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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Horror / Scary
- Published: 09/05/2013
A Decided Destiny....
As I venture down the twisted and weathered pathway that leads to his castle, I try to empty my mind of all fear filled thoughts. After many a sleepless night the day has finally arrived, and I am fully ready for my sacrifice. For too long now I have lived in fear of the monster that resides within this deathly castle. He has been free to terrorize my land, devouring souls as if they were nothing more than finger food at a buffet. The time is finally here, and my land will no longer live with the fear and uncertainty forever haunting them.
The day he had chosen me, 'the Fairy Princess,' as his next victim, my land had wept for my poor, doomed soul. But after today they will weep no longer. His evil reign will finally reach its overdue end, and my land will be peaceful once more. I take a deep breath to compose myself before I enter the unearthly castle, feeling slightly unnerved by the tall and threatening stature of the grim building. My eyes rest upon his twisted shadow, skulking at the window. The vile lord of the castle awaits me, with anticipation running through him like ice water through fevered veins. I enter the dreary and decaying castle with a cautious mind and thoughtful steps. The crushing thought weighing upon my meek frame that soon I will be laid bare before him, completely unprotected and fully at his mercy.
I stand alone enclosed in darkness inside of the ghoulish castle. I am smothered by the fowl stench of death. It lingers in the air with no sign of mercy, and I gag in repulsion at the unforgiving stench. Stepping further inside I find myself taken back by the shocking light that dazzles me, it sets alight the darkness and transforms the sorry and hopeless place. I gasp in amazement, forgetting instantly about the smell and I rub my eyes in disbelief at the unexpected scene laid before me.
The costume ball that is displayed before me is a truly magical scene to behold. The ladies of the room ooze elegance, draped in lace and dripping in diamonds they appear almost queen like. The men are just as striking to the eye, clothed with exuberant garments that brim with brash, bold colours, and are piped with yards of golden embroidery. They exude sophistication and power.
The enchanting females glide across the ballroom with a sense of grace and beauty. I watch in awe as they fall with ease, safely into the secure hold of their Prince Charmings' arms. The men puff out their chests proudly in response, asserting their dominance like a angry pride of lions, fighting for claim on their territory.
The ballroom itself appears almost dream like. The walls are drenched in silver and soaked in jewels. The place seems heavenly, blessed with riches and beauty and masses of soft alluring lights that gently kiss the room. They touch my face like the lips of an angel, so calming and soft. I stand anxiously enclosed within the outskirts of the hall, enveloped safely by its darkness, it protects my petite frame, like armour. I watch for a while longer, enjoying the show that has been prepared for me. I absorb the laughter and watch the romance unfold before my eyes forgetting for a short time the darkness that resides here. I am glamoured temporarily by its beauty and secretly I know it's all a charade, but still I can't resist being drawn into the magic of the scene.
As I enter the room, still under his spell, I gaze dreamily at my surroundings. I notice two water fountains that stand with an almighty dominance in the centre of the ballroom. They flourish with such beauty and power, a truly captivating display. I watch hypnotized as the water dances and sparkles like glitter, trickling downwards almost musically, as it plays to me a soft, seductive lullaby. As I explore further I notice that the room is haunted by mirrors, they reflect the splendour and beauty that exists within the room. It resembles to me a icy prism, and I feel almost like I am walking inside of a snow globe, trapped inside its perfect scene. I know that this is exactly what he has intended me to see, to lure me inside. It is an intoxicating scene, a smoke screen to what really exists within these deceitful walls. Overwhelmed by curiosity, I find myself walking further inside in a trance like state, allowing myself to be pulled into the fairytale like room. I know what terror awaits me, yet I still walk aimlessly like a helpless prey to my hunter. I surround myself with the magic and the fantasy, allowing myself for a moment to be absorbed in the perfection that has been created in my honour. But then my heart falls, as I remember truly why I am here.
Sadly I begin to reminisce over happier times, cherishing my memories. I feel a surge of hope build inside me when I think of my family, now at least they will be safe. However my life had become like a ticking clock, ever since he laid his devilish eyes upon me, each day ticking that little slower, symbolic of my lack of time. He had already decided my destiny, with his wicked greed. He wanted the Fairy Princess to satisfy his ever craving hunger. He had plotted my life out like a book, which you already knew the ending to. And I knew my ending was creeping closer.
