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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Comedy / Humor
- Published: 10/16/2013
Husband Has Difficult Time Thanking His Wife
Born 1948, M, from Johnson City, TN, United States© 2013
Jennifer and her husband, Jon, had a wonderful marriage.
“You’re the best wife in the world,” Jon said.
“And you’re a great husband,” said Jennifer.
As far as Jon was concerned, Jennifer was faultless. “I’ve always dreamed of having a woman like you as my wife,” Jon observed. “You’re just perfect!”
In Jennifer’s eyes, Jon only had one fault worth mentioning. “You never remember to say, ‘thank you,’" she told her husband.
“I really do appreciate the nice things you do for me,” Jon said. “I just don’t seem to be able to say ‘thanks’ at the appropriate time.”
Even after the couple had been married for 20 years, Jon continued to have difficulty remembering to say “thanks” to Jennifer. After 25 years of marriage, Jennifer’s patience was wearing thin.
Jennifer added fasting to her arsenal of weapons. She began fasting one day each week as she continued to pray about Jon’s inability to say “thanks.”
Finally, the Lord spoke a message into the depths of Jennifer’s spirit. God whispered, “Continue to be patient with Jon, and before long you’ll see the change in him that you desire.”
Jennifer always prepared fried chicken for dinner on Saturday evenings. One Friday evening, Jennifer announced, “I’m thinking about having baked fish for dinner tomorrow, Jon. What do you think of the idea?”
“Sounds great!,” Jon said. “It’s fine with me.”
The baked fish dinner was accompanied by steamed broccoli, raw cauliflower and fresh home-grown tomatoes from the couple’s garden. The finishing touch was provided with fresh homemade bread. Jennifer wanted to make the bread as tasty as possible, so she added generous portions of blackberries and strawberries to the mix.
After dinner, Jon took his wife to their favorite frozen yogurt shop for a surprise dessert. “Thank you very much, Darling, for treating me to this wonderful dessert,” Jennifer grinned. “This is the perfect ending to a perfect day.”
“Thank you, Jennifer, for a fantastic dinner,” Jon said. “It’s the best meal I’ve had in months.”
Jennifer was surprised by Jon’s open thankfulness. “Thank you, Jon,” she said. “Do you realize this is the first time you have ever thanked me for anything?”
“Yes,” Jon said. “I do.”
“So why all of a sudden do you start saying ‘thanks?’” asked Jennifer.
“It’s really very simple,” John said. “God let me know that since I have lived for half a century it was high time I started using good manners like a real grown-up! Also, today is our wedding anniversary, and I didn’t want you to think I had forgotten the big day!”
To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements, including Christian Comedy Fundraisers and/or puppet ministry, please email
Husband Has Difficult Time Thanking His Wife(Greg Miller)
© 2013
Jennifer and her husband, Jon, had a wonderful marriage.
“You’re the best wife in the world,” Jon said.
“And you’re a great husband,” said Jennifer.
As far as Jon was concerned, Jennifer was faultless. “I’ve always dreamed of having a woman like you as my wife,” Jon observed. “You’re just perfect!”
In Jennifer’s eyes, Jon only had one fault worth mentioning. “You never remember to say, ‘thank you,’" she told her husband.
“I really do appreciate the nice things you do for me,” Jon said. “I just don’t seem to be able to say ‘thanks’ at the appropriate time.”
Even after the couple had been married for 20 years, Jon continued to have difficulty remembering to say “thanks” to Jennifer. After 25 years of marriage, Jennifer’s patience was wearing thin.
Jennifer added fasting to her arsenal of weapons. She began fasting one day each week as she continued to pray about Jon’s inability to say “thanks.”
Finally, the Lord spoke a message into the depths of Jennifer’s spirit. God whispered, “Continue to be patient with Jon, and before long you’ll see the change in him that you desire.”
Jennifer always prepared fried chicken for dinner on Saturday evenings. One Friday evening, Jennifer announced, “I’m thinking about having baked fish for dinner tomorrow, Jon. What do you think of the idea?”
“Sounds great!,” Jon said. “It’s fine with me.”
The baked fish dinner was accompanied by steamed broccoli, raw cauliflower and fresh home-grown tomatoes from the couple’s garden. The finishing touch was provided with fresh homemade bread. Jennifer wanted to make the bread as tasty as possible, so she added generous portions of blackberries and strawberries to the mix.
After dinner, Jon took his wife to their favorite frozen yogurt shop for a surprise dessert. “Thank you very much, Darling, for treating me to this wonderful dessert,” Jennifer grinned. “This is the perfect ending to a perfect day.”
“Thank you, Jennifer, for a fantastic dinner,” Jon said. “It’s the best meal I’ve had in months.”
Jennifer was surprised by Jon’s open thankfulness. “Thank you, Jon,” she said. “Do you realize this is the first time you have ever thanked me for anything?”
“Yes,” Jon said. “I do.”
“So why all of a sudden do you start saying ‘thanks?’” asked Jennifer.
“It’s really very simple,” John said. “God let me know that since I have lived for half a century it was high time I started using good manners like a real grown-up! Also, today is our wedding anniversary, and I didn’t want you to think I had forgotten the big day!”
To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements, including Christian Comedy Fundraisers and/or puppet ministry, please email
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