Fox. Crocodile came and found Fox in the boat in the middle of the river. Crocodile called out,
“People, People, People sailing the Fox across the river, turn Fox into the river, fox has destroyed my home’’.
People asked,
“Kuaudit what is Crocodile saying?’
Fox said, ‘’She said people, people, people sailing Fox across the river, sail the fox, my sister’s child, across river quickly because great wind is coming’.
People increased the speed of the boat quickly, the Crocodile kept on calling to the people many times to turn Fox into the water but Fox misinterpreted the Crocodile's words many times too. When the boat was nearing shore, the Crocodile called,
‘’People, people, sailing fox, turn fox into the river. Fox has destroyed my home.
People asked, “Kuaudit what is Crocodile saying?
Fox said, '’She said People, people, sailing the fox, turn the fox into the river, the fox has destroyed my home.’’
People turned over the boat immediately and Fox fell into water and the crocodile rushed into the water and caught Fox. The fox said cunningly
‘’She caught the weed and said it is the fox’’. The crocodile left him. The Fox got out of the water and ran away into the bush. The Crocodile remained on the shore.
In the bush the fox broke the egg and he drunk yolk in it and he carried the empty shell. He found two antelopes fighting; Fox put the shell under the legs of the fighting antelope. The antelope broke the shell.
“What have you done? You broke my egg, my egg, my egg that I destroyed my aunt's home for. Will my egg come and end here? Riardienciriaarawen” the Fox chanted his fight exclamation. Riardienciriaarawen means ‘’my twinkle white black spotted cow pay visit to fox land in twilight.’’
The antelopes gave Fox a shoulder of meat of another dead antelope. The fox left. He went and found a woman who had just given birth and she was given fruits to burn her mouth. Fox came and asked,
‘’Why are you warming the delivered woman with the fruit soup?
‘’There is no meat’’, said the husband.
‘’You take this my antelope shoulder’’, the Fox gave out shoulder and left. The Fox went and he transformed himself into a Wind and he returned and took the shoulder away, and after one hour he returned in person as a Fox and said,
‘’Where is my shoulder?
The husband of the woman said,
‘’You had given it to my wife before and then it was taken by the Wind,
“Please, my egg, my egg of which I have destroyed my maternal aunt's home. for my egg, I was given the shoulder. Can my shoulder come and end here? Riardiencirriaarawen.’’ he chanted his fight exclamation. The husband of the just delivered woman said that he had nothing in his home, only the ostrich bead so he gave Fox an ostrich bead. Fox took the bead and left.
Fox went and found a bride being taken to her husband with grass cord on her neck. the Fox asked “Why you are taking this beautiful girl to her bridegroom with a grass cord?’'
The people said that they have no bead. Fox said you put this ostrich bead on her neck. Fox gave out bead and he left. He went and transformed himself into a Wind and after one hour he returned and took away the bead and he came back as Fox and asked for the bead. the bridegroom said the whirlwind had taken away the bead.
“What? Please my egg, my egg, my egg that I destroy the home of my maternal aunt. For my egg I was given a shoulder. For my shoulder I was given an ostrich bead, Can my bead come and end up here? Impossible, Riardienciriaarawen’’ he chanted his fight exclamation. The bridegroom said he would give the fox a goat. The Fox rejected the goat. Fox was offered a cow and he rejected the cow. He was given a razor blade, he took it and left.
Fox went and found a group of girls shaving hairs on their vagina with cowries and the Fox asked,
‘’Why do you shave with a cowries’ shell? The girls said they didn’t have razor blade, the Fox gave them razor blade and he left. The Fox went and transformed himself into a Whirlwind and came and took his razor blade and he returned back as a Fox and said,
‘’Where is my razor blade?
‘’The whirlwind has taken it‘’ the girls replied. ‘’What? Don’t say like that, my egg, my egg that destroyed the home of my maternal aunt. for my egg I was given a shoulder. for my shoulder I was given ostrich bead. for my ostrich bead I was given a razor blade, can my razor blade come and end here? Riardienciriaarawen’’ he chanted his fights exclamation. The girls said they are poor and that they have no cattle or hen to pay back his razor blade. The girls gave Fox an axe. Fox took an axe and left.
