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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Inspirational / Uplifting
- Published: 11/23/2013
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, Germany.jpg)
You are a soul.
God lives in you and you are a soul.
God is a concious being, yes, but also in everyone he has created.
When you are born into this life on this Earth, then you take with you a package that takes you through life step by step. You have certain things to do here in this life and these thing manifest themselves into reality. Your thoughts lead the way. That is what we call fate.
Now, an important thing to remember is God’s superiority over religions. He is not just in Hinduism or just in Islam or just in Christianity. He is everywhere. Jesus is one way to God, a fabulous way, a marvelous way, a profound way. However, God’s creation is full of roads that lead to him. He has left his signs everywhere. In Egypt, in Rome, in Jerusalem. But he really left the greatest signs inside you.
In fact, we can’t leave God. We are eternal beings. We live forever. Okay, our bodies die. Sure. But our souls are eternal. We were never born, we will never die. We keep on coming back here all the time or we can choose to transcend to a new level of existance when we are ready.
Remember: not only do you have a soul.
You are a soul.
Always and forever.
Look forward to many interesting lives ahead.
Thank God.
What we face today is that people think that Allah is not Brahma and Jehovah is not God. Jesus has nothing to do with Mohammed and, by Jove, don’t confuse Krishna with John the Baptist.
God is the glue that keeps the universe intact.
I was one fifth of a vocal soloist ensemble working full time on a cruise liner. I left shore apprehensive about my departure, but feeling lucky in love. My then-time girlfriend split up with me mid-journey, although she had urged me to go. She had the keys to my flat and used them. She met my friends, but suddenly she didn’t want to see me again. She responded with a dry: “How nice for you!” when I told her I loved her. When the machine of our boat caught fire and the ship hit the pier of Mahon, Menorca in the year 2001, I was sent back to Germany for a month on shoreleave after six weeks of hot weather. I had been sailing the unknown waters. Now I was swimming in deep and very cold waters. She left a note for me on the table, dry and clean and shallow. “Don’t be sad. Here are the keys. Bye.” The cruise liner had shipwrecked and so had my life.
I began writing interviewing my higher self, beginning with the simple question “How are you?” It was a cry for help. Often my higher self would respond with questions when I inquired. This drove me to search for the answers myself. The outcome was astounding. The spirit I called my higher self was actually God. He promised me to lead me to the reality of the situation at the end of each conversation and then lead me to this outcome step by step. At this point, I had never heard of Walsch. I was just saving my soul.
The bestselling author Walsch was in the same situation. A fire, a divorce and a fierce accident were cataclysmic events that crashed down upon his fatal head somewhere in the beginning of the 1990’s. A devastating crisis loomed over the newspaper managing editor’s head like a cloud brewing a twister. In this difficult situation, this alumni of comparative theology uttered a cry for help that turned into a movement that has had him touring the world and inspiring millions of readers across the planet and giving hope to those who have none. Walsch’s road from working as a radio station programme director to becoming one of the most successful spiritual authors of the 21st century was a long, painful but glorious one. It changed my life. Or at least it strengthened what was already there and made it all the more stronger.
Humankind’s unfortunate liability to see reality upside-down or misinterpret his surroundings has often lured him into trouble. Not only are we using up our world. Nay, not only our natural assets are usurped. Our bodies were meant to last much longer, but we destroy them with addictive poison.
What is most striking about the book is the claim that there ultimately are no right or wrong ways of doing things. There are just ways of doing things and each person has his or her own way of doing things and everyone thinks he is doing the right thing. No one does things because they think they are born evil. People always think they are doing the right thing.
What there is, however, is a lower or higher form of conciousness. Awareness of spiritual reality are key words. That is lacking in today’s society. Getting back to our inner truth is a difficult road. We are only teaching our children the facts and not how to use them. We are giving them information, but are failing to hand them a compass. We are setting up laws to block ourselves away from one another instead of trusting our fellow man. We are bottled up in our nations and finger pointing at each other instead of collaborating. Politicians say they care, but in actual fact they care only about themselves.
If we get attacked, we care. If the our neighbour gets attacked, do we care? We should, but we don’t. The basic problem is that we don’t see ourselves as a part of our fellow man. We see ourselves as nations, religions and races. These categories are important, diversity is a part of God’s world. But seeing ourselves as one is the main key to creating a peaceful world.
Why do men go to war?
As I sit here after a long working day, French wine and pizza in my belly, I watch the cinematographical extravaganza Troy. Well done, mind you. I am sure it is also historically correct. But let us be honest. In the film, both Troy and Sparta say that they are defending their country. Okay, so who are we? Germany and Poland? Yankees and Confederates? Protestants and Catholics?
That is all fine and well.
What about the mothers? What about the babies? What about the innocent children?
What right now comes to mind is the fabulous book by Neale Donald Walsch. Conversations with God deals with exactly this issue. People go to war because they want to defend their country against something. What? Anything.
People have said that the Greeks are wrong and so we should kill them and all will be well. People have said we should kill the Jews and create an arian race and then all will be well. People have said we should kill the Yanks or the Confederates and all will be well.
