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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 11/28/2013
I hate my life! Ever since my family and I moved, everything has been a disaster. My dad is a lawyer in one of the most successful firms in Manchester. One day, he comes home saying that his job got transferred to LA.I felt my whole world crash before my very eyes. I still can’t believe it.
My phone alarm starts buzzing at 6 .30 in the morning and I think to myself, it’s my first day of school in a new school. Millions of questions run through my head. What if I don’t fit in, what if I can’t keep up with my studies considering I might find it different to my old school. I get ready and head downstairs for some breakfast. I see a note taped on the fridge from my mum, which said, Help yourself to anything in the fridge. PS: GOOD LUCK for your first day at school.
I grab an apple from the fridge and head out to my car. I’m going to need more than luck to survive my first day, I’ll need a miracle. As I park my car I take a deep breath and walk in. This school seems much bigger than my old school. The hallway is practically flooded with students. I see some friendly faces which I guess is a good thing. Then I hear the bell ring. Great I’m already going to be on teachers hate lists before I even meet them. I grab out my locker combination from my bag in a hurry. All of a sudden I hear a loud crash, I’m lying on the floor and my head is pounding. I start to see this blurry image of a guy with blue eyes and brown hair. His voice echoes through my head. I can’t really hear what his saying because I feel like I’m in a trance.
“Are you ok?” he asks.
“Umm yeah….I think so”
“Oh my god, thank goodness. I’m really sorry about that.”
“What happened actually?”
“Well, I was in hurry and when I opened my locker it kind of ….umm it hit your face”
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to it was an accident. I’ll make it up to you”
“No, no it’s alright .I’m fine.”
He looked embarrassed so I felt quite bad for him, plus at least I finally managed to start a conversation with someone on my first day in a new school. At that exact moment I realized something, I’m lying on the hallway and talking to this really cute guy but he must probably think I look ridiculous. I quickly stood up and he helped me.
“Thanks “I said.
“Welcome. So are you new in this school?”
“Yes, I just got transferred here.”
We both quickly take out things from our locker in silence.
“So what’s your name?”
“Zoe. Yours?”
“Alex. I like you name. It’s really pretty”
Then he gives me this really cute smile that sends goose bumps up my arm.
“So how old are you?” he asks.
“How old do you think I am?” I say.
“Not sure it’s hard to say”
“Is it”
“Yeah. It’s kind of hard to say”
“Give me a guess” I say.
“Umm... 15”
“Are you serious?”
“No I saw you drive in this morning”
“So you were spying on me?” I say.
We both start laughing. It’s so weird it’s like we just met and we can easily click of. Maybe high school won’t be so bad after all.
“Oh please, why on earth would I waste my time spying you when there are over hundreds of hot girls in this school to spy on?”
“Hahaha, you know I’m joking right?”
“About be not being hot?”
“Nah you are hot but you don’t expect me to give you the satisfaction of knowing it”
“Ah …you see there’s where you’re wrong because you just did”
“Well played”
“Yes. I am a girl who can take a joke you know.”
He starts to laugh uncontrollably.
“Anyways my guess is that you are 16 “
“Good guess. My guess is you are 16 as well”
“Not bad, new girl has definitely got amazing guessing skills”
“I should be getting to my class by now, wouldn’t want to be late on my first day.”
“Aren’t we already late? Anyways what class do you have right now?”
“Good same as me let me walk you there”
“Okay, let’s go”
I smile at him. He is so sweet. I’m already starting feel my confidence rising. As we walked into the class the teacher didn’t mind us being late because Alex explained how he accidently hit me with his locker door. I sat down next to him. Then the teacher started her lesson.
“Okay class as some of you would know my name is Mrs. Narv and I will be your English teacher throughout the whole year. So for today I won’t be starting on lessons so we can have an ice breaking session. You will all come up to the front to tell us little bit about yourself. Everyone gets about 2 minutes or more If you like.” She says.
The whole class seems to burst into excitement I’m guessing it’s because we won’t be learning anything for the first day.
“Would anyone like to go first? Anyone, come one don’t be shy” She says.
No one seems to want to go, at that exact moment I did something really dumb I made eye contact with Mrs. Narv and she called me up to go first. Never ever make eye contact with a teacher was definitely the first lesson to be learnt in a new school. I was as nervous as I walked to the front of the class. My palms started to get really cold. I thought I could faint on the spot.
