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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 07/22/2013
It was one of those typical, sweltering hot days in Cape Town. Being the beginning of summer the weather held promises of many more glorious days such as these. A light breeze was present but failed to cool you down, my body felt hot and sweaty as I trudged down the path towards the white sand and cool water.
Following closely behind me was my best friend Izzy, throwing a glance over my shoulder it was obvious from her facial expression that the heat was irritating her. Izzy was cute, with long black hair and big brown eyes. Short and chubby she was the most cuddlesome, sweet person I knew. We trotted down the last of the path until my feet touched the soft whiteness of the sand, my toes rejoiced as the coolness slid between them.
The beach was pretty crowded but still accommodating and wonderful.
Setting up our umbrellas to block out the sun, I couldn’t wait to stretch out on my towel and get tucked into my latest book. While laying there my senses were flooded by the surrounding atmosphere; the sounds of children screaming in delight, the water crashing against the rocks. The smells of suntan lotion, salt water and hot dogs frying wafted through the air.
“So what are you doing tomorrow Iz?” I slurred contently. She was stretched out languidly letting her short limbs relax in the sun. “My cousin and I are going down to the stadium to watch the cricket. You have to join us if you have nothing to do. It will be so exciting.” I concluded.
“Ah….” She pondered. “I don’t know really, you know I’m not into cricket and don’t know what in the world you see in the delayed sport.” She answered hesitantly.
“I know that I love the sport, and maybe that’s all that matters, but of course that I am supporting the best team in the world. You did hear me say that I am joining Adam, my cousin. You always had a thing for Adam didn’t you Izzy?” I queried quirking my eyebrows knowingly. For as long as I knew Izzy fancied Adam, I also knew that Adam fancied her right back and he was actually hoping she would join us, so he put me up to getting Izzy there.
It’s true that I like cricket but I liked the idea of Adam and Izzy being together more. We’ve known each other forever, she had a crush on him for long enough now. I mean come on we are both twenty seven and never had a proper relationship in our lives. Yes, we have gone through a lot together, like the time when I got my heart broken by my first crush, Izzy was right there next to me helping me through everything. She actually went to face David, my crush of course, and threatened to break his nose if he didn’t speak to me immediately. That was in Grade 3 so the poor boy didn’t know what hit him, although she didn’t do it literally, and soon he became obsessed with me.
Yes, we had a lot of drama, me and her, getting sloshed drunk since the age of fourteen and coming home the following morning having Izzy’s parents call me the “satanic person” which was always followed by “the worst thing that ever happened to their daughter”.
But we had fun. We clubbed together, got drunk, met low lives as men. Got hurt and healed together, so nothing could take us apart.
“Yes I do like Adam, Chanel.” Izzy said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. “You have known that for the last year, why on god’s green earth do you have to question it?” she asked getting a slight bit agitated, but I didn’t worry I just smiled and asked, “So I take it you are joining us tomorrow?”
Getting up from her towel she looked at me “Of course I am coming tomorrow.” Then she walked down to the water’s edge and wet her feet, leaving me to dwell on her departure and positive answer. I closed my eyes against the soft rays of the sun that spilled through the umbrella here and there. The sounds I could hear started drifting off further now. My mind was busy all the time but now it started calming and relaxing, becoming deep in thought of how happy Adam would be if he saw Izzy.
Laying there with blackness surrounding me I enjoyed the serenity. Work came to mind suddenly. Lately I have been working my behind off for the company with the hope of a promotion. I was thinking about the sight of my desk on Monday morning, when I heard a sudden sound. It was so alarmingly close that my eyes sprung open immediately. Looking up I could see it coming right at me. It was reddish brown and looked like a massive rock, my hands instantly went across my face for cover, shouts of ‘catch it’ cried around me. I shrieked loudly and prepared myself for the pain but with eyes tightly closed I heard a grunt and felt the warmth of someone’s body across eyes opened slowly fluttering lightly…my vision filled by the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen…okay okay I’m exaggerating, but they were stunning.