But what is the issue?
Why do men go to war at all?
Is it because of a whim?
People go to war, my dears, because something is missing.
They miss love, they miss a family, the miss respect. Respect. Self respect. Respect from others. Love. Love. Love. I can say this as many times as you want. I am a tool of God, just simply writing down what he tells me to write. That angel is standing to my right side and simply using my fingers to write down these words. I might have to retype some words, but that doesn’t matter. I repeat what Jesus told you two thousand years ago: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
It is not, my dear children, that we all should be the same.
As my sweet seven year old daughter said:
“It is wonderful that we are different. So much to discover!”
God bless her.
And yet, in God we are one although seperate.
So, why do men go to war?
Because they are afraid of one another.
People are different.
Thank the Lord that one person likes sunsets and the other likes to wear a bandana. Thank the Lord that one person likes to live in a wigwam and the other prays to Mecca. Thank the Lord that one person likes hard rock and the other likes Mozart. That way, there will never be an end to discover something new. Never ever forget that we NEED diversity.
Then I hear: “But they usurp us! They get credits in the bank and we don’t! They stay up late! They drive fancy cars! They get special treatment!”
Are you happy? Do you have food on the table? Do you like to hug your family? Do you laugh? Are you creative? Do you like bike riding on Sundays? Do you play the piano, do cross word puzzles, enjoy telling jokes, having a glass of wine, going to the movies?
By all means, do that!
Do whatever your heart desires.
Just don’t go to war.
Respect each other.
That will be the end of all wars.
Jesus said it.
It is simple.
Never be afraid to tell the truth.
Love is the answer.
Love one another.
That is all you need.
Most people judge a book by its cover.
But doing that is like chasing the wind.
The wind cannot be caught, the soul cannot be categorized.
Yet, we do categorize.
The simple fact, though, is that everybody deserves some respect.
Aretha Franklin knew that. She sang about it.
Respect is a powerful tool. When someone feels respected and understood, it can prevent misunderstandings and, perhaps, even wars. Many of the greatest disasters in history would have been prevented, if only those responsible had respected their counterparts.
Choristers are lazy brutes, Germans are rude people who only eat Sauerkraut, all Americans eat Hamburgers and all Chinese people eat dogs. All presidents and kings are noble, the common man loves sports, movie stars never lose their money and the Queen of England has no ordinary problems.
Those are clichés.
They are what they are: lies that create a lack of respect and understanding.
In my 43 years on this planet, I have concluded that we are all more individualistic than anyone can imagine. And yet, in God, we are one. Our differences are important, because we can all learn from each other.
There is no such thing as the common man.
He does not exist, because no man, woman or child is common.
Everyone is unique.
Every soul has as story.
That is my credo.
Who is he, this famous common man? Ordinary, normal, what is that? And yet, society caters to this cliché which does not exist and too many people buy it. They think the media expects them to be common, and the media think people expect them to provide the necessary output. A mass of individuals think that the other person expects something and act accordingly. However, and here it gets complicated, the other person might be expecting something different. They might be caught up in themselves.
Surprise them with your skill. Let them discover your brilliance. Lead them into your world of kindness and grace. Follow your intuition.
The examples below are all true stories.
Read, my dear, contemplate and examine.
We see Joan Collins and we think: “That woman has never been poor!” What we don’t know is that she collected unemployment-money prior to her Dynasty-fame.
We see the hardworking stagehand, a repairman with many gaps in his teeth close to retirement, and we think: “This is a guy without much culture or education!” What we don’t know is this man is an accomplished and artistically skilled classical painter, who has sold his art for high prices at countless exhibitions.
We see the eccentric old lady, rummaging in her wallet for some spare small-change at the supermarket check-out-line and we think: “What a crazy, boring old lady. Can’t she be quicker?” What we don’t know is she is a Russian Jewish concert pianist, who survived the death-camp of Auschwitz in Poland.
While sitting in the cold winter air, sketching a portrait, a man stinking of alcohol comes up to us and sits down to chat. We think,“What a loser! He stinks!” What we don’t know is he is an ex-airplane-constructor that ruined his health through his hard work in the factory. He now spends his time travelling to Gran Canaria and Seville just to compensate for the pain of his early retirement, trying to get over his girlfriend’s early death ten years back. And yet, that man is just following his dreams. His need to lead a fulfilled life is what drives him forward. In this day and age, too many people are playing catch-up, presenting themselves as the hottest thing on the planet, much due to social media. Our goal, however, should be creating quality work. If fame and extreme attention come as a result of that work, that is fine. But fame itself is fickle. What we want is something lasting.
Where do we find fulfillment?
Fame is never a guarantee for happiness. Likewise, clichès are common. Follow your humane dreams, whatever those mankind-loving and Earth-improving dreams may be. I bet you the Queen of England brushes her teeth at night like everyone else and goes to bed, wondering if her children and grandchildren are all right. I bet you she has a cold from time to time, like everyone else. I bet Bill Gates has stomach aches now and has to ask his wife if she will make him some camomile tea.
I am sure that when the President of the United States is sick, he tells his wife.
