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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Fantasy / Dreams / Wishes
- Published: 09/24/2013
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, Germany.jpg)
Once upon a time there was a falling star, a comet circling about Eden, its brilliance radiantly glowing in the nighttime sky and its illumination glittering as the dawn swept over paradise. The star had been created by God out of darkness and was unlike anything ever created.
There were two glowing lights in this star and it seemed to God that these comets were brothers. This pleased God, so he decided to bring them down one by one.
The Ocean of the Never-ending Sunrise was lucid and transparent the day he arrived, the first morning star. The spark that emerged turned into a ball of flame and into a babe crouched over like a foetus and into a young man erect with open eyes, seeing the grand sights of Eden.
“Who am I?” the creature spoke, blinking into the light.
“You are the inner light of creation,” God spoke pointing toward a falling star.
“I am the inner light.” the boy repeated. “My inner light shall spark within all of the brethren of my race?” The Lord nodded and the cherub sighed and wondered. “I am a pioneer to tread my father’s sandy beach. Is this the truth?”
The Lord smiled and nodded. “That is what I mean. Come and I shall give you a name.”
The Lord baptized him Lucifer in the water of eternal life and he became the illuminate child.
“My child thou art and the child of light you will never cease to be” the Lord answered. “Come with me, Son, leave the doorway to Eden and enter the Land of Conception.” God opened his kingdom and gave the starry light the proverbial key formed from a green light within his heart.
“What might this be?” Lucifer inquired, amazed at the sights he saw before him.
Fascinated, the being wandered the Beach of the Never-ending Dawn Ocean, watched the waves gently crash against the shore and sang Godly songs yet unwritten. He flew the heavens, created a rainbow and then upon his return discovered an oak, its whispering knowledge under a shadowy cloak. The leaves were its thoughts, its branches were eyes, disguising its magic within its green sighs. The oak called itself Plato, referred to its father Socrates paces away, crowning Eden as a poppy field before incarnation, explaining to the new creature how knowledge of future carnations was imbedded in its memory.
He was the first child among children, a seraph of God who, before everyone else, wandered the Fields of Nostalgia like a pre evolutionary Huckleberry Finn. Straw in mouth and confidence in spirit, he conversed with souls yet to incarnate as geniuses on Earth or on other planets of the new cosmos. Under the Lord's guidance he spoke with muses. He spoke about fauna and flora with the unborn spirit of Carl von Linné, discussed philosophy with the yet unborn Hegel, played chess with Hamlet, danced a Mozart minuet with Marie Antoinette millennia upon millennia before her birth, practiced the juggling-techniques taught by P.T. Barnum's unborn soul to the sound of Sousa's yet not composed marches, heard the jokes from Shakespeare's spirit, then made his own poetry ready for tellar carnation. All the theories that were to be formulated in yet uncreated heads were gusts of wind flying around God's mind. All the Greek tragedies as well as the comedies were yet unborn centaurs playing in the sunlight. The Gregorian chants soared around him like kites in the night. Demosthenes works were leaves on the oak-trees growing in the Fields. Moliere's plays were ash-tree roots waiting to grow into glorious, meticulous ingenuity of comic bliss. King Arthur's round table was only a pasture of lilies swaying in the wind. A wind named Hitchcock fragranced the trees with the smell of a spectacularly richly dark red rose. A rosebush named Cole Porter hummed tunes that spoke of true love in the highest of societies. A lovely deer named Scott Joplin danced in the heather in an unusual beat that had the swaying field of lilies named Harpo Marx giggle. Metaphors enriched the symbolic flora of thought and future education. And when Lucifer danced Marie Antoinette’s minuet, roses grew. There were muses with golden voices and parrots with rainbow wings painting the blue skies with colour upon colour on a canvas of cumulus clouds and blue cream. The grass so green it dazzled the eye. The mountain touching skies so blue they seemed like oceans.
“The beauty of the world within the eyes of a loved one” God said “is what my creation is about. Any living being shall fall in love and see paradise with the eyes of the one they love. That way love shall always connect them to me.”
Lucifer smiled.
“Then my task shall be to preserve love as you have created it.”
Heaven, a dimension of its own, had a centre. This centre had a name: the Fields of Nostalgia. Upon the centre field there were two trees. Although their significance not yet revealed, Lucifer was fascinated by the good Fruits of Hweoim, not so much as he was profusely awed by the one God urged to avoid: Hwee-Aell-Sihl, the tree of the forbidden fruit.
Soon enough, long-haired, dark-blond Lucifer turned into a brash, dashing, muscular, suntanned youngster who, dazzle grinned, windblown, Eden cruising, wore a smile on his lips as God's first and foremost angel. He was a stunning buck.
In the beginning this became him, as it would all future archangels. The birds in paradise were chirping a song. Birch trees and cherry-blossoms, apples and pears, banana and orange trees all seemed to grow in Lucifer's honour. When God showed him his kingdom, the archangelic son made a promise to eternally enjoy and defend his treasures.
“You have seen my kingdom, my son” God said. “Now, go create your own.”
Yambalah was the first land on this Earth intended as a testing ground for wisdom acquired. This wisdom was useless unless proven.
If he managed to manifest the teachings in nature he would soon become an Archangel of Light.
The young angelic son worked up a storm and a rainbow to make the land as beautiful as he could just to please the Maker. He created resting spots for the animals and he made an oasis or two for the birds. There were sunny avenues and great wide-open spaces, forests so green it made the flocks of parrots sing. All the time, the young buck smiled for he knew he was God’s son and that the Lord would love his contributions to this lovely Land.
The finished product lay in the midst of a large continent next to
a vast ocean on a blue planet. Lucifer had worked passionately on his new empire. The daytime sky seemed to have a deeper, richer, more intense blue here than anywhere else. The trees gave a home to a green whose colour transcended depth and went into the luscious. The nature hummed here. The elements met. Fire, water, earth and wind had a melody to sing. Nature thrived. In the midst of all the bustle and beauty Lucifer created an underground cave with a tunnel leading to a beam of light. It was created basically as a retreat for himself and its exit was next to a tree on the Fields of Nostalgia from which Lucifer could enter down to his creation of rest. He smiled when he thought of it and named it the Callenian Cave, the Cave of Depth in the original language of angels. The January Tunnel was an oasis of comfort within this cave, where the elves of Heaven danced in God's aura.
God said, “Your light hath served you well, your inspiration is a dedication to adoration,” and Lucifer beamed. Father and son walked down the beach hand-in-hand and remembered a friend whom the son had shared the heavens with before becoming an angel. He pointed out the friend to the Lord, who remarked that it soon was time for that friend to come down. He had smiled at him from the sky above as he walked alone after an occasional day's work on the beach. He longed to share his secrets, live passionately. The star remembered the brethren’s mutual fate. The first son could only recall that they had shared heaven and not that they had been one once, two souls present in one comet.
The second angel came to the Beach of the Never-ending Dawn in a whirl, danced, flew about, created a rainbow and sang a divine melody. Love in his noble heart, fire in his noble love, he connected his purple heart to blissful eternity. The Lord baptized the descendant Michael.
Michael, Lucifer’s first friend, became a bundle of love. He willingly obliged in letting Lucifer talk and tell him of creation and what was to be found here. The two young angels walked the beach for days on end, talking and laughing. When this had become a habit, one evening on the beach Michael suggested they become blood brethren. Both agreed and thought it a wondrous yet, ponderously justifiable accordance.
As endless blood trickled down celestial arms, the embrace strengthened the stars and lasted an eternity in bright neon. A falling star had risen. A pure empire had been born.
