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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 09/09/2013
Armageddon as Described by a Lowly File Clerk
Born 1981, M, from Tempe, AZ, United States-A-
"A"; Is for AWAKE, as I rise from my slumber.
"A"; Is for ALARMED, as I watch the news, drinking morning coffee in boxer shorts.
"A"; Is for ANCHORMAN, that describes terror from outer space.
"A"; Is for ABADDON, the name astronomers have given to the comet.
"A"; Is for APOCALYPSE, the forecast of DESTRUCTION, as explained by world leaders, releasing official statements to the media.
"A"; Is for ALIENS, as rumors, speculation, and conspiracies, gain traction, while I flip through the cable news channels.
"A"; Is for ANGELS, believed by some to be unleashing God's wrath on wickedness, that would confirm various prophecies held in high regard by popular dogmas.
"A"; Is for ANXIETY ATTACK, that afflicts me, while I drive to work.
"B"; Is for BRAKES, that I stomp on, to avoid a collision.
"B"; Is for BILE, that is eager to escape my tightly closed mouth, while adrenaline floods my body, as smoke from skidding tires stings my nasal passages.
"B"; Is for BODE'S, the galaxy named after Johann Elert Bode who discovered said galaxy in 1774. I always listen to NPR during my morning commute to work.
"B"; Is for BEWILDERMENT, what a multitude of astronomers express when they calculate BODE'S galaxy as the origin of the comet aptly named ABADDON.
"B"; Is for BETHANY, the stuck-up bitch receptionist that always parks in my assigned parking space at the office where I work.
"B"; Is for BEAUTIFUL, how I would think of BETHANY, if only she didn't treat me like a plague on the human race.
"B"; Is for BOSS, who is in the main lobby, flirting with BETHANY instead of working,… as usual.
"B"; Is for BELLIGERENT, the manner in which my boss is reprimanding me in front of my coworkers for being late.
"B"; Is for BASEMENT, where my tiny office is located, under the twenty-one story office building.
"B"; Is for BAD, as in the way my day has started, and the mood I am in, as I sit behind my desk wishing for the end of the world on another shitty Monday. This morning's breaking news, and my usual cynicism about work along with my frequent daydreams about the end of the world collide mid-thought, I catch myself chuckling audibly at the absurd irony of my wish.
"C"; Is for CLOCK RADIO, that I keep on my desk, which I turn on, and listen to breaking news.
"C"; Is for COFFEE, that I spilled on my pants while almost getting into a fender bender on my way to the office.
"C"; Is for CAUTION, which is what all the media outlets ask of panicked citizens. I change the station of my CLOCK RADIO in hopes of hearing any new information, other than the vague, repetitive, reports that seem to be recycling every five minutes, on every station.
"C"; Is for CLIENT CONTRACTS, the day's task, the looming deadline, as well as the looming consequences, if I don't pull, proofread, and make necessary corrections, for 380 CLIENT CONTRACTS, for my BOSS's big corporate merger proposal.
"C"; Is for CUNNILINGUS, the fantasy I sometimes have about BETHANY, I find it a helpful aide to take my mind off stress, and the constant loneliness, in my dungeon of a BASEMENT office.
"C"; Is for CATASTROPHIC LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE, a breaking news report live from the United Nations, as predicted by the head of the World Health Organization. "These people are going to create a global panic if they keep this up.", I think to myself, while I reach to dial in my favorite jazz station.
"C"; Is for CLARK & CAMPBELL RESEARCH INC., one of the many expected pharmaceutical companies my BOSS hopes to take over by week's end. I slave all day while he golfs with millionaires, flirts with cocktail waitresses, and goes home early. How I loathe him.....
"C"; Is for COCK-SUCKER, my favorite profanity that I day dream about calling my boss, while torching his temple of greed, then watch it burn to the ground, while I sip beer at the trendy sports bar across the street.
"C"; Is for CLOCK, that mocks my consistent, rapid, efficient, pace of work. Oh, how the CLOCK deflates my growing anticipation for lunchtime. So I flip off the CLOCK, like it's a taunting school yard bully.
"D"; Is for DUCK & COVER, the title of a memo that is being circulated around the office. "Is this some kind of a sick joke?!", I scream at no one in particular in the break room.
"D"; Is for DISTANT THUNDER, that startles everyone in the break room.
"D"; Is for DARLENE, who is now choking on a large mouth full of her egg salad sandwich. That phony-nice-glutton of a woman. I can smell the cat urine on her corral coloured pantsuit from across the break room. I guess her precious kitties won't get their can of kibble tonight.