He smiled, “I…,” silence…nothing…just staring…looking, as if we were searching for signs of something, I tried, “Would you mind if I sit up.” He rushed to jump but so did I, like two silly teenagers. We knocked into each other again looking, staring, and searching for that sign.
He tried talking again, “I...I’m so sor…rry, my mates…are idiots and throw like girls.” He smiled at me. Warmth radiated, making my insides turn to jelly. This man was not good. He was danger with a capital D. He had glossy black hair that spiked untamed. Clear beautiful skin with thick black eyebrows. His lips were probably his best feature, they were as pink as fairy dust, and looked soft to the touch. Suddenly I wished that those lips would touch mine. That I could just lean in and have a taste of it. But I was saved by, “Oi, Darro…Come on now…the lads are waiting on the ball, mate.” A voice, a very amused voice proclaimed.
It was hard to get my eyes off him he was staring at me like he was drawn and for a moment I actually thought he would lean in and kiss me. But he didn’t, “Yes sure.” He jumped up then, breaking the magical moment as abruptly as it happened. Looking down at me from his six foot two height, he stuck out his hand and whispered “Nice meeting you.” I placed my hand in his, never breaking our eye contact. Those deep blue eyes had me riveted. “My pleasure.” I whispered back.
It was so weird, he ran off with the guy that spoke to him; he looked like a very tall blonde guy. I settled myself back down but I couldn’t settle my fluttering stomach. It was too much. I just met him and he consumed my thoughts. His eyes were all that I could visualize, the smoky blue of them…the soft amusement that lay in their depths, teasing mine to release the secrets that hid in my soul. I didn’t quite understand it when he said ‘nice to meet you’ because he didn’t even know my name. Whereas I knew that they called him ‘Darro’.
But I understood the meeting that he felt. It was like too souls meeting and having a conversation. I doubt I will ever see him again but now I wish I had done something about that. This Darro person was intriguing.
“You look like you seen a ghost.” Izzy ‘tut-tutted’ loudly. “What did you have a bad dream?” she asked plopping down beside me.
“No, I don’t think so…I hope. As a matter of fact I had a lovely dream.” I smiled thinking of Mr. Darro. “Izzy, I am taking a walk along the shore, do you care to join me or are you staying?” I asked with such brightness it made Izzy raise her eyebrows.
“Nope, I think I will stay here, you go ahead and have your walk by the shore.” She said sarcastically. I told myself that I will not be looking out for Darren but I had to see if I couldn’t bump into him again. My mind just wouldn’t let me rest. I needed to know who he was and why he had this effect on me. I got up and put on my straw sun hat and sunglasses, my brown hair hanging loosely down my back. Dressed in only my swimsuit and a tiny wrap I made my way down to the shore. The sand felt cooler as I walked towards the water’s edge.
My mind was racing as I deliberated over the happenings of last year. I had finished my creative writing course mid-November and with that finally over I could breathe easy. I also thought about Adam and his life. He wanted to move out. He'd had enough of his mum and sister their dominance was making him crazy. And not having a girlfriend was making it worse on him. I felt sorry for Adam and loved him like a brother. We grew up so close and we are still so absolutely close it’s amazing. I had this feeling that he worried about me sometimes. It was probably because of my independence and the fact that I never found anyone to spend time with, but I was happy like this. I loved my life. I had a lot of goals and things I still wished to achieve.
Looking up, and blocking the sun with my hand, I realized how far I’d actually walked. I turned back and gathered the distance. Looking out over the calm waters I decided to have a seat on one of the nice cool rocks and continue my thinking direction, Izzy would probably be taking a nap and I had about an hour to do what I wanted. I had completely forgotten the ‘Darro’ guy as I climbed a couple of rocks to find a nicely hidden one with enough sun to warm my skin without burning it.
I must have sat there for quite a while without any thought to my surroundings. When a sound behind me caught my attention and glancing over my shoulder my breath caught again. I thought I was dreaming so I blinked rapidly but he was there as clear as daylight. Just standing there and staring at me like I was some kind of ghost.
I couldn’t feel my tongue, my mouth went dry, but I pushed myself to say something, anything, “Are you a stalker?” I asked a bit more abruptly than I had intended. But he didn’t seem to take offense because he smiled and the fool that I am… my heart melted.
