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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Survival / Success
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 10/19/2013
Daryal woke up and saw that his mom was gone. So he put on his camo pants and his black leather jacket and laced up his boots. Then he grabbed his 9mm Ruger and put it in his belt he then put six boxes of ammo in a bag. Then he got his hunting knife and put it on his belt. He got his crossbow and grabbed his quiver of 40 bolts and slung it across his back. He then got his tent and sleeping bag and put it in a duffel bag across the back of his motorcycle and got ready to ride. Daryal has his doubts about winning his freedom against hundreds of thousands of undead. But he knows he can win this one just like the rest of the battles he fought with life and rules. Got kicked out of high school twice for fighting with other students. Played football for three different schools and he went to state with the Spartans. That’s his high school career. 12-0 was their record that year because of Daryal the All-Star running back. “The Bull” was what they called him because he almost had 5,000 yards rushing and 170 touchdowns for his total high school football career. He also won all his arguments with the referees; he also played varsity football as a freshman. So he rode his bike and found a place to camp and he found a cave and he put wooden barriers up so the walkers couldn’t get in and he found an entrance with a door. He used the door entrance for hunting. He had finally found a home that he could live in.
Of course he had always loved the outdoors and he would have rather
Lived in the country than the city but he didn’t get to make that choice. His mom did and he never got to know his dad because he died when Daryal was two years old. His mom never remarried. now his mom is gone, but he doesn’t need her to survive because he is Twenty-Three years old now. She could be a walker right now but he didn’t know. If she wasn’t her best chance would be with the Army but he’s better off on his own because of what he did eight years ago. he yelled at an Army SGT. and almost killed him. But that is to be forgotten. so he got camp set up and decided to go hunting for a deer so he would have some meat. So he set snares near the cave to catch rabbits and squirrels to eat. He hunted for a few hours and decided to return to his cave. He cooked Two rabbits and Three squirrels he shot and then boiled some water to drink the went to explore the cave. He found a trunk with a blanket poncho and a Winchester repeater with 60 rounds. He also found a hatchet miners pick and a barrel of gold. So he decided to widen out the cave a little bit if he was careful. So he started the work and a half and hour later he had found an underground pond. So then he stopped and went to check the barricades and he thought they were good so he grabbed the ax and his crossbow and went to get some firewood.
So he chopped saplings down to get wood and he found a wild boar so he shot it and he dragged it back to the cave. Then he went to get more wood and he ran into a few walkers when he was getting wood so he took them out but a walker came out of nowhere and Daryal was tackled to the ground and he dropped his crossbow out of reach and the hatchet was in a tree so he was trying to get his knife without getting bit by the walker. So after a four minute struggle he got his knife and stabbed the walker in the head and killed it. He got some more wood then hiked back to camp and ate some food and went to sleep. Then he got up and made a fire, washed his face, ate and had a drink, then he gathered his weapons and went out to scout the surrounding area. After scouting the surrounding area around the cave he decided to head up the mountain and he found a small cabin with a six foot high wall surrounding it. He decided to move into the cabin so he got his stuff and moved it to the cabin, then he brought his bike up. He saw the cabin had a well next to it so that solved his water problem. The cabin had a total of about 250 sq. feet. It had a bed, a table and chairs, and a small kitchen in it. It also had a small shower. The wall surrounded about 2 acres of land...enough for him.
He looked down the path to the shed and saw someone coming, not a walker, but a person. It was a girl, his girlfriend from high school. She had a Ruger in a holster at her side. Daryal called out, “Is that you, Abi?” The girl responded, “Yes, it is. Is that you, Daryal?” Daryal said, “Yes, can I stay with you?”
Abi responded, “Yes, you can stay, Daryal.”
“Can I put my bike in the shed?”
“Yes, you can, if you give me a ride sometime.”
“Why are you up here?” Daryal asked.
“My dad gave me this land, and told me to take care of it,” Abi said.
Daryal replied, “Oh, OK. Do you want to continue our relationship as in high school?”