As I continue to walk I sense him lurking somewhere within the darkness. I imagine a sinister smile forming on his scaly face, picturing how he would be flashing his slimy, discoloured teeth. How his slug like lips, would be moist from hunger and salivating with desire, as he awaited his meal. I can feel his presence growing stronger, as I venture further. The connection I feel to him is so intense, it haunts my fragile mind. I cringe as I picture him rubbing his long, bony hands together in anticipation of my arrival. His snake like eyes, like slits on his greyish, daunt face. It is a face that has haunted my dreams for some time now, almost like a recurring nightmare. Still under his powerful spell I continue to walk, feeling his magnetic pull drawing me closer to him. His dark magic twists itself around my slight body like a snake, curling itself sneakily around my withered limbs, it constricts me and holds me like his prisoner. He is my puppet master now, he owns my mind and body, and soon my soul would be his latest and most valued possession. I hear his haunting tone as he whispers to me, imagining his darks eyes watching me from inside of my mind. I know I can not resit his monstrous power for much longer, and I fall weak and helpless to his forceful presence. “Come to me” he hisses in a serpent like manner, and resigned to my doom I obey. I knew if I did not surrender he would go on to destroy the land I call home along with everyone I care for. Their essence would be ripped viciously from the world in my place. This was the only way to keep them all safe, and it is my sacrifice to make. I knew all too well, once this monster had chosen there was no swaying him, so I stepped forward edging closer to my fate.
The characters at the ball all dance flamboyantly around me now, their bodies beginning to spin so unnaturally fast. Their once elegant frames becoming twisted and deformed as they fade into the background. They create a blur of wondrous colours as they wrap themselves around me, like smoke they steal my breath. They dance a dance of doom, their loud laughter like a chorus of hellish banshees, their cackles twisted and steeped in evil. Their smiles grow more like grimaces now, their eyes are becoming dark and soulless. I begin to feel trapped as their faces surround me, their features so angular like some abstract terror. They hold terrifying expressions like the monsters of my nightmares. Then I see him in person, awaiting me, not a dream and no longer a nightmare, he stands, and eagerly awaits my arrival. His long skeleton like figure towers over me, and to me he resembles a withered tree, with arms so bony and twisted like branches. He holds out his ghostly white hand to me, with nails so sharp and claw like. I feel myself hopelessly being drawn to him, intoxicated by his dominant magical force. Victoriously he captures me, locking me in my prison of fate. “Give me your soul child,” he breathes, exhilarated with power and greed. I close my eyes, letting him wrap his cold, dark shadowy magic around me, as he entangles me in my pending fate. I can feel him relentlessly sucking the life from my small and weak body. I am surprised to find it is not painful, just exhausting and saddening. He spins my doll-like frame, making me dance a final sorrowful dance for his own cruel satisfaction. Then finally, the sense of feeling escapes from my limbs and the light in the room dims. He drains away the last few drops of life from my surrendering body. My sole abandons me, leaving me a hollow and empty vessel. And finally I take my last breath on this earth, accepting my sacrifice for everyone I love, and say my goodbyes to my oh too short life.
The Demon is satisfied momentarily, pleased with his conquest, but soon the hunger returns. Deep and longing it burns inside him, and the greed rips its way painfully through his lungs. His greasy skin tingles with anticipation and selfishly he quickly relinquishes the promise he had made to leave the land alone. For he knew now his hunger would never be satisfied. He felt the unmistakable surge of excitement conquer him once more, all to easily. His dark eyes begin to glisten with the wanting for fresh flesh and warm satisfying blood. 'Time for another' he thinks to himself, as he licks his grey, cold lips. Then he closes his oily lids and waits, with a lust filled hunger. Eager and all too ready to see the face of his next victim.
But he found that the taste of blood was never the same after her, it burned his insides and tasted so fowl. Then the souls of his victims all began to arise around him, screaming out in pain and anger, they haunted him every minute of every day, and he began to feel a sense of overwhelming guilt and regret, until finally he could bring himself to kill no more.
The result of the enchantment she had cast, her final trick up her sleeve before she had passed. The Fairy Princess had outwitted the Demon knowing him all too well. And now her land would live in peace, and the Demon would cry his tears of guilt until finally he would come to starve, a victim of greed.