“Ah uhm…The last time I checked… no,” he answered a little amused. “But with you I really don’t know.” He leant his head sideways looking at me intently.
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at him. He was right, how was it possible that we always ended up in the same spot. Okay, I am exaggerating a bit again. It’s not exactly always and its way normal if you are on the same beach that is not exactly as big as a country.
“So what brings you to my hideout, Darro?” I dragged his name like the guy that called him did. He smiled, sauntering over to my side slowly.
“I think I was drawn here. I really don’t know. The sea intrigues me. So does a bit of calmness. Guess that is why I took a walk. Mind if I sit?” he asked staring down at me.
My eyes struggled to focus as he was slightly blocking out the sun. I blocked the rest with my hand again and nodded. The cat must’ve definitely got my tongue because if I could put to words what he looked like then you would’ve read it now.
Okay, okay I know what you thinking so I’ll try my best. There was sunlight radiating from either side of him, his skin shimmered a rich caramel color. Rays flowed through his hair revealing some of the highlights he must’ve had before. The light browns jumping around happily.
He smiled as he sat down and I looked at him. Not that I could pull my eyes away even if I wanted. I was so drawn to him it was unbelievably psycho. He made me feel like I was crazy.
“So why do you choose the isolated areas of the beach…er…Uhm, I didn’t get your name earlier?” he asked jutting a hand forward. My eyes went from his face to his muscular tanned hand. It was beautiful and so big. I remembered instantly the warmth I felt the first time my tiny one got lost in it. My eyes sprang to his again and then back down to his hand. I felt like a rabbit trapped in the headlights of an oncoming car. I knew if I were to put my hand in his I would be lost, but I had to. He would definitely think I was psycho if I didn’t. So slowly I raised my hand and placed it within his warmer and bigger one.
“My name’s Chanel,” I croaked and hope to God I didn’t sound as bad as I felt. “I love to have peace to think, I guess.” Oh please earth open up and swallow me…I thought frantically. This was just too much.
“That’s great; I love it too, with my job you need to find space for yourself.” He added still holding onto my hand. He released it slowly. “So what do I know about you now?” he asked wistfully. “That you like isolated places, you attract balls…” as soon as he said the words he blushed the deepest shade of red I had ever seen. But I have to admit he looked cute, very, very cute. “I’m sorry that came out the wrong way… I didn’t mean balls as in balls...You know...balls as in...Throwing…” I watched him with slight amusement written all over my face. That must’ve made him stop, shrug and shake his head. “I should just shut up, right?” He looked at me questioningly.
I returned the look with a smile, “I think you should,” I nodded at him. “What I know about you is that they call you Darro, you stalk helpless females, you like quiet spots and meditation. And you love talking about balls.” He looked at me with shock written all over his face that made me burst into an infectious laugh and soon he joined me. It was a husky rumble from deep within in his chest and it sounded like honey dripping, “oh and catching…th...”…We looked at each other and my words died away. There was that moment of searching again. He looked me so deep in the eye I swear he was looking into my soul. Cliché, I know, but it’s true. Whoever said people that write love stories never experienced this kind of thing.
Before I knew it, he leaned in and gently rubbed his pink lips against mine. It felt warm and cool at the same time but soft really, really soft. Slowly he caressed my mouth with his. But what shocked me was that I didn’t object. When his tongue requested entrance to my mouth I willfully gave way and let my tongue play with his. The kiss deepened and his hands framed my face whilst mine went to the nape of his neck caressing it slightly, his thick black hair felt like velvet beneath my finger tips. We must’ve kissed for approximately one minute in a continuous motion. It was a languorous, beautifully deep but demanding kiss. Flowing together smoothly our mouths stayed connected.
Suddenly I felt like I had been slapped by someone when it hit me. We broke apart in such a rush all I could do was laugh.
A wave that must’ve had enough of our make out session had seen fit to crash directly into the rock we were sitting on. It was like pouring water over two dogs in heat. He laughed too but soon he just stared at me.
