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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Nature & Wildlife
- Published: 06/01/2013
bi- CYCLELOAN--a calm cyclone
Born 1990, F, from Haryana, India.jpg)
CYCLELOAN----a calm cyclone
Once upon a time an enthusiastic and kindhearted boy named Goldy lived in a village near the hilly area (In India). He loved mountain biking but he did not have his own bicycle. So he often asks his parents “why can’t they buy a bicycle?”, And his parents often replied that they not have extra money to spend and already have to pay a loan taken by them. And sometime they say, “son! you don’t need it as school is near village and walking means good health”. So he often thinks that only God can Give him money but wonders why God did not give any gift to him.
One day he was surprised to see in school a brand new mountain bike brought by his rich classmate named Dev. B, coz there were few bicycles in their village and the mountain bikes were rare. So in his class all students were talking about its price, qualities and color etc. some of his friends requesting Dev to allow them to play with his bike. But Goldy didn’t want to do so because he knew that Dev is a tricky boy and will demand some money for allowing him to play with his bicycle.
That evening all Goldy’s friends were playing with the bicycle and were enjoying it a lot. However Goldy was looking at all with eager eyes. So next day Goldy asked Dev to allow him to play with his bicycle. Dev said –“ok but you have to do my homework of today.” Goldy agreed and that evening enjoyed biking a lot. Goldy enjoyed it so much that it became his hobby to do Dev’s homework and play with his bicycle every evening.
One day while playing with the bicycle Goldy thought to reach the hill near him along with bicycle. But when he reached the top he got so tired that he improperly stood the cycle and layed down for some rest. But the cycle slipped and fell into the deep side of the valley by the wind pressure. Goldy couldn’t control it. But all this put him in anxiety because the bicycle was of Dev and he had to return it. So that evening Goldy did not go to dev and did not tell anything about bicycle. Goldy told nothing to his parents in anxiety.
Next day in the school dev asked Goldy about his bicycle. Goldy told all about bicycle. Now Dev got angry and started saying loudly about its cost, importance etc. however he did not care so much about it but Dev said so in show off. Dev said my bicycle cost was 2000 rupees (Indian currency) and now you have to pay this to me. Dev said “for you it’s a loan and you have to pay.” Now Goldy got worried so he got an idea and said “instead of this, I will do your homework for 2000 days.” But as Dev was a naughty boy he changed the deal and said “instead, give me 2000 dragonflies and this way pay me my loan simply.”(b coz Dev often failed to catch dragonflies unlike the rest of the children.)
Goldy thought that it would be a simple way to pay this loan as to catch 2000 dragonflies. So Goldy agreed on this. But suddenly Dev said “2000 dragonflies together and all alive within 30 days.” This situation made Goldy more serious but he did not have any other option so he had to choose this option only.
Next day Goldy started his work to catch and gather the dragonflies from the area where they were easily available in his free time. First day he gathered 15 dragonflies but as he had to keep them alive and together he put all in an airy box in his room. But he was not so happy b coz that was not enough. Next day when he saw the box he got upset b coz a few dragonflies among them were dead and others were feeble. He put them on his hand and tried to give water to them so that they would live. But all in vain so he freed all from the box cage.
He sat near the river and was watching the dragonflies flying around. Suddenly he saw a chameleon (lizard) prey on one among them and ate it. then it was going to prey on another but Goldy shooed it away and saved the dragonfly. Then he saw a big dragonfly was flying near him but this time Goldy did not make an effort to catch it. Now the big dragonfly sat on his hand itself and started saying something. Goldy was surprised b coz it was talking to him like a human. Then the big dragonfly said “I am a queen dragonfly. you are a good boy, so why were you catching dragonflies?” Goldy told the whole story about the bicycle loan and all till that time. Then the big dragonfly said “I can help you if you will help us.” Goldy said “how?” the queen dragonfly replied “we will get together when you call us and then you can show all of us in front of Dev”. now to hear this Goldy got happy and asked what he had to do in this favor. The dragonfly said “a few chameleons in this valley often hunt dragonflies; you have to take them away from this valley and save us.” Now Goldy agreed.
Next day Goldy started to catch all chameleons and took them away from their valley. Chameleons were few in numbers, so it was easy for him to catch and take them away. He caught 2 chameleons that day so this time he put them in the box cage and put some food and water also that they may live.
Next day he saw the box and again he got upset to see the chameleons. They were unhappy and not eating the food. He thought that if they would be hungry then they must die so he opened the box and decided to free them. One chameleon ran away but one stayed around him, it sat on his hand and said “you are a good boy, so then why were you doing so?” now Goldy again told the whole story about the bicycle loan and all till that time. On this the chameleon said “I will help you. we (all chameleons) will move to another place if you promise to save us from the Kites and falcons in that place.”
