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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Relationships
- Published: 07/16/2013
Uncharted Territory
Born 1984, F, from Fort smith, ar, United StatesLocked away from anyone or anything, her heart had walls built up so high it was impossible for anyone to penetrate them. That is until he came along, the best friend that only wanted friendship, the best friend that she for once in her life wanted more than a friendship from. His name was Aaron; he was your typical city boy but with a tainted heart, much like hers. They shared a similar past, filled with hurt and abandonment. Her mind was filled with thoughts and desires, every dream and every fantasy seemed to circle around images of him. Images of him holding her and kissing her softly upon the neck. There was even nights when she would just lay there with her eyes closed trying to feel his hands on her body, slowly across her face pretending it was him, only to be snapped from fantasy back into reality when he would knock on her bedroom door to ask if she wanted to hang out with him and his girlfriend.
Although the idea of watching the two of them drape themselves over each other was less than appealing, to be able to spend any time with him was worth it, even if she had to be there. She knew in her heart he really did care about their friendship, but if he only knew how she felt, if she only had the courage to tell him her true feelings, maybe things would be different. Or with her luck, it could change their friendship for the worse and she could lose him forever. Watching the two of them being together, laughing together, and just seeming so in love with one another just made her wish even more that she was that girl. To have his hands graze across her body, and hold her like she was the only one he could ever imagine being with. To feel his lips upon her lips, and his body becoming intertwined with hers, and if only for just one minute he could look at her the way he looked at his girlfriend, life for that moment would seem perfect.
A rush came over her body, with the intensity of heat and pleasure, tingling through her spine. The touch upon her body that she had so been longing for was finally happening. The kiss had more passion then she had ever imagined, it left her breathless and floating on air. As his arms wrapped around her and her legs around him, every touch, every sense, every tingle was like a fantasy come true. As he dived deeper and deeper into her soul, and their bodies became like one, she couldn’t help but let out a loud intoxicating moan. Every part of this moment was so perfect it felt as though nothing could ruin it that is until a loud knock came upon the door of her room and woke her from what felt like the realist dream she had ever had. All she seemed to do lately was dream and fantasize, it was as if she was letting this obsession she had over her best friend control her life, and stopped her from actually living it. It was in that moment she realized it was time for her to focus on her and the dreams she use to have for her life before she let this obsession of hers wash it all away.
Apart of her would always think of Aaron and her love for him, but she knew if she didn’t at least try to move on whoever she might be could be lost forever in this unhealthy obsession of hers. Her first step to moving on was finding a job, something she could throw herself into in the hopes of letting her feelings for him go. For months she kept trying to find a job, she put in application after application and still had no luck, but there was one place that was hiring it just wasn’t exactly her type of work but it was something for now. After applying she waited weeks to hear back, before she finally got an interview. Although it may not have been her dream job at least it was something else for her to focus on other than Aaron for a change.
Her first day was like most typical first days with training and what not, and even though most fast food places were crap to work at this one seemed different somehow. She was originally hired to be a closer for king’s kitchen, but so far she had yet to close, she was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to close. “Don’t be in such a hurry, you will close when your ready trust me.” Said the night manager she worked with. There was something odd about him, something that defiantly caught her attention but she wasn’t sure what it was. When one of the closers called in she knew now was her chance to finally get to close and prove that she was ready to start closing, with a little hope and hard work she knew she could show her boss just how ready she was. Later that night when the store was closed, and everyone put their headphones on she realized just how fun closing could be, and yet frustrating all at the same time.
.Work started becoming her home away from home; it was the one place where she didn’t have to see the one she loved loving someone else. It was a place where she can just focus on something she was good at and forget everything else. It was also a place where she began to make a few discoveries about herself as well. She began to notice herself noticing this girl she worked with. At first she blew it off as a simple act of admiration, but began to realize it was much more than that. When her dreams began to get invaded with images of her, she knew it was much more than just a simple admiration she felt towards her. Could she really be attracted to a girl? The idea seemed unlikely, she had dated men her whole life and never even thought of the possibility of dating a woman. That’s when it clicked, every relationship she had ever been in or thought she wanted to be in never lasted. She was never truly happy in any of them; there was always something that got in the way of making them work. Whether it was them not wanting her the same way, or them having one or more things that annoyed her and made her unhappy to be with them; could she of been gay the whole time and not willing to acknowledge it? Could this really be why no relationship in her life ever seemed to work or make her happy? Was she really meant to be with a girl the whole time? These were questions she kept asking herself on a day to day basis, but she knew that if she really wanted to know the truth she held inside there really was only one thing she could do, and that was to try it and see.