Abi said she would love to continue the relationship, and then Daryal asked Abi if she had any meat. She said she did not, so he left to hunt a deer or boar.
He traveled back down the mountain to hunt. He spotted a deer, shot it, and dragged it back to the cabin. It took him 3 hours to do this. He then told Abi he would go and scout the area for walkers as well as good hunting spots. If he did not return in 3 hours she was to assume the worst had happened.
Off he went to do some scouting. He was very careful when he found a cliff with a pond at the bottom. He kept looking for a good spot and he found one near a hill, but forgot about it as soon as he saw 30 walkers who came rushing at him from that area.
He ran back the way he had come and fell down the cliff, landing in the water in the pond. His cross bow went off, and he had an arrow stuck in the side of him. It was a minor wound, so he floated to shore and passed out.
He thought Abi was there yelling at him, but she was not. He was hallucinating. Then he felt his leg being pulled….He woke up and it was a walker! He began kicking, grabbed his crossbow, but it was not loaded, and he could not reach his arrows. So he pulled out the one that was in him and loaded that one to shoot the walker. It hurt like the devil, but it worked.
Then he wondered how he was going to get back to the cabin. He figured he would have to bind his wound, and climb up the steep slope of the cliff. Before more walkers came, he did just that. It took him more than an hour, and he realized he had been gone for more than 4½ hours. Abi was probably worried that he might not get back. But he would surprise her by making it back soon.
Within 2 hours he was back at the cabin having his wound tended by Abi. After that they went to bed. In the morning they ate venison stew with potatoes and gravy. Daryal felt it was the best meal he had ever had. The rest of the day they just rested, because they now had plenty of food.
Daryal noticed that it was beginning to get colder. Winter was approaching, and they were not ready for it. As soon as he had recovered sufficiently, he went to get wood and hunt for more meat. Within 4 days he had 4 boars, 2 deer, and 10 rabbits, and enough wood to last for 6 months. So they were stocked up on wood and food.
But what about clothing? Daryal only had 3 sets of clothes and Abi had 5. And they were getting worn out. So they rode to the nearest town, which was 2 miles away, and stocked up on clothing and ammo. Daryal even found an AK-47 - his type of weapon. Abi got a 20 gauge shotgun. They felt they were set with weapons. They also bought some linens, towels, and stuff for the cabin. So now they rode back to the house, and on the way there they met Daryl’s friend little Jake and he asked if he could stay with them and they responded “yes you can stay with us.” So Jake grabbed his stuff, which was a tent, a hunting knife, sleeping bag, an AK-47 with 200 rounds, and a Ruger with 70 rounds, then they were off to their house. They got there and they gave him a hut that they had built before. They were ready for winter now and they had another helper. This meant more time for Daryal and Abi to be together.
The wall was in good repair so they did not worry about walkers getting in during the winter. So they got some more wood and then rode into town to get some winter gear and more food. So they would be ready for winter, but when they were getting food walkers attacked and they had a heck of a fight to get out of the store and twice Daryal almost got bit. Little Jake got bit so he sacrificed himself so they could get out and he gave them his stuff. Then they left to get Antibiotics and other personal things. So they got to the Pharmacy and found what they needed. Then they got out of there before they got attacked by more walkers which were happening more than usual so they got to the door and saw that the street was filled with walkers moving through the town. So they silently moved to the back of the store out of sight of the passing walkers. So after an hour they checked the street and there were still a few walkers but they didn’t want to risk it because their vehicle was on the other side of the street and further down the road. So they decided to play it safe and wait until the walkers were all gone. So they waited and waited and after 3 hours Daryal checked and the walkers were still there. But they couldn’t wait any longer and Daryal saw a Bed & Clothes store next door. So they went out the back door and went into the store and Abi got new clothes and they decided to go to sleep. The next morning they loaded a cart with clothes and got to the front of the store and made a run for it. Then they drove off with walkers chasing them for a while. They got back to the house and put the stuff away and rested for a while.
