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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 09/24/2013
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, Germany.jpg)
The word was yes. God's plan to save mankind from its own sins was to become reality.
The Heavenly Lord said Yes and only Yes to Humanity. He did love Humankind so much that he gave them his only son and made him human in order to save him from Lucifer's hard grip. A young girl by the name of Mary bore a child whose name was to be Jesus. Donkeys, oxen and sheep by their side, Joseph and his young wife Mary cuddled the child. Three kings, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, came from far away lands to see the Babe. A Star showed them the way. It was the Archangel Gabriel who, in his Nature as God's Gatekeeper and the Revealer of All Sins, helped save Mankind from itself by shining in the Heavens. All who came to watch during the next few weeks were deeply moved by this simple child whose face shone like the soothing sun and whose spirit was like the calm breeze of a midsummer wind.
This child was the child of all children. He was the Father of all Fathers and the Mother of all Mothers.
He was the Revealer of all Revealers and the Friend of all Friends. He was the Saviour of all Saviours. He was a piece of God's Own Heart and a Ray Out Of The Spirit of The Wind That Gabriel Sent Off when He Who Flew By In The Night Showed His Face to humanity. He was God's son. Jesus taught in the synagogues. He gathered twelve men around him that listened to his words and followed his teachings. Some were fishermen, some were of different trades. All were men who needed guidance and whose hearts longed for righteousness. He showed them how he healed cripples. He gave blind men sight and deaf men ears. He gave lame men legs and lepers their clean skin. He restored friendship and gave lost people their faith. He prayed every day to the heavenly father to bring joy and caring back to a world where too much suffering and too much greed controlled individual destinies. Jesus saw Simon Peter and knew he would be the finest Gatekeeper ever to accompany Gabriel by the Doors to Paradise. He saw Thomas and knew that this architect would find his own way one day, in spite of his doubt. His saw Matthew and knew that even though he loved money he was strong enough to give it all up. He saw John and knew his faith was to hand over his own mother to the one with a golden heart.
Then he saw Judas.
The holy number of Twelve Disciples was to mirror the Twelve Archangels of Heaven. Judas was the intellectual and saw this life only. If Jesus were king then life would be easier for them all and Lucifer's counterpart on Earth felt himself in position to promote his master to speak up. Jesus’ eyes spoke to Judas when he told him to use his heart and not his mind. In truth a victim, Judas only realized this too late. Lucifer was petrified of Jesus, even more than of Michael. Jesus did not need to look Lucifer in the eye to scare him. There was one reason for this: the resurrection.
When he stood before the masses who screamed "Crucify him!" ... he thought he'd had his way.
”Kill the blasphemer!” He was wrong. God had won already. “Mother, behold your son!”
A storm wind chased the clouds and the wind seemed full of ice. The only Pharisee with a heart of gold was standing a hundred meters away crying. A Roman soldier looked solemnly at the Savoir saying:
"This was the son of God!" The women were at the foot of the cross weeping. Only the moon shone down upon the cross, alone and cold, when Jesus cried: "Eloi! Eloi! Lemak sabatani!" to the silent sky. There was a weeping wind blowing through the trees chilling everyone on the hill down to their bone's marrow. There were clouds in the sky and a rumble in the distance. The darkest colours of the heavens painted a sorrow on their clouded faces. The women took him down when his head had finally sunk down on his chest. He was buried in a sacred place. Then they silently walked away. When they returned on Sunday morning, everything had changed. "Why are you seeking the living among the dead?"
Mary Magdalene turned around. "I ... beg your pardon?"
"I said why are you seeking ... the living among the dead?" Raphael and Gabriel smiled at the woman and she smiled back, somewhat bewildered. She and the others had come to the grave to embalm him as was the custom. She had no idea what the young man meant. As she walked from the empty grave she understood. Jesus was not there. The angels had told her this.
The wind blew strong that day, or so they said. The clouds were dark and thunder and lightning seemed to paint the melodramatic skies with colours of blue, green and dark red. Just with utmost strength Lucifer could keep from flying away and crashing into a mountainside or a wall, if there had been one at all.
