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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Politics / Power / Abuse of Power
- Published: 08/17/2013
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, Germany.jpg)
Opinion by Charles E.J. Moulton
Felishia is really angry at her husband Frank. He spends a great deal of time working on his artistic projects. His priorities are in the creative arts. He does help around the house, but not as much as his wife works domestically. After all, he does finance the house itself. His his kind of artistic work shuffles in the dough.
His money makes it possible for them to live there at all.
Felishia is a grand organizer. Her household management skills are superb. However, when Frank does something she feels is wrong, when he accidentally forgets to buy bread or clean up the cupboard, Felishia explodes beyond compare. He is completely wrong to behave this way, she claims. Everything he does is reckless, he is an egotist, she screams.
Frank resents that. He doesn’t talk to anyone at his workplace about it, because speaking with colleagues about his problems has gotten him into trouble in the past. So, he speaks to himself. He avoids talking to his wife. He slips into his bubble and drinks alcohol.
Felishia is angry at Frank and Frank is angry at Felishia.
Both think they are right. Both are completely unaware of the reason for other person’s opinion. Both call each other stupid and mean behind each other’s backs.
What’s wrong with that picture?
Both lack the modesty to say that they understand the other person’s opinion.
Modesty. A willingness to compromise.
It is a highway. What is a highway? A place where the cars go in both directions, alongside each other. Both lanes have a right to exist. Both have to exist. Who’s going to tell Frank or Felishia that either one is wrong? Would you tell them? No. Because both have a right to feel what they feel. In fact, if you stop them they will become even more so.
In my deepest view, which is that of a published author that has had 19 pieces sold in the last two years, a writer has three jobs: to inspire people, to make them feel something and to change the world in some way.
There are definate faults in the infrastructural thinking process of today’s society. Beyond the facts that a piece might not be in Standard English or that the topic is too general or that it doesn’t fit the mold of a certain publication, there are facts that make the world an increasingly more difficult place to live in for anyone living today. It is important for a any forum of any kind to take a chance on a piece that really stresses important issues.
We have to change the world. Otherwise, we will be in deep spiritual trouble sooner than you think. The seed of change lies in your head. The seed of change begins in how you think.
A janitor is not just a stupid brute, a CEO might be more shallow than his emloyees. Status is not always a definate reality. Sometimes, status matters. It depends on the situatio. Rules apply only when they matter. When do they matter. Open your eyes. Use your intuition. Kings might be fantastic people and quite extraordinary. They might also not be so extraordinary. Use your instincts. Use your feelings. What is right in the special situation you are in at the moment? Be modest enough to look in your soul for the answers you are seeking. Don’t look for what people think you should think.
However, it is dangerous to think you have to go against society to do the right thing. Rules are there to be obeyed, but use your calm inside emotion to make the right choice. Believe me, your heart knows the way. Your mind does, as well. You might not believe it, but when you are calm and collected, your mind and your heart tell you the same thing: your soul knows the way.
I have written articles about the uniqueness of every spirit, as in Every Soul has a Story (Shadows Express, March 21st, 2013) or short stories such as Hopes & Dreams (Idea Gems, December, 2012), which are basically stories about fear turning into hope.
Often enough, I encounter too many people today that completely lack modesty. Basically, that is simply fear of the unknown that has not turned into hope.
Modesty does not require crawling into a corner.
Modesty takes lots and lots of courage.
Humility takes more muscle than arrogance.
It basically means: knowing that your opinion is right for you and that this opinion might be wrong for someone else. Take Frank. His love for his art makes him thrive. His art brings money into the house. Felishia’s passion for keeping things organized is her love for logic. A stock broker loves to meddle in the world’s finances, a soccer player loves the excitement of the team, the architect loves designing buildings, the green party member loves trying to change society to become more environmental and more natural, the car mechanic enjoys fixing cars, the guitarist loves music, the opera singer loves singing Verdi and Mozart.
The trouble begins when you think that your love for something is the only reality and that your opinion is the only viable opinion. Of course, conservatives really want to stress a traditional society and clear-cut lines and rules. That is wonderful. But what about someone that is liberal? His attitude is different and it should be. It would be wrong for him to complain that the conservative guy is too square, to coin a phrase. He is not going to change him. The more he tries to change him, the more the other guy will stay the same.
