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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 06/12/2013
Just Not Perfect
Born 1998, F, from West des moines, United StatesJust Not Perfect.
Our teenage years. What a rush! There is just so much to worry about, so much stress! Some people can take it, others just can't. When you fall in love how far would you go to make sure the love stays mutual? Would you let jealousy get the best of you? My best friend, Summer, did. This is her story.
I woke up to the blinding light of the sun. I sat up in bed and inhaled the fresh smell of pancakes being cooked in the kitchen. My little brother, Casey, ran in my room, without knocking, and jumped on my bed.
"Get off!" I yelled, playfully pushing him off the bed.
"Bentley's here! Bentley's here! Bentley's here!" Casey said repeatedly with a childish grin on his face.
Bentley is my beyond perfect boyfriend. Casey is in love with him and so am I. I hopped out of bed and ran to the front door.
"Stay inside Casey!" I yelled, not bothering to stop running.
"Baby!" Bentley said dropping his bag and running to pick me up in his arms.
He spun me around and kissed me gently on the lips. "I got you something babe." Bentley put me down and grabbed a bag from the back of his Jeep. He pulled out a light pink wet suit with Billabong stamped across the back.
"Awh babe, i love it! Thank you." I pulled him in for another kiss.
Bentley and I walked into my house and immediately Casey jumped on Bentley. I went into my room to get dressed. I showered quickly and put on my wet suit. I let my natural, wavy, brown hair air dry as i looked around for my board wax.
"Found it!" I said to myself.
Today was going to be extremely perfect. Bentley and I were going to drive down to Hamilton Beach to surf. The waves were supposed to be perfect today. I walked out into the kitchen, let Casey say goodbye to Bentley and kissed my mom goodbye and we headed out. Before we could officially hit the road Bentley stopped at the Chill and Crill for snacks and gas. As Bent walked in to pay I watched him. His golden skin tone looked amazing with his bleach blonde hair. His face had not one blemish on it. His lips, full and light pink, were as soft and cotton, and his eyes. Oh his eyes! They were the bluest shade of blue. Not too dark, and not too light. Kind of like the ocean at sunrise. And at that moment it hit me. I just realized how lucky i am to be with a guy like him. He is perfect. A perfect guy deserves a perfect girl. I looked down at my legs. Not too bad. I'm a size three but i could be smaller, right?
"Aim for size zero" I said under my breath.
My stomach was pretty flat but It did kind of 'jiggle' when I ran. I pulled down the mirror in Bent's Jeep and examined my face. I never bother to put on makeup, i never thought i needed it until now. I had a few pimples on my chin. My dark pink lips were small and gentle looking. Defiantly not as full as Bent's. I turned my head slightly to the left and looked at my ponytail. At that moment a group of young, probably fourteen or fifteen year olds, walked by. I saw Bent exit the shop and look at them. He smiled and ran his hands through his blonde hair then said something. The girls laughed shyly and as they walked by a girl with long wavy blonde hair touched his arm. He smiled even bigger and continued to walk. I quickly removed my ponytail and put on some lip gloss. As soon as he stepped in the car I leaned over and kissed him intimately making sure the group of girls saw every moment of it. When i pulled out of the kiss Bentley was blushing, a lot.
"Wow. Summer that was amazing!" Bent said smiling from ear to ear. I smiled, determined to not let him know I was pissed about the girls.
"You want a twinkie?" Bent held one in front of my hand. To be honest I really did want one, but after looking at my thunder thighs I decided against it.
"I'm fine, thanks babe." I replied looking distantly out my window. Bent Gave me a worried look then drove off.
Bentley turned down the music in his Jeep as we drove into the beach parking lot. He parked the car and leaned over to kiss my cheek.
"Baby are you okay? You've been awfully quiet the whole drive. If anything is bothering you sweet heart you know you can tell me." Bentley said with a kindhearted smile.
"Yeah I know. I'm fine." But the truth is nothing is fine. Im torn.
"I love you Summer."
"I love you too Bentley."