Daryal woke up and looked outside and saw walkers in the yard, so he woke Abi and told her to start packing our stuff and she asked why and he said “there were walkers in the yard.” So she started packing and he slipped out the window to get the car which was near the barn 700 feet away and in sight of walkers so he moved slowly and silently across the yard to the barn and he made it without a problem. But the keys were not there so he looked around and he found them and started the car and drove it to the front door and got out and loaded the stuff in the car. Then they drove into town and stopped at the hotel and moved into the room closest to the front door and their car. Then they barred the windows so no walkers could get in. Then they rested for the day and the next day they looked outside and they saw snow on the ground. But there were still walkers roaming around but they must be slower, after all it is colder. But they don’t want to find out yet because they are tired of running, so they just did every day things. Daryal did go out and scout the rest of the hotel and he got back and said “there were walkers on the third floor and there was a possibility that the roof was full of them. But he couldn’t tell so he said he was going to clear the third floor and the roof and be back in two hours. So he left and headed up the stairs to kill some walkers to make the place safe for them and other people if they find any. So Daryal was moving through the 3rd floor when he heard screaming from the 1st floor so Daryal ran back down and saw that the door was open and a walker was eating off of Abi he was too late Abi was already dead. So Daryal shot the walker and then he grabbed his stuff and his other weapons and put them in the truck and drove off to get to a city where there may be people and far away from here.
So Daryal drove down the highway for miles to get to the nearest big city to see if there is anyone surviving there, since no one was alive in this area that he could find after being here for three months already in this apocalypse that never seems to end he’s getting tired of losing friends and ones he has loved. So he was determined to find a large group of survivors so he would have time to find a cure. To end this so life can go back to normal but after 3 ½ hours on the road he has not found a single living soul or undead as a matter of fact but that could be because he was on the Interstate and there was not a car insight. So he finally saw a road sign that said Chicago 10 miles ahead so he decided to try his luck in Chicago to see if anyone is living there. After all it is a huge city there may be living people there. So he got to the exit and went down the ramp and entered Chicago and started to drive down the street and he saw walkers running out.
Towards his truck so he accelerated and left them in the dust. Then he turned on to another street and drove down that street and saw more walkers so he turned on another street and drove down that and turned on another street and drove down that and ended up in a town square and walkers were surrounding the truck on all sides slowly closing in on him and he thought that was the end but then walkers starting falling down and not getting back up. So he thought someone was shooting at them from a rooftop or a high place that the walkers couldn’t get to. So he jumped out of the truck and hopped on the roof of it and opened up on the walkers with the AK-47 he had in the truck. Then when they got closer he opened up with the two Rugers he had then when they got even closer he opened up with the 20 gauge shotgun. After an hour of doing this the mystery sniper and Daryal cleared the square and the sniper came out and asked if he could go with Daryal but as soon as he said that a walker came out behind him and bit him in the neck and Daryal shot them both and got into his truck and drove away and headed back south on the Interstate to see if he could find any large group surviving in a city or a town.
So he was on the road again this time he wasn’t stopping until he got to San Francisco. So on Daryal road to get to San Francisco before the end of the month. He stopped in multiple small towns on the way to the City of San Francisco to fill up on gas but when he stopped at this one he wanted to look around a little and so he went on a house to house search and he found nothing but when he went to the last house and busted down the door there were walkers inside so Daryal backed out and ran out and ran to his truck and drove to the Interstate and headed west to San Francisco. So he drove and he got there in three more days and San Francisco was full of walkers at every turn but Daryal got to the coast and on Alcatraz Island he saw there were people on it so he drove down to the docks and there were guys in riot suits that ran out and one of them said “who are you?” and Daryal responded “I am Daryal Dickson.”
“Ok and you came here to seek refuge am I correct?”
Daryal said “Yes I am here to seek refuge and I will help you guys here if you want I have the skills to defend this area.”
“I was in Chicago a week ago and I was surrounded in the Square and I got out by shooting the Walkers and me one guy that helped but he turned.”