The testing ground for the second son was Clurafar, Michael’s land. As the new angel worked on his land, he seemed to blow light into all that existed and God watched this strength with such anticipation it made him love this new soul that had been created all the deeper and finer. Everything seemed to work like clockwork. The sun always set on time, the tide came when it always could be expected to come and when the bees came to collect their pollen for their honey you could count on some fruit the next day. If anything could live in symbiosis with Yambalah, it was Clurafar. And Michael entered his land through Plato’s oak.
One bundle of purity was free. One bundle of love was wondering how the other could be so pure. That day was a good day for the kingdom. That day was a strong day for the brethren.
God showed Lucifer ten lights in the sky.
“These stars are your brethren. Together you will rule the heavens like kings!”
“I will share Eden with others of my race?”
God nodded. “Rejoice,” the Lord whispered. “Sharing is a gift.”
Lucifer could not rejoice. “Will I still remain a pioneer?”
The Lord said, “The joy always remains yours that you after me first tread these grounds.”
There was a third one plucked from the shining star in the east corner. It bounced and fluttered upon its destiny and bowed in front of God’s altar when arriving. Raphael’s inborn devoted love gave Michael a new life, yea, alas, one after one they arrived, the brethren.
The three angels walked the beaches, laughing and joking as young men are known to do and swore never to part and remain faithful to each other.
Wind was his element. Three coastal lands lay next to each other: the one fiery red, the other one water blue, the third forest green. There was a refreshing wind that steadily kept sweeping across the land.
Morawar provided flexibility. His floral heart was the sunflower.
When Gabriel arrived as angel number four, Lucifer admitted nothing, not even to himself.
It was actually Gabriel’s arrival that turned the group of three into a crowd of four for the first son.
The four sang the same songs after work at the beach, liked the same things, worked for the same cause, taught what to do in critical situations, were foretold the future and given assignments.
“I love my Lord, I love him,” Lucifer told himself.
He was not the first and best anymore.
“Then why cannot I live next to these brethren like the ships upon the sea?”
“Why have you grown so quiet?” the Lord asked. “That is the question you must ask.”
“I am quiet because I miss my authority.” Lucifer remarked. “But these are merely feelings.”
God revealed his love and saw Lucifer’s surprise. “What are you then feeling?”
“That I was a pioneer once and that my pioneer status was exchanged for equality.”
”That has not changed. Share your glory a thousand-fold and it will grow. You are your feelings.” the Lord exclaimed. “Equality shouldn’t be a problem. Equality is sharing and brotherhood.”
In his spirit, his heart was beating fast. In his heart, though, he was ashamed to think envy.
Two lands away from Clurafar, the seagulls sang and the nightingales soothed the spirits.
Gabriel’s land of Hurtia was a state where the water cleaned the shores of envy in blue silver. There was something beautifully life-preserving about this land, something free. There was feeling that everyone everywhere was equal to everything created and born out of heaven. Gabriel had the spirit of a bird.
Uriel had a practical quality of basic realism and so his land of Jamburee had no coast. It lay in the middle of what in one reality one day was to become Medatlantia and he was Morawar's southern most neighbour. Manifestion, reality, strength, visibility were his main topics of interest. Where as fire was Lucifer’s element, the earth which upon people would walk and from where roses grew was Uriel’s driving force. The rocks were sturdy and strong and even the water seemed to be flowing with the basic Gravel as a guide.
The sixth angel, Shushienae, had a purity that transcended light. His soul was like virgin snow.
“Love? Innocence? Realism? Equality?” Lucifer remarked. “What quality has been granted me?”
Zentar, Shushienae’s land, was a place for clear water, blue sky and young rosebuds and it scared Lucifer to have a brother whose purity was so well developed.
Half-way now into the magic number, they were given a task to see how they could collaborate.
The task: the creation of the first solar system. The blue planet, where upon the angelic empires lay, was yet the only orb to circle the sun. Now, others would follow.
With every new sibling Lucifer’s unease increased thoroughly.
Although each unique, these planets would work at a large distance in a symbiosis to last an eternity under one name just like the angels. Lucifer thought that maybe he was the shining beloved star after all. And creating a solar system would most certainly prove him a star of some kind.
When Shushienae wanted to put Uranus and Pluto for purity’s sake far away enough from the sun in order to achieve virginity of soul, Lucifer countered that Pluto with its small size should stay close to the sun in order to gather some of its energy for fuel to travel forever.
Raphael laughed at this amateur logic, but Uriel, ever the realist, considered the prospect and it was discussed. After a while Shushienae's planets were set in position furthest away from the sun as they originally thought intended. Of course, Lucifer's planets had to specialize on their own. Jupiter was a perfect breeding ground for tornados and fiery volcanoes, like his own soul was. Without question, its own steadily gazing eye was a constant reminder that Lucifer wanted to “see the plan before the creation.” Venus was just as fiery and colourful. Shushienae felt crushed by this claustrophobic empowerment. Jupiter and Venus were, in his own words, “just too untamed and raw for personal taste”. Jupiter was exactly what Lucifer was becoming in his newfound envy: complicated, moody, angry and rough. Mars and Mercury were hot planets but quite steady and stern, just like Michael himself, and with very little mutual differences in temperament. Uriel's calm Saturn and Gabriel's Neptune were quite like each other in temperament and Uriel's little extra bonus of adding a ring to this celestial body was applauded by God and the angels alike, who thought it very ingenious to add a little colourful difference to a circling organism. Only Lucifer himself sulked in a corner, alone and misunderstood. He flew down to the Callenian cave, enjoying his oasis. Michael came down and spoke to him lengthily about being able to modestly compromise his pioneer status. He saw how Lucifer was excluding himself from the others and wondered why he couldn’t relax. Finally, he was called to the Lord.
“You are excluding yourself from the others.”
“Only because I am haunted by exclusion, why should I share my pioneer status? I am afraid of not being good enough to keep up with my new brethren.” Lucifer explained.
God smiled sadly. “I should know that you are more than good enough for any creation.”
“I miss having Michael for myself.”
“My Son, Michael belongs to no one. It is a learning process of sharing to feel pain. Share him.”
“Pain?” Lucifer asked. “Why is pain necessary?”
”Life is versatile and flexible. Creatures feel pain just to cherish life more and learn what they want.”
“What do I want? Will I ever know this?”
”This you must find out.” God said. “What is clear is that you are here to serve humanity.”
The five other angels saw Lucifer’s confused envy turning into vanity. Sitting and gazing down at his own mirror image in the water for hours on end, Lucifer was turning unpredictable. Against God's will he'd gone on an excursion and created something that had no meaning at all, a protest against all this reasoning and all of this sugar sweet love. He created a fog or a storm on Earth or sent a planet through a black hole. Michael had to clean it up, for the balance to be in tune again.
Lucifer was standing at the shore the evening it all began throwing stones into the water. Michael came up and tried to bring him back to the campfire where the others were assembled. The conversation started carefully and then grew aggressive. Finally, Lucifer asked Michael to leave him alone and his brother answered him by asking an honest question. Fear prompted the inquiry.
"What’s happened to the Lucifer from the Fields of Nostalgia?"
Lucifer shook his head and looked out toward the horizon, wondering what lay beyond it.
“He felt betrayed," he said. “Betrayed by everyone he knew.”
“I betrayed no one," Michael said.
“You betrayed me. I concern my self with more important things than carving figures into my arms. You concern yourself with new friends. Go ahead, leave. I’m not stopping you.”
“They are our brethren” Michael whispered, pointing at Raphael. “They’re waiting for you. See?”
