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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 06/24/2013
The Grand Device
Born 1998, M, from Shell Cove, Australia.jpg)
Chapter 1: Sun Fort City
A breezy wind swept through Sun Fort City. Thousands happilly wandered the streets. It was the perfect city for any occasion. Wedding, Honeymoon, Trip, Visit, Competition. Everything was here. You could go to the Sunny Fort Luxurious Hotels and Apartments then drive off to the Spas and relax. You could visit the Stadiums and watch a Football match then go to Sunny Fort 5 star Hotel for the experience of your life.
Jack Dardusk was a top scientist. He started experimenting in year 4 and by the time he got to year 7, he was well known worldwide. He loved science and loved his family. But he had a grudge on his brother, Alden. Alden was a real bad person. He would steal things and hurt anybody who upset him even a little bit. He liked to be the bad guy.
It was a cold day when Jack ran into Dr Zexare, the worlds greatest doctor and scientist. The two walked into a café and began to chat. “Jack Dardusk, I have heard about your wonderful experiments and I could use your help. You see, my latest experiment involves a mixture of a few ingredients like fire and gold to see the aftermath. The computer shows that the results will be fantastic, MARVELOUS! So good that Sunny Fort City will change forever” Dr Zexare said.
“Dr, that sounds marvelous. But when? I am really busy right now and I need to finish my experiment” Jack responded. “Wait. Your experiment could slightly make our future of science better, right?” Dr Zexare asked. “Yes, I add Sodium Chloride and some other chemicals to a mixture of silver, gold and platinum powder to create a stunning effect” Jack said back. “Why don’t we combine our experiments into one big one? Creating a better city and a better future in one could be the worlds greatest experiment. We would also be the worlds greatest science duo” Dr Zexare said. Jack was too surprised to speak. I’ll take that as a yes. Well, meet me at the Sunny Fort Foundation Building 6:30 Pm on Sunday. Goodbye” Dr Zexare said before walking away.
Jack walked out of the café and went to a small house at the edge of town. A tall bulky guy answered the door. “Come in, Jack” he said. Jack walked into the house. He turned on his computer and opened up a science application. He opened up the search section and typed in Dr Zexare. The search result was the experiment that Dr Zexare wanted to mix with Jack’s. Jack created a simulation of Dr Zexares experiment and his own experiment mixing together. The Result was spectacular. A better world of science was just a few days away.
Jack gathered up the required ingredients and sat down. The bulky guy began to speak. “Jack, you need to listen to this” he said before turning on a recorded voicemail. “Jack, it’s Alden. I hear you are conducting an experiment with THE Dr Zexare. Ha! That is just so stupid. You want to be famous. Do what I am doing and become the opposite. Become Infamous. Be known by everyone worldwide. Come back to NorCene Town and help me. Ignore the experiment. It isn’t gonna do anything. My plan will work” The voicemail had recorded. “Your brother is evil” The tall guy said. “Victor, I know! I am not going to help him. Get the phone” Jack responded. “Sure” Victor said.
Jack called the NorCene Police. “Police, a tall guy with long jeans and a very dirty shirt is about to break into the mall. His name is Alden Dardusk. 15 years old. Thank you. Bye” Jack said before hanging up. “How do you know what Alden is going to do?” Victor asked. “He’s my brother. I know everything he wants to do” Jack responded.
Chapter 2: The Robbery
Meanwhile, in NorCene City, 2 men crept into an alleyway. One of them had a shaved head and wore dirty clothes. It was Alden. The other was short, had long blue hair and wore QuikSilver clothes. His name was Vince. “Alright Vince, time to rob the mall” Alden said. Vince shivered. Alden slapped him across the face. “I can’t believe I hired you!” He yelled before ducking down. A police car drove past but didn’t notice them.
Alden crept into the carpark. He walked to a Porsche. “You got the tools?” He said. Vince pulled out some tools and Alden used them to unlock the Porsche. “This is our escape vehicle” Alden said. The two packed up the tools and casually walked into the mall. Vince walked into a jewellery shop. Alden walked into an expensive items shop. He saw a weird object. About the size of a soccer ball. But it was golden. “How much?” Alden asked the shop keeper. “ $7450” the shop keeper responded before walking away.
Alden called Vince on his phone. “Yeah” Vince said. “I found something. Get over here”Alden said before hanging up. Vince left the jewellery shop and walked over to Alden. Alden picked up the sphere. “Hold this” he said. He handed the sphere to Vince and walked over to the shop keeper. He grabbed the shop keeper by the throat and knocked him out. Vince was shocked.
Alden took the sphere and left the shop. “What about some jewellery?” Vince asked. “Too late. This is worth a lot. We could sell it for thousands” Alden said. Suddenly a police officer appeared. He pulled out a gun. “FREEZE!” He yelled. Vince threw his hands up. Alden began to laugh. “Ha! You must think I’m pretty stupid to surrender to you” He said before making a run. The officer followed.