© Sarah J Burdon 16.7.2013
A Decided Destiny(Sarah Burdon)
A Decided Destiny....
As I venture down the twisted and weathered pathway that leads to his castle, I try to empty my mind of all fear filled thoughts. After many a sleepless night the day has finally arrived, and I am fully ready for my sacrifice. For too long now I have lived in fear of the monster that resides within this deathly castle. He has been free to terrorize my land, devouring souls as if they were nothing more than finger food at a buffet. The time is finally here, and my land will no longer live with the fear and uncertainty forever haunting them.
The day he had chosen me, 'the Fairy Princess,' as his next victim, my land had wept for my poor, doomed soul. But after today they will weep no longer. His evil reign will finally reach its overdue end, and my land will be peaceful once more. I take a deep breath to compose myself before I enter the unearthly castle, feeling slightly unnerved by the tall and threatening stature of the grim building. My eyes rest upon his twisted shadow, skulking at the window. The vile lord of the castle awaits me, with anticipation running through him like ice water through fevered veins. I enter the dreary and decaying castle with a cautious mind and thoughtful steps. The crushing thought weighing upon my meek frame that soon I will be laid bare before him, completely unprotected and fully at his mercy.
I stand alone enclosed in darkness inside of the ghoulish castle. I am smothered by the fowl stench of death. It lingers in the air with no sign of mercy, and I gag in repulsion at the unforgiving stench. Stepping further inside I find myself taken back by the shocking light that dazzles me, it sets alight the darkness and transforms the sorry and hopeless place. I gasp in amazement, forgetting instantly about the smell and I rub my eyes in disbelief at the unexpected scene laid before me.
The costume ball that is displayed before me is a truly magical scene to behold. The ladies of the room ooze elegance, draped in lace and dripping in diamonds they appear almost queen like. The men are just as striking to the eye, clothed with exuberant garments that brim with brash, bold colours, and are piped with yards of golden embroidery. They exude sophistication and power.
The enchanting females glide across the ballroom with a sense of grace and beauty. I watch in awe as they fall with ease, safely into the secure hold of their Prince Charmings' arms. The men puff out their chests proudly in response, asserting their dominance like a angry pride of lions, fighting for claim on their territory.
The ballroom itself appears almost dream like. The walls are drenched in silver and soaked in jewels. The place seems heavenly, blessed with riches and beauty and masses of soft alluring lights that gently kiss the room. They touch my face like the lips of an angel, so calming and soft. I stand anxiously enclosed within the outskirts of the hall, enveloped safely by its darkness, it protects my petite frame, like armour. I watch for a while longer, enjoying the show that has been prepared for me. I absorb the laughter and watch the romance unfold before my eyes forgetting for a short time the darkness that resides here. I am glamoured temporarily by its beauty and secretly I know it's all a charade, but still I can't resist being drawn into the magic of the scene.
As I enter the room, still under his spell, I gaze dreamily at my surroundings. I notice two water fountains that stand with an almighty dominance in the centre of the ballroom. They flourish with such beauty and power, a truly captivating display. I watch hypnotized as the water dances and sparkles like glitter, trickling downwards almost musically, as it plays to me a soft, seductive lullaby. As I explore further I notice that the room is haunted by mirrors, they reflect the splendour and beauty that exists within the room. It resembles to me a icy prism, and I feel almost like I am walking inside of a snow globe, trapped inside its perfect scene. I know that this is exactly what he has intended me to see, to lure me inside. It is an intoxicating scene, a smoke screen to what really exists within these deceitful walls. Overwhelmed by curiosity, I find myself walking further inside in a trance like state, allowing myself to be pulled into the fairytale like room. I know what terror awaits me, yet I still walk aimlessly like a helpless prey to my hunter. I surround myself with the magic and the fantasy, allowing myself for a moment to be absorbed in the perfection that has been created in my honour. But then my heart falls, as I remember truly why I am here.
Sadly I begin to reminisce over happier times, cherishing my memories. I feel a surge of hope build inside me when I think of my family, now at least they will be safe. However my life had become like a ticking clock, ever since he laid his devilish eyes upon me, each day ticking that little slower, symbolic of my lack of time. He had already decided my destiny, with his wicked greed. He wanted the Fairy Princess to satisfy his ever craving hunger. He had plotted my life out like a book, which you already knew the ending to. And I knew my ending was creeping closer.