“Ok you can do that let me call the Ferry so you can put your stuff in your assigned area.”
“Why can’t I stay on this side?”
“No one does at night we go to the Island.”
“It’s safer that way for us.”
“The Ferry’s almost here take it across and tell the operator to wait for you so you can get back across.”
So Daryal put his stuff in his assigned cell and then walked back to his truck to get his Crossbow and his AK-47 and walked to the dock where the Ferry was waiting, for him to get on to cross to the docks. On the San Francisco side so he could begin his job of protecting the docks from walkers and awaiting the runners who go to get supplies. It was a start better than what most of the starters had to do on the island. So after days of doing guard duty he finally got two days off to get use to life on the island and he even found a girl he liked her name was Emily. So he asked her if she wanted to have a relationship with him and she said “I would love to have a relationship with you Daryal.” So now he got close with another girl and this time he would not lose her because every time she left the island he would go with her. So she moved her belongings into his cell so now they lived in the same cell and it was a big cell after all. So then he went out to do guard duty again and now he was asked by the leader to go out on a supply/scouting run just him and Daryal and Daryal accepted the offer and he asked when and the leader said now. So they went out and they went deep into San Francisco to what he said was un-scouted area and he wanted Daryal to scout it with him. Daryal asked why and the leader said if they were successful Daryal would become his scout the first to do that kind of job and he would be spared from a lot of the other dirty work. So Daryal said he would not fail. So they continued to scout the area pinpointing key shops and even a police station and a gun shop. They kept moving taking out walkers silently so they wouldn’t alert more than they had to. So after scouting for two hours they decided to return to base and the leader said it had been a great success and he said that Daryal was the leader of Scouting. So Daryal was able to recruit two people to help him scout and with more success and finding other people the more scouts Daryel would have under his command. So Daryal and his team were ready for requests to scout areas and buildings and if necessary clear the building to. So he got a request and told his guys where it was and it was a scout and clear mission. They loaded their weapons and got ammo and headed to the docks to get across to head for the building. So they got across the Bay and headed down the street towards the building to clear it or scout and report back to get more people to clear it. So they got to the building and they saw it was a school a huge middle school. so they knew they couldn’t clear it but they sure would be able to scout the place.
So they opened the door to the school as quietly as they could and looked around immediately to see if a walker had seen them come in yet. But nothing was moving so they continued on their scouting mission. Through the school and they thought they had taken it over until they saw doors labeled stairs to basement. Instead of going to the basement now they went to clear the rest of the building so that didn’t take very long. Then the basement was what was left to clear then they search for stuff that would be useful to them. So they opened a basement door and turned on their lights Daryal had one mounted to his crossbow, and they began their search of the basement to clear it and find useful things they noticed that there were a lot of turns in the basement so Daryal said “ One of you watch are rear.” So one guy did watch their rear and they got to what seemed like the center of the Basement Catacombs and it was filled with walkers. so they began shooting them with their weapons and they were backing up so they wouldn’t get bit but they ran into something and Daryal looked back and it was a wall so Daryal thought this was the end in a basement of a San Francisco Middle School and no one would know they were dead until they came here turned the power on and cleared the basement and found their bodies. But then at the last second they had found a basement door opened it and closed it and ran up the stairs opened the top door and saw they were in the center of the school in the courtyard and it was full of walkers so they ran to the nearest door. They opened it went in and closed the door behind them and were running towards the front door but then they looked back and saw they had walkers chasing them. Now Daryal truly believed this was the end because it was them up against sixty some walkers and there was three of them. But they got to the front door and ran out and the walkers followed. So they were at a dead run down the street. Running towards the docks and we got there and the guards ran out and started shooting the walkers then we helped. So they told us to get on the Ferry and we did. We constantly did more missions like this for the next few months and finally this Plague had ended and we broadcasted that all who was alive make your way to San Francisco and out of the two billion people in the United States there was a total of 3,000 people who came to San Francisco. Daryal lived out the rest of his days with Emily and they raised a small family in the Colorado countryside.