Alden hid around the corner. The officer ran around the corner and Alden attacked. He kicked the officer and flipped him. He then took the gun and was about to shoot when Vince tackled him. Vince took the gun and stood up.
“Are you CRAZY!” He yelled. “You IDIOT!” Alden yelled. “You were about to kill him”Vince yelled back. Alden began to chuckle. “Why of sudden change in personality?” He asked. “I won’t let you kill” Vince said. Alden kicked him in the knee. He took the gun. Vince took a step back. “Stop Walking!” Alden yelled.
Vince continued to walk back. Alden angrilly pulled the trigger and shot Vince hoping to hit his heart. Vince fell down. Alden took the gun and the sphere and walked out of the mall. He got into the Porsche and drove off. An ambulance arrived and took both Vince and the officer to the hospital. Alden laughed over what he had done.
Chapter 3: The disaster
Back in Sunny Fort City, Jack met with Dr Zexare and the two began the experiment. Dr Zexare stopped. “I hear that your brother killed a young boy during a robbery” He said to Jack. Jack dropped his beaker and looked at Dr Zexare. “What, Dr?” Jack said. “David. David Zexare” David responed. “He killed someone” Jack said. “Well, maybe. He shot a 13 year old boy around the heart area while trying to escape a robbery he had commited” David said. “I sent police there” Jack said. “He knocked out an officer and shopkeeper during the robbery” David responded.
Jack slowly began to mix some chemicals. “After this experiment is done, I will go to NorCene City and get Alden for this” He angrily said. David began mixing powders together. “Okay, time to mix our two experiments together. Now we find out what our two experiments can combine to make” he said. The two mixtures were combined. Jack picked up some Hydrochloric acid and some Sulphur Chloride. He combined the two and poured it over the powder.
There was a slight shake in the ground. “Earthquake!” Jack yelled. The two fell to the floor. The mixture fell off the table and smashed on Jacks head, knocking him out. Flames began to produce. David fell out the window but grabbed onto the ledge. Suddenly, the floor cracked and the building split into two. David lost his grip and fell 30 floors all the way to the streets. His body smashed into the floor. The cracks became one giant fissure. People fell into the fissure. The Sunny Fort Foundation Building collapsed. Debris fell on people.
Jacks body smashed into the floor. Flames engulfed his body and he dissapeared. The earthquake grew stronger. Strong winds came. People were blown into the air and were smashed into buildings. Cars were lifted and thrown at people. A GIANT twister was formed. It was the worlds worst disaster EVER.
The twister spun at 320 miles per hour. Buildings and houses were ripped into pieces and thrown. Wood flew through the air and impaled people in the back and stomach. The fissure got wider. Davids body was picked up by the twister and thrown into the fissure. A news reporter was in the city being recorded. “This is MAYHEM! At least 400,000 were dead in 10 minutes” He said. A bus was picked up by the twister and thrown at him. It smashed into him and the recording man, flattening them.
Sunny Fort City was gone. The twister dissapeared. The earthquake stopped and the fissure stopped widening. The city was ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED! The fissure was 100 metres wide and cars and other debris were still falling into it. The fissure slowly moved in. The two pieces of land slowly connected again.
Chapter 4: The Grand Device
Alden drove home. A news flash was on the tv. “We interrupt this season premiere for this important news report. A 13 year old boy named Vince Trancillicone was shot today during an attempt to stop a murder on a police officer. The shooter was identified as Alden Dardusk, brother of the scientist Jack Dardusk, who was just killed in a natural disaster up in Sunny Fort City. If you know of Aldens whereabouts, inform us as he must be taken down” The news reporter said. The tv resumed its show.
Alden picked up the sphere and looked at it. It was just a sphere. No buttons or uses. He had just shot someone in order to get it. He threw it at the wall. An electric bolt came out of it. It zapped his hand. He fell back.
Suddenly the ground began to vibrate. But it wasn’t an earthquake. It was the sphere, better known as the Grand Device. Lightning bolts shot out of the Device and hit different areas of the room.
Suddenly, a large blue forcefield was produced. It covered the entire house and Alden was caught in it. The pain was unbearable. He tried to stand up but his body was stuck to the floor. The porsche was picked up by the forcefield and thrown at a nearby house, smashing the window.
The forcefield began to burn Alden. His body was covered in electricity. Almost 20000 volts. The house broke into pieces. Furniture fell on Alden and flattened him. His body was engulfed in electricity and he vanished, like Jack.
Lightning bolts struck from the forcefield. They hit civilians and cars. Cars blew up and people were fried. A shockwave was produced. It threw cars more than 500 metres across the city. Police tried to shut down all the power hoping to stop the forcefield, but it reached them and burnt them.