Almost as if we planned it we both leaned in for a long passionate kiss. Bent's hands wandered all over my thighs and I couldn't help but feel insecure. I was the first to pull away from the kiss. I jumped out the Jeep and reached in the trunk for my surf board. Bent did the same. We walked across the warm sand to our usual spot. We set our boards down and began waxing. Just as the weatherman said the waves were perfect. I grabbed Bent's hand and let him out towards the water. We walked about eight feet out than got on our boards and started paddling. Surfing for us was like breathing. It came naturally. The first wave came fast. I got up and put my left foot forward. Both Bentley and I were goofy surfers. We surfed the wave like it was nothing. At first it was all good, it was perfect, but not for long.
It got dark. Really dark, and cold. I couldn't hear anything. I could see a faint light, but it soon faded away. Then I was back in reality. Waves crashed over my head threatening to drown me. I frantically gasped for air, using my board to stay afloat. I looked around. Bentley. Where was Bentley? I screamed his name. No answer. I tried again. Still no answer. I looked around, tears rushing down my face, and i finally found him. I got on my board and paddled as fast as i could to him. When I got there sadly I only saw his board. I pulled on his cable and thank fully it was still attached to his foot. I yanked it up and fast as I could. I prayed Bentley hadn't drowned. When i got him up the the surface I put him on my board and paddled to shore. As soon as we got there i noticed blood was all over his hair, face, and body. I reached for my phone in my bag and dialed 911. In less than ten minutes they arrived and put Bentley on the stretcher. He looked at me and tried to talk but no words came out. Tears ran down his blood caked face. I kissed his forehead and let the paramedics take him away. I climbed into the ambulance and grabbed Bentley's hand. They wiped blood off of him and revealed giant cuts on his legs, a gash on his cheek and forehead, and a cut as long as my pink on his scalp. I began to bawl. I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and then i noticed the giant gash on it. All of a sudden I felt really tired. Then I blacked out.
I woke up in a hospital. The only thing i could think of was Bentley. I got out the the bed and ran down the hall searching for him. Soon I saw him. His head was wrapped, and his legs were in casts and elevated. Again I felt warm tears drip down my face. I walked into the room and sat down next to the bed. Bentley slowly turned his head and smiled his cheeky smile. His lip was swollen. He scooted his torso over and motioned for me to lay down.
"Are you okay?" I asked gently lowering myself into his bed.
"I'm alive. That's all that matters, right" He said kissing my forehead.
I layed my head on his chest and he placed his good arm around me. I traced the out line of his abs through the ugly hospital gown.
"Babe" Bent groaned, "I'm in a lot of pain. You being here really helps though. I love you so much Summer. You are just so perfect."
The word 'perfect' slipped off his tongue so effortlessly. Hearing him call me that brought tears to my eyes. Suddenly I had a flashback of all the imperfect things about me, all my flaws. Now I was angry.
"Bentley. I'm not perfect. I'm over weight. I'm ugly. I'm a tomboy freak. I'm-" I couldn't even finish because Bentley cut me off.
"Don't you dare say another word. How could you possibly call yourself over weight? Summer you weigh 115 pounds. My twelve year old cousin weighs that much. You are so far from being ugly that it's humorous you even said that. Do you not notice all the stares you get when you walk by? Do you? I get so scared everyday that some other guy will come take you away from me! I'm so insecure because of you! So don't sit here and say this shit!" He was screaming now. Sweat dripped down his face. He was all red and a vein had popped out in his neck. He looked away from me. I tried this turn his head back to me, but he wouldn't budge.
" Bent I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just want to be like the girls you flirted with at the Chill and Crill and the waitress at Bob's Grill and the girls at the beach bash." I hadn't even noticed that i was babbling. "You just flirt too much! Why don't you treat me good?" Now i was crying and babbling. What had i even said? I don't know, but I did know Bentley had heard enough.
"What? Why don't I what? You must be out of your goddamn mind! I treat you like a princess, Summer. I've never cheated. I don't even talk to other girls! You say I flirt too much? Since when was asking where the bathroom is or asking do you surf flirting? Oh and the girls at the Chill and Crill? They were fourteen! They said they saw me surf and that I was good! They wanted to feel my wet suit to know what type of fabric it was! You have no trust in me. No trust whatsoever. Get out Summer! Get off the bed, get out of the room, get out of my life! Its over! We're done. DONE." Bentley yelled so loud the nurse had to check in a few times to make sure he was okay. I got off the bed. I wiped my tears and left.