“You all act as if my only concern is me and my own well being.” Lucifer countered.
Lucifer paced the beach. He had spoken words never formerly articulated. The word was betrayal.
Michael whispered to him, caressing his cheek.
“My concern is your pain.”
Lucifer looked up at the sky and saw the black clouds flying across the heavenly bliss.
“The storm” he said. “Soon a storm will hit Eden and I will be
the one they blame.”
Michael took a long look at his blood brother and shook his head in surprise.
“Why do you say that?”
There was deep fear in his eyes. “I am the one that they will
blame, Michael.” Lucifer uttered and looked out to toward the vast ocean. There were clouds forming at the horizon and no one had any idea from where they had come. Michael was afraid, but he knew his father would protect them just as he protected Eden.
“What are you speaking of?” Michael asked. “Who are they? What storm is hitting creation?”
“The storm of evolution” Lucifer spat. “I have known that it would come for an eon, but I do have right to be proud. I have become a useless decoration. I was the child of light, the greatest seraph.”
“Why are you so much more than we when you are an angel? Vanity becomes you not.”
“I was the first, Michael” Lucifer sang. “Nay, utter not the syllables vanity when your eyes behold a dreamer. I was a pioneer in heaven once.” He continued, “If vanity is what this is, then so be it.”
“We have no right to be vain.”
“I have a right to be me. I have a right to feel what I feel.”
Raphael spoke. “We are God’s angels, Lucifer. We are the first and foremost of all yet to come.”
“I was in heaven first, Raphael, maybe even before anything else was.” Lucifer crouched down on the ground, trying to find the answer buried in the sand. The next words were whispered, almost not loud enough to be heard by anyone but the nearest companions and yet they all heard them. “Who is God but the master that is here to serve souls like me?” These words surprised Lucifer himself and he turned to the ocean, looked up and cried. There was thunder.
Shushienae put a hand on Lucifer shoulder. “Don’t let this hubris crush you."
He was still looking up, crouching and afraid, yet still prideful.
“Why can’t anyone understand my pain?”
“We do. We are your brethren,” Uriel remarked.
He looked up, his hair falling down into his face and his eyes full of spite. Uriel helped him up as Lucifer struggled to stay on the ground. He fought and finally let go and fell to the ground. Lucifer struggled out of the tussle and hit his chin on the ground. Michael then helped him up as he wiped the blood off his brother’s mouth. The other angels gave Lucifer a dirty look and tried to make him back off.
“You have more spite in your whisper than most would have in a scream.” The brethren all looked across the ocean, their eyes cast upon a darkness that was only steps away, which would turn their love.
Raphael said: "You are God's son and as such you have no right to even think that!"
“What is it to you what I do?” Lucifer spat. “I am just as full of surprise at my own thoughts.”
Raphael and Lucifer began pushing each other and sparks flew, but Michael pushed them aside.
“Calm down!” Michael said, patting Raphael on the back. “We are heavenly creatures,” Michael continued softly. The angels nodded and Gabriel came walking back, albeit apprehensively. “We all have tasks to accomplish.”
Michael tried to smile and walked up to Lucifer to embrace him.
"I never asked to be the outsider!" Lucifer was crying. “Why am I the recluse?”
When Michael looked back, Lucifer was still staring at him. "Nobody ever treated you like an outcast." Lucifer smiled and looked down. He looked at a pebble and then threw it into the waves.
Softly then, looking at the rising sun, he asked: "Why can’t it be just you and I?"
Raphael walked over, with Gabriel following him. "We are your friends, too.”
"I'm going to leave you alone." He started walking away. "There are no secrets in the universe.”
Lucifer cried, his arms waving at the sky, backing away. “He who eternally excels above everyone in life lies steadfast in his lifestyle, those who oppose him will pay."
“My dear friend,” the angels said in unison. “Come and sing with us. Have some fun.”
“None of you are equal to my status, so why not forget it. Leave me alone. I must find peace.”
Lucifer started strolling morosely along the shore and looking toward the sunrise for an answer with a tear in his eye. Michael shook his head and muttered: “What is the matter with our brother?”
“He’s changing.” Gabriel replied. “If we don’t get him back now we will never be able to.”
“I don’t know, Gabriel.” Michael said.
“Don’t know what?”
”I don’t know if we ever had him in the first place.”
The angels looked at each other. "What?" Gabriel said. "We cannot let him go like this, Gabriel!"
"I don't know what has happened to him." Raphael muttered.
Michael walked the other direction, leaving the others to look after him.
"I've heard it before." Michael shook his head. “I’m sure that I’ve heard it before.”
As Lucifer walked away heading for the horizon, Michael melancholically strolled along in the other direction. Things would never be the same. As they sighed, the rain fell and it turned into a flood. The angels took heed in a nearby cave up a hill. They looked down on the beach slowly filling up with water, waves crashing against the shore. A storm was brewing. Over the waves the five of them then saw Lucifer flying across the surface. Michael tried to see clearly, but Lucifer's wings looked black.
“Why did you speak to me with such hubris and disrespect?” God roared. No answer. “Answer me.” Lucifer said nothing. God continued angrily: “I created you out of a celestial body and you thank me by claiming that you were there first?”
Lucifer held up his hands, tears in his eyes. “No, Father. I …” Lucifer started panting.
“What?” the Lord cried. “No, what?”
“I was confused. I didn’t know where I belonged. But I know now. I will be good.”
“You only know that you are weak enough to fall into your vanity. That is all.”
“I am guilty of hubris.” He countered. “I do know that!”
“You are guilty of treason.” God turned around and faced Lucifer again, shaking his head. “I love you, my son. You must let me love you.” God put his hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. “Stand up.”
The angel stood up. God sighed. “I am a good father, but like any loving, considerate and emotionally profound father I have a bit more experience than his son. The road you are taking is not a road of ultimate glory. You must turn before you fall.”
Lucifer looked up. “I will not fall, Father.” He said and smiled, bitterly. There was a bit of irony in those words, a bit of strange emotion. Here was a sweet wish of being able to stop time. “I will be true.”
They looked into each other’s eyes. “Don’t give in to vanity. Don’t take the easy way out.”
“Am I vain, my Lord?” Lucifer shook his head. “Am I vain? Is this vanity? Liking to watch your own mirror image and enjoying being the best?”
The Lord nodded. “Lucifer, my son: you can enjoy being the best of your kind. Everyone is the best of his or her kind. I create unique individuals, not copies. That is purpose of creation. The problem with vanity is that it wants to push others down in order to be good and that doesn’t work. Be as good as you are in you.”
Lucifer shook his head, but now there was fear there. Inside Lucifer was a voice that wanted to be heard. It was the voice of appetite and greed. He battled with it, looked up and sobbed.
“I was first.”
He controlled it and looked into God’s eyes, kissed his hand, embraced him and walked out.
Just as Lucifer walked out, Michael walked in. “What is the matter with him, my Lord?”
God put his hand on Michael’s shoulder. There was no answer.
The failure at the beach was a thorn in the side of all of the angels. Lucifer included. In his mind he was plotting to break out. But he knew not how. The other angels were in his way and he understood that walking away that day had made him even more unpopular. To save the relationship with the others he would have to excuse himself and he would never do that.
The second troop arrived and this time it was a new beginning for the heavens.
When Metatron came, his transcendent, godly light stemming from a poignant star in the east sector gave a golden touch to Eden. Nothing could hurt him. Neapolonia was formed like a boot to resemble the forward character of his personality. The hills and valleys, trees and mountains, majestic soul and exuberance of this land was predicted to create a race of people that could prove strong and roam about the globe. If anyone had a wish, they could go to Metatron. Soon enough, he became king of angels. Lucifer saw Metatron as an angel who took his own place as pioneer.