NorCene city was gone as well as Sunny Fort city. Both of the brothers were gone. The forcefield produced one final gigantic shockwave before dissapearing. The shockwave threw the last survivors through the air and into poles and buildings. Everyone in the city was now dead.
Chapter 5: Flame Man
The hospital was in chaos as people wheeled Vince to his room. He didn’t have very long. They put him into a hospital bed and strapped different tubes into his body. An x-ray popped up on the computer screen. One of the blood vessels connecting to his heart was split into two from the bullet.
No blood was able to be transferred to and from his heart. A small amount of blood ran out of his mouth. Doctors desperately tried to help him. He started coughing up blood. Blood was injected into his body from a machine.
Suddenly, his eyes closed and he stopped breathing. He was gone. The doctors wouldn’t give up. They tried and tried but he was already gone for good. A man in a hoodie entered the room. He removed his hood. It was Jack.
The doctors backed off. Jack put his hand on Vince’s head. Suddenly he lifted his hand in pain. A flame was in his hand. His eyes turned red and he accidently shot a flame at the doctors. The doctors were thrown out the window. One grabbed onto the ledge. Jack ran and grabbed the doctor, trying to save him. But his hands produced more flames and he burnt the doctor. The doctor let go in pain.
Jack got scared. He had just killed some people. He began to sob. Suddenly he jumped out the window. He was going to kill himself for killing some doctors. But when he landed on the floor 24 feet down, his body deflected the pain and he felt fine. He had superpowers. He fell down.
The experiment had somehow made it into his blood and gave him fire powers. David was still gone and so was Vince. He stood back up. He had a samurai sword in his backpack. He pulled it out and the blade was covered in a flame. He swung it and it chopped a car into two. He flicked the sword and the flame disappeared. He put the sword back into his backpack and began to walk. Suddenly, his body was covered in a flame and he shot a large fire ball. It smashed into a wall.
He ran into the streets. Suddenly, a police officer shot him in the leg. The bullet deflected off his leg and hit the officer in the leg. Jacks eyes turned red again and he suddenly attacked the officer. He picked up the officer and smashed him into a car. He produced a small fire ball and threw it at the officer. It smashed the officer in the heart, killing him.
Jacks eyes turned blue again and he saw what he had done. He quickly ran away. A car was about to hit him but he punched the front and the car flipped. Jack began to get scared. His body was engulfed in another flame but instead, he vanished.
Chapter 6: Still Alden, just even more evil
It was late at night when a lightning storm struck the remains of NorCene city. A man covered in lightning bolts was floating in the air: Alden. He flew through the air and shot lightning bolts everywhere. He also had superpowers, like Jack.
He summoned a shockwave that blew wood shards everywhere. He suddenly teleported to the NorCene Police station that managed to survive the force field. He shot a lightning bolt at a police car. It blew up. He felt so happy.
A few people were in the building when the force field hit and they survived. They were drug dealers. They climbed up a ladder and went onto the roof where Alden was having fun electrifying the city.
One of them hit Alden in the back. He fell to the floor. “We rule this town now!” The dealer yelled. Alden stood up and laughed. He suddenly spun around and kicked the dealer in the face. The other two pulled out guns and began to shoot. He jumped off the building and landed on the streets below. He survived the fall as well.
The 2 shooters looked over the edge. “Is he dead?” one asked. Suddenly Alden teleported behind them and kicked one off of the roof. The other aimed at him but he shot a lightning bolt and struck the man in the face. The man fell to the floor dead. Alden laughed hard.
He closed his eyes and began to visualise the city. Only he was there. Everyone else was dead. He flew into the air and shot a lightning bolt at the dealer’s bodies. “I love this” He said. Suddenly, a shadowy force tackled him onto the roof of the police building. The shadowy force turned into Jack.
Jack punched Alden in the face. Alden kicked Jack in the stomach. The two began to grapple. Jack pulled out his sword and lit the blade on fire. He then slashed Alden in the chest.
Chapter 7: Jack Chapter 7: Jack Vs Alden
“You must die. You killed Vince and then stole the Grand Device!” Jack yelled. Alden held his wound in pain. “I had to escape. You wouldn’t dare kill me, your loving brother” He responded. Jack tackled Alden and tried to stab him but Alden grabbed the sword and held it to Jacks throat. “Do it!” Jack yelled. Alden threw the sword away. He then stood up and flew into the air. He shot a bolt at Jack but Jack teleported behind him and kicked him in the back.
Alden fell onto the floor. He stood up. Jack shot a fireball. It smashed into Alden. Jack teleported to the roof where his sword was. He picked it up and lit the blade again. He saw Alden lying on the ground. He took aim.
He threw the sword at Alden and it impaled him in the leg. Alden pulled it out in pain and snapped it. He burnt it with his electricity. Jack teleported in front of him.