Now Goldy agreed with this deal too, b coz there is no other alternate.
Next day all chameleons moved to the plain area. Goldy also came to that area in order to save all chameleons from the kites (the big bird which preys upon the creeping creatures). He came with his arrows and the bow. Soon there came many kites for preying on the chameleons but Goldy nimbly used his weapon that was the bow and arrows and aimed at the kites with the purpose to frighten them. All kites got frightened so they flew away, but mistakenly one arrow injured one kite and it fell down. He saw it was trembling with fear and pain. Merciful Goldy put it into his hand and took it at home b coz he did not want to harm it. There he cured it by laying the paste of some mustard oil and turmeric (a medicine). This gave some relief to the injured kite (bird). Now the kite was able to fly so he let the kite free, but it was still there near him. He was surprised to see all this, then soon it also started saying something to him. It said, “you are a good boy, then why were hunting us?” Goldy told the whole story about the bicycle loan and all about till that time again. After understanding the whole problem the kite said, “ok! I can help you if you help us”. Then it told their (all kites) problem about why were they preying on these creeping and alive creatures. It told that in the bay side (deep hilly area) there often were dead animals found and some are thrown by the human. It said that this might be their food too but there are some vultures (giant bird) which don’t want to share their food (dead animals stuff) with us (the smaller than vultures). This was the reason why the kites prey on the chameleons. Then it said that if Goldy helped them to fulfill their food requirements and get their share from the vultures then all kites will leave the chameleons area and his condition with chameleons will be completed.
Again he thought that it’s a better deal. So he agreed with kites stipulation. At night he was thinking all about this bicycle loan which seemed to be more complicated day by day. For him it was just like a cyclone which seems more dangerous now. Now he realized why his parents were so worried about their domestic loans. He realized that “a loan is just like a CYCLONE” everybody wants to avoid it. And he already has to pay a BI_CYCLE-LOAN, words closer to cyclone.
In spite of all he prepared himself for next day and set off all matters. Next day he got ready with some self defense weapons like…the bow and arrows, the javelin and some crackers. He went to the place where the kite promised to meet him then both the kite and the boy went to the bay side.
The boy was frightened by the silence and quiet of the valley b coz there was no human. There was some dead stuff like animals and some horrible sounds of the vultures. Suddenly he saw his missing cycle (that fell into this valley). He was glad to find the cycle b coz this cycle is the solution of the whole problem, ….the cycle loan. But there was a little problem that the cycle was near the vultures. Firstly he thought that after frightening all the vultures by the weapons that he had he will run away with the cycle. But then he realized that if he will not help the kites then many species or creatures of nature will remain in danger and further he thought that he should not run away from his promises.
He got an idea and he did some firework sounds with the crackers he had. This frightened the vultures and they started to fly here and there. But he wanted to puzzle all and catch one so that he would be able to compromise between the vultures and the kites. He used his javelin and bow and arrows in his protection. After a long struggle he caught a vulture and soon he convinced it to call all for compromise discussion. Soon all vultures gathered there and Goldy said to all, “I don’t want to harm you, I just want a compromise between you and all the kites of this area. If you think that being giant and powerful means you are able to tease the smaller then you are wrong, B coz here are some more powerful creatures than you and those are human. But human thinks both ways, by brain and by heart. So I and all humans will not harm you if you consider my view and share the food with the kites without harming and teasing them.” Goldy promised them to help all in worse situation in this favor.
Then all the vultures thought for a while and agreed at the discussion. He became happy to find out the solution and moved. Suddenly the kites and vultures offered to help him in getting out of there with his bicycle. He became happy again. Then two vultures caught him in their paws and two vultures caught his bicycle in their paws and put them above the valley. Then they offered him friendship and promised to help each other in worse situations.
Next day he called Dev to give his cycle loan near the village. Dev was surprised that how he was able to gather 2000 dragonflies in a very short time period. But Dev surprised more when he saw that all the dragonflies gathered there when Goldy called them. Goldy said, “here is your loan payment” then Goldy Said, “I want to give you interest on loan too”. Then he called all the chameleons, kites and the vultures. Dev surprised more. Soon Goldy give Dev his bicycle too and said that it was actually his (Dev) own. Now Dev praised Goldy for his honesty, hard work and friendship with nature’s creatures so he gave the bicycle back to Goldy as an honor and requested him to teach him how to do friendship with all creatures. Both became good friends.
This scene looks like a PEACEFUL CYCLONE b coz in the center was the bicycle, then the boys, then the dragonflies, chameleons, kites and the vultures were flying in circular shape.