“I don’t know what happened there but I really liked it. You do something to me, Chanel.” To me it was not what he said but the way he said my name that made my knees go weak. I needed to kiss him, wanted to kiss him again, but I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even get my mouth to move.
“I have to get your number, where do you stay?” he continued earnestly now. My head swam, I didn’t know what to say. Anything, I thought, dammit say anything.
“No,” my eyes sprung to his immediately after the word left my mouth. “I mean, I can’t give you my details.” My eyes moved around restlessly as I tried to think of a reason for my answer. My hands knotted nervously. “Let’s just say, if we run into each other again it’s meant to be? Don’t you think?” I smiled sweetly not knowing where in the hell that came from. Because the little I know about Darren, it would be a ten to one situation that I will ever see him again. But I had to take the chance... it was all happening too fast.
He looked at me an amused, a smile played along his lips. His expression didn’t give away much about what he was thinking and I was nervous as hell. I thought he would never speak again. Then he said in a more serious tone. “Are you sure that’s what you want? At least take my number if you don’t want to give yours to me. I need to see you again, Chanel. I feel this connection with you that I haven’t felt in a while and its ruling my senses. I know I might be blabbering to you but I need to know how you feel about this two hour thing we have….” He trailed off, his beautiful blue eyes searching my face desperately. But I couldn’t dare risk it. He's so sweet, but ‘what if’- that’s all that I kept thinking, being very superstitious and believing in fate, I needed to see if we were meant to be.
So before Darren could say anything, I stood on tiptoe and kissed him full on the lips. It was as warm and soft as I expected it to be. Then before he could deepen the kiss or even open his mouth, I ducked away and ran as fast as the slippery rocks allowed me to. Sliding and climbing between them till my feet found the sand. I looked over my shoulder when I was a good distance from where I left him and saw that he had not emerged yet so I started walking.
My thoughts were rampant. What had happened? Wow, the kisses we shared? The proposal I made? What if we were to meet again? How would I handle it? All these things went through my head but the only thing that kept me sane was that sub-consciously I knew what I felt and I sure as hell wanted to see Darren again.
Summer Catch(Nicola Le Roux)
It was one of those typical, sweltering hot days in Cape Town. Being the beginning of summer the weather held promises of many more glorious days such as these. A light breeze was present but failed to cool you down, my body felt hot and sweaty as I trudged down the path towards the white sand and cool water.
Following closely behind me was my best friend Izzy, throwing a glance over my shoulder it was obvious from her facial expression that the heat was irritating her. Izzy was cute, with long black hair and big brown eyes. Short and chubby she was the most cuddlesome, sweet person I knew. We trotted down the last of the path until my feet touched the soft whiteness of the sand, my toes rejoiced as the coolness slid between them.
The beach was pretty crowded but still accommodating and wonderful.
Setting up our umbrellas to block out the sun, I couldn’t wait to stretch out on my towel and get tucked into my latest book. While laying there my senses were flooded by the surrounding atmosphere; the sounds of children screaming in delight, the water crashing against the rocks. The smells of suntan lotion, salt water and hot dogs frying wafted through the air.
“So what are you doing tomorrow Iz?” I slurred contently. She was stretched out languidly letting her short limbs relax in the sun. “My cousin and I are going down to the stadium to watch the cricket. You have to join us if you have nothing to do. It will be so exciting.” I concluded.
“Ah….” She pondered. “I don’t know really, you know I’m not into cricket and don’t know what in the world you see in the delayed sport.” She answered hesitantly.
“I know that I love the sport, and maybe that’s all that matters, but of course that I am supporting the best team in the world. You did hear me say that I am joining Adam, my cousin. You always had a thing for Adam didn’t you Izzy?” I queried quirking my eyebrows knowingly. For as long as I knew Izzy fancied Adam, I also knew that Adam fancied her right back and he was actually hoping she would join us, so he put me up to getting Izzy there.