Alden grabbed Jacks hand and transferred 20000 volts of electricity into Jacks body. Jack fell back. He could barely move. Alden created a lightning bolt sword in his hand and stabbed Jack in the chest.
Jack closed his eyes. Alden began to laugh. “Dead” He said. He flew into the sky then flew away. The police building collapsed and fell on Jack. It crushed him. A police car landed on Jack and blew up. Flames engulfed his body, but he didn’t vanish. Alden flew to a nearby city: Freeville City.
He flew to a roof. He looked down on all the happy civilians. “With Jack gone, nothing is going to stop me. That Is why this will be MY CITY!” He yelled before laughing. A pedestrian saw him and gasped. “What are you looking at?” Alden yelled. He shot the pedestrian with a lightning bolt and then flew into the air. He then attacked the city.
Chapter 8: Rezzurection
Jacks helpless body back in NorCene began to move. His eyes opened. The flames had healed him. He stood up. He knew where Alden was. He tried to teleport but he couldn’t.
He sat down. “I can’t do anything” He said. He laid back and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he got a large headache. His hand directed him to the fire. He walked over. The flame caught his hand and he absorbed it. “I didn’t lose them, I had to recharge. Like a battery” He said.
He picked up his sword and tried to put it back together. Flames covered the sword and it was repaired. He threw it at a wall. It impaled the wall. He pulled it out and teleported to the other side of town. “I can defeat Alden. I just need some more powers” He said.
He teleported to a blown up car. The flames surrounding the engine were absorbed into his body. He began to float. He could now fly. Another blown up car sensed him and the flames on its engine were also absorbed. He could make flame spears in his hands and throw them.
“I can win. He is in Freeville city now. I can fly there and attack him” He said. He flew in the air and headed for the city. Suddenly a lightning bolt hit him. He smashed into the floor. Alden had sensed his return and went to kill him for good.
Alden grabbed him by the throat. “You pathetic freak. You try and try but I still beat you. Go back to your stupid experiments. I have a city to destroy” He said before picking up Jack and throwing him into a building.
Jack stood up and pulled out his sword. He lit the blade and threw it at Alden but he dodged it. It hit a car. Alden laughed. The car suddenly blew up and the force sent him falling back. Jack flew over to the car.
Chapter 9: Battle for the world
Jack absorbed the flames. “NO! You can’t get more powers!” Alden yelled. He shot a lightning bolt but Jack caught it in his hands. He shot it back at Alden and it hit him in the chest.
Jack flew into the air and created a flame spear. He threw it at Alden. It impaled Alden through the leg. Alden healed it with his powers. Suddenly his eyes turned purple and he summoned an electric twister. It caught jack and threw him 500 metres across the city. The twister picked up cars and threw them at people. One was thrown at Jack but he teleported.
Alden looked for Jack but couldn’t find him. Jack suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed him around the head. He flipped Alden onto a car and blew it up. The force couldn’t hurt Jack since he was allowed to absorb the power. Alden was thrown into the air.
Jack flew into the air and kicked Alden in the chest. Alden slammed onto a rooftop. He held his chest in pain. Jack punched Alden in the face. Alden tried to kick but Jack grabbed his leg and threw him into a wall. Alden fell to the floor.
Jack picked him up by the throat. Alden chocked. “You won’t kill me. Everyone is after you. I can help you. We can team up. Together, we can kill anyone who tries to kill us” He said in a weak voice. Jack threw him into the car that the sword impaled. Jack grabbed the sword and began to choke Alden again.
“You are finished” He said. Alden begged but Jack moved back and threw the Sword at him, impaling him through the chest. Alden tried to pull it out but it was no use.
He coughed up blood. Jack pulled the sword out. Alden stood up weakly. He shot a bolt but Jack dodged it. He then covered his hand in a large flame punched Alden in the face. Alden closed his eyes and fell to the floor, dead.
Chapter 10: The end
Jack knelt down and began to feel happy. He had saved the town and stopped a major threat. Police appeared. They pulled out their guns. “FREEZE!” They yelled. Jack smiled. Then he teleported.
Jack teleported back to Sunny Fort City and looked at the destruction. The ground was still slightly open from the fissure. He smiled. He was glad he didn’t die in the disaster. If he had, Alden would be putting the whole world into chaos right now.
Jack heard the sirens of a police car. He knew the feds wanted him dead. He flew into the air again. He saw the police aiming guns at him. He teleported. He arrived back at NorCene city. He saw the bodies of many innocent people.
He knew he couldn’t run. Feds were everywhere. He flew into the sky. He then engulfed his body in flames and vanished. He wasn’t seen for months.
Most of the world was saved from Alden’s rampage. Feds had put up cash rewards for people who caught Jack. But it was no use. Jack wasn’t going to come back. Unless the world was in danger again.