The fact was that there was only hillside as far as he could see. There was green grass everywhere and it was blowing in the wind all in the same direction. Hills and valleys and everywhere this dark colour that seemed to sweep doom over the landscape. Lucifer stood alone looking at the only thing that gave any light in the skies on this dark and stormy night. The full moon. His face was turned upward and his back crouched forward. The hairs on his head and back were dancing the jig and his eyes were fixed on its sweeping aura, landing everywhere in sight. Suddenly there was a sharp cry. The wail echoed in his ear, a sound that reminded him of the echo in the dungeon he had seen for a millennium, when he saw millions of people running in this dark night toward him. He found himself locked into position, his feet feeling like stone. The crowd just kept coming nearer and nearer. Growing in number. Millions of feet running over him. Big feet, small feet, light feet, heavy feet. The owners of the feet were happy. No, they were overjoyed. He recognized all of the faces. They were all of the sinners he had misled since the beginning of time. Adam was there. Every one of them was running toward ... where? His head turned to the right. A rampant screaming crowd of millions waving their arms and shouting:
"Saviour! Saviour!"
Now he heard the voice of Michael next to his right ear, screaming. The red devil crouched over and a white winged archangel shouting into his ear. Now he was standing in a big square somewhere in the future. He was surrounded by buildings so tall and monumental that it surprised him. It was a cathedral. He saw Jesus now around a campfire with his twelve disciples. Lucifer's creation Judas as such was a part of his master and both could tap into their existence to see what they were doing.
"Who do you think I am?"
Peter thought for a moment then said: "You are the Messiah ..."
"Henceforth ..." Jesus replied "... you shall be called the rock, for upon you I shall found my church ...” Jesus spoke only of one church and not a divided one. He could have called it anything.
This was St. Peter's church ... It was the future Vatican. It was the rock whereupon God would build his church. It was glorious. To Lucifer, it was eternal suffering.
"Saviour! Saviour!"
Jesus stood on the balcony and waved to his people. He was standing over there, mighty and magnificent, spreading his arms and smiling. The moon had disappeared and instead the only thing shining on the horizon was Jesus in that light. No, not in the light. Jesus was the light. It hurt his eyes, it was so bright. The people sang HOSANNA IN EXCELSIS DEO for they had been saved.
Then he was back on the hill, moon in the sky and grass blowing in the midnight wind. The wind moaned as a lonely lynx caught in a morning storm. It was like a tree bending and creaking in the wind waiting to be released from its pain and cut down. He looked over to it. It was no tree. It was a beast. And it bore Lucifer's face. Then suddenly a loud noise hit his ears. It was as if someone had opened a door and blown it in his face. His head snapped to the left and there he saw it. It was a cross. It was shining radiantly.
No matter how strong the wind was it kept standing. Lucifer was repeatedly tossed over and flew around, feeling like a leaf being blown around in a storm, completely powerless. No matter what he did, his body felt as if warily stung by a thousand needles. He felt dizzy and numb and as if someone was holding him by the arms and shaking him. He saw the initials above the cross: I.N.R.I. –Jesus of Nazareth, Rex Judeum: King of the Jews. The initials on the stone under his own Purity over in Yambalah came to his mind and the two opponents were clearly drawn out now.
In his sleep, Lucifer took a resounding deep breath, raising his eyebrows with closed eyes looking like someone waiting for a grotesque kiss ... and ... screamed until his veins popped open and his green blood oozed out of his horns. He woke up. Startled. Every breath he took was agony. He was in his own red hell now, but through the wall images were floating through, the rainbow of them protruding through the walls. The blue night of the illusion spilling over against the red stone hell in the hole he was in, Lucifer on the flat stone rising spastically crouched together, for the first time in his life, crying. He was by a tree now. It was an old oak bent by wind, twisted by weather. A man was hanging from it. His head was hanging down from the rope and dangling like a separate and unused limb. The coins were at his feet. The blood-money. Suddenly Michael was there and he was pointing at Lucifer. He told him that he had to see he could never ever win. Lucifer screamed again but heard voices of angels. Lucifer screamed again but heard God. He was back on the hill now and Michael stood above him. Michael's white cloak was blowing in the wind and his black hair was a mass of tousled satin that uncontrollably blew in the twister that was building up around them. He raised his long right hand index finger at Lucifer and gave him a half-smile as well. Lucifer looked up with the fear of someone caught in the act of spiritual burglary. Lucifer looked up. A light protruded out of Michael's finger and that light against his white cloak was enough to make Lucifer scream. Michael's eyes widened and so did the light. It came closer and closer until Lucifer saw it was a circle, a tunnel, growing bigger and bigger. It came over him like a cloak, a wave of water. He was in the light now. And all he could see were crosses everywhere. Crucifixes. Churches. The Vatican. Saints of heaven. Saints of Earth. Saints of other planets. And always Lucifer as the foe. The cross was the beginning of it all. And he had been powerless to stop that road. He had thought his Judas would have made a difference. He thought it would bring an end to God's rule over creation. Instead he was only a tool. A tool for God's power. He managed to escape from that light and almost pulled himself out of it like a man pulled out of a shirt. But he was pulled back again, screaming even louder. This time he saw all the people he had betrayed and who suffered. They were all in joy because God had saved them. He jumped out of the light. The moon above his head and God in it. Lucifer tried to say something but all he could say was: "Why was I chosen? What is my sin?”