The first step was to see if the girl she worked with was even into the idea of dating girls, it took her months just to work up the nerve to ask her but she finally did. Unfortunately she was not into girls but that didn’t stop her from figuring this out so her next step was trying out the local gay bar. She didn’t want to go alone though so she recruited her sister Carly and her very flamboyant gay best friend Robbie to go along with her. Carly was bisexual, and struggled for years on whether or not it was a curiosity or if she was really bisexual or not, Robbie on the other hand seemed to always know who he was and what he liked. If only she could be as sure as they were, was she bisexual or was she a lesbian trying too hard to be straight? Only time would tell. Her nerves were on an all-time high when a very attractive woman came and asked if she would like to dance, but she knew the only way to know is to try. Little did she know that dance was about to change her life forever.
A few drinks turned into a few kisses, and a few kisses turned into one really hot night that she would have never even been able to envision. Her touch upon her skin was so soft and so tender it was like nothing she had ever felt before. An electric current went through her whole body; it was like this magnetic moment of perfection and bliss. She never wanted this night to end, no fantasy, no dream could even come close to the feelings she was experiencing that night, and that’s when she knew. Her whole life was always about finding the right guy, but she was wrong all along. She was never meant to find the right guy, she was meant to find the right girl and that night she knew just by the simplest of her lover’s touch she had found her. The obsession she thought she had over her friend Aaron was just a way to ignore the truth she held inside. She never wanted a guy, she wanted a girl, now she had her and nothing could ever come between them. All that hurt she once felt was gone, and the happiness she had been searching for her whole life she had finally found and nothing in this world could ever take that away.
The End.
My name is Billie and this is my coming out story 
Uncharted Territory(Billie Atterberry)
Locked away from anyone or anything, her heart had walls built up so high it was impossible for anyone to penetrate them. That is until he came along, the best friend that only wanted friendship, the best friend that she for once in her life wanted more than a friendship from. His name was Aaron; he was your typical city boy but with a tainted heart, much like hers. They shared a similar past, filled with hurt and abandonment. Her mind was filled with thoughts and desires, every dream and every fantasy seemed to circle around images of him. Images of him holding her and kissing her softly upon the neck. There was even nights when she would just lay there with her eyes closed trying to feel his hands on her body, slowly across her face pretending it was him, only to be snapped from fantasy back into reality when he would knock on her bedroom door to ask if she wanted to hang out with him and his girlfriend.
Although the idea of watching the two of them drape themselves over each other was less than appealing, to be able to spend any time with him was worth it, even if she had to be there. She knew in her heart he really did care about their friendship, but if he only knew how she felt, if she only had the courage to tell him her true feelings, maybe things would be different. Or with her luck, it could change their friendship for the worse and she could lose him forever. Watching the two of them being together, laughing together, and just seeming so in love with one another just made her wish even more that she was that girl. To have his hands graze across her body, and hold her like she was the only one he could ever imagine being with. To feel his lips upon her lips, and his body becoming intertwined with hers, and if only for just one minute he could look at her the way he looked at his girlfriend, life for that moment would seem perfect.
A rush came over her body, with the intensity of heat and pleasure, tingling through her spine. The touch upon her body that she had so been longing for was finally happening. The kiss had more passion then she had ever imagined, it left her breathless and floating on air. As his arms wrapped around her and her legs around him, every touch, every sense, every tingle was like a fantasy come true. As he dived deeper and deeper into her soul, and their bodies became like one, she couldn’t help but let out a loud intoxicating moan. Every part of this moment was so perfect it felt as though nothing could ruin it that is until a loud knock came upon the door of her room and woke her from what felt like the realist dream she had ever had. All she seemed to do lately was dream and fantasize, it was as if she was letting this obsession she had over her best friend control her life, and stopped her from actually living it. It was in that moment she realized it was time for her to focus on her and the dreams she use to have for her life before she let this obsession of hers wash it all away.