The Grand Device(Brayden Thornton Kelso)
Chapter 1: Sun Fort City
A breezy wind swept through Sun Fort City. Thousands happilly wandered the streets. It was the perfect city for any occasion. Wedding, Honeymoon, Trip, Visit, Competition. Everything was here. You could go to the Sunny Fort Luxurious Hotels and Apartments then drive off to the Spas and relax. You could visit the Stadiums and watch a Football match then go to Sunny Fort 5 star Hotel for the experience of your life.
Jack Dardusk was a top scientist. He started experimenting in year 4 and by the time he got to year 7, he was well known worldwide. He loved science and loved his family. But he had a grudge on his brother, Alden. Alden was a real bad person. He would steal things and hurt anybody who upset him even a little bit. He liked to be the bad guy.
It was a cold day when Jack ran into Dr Zexare, the worlds greatest doctor and scientist. The two walked into a café and began to chat. “Jack Dardusk, I have heard about your wonderful experiments and I could use your help. You see, my latest experiment involves a mixture of a few ingredients like fire and gold to see the aftermath. The computer shows that the results will be fantastic, MARVELOUS! So good that Sunny Fort City will change forever” Dr Zexare said.
“Dr, that sounds marvelous. But when? I am really busy right now and I need to finish my experiment” Jack responded. “Wait. Your experiment could slightly make our future of science better, right?” Dr Zexare asked. “Yes, I add Sodium Chloride and some other chemicals to a mixture of silver, gold and platinum powder to create a stunning effect” Jack said back. “Why don’t we combine our experiments into one big one? Creating a better city and a better future in one could be the worlds greatest experiment. We would also be the worlds greatest science duo” Dr Zexare said. Jack was too surprised to speak. I’ll take that as a yes. Well, meet me at the Sunny Fort Foundation Building 6:30 Pm on Sunday. Goodbye” Dr Zexare said before walking away.
Jack walked out of the café and went to a small house at the edge of town. A tall bulky guy answered the door. “Come in, Jack” he said. Jack walked into the house. He turned on his computer and opened up a science application. He opened up the search section and typed in Dr Zexare. The search result was the experiment that Dr Zexare wanted to mix with Jack’s. Jack created a simulation of Dr Zexares experiment and his own experiment mixing together. The Result was spectacular. A better world of science was just a few days away.
Jack gathered up the required ingredients and sat down. The bulky guy began to speak. “Jack, you need to listen to this” he said before turning on a recorded voicemail. “Jack, it’s Alden. I hear you are conducting an experiment with THE Dr Zexare. Ha! That is just so stupid. You want to be famous. Do what I am doing and become the opposite. Become Infamous. Be known by everyone worldwide. Come back to NorCene Town and help me. Ignore the experiment. It isn’t gonna do anything. My plan will work” The voicemail had recorded. “Your brother is evil” The tall guy said. “Victor, I know! I am not going to help him. Get the phone” Jack responded. “Sure” Victor said.
Jack called the NorCene Police. “Police, a tall guy with long jeans and a very dirty shirt is about to break into the mall. His name is Alden Dardusk. 15 years old. Thank you. Bye” Jack said before hanging up. “How do you know what Alden is going to do?” Victor asked. “He’s my brother. I know everything he wants to do” Jack responded.
Chapter 2: The Robbery
Meanwhile, in NorCene City, 2 men crept into an alleyway. One of them had a shaved head and wore dirty clothes. It was Alden. The other was short, had long blue hair and wore QuikSilver clothes. His name was Vince. “Alright Vince, time to rob the mall” Alden said. Vince shivered. Alden slapped him across the face. “I can’t believe I hired you!” He yelled before ducking down. A police car drove past but didn’t notice them.
Alden crept into the carpark. He walked to a Porsche. “You got the tools?” He said. Vince pulled out some tools and Alden used them to unlock the Porsche. “This is our escape vehicle” Alden said. The two packed up the tools and casually walked into the mall. Vince walked into a jewellery shop. Alden walked into an expensive items shop. He saw a weird object. About the size of a soccer ball. But it was golden. “How much?” Alden asked the shop keeper. “ $7450” the shop keeper responded before walking away.
Alden called Vince on his phone. “Yeah” Vince said. “I found something. Get over here”Alden said before hanging up. Vince left the jewellery shop and walked over to Alden. Alden picked up the sphere. “Hold this” he said. He handed the sphere to Vince and walked over to the shop keeper. He grabbed the shop keeper by the throat and knocked him out. Vince was shocked.
Alden took the sphere and left the shop. “What about some jewellery?” Vince asked. “Too late. This is worth a lot. We could sell it for thousands” Alden said. Suddenly a police officer appeared. He pulled out a gun. “FREEZE!” He yelled. Vince threw his hands up. Alden began to laugh. “Ha! You must think I’m pretty stupid to surrender to you” He said before making a run. The officer followed.
