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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Childhood / Youth
- Published: 08/21/2013
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, Germany.jpg)
Five of my favourite stuffed toy animals became the main attraction of bed time stories that kept my mind tingling with inspiration all through the end of the seventies and onto the first interesting years of the eighties. These stories started a fascination for exploration and fun. I have rewritten these stories now in 2010 and hope that you enjoy them as much as I did during many childhood evenings.
When Charlie was a child, he had five Snoopy dogs and they had all bought one after the other in various shops around Gothenburg. Since Charlie actually didn’t want to give all of them the forename Snoopy, he gave them special names: so they became Snoopy and Snobben. The little ones became Vicky, Ville and Valle.
They were funny dogs and worked as a team, full of comic timing and funny gags at the ready. Snoopy was the largest of them all and sort of a father figure.
We have to remember that Bamse the bear was the over all reigning father figure. Charlie’s grandmother Anna even knitted a sweater for him, along with one thousand bed covers. She was amazing.
Anyway, back to the Snoopies. Snobben, which is the Swedish name for Snoopy, was a bit smaller and he was the cool teenager. With his sweatshirt labelled: “Let’s go hiking!” he was a dog really ready for adventure and prompted their first escapade.
The triplets Ville, Valle and Vicky were sort of like “The Marx Brothers” in a tiny variety. Valle always kept losing his pants due to a badly made hip. Ville was the smart one and Vicky was sort of a dog that really only wanted to have fun.
When Charlie’s mother didn’t tell him stories about Uggel-Guggel and Klampe-Lampe or Ludde and Linus, the Snoopies were out on adventures in the land of bed time stories. These stories started Charlie’s fascination for making up stories in general. His father was the writer and the genes had already been passed on. All that Charlie’s mother did was to give him the unstoppable imagination that would catapult him if not to success than at least to a fantastic literary voyage.
The cassette tapes that were recorded about the Snoopies are lost, as is Bamse when he was washed one day, but the ideas are still intact. Kungshöjdsgatan 6 turned into rivers, oceans filled with Russian submarines that were chased to London by whales.
These are the adventures of five excited animals.
The dogs were bored one day and decided to walk down to the Göta Kanal. The river that runs through Göteborg is a bright one. It runs into the harbour and through the city. It was the time of the Soviet Union and so one Soviet submarine had been caught in the harbour of the city of Karlskrona. The five dogs decided to find out if they, too, could discover a Russian submarine in Gothenburg.
They walked down the stairs of Charlie’s building, past the small playground and down the stairs that passed the Olympic Gym and the phone company. Once down the stairs, they walked right past the supermarket Billhälls and crossed the street and saw the Fish church or Feskekörka in the local dialect. This building was a tourist attraction and former church converted into a fish market.
This seemed to be a good place to have some fun.
They looked down into the river for any sign of Russian submarines. Finally, Vicky said that he was getting quite bored. Maybe the whole thing with the submarines was a bad idea.
Just then something long and unusual did appear. Could that be a submarine? Yes, it was. The triplets were equally excited. Then Snobben discovered something. Something beautiful with a fishtail sitting on top of the submarine as it floated down the Göta Kanal. It was a mermaid, a young and beautiful one.
Snoopy, who was the oldest, had many contacts in good old Gothenburg. He knew that King Neptune had his Skagerrak headquarters just outside off the coast. They would ask him.
No, said Snoopy. They should jump up on the submarine right away and try to rescue the mermaid.
That is when the dogs all together heard a language emerging from the submarine as it floated slower down the river. It was Russian and the beings that were in it were – dogs. A schnauzer was sticking his head out of the opening and said some sort of code word: “Spasiba Nasdarovye!”
He grabbed the mermaid, took her in to the submarine, closed the lid and disappeared.
The five dogs at once decided to take the matter into their own hands. They swam after the submarine. As soon as they climbed on top of it, they crawled to the opening and climbed in.
The whole submarine was crawling with Soviet doggies. When they saw the five Snoopy dogs, they were flabbergasted. At once, the alarm set off and twenty bullterriers came out of nowhere and appeared to seize the Snoopies.
