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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Fantasy / Dreams / Wishes
- Published: 07/14/2013
Journey Towards Reality
Born 1994, F, from Punjab, Pakistan.jpg)
Journey Towards Reality
With her earphones on, she was walking dancefully. Tapping her feet on the beats of her favorite songs, she was heading towards her wonderland where she met him for the first time. That guy she's been with since the day she saw his picture on Facebook for the first time. With his grey shirt on and those jeans, she felt as if he was smiling at her through the iPod screen. As if he was looking right into her eyes, speaking all those words that she often hears from him in her wonderland. That guy, who isn't even aware of her existence, but deep in her heart she believes, it's her that he is waiting for.
Eighteen year old Ashley is a dreamer, who spends most of her time in her wonderland doing all those things that she longs to do. She owns a palace and a white horse with wings that flies her out of the miseries of this world, into her own little world where she lives with her king. Drew, is the guy who's got so much love at his back and he doesn't even know it, the guy whom Ashley meets in her dreams every night and utterly believes that dreams do come true.
Kelsey was working on her assignment when she saw Ashley lost as she always was in her iPod.
"Don't tell me you're creeping on his Facebook again." Ashley looked up and smiled with her blushed up cheeks.
"He just uploaded a bunch of new pictures and oh my, you wouldn't believe how dreamy he looks," Ashley kept talking with her eyes on her iPod.
"Oh my! If you're so obsessed with him, why don't you text him?" Kelsey inquired.
"Because I don't wanna introduce myself to him like that. I wanna meet him in real life. I'll go to that place where he works and walk in. As I'll walk a little further, he'll show up trapped in a rush. He'll accidentally run into me and my bag will fall on his feet. He'll bend and pick it up and then look up at me for the first time. Everything around us will haze, he'll lose his mind somewhere in my eyes. It might start raining and then he'll smile the way he smiled in my dream and that moment will be equal to a million years for me. We'll fall in love and another love story will be born." She kept talking with her starred eyes on his picture.
"Oh my God! You're done."
"Come on Kelsey! Why are you always like this?"
"Because I'm your best friend and I don't want you to lose your heart over some fantasy guy. What if these pictures don't even belong to him? Are you gonna spend all your life dreaming like that?"
"Don't worry, I'm going to see him this weekend. I know where he works. I'm about to write my happy ending."
"Well good luck. I better leave before I go crazy. And please do let me know when you finish writing your own love story. I really wanna read the 'happy ending'."
Ashley laughs out loud and starts planning for the big weekend.
In a black top and white skirt she was walking confidently, her hair dancing on the beats of wind. Her eyes, smiling with her lips. Sun playing hide and seek through the clouds, making her think that it will rain today at that very moment when it is suppose to. After walking in that restaurant where he works, she took a deep breath and walked a little further. There he was behind the counter, and with pounding heart she walked towards him.
A blonde girl with perfect everything was standing right next to him, both were smiling at each other in a flirty way.
'She is just a co-worker.' Ashley thought to herself and took a step further.
"Hi," her voice shook a little.
"Hey," he answered in his perfect voice.
"I saw you on Facebook."
"Oh-Kay! So?"
"I think I'm in love with you." She didn't think it would surprise him as she had already said it to him a million times in her fantasies.
"Excuse me," the blond girl spoke up. "He's mine. We've been dating for three months."
"What!? But it wasn't on your Facebook," Ashley ignored the girl.
"Oh my God! You creep on my Facebook? You're such a creep. You creep me out."
As he finished, Ashely ran towards the door leaving behind all those words that she wanted to say.
"Hey, so how did it go?" Kelsey walked in Ashley's room. Her iPod was laying on the floor and she was sitting on her bed with her head down.
"Nothing but him, hazed. Raindrops didn't fall but tears did. He didn't smile but laughed. Didn't even look into my eyes. He said I creeped him out." With her head on her knees she burst into tears. Kelsey jumped up on her bed and hugged her. She was lucky to have a friend on her side. After wiping her tears off she did manage to put herself back together.
"You know, you were right, he's not that handsome in real life. His pictures are all photoshopped. He's not that cute. Hell with him and photoshop." Ashley wasn't just looking now, she was seeing.
"Well good thing it's over now and I won't have to sit here and listen to your wonderland date stories. Not that they are boring but they are just not my type you know."
"Yea yea!" They both shared a laugh.
With her iPod in her bag and earphones out of her ears she was walking with her eyes on the road. Thinking about this new job that she had applied for, she was on her journey towards reality.