Mrs. Narv gives me her kindest smile and as if she could read my mind she tells me not to be nervous and everything will be okay. I see Alex giving me thumbs up sign and I smile at him.
“Okay class silent down. Umm?”
“Right Zoe will be going first. Okay go on my dear”
I take a deep breath and proceed.
“Hi everyone. My name is Zoe. I’m new at this school my dad got transferred that’s why I moved”
Then I freeze on the spot, wrecking my brain to say something more but nothing pops up.
“Why don’t u tell us some of your likes. “Mrs. Narv says.
“Well I like to read, collect lucky charms, travel, write poems and I also like the band Paramore”
“Ughhh, boring” says a girl with blonde hair.
I feel my face turn bright red. That was so embarrassing. Then the whole class starts to laugh at me. Remember when I said I felt my confidence rising but now I think it just collapsed right to the ground. I hear the whole class start to laugh because of her nasty comment.
“Jenna, that wasn’t very nice of you. Can you please apologize to her?” says Mrs. Narv
“I’m so very sorry” she said.
Even a deaf person could hear the sarcasm in her voice but I just smiled and pretended it was okay. I quickly walked and sat back down at my desk.
“You did well, ignore her she usually gives newbies a hard time” said Alex.
“Yeah no problem I didn’t mind”
“Are you sure?” he asks giving me his sweet smile once more.
“Yes I’m sure. It’s not like I’m allowed to strangle people on my first day at school” I say giving him a smirk.
He then starts to laugh. As time pass I start to feel better. Soon everyone gets their turn to talk and I realize not everyone has a terrible attitude like Jenna. When it came to her turn I realized that she can be friendly but maybe just to people she’d consider calling as a friend.
During recces I was all prepared to strangle Jenna literally. She seems to already hate me before even knowing me. My bag was next to me and she dumped all her food on it and said it was an accident. Clearly it wasn’t because I’m not that stupid.
By the time school ends I feel exhausted and grossed out. Unfortunately, in this school co-curricular activities can’t be an option. So I ended picking cooking since Alex said it was fun, plus I was lazy to make a decision to pick something so I just went with his idea.
Cooking class was fun and I did manage to make some new friends. I guess my first day wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t that good either. What surprised me the most is Alex is a much better cook than me. At least when the teacher tried his cookies she didn’t have to spit it out. Maybe my cookies were meant to feed the dead or maybe make someone die on the spot, who knows it may come in handy not that I’m having anyone particular in mind …Jenna.
Cooking class ended early but we still can’t go back because it’s considered as ditching school. So I ended up talking with Alex for the next 35 minutes.
“So do how do you like your first day “He asks.
“Not so bad but it could have been better”
“So do you live nearby? “He asks.
“Yes I do.”
Then we just sit there at the stairs in awkward silence. Why can’t I think of anything to say? I look at my watch and see that only a measly 5 minutes has pass by.
“Okay this is lame “He says.
I couldn’t agree more.
“Let’s play a game” He says.
“What kind of game”
“Hmmm...Tell me 10 facts about yourself that’s rather strange and that you have never told anyone before “He says.
“ Lol. Why? ”I say.
“To entertain me” He says while smiling.
“Wow I’m supposed to give out information to a guy who slammed his locker door at my face so it’ll entertain him.”
Then I see him blush.
“I’m still really sorry about that” He says.
“OMG, I’m just messing with okay. Please don’t be sorry. Okay I ‘ll tell you 10 facts about myself if you tell me 10 about yourself” I say while grinning.
He gives me his adorable laugh again.
“Deal” He says.
“Let me see, the first fact about myself is well I cry a lot when my hero dies in a movie”
“For real” He asks while laughing.
“Yes I know it’s kind of ridiculous”
“Still can’t believe it.Next”
“I’m scared of cats, I hate the color pink, I hate it when it’s sunny, I’m not of fan homework, I always have trouble sleeping at nights cause I suffer from nightmares, I have Atelophobia, I have a habit of cracking my knuckles a lot a, I always throw up when I over think too much and lastly I think I hate that girl named Jenna who have fabulous comments for me” I say.
When I’m done he starts laughing.
“What?” I say smiling.
“Nothing it’s just that you really did impress me there” He says.
“Yes and I’m not a person who’s easily impressed. I think next time I see a cat at the sidewalk I’m going to drag you towards it”
We start laughing until I feel my eyes start to tear up.