Lucky for them that they had heard the code word.
They said: “Spasiba Nasdarovye!” three times and so fast that the dogs at once fainted.
That was their moment. They grabbed the mermaid and disappeared out of the submarine. On their way down the canal they asked the mermaid what her name was. She said that her name was Glimmer-Eye and that she was the daughter of King Neptune. She had been kidnapped.
No sooner had she said those words than the dogs reappeared, seized Glimmer-Eye again and took her back into the submarine. This time they disappeared with her for good, taking off so fast that the dogs couldn’t possibly catch up with them.
That did it. Neptune had to know now. As they saw the vehicle disappear, they dived down into the deep. Having brought their diving suits with them, they had no trouble breathing under water.
Soon enough, they arrived at King Neptune’s underwater palace. He knew the dogs from before, when they had hosted a party for sea dogs and was really happy to see them once again.
The first time they had been there, the palace had been decorated to the nines. It was still beautiful, but the palace was in mourning. After all, the daughter of his dreams, namely Glimmer-Eye, had been kidnapped by evil Russian dogs. They wanted to use the mermaid as a Soviet bait to increase national status as the capital of exotic beings, very much like the fascists of the second world war in their quest for holy artefacts.
Neptune honestly said that he had moved to the west Swedish coast only because he had hoped that it was calmer here than back in Greece. He had been wrong. They had called him Poseidon, but actually his Roman name Neptune ringed more eloquently in his ear. He could be more incognito. That is what he thought, anyway. The Greeks still came to him with every complaint about every storm, no matter what he called himself. Sweden was still not calmer. If the Soviet dogs would now reappear he would try Polynesia.
The five Snoopies told Neptune the entire story of seeing the submarine and trying to recapture the mermaid and failing.
Neptune was overwhelmed. At last, he had hope. There was someone that was willing to help him in his search. Neptune himself was forced to live incognito, because of the constant complaints. The good old Snoopies served as a perfect solution.
Now, Neptune knew that they needed help in their quest to recapture his daughter. The aid was a whale with the uncanny name of Ville-Valle, pronounced “Villehvalleh” and really was a combination of two of the dogs’ names.
Maybe that was the reason why they immediately hit it off with the whale. He had the contacts, they had the guts, he knew the oracle Loranga in the North Sea off the coast of the Pharoe Islands. She would know where to look next.
Off they went on the back of the whale, swearing to find Glimmer-Eye before soon.
Ville-Valle proved to be a good companion, constantly helpful and informative. His stories about his bouts with the whale hunters of the Arctic were gripping. He had survived every one of those dangerous trials.
The band of brothers arrived on a stony island where the ocean’s most famous oracle and psychic mermaid lived with her three daughters Sprite, Sinalco and Evensup. The psychic’s name was Loranga and she was reputed to be three hundred years old.
She was very friendly, the old gal, but one thing she demanded. In order to see the location of the mermaid, they really needed to pick the most beautiful sea star from the bottom of the ocean for her. That was the only way to be able to receive clear signs from the sky.
Ville volunteered to fetch a star for her. When he arrived yet again, he had found the most shining and the most lovely rainbow star there was. Loranga was so impressed that she immediately could say where the Soviet dogs had disappeared to: London.
Obviously, they had heard that the Loch Ness monster by some strange magic had been transferred to the Themes. Now, the Russian canines wanted to pick this gold digger, as well, and present him to Comrad Breschnyev.
Now, they had to work fast.
The Russian Doggie Spies, the R.D.S. for short, would obviously split in favour of the commie states the moment they found Nessie. Rescuing Glimmer-Eye from the claws of the Soviet Union soon was a must.
Ville-Valle swam as fast as he could. In fact, he swam faster than the wind. It did not take long for him to arrive at the river that had made so much history. London had burned down here 1666 and the Big Ben had ding-donged the Lords and Dames to their parliament for centuries.
Of course, they had no idea where the submarine was.