Fox went and found a man cutting a tree with his penis. Fox asked ‘’why do you cut a tree with your penis?’’ ‘’I don’t have an axe‘’ the man said. Fox gave him an axe. Fox left and returned and found an axe broken. Fox asked ‘’where is my axe?’’ ‘’It is broken’’ said the man.
‘’My egg, my egg, my egg that I destroy the home of my maternal aunt. for my egg I was given a shoulder. For my shoulder I was given an ostrich bead. for my bead I was given razor blade, for my razor blade I was given my axe, ‘’Can my axe come and end up here? Riardiencirriaarawen’’ the fox chanted his fight exclamation. The man gave him a fishing spear, fox took it and left.
Fox came and found boys fishing with their hands. Fox asked “why are you fishing with your hands?” ‘’we don’t have fishing spear the boys said. The fox gave them the fishing spear and he left. When he returned he got a fishing spear loose from shaft into water, Fox asked ‘’where is my fishing spear?’’ ‘’It loosen from shaft into the water’’ said the boys. ‘’My egg, my egg, for my egg I was given my shoulder, for my shoulder I was given a bead, for my bead I was given a razor blade, for my razor blade I was given an axe, for my axe I was given a fishing spear. Can my fishing spear come and end up here? Riardiencirriaarawen‘’ he chanted his fight exclamation. The boys gave him a big catfish, he rejected it. Fox saw a small and alive “akonthok” a type of small eel, Fox said ‘’give me that eel fish’’, the boys gave him the fish.
Fox went and found a pond of water, ‘’You this pond when will you dry up?” ‘’I will dry up soon,’’ the pond said. “stupid pond you are not my pond” said the fox. Fox went and found another pond, “You this pond when will you dry up?’’
‘’I will not dry up till the rain comes’’, said the pond. “You are my pond “said the fox. And he put his akonthok eel fish in it.
After some days fox came and said ‘’Akonthok fish Fox, come out so we go and eat sweet berries of the thorn bush,’’ The Akonthok fish came out, ‘’Good my dear fish has grown up” said the Fox. Fox and Akonthok went to bush and in the evening Fox came and put fish back into the pond. Fox always went and spent some days and came back and he always went to eat berries with the fish, the lion used to see fox coming and talk to the fish. One day the lion came to the pond and said, ‘’Akonthok, akonthok the fish of fox come out so that we go and eat berries of thorn bush’’ in a hoarse voice. Akonthok recognize and knew it wasn’t the voice of the fox. Akonthok never came out. Lion called many times but fish never came, so lion left and called in black stork to help. ‘’Stork, I have something in mind which I would like you to lure out! ‘’What is that?’’ Asked the black stork, ‘’it is fox’s fish in the pond’’ replied the lion. The black stork came and said in small sweet like a Fox voice ‘’’Akonthok! Akonthok of the fox come out so we can go to eat sweet berries of thorn bush’’.
Akonthok fish came out and the lion caught akonthok with its big teeth and a fat slice fell from the lion’s mouth and he took away the fish.
After the lion left, came the fox and saw bird picking slice of fishes. The Fox calls “Akonthok, Akonthok, Fish of Fox, come out, so we go to eat sweet berries of thorn bush” the fish never came out. The Fox threatened the birds “I'll kill all of you now”. The birds answer ”if you kill us, you create us until we become beautiful like we are”.
“What are you picking here” Fox asked, “the slice of your fish” the birds said. ”Who killed my fish” said Fox, “it is lion“ said the birds. The fox left went to lion’s home but found all lions had gone to dance. he only found one blind lioness, young child and baby in apron skin hanged up on the pole. The fish was boiling in the pot. The fox went to pond and got a frog and asked him “How do you cry?” I cry like a frog. “You are not my frog” said the Fox. He got another frog and asked ‘’how do you cry?’’. “I cry like a baby” said the frog. “You are my frog” said the fox. Fox picked the frog and took it. Fox came and ate the fish in the pot. He killed the lion’s baby and put it in the pot. He took log and put it an apron’s skin and put frog on the log. The frog cried like baby. The old blind woman shake and sing lullaby for it. Fox went to dance and found lions’ dancing.
