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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Crime
- Published: 08/17/2013
Four lifelong friends from Andheri, Mumbai – Rohit Gupta, Karthik Verma, Ali, and Hardeep Bansod - rob a bank. As they were conducting their robbery someone starts the alarm to call police. Karthik asks who has done this but no one answers so he starts beating a man lying there. To prevent themselves from being followed, they take the manager, Ruby Sharma, with them. Karthik intends to kill her as she is the only suspect and can inform police but Rohit opposes that. They release her without harm. Next day they hear the news of robbery and all realize that the manager girl has done this. Karthik said to kill her but Rohit, Ali and Hardeep don’t agree with him. So, Rohit follows Ruby to prevent Karthik from eliminating her as a witness, and a romance grows between them when they meet. Rohit hides this from the gang as they all will oppose him.
Time passed and they both realised that they are a perfect match for each other. Ruby quits her job as bank manager. As they grow closer, Rohit tells Ruby of his search for his long-lost mother, who went away one day without telling anything to him and his father. He thinks she went to live with his aunt in Goa. That’s why he always wanted to go Goa. He also blew a chance to be a professional cricket player for a life of crime. Ruby tells Rohit that she saw a tattoo on one of the robbers neck, and Rohit realizes that she can identify Karthik and send them all to jail. He knows that Karthik will kill her if he realizes the truth, and he persuades her that the authorities cannot protect her either, so she decides not to tell the police, but Rohit is increasingly disenchanted with his criminal lifestyle. When Ruby tells Rohit that her car had been stolen, Rohit went to Karthik and they both seek out the perpetrators and attack them, with Karthik shooting one in the leg. On asking why they had done that, Rohit didn’t tell the truth to him but said that the beaten up people were trying to threaten him.
Due to the failure of local police in stopping bank crimes in Mumbai, CBI Special Agent Naushad Ahmed is appointed. He performs surveillance on the gang and recognizes their ties to local crime lord Manjeet Kaur, who has another robbery planned for them. During a visit to his father, Rakesh, in prison, Rohit reveals his plans to leave Andheri and go to Goa. He also asks his father why his mother left him but Rakesh didn’t say anything. Rakesh ends the visit by telling his son that all ends well and nothing is to worry.
On a date with Ruby, Rohit and she were accompanied by Karthik by chance. At the home Karthik pressured Rohit to execute the next robbery. The gang's next robbery in the North area goes awry, and the gang barely escapes from police by having a gun fire between them. Naushad interrogates the gang by taking each member but fails to get any confessions and is forced to release them. Due to the near escape and thinking that his crime life can destroy his love life too, Rohit asks Ruby if she will go away with him, and she agrees. Naushad, who had been wiretapping Ruby's phone after she quit her job, threatens to prosecute her as an accomplice after learning that she is seeing Rohit. He told all things to her about Rohit and his gang. She initially refuses to believe it but when Rohit confesses his crimes she broke their relation and decides to help Naushad.
Meanwhile, Manjeet and Karthik are pressuring Rohit about the next job, but Rohit is determined to get out. Manjeet threatens to kill Ruby if Rohit doesn’t go through with the job and reveals to Rohit how he controlled his father by making his mother an addict of drugs. He told Rohit that it was due to drug addiction she refused both him and his father and ultimately committed suicide. Rohit tries to attack Manjeeet but he threatens him that he would kill Ruby if he attempts to fail his plan. Rohit gives in but swears that he will kill Manjeet if anything happens to Ruby.
At next robbery scene, Rohit and Karthik enter disguised as Mumbai Police officers, hostages, 3 guards, and nab Rs. 2 crores in cash. They prepare to escape in an ambulance disguised as paramedics. But Rohit's ex-girlfriend, Shreya, threatened by Naushad, reveals enough for the CBI to surround robbery scene before the gang gets out. The gang is caught in a firefight with SWAT, and Ali and Hardeep are killed on the scene, but Rohit and Karthik slip out in their police uniforms. Karthik told Rohit to run and manages to busy the SWAT and police team. Naushad spots Karthik and they exchange gunfire. Karthik, determined not to go to prison, rushes the police and is killed. Rohit sees it all but knows he cannot save Karthik and walks away. He ran away in a police car.
Knowing that Ruby is in danger and that he will never escape as long as Manjeet is alive, Rohit murders Manjeet and his bodyguard and calls Ruby to ask her to come away with him to Goa. Watching from across the street, Rohit sees that the CBI is there as Ruby tells him to come over, but, eventually, she gives him a clue to warn him away. Rohit fools police and Naushad realises that he will not be able to catch him. Rohit flees, donning a police uniform and escaping in a stolen bus. Naushad is awarded for his bravery work of controlling crimes in Mumbai. Later, Ruby finds a bag buried in her community garden containing the stolen money and a note from Rohit, suggesting that she can make better use of the money than he can. Ruby donates the money, in memory of Rohit's mother, to refurbish the local cricket club in which Rohit once played. And from the deck of a small house, Rohit looks out over the water, alone, seemingly safe in Goa.