Journey Towards Reality(Sabahat)
Journey Towards Reality
With her earphones on, she was walking dancefully. Tapping her feet on the beats of her favorite songs, she was heading towards her wonderland where she met him for the first time. That guy she's been with since the day she saw his picture on Facebook for the first time. With his grey shirt on and those jeans, she felt as if he was smiling at her through the iPod screen. As if he was looking right into her eyes, speaking all those words that she often hears from him in her wonderland. That guy, who isn't even aware of her existence, but deep in her heart she believes, it's her that he is waiting for.
Eighteen year old Ashley is a dreamer, who spends most of her time in her wonderland doing all those things that she longs to do. She owns a palace and a white horse with wings that flies her out of the miseries of this world, into her own little world where she lives with her king. Drew, is the guy who's got so much love at his back and he doesn't even know it, the guy whom Ashley meets in her dreams every night and utterly believes that dreams do come true.
Kelsey was working on her assignment when she saw Ashley lost as she always was in her iPod.
"Don't tell me you're creeping on his Facebook again." Ashley looked up and smiled with her blushed up cheeks.
"He just uploaded a bunch of new pictures and oh my, you wouldn't believe how dreamy he looks," Ashley kept talking with her eyes on her iPod.
"Oh my! If you're so obsessed with him, why don't you text him?" Kelsey inquired.
"Because I don't wanna introduce myself to him like that. I wanna meet him in real life. I'll go to that place where he works and walk in. As I'll walk a little further, he'll show up trapped in a rush. He'll accidentally run into me and my bag will fall on his feet. He'll bend and pick it up and then look up at me for the first time. Everything around us will haze, he'll lose his mind somewhere in my eyes. It might start raining and then he'll smile the way he smiled in my dream and that moment will be equal to a million years for me. We'll fall in love and another love story will be born." She kept talking with her starred eyes on his picture.
"Oh my God! You're done."
"Come on Kelsey! Why are you always like this?"
"Because I'm your best friend and I don't want you to lose your heart over some fantasy guy. What if these pictures don't even belong to him? Are you gonna spend all your life dreaming like that?"
"Don't worry, I'm going to see him this weekend. I know where he works. I'm about to write my happy ending."
"Well good luck. I better leave before I go crazy. And please do let me know when you finish writing your own love story. I really wanna read the 'happy ending'."
Ashley laughs out loud and starts planning for the big weekend.
In a black top and white skirt she was walking confidently, her hair dancing on the beats of wind. Her eyes, smiling with her lips. Sun playing hide and seek through the clouds, making her think that it will rain today at that very moment when it is suppose to. After walking in that restaurant where he works, she took a deep breath and walked a little further. There he was behind the counter, and with pounding heart she walked towards him.
A blonde girl with perfect everything was standing right next to him, both were smiling at each other in a flirty way.
'She is just a co-worker.' Ashley thought to herself and took a step further.
"Hi," her voice shook a little.
"Hey," he answered in his perfect voice.
"I saw you on Facebook."
"Oh-Kay! So?"
"I think I'm in love with you." She didn't think it would surprise him as she had already said it to him a million times in her fantasies.
"Excuse me," the blond girl spoke up. "He's mine. We've been dating for three months."
"What!? But it wasn't on your Facebook," Ashley ignored the girl.
"Oh my God! You creep on my Facebook? You're such a creep. You creep me out."
As he finished, Ashely ran towards the door leaving behind all those words that she wanted to say.
"Hey, so how did it go?" Kelsey walked in Ashley's room. Her iPod was laying on the floor and she was sitting on her bed with her head down.
"Nothing but him, hazed. Raindrops didn't fall but tears did. He didn't smile but laughed. Didn't even look into my eyes. He said I creeped him out." With her head on her knees she burst into tears. Kelsey jumped up on her bed and hugged her. She was lucky to have a friend on her side. After wiping her tears off she did manage to put herself back together.
"You know, you were right, he's not that handsome in real life. His pictures are all photoshopped. He's not that cute. Hell with him and photoshop." Ashley wasn't just looking now, she was seeing.
"Well good thing it's over now and I won't have to sit here and listen to your wonderland date stories. Not that they are boring but they are just not my type you know."
"Yea yea!" They both shared a laugh.
With her iPod in her bag and earphones out of her ears she was walking with her eyes on the road. Thinking about this new job that she had applied for, she was on her journey towards reality.
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