"Bye Bentley." I said trying to compose myself. I had my best friend , Jay, pick me up. On the way home i told her everything. When I got home I went straight to my room ignoring my brother, who really wanted to know if Bentley was okay. I went to my room, layed down, and didn't get up.
That sound. I know that sound! Bentley's Jeep! I ran to the driveway and when he stepped out the his car i hugged him.
"When'd you get out of the hospital? I missed you babe!" I said hugging him tighter. I then realized he wasn't hugging me back. I hadn't seen him since our fight but i assumed it was over.
"Get off of me. I'm not your babe." He shook me off and reached in the back seat of his Jeep. He pulled out two big boxes. "Here's your stuff back. All the presents, clothes, basically everything that has to do with you." He said with no facial expression. I was shocked. I couldn't breathe. I looked in his Jeep. In the passenger seat there was a gorgeous blonde girl. Where had I seen her before? Oh. My. Gosh. It was the blonde from the Chill and Crill the day of Bentley's accident!
"I want all my stuff back too." he said breaking me from my trance. He followed me into the house, hugged Casey and my mom. He told both of them he'd keep in touch and gave Casey a Nintendo DS. Casey has wanted one for a while.
"When you get lonely Casey you can video chat me. Here are some games too. I'll pick you up for Six Flags tomorrow at three pm. I love you bud." Bentley said holding my little brother. Casey had to be devastated about our break up.
"It's like he's losing his dad all over again" My mom cried out.
"No, Mrs.Hamilton. Not at all. I will always be here for you guys. Nothing will change." Bent hugged my mom and kissed her forehead. "I love you guys."
I handed Bentley a box full of everything that was his. He said bye to my mom and Casey one more time and then left. I followed him out the door.
"Goodbye hug?" I said tears rolling down my face now.
"No Summer. Just no." Bentley said as he climbed in his Jeep. He kissed the blonde girl.
"Take care." he yelled as he backed out of the driveway and speeded down the road.
I couldn't sleep. I didn't eat. I didn't do anything. Rarely did I leave my room, and surfing? I quit. I might as well be dead. If Bentley didn't love me, who would?
I miss her. I can't deny it anymore. Ashton, my new girlfriend, isn't like Summer. Ashton doesn't longboard. Ashton hates surfing. Ashton just isn't Summer. I had to break up with her though. If we were still together my death would kill her. She never knew about my cancer. I never had the guts to tell her. She wouldn't date me if she knew and I couldn't take that chance. I still love her. Regardless of my life coming to an end in just three months, i will get her back. I hopped in my Jeep and drove down Summer's street. How long has it been since iv'e seen her beautiful face? A month? Maybe two? I pulled into her driveway and at the same time an ambulance parked on the curb and the medics ran inside. What was going on? Did Casey forgot to take his insulin? I ran inside and saw Summer on the ground. Beside he was a puddle of blood, a razor, and a bottle of pills. Only two were left. My reaction was quick. I pushed the weak medic aside and grabbed Summer.
"Sir, you need to move." He said aggravated.
"No! She's my girlfriend!" Without thinking i picked her up and sprinted to my Jeep. I placed her in the back and drove off. Thank God I didn't turn my car off. Of course I realize it was stupid for me to take Summer but I couldn't just let her die. I drove 80 miles per hour through the empty streets. I pulled into the hospital parking lot and grabbed Summer. I whispered everything was going to be okay in her ear.
"HELP! Please my girlfriend is dying! Someone please help now!" I was yelling frantically. Soon a doctor and nurses with a stretcher came and took her from me. When they placed her on it I ran along with them holding he hand the whole time. When I needed her she was there for me so I will be there for her. Her eyes slowly inched open.
"Bentley?" she could barley speak.
"Shhh... I'll never let you go." I whispered.