It’s true that I like cricket but I liked the idea of Adam and Izzy being together more. We’ve known each other forever, she had a crush on him for long enough now. I mean come on we are both twenty seven and never had a proper relationship in our lives. Yes, we have gone through a lot together, like the time when I got my heart broken by my first crush, Izzy was right there next to me helping me through everything. She actually went to face David, my crush of course, and threatened to break his nose if he didn’t speak to me immediately. That was in Grade 3 so the poor boy didn’t know what hit him, although she didn’t do it literally, and soon he became obsessed with me.
Yes, we had a lot of drama, me and her, getting sloshed drunk since the age of fourteen and coming home the following morning having Izzy’s parents call me the “satanic person” which was always followed by “the worst thing that ever happened to their daughter”.
But we had fun. We clubbed together, got drunk, met low lives as men. Got hurt and healed together, so nothing could take us apart.
“Yes I do like Adam, Chanel.” Izzy said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. “You have known that for the last year, why on god’s green earth do you have to question it?” she asked getting a slight bit agitated, but I didn’t worry I just smiled and asked, “So I take it you are joining us tomorrow?”
Getting up from her towel she looked at me “Of course I am coming tomorrow.” Then she walked down to the water’s edge and wet her feet, leaving me to dwell on her departure and positive answer. I closed my eyes against the soft rays of the sun that spilled through the umbrella here and there. The sounds I could hear started drifting off further now. My mind was busy all the time but now it started calming and relaxing, becoming deep in thought of how happy Adam would be if he saw Izzy.
Laying there with blackness surrounding me I enjoyed the serenity. Work came to mind suddenly. Lately I have been working my behind off for the company with the hope of a promotion. I was thinking about the sight of my desk on Monday morning, when I heard a sudden sound. It was so alarmingly close that my eyes sprung open immediately. Looking up I could see it coming right at me. It was reddish brown and looked like a massive rock, my hands instantly went across my face for cover, shouts of ‘catch it’ cried around me. I shrieked loudly and prepared myself for the pain but with eyes tightly closed I heard a grunt and felt the warmth of someone’s body across eyes opened slowly fluttering lightly…my vision filled by the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen…okay okay I’m exaggerating, but they were stunning.
He smiled, “I…,” silence…nothing…just staring…looking, as if we were searching for signs of something, I tried, “Would you mind if I sit up.” He rushed to jump but so did I, like two silly teenagers. We knocked into each other again looking, staring, and searching for that sign.
He tried talking again, “I...I’m so sor…rry, my mates…are idiots and throw like girls.” He smiled at me. Warmth radiated, making my insides turn to jelly. This man was not good. He was danger with a capital D. He had glossy black hair that spiked untamed. Clear beautiful skin with thick black eyebrows. His lips were probably his best feature, they were as pink as fairy dust, and looked soft to the touch. Suddenly I wished that those lips would touch mine. That I could just lean in and have a taste of it. But I was saved by, “Oi, Darro…Come on now…the lads are waiting on the ball, mate.” A voice, a very amused voice proclaimed.
It was hard to get my eyes off him he was staring at me like he was drawn and for a moment I actually thought he would lean in and kiss me. But he didn’t, “Yes sure.” He jumped up then, breaking the magical moment as abruptly as it happened. Looking down at me from his six foot two height, he stuck out his hand and whispered “Nice meeting you.” I placed my hand in his, never breaking our eye contact. Those deep blue eyes had me riveted. “My pleasure.” I whispered back.
It was so weird, he ran off with the guy that spoke to him; he looked like a very tall blonde guy. I settled myself back down but I couldn’t settle my fluttering stomach. It was too much. I just met him and he consumed my thoughts. His eyes were all that I could visualize, the smoky blue of them…the soft amusement that lay in their depths, teasing mine to release the secrets that hid in my soul. I didn’t quite understand it when he said ‘nice to meet you’ because he didn’t even know my name. Whereas I knew that they called him ‘Darro’.
But I understood the meeting that he felt. It was like too souls meeting and having a conversation. I doubt I will ever see him again but now I wish I had done something about that. This Darro person was intriguing.
“You look like you seen a ghost.” Izzy ‘tut-tutted’ loudly. “What did you have a bad dream?” she asked plopping down beside me.