The fox sung:
‘’Some people are dancing and
Their baby is boiling in the pot,
Bubble, bubble.’’
The lion heard the Fox singing and asked the Fox, ‘’Kuaudit what are you saying?’’
‘’I say, Girls who are going to cattle camp,
Take rope of Riar,
the twinkle white black spotted cow,
The black Riar is known by girls
Riar is known by boys
By all children
“Your song is good, sing yours” Lions said. After dance, lions came home; they rushed and ate the fish. Young child was given her fish part. he refused and,
“I cannot eat my hand, so can ring remain in pot can ostrich bead remain in pot?” All lions failed to understand what their child was saying so they asked it ,
“Can you eat with father?”
No I can’t eat my hand, so can ring remain in pot can ostrich bead remain in pot’’, he repeated in child language which is difficult to understand by adult lions. The lion ate their fish. After eating the father of child went to bring witchdoctor to come and tell what the child is saying.
The father brought Crow, the witchdoctor, crow said, fried sorghum, so I I will tell what the baby said. The sorghum is fried and poured down, Crow picked. The child was brought before the Crow. Crow asked the child, the child said ‘’I cannot eat my hand so remain ring in pot so remain ostrich bead in pot’’ Crow failed to tell what the child was saying and he flew away.
The father went and brought Vulture the witchdoctor. vulture said he needed a bull to be slaughtered. So that vulture can peck the bull. The bull was slaughtered but the vulture pecked the bull. The child was brought the Vulture asked the child , the child said ‘’I cannot eat my hand so remain ring in pot so remain ostrich bead in pot’’ Vulture failed to tell what the child was saying and flew away.
The father went and brought Crested Crane, the God. The Crane never asked for anything and said bring the child, the child was brought. He asked, child said ‘’I cannot eat my hand so remain ring in pot so remain ostrich bead in pot’’
The Crane said “the child refused to eat because what is in pot is not a fish but your baby, the Fox came and ate the fish and put the baby in the pot’’.
When Lions heard this bad information, all lions ran and vomited and every lion said he or she never ‘’taste the baby”
The lions took a decision immediately to kill the Fox.
Someone went and told Fox that someone's leg is swelled so could he come and pierce the swollen. The Fox agreed and told the messenger that he would come. When Fox was going to lions home, he tied the head tuft of grass on cross the path. When he arrived at lion home, all lion surrounded swollen leg lion. Fox said ‘’Why do you sit around that, how shall I dodge the pus. you open one side.’’ The Lions opened one side. The Fox pierced the swollen leg and ran immediately. the lion chased him but stumbled by tied grass and fell down. Fox jumped over and escaped.
The lion decided to give a girl to the fox. The girl went to fox and said my father said You will marry me, the fox agreed and married the lion’s daughter. Fox built his house. The lion girl went to her parents one day. her parents asked, ‘’where do you sleep with fox’’, the girl told them. The lion said “We shall burn your house so you sleep with your hands out tonight so we shall catch them and pull you out of fire’’.
While Fox's wife was talking with her parents, Fox was hiding in the farm. Fox heard the message, fox came and said to his wife, “if you are the wife of my father cattles, give this ivory ring in your hands’’, the wife gave the rings. That night lion came and burned the house. Fox gave his hand, the lion pulled Fox out and the Fox ran and their daughter cried in the fire, they pulled her out too. “The fox has escaped death” the lion said.
The lions started a big hunt for the fox, they went to fox’s byre and the fox was not around. The lions returned to their home. At night, the lion returned and burned fox’s byre and stood at the door waiting for the Fox to come out. The fox was cunning, he dug a tunnel, longest hole from byre until opened up in forest, he made as his escaping route. When the lion burned the byre, the Fox escaped.
There were pumpkins in byre. The pumpkin busted with loud sound. The lion danced and jubilated outside byre and said,
“burst the head of the fox,
That’s what we want”.
When they were leaving, they met the fox in the forest. From there, the lions gave up their quest to kill the fox.
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