It had been hours, finally they told me I could see her.
"Summer, baby, are you alright?" I said squeezing her hand.
"Yes. Bent you came, and you stayed." She said a tear falling down her cheek.
"Of course. I can't believe I didn't what I did. I'm so sorry. I'm a jerk. I never stopped loving you. Ever. I never really loved Ashton. I promise. It's okay, you'll make it through this, and when you do i'll be yours again. Things will go back to normal. I promise. I love you so much pumpkin." I was bawling now.
"I love you too Ben-" she paused. Her EKG line was going slow. Suddenly it stopped. Nurses and doctors ran in. A nurse pushed me out forcefully. I kept screaming her name and asking what was wrong. Nobody would tell me. My eyes were wide. I didn't move or breathe. A doctor came out.
"I'm so sorry. She's gone. We did everything we could, but she already lost too much blood before the ambulance was even called.
I was speechless. Angry. Confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was her mom. I turned around and cried on her shoulder. Summer can't be dead. She didn't deserve to die. It was all my fault. All the doctors and nurses left the room. I quickly snuck in and lifted the covers off her head.
"My baby." I cried.
I kissed her forehead, her cheek, and then her lips. They were cold as ice. I couldn't control my crying. I looked up and saw the medicine cabinet. A nurse had left it open. I walked over and picked up a random bottle. I was so tempted. Temptation got the best of me. I opened the bottled and swallowed it all in three gulps. I took the scalpel off of the nearby cart and cut Summer's full name on my wrist. I layed by her on the bed and grabbed her hand. I felt a sharp pain and then everything went bright, then pitch black. Then I saw her, dressed in white like an angel. My angel. And I went to her.
I lost my best friend. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I also lost my brother, Bentley. It took me a while to work up the courage to publish this story. Casey, Summer's little brother died two weeks after Summer and Bentley. His mom was at work and he tried to use his insulin pen by himself. He injected too much, went into insulin shock, and then passed away. Later his mother Mrs. Hamilton overdosed on drugs and died. The pain I've experienced through all of this is horrible. I'll never be the same.
Just Not Perfect(Maryann Kpor)
Just Not Perfect.
Our teenage years. What a rush! There is just so much to worry about, so much stress! Some people can take it, others just can't. When you fall in love how far would you go to make sure the love stays mutual? Would you let jealousy get the best of you? My best friend, Summer, did. This is her story.
I woke up to the blinding light of the sun. I sat up in bed and inhaled the fresh smell of pancakes being cooked in the kitchen. My little brother, Casey, ran in my room, without knocking, and jumped on my bed.
"Get off!" I yelled, playfully pushing him off the bed.
"Bentley's here! Bentley's here! Bentley's here!" Casey said repeatedly with a childish grin on his face.
Bentley is my beyond perfect boyfriend. Casey is in love with him and so am I. I hopped out of bed and ran to the front door.
"Stay inside Casey!" I yelled, not bothering to stop running.
"Baby!" Bentley said dropping his bag and running to pick me up in his arms.
He spun me around and kissed me gently on the lips. "I got you something babe." Bentley put me down and grabbed a bag from the back of his Jeep. He pulled out a light pink wet suit with Billabong stamped across the back.
"Awh babe, i love it! Thank you." I pulled him in for another kiss.
Bentley and I walked into my house and immediately Casey jumped on Bentley. I went into my room to get dressed. I showered quickly and put on my wet suit. I let my natural, wavy, brown hair air dry as i looked around for my board wax.
"Found it!" I said to myself.
Today was going to be extremely perfect. Bentley and I were going to drive down to Hamilton Beach to surf. The waves were supposed to be perfect today. I walked out into the kitchen, let Casey say goodbye to Bentley and kissed my mom goodbye and we headed out. Before we could officially hit the road Bentley stopped at the Chill and Crill for snacks and gas. As Bent walked in to pay I watched him. His golden skin tone looked amazing with his bleach blonde hair. His face had not one blemish on it. His lips, full and light pink, were as soft and cotton, and his eyes. Oh his eyes! They were the bluest shade of blue. Not too dark, and not too light. Kind of like the ocean at sunrise. And at that moment it hit me. I just realized how lucky i am to be with a guy like him. He is perfect. A perfect guy deserves a perfect girl. I looked down at my legs. Not too bad. I'm a size three but i could be smaller, right?