Michael's voice now deep and throaty answered, still pointing: "Questioning the creator.”
Lucifer's voice throaty, veins full of pain. "There is no turning back. You shall cringe ... at the sight of the cross. Your face shall be burnt by what saved creation from you! It shall be God's protection!"
In Michael's hand a cross appeared. He pushed it against Lucifer face, burning his red skin. Lucifer's head bent over to one side as if he wanted to escape the cross and Michael's gritted teeth. Lucifer was shaking, his eyes turning white, his body convulsing.
Suddenly a great white light appeared in the sky with an ear-deafening explosion. It was almost as if a door had been opened to Heaven and there was even a clear rectangular separation between it and the storm. God was there in that white light and Michael's white cloak settled and he looked up. He breathed in, pouting with his lips and his fists clenched, eyes closed. He looked down at Lucifer and released his cross, Lucifer falling down in a heap of red blackness. Michael looked back up and was drawn straight up to the gates of heaven with incredible speed that made Lucifer jump and the hairs on his back stand up. He sat crouched on the Earth like a bug. For a moment he wondered what he would have been now had he stayed humble. He shook his head and cried. "Why?" There was no answer.
Then the ground opened. Sizzling and hot it lay before him. Lucifer looked around with the scared expression of a hunted animal. His lower lip was shivering. "No!" The volcanic lava that burnt down there scared even him. "NO!" Then he looked up at his former home, the sides of his mouth turned downwards and his eyebrows raised upwards and inwards in fear. "NO!" Lucifer slowly sunk down until he only held on with one hand on the edge. "Help me!" He dropped and fell into oblivion, his scream echoing and growing fainter. The Earth closed above him and so did heaven.
The Lord blessed creation and the Jesus spent eternity blessing all mankind.
THE SAVIOUR(Charles E.J. Moulton)
The word was yes. God's plan to save mankind from its own sins was to become reality.
The Heavenly Lord said Yes and only Yes to Humanity. He did love Humankind so much that he gave them his only son and made him human in order to save him from Lucifer's hard grip. A young girl by the name of Mary bore a child whose name was to be Jesus. Donkeys, oxen and sheep by their side, Joseph and his young wife Mary cuddled the child. Three kings, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, came from far away lands to see the Babe. A Star showed them the way. It was the Archangel Gabriel who, in his Nature as God's Gatekeeper and the Revealer of All Sins, helped save Mankind from itself by shining in the Heavens. All who came to watch during the next few weeks were deeply moved by this simple child whose face shone like the soothing sun and whose spirit was like the calm breeze of a midsummer wind.
This child was the child of all children. He was the Father of all Fathers and the Mother of all Mothers.
He was the Revealer of all Revealers and the Friend of all Friends. He was the Saviour of all Saviours. He was a piece of God's Own Heart and a Ray Out Of The Spirit of The Wind That Gabriel Sent Off when He Who Flew By In The Night Showed His Face to humanity. He was God's son. Jesus taught in the synagogues. He gathered twelve men around him that listened to his words and followed his teachings. Some were fishermen, some were of different trades. All were men who needed guidance and whose hearts longed for righteousness. He showed them how he healed cripples. He gave blind men sight and deaf men ears. He gave lame men legs and lepers their clean skin. He restored friendship and gave lost people their faith. He prayed every day to the heavenly father to bring joy and caring back to a world where too much suffering and too much greed controlled individual destinies. Jesus saw Simon Peter and knew he would be the finest Gatekeeper ever to accompany Gabriel by the Doors to Paradise. He saw Thomas and knew that this architect would find his own way one day, in spite of his doubt. His saw Matthew and knew that even though he loved money he was strong enough to give it all up. He saw John and knew his faith was to hand over his own mother to the one with a golden heart.
Then he saw Judas.