“Dear, I can’t go to the conference tomorrow. I’ve lost my voice!”
We are all people. No, I will correct that. We are all souls. People inside souls. The soul is the first thing that you should care about. Without that, life does not matter. Soul matters. Feelings matter. Individuals matter. Love matters. Our feelings, our microcosmos, rule our lives. These feelings carry the packages that we brought with us into the world.
God lives in us and our fate resides there and manifests the reality as we know it. Inside us.
The answer is, was and always has been inside us. There is a ticket there that leads to the next world. What is the answer?
In acting training, we speak of thinking outside the nine dots.
The concept consists of nine individual dots formed on a paper inside a square. The assignment is to connect them without crossing the lines or lifting the pen from the paper. That is only possible if you make a triangle, whose boundaries end outside the square. In acting, you have to look for character-similar emotion outside the normal borders of the play. Likewise, in the world we have to think outside the dots. We can’t afford to believe in clichés anymore. Be individuals.
Brave innovators are individuals.
They follow their intuition.
Da Vinci, Socrates, Gandhi, Mozart.
Edison would never have invented the lightbulb if he had followed the leader. Wires and glass don’t normally create light, right? Einstein would’ve never ever created his theory of relativity, if he hadn’t believed in the unique experience.
This is not about fame. Who cares if you’re famous? You’re famous, too. Yes, you. You reading this article. You are famous in your own right. Many people know you, I am sure. Your family, your friends, your colleagues. You have met thousands of people in your life and they all know you, they like you and admire you. If that’s not fame, I don’t know what is.
We live in a time, where the mainstream engulfs so much of what really is individualistic and true. In such a time, it is vitally important that we try thinking for ourselves. Make unusual and humane choices. The kind man who lets you go first into the elevator, ask him how his day was. The little girl playing in the sandbox, give her a flower. The japanese teenager that chats with you by the busstop, teach him a song from your country. The woman with the beautiful hat, give her a compliment. The busdriver yelling at you for being slow while getting into the bus, tell him that you understand that he has had a long day.
Only if we take brave steps to look beyond what is superficial can we change the world as we know it. Look deeper into the symbolic canvas of your spiritually manifested life.
Don’t believe what society tells you. See for yourself what lies inside the hat of the beggar. If your colleagues tell you that the new boss is an awful man, go and talk to him yourself and find out what makes him tick. If the woman in the cantine at work tells you the girl working in the art department is an antisocial snob, go talk to her. Find out who she is. If you don’t find out for yourself, at least don’t tell anyone else that she’s a snob.
How can you know? You’ve never met her.
Every microcosmos reveals individualism. Every soul has a story.
It started with an airplane.
I was standing on a railway platform waiting for my local train. I’d had another tedious performance of my 90th opera production with little to do on stage but stand around, sing and emote. I was looking forward to more challenging tasks. My thoughts were elsewhere, in the clouds, in the air, with God.
I saw an airplane fly overhead. How it flew into the clouds amazed and astounded me. Me, right now caught up in a one of this week’s shows I was doing, little to do and wanting more, getting more, many gigs coming up, many plans, many shows, many agents wanting many things. There was that passenger jet on the way into a cloud. Soon it will be gone, I thought. Soon it will disappear. Someone is in that plane, I thought. Someone is on their way on a vacation. Maybe someone is there in love. Maybe on a honeymoon.
Then I thought: soon that plane will reappear on the other side.
It never did.
Instead, I heard a voice inside me.
“Imagine yourself sitting on that cloud.”
I did as the voice told me and began to realize that this cloud was a reality.
Not just a illusive entity.
It was exhillarating.
“What do you see from up there?”
“I see the town I am in right now and other towns. It is a splendid sight.”
“What else do you see?”
“I see the entire area, I see the Ruhr Area, I see Germany.”
“Go higher.”
“I’m trying.”
“Okay, try something else.”
Then, it happened.
“Watch the clouds.”
I did. It was amazing. What I saw was a revelation. It was Buddha’s enlightenment. It was Jesus resurrection. It was a flower on a field. God is a laughing baby. The missing peace. The missing piece. Reality is God’s dream.
I gazed at the clouds. I mean not just at them. I gazed at them, travelling in unison up there like a race of giants, unique like us and yet one in God. They were all moving at once. I saw these hundred of clouds on a canvas of a static, blue sky a summer night at eight and I kept looking. I realized that I wasn’t just looking at the clouds. I was looking at the Earth moving. The satillite pictures of Earth’s clouds. Yes, I was looking at eternity.
Words from that profound, 1000-page book I had finished reading, “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch, rang through my mind. “The stars that you see out there are not there any more. You are looking at a star that might have been the reality of a former life of yours. You are looking into your own past.”
The plane flying into the clouds, the clouds flying into the plane? Me sitting on the clouds, the clouds in unsion, eternity.
Then, I realized that all of the universe is moving. Constantly.
That’s where I am now. In movement. Sitting still and moving, revolving around my own axis, typing these words on a page for you to read them where you are sitting. Typing, sending, moving, learning, doing, yawning. Cloud flying. Airplanes flying into clouds. Clouds flying into airplanes.