Black and white are inventions.
You have to respect people.
You have to accept them for what they are.
If you begin to complain about the other guy’s ways or say that he has to change, he will only get defensive. That doesn’t mean you have to be like Frank and Felishia, who don’t speak to each other any more. Talk about your problems, but use your discussions wisely.
We have a definate problem with modesty in our society.
The reason for that is the commercial world. I should be careful in generalizing this. As I said, there are different views in our world. But, in many ways, the streamlined and uniformed world dictates certain ways of being and creating bubbles inside bubbles. It is almost as if people tell each other to close their eyes to other people’s pain.
This is what society tells you: to be blonde and blue eyed, be sexy, be young, be dynamic, be cool, be hip, be pretty, be funny, be relaxed, be clean. Above all: be cleaner than clean. Be squeeky clean. No. Be clean in your soul.
The preoccupation with cleanliness is today more important than the cleanliness of the soul. And I am not talking about sex here. Sex is the tool that creates our race. We are designed to like it. Sex is also a tool that makes two people mold together and show their love and passion for each other. Sex is not a sin. Murder is a sin, bigotry is a sin, hate is a sin, revenge is a sin, dishonesty is a sin. Sex, in its purest form, is not a sin.
Cleanliness of the household is a fixation. It is important. I am not saying you should be dirty. Just know that your spirit also needs a shower now and then. Again, I am not talking about sex. I am talking about being nice to people. That to me is being clean.
Now, that is just an opinion. You are free to disagree. That is your job. Please do not agree with me. Please, disagree with me. One thing, however, is true, in my view: there is way too little modety in our world. Muslims and Christians, Hindus and Buddhist, they have right to live the way they want to live. Hippies, they can be what they are. It doesn’t mean that you have to be that way.
Thank God for our differences.
Let people be what they are.
You are what you are.
Frank has to be artistic, it is his way, but maybe he can learn from Felishia how to be more organized. Felishia has to be organized, that is who she is. However, she might learn how to be more artistic.
We can all learn from each other.
The only tool we can use in order to learn something is a characteristic we should all learn how to cultivate. It is a simple trait that binds us and makes us better people. Something called modesty.
ANYONE FOR MODESTY?(Charles E.J. Moulton)
Opinion by Charles E.J. Moulton
Felishia is really angry at her husband Frank. He spends a great deal of time working on his artistic projects. His priorities are in the creative arts. He does help around the house, but not as much as his wife works domestically. After all, he does finance the house itself. His his kind of artistic work shuffles in the dough.
His money makes it possible for them to live there at all.
Felishia is a grand organizer. Her household management skills are superb. However, when Frank does something she feels is wrong, when he accidentally forgets to buy bread or clean up the cupboard, Felishia explodes beyond compare. He is completely wrong to behave this way, she claims. Everything he does is reckless, he is an egotist, she screams.
Frank resents that. He doesn’t talk to anyone at his workplace about it, because speaking with colleagues about his problems has gotten him into trouble in the past. So, he speaks to himself. He avoids talking to his wife. He slips into his bubble and drinks alcohol.
Felishia is angry at Frank and Frank is angry at Felishia.
Both think they are right. Both are completely unaware of the reason for other person’s opinion. Both call each other stupid and mean behind each other’s backs.
What’s wrong with that picture?
Both lack the modesty to say that they understand the other person’s opinion.
Modesty. A willingness to compromise.
It is a highway. What is a highway? A place where the cars go in both directions, alongside each other. Both lanes have a right to exist. Both have to exist. Who’s going to tell Frank or Felishia that either one is wrong? Would you tell them? No. Because both have a right to feel what they feel. In fact, if you stop them they will become even more so.
In my deepest view, which is that of a published author that has had 19 pieces sold in the last two years, a writer has three jobs: to inspire people, to make them feel something and to change the world in some way.
There are definate faults in the infrastructural thinking process of today’s society. Beyond the facts that a piece might not be in Standard English or that the topic is too general or that it doesn’t fit the mold of a certain publication, there are facts that make the world an increasingly more difficult place to live in for anyone living today. It is important for a any forum of any kind to take a chance on a piece that really stresses important issues.
We have to change the world. Otherwise, we will be in deep spiritual trouble sooner than you think. The seed of change lies in your head. The seed of change begins in how you think.