“No, I don’t think so…I hope. As a matter of fact I had a lovely dream.” I smiled thinking of Mr. Darro. “Izzy, I am taking a walk along the shore, do you care to join me or are you staying?” I asked with such brightness it made Izzy raise her eyebrows.
“Nope, I think I will stay here, you go ahead and have your walk by the shore.” She said sarcastically. I told myself that I will not be looking out for Darren but I had to see if I couldn’t bump into him again. My mind just wouldn’t let me rest. I needed to know who he was and why he had this effect on me. I got up and put on my straw sun hat and sunglasses, my brown hair hanging loosely down my back. Dressed in only my swimsuit and a tiny wrap I made my way down to the shore. The sand felt cooler as I walked towards the water’s edge.
My mind was racing as I deliberated over the happenings of last year. I had finished my creative writing course mid-November and with that finally over I could breathe easy. I also thought about Adam and his life. He wanted to move out. He'd had enough of his mum and sister their dominance was making him crazy. And not having a girlfriend was making it worse on him. I felt sorry for Adam and loved him like a brother. We grew up so close and we are still so absolutely close it’s amazing. I had this feeling that he worried about me sometimes. It was probably because of my independence and the fact that I never found anyone to spend time with, but I was happy like this. I loved my life. I had a lot of goals and things I still wished to achieve.
Looking up, and blocking the sun with my hand, I realized how far I’d actually walked. I turned back and gathered the distance. Looking out over the calm waters I decided to have a seat on one of the nice cool rocks and continue my thinking direction, Izzy would probably be taking a nap and I had about an hour to do what I wanted. I had completely forgotten the ‘Darro’ guy as I climbed a couple of rocks to find a nicely hidden one with enough sun to warm my skin without burning it.
I must have sat there for quite a while without any thought to my surroundings. When a sound behind me caught my attention and glancing over my shoulder my breath caught again. I thought I was dreaming so I blinked rapidly but he was there as clear as daylight. Just standing there and staring at me like I was some kind of ghost.
I couldn’t feel my tongue, my mouth went dry, but I pushed myself to say something, anything, “Are you a stalker?” I asked a bit more abruptly than I had intended. But he didn’t seem to take offense because he smiled and the fool that I am… my heart melted.
“Ah uhm…The last time I checked… no,” he answered a little amused. “But with you I really don’t know.” He leant his head sideways looking at me intently.
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at him. He was right, how was it possible that we always ended up in the same spot. Okay, I am exaggerating a bit again. It’s not exactly always and its way normal if you are on the same beach that is not exactly as big as a country.
“So what brings you to my hideout, Darro?” I dragged his name like the guy that called him did. He smiled, sauntering over to my side slowly.
“I think I was drawn here. I really don’t know. The sea intrigues me. So does a bit of calmness. Guess that is why I took a walk. Mind if I sit?” he asked staring down at me.
My eyes struggled to focus as he was slightly blocking out the sun. I blocked the rest with my hand again and nodded. The cat must’ve definitely got my tongue because if I could put to words what he looked like then you would’ve read it now.
Okay, okay I know what you thinking so I’ll try my best. There was sunlight radiating from either side of him, his skin shimmered a rich caramel color. Rays flowed through his hair revealing some of the highlights he must’ve had before. The light browns jumping around happily.
He smiled as he sat down and I looked at him. Not that I could pull my eyes away even if I wanted. I was so drawn to him it was unbelievably psycho. He made me feel like I was crazy.
“So why do you choose the isolated areas of the beach…er…Uhm, I didn’t get your name earlier?” he asked jutting a hand forward. My eyes went from his face to his muscular tanned hand. It was beautiful and so big. I remembered instantly the warmth I felt the first time my tiny one got lost in it. My eyes sprang to his again and then back down to his hand. I felt like a rabbit trapped in the headlights of an oncoming car. I knew if I were to put my hand in his I would be lost, but I had to. He would definitely think I was psycho if I didn’t. So slowly I raised my hand and placed it within his warmer and bigger one.
“My name’s Chanel,” I croaked and hope to God I didn’t sound as bad as I felt. “I love to have peace to think, I guess.” Oh please earth open up and swallow me…I thought frantically. This was just too much.