Chamuel, number eight in his orange coloured glow, was a man of the sun and loved to promote understanding. His country, Hispania, had sun almost all the time and the most glorious fruit trees grew there. Yes, there was dust and dryness but that was only to show the contrast to the dazzling amazement of the lovely oasis by waterholes surrounded by green trees.
Israfel, quite soon after his arrival, started composing songs for the group to sing and wrote choirs for them to perform whilst working to make the work easier and seem faster. So it came as no surprise when his land, Vindobon, was a country where the echo had a home among the mountains and the few test animals were quite vocal.
Ramaela had, in happiness of manifesting, showed all of Heaven that it was possible to transcend pain into beauty. So the land that was created in Ramaela's name seemed to be a land of many colours and treasures. The highest mountain was no more than forty times lower than Israfel's highest. The two angels were inseparable. For without Music there would be no Happiness.
The eleventh angel came as a surprise to everyone but Lucifer. That angel made him smile because it reminded him that he once, too, had been like that. As God told all of them, future prayer would be the ultimate way for contact. They would have to listen very closely to all of humanity’s wishes.
It was not a surprise to Lucifer because he wanted to pray to God all the time. If he would pray to God, he would pray to become a child again. He would be a child of God, a star in the sky. Olandus was a land in the north with an amazing amount of nature, its spaciousness prevailed to freedom of honest conversation with the Lord. Zadkiel transformed them all and entered his land through Chopin’s piano flowers. Through prayer, the channel to God, they would see salvation.
Only Lucifer stayed put. He was a man without prayer who needed to pray. Lucifer talked to no one. He tried to make a joke now and then. Frustration dominated his every conversation. The very last real talk he’d had with his Father was after the failure at the beach. The last of the twelve main assistants was a creative angel of thankfulness and beauty. He loved all creative thought. He would be there when plans were to be made and treaties signed.
Jophiel created a land across the sea from Danalus. Hengestonen had a foggy climate, but green valleys to boot. It had forests and trees, but also lakes and rivers. Jophiel smiled with this prospect of owning and creating such a land. Lucifer tried to connect with Jophiel, being the last of them, in order to regroup. But Jophiel, in his soft-spoken shyness, could only serve as a humble man who smiled and nodded, giving advice with a chuckle. Jophiel and Lucifer parted ways and remained friends.
Michael kept remembering when they gazed across the Ocean of the Neverending Dawn together for the last time feeling like brothers.
He realized that Lucifer was relentless and started to worry if Lucifer would ever return home.
God took the brethren down to the Fields of Nostalgia. There he showed them the two opponents in creation being Nostalgia for Thankfulness, which grew on the Tree of Hweoim, and Melancholy for Regret, that grew on the Tree of Hwee-Aell-Sihl. A tree of remembrance and love with flowers of glory and pride over won experience was excellence and self-confidence, marriage and success. The flowers of shame that could not accept the past were lust and pain, regret never to be tasted. Only to the awakened the fruits of the trees could be seen.
God said: “An angel falls only completely if he kills his own purity, loses it. Two souls live in one body,” he said, “And if the one crushes the other, the angel in him dies. Hope never dies.”
Michael repeated: “Hope never dies in the hearts of the righteous.”
Lucifer looked at the tree and smiled and promised himself one day to steal seeds from it.
Maybe he could create his own world if this one proved bad for him on the basis of these seeds.
Envy hath bred vanity and its fruit was greed.
The two brethren were drifting apart. One lived in shadow, the other walked in light.
St. Michael, Archangel of Protection, was named the warrior and protector among the angels. As the judger of deceased souls, his element was fire and his colour the more disciplined dark blue.
St. Raphael, Archangel of Healing, in blue-green tones, was protector of the human spirit and its maturity, healing and pilgrimage.
St. Gabriel's silver-bluish micro cosmos in heaven had a name: the Archangel of Revelation, revealer of sins and mercy, of freedom and the creatures that come from water.
St. Uriel's red violet root of spirit and truth seeking gave him the title Archangel of Manifestation, Conversion and Fulfillment. As such, he was also protector of the physical world and of Nature. Truth, fact, honesty, these were his guiding stars.
St. Shushienae, Archangel of Purity, laboured to see stainlessness prevail and his clearness of thought sometimes scared the other angels. But it was a necessity.
St. Metatron, in his strength and as Archangel of Transcendence of Godly Light and Wishes, was clearly a king among them. In his golden-white light he shone brightly.
St. Chamuel guarded the communication between souls and relationships and was soon named Archangel and Protector of Destiny and Admiration. His orange coloured aura would always heed the love that came out from a soul. As the music lover St. Israfel would promote what actually came out and into a person and what kind of person his soul had become. The Archangel of Music was named, but because of the strength of his indignation, he also became and Archangel of the Last Judgement.
St. Ramaela, as Archangel of Happiness, soon worked quite closely with St.Uriel’s realism and St.Chamuel's relationships, but also with St.Raphael's healing.
St. Zadkiel's title as Archangel of Prayer was of utmost importance for the likes of St. Shishienae and St.Uriel and he often assembled all of the Archangels to pray.
St. Jophiel was Archangel of Creative Power and Thought, having the power of the spiritual process that came from development.
There was a judge, a healer, a revealing one, a realist, a purifier, a transcending angel, a lover, a musician, a joyful one and a creator.
Then there were the two opposites in one angel: there was light and there was darkness.
St. Lucifer received his title as Archangel of Light and Darkness.
Lucifer and Gabriel were given the task of guardian of the gates and judging the souls. Because of their transcendal quality they were given the title, Twilight Angels.
Soon enough there twelve sub angels under each one of the initial twelve.
The angels under Lucifer's guidance became strange and moody and some were mirrors of himself, melancholy and depressed and scowling. Others became strangely witty.
It was a bright sunny day in Eden when Lucifer broke out and took his twelve sub angels away from the Gate. God summoned the eleven to tell them to be at their guard. Lucifer had stolen a seed from the forbidden tree, flying about the outer rim in search of a creation. The time was ripe. While all of this was happening Lucifer and his sub angels were carrying a seed from the Hwee-Aell-Sihl-Tree, circling a galaxy and trying to create a Thirteenth Angel. For the first time, Lucifer was playing angelic creator.
When Lucifer landed on the Fields of Nostalgia, his wings had turned pitch black. His eyes were red and his feet had long nails. There was a thirteenth sub angel. An angel created by Lucifer.
The tree, the forbidden fruit tree planted as a warning, had lost a seed.
He had been the first child, he screamed, and his task was uncovering the truth.
“I warned you.” God screamed. “You did not listen.”
He smashed Lucifer against the Plato-tree, but flew up again to his sub angels’ criss-crossing the sky. Every one of them got struck by lightning and arose straight away.
Lucifer screamed. His body was convulsing and his eyes were glowing.
“I am superior to you, my Lord,” he cried. “I had the authority of the first to tread the grounds.”
God appeared in a bolt of lightning and his figure stood erect and motionless over the fourteen rebels. When the hand struck down upon them it was no longer fourteen angels but fourteen Devils, with hooves, forked tails, red skin and fur that crawled along them.
“Your vanity hath robbed the glitter in what I considered to be my brightest star! Leave this place.” God shouted. “I gave you the chance to better yourself long enough. Evict them, cut off Lucifer’s
connection with Eden!"
Michael stood at the edge, purple robe and flaming sword intact and held high.
For eons the Devils lay in the ruins of Yambalah upon dried plains, motionless.
