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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Crime
- Published: 09/20/2013
Shadow of a Stranger
Born 2001, F, from Washington, United StatesIt was a windy night. Adam was walking home and as he was walking he saw a shadow far away. He hid behind a tree and saw a large man wearing handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. The man hid behing a bush and didn'nt move for half an hour. Adam saw the police come and the car left the street. He suddenly relized he was a fugitive, he was so shocked he could'nt blink, he just stared at the man squatting behind the bush.
The man started running. adam took his phone from his pocket and called the police. "hello? There is a prisoner that escaped from jail a-and he just ran to another street a-and-"
"This isn't another prank is it?"
"No no! It'not! I'm in mango street." While Adam was talking the man grabbed the boy and threw his phone away. He dragged him in a dark corner in the street and said "don't make a sound or you'll die."
The police came and searched everywhere. "i told you it was a prank nick!" they left the block.
The man let him go. "If you tell anybody i will kill you."
Adam cried when he was walking home. He could'nt eat and he could'nt sleep until the morning. He left the house and the man appeared behind the tree Adam hid earlier. "hey kid" he whispered "go get me somthing to eat."
Adam gave him a dirty look and went to his house.
"Hey i saved the meatloaf for myself!" adam's little brother said.
"I don't care i'm hungry"
"But you hate meat!"
"Well i like it now!" he said rudely.
His little brother stared at him as he left the house.
Adam gave him the meatloaf.
"where's my drink?"
Adam was walking back to the house when he saw the police come. Did you see this man?" this was Adam's chance. "Yes in mango street" he cried. They drove away with him as he told them the directions and when they arrived they saw a half eaten meatloaf on the ground
But no sign of him...
Shadow of a Stranger(person)
It was a windy night. Adam was walking home and as he was walking he saw a shadow far away. He hid behind a tree and saw a large man wearing handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. The man hid behing a bush and didn'nt move for half an hour. Adam saw the police come and the car left the street. He suddenly relized he was a fugitive, he was so shocked he could'nt blink, he just stared at the man squatting behind the bush.
The man started running. adam took his phone from his pocket and called the police. "hello? There is a prisoner that escaped from jail a-and he just ran to another street a-and-"
"This isn't another prank is it?"
"No no! It'not! I'm in mango street." While Adam was talking the man grabbed the boy and threw his phone away. He dragged him in a dark corner in the street and said "don't make a sound or you'll die."
The police came and searched everywhere. "i told you it was a prank nick!" they left the block.
The man let him go. "If you tell anybody i will kill you."
Adam cried when he was walking home. He could'nt eat and he could'nt sleep until the morning. He left the house and the man appeared behind the tree Adam hid earlier. "hey kid" he whispered "go get me somthing to eat."
Adam gave him a dirty look and went to his house.
"Hey i saved the meatloaf for myself!" adam's little brother said.
"I don't care i'm hungry"
"But you hate meat!"
"Well i like it now!" he said rudely.
His little brother stared at him as he left the house.
Adam gave him the meatloaf.
"where's my drink?"
Adam was walking back to the house when he saw the police come. Did you see this man?" this was Adam's chance. "Yes in mango street" he cried. They drove away with him as he told them the directions and when they arrived they saw a half eaten meatloaf on the ground
But no sign of him...
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