The Earth spins a half kilometre a second around its own axis, moves around the sun 30 km a second. The solar system revolves around the Milky Way Galaxy Centre 250 km a second. The milky way galaxy moves around the local galaxy group 300 km a second and so on.
Everything moves. Even static objects move. The world consists of atoms. They move 2200 meters a second. Everything is moving. All of the time. So, the illusion of a static world is a just that: an illusion.
That brings us to the next question. The soul. It not only inhabits the body. It chooses it, manifests itself inside it. The soul is not only in the body. The body is in the soul, for the soul and the aura of the soul is far bigger than the body itself. The soul manifests its thoughts in reality by manifesting its wishes in physical form. Anything is possible.
My advice to you, then, is:
Releave yourself of worldly scepticism. Just be a person emptied of thoughts, concentrated on emotion, standing still in a busy world. No worries, no question, no but’s. No “but I don’t believe in this kind of thing” or “but I am an agnostic” or “but I am German” or “but I fought for socialism when I was in tenth grade”. The question is only: who are you in your soul? Yes, my friend. There is a little of God in you. God is not just that old man on the cloud playing puppet theatre. That version of God is old. God is a concious spirit, yes, but he is also in all of us. God is as much here in every soul and every human being, every plant and every animal as he is in heaven. Hell does not exist. Heaven and hell exist here in creation and we are all heavenly creatures, creators of new selves in endless amounts of lives. God is love. You have God in you. God is inside you right now.
Stop somewhere on a meadow, in a peaceful, safe spot. Railway station, local park, anywhere where people or vehicles don’t bump into you. If there are clouds in the sky, watch them move and see how they all move in unison. Do that, really, for five minutes, or as long as you can take it. Believe me, the effect is amazing. They are racing giants, like us. Unique and yet all one in God.
This essay "GAZING AT THE CLOUDS" is the momentum confession of a renaissance man, who proudly can claim to be the son of two renaissance people. With parental death behind me and pain as my catharsis, I am not only a renaissance man in my interests. I am also reborn in many ways, my spirituality taking a new turn and letting my soul fly. I see the clouds moving and see that the Earth moves around the sun, the sun around the galaxy, the galaxy around other galaxies, the galaxies around the cosmos. I am the ying to my wife’s yang. I am the soul that agreed before my birth to meet up with her, so that I could learn something here. I am a part of God, a part of me, a part of you.
Gazing at the clouds can be a marvelous thing.
Having said that, I would like to include some poems here that sum up what it is I feel:
Lift me up toward a higher ground.
Lead me down to a river,
Where the music is soft and sound
And love is a all I give her.
Lead me away from this sin.
Lead me away from pain.
Can you feel how wondrous you are
In your heart, without and within.
Take a leap toward love in your spirit.
Take a leap of faith in your soul.
Read your mind like you would a card
And see what inside the goal.
Yellow, green, red and pink,
Brown, purple and white,
There is a song in the colour
That is played on a seasonal night.
It is a symphony of colours,
It is a concerto of dreams,
It is a minuet of nostalgia,
Played on a lute of streams.
We reflect on the fall of a leaf
As part of nature’s own course,
Like an aged mentor whose depth
Is filled with love sans remorse.
Spring is fertile and frilly,
Winter is slow and cold,
Summer is hot and silly,
Autumn is wise and old.
Like expert, aged chieftains
Autumn leaves give us strength,
We find that fall lets us feel that
Which gives us our lives its’ length.
Rest in yourself, just sing and dance,
Leaving your things hold a spiritual chance,
A clock, a mantelpiece, a table, a book,
Is nothing compared to the creativity it took.
Yes, you have heard the lectures, friend,
Of history’s value in documented end,
But souls remember love in hearts,
And not in trinkets and artefacts.
Ask yourself where love really lies.
Creativity is something that never dies.
If you let go of material you will see,
That your soul never ever was so free.
Remember the love that lies in your heart,
Looking inside provides a fresh new start.
Creativity follows its own rules,
It lies in the soul and not in the family jewels.
Family, love, laughter and care
The important things are what you share,
God’s blessings and beauty and charms,
They will lead you into prosperous arms.
Marie Antoinette might have had money and fame.
But she still had to rest her head on a pillow at night.
She might have been the Queen of France.
But who held her tight? What did she feel when someone burned her skin?
Greta Garbo might have been called “the divine”.
But Garbo, too, had stomach aches.
Garbo, too, lay awake at night and thought about mistakes she had done.
Garbo looked at herself in the mirror and cried.
Bill Gates might be the richest man on Earth.
But he combs his hair, laughs and cries just like everyone else.
He is an individual, he coughs, sleeps, eats, thinks, feels, sings, clears his throat.
Bill Gates. How should we define him? As a famous person?
What are we first? Famous? No, we are souls, people, individuals.
Our worth is not defined by position, but by existance.
Man’s credo is to experience the highest form of itself.
And that is good.
We strive and we should strive.
But we should never forget that we are feeling beings first.
A famous person is not better or worse because they’re famous.
They are just as unique as us. They’re ... people. Famous ... people.