Lucifer had fallen.
Once upon a time there was a falling star, a comet circling about Eden, its brilliance radiantly glowing in the nighttime sky and its illumination glittering as the dawn swept over paradise. The star had been created by God out of darkness and was unlike anything ever created.
There were two glowing lights in this star and it seemed to God that these comets were brothers. This pleased God, so he decided to bring them down one by one.
The Ocean of the Never-ending Sunrise was lucid and transparent the day he arrived, the first morning star. The spark that emerged turned into a ball of flame and into a babe crouched over like a foetus and into a young man erect with open eyes, seeing the grand sights of Eden.
“Who am I?” the creature spoke, blinking into the light.
“You are the inner light of creation,” God spoke pointing toward a falling star.
“I am the inner light.” the boy repeated. “My inner light shall spark within all of the brethren of my race?” The Lord nodded and the cherub sighed and wondered. “I am a pioneer to tread my father’s sandy beach. Is this the truth?”
The Lord smiled and nodded. “That is what I mean. Come and I shall give you a name.”
The Lord baptized him Lucifer in the water of eternal life and he became the illuminate child.
“My child thou art and the child of light you will never cease to be” the Lord answered. “Come with me, Son, leave the doorway to Eden and enter the Land of Conception.” God opened his kingdom and gave the starry light the proverbial key formed from a green light within his heart.
“What might this be?” Lucifer inquired, amazed at the sights he saw before him.
Fascinated, the being wandered the Beach of the Never-ending Dawn Ocean, watched the waves gently crash against the shore and sang Godly songs yet unwritten. He flew the heavens, created a rainbow and then upon his return discovered an oak, its whispering knowledge under a shadowy cloak. The leaves were its thoughts, its branches were eyes, disguising its magic within its green sighs. The oak called itself Plato, referred to its father Socrates paces away, crowning Eden as a poppy field before incarnation, explaining to the new creature how knowledge of future carnations was imbedded in its memory.
He was the first child among children, a seraph of God who, before everyone else, wandered the Fields of Nostalgia like a pre evolutionary Huckleberry Finn. Straw in mouth and confidence in spirit, he conversed with souls yet to incarnate as geniuses on Earth or on other planets of the new cosmos. Under the Lord's guidance he spoke with muses. He spoke about fauna and flora with the unborn spirit of Carl von Linné, discussed philosophy with the yet unborn Hegel, played chess with Hamlet, danced a Mozart minuet with Marie Antoinette millennia upon millennia before her birth, practiced the juggling-techniques taught by P.T. Barnum's unborn soul to the sound of Sousa's yet not composed marches, heard the jokes from Shakespeare's spirit, then made his own poetry ready for tellar carnation. All the theories that were to be formulated in yet uncreated heads were gusts of wind flying around God's mind. All the Greek tragedies as well as the comedies were yet unborn centaurs playing in the sunlight. The Gregorian chants soared around him like kites in the night. Demosthenes works were leaves on the oak-trees growing in the Fields. Moliere's plays were ash-tree roots waiting to grow into glorious, meticulous ingenuity of comic bliss. King Arthur's round table was only a pasture of lilies swaying in the wind. A wind named Hitchcock fragranced the trees with the smell of a spectacularly richly dark red rose. A rosebush named Cole Porter hummed tunes that spoke of true love in the highest of societies. A lovely deer named Scott Joplin danced in the heather in an unusual beat that had the swaying field of lilies named Harpo Marx giggle. Metaphors enriched the symbolic flora of thought and future education. And when Lucifer danced Marie Antoinette’s minuet, roses grew. There were muses with golden voices and parrots with rainbow wings painting the blue skies with colour upon colour on a canvas of cumulus clouds and blue cream. The grass so green it dazzled the eye. The mountain touching skies so blue they seemed like oceans.
“The beauty of the world within the eyes of a loved one” God said “is what my creation is about. Any living being shall fall in love and see paradise with the eyes of the one they love. That way love shall always connect them to me.”
Lucifer smiled.
“Then my task shall be to preserve love as you have created it.”
Heaven, a dimension of its own, had a centre. This centre had a name: the Fields of Nostalgia. Upon the centre field there were two trees. Although their significance not yet revealed, Lucifer was fascinated by the good Fruits of Hweoim, not so much as he was profusely awed by the one God urged to avoid: Hwee-Aell-Sihl, the tree of the forbidden fruit.
Soon enough, long-haired, dark-blond Lucifer turned into a brash, dashing, muscular, suntanned youngster who, dazzle grinned, windblown, Eden cruising, wore a smile on his lips as God's first and foremost angel. He was a stunning buck.
In the beginning this became him, as it would all future archangels. The birds in paradise were chirping a song. Birch trees and cherry-blossoms, apples and pears, banana and orange trees all seemed to grow in Lucifer's honour. When God showed him his kingdom, the archangelic son made a promise to eternally enjoy and defend his treasures.
“You have seen my kingdom, my son” God said. “Now, go create your own.”
Yambalah was the first land on this Earth intended as a testing ground for wisdom acquired. This wisdom was useless unless proven.
If he managed to manifest the teachings in nature he would soon become an Archangel of Light.
The young angelic son worked up a storm and a rainbow to make the land as beautiful as he could just to please the Maker. He created resting spots for the animals and he made an oasis or two for the birds. There were sunny avenues and great wide-open spaces, forests so green it made the flocks of parrots sing. All the time, the young buck smiled for he knew he was God’s son and that the Lord would love his contributions to this lovely Land.
The finished product lay in the midst of a large continent next to
a vast ocean on a blue planet. Lucifer had worked passionately on his new empire. The daytime sky seemed to have a deeper, richer, more intense blue here than anywhere else. The trees gave a home to a green whose colour transcended depth and went into the luscious. The nature hummed here. The elements met. Fire, water, earth and wind had a melody to sing. Nature thrived. In the midst of all the bustle and beauty Lucifer created an underground cave with a tunnel leading to a beam of light. It was created basically as a retreat for himself and its exit was next to a tree on the Fields of Nostalgia from which Lucifer could enter down to his creation of rest. He smiled when he thought of it and named it the Callenian Cave, the Cave of Depth in the original language of angels. The January Tunnel was an oasis of comfort within this cave, where the elves of Heaven danced in God's aura.
God said, “Your light hath served you well, your inspiration is a dedication to adoration,” and Lucifer beamed. Father and son walked down the beach hand-in-hand and remembered a friend whom the son had shared the heavens with before becoming an angel. He pointed out the friend to the Lord, who remarked that it soon was time for that friend to come down. He had smiled at him from the sky above as he walked alone after an occasional day's work on the beach. He longed to share his secrets, live passionately. The star remembered the brethren’s mutual fate. The first son could only recall that they had shared heaven and not that they had been one once, two souls present in one comet.
The second angel came to the Beach of the Never-ending Dawn in a whirl, danced, flew about, created a rainbow and sang a divine melody. Love in his noble heart, fire in his noble love, he connected his purple heart to blissful eternity. The Lord baptized the descendant Michael.
Michael, Lucifer’s first friend, became a bundle of love. He willingly obliged in letting Lucifer talk and tell him of creation and what was to be found here. The two young angels walked the beach for days on end, talking and laughing. When this had become a habit, one evening on the beach Michael suggested they become blood brethren. Both agreed and thought it a wondrous yet, ponderously justifiable accordance.
As endless blood trickled down celestial arms, the embrace strengthened the stars and lasted an eternity in bright neon. A falling star had risen. A pure empire had been born.