"D"; Is for DAYLIGHT, that has instantly disappeared, after the lights stopped flickering.
"D"; Is for DRYWALL, that is cracking and raining white powder on everyone, even DARLENE, who is now face down in what is left of her egg salad sandwich & corn chip pile. "Oh MY GAAWWD! DARLENE is DEAD!", shrieks BETHANY, as if suddenly sincerely concerned about the very woman she used to gossip about daily.
"D"; Is for DESTRUCTION, that now occupies every square inch of space around us.
"D"; Is for DEATH, the name of the ghost that rides a pale horse around the globe. I saw him in an instant, before he and his equine vanished through the walls.
"D"; Is for DEBRIS, as I claw my way through the heavy pile of rubble that now lays on top of me. Blood and screaming pain now grow where fingernails used to.
"D"; Is for DEVASTATION, all that I see in every direction through my blood & DEBRIS blurred vision.
"E"; Is for ELATION, how I feel when I shrug off the initial shock of the catastrophe that just occurred, and realize that I'm still alive.
"E"; Is for EUPHORIA, that floods my mind, it is one of the human brain's natural defense mechanisms in the fight or flight response. I feel absolutely the strongest brain-fuq high,… while the planet burns around me. I don't ever want this feeling to end, but a strange sound breaks through the hissing of loose electrical wires that are possessed by a lethal spasmodic dance. This unearthly whimper out amplifies the constant roaring crackle of the diverse variety of fires that only office structures can create. The ceaseless percussion of rolling thunder is now the symphonic soundtrack of high pitched squeals and whimpering.
"E"; Is for EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM, that was never sounded. FUQ F.E.M.A.! FUQ THE PRESIDENT! AND FUQ DISASTER RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS! They're all a bunch of placebo pushing dealers of false hope. I am not ashamed to admit that I hope they're all suffering right now for their TRUE crime against humanity, I mean where is the U.N. Security council to try these peddlers of empty promises in The Hague when you need them?!
"E" ; Is for END, the end of humanity, the END of catastrophe, the end of jobs, family, loneliness, laughter, love, loss, technological advances, and shortcomings.
~END, the~
Written by: J.A. Lutz
© 08/23/2013
Armageddon as Described by a Lowly File Clerk(Jonathan Alexander Lutz)
"A"; Is for AWAKE, as I rise from my slumber.
"A"; Is for ALARMED, as I watch the news, drinking morning coffee in boxer shorts.
"A"; Is for ANCHORMAN, that describes terror from outer space.
"A"; Is for ABADDON, the name astronomers have given to the comet.
"A"; Is for APOCALYPSE, the forecast of DESTRUCTION, as explained by world leaders, releasing official statements to the media.
"A"; Is for ALIENS, as rumors, speculation, and conspiracies, gain traction, while I flip through the cable news channels.
"A"; Is for ANGELS, believed by some to be unleashing God's wrath on wickedness, that would confirm various prophecies held in high regard by popular dogmas.
"A"; Is for ANXIETY ATTACK, that afflicts me, while I drive to work.
"B"; Is for BRAKES, that I stomp on, to avoid a collision.
"B"; Is for BILE, that is eager to escape my tightly closed mouth, while adrenaline floods my body, as smoke from skidding tires stings my nasal passages.
"B"; Is for BODE'S, the galaxy named after Johann Elert Bode who discovered said galaxy in 1774. I always listen to NPR during my morning commute to work.
"B"; Is for BEWILDERMENT, what a multitude of astronomers express when they calculate BODE'S galaxy as the origin of the comet aptly named ABADDON.
"B"; Is for BETHANY, the stuck-up bitch receptionist that always parks in my assigned parking space at the office where I work.
"B"; Is for BEAUTIFUL, how I would think of BETHANY, if only she didn't treat me like a plague on the human race.
"B"; Is for BOSS, who is in the main lobby, flirting with BETHANY instead of working,… as usual.
"B"; Is for BELLIGERENT, the manner in which my boss is reprimanding me in front of my coworkers for being late.
"B"; Is for BASEMENT, where my tiny office is located, under the twenty-one story office building.
"B"; Is for BAD, as in the way my day has started, and the mood I am in, as I sit behind my desk wishing for the end of the world on another shitty Monday. This morning's breaking news, and my usual cynicism about work along with my frequent daydreams about the end of the world collide mid-thought, I catch myself chuckling audibly at the absurd irony of my wish.