A janitor is not just a stupid brute, a CEO might be more shallow than his emloyees. Status is not always a definate reality. Sometimes, status matters. It depends on the situatio. Rules apply only when they matter. When do they matter. Open your eyes. Use your intuition. Kings might be fantastic people and quite extraordinary. They might also not be so extraordinary. Use your instincts. Use your feelings. What is right in the special situation you are in at the moment? Be modest enough to look in your soul for the answers you are seeking. Don’t look for what people think you should think.
However, it is dangerous to think you have to go against society to do the right thing. Rules are there to be obeyed, but use your calm inside emotion to make the right choice. Believe me, your heart knows the way. Your mind does, as well. You might not believe it, but when you are calm and collected, your mind and your heart tell you the same thing: your soul knows the way.
I have written articles about the uniqueness of every spirit, as in Every Soul has a Story (Shadows Express, March 21st, 2013) or short stories such as Hopes & Dreams (Idea Gems, December, 2012), which are basically stories about fear turning into hope.
Often enough, I encounter too many people today that completely lack modesty. Basically, that is simply fear of the unknown that has not turned into hope.
Modesty does not require crawling into a corner.
Modesty takes lots and lots of courage.
Humility takes more muscle than arrogance.
It basically means: knowing that your opinion is right for you and that this opinion might be wrong for someone else. Take Frank. His love for his art makes him thrive. His art brings money into the house. Felishia’s passion for keeping things organized is her love for logic. A stock broker loves to meddle in the world’s finances, a soccer player loves the excitement of the team, the architect loves designing buildings, the green party member loves trying to change society to become more environmental and more natural, the car mechanic enjoys fixing cars, the guitarist loves music, the opera singer loves singing Verdi and Mozart.
The trouble begins when you think that your love for something is the only reality and that your opinion is the only viable opinion. Of course, conservatives really want to stress a traditional society and clear-cut lines and rules. That is wonderful. But what about someone that is liberal? His attitude is different and it should be. It would be wrong for him to complain that the conservative guy is too square, to coin a phrase. He is not going to change him. The more he tries to change him, the more the other guy will stay the same.
Black and white are inventions.
You have to respect people.
You have to accept them for what they are.
If you begin to complain about the other guy’s ways or say that he has to change, he will only get defensive. That doesn’t mean you have to be like Frank and Felishia, who don’t speak to each other any more. Talk about your problems, but use your discussions wisely.
We have a definate problem with modesty in our society.
The reason for that is the commercial world. I should be careful in generalizing this. As I said, there are different views in our world. But, in many ways, the streamlined and uniformed world dictates certain ways of being and creating bubbles inside bubbles. It is almost as if people tell each other to close their eyes to other people’s pain.
This is what society tells you: to be blonde and blue eyed, be sexy, be young, be dynamic, be cool, be hip, be pretty, be funny, be relaxed, be clean. Above all: be cleaner than clean. Be squeeky clean. No. Be clean in your soul.
The preoccupation with cleanliness is today more important than the cleanliness of the soul. And I am not talking about sex here. Sex is the tool that creates our race. We are designed to like it. Sex is also a tool that makes two people mold together and show their love and passion for each other. Sex is not a sin. Murder is a sin, bigotry is a sin, hate is a sin, revenge is a sin, dishonesty is a sin. Sex, in its purest form, is not a sin.
Cleanliness of the household is a fixation. It is important. I am not saying you should be dirty. Just know that your spirit also needs a shower now and then. Again, I am not talking about sex. I am talking about being nice to people. That to me is being clean.
Now, that is just an opinion. You are free to disagree. That is your job. Please do not agree with me. Please, disagree with me. One thing, however, is true, in my view: there is way too little modety in our world. Muslims and Christians, Hindus and Buddhist, they have right to live the way they want to live. Hippies, they can be what they are. It doesn’t mean that you have to be that way.
Thank God for our differences.
Let people be what they are.
You are what you are.
Frank has to be artistic, it is his way, but maybe he can learn from Felishia how to be more organized. Felishia has to be organized, that is who she is. However, she might learn how to be more artistic.
We can all learn from each other.
The only tool we can use in order to learn something is a characteristic we should all learn how to cultivate. It is a simple trait that binds us and makes us better people. Something called modesty.
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