The testing ground for the second son was Clurafar, Michael’s land. As the new angel worked on his land, he seemed to blow light into all that existed and God watched this strength with such anticipation it made him love this new soul that had been created all the deeper and finer. Everything seemed to work like clockwork. The sun always set on time, the tide came when it always could be expected to come and when the bees came to collect their pollen for their honey you could count on some fruit the next day. If anything could live in symbiosis with Yambalah, it was Clurafar. And Michael entered his land through Plato’s oak.
One bundle of purity was free. One bundle of love was wondering how the other could be so pure. That day was a good day for the kingdom. That day was a strong day for the brethren.
God showed Lucifer ten lights in the sky.
“These stars are your brethren. Together you will rule the heavens like kings!”
“I will share Eden with others of my race?”
God nodded. “Rejoice,” the Lord whispered. “Sharing is a gift.”
Lucifer could not rejoice. “Will I still remain a pioneer?”
The Lord said, “The joy always remains yours that you after me first tread these grounds.”
There was a third one plucked from the shining star in the east corner. It bounced and fluttered upon its destiny and bowed in front of God’s altar when arriving. Raphael’s inborn devoted love gave Michael a new life, yea, alas, one after one they arrived, the brethren.
The three angels walked the beaches, laughing and joking as young men are known to do and swore never to part and remain faithful to each other.
Wind was his element. Three coastal lands lay next to each other: the one fiery red, the other one water blue, the third forest green. There was a refreshing wind that steadily kept sweeping across the land.
Morawar provided flexibility. His floral heart was the sunflower.
When Gabriel arrived as angel number four, Lucifer admitted nothing, not even to himself.
It was actually Gabriel’s arrival that turned the group of three into a crowd of four for the first son.
The four sang the same songs after work at the beach, liked the same things, worked for the same cause, taught what to do in critical situations, were foretold the future and given assignments.
“I love my Lord, I love him,” Lucifer told himself.
He was not the first and best anymore.
“Then why cannot I live next to these brethren like the ships upon the sea?”
“Why have you grown so quiet?” the Lord asked. “That is the question you must ask.”
“I am quiet because I miss my authority.” Lucifer remarked. “But these are merely feelings.”
God revealed his love and saw Lucifer’s surprise. “What are you then feeling?”
“That I was a pioneer once and that my pioneer status was exchanged for equality.”
”That has not changed. Share your glory a thousand-fold and it will grow. You are your feelings.” the Lord exclaimed. “Equality shouldn’t be a problem. Equality is sharing and brotherhood.”
In his spirit, his heart was beating fast. In his heart, though, he was ashamed to think envy.
Two lands away from Clurafar, the seagulls sang and the nightingales soothed the spirits.
Gabriel’s land of Hurtia was a state where the water cleaned the shores of envy in blue silver. There was something beautifully life-preserving about this land, something free. There was feeling that everyone everywhere was equal to everything created and born out of heaven. Gabriel had the spirit of a bird.
Uriel had a practical quality of basic realism and so his land of Jamburee had no coast. It lay in the middle of what in one reality one day was to become Medatlantia and he was Morawar's southern most neighbour. Manifestion, reality, strength, visibility were his main topics of interest. Where as fire was Lucifer’s element, the earth which upon people would walk and from where roses grew was Uriel’s driving force. The rocks were sturdy and strong and even the water seemed to be flowing with the basic Gravel as a guide.
The sixth angel, Shushienae, had a purity that transcended light. His soul was like virgin snow.
“Love? Innocence? Realism? Equality?” Lucifer remarked. “What quality has been granted me?”
Zentar, Shushienae’s land, was a place for clear water, blue sky and young rosebuds and it scared Lucifer to have a brother whose purity was so well developed.
Half-way now into the magic number, they were given a task to see how they could collaborate.
The task: the creation of the first solar system. The blue planet, where upon the angelic empires lay, was yet the only orb to circle the sun. Now, others would follow.
With every new sibling Lucifer’s unease increased thoroughly.
Although each unique, these planets would work at a large distance in a symbiosis to last an eternity under one name just like the angels. Lucifer thought that maybe he was the shining beloved star after all. And creating a solar system would most certainly prove him a star of some kind.
When Shushienae wanted to put Uranus and Pluto for purity’s sake far away enough from the sun in order to achieve virginity of soul, Lucifer countered that Pluto with its small size should stay close to the sun in order to gather some of its energy for fuel to travel forever.
Raphael laughed at this amateur logic, but Uriel, ever the realist, considered the prospect and it was discussed. After a while Shushienae's planets were set in position furthest away from the sun as they originally thought intended. Of course, Lucifer's planets had to specialize on their own. Jupiter was a perfect breeding ground for tornados and fiery volcanoes, like his own soul was. Without question, its own steadily gazing eye was a constant reminder that Lucifer wanted to “see the plan before the creation.” Venus was just as fiery and colourful. Shushienae felt crushed by this claustrophobic empowerment. Jupiter and Venus were, in his own words, “just too untamed and raw for personal taste”. Jupiter was exactly what Lucifer was becoming in his newfound envy: complicated, moody, angry and rough. Mars and Mercury were hot planets but quite steady and stern, just like Michael himself, and with very little mutual differences in temperament. Uriel's calm Saturn and Gabriel's Neptune were quite like each other in temperament and Uriel's little extra bonus of adding a ring to this celestial body was applauded by God and the angels alike, who thought it very ingenious to add a little colourful difference to a circling organism. Only Lucifer himself sulked in a corner, alone and misunderstood. He flew down to the Callenian cave, enjoying his oasis. Michael came down and spoke to him lengthily about being able to modestly compromise his pioneer status. He saw how Lucifer was excluding himself from the others and wondered why he couldn’t relax. Finally, he was called to the Lord.
“You are excluding yourself from the others.”
“Only because I am haunted by exclusion, why should I share my pioneer status? I am afraid of not being good enough to keep up with my new brethren.” Lucifer explained.
God smiled sadly. “I should know that you are more than good enough for any creation.”
“I miss having Michael for myself.”
“My Son, Michael belongs to no one. It is a learning process of sharing to feel pain. Share him.”
“Pain?” Lucifer asked. “Why is pain necessary?”
”Life is versatile and flexible. Creatures feel pain just to cherish life more and learn what they want.”
“What do I want? Will I ever know this?”
”This you must find out.” God said. “What is clear is that you are here to serve humanity.”
The five other angels saw Lucifer’s confused envy turning into vanity. Sitting and gazing down at his own mirror image in the water for hours on end, Lucifer was turning unpredictable. Against God's will he'd gone on an excursion and created something that had no meaning at all, a protest against all this reasoning and all of this sugar sweet love. He created a fog or a storm on Earth or sent a planet through a black hole. Michael had to clean it up, for the balance to be in tune again.
Lucifer was standing at the shore the evening it all began throwing stones into the water. Michael came up and tried to bring him back to the campfire where the others were assembled. The conversation started carefully and then grew aggressive. Finally, Lucifer asked Michael to leave him alone and his brother answered him by asking an honest question. Fear prompted the inquiry.
"What’s happened to the Lucifer from the Fields of Nostalgia?"
Lucifer shook his head and looked out toward the horizon, wondering what lay beyond it.
“He felt betrayed," he said. “Betrayed by everyone he knew.”
“I betrayed no one," Michael said.
“You betrayed me. I concern my self with more important things than carving figures into my arms. You concern yourself with new friends. Go ahead, leave. I’m not stopping you.”
“They are our brethren” Michael whispered, pointing at Raphael. “They’re waiting for you. See?”
“You all act as if my only concern is me and my own well being.” Lucifer countered.