YOU ARE A SOUL(Charles E.J. Moulton)
You are a soul.
God lives in you and you are a soul.
God is a concious being, yes, but also in everyone he has created.
When you are born into this life on this Earth, then you take with you a package that takes you through life step by step. You have certain things to do here in this life and these thing manifest themselves into reality. Your thoughts lead the way. That is what we call fate.
Now, an important thing to remember is God’s superiority over religions. He is not just in Hinduism or just in Islam or just in Christianity. He is everywhere. Jesus is one way to God, a fabulous way, a marvelous way, a profound way. However, God’s creation is full of roads that lead to him. He has left his signs everywhere. In Egypt, in Rome, in Jerusalem. But he really left the greatest signs inside you.
In fact, we can’t leave God. We are eternal beings. We live forever. Okay, our bodies die. Sure. But our souls are eternal. We were never born, we will never die. We keep on coming back here all the time or we can choose to transcend to a new level of existance when we are ready.
Remember: not only do you have a soul.
You are a soul.
Always and forever.
Look forward to many interesting lives ahead.
Thank God.
What we face today is that people think that Allah is not Brahma and Jehovah is not God. Jesus has nothing to do with Mohammed and, by Jove, don’t confuse Krishna with John the Baptist.
God is the glue that keeps the universe intact.
I was one fifth of a vocal soloist ensemble working full time on a cruise liner. I left shore apprehensive about my departure, but feeling lucky in love. My then-time girlfriend split up with me mid-journey, although she had urged me to go. She had the keys to my flat and used them. She met my friends, but suddenly she didn’t want to see me again. She responded with a dry: “How nice for you!” when I told her I loved her. When the machine of our boat caught fire and the ship hit the pier of Mahon, Menorca in the year 2001, I was sent back to Germany for a month on shoreleave after six weeks of hot weather. I had been sailing the unknown waters. Now I was swimming in deep and very cold waters. She left a note for me on the table, dry and clean and shallow. “Don’t be sad. Here are the keys. Bye.” The cruise liner had shipwrecked and so had my life.
I began writing interviewing my higher self, beginning with the simple question “How are you?” It was a cry for help. Often my higher self would respond with questions when I inquired. This drove me to search for the answers myself. The outcome was astounding. The spirit I called my higher self was actually God. He promised me to lead me to the reality of the situation at the end of each conversation and then lead me to this outcome step by step. At this point, I had never heard of Walsch. I was just saving my soul.
The bestselling author Walsch was in the same situation. A fire, a divorce and a fierce accident were cataclysmic events that crashed down upon his fatal head somewhere in the beginning of the 1990’s. A devastating crisis loomed over the newspaper managing editor’s head like a cloud brewing a twister. In this difficult situation, this alumni of comparative theology uttered a cry for help that turned into a movement that has had him touring the world and inspiring millions of readers across the planet and giving hope to those who have none. Walsch’s road from working as a radio station programme director to becoming one of the most successful spiritual authors of the 21st century was a long, painful but glorious one. It changed my life. Or at least it strengthened what was already there and made it all the more stronger.
Humankind’s unfortunate liability to see reality upside-down or misinterpret his surroundings has often lured him into trouble. Not only are we using up our world. Nay, not only our natural assets are usurped. Our bodies were meant to last much longer, but we destroy them with addictive poison.
What is most striking about the book is the claim that there ultimately are no right or wrong ways of doing things. There are just ways of doing things and each person has his or her own way of doing things and everyone thinks he is doing the right thing. No one does things because they think they are born evil. People always think they are doing the right thing.
What there is, however, is a lower or higher form of conciousness. Awareness of spiritual reality are key words. That is lacking in today’s society. Getting back to our inner truth is a difficult road. We are only teaching our children the facts and not how to use them. We are giving them information, but are failing to hand them a compass. We are setting up laws to block ourselves away from one another instead of trusting our fellow man. We are bottled up in our nations and finger pointing at each other instead of collaborating. Politicians say they care, but in actual fact they care only about themselves.
If we get attacked, we care. If the our neighbour gets attacked, do we care? We should, but we don’t. The basic problem is that we don’t see ourselves as a part of our fellow man. We see ourselves as nations, religions and races. These categories are important, diversity is a part of God’s world. But seeing ourselves as one is the main key to creating a peaceful world.
Why do men go to war?
As I sit here after a long working day, French wine and pizza in my belly, I watch the cinematographical extravaganza Troy. Well done, mind you. I am sure it is also historically correct. But let us be honest. In the film, both Troy and Sparta say that they are defending their country. Okay, so who are we? Germany and Poland? Yankees and Confederates? Protestants and Catholics?
That is all fine and well.
What about the mothers? What about the babies? What about the innocent children?
What right now comes to mind is the fabulous book by Neale Donald Walsch. Conversations with God deals with exactly this issue. People go to war because they want to defend their country against something. What? Anything.
People have said that the Greeks are wrong and so we should kill them and all will be well. People have said we should kill the Jews and create an arian race and then all will be well. People have said we should kill the Yanks or the Confederates and all will be well.
But what is the issue?