Alden hid around the corner. The officer ran around the corner and Alden attacked. He kicked the officer and flipped him. He then took the gun and was about to shoot when Vince tackled him. Vince took the gun and stood up.
“Are you CRAZY!” He yelled. “You IDIOT!” Alden yelled. “You were about to kill him”Vince yelled back. Alden began to chuckle. “Why of sudden change in personality?” He asked. “I won’t let you kill” Vince said. Alden kicked him in the knee. He took the gun. Vince took a step back. “Stop Walking!” Alden yelled.
Vince continued to walk back. Alden angrilly pulled the trigger and shot Vince hoping to hit his heart. Vince fell down. Alden took the gun and the sphere and walked out of the mall. He got into the Porsche and drove off. An ambulance arrived and took both Vince and the officer to the hospital. Alden laughed over what he had done.
Chapter 3: The disaster
Back in Sunny Fort City, Jack met with Dr Zexare and the two began the experiment. Dr Zexare stopped. “I hear that your brother killed a young boy during a robbery” He said to Jack. Jack dropped his beaker and looked at Dr Zexare. “What, Dr?” Jack said. “David. David Zexare” David responed. “He killed someone” Jack said. “Well, maybe. He shot a 13 year old boy around the heart area while trying to escape a robbery he had commited” David said. “I sent police there” Jack said. “He knocked out an officer and shopkeeper during the robbery” David responded.
Jack slowly began to mix some chemicals. “After this experiment is done, I will go to NorCene City and get Alden for this” He angrily said. David began mixing powders together. “Okay, time to mix our two experiments together. Now we find out what our two experiments can combine to make” he said. The two mixtures were combined. Jack picked up some Hydrochloric acid and some Sulphur Chloride. He combined the two and poured it over the powder.
There was a slight shake in the ground. “Earthquake!” Jack yelled. The two fell to the floor. The mixture fell off the table and smashed on Jacks head, knocking him out. Flames began to produce. David fell out the window but grabbed onto the ledge. Suddenly, the floor cracked and the building split into two. David lost his grip and fell 30 floors all the way to the streets. His body smashed into the floor. The cracks became one giant fissure. People fell into the fissure. The Sunny Fort Foundation Building collapsed. Debris fell on people.
Jacks body smashed into the floor. Flames engulfed his body and he dissapeared. The earthquake grew stronger. Strong winds came. People were blown into the air and were smashed into buildings. Cars were lifted and thrown at people. A GIANT twister was formed. It was the worlds worst disaster EVER.
The twister spun at 320 miles per hour. Buildings and houses were ripped into pieces and thrown. Wood flew through the air and impaled people in the back and stomach. The fissure got wider. Davids body was picked up by the twister and thrown into the fissure. A news reporter was in the city being recorded. “This is MAYHEM! At least 400,000 were dead in 10 minutes” He said. A bus was picked up by the twister and thrown at him. It smashed into him and the recording man, flattening them.
Sunny Fort City was gone. The twister dissapeared. The earthquake stopped and the fissure stopped widening. The city was ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED! The fissure was 100 metres wide and cars and other debris were still falling into it. The fissure slowly moved in. The two pieces of land slowly connected again.
Chapter 4: The Grand Device
Alden drove home. A news flash was on the tv. “We interrupt this season premiere for this important news report. A 13 year old boy named Vince Trancillicone was shot today during an attempt to stop a murder on a police officer. The shooter was identified as Alden Dardusk, brother of the scientist Jack Dardusk, who was just killed in a natural disaster up in Sunny Fort City. If you know of Aldens whereabouts, inform us as he must be taken down” The news reporter said. The tv resumed its show.
Alden picked up the sphere and looked at it. It was just a sphere. No buttons or uses. He had just shot someone in order to get it. He threw it at the wall. An electric bolt came out of it. It zapped his hand. He fell back.
Suddenly the ground began to vibrate. But it wasn’t an earthquake. It was the sphere, better known as the Grand Device. Lightning bolts shot out of the Device and hit different areas of the room.
Suddenly, a large blue forcefield was produced. It covered the entire house and Alden was caught in it. The pain was unbearable. He tried to stand up but his body was stuck to the floor. The porsche was picked up by the forcefield and thrown at a nearby house, smashing the window.
The forcefield began to burn Alden. His body was covered in electricity. Almost 20000 volts. The house broke into pieces. Furniture fell on Alden and flattened him. His body was engulfed in electricity and he vanished, like Jack.
Lightning bolts struck from the forcefield. They hit civilians and cars. Cars blew up and people were fried. A shockwave was produced. It threw cars more than 500 metres across the city. Police tried to shut down all the power hoping to stop the forcefield, but it reached them and burnt them.