“Hmm,” Ville-Valle thought. “Maybe you could ask someone here on the street if they have seen Nessie.”
The five Snoopies thought that was a great idea.
When they had swam far enough, they saw the parliament and promptly strode onto the London streets asking the Londoners if they had seen the Loch Ness monster.
When five dogs, that all look like Snoopy, walk up to you on a crowded London bridge: then you have to wonder if you have smoked too much or maybe should quit drinking coke.
The answers were various.
They ranged from:
“Well, who has really seen the Loch Ness monster, old chap?”
“You wouldn’t see him ‘ere, gov’!”
The classic response the dogs got was:
“Blimey, blokes, the sea monster – ‘ere?”
Ville-Valle was immediately notified. His response was to actually go to the queen herself and tell her the entire story.
“Maybe, she will know what to do.”
The five Snoopies actually took the metro off to Buckingham Palace, where the dogs actually were small enough to crawl past the guards without being seen. Queen Elisabeth II was sitting in her day clothing on the side of the bed reading Margret Mitchell’s “Gone with the Wind” when they arrived.
Her first reaction was surprise, but then when she saw that they looked like spitting images of her favourite cartoon character she was interested. Her husband Prince Philip came in to the bedroom munching on some After Eight-mints and drinking apple cider, when he heard the story being told by one of the world’s greatest cartoon royalty.
He exclaimed: “By Jove, rather! These canines have a point, don’t you also say, Liz? I mean, we can’t have Soviet dogs criss- crossing our sacred river searching for a national treasure.”
The queen nodded, looked up at the painting of the virgin queen that had been given the same name as Elisabeth and said: “Lizzie, it’s time to move!” Then she looked at the doggies, exclaiming: “My dear little animals, go down to the river and fetch the crooks. My husband and I feel that victory is near. When triumph beckons, dear little doggie-woggies, we shall capture the fools and lock them up. We shall give the benefit of starch commonwealth treatment. You shall have the mermaid and we shall hope that Nessie can return to his proper neighbourhood. Britain has spoken!”
The dogs precipitated to the river and, as if it had been ordered by her majesty herself, the submarine appeared with Glimmer Eye on top. Soon after that, Nessie appeared as well.
In the last minute before the rescue, Ville-Valle had the inspiration of a lifetime. The first time around, back in Göta Kanal, they had startled the dog spies by uttering: “Spasiba Nasdarovye!” three times. Well, maybe they should do this now as well and possibly make them faint again. The authorities would have more time to catch and maybe capture them.
The whole plan worked like clockwork. Snoopy, Snobben, Ville, Valle and Vicky jumped up upon the submarine and opened the latch as it surfaced above water. Surprising the spies so immensely when arriving, their shouts of Russian lingua so intense, the result was that entire crew fainted. They were left so speechless that they were seized immediately by Secret Service Prince (S.S.P.) James Bond himself. He had been called by her majesty just a few hours ago to set off downwards with his men to the Themes and take care of what she labelled to be “a sticky spot for the British crown”.
The five dogs named Snoopy became knighted as Members of the Order of the British Empire for “saving a national, natural gold contribution from extinction and producing protest towards the undermining of English intelligence”. They were in the news every day that year as a result.
The scientists had found out that Nessie had escaped his lake and somehow swam all the way to the Themes. He was naturally overjoyed when he heard that he was being transported back to his home in Scotland again.
Now, he was no mystery anymore and he could at last present his family of uncles and aunts and five grandchildren to the world.
Glimmer-Eye was very happy to be in the custody of her old friend the whale and his five knighted dogs.
King Neptune threw a huge party for the friends upon their arrival back at the sea palace. And the electric eels monitored the juke box.
“Doo-doo, dee-doo! Doo-doo, dee-doo! Da-da-daah!”-
What a party! What a joy! What a rescue!
The Soviets never dared to attack Sweden again.
The dogs couldn’t wait to tell Charlie what had happened.
Snoopy couldn’t wait until he saw the look on Charlie’s face, when they told him that there were now officially five Members of the British Parliament living in his room.