With this Goldy came to know that he was able to talk to and understand all these creatures, so finally he realized that it was his GODGIFT. He thanked the almighty God. Now he finally got rid of this complicated bi-CYCLE-LOAN.
bi- CYCLELOAN--a calm cyclone(shobha bokadia)
CYCLELOAN----a calm cyclone
Once upon a time an enthusiastic and kindhearted boy named Goldy lived in a village near the hilly area (In India). He loved mountain biking but he did not have his own bicycle. So he often asks his parents “why can’t they buy a bicycle?”, And his parents often replied that they not have extra money to spend and already have to pay a loan taken by them. And sometime they say, “son! you don’t need it as school is near village and walking means good health”. So he often thinks that only God can Give him money but wonders why God did not give any gift to him.
One day he was surprised to see in school a brand new mountain bike brought by his rich classmate named Dev. B, coz there were few bicycles in their village and the mountain bikes were rare. So in his class all students were talking about its price, qualities and color etc. some of his friends requesting Dev to allow them to play with his bike. But Goldy didn’t want to do so because he knew that Dev is a tricky boy and will demand some money for allowing him to play with his bicycle.
That evening all Goldy’s friends were playing with the bicycle and were enjoying it a lot. However Goldy was looking at all with eager eyes. So next day Goldy asked Dev to allow him to play with his bicycle. Dev said –“ok but you have to do my homework of today.” Goldy agreed and that evening enjoyed biking a lot. Goldy enjoyed it so much that it became his hobby to do Dev’s homework and play with his bicycle every evening.
One day while playing with the bicycle Goldy thought to reach the hill near him along with bicycle. But when he reached the top he got so tired that he improperly stood the cycle and layed down for some rest. But the cycle slipped and fell into the deep side of the valley by the wind pressure. Goldy couldn’t control it. But all this put him in anxiety because the bicycle was of Dev and he had to return it. So that evening Goldy did not go to dev and did not tell anything about bicycle. Goldy told nothing to his parents in anxiety.
Next day in the school dev asked Goldy about his bicycle. Goldy told all about bicycle. Now Dev got angry and started saying loudly about its cost, importance etc. however he did not care so much about it but Dev said so in show off. Dev said my bicycle cost was 2000 rupees (Indian currency) and now you have to pay this to me. Dev said “for you it’s a loan and you have to pay.” Now Goldy got worried so he got an idea and said “instead of this, I will do your homework for 2000 days.” But as Dev was a naughty boy he changed the deal and said “instead, give me 2000 dragonflies and this way pay me my loan simply.”(b coz Dev often failed to catch dragonflies unlike the rest of the children.)
Goldy thought that it would be a simple way to pay this loan as to catch 2000 dragonflies. So Goldy agreed on this. But suddenly Dev said “2000 dragonflies together and all alive within 30 days.” This situation made Goldy more serious but he did not have any other option so he had to choose this option only.
Next day Goldy started his work to catch and gather the dragonflies from the area where they were easily available in his free time. First day he gathered 15 dragonflies but as he had to keep them alive and together he put all in an airy box in his room. But he was not so happy b coz that was not enough. Next day when he saw the box he got upset b coz a few dragonflies among them were dead and others were feeble. He put them on his hand and tried to give water to them so that they would live. But all in vain so he freed all from the box cage.
He sat near the river and was watching the dragonflies flying around. Suddenly he saw a chameleon (lizard) prey on one among them and ate it. then it was going to prey on another but Goldy shooed it away and saved the dragonfly. Then he saw a big dragonfly was flying near him but this time Goldy did not make an effort to catch it. Now the big dragonfly sat on his hand itself and started saying something. Goldy was surprised b coz it was talking to him like a human. Then the big dragonfly said “I am a queen dragonfly. you are a good boy, so why were you catching dragonflies?” Goldy told the whole story about the bicycle loan and all till that time. Then the big dragonfly said “I can help you if you will help us.” Goldy said “how?” the queen dragonfly replied “we will get together when you call us and then you can show all of us in front of Dev”. now to hear this Goldy got happy and asked what he had to do in this favor. The dragonfly said “a few chameleons in this valley often hunt dragonflies; you have to take them away from this valley and save us.” Now Goldy agreed.
Next day Goldy started to catch all chameleons and took them away from their valley. Chameleons were few in numbers, so it was easy for him to catch and take them away. He caught 2 chameleons that day so this time he put them in the box cage and put some food and water also that they may live.
Next day he saw the box and again he got upset to see the chameleons. They were unhappy and not eating the food. He thought that if they would be hungry then they must die so he opened the box and decided to free them. One chameleon ran away but one stayed around him, it sat on his hand and said “you are a good boy, so then why were you doing so?” now Goldy again told the whole story about the bicycle loan and all till that time. On this the chameleon said “I will help you. we (all chameleons) will move to another place if you promise to save us from the Kites and falcons in that place.”