The holy number of Twelve Disciples was to mirror the Twelve Archangels of Heaven. Judas was the intellectual and saw this life only. If Jesus were king then life would be easier for them all and Lucifer's counterpart on Earth felt himself in position to promote his master to speak up. Jesus’ eyes spoke to Judas when he told him to use his heart and not his mind. In truth a victim, Judas only realized this too late. Lucifer was petrified of Jesus, even more than of Michael. Jesus did not need to look Lucifer in the eye to scare him. There was one reason for this: the resurrection.
When he stood before the masses who screamed "Crucify him!" ... he thought he'd had his way.
”Kill the blasphemer!” He was wrong. God had won already. “Mother, behold your son!”
A storm wind chased the clouds and the wind seemed full of ice. The only Pharisee with a heart of gold was standing a hundred meters away crying. A Roman soldier looked solemnly at the Savoir saying:
"This was the son of God!" The women were at the foot of the cross weeping. Only the moon shone down upon the cross, alone and cold, when Jesus cried: "Eloi! Eloi! Lemak sabatani!" to the silent sky. There was a weeping wind blowing through the trees chilling everyone on the hill down to their bone's marrow. There were clouds in the sky and a rumble in the distance. The darkest colours of the heavens painted a sorrow on their clouded faces. The women took him down when his head had finally sunk down on his chest. He was buried in a sacred place. Then they silently walked away. When they returned on Sunday morning, everything had changed. "Why are you seeking the living among the dead?"
Mary Magdalene turned around. "I ... beg your pardon?"
"I said why are you seeking ... the living among the dead?" Raphael and Gabriel smiled at the woman and she smiled back, somewhat bewildered. She and the others had come to the grave to embalm him as was the custom. She had no idea what the young man meant. As she walked from the empty grave she understood. Jesus was not there. The angels had told her this.
The wind blew strong that day, or so they said. The clouds were dark and thunder and lightning seemed to paint the melodramatic skies with colours of blue, green and dark red. Just with utmost strength Lucifer could keep from flying away and crashing into a mountainside or a wall, if there had been one at all.
The fact was that there was only hillside as far as he could see. There was green grass everywhere and it was blowing in the wind all in the same direction. Hills and valleys and everywhere this dark colour that seemed to sweep doom over the landscape. Lucifer stood alone looking at the only thing that gave any light in the skies on this dark and stormy night. The full moon. His face was turned upward and his back crouched forward. The hairs on his head and back were dancing the jig and his eyes were fixed on its sweeping aura, landing everywhere in sight. Suddenly there was a sharp cry. The wail echoed in his ear, a sound that reminded him of the echo in the dungeon he had seen for a millennium, when he saw millions of people running in this dark night toward him. He found himself locked into position, his feet feeling like stone. The crowd just kept coming nearer and nearer. Growing in number. Millions of feet running over him. Big feet, small feet, light feet, heavy feet. The owners of the feet were happy. No, they were overjoyed. He recognized all of the faces. They were all of the sinners he had misled since the beginning of time. Adam was there. Every one of them was running toward ... where? His head turned to the right. A rampant screaming crowd of millions waving their arms and shouting:
"Saviour! Saviour!"
Now he heard the voice of Michael next to his right ear, screaming. The red devil crouched over and a white winged archangel shouting into his ear. Now he was standing in a big square somewhere in the future. He was surrounded by buildings so tall and monumental that it surprised him. It was a cathedral. He saw Jesus now around a campfire with his twelve disciples. Lucifer's creation Judas as such was a part of his master and both could tap into their existence to see what they were doing.
"Who do you think I am?"
Peter thought for a moment then said: "You are the Messiah ..."
"Henceforth ..." Jesus replied "... you shall be called the rock, for upon you I shall found my church ...” Jesus spoke only of one church and not a divided one. He could have called it anything.
This was St. Peter's church ... It was the future Vatican. It was the rock whereupon God would build his church. It was glorious. To Lucifer, it was eternal suffering.
"Saviour! Saviour!"
Jesus stood on the balcony and waved to his people. He was standing over there, mighty and magnificent, spreading his arms and smiling. The moon had disappeared and instead the only thing shining on the horizon was Jesus in that light. No, not in the light. Jesus was the light. It hurt his eyes, it was so bright. The people sang HOSANNA IN EXCELSIS DEO for they had been saved.
Then he was back on the hill, moon in the sky and grass blowing in the midnight wind. The wind moaned as a lonely lynx caught in a morning storm. It was like a tree bending and creaking in the wind waiting to be released from its pain and cut down. He looked over to it. It was no tree. It was a beast. And it bore Lucifer's face. Then suddenly a loud noise hit his ears. It was as if someone had opened a door and blown it in his face. His head snapped to the left and there he saw it. It was a cross. It was shining radiantly.