NorCene city was gone as well as Sunny Fort city. Both of the brothers were gone. The forcefield produced one final gigantic shockwave before dissapearing. The shockwave threw the last survivors through the air and into poles and buildings. Everyone in the city was now dead.
Chapter 5: Flame Man
The hospital was in chaos as people wheeled Vince to his room. He didn’t have very long. They put him into a hospital bed and strapped different tubes into his body. An x-ray popped up on the computer screen. One of the blood vessels connecting to his heart was split into two from the bullet.
No blood was able to be transferred to and from his heart. A small amount of blood ran out of his mouth. Doctors desperately tried to help him. He started coughing up blood. Blood was injected into his body from a machine.
Suddenly, his eyes closed and he stopped breathing. He was gone. The doctors wouldn’t give up. They tried and tried but he was already gone for good. A man in a hoodie entered the room. He removed his hood. It was Jack.
The doctors backed off. Jack put his hand on Vince’s head. Suddenly he lifted his hand in pain. A flame was in his hand. His eyes turned red and he accidently shot a flame at the doctors. The doctors were thrown out the window. One grabbed onto the ledge. Jack ran and grabbed the doctor, trying to save him. But his hands produced more flames and he burnt the doctor. The doctor let go in pain.
Jack got scared. He had just killed some people. He began to sob. Suddenly he jumped out the window. He was going to kill himself for killing some doctors. But when he landed on the floor 24 feet down, his body deflected the pain and he felt fine. He had superpowers. He fell down.
The experiment had somehow made it into his blood and gave him fire powers. David was still gone and so was Vince. He stood back up. He had a samurai sword in his backpack. He pulled it out and the blade was covered in a flame. He swung it and it chopped a car into two. He flicked the sword and the flame disappeared. He put the sword back into his backpack and began to walk. Suddenly, his body was covered in a flame and he shot a large fire ball. It smashed into a wall.
He ran into the streets. Suddenly, a police officer shot him in the leg. The bullet deflected off his leg and hit the officer in the leg. Jacks eyes turned red again and he suddenly attacked the officer. He picked up the officer and smashed him into a car. He produced a small fire ball and threw it at the officer. It smashed the officer in the heart, killing him.
Jacks eyes turned blue again and he saw what he had done. He quickly ran away. A car was about to hit him but he punched the front and the car flipped. Jack began to get scared. His body was engulfed in another flame but instead, he vanished.
Chapter 6: Still Alden, just even more evil
It was late at night when a lightning storm struck the remains of NorCene city. A man covered in lightning bolts was floating in the air: Alden. He flew through the air and shot lightning bolts everywhere. He also had superpowers, like Jack.
He summoned a shockwave that blew wood shards everywhere. He suddenly teleported to the NorCene Police station that managed to survive the force field. He shot a lightning bolt at a police car. It blew up. He felt so happy.
A few people were in the building when the force field hit and they survived. They were drug dealers. They climbed up a ladder and went onto the roof where Alden was having fun electrifying the city.
One of them hit Alden in the back. He fell to the floor. “We rule this town now!” The dealer yelled. Alden stood up and laughed. He suddenly spun around and kicked the dealer in the face. The other two pulled out guns and began to shoot. He jumped off the building and landed on the streets below. He survived the fall as well.
The 2 shooters looked over the edge. “Is he dead?” one asked. Suddenly Alden teleported behind them and kicked one off of the roof. The other aimed at him but he shot a lightning bolt and struck the man in the face. The man fell to the floor dead. Alden laughed hard.
He closed his eyes and began to visualise the city. Only he was there. Everyone else was dead. He flew into the air and shot a lightning bolt at the dealer’s bodies. “I love this” He said. Suddenly, a shadowy force tackled him onto the roof of the police building. The shadowy force turned into Jack.
Jack punched Alden in the face. Alden kicked Jack in the stomach. The two began to grapple. Jack pulled out his sword and lit the blade on fire. He then slashed Alden in the chest.
Chapter 7: Jack Chapter 7: Jack Vs Alden
“You must die. You killed Vince and then stole the Grand Device!” Jack yelled. Alden held his wound in pain. “I had to escape. You wouldn’t dare kill me, your loving brother” He responded. Jack tackled Alden and tried to stab him but Alden grabbed the sword and held it to Jacks throat. “Do it!” Jack yelled. Alden threw the sword away. He then stood up and flew into the air. He shot a bolt at Jack but Jack teleported behind him and kicked him in the back.
Alden fell onto the floor. He stood up. Jack shot a fireball. It smashed into Alden. Jack teleported to the roof where his sword was. He picked it up and lit the blade again. He saw Alden lying on the ground. He took aim.
He threw the sword at Alden and it impaled him in the leg. Alden pulled it out in pain and snapped it. He burnt it with his electricity. Jack teleported in front of him.