Lucifer paced the beach. He had spoken words never formerly articulated. The word was betrayal.
Michael whispered to him, caressing his cheek.
“My concern is your pain.”
Lucifer looked up at the sky and saw the black clouds flying across the heavenly bliss.
“The storm” he said. “Soon a storm will hit Eden and I will be
the one they blame.”
Michael took a long look at his blood brother and shook his head in surprise.
“Why do you say that?”
There was deep fear in his eyes. “I am the one that they will
blame, Michael.” Lucifer uttered and looked out to toward the vast ocean. There were clouds forming at the horizon and no one had any idea from where they had come. Michael was afraid, but he knew his father would protect them just as he protected Eden.
“What are you speaking of?” Michael asked. “Who are they? What storm is hitting creation?”
“The storm of evolution” Lucifer spat. “I have known that it would come for an eon, but I do have right to be proud. I have become a useless decoration. I was the child of light, the greatest seraph.”
“Why are you so much more than we when you are an angel? Vanity becomes you not.”
“I was the first, Michael” Lucifer sang. “Nay, utter not the syllables vanity when your eyes behold a dreamer. I was a pioneer in heaven once.” He continued, “If vanity is what this is, then so be it.”
“We have no right to be vain.”
“I have a right to be me. I have a right to feel what I feel.”
Raphael spoke. “We are God’s angels, Lucifer. We are the first and foremost of all yet to come.”
“I was in heaven first, Raphael, maybe even before anything else was.” Lucifer crouched down on the ground, trying to find the answer buried in the sand. The next words were whispered, almost not loud enough to be heard by anyone but the nearest companions and yet they all heard them. “Who is God but the master that is here to serve souls like me?” These words surprised Lucifer himself and he turned to the ocean, looked up and cried. There was thunder.
Shushienae put a hand on Lucifer shoulder. “Don’t let this hubris crush you."
He was still looking up, crouching and afraid, yet still prideful.
“Why can’t anyone understand my pain?”
“We do. We are your brethren,” Uriel remarked.
He looked up, his hair falling down into his face and his eyes full of spite. Uriel helped him up as Lucifer struggled to stay on the ground. He fought and finally let go and fell to the ground. Lucifer struggled out of the tussle and hit his chin on the ground. Michael then helped him up as he wiped the blood off his brother’s mouth. The other angels gave Lucifer a dirty look and tried to make him back off.
“You have more spite in your whisper than most would have in a scream.” The brethren all looked across the ocean, their eyes cast upon a darkness that was only steps away, which would turn their love.
Raphael said: "You are God's son and as such you have no right to even think that!"
“What is it to you what I do?” Lucifer spat. “I am just as full of surprise at my own thoughts.”
Raphael and Lucifer began pushing each other and sparks flew, but Michael pushed them aside.
“Calm down!” Michael said, patting Raphael on the back. “We are heavenly creatures,” Michael continued softly. The angels nodded and Gabriel came walking back, albeit apprehensively. “We all have tasks to accomplish.”
Michael tried to smile and walked up to Lucifer to embrace him.
"I never asked to be the outsider!" Lucifer was crying. “Why am I the recluse?”
When Michael looked back, Lucifer was still staring at him. "Nobody ever treated you like an outcast." Lucifer smiled and looked down. He looked at a pebble and then threw it into the waves.
Softly then, looking at the rising sun, he asked: "Why can’t it be just you and I?"
Raphael walked over, with Gabriel following him. "We are your friends, too.”
"I'm going to leave you alone." He started walking away. "There are no secrets in the universe.”
Lucifer cried, his arms waving at the sky, backing away. “He who eternally excels above everyone in life lies steadfast in his lifestyle, those who oppose him will pay."
“My dear friend,” the angels said in unison. “Come and sing with us. Have some fun.”
“None of you are equal to my status, so why not forget it. Leave me alone. I must find peace.”
Lucifer started strolling morosely along the shore and looking toward the sunrise for an answer with a tear in his eye. Michael shook his head and muttered: “What is the matter with our brother?”
“He’s changing.” Gabriel replied. “If we don’t get him back now we will never be able to.”
“I don’t know, Gabriel.” Michael said.
“Don’t know what?”
”I don’t know if we ever had him in the first place.”
The angels looked at each other. "What?" Gabriel said. "We cannot let him go like this, Gabriel!"
"I don't know what has happened to him." Raphael muttered.
Michael walked the other direction, leaving the others to look after him.
"I've heard it before." Michael shook his head. “I’m sure that I’ve heard it before.”
As Lucifer walked away heading for the horizon, Michael melancholically strolled along in the other direction. Things would never be the same. As they sighed, the rain fell and it turned into a flood. The angels took heed in a nearby cave up a hill. They looked down on the beach slowly filling up with water, waves crashing against the shore. A storm was brewing. Over the waves the five of them then saw Lucifer flying across the surface. Michael tried to see clearly, but Lucifer's wings looked black.
“Why did you speak to me with such hubris and disrespect?” God roared. No answer. “Answer me.” Lucifer said nothing. God continued angrily: “I created you out of a celestial body and you thank me by claiming that you were there first?”
Lucifer held up his hands, tears in his eyes. “No, Father. I …” Lucifer started panting.
“What?” the Lord cried. “No, what?”
“I was confused. I didn’t know where I belonged. But I know now. I will be good.”
“You only know that you are weak enough to fall into your vanity. That is all.”
“I am guilty of hubris.” He countered. “I do know that!”
“You are guilty of treason.” God turned around and faced Lucifer again, shaking his head. “I love you, my son. You must let me love you.” God put his hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. “Stand up.”
The angel stood up. God sighed. “I am a good father, but like any loving, considerate and emotionally profound father I have a bit more experience than his son. The road you are taking is not a road of ultimate glory. You must turn before you fall.”
Lucifer looked up. “I will not fall, Father.” He said and smiled, bitterly. There was a bit of irony in those words, a bit of strange emotion. Here was a sweet wish of being able to stop time. “I will be true.”
They looked into each other’s eyes. “Don’t give in to vanity. Don’t take the easy way out.”
“Am I vain, my Lord?” Lucifer shook his head. “Am I vain? Is this vanity? Liking to watch your own mirror image and enjoying being the best?”
The Lord nodded. “Lucifer, my son: you can enjoy being the best of your kind. Everyone is the best of his or her kind. I create unique individuals, not copies. That is purpose of creation. The problem with vanity is that it wants to push others down in order to be good and that doesn’t work. Be as good as you are in you.”
Lucifer shook his head, but now there was fear there. Inside Lucifer was a voice that wanted to be heard. It was the voice of appetite and greed. He battled with it, looked up and sobbed.
“I was first.”
He controlled it and looked into God’s eyes, kissed his hand, embraced him and walked out.
Just as Lucifer walked out, Michael walked in. “What is the matter with him, my Lord?”
God put his hand on Michael’s shoulder. There was no answer.
The failure at the beach was a thorn in the side of all of the angels. Lucifer included. In his mind he was plotting to break out. But he knew not how. The other angels were in his way and he understood that walking away that day had made him even more unpopular. To save the relationship with the others he would have to excuse himself and he would never do that.
The second troop arrived and this time it was a new beginning for the heavens.
When Metatron came, his transcendent, godly light stemming from a poignant star in the east sector gave a golden touch to Eden. Nothing could hurt him. Neapolonia was formed like a boot to resemble the forward character of his personality. The hills and valleys, trees and mountains, majestic soul and exuberance of this land was predicted to create a race of people that could prove strong and roam about the globe. If anyone had a wish, they could go to Metatron. Soon enough, he became king of angels. Lucifer saw Metatron as an angel who took his own place as pioneer.