Why do men go to war at all?
Is it because of a whim?
People go to war, my dears, because something is missing.
They miss love, they miss a family, the miss respect. Respect. Self respect. Respect from others. Love. Love. Love. I can say this as many times as you want. I am a tool of God, just simply writing down what he tells me to write. That angel is standing to my right side and simply using my fingers to write down these words. I might have to retype some words, but that doesn’t matter. I repeat what Jesus told you two thousand years ago: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
It is not, my dear children, that we all should be the same.
As my sweet seven year old daughter said:
“It is wonderful that we are different. So much to discover!”
God bless her.
And yet, in God we are one although seperate.
So, why do men go to war?
Because they are afraid of one another.
People are different.
Thank the Lord that one person likes sunsets and the other likes to wear a bandana. Thank the Lord that one person likes to live in a wigwam and the other prays to Mecca. Thank the Lord that one person likes hard rock and the other likes Mozart. That way, there will never be an end to discover something new. Never ever forget that we NEED diversity.
Then I hear: “But they usurp us! They get credits in the bank and we don’t! They stay up late! They drive fancy cars! They get special treatment!”
Are you happy? Do you have food on the table? Do you like to hug your family? Do you laugh? Are you creative? Do you like bike riding on Sundays? Do you play the piano, do cross word puzzles, enjoy telling jokes, having a glass of wine, going to the movies?
By all means, do that!
Do whatever your heart desires.
Just don’t go to war.
Respect each other.
That will be the end of all wars.
Jesus said it.
It is simple.
Never be afraid to tell the truth.
Love is the answer.
Love one another.
That is all you need.
Most people judge a book by its cover.
But doing that is like chasing the wind.
The wind cannot be caught, the soul cannot be categorized.
Yet, we do categorize.
The simple fact, though, is that everybody deserves some respect.
Aretha Franklin knew that. She sang about it.
Respect is a powerful tool. When someone feels respected and understood, it can prevent misunderstandings and, perhaps, even wars. Many of the greatest disasters in history would have been prevented, if only those responsible had respected their counterparts.
Choristers are lazy brutes, Germans are rude people who only eat Sauerkraut, all Americans eat Hamburgers and all Chinese people eat dogs. All presidents and kings are noble, the common man loves sports, movie stars never lose their money and the Queen of England has no ordinary problems.
Those are clichés.
They are what they are: lies that create a lack of respect and understanding.
In my 43 years on this planet, I have concluded that we are all more individualistic than anyone can imagine. And yet, in God, we are one. Our differences are important, because we can all learn from each other.
There is no such thing as the common man.
He does not exist, because no man, woman or child is common.
Everyone is unique.
Every soul has as story.
That is my credo.
Who is he, this famous common man? Ordinary, normal, what is that? And yet, society caters to this cliché which does not exist and too many people buy it. They think the media expects them to be common, and the media think people expect them to provide the necessary output. A mass of individuals think that the other person expects something and act accordingly. However, and here it gets complicated, the other person might be expecting something different. They might be caught up in themselves.
Surprise them with your skill. Let them discover your brilliance. Lead them into your world of kindness and grace. Follow your intuition.
The examples below are all true stories.
Read, my dear, contemplate and examine.
We see Joan Collins and we think: “That woman has never been poor!” What we don’t know is that she collected unemployment-money prior to her Dynasty-fame.
We see the hardworking stagehand, a repairman with many gaps in his teeth close to retirement, and we think: “This is a guy without much culture or education!” What we don’t know is this man is an accomplished and artistically skilled classical painter, who has sold his art for high prices at countless exhibitions.
We see the eccentric old lady, rummaging in her wallet for some spare small-change at the supermarket check-out-line and we think: “What a crazy, boring old lady. Can’t she be quicker?” What we don’t know is she is a Russian Jewish concert pianist, who survived the death-camp of Auschwitz in Poland.
While sitting in the cold winter air, sketching a portrait, a man stinking of alcohol comes up to us and sits down to chat. We think,“What a loser! He stinks!” What we don’t know is he is an ex-airplane-constructor that ruined his health through his hard work in the factory. He now spends his time travelling to Gran Canaria and Seville just to compensate for the pain of his early retirement, trying to get over his girlfriend’s early death ten years back. And yet, that man is just following his dreams. His need to lead a fulfilled life is what drives him forward. In this day and age, too many people are playing catch-up, presenting themselves as the hottest thing on the planet, much due to social media. Our goal, however, should be creating quality work. If fame and extreme attention come as a result of that work, that is fine. But fame itself is fickle. What we want is something lasting.
Where do we find fulfillment?
Fame is never a guarantee for happiness. Likewise, clichès are common. Follow your humane dreams, whatever those mankind-loving and Earth-improving dreams may be. I bet you the Queen of England brushes her teeth at night like everyone else and goes to bed, wondering if her children and grandchildren are all right. I bet you she has a cold from time to time, like everyone else. I bet Bill Gates has stomach aches now and has to ask his wife if she will make him some camomile tea.
I am sure that when the President of the United States is sick, he tells his wife.