Daryal woke up and saw that his mom was gone. So he put on his camo pants and his black leather jacket and laced up his boots. Then he grabbed his 9mm Ruger and put it in his belt he then put six boxes of ammo in a bag. Then he got his hunting knife and put it on his belt. He got his crossbow and grabbed his quiver of 40 bolts and slung it across his back. He then got his tent and sleeping bag and put it in a duffel bag across the back of his motorcycle and got ready to ride. Daryal has his doubts about winning his freedom against hundreds of thousands of undead. But he knows he can win this one just like the rest of the battles he fought with life and rules. Got kicked out of high school twice for fighting with other students. Played football for three different schools and he went to state with the Spartans. That’s his high school career. 12-0 was their record that year because of Daryal the All-Star running back. “The Bull” was what they called him because he almost had 5,000 yards rushing and 170 touchdowns for his total high school football career. He also won all his arguments with the referees; he also played varsity football as a freshman. So he rode his bike and found a place to camp and he found a cave and he put wooden barriers up so the walkers couldn’t get in and he found an entrance with a door. He used the door entrance for hunting. He had finally found a home that he could live in.
Of course he had always loved the outdoors and he would have rather
Lived in the country than the city but he didn’t get to make that choice. His mom did and he never got to know his dad because he died when Daryal was two years old. His mom never remarried. now his mom is gone, but he doesn’t need her to survive because he is Twenty-Three years old now. She could be a walker right now but he didn’t know. If she wasn’t her best chance would be with the Army but he’s better off on his own because of what he did eight years ago. he yelled at an Army SGT. and almost killed him. But that is to be forgotten. so he got camp set up and decided to go hunting for a deer so he would have some meat. So he set snares near the cave to catch rabbits and squirrels to eat. He hunted for a few hours and decided to return to his cave. He cooked Two rabbits and Three squirrels he shot and then boiled some water to drink the went to explore the cave. He found a trunk with a blanket poncho and a Winchester repeater with 60 rounds. He also found a hatchet miners pick and a barrel of gold. So he decided to widen out the cave a little bit if he was careful. So he started the work and a half and hour later he had found an underground pond. So then he stopped and went to check the barricades and he thought they were good so he grabbed the ax and his crossbow and went to get some firewood.
So he chopped saplings down to get wood and he found a wild boar so he shot it and he dragged it back to the cave. Then he went to get more wood and he ran into a few walkers when he was getting wood so he took them out but a walker came out of nowhere and Daryal was tackled to the ground and he dropped his crossbow out of reach and the hatchet was in a tree so he was trying to get his knife without getting bit by the walker. So after a four minute struggle he got his knife and stabbed the walker in the head and killed it. He got some more wood then hiked back to camp and ate some food and went to sleep. Then he got up and made a fire, washed his face, ate and had a drink, then he gathered his weapons and went out to scout the surrounding area. After scouting the surrounding area around the cave he decided to head up the mountain and he found a small cabin with a six foot high wall surrounding it. He decided to move into the cabin so he got his stuff and moved it to the cabin, then he brought his bike up. He saw the cabin had a well next to it so that solved his water problem. The cabin had a total of about 250 sq. feet. It had a bed, a table and chairs, and a small kitchen in it. It also had a small shower. The wall surrounded about 2 acres of land...enough for him.
He looked down the path to the shed and saw someone coming, not a walker, but a person. It was a girl, his girlfriend from high school. She had a Ruger in a holster at her side. Daryal called out, “Is that you, Abi?” The girl responded, “Yes, it is. Is that you, Daryal?” Daryal said, “Yes, can I stay with you?”
Abi responded, “Yes, you can stay, Daryal.”
“Can I put my bike in the shed?”
“Yes, you can, if you give me a ride sometime.”
“Why are you up here?” Daryal asked.
“My dad gave me this land, and told me to take care of it,” Abi said.
Daryal replied, “Oh, OK. Do you want to continue our relationship as in high school?”