Apart of her would always think of Aaron and her love for him, but she knew if she didn’t at least try to move on whoever she might be could be lost forever in this unhealthy obsession of hers. Her first step to moving on was finding a job, something she could throw herself into in the hopes of letting her feelings for him go. For months she kept trying to find a job, she put in application after application and still had no luck, but there was one place that was hiring it just wasn’t exactly her type of work but it was something for now. After applying she waited weeks to hear back, before she finally got an interview. Although it may not have been her dream job at least it was something else for her to focus on other than Aaron for a change.
Her first day was like most typical first days with training and what not, and even though most fast food places were crap to work at this one seemed different somehow. She was originally hired to be a closer for king’s kitchen, but so far she had yet to close, she was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to close. “Don’t be in such a hurry, you will close when your ready trust me.” Said the night manager she worked with. There was something odd about him, something that defiantly caught her attention but she wasn’t sure what it was. When one of the closers called in she knew now was her chance to finally get to close and prove that she was ready to start closing, with a little hope and hard work she knew she could show her boss just how ready she was. Later that night when the store was closed, and everyone put their headphones on she realized just how fun closing could be, and yet frustrating all at the same time.
.Work started becoming her home away from home; it was the one place where she didn’t have to see the one she loved loving someone else. It was a place where she can just focus on something she was good at and forget everything else. It was also a place where she began to make a few discoveries about herself as well. She began to notice herself noticing this girl she worked with. At first she blew it off as a simple act of admiration, but began to realize it was much more than that. When her dreams began to get invaded with images of her, she knew it was much more than just a simple admiration she felt towards her. Could she really be attracted to a girl? The idea seemed unlikely, she had dated men her whole life and never even thought of the possibility of dating a woman. That’s when it clicked, every relationship she had ever been in or thought she wanted to be in never lasted. She was never truly happy in any of them; there was always something that got in the way of making them work. Whether it was them not wanting her the same way, or them having one or more things that annoyed her and made her unhappy to be with them; could she of been gay the whole time and not willing to acknowledge it? Could this really be why no relationship in her life ever seemed to work or make her happy? Was she really meant to be with a girl the whole time? These were questions she kept asking herself on a day to day basis, but she knew that if she really wanted to know the truth she held inside there really was only one thing she could do, and that was to try it and see.
The first step was to see if the girl she worked with was even into the idea of dating girls, it took her months just to work up the nerve to ask her but she finally did. Unfortunately she was not into girls but that didn’t stop her from figuring this out so her next step was trying out the local gay bar. She didn’t want to go alone though so she recruited her sister Carly and her very flamboyant gay best friend Robbie to go along with her. Carly was bisexual, and struggled for years on whether or not it was a curiosity or if she was really bisexual or not, Robbie on the other hand seemed to always know who he was and what he liked. If only she could be as sure as they were, was she bisexual or was she a lesbian trying too hard to be straight? Only time would tell. Her nerves were on an all-time high when a very attractive woman came and asked if she would like to dance, but she knew the only way to know is to try. Little did she know that dance was about to change her life forever.
A few drinks turned into a few kisses, and a few kisses turned into one really hot night that she would have never even been able to envision. Her touch upon her skin was so soft and so tender it was like nothing she had ever felt before. An electric current went through her whole body; it was like this magnetic moment of perfection and bliss. She never wanted this night to end, no fantasy, no dream could even come close to the feelings she was experiencing that night, and that’s when she knew. Her whole life was always about finding the right guy, but she was wrong all along. She was never meant to find the right guy, she was meant to find the right girl and that night she knew just by the simplest of her lover’s touch she had found her. The obsession she thought she had over her friend Aaron was just a way to ignore the truth she held inside. She never wanted a guy, she wanted a girl, now she had her and nothing could ever come between them. All that hurt she once felt was gone, and the happiness she had been searching for her whole life she had finally found and nothing in this world could ever take that away.
The End.
My name is Billie and this is my coming out story 
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