“That’s great; I love it too, with my job you need to find space for yourself.” He added still holding onto my hand. He released it slowly. “So what do I know about you now?” he asked wistfully. “That you like isolated places, you attract balls…” as soon as he said the words he blushed the deepest shade of red I had ever seen. But I have to admit he looked cute, very, very cute. “I’m sorry that came out the wrong way… I didn’t mean balls as in balls...You know...balls as in...Throwing…” I watched him with slight amusement written all over my face. That must’ve made him stop, shrug and shake his head. “I should just shut up, right?” He looked at me questioningly.
I returned the look with a smile, “I think you should,” I nodded at him. “What I know about you is that they call you Darro, you stalk helpless females, you like quiet spots and meditation. And you love talking about balls.” He looked at me with shock written all over his face that made me burst into an infectious laugh and soon he joined me. It was a husky rumble from deep within in his chest and it sounded like honey dripping, “oh and catching…th...”…We looked at each other and my words died away. There was that moment of searching again. He looked me so deep in the eye I swear he was looking into my soul. Cliché, I know, but it’s true. Whoever said people that write love stories never experienced this kind of thing.
Before I knew it, he leaned in and gently rubbed his pink lips against mine. It felt warm and cool at the same time but soft really, really soft. Slowly he caressed my mouth with his. But what shocked me was that I didn’t object. When his tongue requested entrance to my mouth I willfully gave way and let my tongue play with his. The kiss deepened and his hands framed my face whilst mine went to the nape of his neck caressing it slightly, his thick black hair felt like velvet beneath my finger tips. We must’ve kissed for approximately one minute in a continuous motion. It was a languorous, beautifully deep but demanding kiss. Flowing together smoothly our mouths stayed connected.
Suddenly I felt like I had been slapped by someone when it hit me. We broke apart in such a rush all I could do was laugh.
A wave that must’ve had enough of our make out session had seen fit to crash directly into the rock we were sitting on. It was like pouring water over two dogs in heat. He laughed too but soon he just stared at me.
“I don’t know what happened there but I really liked it. You do something to me, Chanel.” To me it was not what he said but the way he said my name that made my knees go weak. I needed to kiss him, wanted to kiss him again, but I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even get my mouth to move.
“I have to get your number, where do you stay?” he continued earnestly now. My head swam, I didn’t know what to say. Anything, I thought, dammit say anything.
“No,” my eyes sprung to his immediately after the word left my mouth. “I mean, I can’t give you my details.” My eyes moved around restlessly as I tried to think of a reason for my answer. My hands knotted nervously. “Let’s just say, if we run into each other again it’s meant to be? Don’t you think?” I smiled sweetly not knowing where in the hell that came from. Because the little I know about Darren, it would be a ten to one situation that I will ever see him again. But I had to take the chance... it was all happening too fast.
He looked at me an amused, a smile played along his lips. His expression didn’t give away much about what he was thinking and I was nervous as hell. I thought he would never speak again. Then he said in a more serious tone. “Are you sure that’s what you want? At least take my number if you don’t want to give yours to me. I need to see you again, Chanel. I feel this connection with you that I haven’t felt in a while and its ruling my senses. I know I might be blabbering to you but I need to know how you feel about this two hour thing we have….” He trailed off, his beautiful blue eyes searching my face desperately. But I couldn’t dare risk it. He's so sweet, but ‘what if’- that’s all that I kept thinking, being very superstitious and believing in fate, I needed to see if we were meant to be.
So before Darren could say anything, I stood on tiptoe and kissed him full on the lips. It was as warm and soft as I expected it to be. Then before he could deepen the kiss or even open his mouth, I ducked away and ran as fast as the slippery rocks allowed me to. Sliding and climbing between them till my feet found the sand. I looked over my shoulder when I was a good distance from where I left him and saw that he had not emerged yet so I started walking.
My thoughts were rampant. What had happened? Wow, the kisses we shared? The proposal I made? What if we were to meet again? How would I handle it? All these things went through my head but the only thing that kept me sane was that sub-consciously I knew what I felt and I sure as hell wanted to see Darren again.
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