Now Goldy agreed with this deal too, b coz there is no other alternate.
Next day all chameleons moved to the plain area. Goldy also came to that area in order to save all chameleons from the kites (the big bird which preys upon the creeping creatures). He came with his arrows and the bow. Soon there came many kites for preying on the chameleons but Goldy nimbly used his weapon that was the bow and arrows and aimed at the kites with the purpose to frighten them. All kites got frightened so they flew away, but mistakenly one arrow injured one kite and it fell down. He saw it was trembling with fear and pain. Merciful Goldy put it into his hand and took it at home b coz he did not want to harm it. There he cured it by laying the paste of some mustard oil and turmeric (a medicine). This gave some relief to the injured kite (bird). Now the kite was able to fly so he let the kite free, but it was still there near him. He was surprised to see all this, then soon it also started saying something to him. It said, “you are a good boy, then why were hunting us?” Goldy told the whole story about the bicycle loan and all about till that time again. After understanding the whole problem the kite said, “ok! I can help you if you help us”. Then it told their (all kites) problem about why were they preying on these creeping and alive creatures. It told that in the bay side (deep hilly area) there often were dead animals found and some are thrown by the human. It said that this might be their food too but there are some vultures (giant bird) which don’t want to share their food (dead animals stuff) with us (the smaller than vultures). This was the reason why the kites prey on the chameleons. Then it said that if Goldy helped them to fulfill their food requirements and get their share from the vultures then all kites will leave the chameleons area and his condition with chameleons will be completed.
Again he thought that it’s a better deal. So he agreed with kites stipulation. At night he was thinking all about this bicycle loan which seemed to be more complicated day by day. For him it was just like a cyclone which seems more dangerous now. Now he realized why his parents were so worried about their domestic loans. He realized that “a loan is just like a CYCLONE” everybody wants to avoid it. And he already has to pay a BI_CYCLE-LOAN, words closer to cyclone.
In spite of all he prepared himself for next day and set off all matters. Next day he got ready with some self defense weapons like…the bow and arrows, the javelin and some crackers. He went to the place where the kite promised to meet him then both the kite and the boy went to the bay side.
The boy was frightened by the silence and quiet of the valley b coz there was no human. There was some dead stuff like animals and some horrible sounds of the vultures. Suddenly he saw his missing cycle (that fell into this valley). He was glad to find the cycle b coz this cycle is the solution of the whole problem, ….the cycle loan. But there was a little problem that the cycle was near the vultures. Firstly he thought that after frightening all the vultures by the weapons that he had he will run away with the cycle. But then he realized that if he will not help the kites then many species or creatures of nature will remain in danger and further he thought that he should not run away from his promises.
He got an idea and he did some firework sounds with the crackers he had. This frightened the vultures and they started to fly here and there. But he wanted to puzzle all and catch one so that he would be able to compromise between the vultures and the kites. He used his javelin and bow and arrows in his protection. After a long struggle he caught a vulture and soon he convinced it to call all for compromise discussion. Soon all vultures gathered there and Goldy said to all, “I don’t want to harm you, I just want a compromise between you and all the kites of this area. If you think that being giant and powerful means you are able to tease the smaller then you are wrong, B coz here are some more powerful creatures than you and those are human. But human thinks both ways, by brain and by heart. So I and all humans will not harm you if you consider my view and share the food with the kites without harming and teasing them.” Goldy promised them to help all in worse situation in this favor.
Then all the vultures thought for a while and agreed at the discussion. He became happy to find out the solution and moved. Suddenly the kites and vultures offered to help him in getting out of there with his bicycle. He became happy again. Then two vultures caught him in their paws and two vultures caught his bicycle in their paws and put them above the valley. Then they offered him friendship and promised to help each other in worse situations.
Next day he called Dev to give his cycle loan near the village. Dev was surprised that how he was able to gather 2000 dragonflies in a very short time period. But Dev surprised more when he saw that all the dragonflies gathered there when Goldy called them. Goldy said, “here is your loan payment” then Goldy Said, “I want to give you interest on loan too”. Then he called all the chameleons, kites and the vultures. Dev surprised more. Soon Goldy give Dev his bicycle too and said that it was actually his (Dev) own. Now Dev praised Goldy for his honesty, hard work and friendship with nature’s creatures so he gave the bicycle back to Goldy as an honor and requested him to teach him how to do friendship with all creatures. Both became good friends.
This scene looks like a PEACEFUL CYCLONE b coz in the center was the bicycle, then the boys, then the dragonflies, chameleons, kites and the vultures were flying in circular shape.
With this Goldy came to know that he was able to talk to and understand all these creatures, so finally he realized that it was his GODGIFT. He thanked the almighty God. Now he finally got rid of this complicated bi-CYCLE-LOAN.
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