Now, how is that for a homecoming party?
Five of my favourite stuffed toy animals became the main attraction of bed time stories that kept my mind tingling with inspiration all through the end of the seventies and onto the first interesting years of the eighties. These stories started a fascination for exploration and fun. I have rewritten these stories now in 2010 and hope that you enjoy them as much as I did during many childhood evenings.
When Charlie was a child, he had five Snoopy dogs and they had all bought one after the other in various shops around Gothenburg. Since Charlie actually didn’t want to give all of them the forename Snoopy, he gave them special names: so they became Snoopy and Snobben. The little ones became Vicky, Ville and Valle.
They were funny dogs and worked as a team, full of comic timing and funny gags at the ready. Snoopy was the largest of them all and sort of a father figure.
We have to remember that Bamse the bear was the over all reigning father figure. Charlie’s grandmother Anna even knitted a sweater for him, along with one thousand bed covers. She was amazing.
Anyway, back to the Snoopies. Snobben, which is the Swedish name for Snoopy, was a bit smaller and he was the cool teenager. With his sweatshirt labelled: “Let’s go hiking!” he was a dog really ready for adventure and prompted their first escapade.
The triplets Ville, Valle and Vicky were sort of like “The Marx Brothers” in a tiny variety. Valle always kept losing his pants due to a badly made hip. Ville was the smart one and Vicky was sort of a dog that really only wanted to have fun.
When Charlie’s mother didn’t tell him stories about Uggel-Guggel and Klampe-Lampe or Ludde and Linus, the Snoopies were out on adventures in the land of bed time stories. These stories started Charlie’s fascination for making up stories in general. His father was the writer and the genes had already been passed on. All that Charlie’s mother did was to give him the unstoppable imagination that would catapult him if not to success than at least to a fantastic literary voyage.
The cassette tapes that were recorded about the Snoopies are lost, as is Bamse when he was washed one day, but the ideas are still intact. Kungshöjdsgatan 6 turned into rivers, oceans filled with Russian submarines that were chased to London by whales.
These are the adventures of five excited animals.
The dogs were bored one day and decided to walk down to the Göta Kanal. The river that runs through Göteborg is a bright one. It runs into the harbour and through the city. It was the time of the Soviet Union and so one Soviet submarine had been caught in the harbour of the city of Karlskrona. The five dogs decided to find out if they, too, could discover a Russian submarine in Gothenburg.
They walked down the stairs of Charlie’s building, past the small playground and down the stairs that passed the Olympic Gym and the phone company. Once down the stairs, they walked right past the supermarket Billhälls and crossed the street and saw the Fish church or Feskekörka in the local dialect. This building was a tourist attraction and former church converted into a fish market.
This seemed to be a good place to have some fun.
They looked down into the river for any sign of Russian submarines. Finally, Vicky said that he was getting quite bored. Maybe the whole thing with the submarines was a bad idea.
Just then something long and unusual did appear. Could that be a submarine? Yes, it was. The triplets were equally excited. Then Snobben discovered something. Something beautiful with a fishtail sitting on top of the submarine as it floated down the Göta Kanal. It was a mermaid, a young and beautiful one.
Snoopy, who was the oldest, had many contacts in good old Gothenburg. He knew that King Neptune had his Skagerrak headquarters just outside off the coast. They would ask him.
No, said Snoopy. They should jump up on the submarine right away and try to rescue the mermaid.
That is when the dogs all together heard a language emerging from the submarine as it floated slower down the river. It was Russian and the beings that were in it were – dogs. A schnauzer was sticking his head out of the opening and said some sort of code word: “Spasiba Nasdarovye!”
He grabbed the mermaid, took her in to the submarine, closed the lid and disappeared.
The five dogs at once decided to take the matter into their own hands. They swam after the submarine. As soon as they climbed on top of it, they crawled to the opening and climbed in.
The whole submarine was crawling with Soviet doggies. When they saw the five Snoopy dogs, they were flabbergasted. At once, the alarm set off and twenty bullterriers came out of nowhere and appeared to seize the Snoopies.