“Dear, I can’t go to the conference tomorrow. I’ve lost my voice!”
We are all people. No, I will correct that. We are all souls. People inside souls. The soul is the first thing that you should care about. Without that, life does not matter. Soul matters. Feelings matter. Individuals matter. Love matters. Our feelings, our microcosmos, rule our lives. These feelings carry the packages that we brought with us into the world.
God lives in us and our fate resides there and manifests the reality as we know it. Inside us.
The answer is, was and always has been inside us. There is a ticket there that leads to the next world. What is the answer?
In acting training, we speak of thinking outside the nine dots.
The concept consists of nine individual dots formed on a paper inside a square. The assignment is to connect them without crossing the lines or lifting the pen from the paper. That is only possible if you make a triangle, whose boundaries end outside the square. In acting, you have to look for character-similar emotion outside the normal borders of the play. Likewise, in the world we have to think outside the dots. We can’t afford to believe in clichés anymore. Be individuals.
Brave innovators are individuals.
They follow their intuition.
Da Vinci, Socrates, Gandhi, Mozart.
Edison would never have invented the lightbulb if he had followed the leader. Wires and glass don’t normally create light, right? Einstein would’ve never ever created his theory of relativity, if he hadn’t believed in the unique experience.
This is not about fame. Who cares if you’re famous? You’re famous, too. Yes, you. You reading this article. You are famous in your own right. Many people know you, I am sure. Your family, your friends, your colleagues. You have met thousands of people in your life and they all know you, they like you and admire you. If that’s not fame, I don’t know what is.
We live in a time, where the mainstream engulfs so much of what really is individualistic and true. In such a time, it is vitally important that we try thinking for ourselves. Make unusual and humane choices. The kind man who lets you go first into the elevator, ask him how his day was. The little girl playing in the sandbox, give her a flower. The japanese teenager that chats with you by the busstop, teach him a song from your country. The woman with the beautiful hat, give her a compliment. The busdriver yelling at you for being slow while getting into the bus, tell him that you understand that he has had a long day.
Only if we take brave steps to look beyond what is superficial can we change the world as we know it. Look deeper into the symbolic canvas of your spiritually manifested life.
Don’t believe what society tells you. See for yourself what lies inside the hat of the beggar. If your colleagues tell you that the new boss is an awful man, go and talk to him yourself and find out what makes him tick. If the woman in the cantine at work tells you the girl working in the art department is an antisocial snob, go talk to her. Find out who she is. If you don’t find out for yourself, at least don’t tell anyone else that she’s a snob.
How can you know? You’ve never met her.
Every microcosmos reveals individualism. Every soul has a story.
It started with an airplane.
I was standing on a railway platform waiting for my local train. I’d had another tedious performance of my 90th opera production with little to do on stage but stand around, sing and emote. I was looking forward to more challenging tasks. My thoughts were elsewhere, in the clouds, in the air, with God.
I saw an airplane fly overhead. How it flew into the clouds amazed and astounded me. Me, right now caught up in a one of this week’s shows I was doing, little to do and wanting more, getting more, many gigs coming up, many plans, many shows, many agents wanting many things. There was that passenger jet on the way into a cloud. Soon it will be gone, I thought. Soon it will disappear. Someone is in that plane, I thought. Someone is on their way on a vacation. Maybe someone is there in love. Maybe on a honeymoon.
Then I thought: soon that plane will reappear on the other side.
It never did.
Instead, I heard a voice inside me.
“Imagine yourself sitting on that cloud.”
I did as the voice told me and began to realize that this cloud was a reality.
Not just a illusive entity.
It was exhillarating.
“What do you see from up there?”
“I see the town I am in right now and other towns. It is a splendid sight.”
“What else do you see?”
“I see the entire area, I see the Ruhr Area, I see Germany.”
“Go higher.”
“I’m trying.”
“Okay, try something else.”
Then, it happened.
“Watch the clouds.”
I did. It was amazing. What I saw was a revelation. It was Buddha’s enlightenment. It was Jesus resurrection. It was a flower on a field. God is a laughing baby. The missing peace. The missing piece. Reality is God’s dream.
I gazed at the clouds. I mean not just at them. I gazed at them, travelling in unison up there like a race of giants, unique like us and yet one in God. They were all moving at once. I saw these hundred of clouds on a canvas of a static, blue sky a summer night at eight and I kept looking. I realized that I wasn’t just looking at the clouds. I was looking at the Earth moving. The satillite pictures of Earth’s clouds. Yes, I was looking at eternity.
Words from that profound, 1000-page book I had finished reading, “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch, rang through my mind. “The stars that you see out there are not there any more. You are looking at a star that might have been the reality of a former life of yours. You are looking into your own past.”
The plane flying into the clouds, the clouds flying into the plane? Me sitting on the clouds, the clouds in unsion, eternity.
Then, I realized that all of the universe is moving. Constantly.
That’s where I am now. In movement. Sitting still and moving, revolving around my own axis, typing these words on a page for you to read them where you are sitting. Typing, sending, moving, learning, doing, yawning. Cloud flying. Airplanes flying into clouds. Clouds flying into airplanes.