"Aim for size zero" I said under my breath.
My stomach was pretty flat but It did kind of 'jiggle' when I ran. I pulled down the mirror in Bent's Jeep and examined my face. I never bother to put on makeup, i never thought i needed it until now. I had a few pimples on my chin. My dark pink lips were small and gentle looking. Defiantly not as full as Bent's. I turned my head slightly to the left and looked at my ponytail. At that moment a group of young, probably fourteen or fifteen year olds, walked by. I saw Bent exit the shop and look at them. He smiled and ran his hands through his blonde hair then said something. The girls laughed shyly and as they walked by a girl with long wavy blonde hair touched his arm. He smiled even bigger and continued to walk. I quickly removed my ponytail and put on some lip gloss. As soon as he stepped in the car I leaned over and kissed him intimately making sure the group of girls saw every moment of it. When i pulled out of the kiss Bentley was blushing, a lot.
"Wow. Summer that was amazing!" Bent said smiling from ear to ear. I smiled, determined to not let him know I was pissed about the girls.
"You want a twinkie?" Bent held one in front of my hand. To be honest I really did want one, but after looking at my thunder thighs I decided against it.
"I'm fine, thanks babe." I replied looking distantly out my window. Bent Gave me a worried look then drove off.
Bentley turned down the music in his Jeep as we drove into the beach parking lot. He parked the car and leaned over to kiss my cheek.
"Baby are you okay? You've been awfully quiet the whole drive. If anything is bothering you sweet heart you know you can tell me." Bentley said with a kindhearted smile.
"Yeah I know. I'm fine." But the truth is nothing is fine. Im torn.
"I love you Summer."
"I love you too Bentley."
Almost as if we planned it we both leaned in for a long passionate kiss. Bent's hands wandered all over my thighs and I couldn't help but feel insecure. I was the first to pull away from the kiss. I jumped out the Jeep and reached in the trunk for my surf board. Bent did the same. We walked across the warm sand to our usual spot. We set our boards down and began waxing. Just as the weatherman said the waves were perfect. I grabbed Bent's hand and let him out towards the water. We walked about eight feet out than got on our boards and started paddling. Surfing for us was like breathing. It came naturally. The first wave came fast. I got up and put my left foot forward. Both Bentley and I were goofy surfers. We surfed the wave like it was nothing. At first it was all good, it was perfect, but not for long.
It got dark. Really dark, and cold. I couldn't hear anything. I could see a faint light, but it soon faded away. Then I was back in reality. Waves crashed over my head threatening to drown me. I frantically gasped for air, using my board to stay afloat. I looked around. Bentley. Where was Bentley? I screamed his name. No answer. I tried again. Still no answer. I looked around, tears rushing down my face, and i finally found him. I got on my board and paddled as fast as i could to him. When I got there sadly I only saw his board. I pulled on his cable and thank fully it was still attached to his foot. I yanked it up and fast as I could. I prayed Bentley hadn't drowned. When i got him up the the surface I put him on my board and paddled to shore. As soon as we got there i noticed blood was all over his hair, face, and body. I reached for my phone in my bag and dialed 911. In less than ten minutes they arrived and put Bentley on the stretcher. He looked at me and tried to talk but no words came out. Tears ran down his blood caked face. I kissed his forehead and let the paramedics take him away. I climbed into the ambulance and grabbed Bentley's hand. They wiped blood off of him and revealed giant cuts on his legs, a gash on his cheek and forehead, and a cut as long as my pink on his scalp. I began to bawl. I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and then i noticed the giant gash on it. All of a sudden I felt really tired. Then I blacked out.
I woke up in a hospital. The only thing i could think of was Bentley. I got out the the bed and ran down the hall searching for him. Soon I saw him. His head was wrapped, and his legs were in casts and elevated. Again I felt warm tears drip down my face. I walked into the room and sat down next to the bed. Bentley slowly turned his head and smiled his cheeky smile. His lip was swollen. He scooted his torso over and motioned for me to lay down.