Lucky for them that they had heard the code word.
They said: “Spasiba Nasdarovye!” three times and so fast that the dogs at once fainted.
That was their moment. They grabbed the mermaid and disappeared out of the submarine. On their way down the canal they asked the mermaid what her name was. She said that her name was Glimmer-Eye and that she was the daughter of King Neptune. She had been kidnapped.
No sooner had she said those words than the dogs reappeared, seized Glimmer-Eye again and took her back into the submarine. This time they disappeared with her for good, taking off so fast that the dogs couldn’t possibly catch up with them.
That did it. Neptune had to know now. As they saw the vehicle disappear, they dived down into the deep. Having brought their diving suits with them, they had no trouble breathing under water.
Soon enough, they arrived at King Neptune’s underwater palace. He knew the dogs from before, when they had hosted a party for sea dogs and was really happy to see them once again.
The first time they had been there, the palace had been decorated to the nines. It was still beautiful, but the palace was in mourning. After all, the daughter of his dreams, namely Glimmer-Eye, had been kidnapped by evil Russian dogs. They wanted to use the mermaid as a Soviet bait to increase national status as the capital of exotic beings, very much like the fascists of the second world war in their quest for holy artefacts.
Neptune honestly said that he had moved to the west Swedish coast only because he had hoped that it was calmer here than back in Greece. He had been wrong. They had called him Poseidon, but actually his Roman name Neptune ringed more eloquently in his ear. He could be more incognito. That is what he thought, anyway. The Greeks still came to him with every complaint about every storm, no matter what he called himself. Sweden was still not calmer. If the Soviet dogs would now reappear he would try Polynesia.
The five Snoopies told Neptune the entire story of seeing the submarine and trying to recapture the mermaid and failing.
Neptune was overwhelmed. At last, he had hope. There was someone that was willing to help him in his search. Neptune himself was forced to live incognito, because of the constant complaints. The good old Snoopies served as a perfect solution.
Now, Neptune knew that they needed help in their quest to recapture his daughter. The aid was a whale with the uncanny name of Ville-Valle, pronounced “Villehvalleh” and really was a combination of two of the dogs’ names.
Maybe that was the reason why they immediately hit it off with the whale. He had the contacts, they had the guts, he knew the oracle Loranga in the North Sea off the coast of the Pharoe Islands. She would know where to look next.
Off they went on the back of the whale, swearing to find Glimmer-Eye before soon.
Ville-Valle proved to be a good companion, constantly helpful and informative. His stories about his bouts with the whale hunters of the Arctic were gripping. He had survived every one of those dangerous trials.
The band of brothers arrived on a stony island where the ocean’s most famous oracle and psychic mermaid lived with her three daughters Sprite, Sinalco and Evensup. The psychic’s name was Loranga and she was reputed to be three hundred years old.
She was very friendly, the old gal, but one thing she demanded. In order to see the location of the mermaid, they really needed to pick the most beautiful sea star from the bottom of the ocean for her. That was the only way to be able to receive clear signs from the sky.
Ville volunteered to fetch a star for her. When he arrived yet again, he had found the most shining and the most lovely rainbow star there was. Loranga was so impressed that she immediately could say where the Soviet dogs had disappeared to: London.
Obviously, they had heard that the Loch Ness monster by some strange magic had been transferred to the Themes. Now, the Russian canines wanted to pick this gold digger, as well, and present him to Comrad Breschnyev.
Now, they had to work fast.
The Russian Doggie Spies, the R.D.S. for short, would obviously split in favour of the commie states the moment they found Nessie. Rescuing Glimmer-Eye from the claws of the Soviet Union soon was a must.
Ville-Valle swam as fast as he could. In fact, he swam faster than the wind. It did not take long for him to arrive at the river that had made so much history. London had burned down here 1666 and the Big Ben had ding-donged the Lords and Dames to their parliament for centuries.
Of course, they had no idea where the submarine was.
“Hmm,” Ville-Valle thought. “Maybe you could ask someone here on the street if they have seen Nessie.”