Abi said she would love to continue the relationship, and then Daryal asked Abi if she had any meat. She said she did not, so he left to hunt a deer or boar.
He traveled back down the mountain to hunt. He spotted a deer, shot it, and dragged it back to the cabin. It took him 3 hours to do this. He then told Abi he would go and scout the area for walkers as well as good hunting spots. If he did not return in 3 hours she was to assume the worst had happened.
Off he went to do some scouting. He was very careful when he found a cliff with a pond at the bottom. He kept looking for a good spot and he found one near a hill, but forgot about it as soon as he saw 30 walkers who came rushing at him from that area.
He ran back the way he had come and fell down the cliff, landing in the water in the pond. His cross bow went off, and he had an arrow stuck in the side of him. It was a minor wound, so he floated to shore and passed out.
He thought Abi was there yelling at him, but she was not. He was hallucinating. Then he felt his leg being pulled….He woke up and it was a walker! He began kicking, grabbed his crossbow, but it was not loaded, and he could not reach his arrows. So he pulled out the one that was in him and loaded that one to shoot the walker. It hurt like the devil, but it worked.
Then he wondered how he was going to get back to the cabin. He figured he would have to bind his wound, and climb up the steep slope of the cliff. Before more walkers came, he did just that. It took him more than an hour, and he realized he had been gone for more than 4½ hours. Abi was probably worried that he might not get back. But he would surprise her by making it back soon.
Within 2 hours he was back at the cabin having his wound tended by Abi. After that they went to bed. In the morning they ate venison stew with potatoes and gravy. Daryal felt it was the best meal he had ever had. The rest of the day they just rested, because they now had plenty of food.
Daryal noticed that it was beginning to get colder. Winter was approaching, and they were not ready for it. As soon as he had recovered sufficiently, he went to get wood and hunt for more meat. Within 4 days he had 4 boars, 2 deer, and 10 rabbits, and enough wood to last for 6 months. So they were stocked up on wood and food.
But what about clothing? Daryal only had 3 sets of clothes and Abi had 5. And they were getting worn out. So they rode to the nearest town, which was 2 miles away, and stocked up on clothing and ammo. Daryal even found an AK-47 - his type of weapon. Abi got a 20 gauge shotgun. They felt they were set with weapons. They also bought some linens, towels, and stuff for the cabin. So now they rode back to the house, and on the way there they met Daryl’s friend little Jake and he asked if he could stay with them and they responded “yes you can stay with us.” So Jake grabbed his stuff, which was a tent, a hunting knife, sleeping bag, an AK-47 with 200 rounds, and a Ruger with 70 rounds, then they were off to their house. They got there and they gave him a hut that they had built before. They were ready for winter now and they had another helper. This meant more time for Daryal and Abi to be together.
The wall was in good repair so they did not worry about walkers getting in during the winter. So they got some more wood and then rode into town to get some winter gear and more food. So they would be ready for winter, but when they were getting food walkers attacked and they had a heck of a fight to get out of the store and twice Daryal almost got bit. Little Jake got bit so he sacrificed himself so they could get out and he gave them his stuff. Then they left to get Antibiotics and other personal things. So they got to the Pharmacy and found what they needed. Then they got out of there before they got attacked by more walkers which were happening more than usual so they got to the door and saw that the street was filled with walkers moving through the town. So they silently moved to the back of the store out of sight of the passing walkers. So after an hour they checked the street and there were still a few walkers but they didn’t want to risk it because their vehicle was on the other side of the street and further down the road. So they decided to play it safe and wait until the walkers were all gone. So they waited and waited and after 3 hours Daryal checked and the walkers were still there. But they couldn’t wait any longer and Daryal saw a Bed & Clothes store next door. So they went out the back door and went into the store and Abi got new clothes and they decided to go to sleep. The next morning they loaded a cart with clothes and got to the front of the store and made a run for it. Then they drove off with walkers chasing them for a while. They got back to the house and put the stuff away and rested for a while.