"Are you okay?" I asked gently lowering myself into his bed.
"I'm alive. That's all that matters, right" He said kissing my forehead.
I layed my head on his chest and he placed his good arm around me. I traced the out line of his abs through the ugly hospital gown.
"Babe" Bent groaned, "I'm in a lot of pain. You being here really helps though. I love you so much Summer. You are just so perfect."
The word 'perfect' slipped off his tongue so effortlessly. Hearing him call me that brought tears to my eyes. Suddenly I had a flashback of all the imperfect things about me, all my flaws. Now I was angry.
"Bentley. I'm not perfect. I'm over weight. I'm ugly. I'm a tomboy freak. I'm-" I couldn't even finish because Bentley cut me off.
"Don't you dare say another word. How could you possibly call yourself over weight? Summer you weigh 115 pounds. My twelve year old cousin weighs that much. You are so far from being ugly that it's humorous you even said that. Do you not notice all the stares you get when you walk by? Do you? I get so scared everyday that some other guy will come take you away from me! I'm so insecure because of you! So don't sit here and say this shit!" He was screaming now. Sweat dripped down his face. He was all red and a vein had popped out in his neck. He looked away from me. I tried this turn his head back to me, but he wouldn't budge.
" Bent I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just want to be like the girls you flirted with at the Chill and Crill and the waitress at Bob's Grill and the girls at the beach bash." I hadn't even noticed that i was babbling. "You just flirt too much! Why don't you treat me good?" Now i was crying and babbling. What had i even said? I don't know, but I did know Bentley had heard enough.
"What? Why don't I what? You must be out of your goddamn mind! I treat you like a princess, Summer. I've never cheated. I don't even talk to other girls! You say I flirt too much? Since when was asking where the bathroom is or asking do you surf flirting? Oh and the girls at the Chill and Crill? They were fourteen! They said they saw me surf and that I was good! They wanted to feel my wet suit to know what type of fabric it was! You have no trust in me. No trust whatsoever. Get out Summer! Get off the bed, get out of the room, get out of my life! Its over! We're done. DONE." Bentley yelled so loud the nurse had to check in a few times to make sure he was okay. I got off the bed. I wiped my tears and left.
"Bye Bentley." I said trying to compose myself. I had my best friend , Jay, pick me up. On the way home i told her everything. When I got home I went straight to my room ignoring my brother, who really wanted to know if Bentley was okay. I went to my room, layed down, and didn't get up.
That sound. I know that sound! Bentley's Jeep! I ran to the driveway and when he stepped out the his car i hugged him.
"When'd you get out of the hospital? I missed you babe!" I said hugging him tighter. I then realized he wasn't hugging me back. I hadn't seen him since our fight but i assumed it was over.
"Get off of me. I'm not your babe." He shook me off and reached in the back seat of his Jeep. He pulled out two big boxes. "Here's your stuff back. All the presents, clothes, basically everything that has to do with you." He said with no facial expression. I was shocked. I couldn't breathe. I looked in his Jeep. In the passenger seat there was a gorgeous blonde girl. Where had I seen her before? Oh. My. Gosh. It was the blonde from the Chill and Crill the day of Bentley's accident!
"I want all my stuff back too." he said breaking me from my trance. He followed me into the house, hugged Casey and my mom. He told both of them he'd keep in touch and gave Casey a Nintendo DS. Casey has wanted one for a while.
"When you get lonely Casey you can video chat me. Here are some games too. I'll pick you up for Six Flags tomorrow at three pm. I love you bud." Bentley said holding my little brother. Casey had to be devastated about our break up.
"It's like he's losing his dad all over again" My mom cried out.
"No, Mrs.Hamilton. Not at all. I will always be here for you guys. Nothing will change." Bent hugged my mom and kissed her forehead. "I love you guys."
I handed Bentley a box full of everything that was his. He said bye to my mom and Casey one more time and then left. I followed him out the door.
"Goodbye hug?" I said tears rolling down my face now.