The five Snoopies thought that was a great idea.
When they had swam far enough, they saw the parliament and promptly strode onto the London streets asking the Londoners if they had seen the Loch Ness monster.
When five dogs, that all look like Snoopy, walk up to you on a crowded London bridge: then you have to wonder if you have smoked too much or maybe should quit drinking coke.
The answers were various.
They ranged from:
“Well, who has really seen the Loch Ness monster, old chap?”
“You wouldn’t see him ‘ere, gov’!”
The classic response the dogs got was:
“Blimey, blokes, the sea monster – ‘ere?”
Ville-Valle was immediately notified. His response was to actually go to the queen herself and tell her the entire story.
“Maybe, she will know what to do.”
The five Snoopies actually took the metro off to Buckingham Palace, where the dogs actually were small enough to crawl past the guards without being seen. Queen Elisabeth II was sitting in her day clothing on the side of the bed reading Margret Mitchell’s “Gone with the Wind” when they arrived.
Her first reaction was surprise, but then when she saw that they looked like spitting images of her favourite cartoon character she was interested. Her husband Prince Philip came in to the bedroom munching on some After Eight-mints and drinking apple cider, when he heard the story being told by one of the world’s greatest cartoon royalty.
He exclaimed: “By Jove, rather! These canines have a point, don’t you also say, Liz? I mean, we can’t have Soviet dogs criss- crossing our sacred river searching for a national treasure.”
The queen nodded, looked up at the painting of the virgin queen that had been given the same name as Elisabeth and said: “Lizzie, it’s time to move!” Then she looked at the doggies, exclaiming: “My dear little animals, go down to the river and fetch the crooks. My husband and I feel that victory is near. When triumph beckons, dear little doggie-woggies, we shall capture the fools and lock them up. We shall give the benefit of starch commonwealth treatment. You shall have the mermaid and we shall hope that Nessie can return to his proper neighbourhood. Britain has spoken!”
The dogs precipitated to the river and, as if it had been ordered by her majesty herself, the submarine appeared with Glimmer Eye on top. Soon after that, Nessie appeared as well.
In the last minute before the rescue, Ville-Valle had the inspiration of a lifetime. The first time around, back in Göta Kanal, they had startled the dog spies by uttering: “Spasiba Nasdarovye!” three times. Well, maybe they should do this now as well and possibly make them faint again. The authorities would have more time to catch and maybe capture them.
The whole plan worked like clockwork. Snoopy, Snobben, Ville, Valle and Vicky jumped up upon the submarine and opened the latch as it surfaced above water. Surprising the spies so immensely when arriving, their shouts of Russian lingua so intense, the result was that entire crew fainted. They were left so speechless that they were seized immediately by Secret Service Prince (S.S.P.) James Bond himself. He had been called by her majesty just a few hours ago to set off downwards with his men to the Themes and take care of what she labelled to be “a sticky spot for the British crown”.
The five dogs named Snoopy became knighted as Members of the Order of the British Empire for “saving a national, natural gold contribution from extinction and producing protest towards the undermining of English intelligence”. They were in the news every day that year as a result.
The scientists had found out that Nessie had escaped his lake and somehow swam all the way to the Themes. He was naturally overjoyed when he heard that he was being transported back to his home in Scotland again.
Now, he was no mystery anymore and he could at last present his family of uncles and aunts and five grandchildren to the world.
Glimmer-Eye was very happy to be in the custody of her old friend the whale and his five knighted dogs.
King Neptune threw a huge party for the friends upon their arrival back at the sea palace. And the electric eels monitored the juke box.
“Doo-doo, dee-doo! Doo-doo, dee-doo! Da-da-daah!”-
What a party! What a joy! What a rescue!
The Soviets never dared to attack Sweden again.
The dogs couldn’t wait to tell Charlie what had happened.
Snoopy couldn’t wait until he saw the look on Charlie’s face, when they told him that there were now officially five Members of the British Parliament living in his room.
Now, how is that for a homecoming party?
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