Alden grabbed Jacks hand and transferred 20000 volts of electricity into Jacks body. Jack fell back. He could barely move. Alden created a lightning bolt sword in his hand and stabbed Jack in the chest.
Jack closed his eyes. Alden began to laugh. “Dead” He said. He flew into the sky then flew away. The police building collapsed and fell on Jack. It crushed him. A police car landed on Jack and blew up. Flames engulfed his body, but he didn’t vanish. Alden flew to a nearby city: Freeville City.
He flew to a roof. He looked down on all the happy civilians. “With Jack gone, nothing is going to stop me. That Is why this will be MY CITY!” He yelled before laughing. A pedestrian saw him and gasped. “What are you looking at?” Alden yelled. He shot the pedestrian with a lightning bolt and then flew into the air. He then attacked the city.
Chapter 8: Rezzurection
Jacks helpless body back in NorCene began to move. His eyes opened. The flames had healed him. He stood up. He knew where Alden was. He tried to teleport but he couldn’t.
He sat down. “I can’t do anything” He said. He laid back and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he got a large headache. His hand directed him to the fire. He walked over. The flame caught his hand and he absorbed it. “I didn’t lose them, I had to recharge. Like a battery” He said.
He picked up his sword and tried to put it back together. Flames covered the sword and it was repaired. He threw it at a wall. It impaled the wall. He pulled it out and teleported to the other side of town. “I can defeat Alden. I just need some more powers” He said.
He teleported to a blown up car. The flames surrounding the engine were absorbed into his body. He began to float. He could now fly. Another blown up car sensed him and the flames on its engine were also absorbed. He could make flame spears in his hands and throw them.
“I can win. He is in Freeville city now. I can fly there and attack him” He said. He flew in the air and headed for the city. Suddenly a lightning bolt hit him. He smashed into the floor. Alden had sensed his return and went to kill him for good.
Alden grabbed him by the throat. “You pathetic freak. You try and try but I still beat you. Go back to your stupid experiments. I have a city to destroy” He said before picking up Jack and throwing him into a building.
Jack stood up and pulled out his sword. He lit the blade and threw it at Alden but he dodged it. It hit a car. Alden laughed. The car suddenly blew up and the force sent him falling back. Jack flew over to the car.
Chapter 9: Battle for the world
Jack absorbed the flames. “NO! You can’t get more powers!” Alden yelled. He shot a lightning bolt but Jack caught it in his hands. He shot it back at Alden and it hit him in the chest.
Jack flew into the air and created a flame spear. He threw it at Alden. It impaled Alden through the leg. Alden healed it with his powers. Suddenly his eyes turned purple and he summoned an electric twister. It caught jack and threw him 500 metres across the city. The twister picked up cars and threw them at people. One was thrown at Jack but he teleported.
Alden looked for Jack but couldn’t find him. Jack suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed him around the head. He flipped Alden onto a car and blew it up. The force couldn’t hurt Jack since he was allowed to absorb the power. Alden was thrown into the air.
Jack flew into the air and kicked Alden in the chest. Alden slammed onto a rooftop. He held his chest in pain. Jack punched Alden in the face. Alden tried to kick but Jack grabbed his leg and threw him into a wall. Alden fell to the floor.
Jack picked him up by the throat. Alden chocked. “You won’t kill me. Everyone is after you. I can help you. We can team up. Together, we can kill anyone who tries to kill us” He said in a weak voice. Jack threw him into the car that the sword impaled. Jack grabbed the sword and began to choke Alden again.
“You are finished” He said. Alden begged but Jack moved back and threw the Sword at him, impaling him through the chest. Alden tried to pull it out but it was no use.
He coughed up blood. Jack pulled the sword out. Alden stood up weakly. He shot a bolt but Jack dodged it. He then covered his hand in a large flame punched Alden in the face. Alden closed his eyes and fell to the floor, dead.
Chapter 10: The end
Jack knelt down and began to feel happy. He had saved the town and stopped a major threat. Police appeared. They pulled out their guns. “FREEZE!” They yelled. Jack smiled. Then he teleported.
Jack teleported back to Sunny Fort City and looked at the destruction. The ground was still slightly open from the fissure. He smiled. He was glad he didn’t die in the disaster. If he had, Alden would be putting the whole world into chaos right now.
Jack heard the sirens of a police car. He knew the feds wanted him dead. He flew into the air again. He saw the police aiming guns at him. He teleported. He arrived back at NorCene city. He saw the bodies of many innocent people.
He knew he couldn’t run. Feds were everywhere. He flew into the sky. He then engulfed his body in flames and vanished. He wasn’t seen for months.
Most of the world was saved from Alden’s rampage. Feds had put up cash rewards for people who caught Jack. But it was no use. Jack wasn’t going to come back. Unless the world was in danger again.
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