The Earth spins a half kilometre a second around its own axis, moves around the sun 30 km a second. The solar system revolves around the Milky Way Galaxy Centre 250 km a second. The milky way galaxy moves around the local galaxy group 300 km a second and so on.
Everything moves. Even static objects move. The world consists of atoms. They move 2200 meters a second. Everything is moving. All of the time. So, the illusion of a static world is a just that: an illusion.
That brings us to the next question. The soul. It not only inhabits the body. It chooses it, manifests itself inside it. The soul is not only in the body. The body is in the soul, for the soul and the aura of the soul is far bigger than the body itself. The soul manifests its thoughts in reality by manifesting its wishes in physical form. Anything is possible.
My advice to you, then, is:
Releave yourself of worldly scepticism. Just be a person emptied of thoughts, concentrated on emotion, standing still in a busy world. No worries, no question, no but’s. No “but I don’t believe in this kind of thing” or “but I am an agnostic” or “but I am German” or “but I fought for socialism when I was in tenth grade”. The question is only: who are you in your soul? Yes, my friend. There is a little of God in you. God is not just that old man on the cloud playing puppet theatre. That version of God is old. God is a concious spirit, yes, but he is also in all of us. God is as much here in every soul and every human being, every plant and every animal as he is in heaven. Hell does not exist. Heaven and hell exist here in creation and we are all heavenly creatures, creators of new selves in endless amounts of lives. God is love. You have God in you. God is inside you right now.
Stop somewhere on a meadow, in a peaceful, safe spot. Railway station, local park, anywhere where people or vehicles don’t bump into you. If there are clouds in the sky, watch them move and see how they all move in unison. Do that, really, for five minutes, or as long as you can take it. Believe me, the effect is amazing. They are racing giants, like us. Unique and yet all one in God.
This essay "GAZING AT THE CLOUDS" is the momentum confession of a renaissance man, who proudly can claim to be the son of two renaissance people. With parental death behind me and pain as my catharsis, I am not only a renaissance man in my interests. I am also reborn in many ways, my spirituality taking a new turn and letting my soul fly. I see the clouds moving and see that the Earth moves around the sun, the sun around the galaxy, the galaxy around other galaxies, the galaxies around the cosmos. I am the ying to my wife’s yang. I am the soul that agreed before my birth to meet up with her, so that I could learn something here. I am a part of God, a part of me, a part of you.
Gazing at the clouds can be a marvelous thing.
Having said that, I would like to include some poems here that sum up what it is I feel:
Lift me up toward a higher ground.
Lead me down to a river,
Where the music is soft and sound
And love is a all I give her.
Lead me away from this sin.
Lead me away from pain.
Can you feel how wondrous you are
In your heart, without and within.
Take a leap toward love in your spirit.
Take a leap of faith in your soul.
Read your mind like you would a card
And see what inside the goal.
Yellow, green, red and pink,
Brown, purple and white,
There is a song in the colour
That is played on a seasonal night.
It is a symphony of colours,
It is a concerto of dreams,
It is a minuet of nostalgia,
Played on a lute of streams.
We reflect on the fall of a leaf
As part of nature’s own course,
Like an aged mentor whose depth
Is filled with love sans remorse.
Spring is fertile and frilly,
Winter is slow and cold,
Summer is hot and silly,
Autumn is wise and old.
Like expert, aged chieftains
Autumn leaves give us strength,
We find that fall lets us feel that
Which gives us our lives its’ length.
Rest in yourself, just sing and dance,
Leaving your things hold a spiritual chance,
A clock, a mantelpiece, a table, a book,
Is nothing compared to the creativity it took.
Yes, you have heard the lectures, friend,
Of history’s value in documented end,
But souls remember love in hearts,
And not in trinkets and artefacts.
Ask yourself where love really lies.
Creativity is something that never dies.
If you let go of material you will see,
That your soul never ever was so free.
Remember the love that lies in your heart,
Looking inside provides a fresh new start.
Creativity follows its own rules,
It lies in the soul and not in the family jewels.
Family, love, laughter and care
The important things are what you share,
God’s blessings and beauty and charms,
They will lead you into prosperous arms.
Marie Antoinette might have had money and fame.
But she still had to rest her head on a pillow at night.
She might have been the Queen of France.
But who held her tight? What did she feel when someone burned her skin?
Greta Garbo might have been called “the divine”.
But Garbo, too, had stomach aches.
Garbo, too, lay awake at night and thought about mistakes she had done.
Garbo looked at herself in the mirror and cried.
Bill Gates might be the richest man on Earth.
But he combs his hair, laughs and cries just like everyone else.
He is an individual, he coughs, sleeps, eats, thinks, feels, sings, clears his throat.
Bill Gates. How should we define him? As a famous person?
What are we first? Famous? No, we are souls, people, individuals.
Our worth is not defined by position, but by existance.
Man’s credo is to experience the highest form of itself.
And that is good.
We strive and we should strive.
But we should never forget that we are feeling beings first.
A famous person is not better or worse because they’re famous.
They are just as unique as us. They’re ... people. Famous ... people.
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