Chamuel, number eight in his orange coloured glow, was a man of the sun and loved to promote understanding. His country, Hispania, had sun almost all the time and the most glorious fruit trees grew there. Yes, there was dust and dryness but that was only to show the contrast to the dazzling amazement of the lovely oasis by waterholes surrounded by green trees.
Israfel, quite soon after his arrival, started composing songs for the group to sing and wrote choirs for them to perform whilst working to make the work easier and seem faster. So it came as no surprise when his land, Vindobon, was a country where the echo had a home among the mountains and the few test animals were quite vocal.
Ramaela had, in happiness of manifesting, showed all of Heaven that it was possible to transcend pain into beauty. So the land that was created in Ramaela's name seemed to be a land of many colours and treasures. The highest mountain was no more than forty times lower than Israfel's highest. The two angels were inseparable. For without Music there would be no Happiness.
The eleventh angel came as a surprise to everyone but Lucifer. That angel made him smile because it reminded him that he once, too, had been like that. As God told all of them, future prayer would be the ultimate way for contact. They would have to listen very closely to all of humanity’s wishes.
It was not a surprise to Lucifer because he wanted to pray to God all the time. If he would pray to God, he would pray to become a child again. He would be a child of God, a star in the sky. Olandus was a land in the north with an amazing amount of nature, its spaciousness prevailed to freedom of honest conversation with the Lord. Zadkiel transformed them all and entered his land through Chopin’s piano flowers. Through prayer, the channel to God, they would see salvation.
Only Lucifer stayed put. He was a man without prayer who needed to pray. Lucifer talked to no one. He tried to make a joke now and then. Frustration dominated his every conversation. The very last real talk he’d had with his Father was after the failure at the beach. The last of the twelve main assistants was a creative angel of thankfulness and beauty. He loved all creative thought. He would be there when plans were to be made and treaties signed.
Jophiel created a land across the sea from Danalus. Hengestonen had a foggy climate, but green valleys to boot. It had forests and trees, but also lakes and rivers. Jophiel smiled with this prospect of owning and creating such a land. Lucifer tried to connect with Jophiel, being the last of them, in order to regroup. But Jophiel, in his soft-spoken shyness, could only serve as a humble man who smiled and nodded, giving advice with a chuckle. Jophiel and Lucifer parted ways and remained friends.
Michael kept remembering when they gazed across the Ocean of the Neverending Dawn together for the last time feeling like brothers.
He realized that Lucifer was relentless and started to worry if Lucifer would ever return home.
God took the brethren down to the Fields of Nostalgia. There he showed them the two opponents in creation being Nostalgia for Thankfulness, which grew on the Tree of Hweoim, and Melancholy for Regret, that grew on the Tree of Hwee-Aell-Sihl. A tree of remembrance and love with flowers of glory and pride over won experience was excellence and self-confidence, marriage and success. The flowers of shame that could not accept the past were lust and pain, regret never to be tasted. Only to the awakened the fruits of the trees could be seen.
God said: “An angel falls only completely if he kills his own purity, loses it. Two souls live in one body,” he said, “And if the one crushes the other, the angel in him dies. Hope never dies.”
Michael repeated: “Hope never dies in the hearts of the righteous.”
Lucifer looked at the tree and smiled and promised himself one day to steal seeds from it.
Maybe he could create his own world if this one proved bad for him on the basis of these seeds.
Envy hath bred vanity and its fruit was greed.
The two brethren were drifting apart. One lived in shadow, the other walked in light.
St. Michael, Archangel of Protection, was named the warrior and protector among the angels. As the judger of deceased souls, his element was fire and his colour the more disciplined dark blue.
St. Raphael, Archangel of Healing, in blue-green tones, was protector of the human spirit and its maturity, healing and pilgrimage.
St. Gabriel's silver-bluish micro cosmos in heaven had a name: the Archangel of Revelation, revealer of sins and mercy, of freedom and the creatures that come from water.
St. Uriel's red violet root of spirit and truth seeking gave him the title Archangel of Manifestation, Conversion and Fulfillment. As such, he was also protector of the physical world and of Nature. Truth, fact, honesty, these were his guiding stars.
St. Shushienae, Archangel of Purity, laboured to see stainlessness prevail and his clearness of thought sometimes scared the other angels. But it was a necessity.
St. Metatron, in his strength and as Archangel of Transcendence of Godly Light and Wishes, was clearly a king among them. In his golden-white light he shone brightly.
St. Chamuel guarded the communication between souls and relationships and was soon named Archangel and Protector of Destiny and Admiration. His orange coloured aura would always heed the love that came out from a soul. As the music lover St. Israfel would promote what actually came out and into a person and what kind of person his soul had become. The Archangel of Music was named, but because of the strength of his indignation, he also became and Archangel of the Last Judgement.
St. Ramaela, as Archangel of Happiness, soon worked quite closely with St.Uriel’s realism and St.Chamuel's relationships, but also with St.Raphael's healing.
St. Zadkiel's title as Archangel of Prayer was of utmost importance for the likes of St. Shishienae and St.Uriel and he often assembled all of the Archangels to pray.
St. Jophiel was Archangel of Creative Power and Thought, having the power of the spiritual process that came from development.
There was a judge, a healer, a revealing one, a realist, a purifier, a transcending angel, a lover, a musician, a joyful one and a creator.
Then there were the two opposites in one angel: there was light and there was darkness.
St. Lucifer received his title as Archangel of Light and Darkness.
Lucifer and Gabriel were given the task of guardian of the gates and judging the souls. Because of their transcendal quality they were given the title, Twilight Angels.
Soon enough there twelve sub angels under each one of the initial twelve.
The angels under Lucifer's guidance became strange and moody and some were mirrors of himself, melancholy and depressed and scowling. Others became strangely witty.
It was a bright sunny day in Eden when Lucifer broke out and took his twelve sub angels away from the Gate. God summoned the eleven to tell them to be at their guard. Lucifer had stolen a seed from the forbidden tree, flying about the outer rim in search of a creation. The time was ripe. While all of this was happening Lucifer and his sub angels were carrying a seed from the Hwee-Aell-Sihl-Tree, circling a galaxy and trying to create a Thirteenth Angel. For the first time, Lucifer was playing angelic creator.
When Lucifer landed on the Fields of Nostalgia, his wings had turned pitch black. His eyes were red and his feet had long nails. There was a thirteenth sub angel. An angel created by Lucifer.
The tree, the forbidden fruit tree planted as a warning, had lost a seed.
He had been the first child, he screamed, and his task was uncovering the truth.
“I warned you.” God screamed. “You did not listen.”
He smashed Lucifer against the Plato-tree, but flew up again to his sub angels’ criss-crossing the sky. Every one of them got struck by lightning and arose straight away.
Lucifer screamed. His body was convulsing and his eyes were glowing.
“I am superior to you, my Lord,” he cried. “I had the authority of the first to tread the grounds.”
God appeared in a bolt of lightning and his figure stood erect and motionless over the fourteen rebels. When the hand struck down upon them it was no longer fourteen angels but fourteen Devils, with hooves, forked tails, red skin and fur that crawled along them.
“Your vanity hath robbed the glitter in what I considered to be my brightest star! Leave this place.” God shouted. “I gave you the chance to better yourself long enough. Evict them, cut off Lucifer’s
connection with Eden!"
Michael stood at the edge, purple robe and flaming sword intact and held high.
For eons the Devils lay in the ruins of Yambalah upon dried plains, motionless.
Lucifer had fallen.
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