No matter how strong the wind was it kept standing. Lucifer was repeatedly tossed over and flew around, feeling like a leaf being blown around in a storm, completely powerless. No matter what he did, his body felt as if warily stung by a thousand needles. He felt dizzy and numb and as if someone was holding him by the arms and shaking him. He saw the initials above the cross: I.N.R.I. –Jesus of Nazareth, Rex Judeum: King of the Jews. The initials on the stone under his own Purity over in Yambalah came to his mind and the two opponents were clearly drawn out now.
In his sleep, Lucifer took a resounding deep breath, raising his eyebrows with closed eyes looking like someone waiting for a grotesque kiss ... and ... screamed until his veins popped open and his green blood oozed out of his horns. He woke up. Startled. Every breath he took was agony. He was in his own red hell now, but through the wall images were floating through, the rainbow of them protruding through the walls. The blue night of the illusion spilling over against the red stone hell in the hole he was in, Lucifer on the flat stone rising spastically crouched together, for the first time in his life, crying. He was by a tree now. It was an old oak bent by wind, twisted by weather. A man was hanging from it. His head was hanging down from the rope and dangling like a separate and unused limb. The coins were at his feet. The blood-money. Suddenly Michael was there and he was pointing at Lucifer. He told him that he had to see he could never ever win. Lucifer screamed again but heard voices of angels. Lucifer screamed again but heard God. He was back on the hill now and Michael stood above him. Michael's white cloak was blowing in the wind and his black hair was a mass of tousled satin that uncontrollably blew in the twister that was building up around them. He raised his long right hand index finger at Lucifer and gave him a half-smile as well. Lucifer looked up with the fear of someone caught in the act of spiritual burglary. Lucifer looked up. A light protruded out of Michael's finger and that light against his white cloak was enough to make Lucifer scream. Michael's eyes widened and so did the light. It came closer and closer until Lucifer saw it was a circle, a tunnel, growing bigger and bigger. It came over him like a cloak, a wave of water. He was in the light now. And all he could see were crosses everywhere. Crucifixes. Churches. The Vatican. Saints of heaven. Saints of Earth. Saints of other planets. And always Lucifer as the foe. The cross was the beginning of it all. And he had been powerless to stop that road. He had thought his Judas would have made a difference. He thought it would bring an end to God's rule over creation. Instead he was only a tool. A tool for God's power. He managed to escape from that light and almost pulled himself out of it like a man pulled out of a shirt. But he was pulled back again, screaming even louder. This time he saw all the people he had betrayed and who suffered. They were all in joy because God had saved them. He jumped out of the light. The moon above his head and God in it. Lucifer tried to say something but all he could say was: "Why was I chosen? What is my sin?”
Michael's voice now deep and throaty answered, still pointing: "Questioning the creator.”
Lucifer's voice throaty, veins full of pain. "There is no turning back. You shall cringe ... at the sight of the cross. Your face shall be burnt by what saved creation from you! It shall be God's protection!"
In Michael's hand a cross appeared. He pushed it against Lucifer face, burning his red skin. Lucifer's head bent over to one side as if he wanted to escape the cross and Michael's gritted teeth. Lucifer was shaking, his eyes turning white, his body convulsing.
Suddenly a great white light appeared in the sky with an ear-deafening explosion. It was almost as if a door had been opened to Heaven and there was even a clear rectangular separation between it and the storm. God was there in that white light and Michael's white cloak settled and he looked up. He breathed in, pouting with his lips and his fists clenched, eyes closed. He looked down at Lucifer and released his cross, Lucifer falling down in a heap of red blackness. Michael looked back up and was drawn straight up to the gates of heaven with incredible speed that made Lucifer jump and the hairs on his back stand up. He sat crouched on the Earth like a bug. For a moment he wondered what he would have been now had he stayed humble. He shook his head and cried. "Why?" There was no answer.
Then the ground opened. Sizzling and hot it lay before him. Lucifer looked around with the scared expression of a hunted animal. His lower lip was shivering. "No!" The volcanic lava that burnt down there scared even him. "NO!" Then he looked up at his former home, the sides of his mouth turned downwards and his eyebrows raised upwards and inwards in fear. "NO!" Lucifer slowly sunk down until he only held on with one hand on the edge. "Help me!" He dropped and fell into oblivion, his scream echoing and growing fainter. The Earth closed above him and so did heaven.
The Lord blessed creation and the Jesus spent eternity blessing all mankind.
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