Daryal woke up and looked outside and saw walkers in the yard, so he woke Abi and told her to start packing our stuff and she asked why and he said “there were walkers in the yard.” So she started packing and he slipped out the window to get the car which was near the barn 700 feet away and in sight of walkers so he moved slowly and silently across the yard to the barn and he made it without a problem. But the keys were not there so he looked around and he found them and started the car and drove it to the front door and got out and loaded the stuff in the car. Then they drove into town and stopped at the hotel and moved into the room closest to the front door and their car. Then they barred the windows so no walkers could get in. Then they rested for the day and the next day they looked outside and they saw snow on the ground. But there were still walkers roaming around but they must be slower, after all it is colder. But they don’t want to find out yet because they are tired of running, so they just did every day things. Daryal did go out and scout the rest of the hotel and he got back and said “there were walkers on the third floor and there was a possibility that the roof was full of them. But he couldn’t tell so he said he was going to clear the third floor and the roof and be back in two hours. So he left and headed up the stairs to kill some walkers to make the place safe for them and other people if they find any. So Daryal was moving through the 3rd floor when he heard screaming from the 1st floor so Daryal ran back down and saw that the door was open and a walker was eating off of Abi he was too late Abi was already dead. So Daryal shot the walker and then he grabbed his stuff and his other weapons and put them in the truck and drove off to get to a city where there may be people and far away from here.
So Daryal drove down the highway for miles to get to the nearest big city to see if there is anyone surviving there, since no one was alive in this area that he could find after being here for three months already in this apocalypse that never seems to end he’s getting tired of losing friends and ones he has loved. So he was determined to find a large group of survivors so he would have time to find a cure. To end this so life can go back to normal but after 3 ½ hours on the road he has not found a single living soul or undead as a matter of fact but that could be because he was on the Interstate and there was not a car insight. So he finally saw a road sign that said Chicago 10 miles ahead so he decided to try his luck in Chicago to see if anyone is living there. After all it is a huge city there may be living people there. So he got to the exit and went down the ramp and entered Chicago and started to drive down the street and he saw walkers running out.
Towards his truck so he accelerated and left them in the dust. Then he turned on to another street and drove down that street and saw more walkers so he turned on another street and drove down that and turned on another street and drove down that and ended up in a town square and walkers were surrounding the truck on all sides slowly closing in on him and he thought that was the end but then walkers starting falling down and not getting back up. So he thought someone was shooting at them from a rooftop or a high place that the walkers couldn’t get to. So he jumped out of the truck and hopped on the roof of it and opened up on the walkers with the AK-47 he had in the truck. Then when they got closer he opened up with the two Rugers he had then when they got even closer he opened up with the 20 gauge shotgun. After an hour of doing this the mystery sniper and Daryal cleared the square and the sniper came out and asked if he could go with Daryal but as soon as he said that a walker came out behind him and bit him in the neck and Daryal shot them both and got into his truck and drove away and headed back south on the Interstate to see if he could find any large group surviving in a city or a town.
So he was on the road again this time he wasn’t stopping until he got to San Francisco. So on Daryal road to get to San Francisco before the end of the month. He stopped in multiple small towns on the way to the City of San Francisco to fill up on gas but when he stopped at this one he wanted to look around a little and so he went on a house to house search and he found nothing but when he went to the last house and busted down the door there were walkers inside so Daryal backed out and ran out and ran to his truck and drove to the Interstate and headed west to San Francisco. So he drove and he got there in three more days and San Francisco was full of walkers at every turn but Daryal got to the coast and on Alcatraz Island he saw there were people on it so he drove down to the docks and there were guys in riot suits that ran out and one of them said “who are you?” and Daryal responded “I am Daryal Dickson.”
“Ok and you came here to seek refuge am I correct?”
Daryal said “Yes I am here to seek refuge and I will help you guys here if you want I have the skills to defend this area.”
“I was in Chicago a week ago and I was surrounded in the Square and I got out by shooting the Walkers and me one guy that helped but he turned.”