The True Crime(Ankit Vats)
Four lifelong friends from Andheri, Mumbai – Rohit Gupta, Karthik Verma, Ali, and Hardeep Bansod - rob a bank. As they were conducting their robbery someone starts the alarm to call police. Karthik asks who has done this but no one answers so he starts beating a man lying there. To prevent themselves from being followed, they take the manager, Ruby Sharma, with them. Karthik intends to kill her as she is the only suspect and can inform police but Rohit opposes that. They release her without harm. Next day they hear the news of robbery and all realize that the manager girl has done this. Karthik said to kill her but Rohit, Ali and Hardeep don’t agree with him. So, Rohit follows Ruby to prevent Karthik from eliminating her as a witness, and a romance grows between them when they meet. Rohit hides this from the gang as they all will oppose him.
Time passed and they both realised that they are a perfect match for each other. Ruby quits her job as bank manager. As they grow closer, Rohit tells Ruby of his search for his long-lost mother, who went away one day without telling anything to him and his father. He thinks she went to live with his aunt in Goa. That’s why he always wanted to go Goa. He also blew a chance to be a professional cricket player for a life of crime. Ruby tells Rohit that she saw a tattoo on one of the robbers neck, and Rohit realizes that she can identify Karthik and send them all to jail. He knows that Karthik will kill her if he realizes the truth, and he persuades her that the authorities cannot protect her either, so she decides not to tell the police, but Rohit is increasingly disenchanted with his criminal lifestyle. When Ruby tells Rohit that her car had been stolen, Rohit went to Karthik and they both seek out the perpetrators and attack them, with Karthik shooting one in the leg. On asking why they had done that, Rohit didn’t tell the truth to him but said that the beaten up people were trying to threaten him.
Due to the failure of local police in stopping bank crimes in Mumbai, CBI Special Agent Naushad Ahmed is appointed. He performs surveillance on the gang and recognizes their ties to local crime lord Manjeet Kaur, who has another robbery planned for them. During a visit to his father, Rakesh, in prison, Rohit reveals his plans to leave Andheri and go to Goa. He also asks his father why his mother left him but Rakesh didn’t say anything. Rakesh ends the visit by telling his son that all ends well and nothing is to worry.
On a date with Ruby, Rohit and she were accompanied by Karthik by chance. At the home Karthik pressured Rohit to execute the next robbery. The gang's next robbery in the North area goes awry, and the gang barely escapes from police by having a gun fire between them. Naushad interrogates the gang by taking each member but fails to get any confessions and is forced to release them. Due to the near escape and thinking that his crime life can destroy his love life too, Rohit asks Ruby if she will go away with him, and she agrees. Naushad, who had been wiretapping Ruby's phone after she quit her job, threatens to prosecute her as an accomplice after learning that she is seeing Rohit. He told all things to her about Rohit and his gang. She initially refuses to believe it but when Rohit confesses his crimes she broke their relation and decides to help Naushad.
Meanwhile, Manjeet and Karthik are pressuring Rohit about the next job, but Rohit is determined to get out. Manjeet threatens to kill Ruby if Rohit doesn’t go through with the job and reveals to Rohit how he controlled his father by making his mother an addict of drugs. He told Rohit that it was due to drug addiction she refused both him and his father and ultimately committed suicide. Rohit tries to attack Manjeeet but he threatens him that he would kill Ruby if he attempts to fail his plan. Rohit gives in but swears that he will kill Manjeet if anything happens to Ruby.
At next robbery scene, Rohit and Karthik enter disguised as Mumbai Police officers, hostages, 3 guards, and nab Rs. 2 crores in cash. They prepare to escape in an ambulance disguised as paramedics. But Rohit's ex-girlfriend, Shreya, threatened by Naushad, reveals enough for the CBI to surround robbery scene before the gang gets out. The gang is caught in a firefight with SWAT, and Ali and Hardeep are killed on the scene, but Rohit and Karthik slip out in their police uniforms. Karthik told Rohit to run and manages to busy the SWAT and police team. Naushad spots Karthik and they exchange gunfire. Karthik, determined not to go to prison, rushes the police and is killed. Rohit sees it all but knows he cannot save Karthik and walks away. He ran away in a police car.
Knowing that Ruby is in danger and that he will never escape as long as Manjeet is alive, Rohit murders Manjeet and his bodyguard and calls Ruby to ask her to come away with him to Goa. Watching from across the street, Rohit sees that the CBI is there as Ruby tells him to come over, but, eventually, she gives him a clue to warn him away. Rohit fools police and Naushad realises that he will not be able to catch him. Rohit flees, donning a police uniform and escaping in a stolen bus. Naushad is awarded for his bravery work of controlling crimes in Mumbai. Later, Ruby finds a bag buried in her community garden containing the stolen money and a note from Rohit, suggesting that she can make better use of the money than he can. Ruby donates the money, in memory of Rohit's mother, to refurbish the local cricket club in which Rohit once played. And from the deck of a small house, Rohit looks out over the water, alone, seemingly safe in Goa.
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