"C"; Is for CLOCK RADIO, that I keep on my desk, which I turn on, and listen to breaking news.
"C"; Is for COFFEE, that I spilled on my pants while almost getting into a fender bender on my way to the office.
"C"; Is for CAUTION, which is what all the media outlets ask of panicked citizens. I change the station of my CLOCK RADIO in hopes of hearing any new information, other than the vague, repetitive, reports that seem to be recycling every five minutes, on every station.
"C"; Is for CLIENT CONTRACTS, the day's task, the looming deadline, as well as the looming consequences, if I don't pull, proofread, and make necessary corrections, for 380 CLIENT CONTRACTS, for my BOSS's big corporate merger proposal.
"C"; Is for CUNNILINGUS, the fantasy I sometimes have about BETHANY, I find it a helpful aide to take my mind off stress, and the constant loneliness, in my dungeon of a BASEMENT office.
"C"; Is for CATASTROPHIC LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE, a breaking news report live from the United Nations, as predicted by the head of the World Health Organization. "These people are going to create a global panic if they keep this up.", I think to myself, while I reach to dial in my favorite jazz station.
"C"; Is for CLARK & CAMPBELL RESEARCH INC., one of the many expected pharmaceutical companies my BOSS hopes to take over by week's end. I slave all day while he golfs with millionaires, flirts with cocktail waitresses, and goes home early. How I loathe him.....
"C"; Is for COCK-SUCKER, my favorite profanity that I day dream about calling my boss, while torching his temple of greed, then watch it burn to the ground, while I sip beer at the trendy sports bar across the street.
"C"; Is for CLOCK, that mocks my consistent, rapid, efficient, pace of work. Oh, how the CLOCK deflates my growing anticipation for lunchtime. So I flip off the CLOCK, like it's a taunting school yard bully.
"D"; Is for DUCK & COVER, the title of a memo that is being circulated around the office. "Is this some kind of a sick joke?!", I scream at no one in particular in the break room.
"D"; Is for DISTANT THUNDER, that startles everyone in the break room.
"D"; Is for DARLENE, who is now choking on a large mouth full of her egg salad sandwich. That phony-nice-glutton of a woman. I can smell the cat urine on her corral coloured pantsuit from across the break room. I guess her precious kitties won't get their can of kibble tonight.
"D"; Is for DAYLIGHT, that has instantly disappeared, after the lights stopped flickering.
"D"; Is for DRYWALL, that is cracking and raining white powder on everyone, even DARLENE, who is now face down in what is left of her egg salad sandwich & corn chip pile. "Oh MY GAAWWD! DARLENE is DEAD!", shrieks BETHANY, as if suddenly sincerely concerned about the very woman she used to gossip about daily.
"D"; Is for DESTRUCTION, that now occupies every square inch of space around us.
"D"; Is for DEATH, the name of the ghost that rides a pale horse around the globe. I saw him in an instant, before he and his equine vanished through the walls.
"D"; Is for DEBRIS, as I claw my way through the heavy pile of rubble that now lays on top of me. Blood and screaming pain now grow where fingernails used to.
"D"; Is for DEVASTATION, all that I see in every direction through my blood & DEBRIS blurred vision.
"E"; Is for ELATION, how I feel when I shrug off the initial shock of the catastrophe that just occurred, and realize that I'm still alive.
"E"; Is for EUPHORIA, that floods my mind, it is one of the human brain's natural defense mechanisms in the fight or flight response. I feel absolutely the strongest brain-fuq high,… while the planet burns around me. I don't ever want this feeling to end, but a strange sound breaks through the hissing of loose electrical wires that are possessed by a lethal spasmodic dance. This unearthly whimper out amplifies the constant roaring crackle of the diverse variety of fires that only office structures can create. The ceaseless percussion of rolling thunder is now the symphonic soundtrack of high pitched squeals and whimpering.
"E"; Is for EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM, that was never sounded. FUQ F.E.M.A.! FUQ THE PRESIDENT! AND FUQ DISASTER RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS! They're all a bunch of placebo pushing dealers of false hope. I am not ashamed to admit that I hope they're all suffering right now for their TRUE crime against humanity, I mean where is the U.N. Security council to try these peddlers of empty promises in The Hague when you need them?!
"E" ; Is for END, the end of humanity, the END of catastrophe, the end of jobs, family, loneliness, laughter, love, loss, technological advances, and shortcomings.
~END, the~
Written by: J.A. Lutz
© 08/23/2013
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