"No Summer. Just no." Bentley said as he climbed in his Jeep. He kissed the blonde girl.
"Take care." he yelled as he backed out of the driveway and speeded down the road.
I couldn't sleep. I didn't eat. I didn't do anything. Rarely did I leave my room, and surfing? I quit. I might as well be dead. If Bentley didn't love me, who would?
I miss her. I can't deny it anymore. Ashton, my new girlfriend, isn't like Summer. Ashton doesn't longboard. Ashton hates surfing. Ashton just isn't Summer. I had to break up with her though. If we were still together my death would kill her. She never knew about my cancer. I never had the guts to tell her. She wouldn't date me if she knew and I couldn't take that chance. I still love her. Regardless of my life coming to an end in just three months, i will get her back. I hopped in my Jeep and drove down Summer's street. How long has it been since iv'e seen her beautiful face? A month? Maybe two? I pulled into her driveway and at the same time an ambulance parked on the curb and the medics ran inside. What was going on? Did Casey forgot to take his insulin? I ran inside and saw Summer on the ground. Beside he was a puddle of blood, a razor, and a bottle of pills. Only two were left. My reaction was quick. I pushed the weak medic aside and grabbed Summer.
"Sir, you need to move." He said aggravated.
"No! She's my girlfriend!" Without thinking i picked her up and sprinted to my Jeep. I placed her in the back and drove off. Thank God I didn't turn my car off. Of course I realize it was stupid for me to take Summer but I couldn't just let her die. I drove 80 miles per hour through the empty streets. I pulled into the hospital parking lot and grabbed Summer. I whispered everything was going to be okay in her ear.
"HELP! Please my girlfriend is dying! Someone please help now!" I was yelling frantically. Soon a doctor and nurses with a stretcher came and took her from me. When they placed her on it I ran along with them holding he hand the whole time. When I needed her she was there for me so I will be there for her. Her eyes slowly inched open.
"Bentley?" she could barley speak.
"Shhh... I'll never let you go." I whispered.
It had been hours, finally they told me I could see her.
"Summer, baby, are you alright?" I said squeezing her hand.
"Yes. Bent you came, and you stayed." She said a tear falling down her cheek.
"Of course. I can't believe I didn't what I did. I'm so sorry. I'm a jerk. I never stopped loving you. Ever. I never really loved Ashton. I promise. It's okay, you'll make it through this, and when you do i'll be yours again. Things will go back to normal. I promise. I love you so much pumpkin." I was bawling now.
"I love you too Ben-" she paused. Her EKG line was going slow. Suddenly it stopped. Nurses and doctors ran in. A nurse pushed me out forcefully. I kept screaming her name and asking what was wrong. Nobody would tell me. My eyes were wide. I didn't move or breathe. A doctor came out.
"I'm so sorry. She's gone. We did everything we could, but she already lost too much blood before the ambulance was even called.
I was speechless. Angry. Confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was her mom. I turned around and cried on her shoulder. Summer can't be dead. She didn't deserve to die. It was all my fault. All the doctors and nurses left the room. I quickly snuck in and lifted the covers off her head.
"My baby." I cried.
I kissed her forehead, her cheek, and then her lips. They were cold as ice. I couldn't control my crying. I looked up and saw the medicine cabinet. A nurse had left it open. I walked over and picked up a random bottle. I was so tempted. Temptation got the best of me. I opened the bottled and swallowed it all in three gulps. I took the scalpel off of the nearby cart and cut Summer's full name on my wrist. I layed by her on the bed and grabbed her hand. I felt a sharp pain and then everything went bright, then pitch black. Then I saw her, dressed in white like an angel. My angel. And I went to her.
I lost my best friend. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I also lost my brother, Bentley. It took me a while to work up the courage to publish this story. Casey, Summer's little brother died two weeks after Summer and Bentley. His mom was at work and he tried to use his insulin pen by himself. He injected too much, went into insulin shock, and then passed away. Later his mother Mrs. Hamilton overdosed on drugs and died. The pain I've experienced through all of this is horrible. I'll never be the same.
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