“Ok you can do that let me call the Ferry so you can put your stuff in your assigned area.”
“Why can’t I stay on this side?”
“No one does at night we go to the Island.”
“It’s safer that way for us.”
“The Ferry’s almost here take it across and tell the operator to wait for you so you can get back across.”
So Daryal put his stuff in his assigned cell and then walked back to his truck to get his Crossbow and his AK-47 and walked to the dock where the Ferry was waiting, for him to get on to cross to the docks. On the San Francisco side so he could begin his job of protecting the docks from walkers and awaiting the runners who go to get supplies. It was a start better than what most of the starters had to do on the island. So after days of doing guard duty he finally got two days off to get use to life on the island and he even found a girl he liked her name was Emily. So he asked her if she wanted to have a relationship with him and she said “I would love to have a relationship with you Daryal.” So now he got close with another girl and this time he would not lose her because every time she left the island he would go with her. So she moved her belongings into his cell so now they lived in the same cell and it was a big cell after all. So then he went out to do guard duty again and now he was asked by the leader to go out on a supply/scouting run just him and Daryal and Daryal accepted the offer and he asked when and the leader said now. So they went out and they went deep into San Francisco to what he said was un-scouted area and he wanted Daryal to scout it with him. Daryal asked why and the leader said if they were successful Daryal would become his scout the first to do that kind of job and he would be spared from a lot of the other dirty work. So Daryal said he would not fail. So they continued to scout the area pinpointing key shops and even a police station and a gun shop. They kept moving taking out walkers silently so they wouldn’t alert more than they had to. So after scouting for two hours they decided to return to base and the leader said it had been a great success and he said that Daryal was the leader of Scouting. So Daryal was able to recruit two people to help him scout and with more success and finding other people the more scouts Daryel would have under his command. So Daryal and his team were ready for requests to scout areas and buildings and if necessary clear the building to. So he got a request and told his guys where it was and it was a scout and clear mission. They loaded their weapons and got ammo and headed to the docks to get across to head for the building. So they got across the Bay and headed down the street towards the building to clear it or scout and report back to get more people to clear it. So they got to the building and they saw it was a school a huge middle school. so they knew they couldn’t clear it but they sure would be able to scout the place.
So they opened the door to the school as quietly as they could and looked around immediately to see if a walker had seen them come in yet. But nothing was moving so they continued on their scouting mission. Through the school and they thought they had taken it over until they saw doors labeled stairs to basement. Instead of going to the basement now they went to clear the rest of the building so that didn’t take very long. Then the basement was what was left to clear then they search for stuff that would be useful to them. So they opened a basement door and turned on their lights Daryal had one mounted to his crossbow, and they began their search of the basement to clear it and find useful things they noticed that there were a lot of turns in the basement so Daryal said “ One of you watch are rear.” So one guy did watch their rear and they got to what seemed like the center of the Basement Catacombs and it was filled with walkers. so they began shooting them with their weapons and they were backing up so they wouldn’t get bit but they ran into something and Daryal looked back and it was a wall so Daryal thought this was the end in a basement of a San Francisco Middle School and no one would know they were dead until they came here turned the power on and cleared the basement and found their bodies. But then at the last second they had found a basement door opened it and closed it and ran up the stairs opened the top door and saw they were in the center of the school in the courtyard and it was full of walkers so they ran to the nearest door. They opened it went in and closed the door behind them and were running towards the front door but then they looked back and saw they had walkers chasing them. Now Daryal truly believed this was the end because it was them up against sixty some walkers and there was three of them. But they got to the front door and ran out and the walkers followed. So they were at a dead run down the street. Running towards the docks and we got there and the guards ran out and started shooting the walkers then we helped. So they told us to get on the Ferry and we did. We constantly did more missions like this for the next few months and finally this Plague had ended and we broadcasted that all who was alive make your way to San Francisco and out of the two billion people in the United States there was a total of 3,000 people who came to San Francisco. Daryal lived out the rest of his days with Emily and they raised a small family in the Colorado countryside.
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