As I continue to walk I sense him lurking somewhere within the darkness. I imagine a sinister smile forming on his scaly face, picturing how he would be flashing his slimy, discoloured teeth. How his slug like lips, would be moist from hunger and salivating with desire, as he awaited his meal. I can feel his presence growing stronger, as I venture further. The connection I feel to him is so intense, it haunts my fragile mind. I cringe as I picture him rubbing his long, bony hands together in anticipation of my arrival. His snake like eyes, like slits on his greyish, daunt face. It is a face that has haunted my dreams for some time now, almost like a recurring nightmare. Still under his powerful spell I continue to walk, feeling his magnetic pull drawing me closer to him. His dark magic twists itself around my slight body like a snake, curling itself sneakily around my withered limbs, it constricts me and holds me like his prisoner. He is my puppet master now, he owns my mind and body, and soon my soul would be his latest and most valued possession. I hear his haunting tone as he whispers to me, imagining his darks eyes watching me from inside of my mind. I know I can not resit his monstrous power for much longer, and I fall weak and helpless to his forceful presence. “Come to me” he hisses in a serpent like manner, and resigned to my doom I obey. I knew if I did not surrender he would go on to destroy the land I call home along with everyone I care for. Their essence would be ripped viciously from the world in my place. This was the only way to keep them all safe, and it is my sacrifice to make. I knew all too well, once this monster had chosen there was no swaying him, so I stepped forward edging closer to my fate.
The characters at the ball all dance flamboyantly around me now, their bodies beginning to spin so unnaturally fast. Their once elegant frames becoming twisted and deformed as they fade into the background. They create a blur of wondrous colours as they wrap themselves around me, like smoke they steal my breath. They dance a dance of doom, their loud laughter like a chorus of hellish banshees, their cackles twisted and steeped in evil. Their smiles grow more like grimaces now, their eyes are becoming dark and soulless. I begin to feel trapped as their faces surround me, their features so angular like some abstract terror. They hold terrifying expressions like the monsters of my nightmares. Then I see him in person, awaiting me, not a dream and no longer a nightmare, he stands, and eagerly awaits my arrival. His long skeleton like figure towers over me, and to me he resembles a withered tree, with arms so bony and twisted like branches. He holds out his ghostly white hand to me, with nails so sharp and claw like. I feel myself hopelessly being drawn to him, intoxicated by his dominant magical force. Victoriously he captures me, locking me in my prison of fate. “Give me your soul child,” he breathes, exhilarated with power and greed. I close my eyes, letting him wrap his cold, dark shadowy magic around me, as he entangles me in my pending fate. I can feel him relentlessly sucking the life from my small and weak body. I am surprised to find it is not painful, just exhausting and saddening. He spins my doll-like frame, making me dance a final sorrowful dance for his own cruel satisfaction. Then finally, the sense of feeling escapes from my limbs and the light in the room dims. He drains away the last few drops of life from my surrendering body. My sole abandons me, leaving me a hollow and empty vessel. And finally I take my last breath on this earth, accepting my sacrifice for everyone I love, and say my goodbyes to my oh too short life.
The Demon is satisfied momentarily, pleased with his conquest, but soon the hunger returns. Deep and longing it burns inside him, and the greed rips its way painfully through his lungs. His greasy skin tingles with anticipation and selfishly he quickly relinquishes the promise he had made to leave the land alone. For he knew now his hunger would never be satisfied. He felt the unmistakable surge of excitement conquer him once more, all to easily. His dark eyes begin to glisten with the wanting for fresh flesh and warm satisfying blood. 'Time for another' he thinks to himself, as he licks his grey, cold lips. Then he closes his oily lids and waits, with a lust filled hunger. Eager and all too ready to see the face of his next victim.
But he found that the taste of blood was never the same after her, it burned his insides and tasted so fowl. Then the souls of his victims all began to arise around him, screaming out in pain and anger, they haunted him every minute of every day, and he began to feel a sense of overwhelming guilt and regret, until finally he could bring himself to kill no more.
The result of the enchantment she had cast, her final trick up her sleeve before she had passed. The Fairy Princess had outwitted the Demon knowing him all too well. And now her land would live in peace, and the Demon would cry his tears of guilt until finally he would come to starve, a victim of greed.
© Sarah J Burdon 16.7.2013
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