“Who is a fan of homework anyways” He says.
“Sheesh I ran out of ideas okay. Your turn “I say.
“Okay let’s see I used to think that Barbie dolls were kind of pretty”
Even with his first fact I can’t stop laughing.
“I have a habit of daydreaming constantly, I used to draw on the walls in my room because I felt that papers weren’t big enough, I haven’t had my first kiss, I have Anuptaphobia which means fear of staying single, I have always wanted to have blonde hair instead of brown, I’m afraid of the dark, I can’t stand seeing girls cry because I wouldn’t know what to do and something I see in a girl is her amazing personality and smile.” He says.
“Wow you have interesting facts as well”
“Fear of staying single…seriously?”
“Hey it could happen”
“So you really never had your first kiss?”
Part of me loved that fact the most.
“Yes. I know it does seems rather lame. But I’m waiting for the right person.’”
“No I think awesome. Hey you only gave me 9”I say.
“Oh, umm let me think. OH yeah you know your new best friend” He says.
“My new best friend?”
“I was referring to Jenna”
“OMG kill me please...”I say.
“She was my first girlfriend”
It felt as if my whole heart was about to exploded.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes I’m serious she was my first girlfriend”
“What happened?”
“Well, we kind of called it off because we had nothing in common and she always loves to start an argument”
“How long did it last?”
“About a month”
“I’m surprised it lasted that long, who called it off?”
“What was she like? I mean was she nice?”
“Yes she was nice but sometimes she can be rather moody”
“Wow I’m shocked she was nice”
“Hahaha even I’m shocked coming to think of it”
“So you didn’t have your first kiss with her?”
I was excited about that part. He seems so sweet, kind and everything charming I could think about.
We start laughing but still can’t believe it. I look at my watch and realized that it’s precisely time to go back. So we get up and head over to our cars.
“Bye” I call out to him.
“Bye” He says giving me his amazing smile.
As I’m about to start the car he turns to me and asks:-
“What is Atelophobia?”
“Fear of imperfection” I say.
“But I think you are really perfect to me”
As he drives off, I think to myself that is the sweetest comment anyone has ever given me.
In the afternoon I spend some time doing my homework then went to watch PLL. When the commercial comes on, I start to replay the conversation Alex and I had earlier. He is so sweet and kind, maybe moving wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I do miss my old friends dearly and I never stop thinking about them but maybe change won’t be so bad. Then my show comes back on and I watch it for a few more hours.
By nightfall I go downstairs to have dinner with my family.
“Hi darling, how’s school?” asks mum.
“Fine” I say.
“Make any friends?” she asks while putting spaghetti on my plate.
“That’s nice to hear” She says smiling.
We chat away while eating then I head up to my room to read a book since there’s not much homework for today. I search my bookshelf for a book and finally settled with Harry Potter. I’m not much of a Harry Potter fan but I bought the books because my best friend recommended them. As I start reading I realize it wasn’t such a bad book it had many plot twists and amazing magic. The magic part was my favorite; it reminded me of watching Merlin.
I think I must have dozed off because when I get up all the lights in my house is switched off. I creep out my bedroom to go to my parent’s room and I find them fast asleep. I creep back to my room and grab my cellphone from the table to check the time; it was 12.05 in the morning. I should be getting back to bed. As I walk over to my bedside I feel a pair of eyes staring at me, I turn to my window and see a guy with dark blonde hair and black clothing sitting at the bench opposite my house. I stare at his face properly and realize that he might be around the same age as me. What is he thinking? Sitting outside alone in the dark, doesn’t he know the world can be a dangerous place?
I throw on my sweater and rush downstairs. As I’m halfway walking over to him I think to myself what am I doing? For all I know he could be dangerous as well, plus my parents wouldn’t be very happy with the idea of me being outside late at night. Anyways I’m willing to take my chances if it means I get to teach him something about protecting himself. When I reach him he gives me a quizzical look.
“Hi” I say.
“Umm hi” He says awkwardly.
Then he just looks away. Is he trying to ignore me? Am I like bothering him?
“Look I think you should go home it’s already really late and it can be dangerous since you are sitting here alone. Plus you parents might be worried sick about you and aren’t you freezing? So I think it’s for the best if you go home.” I say smiling at him.
When I’m done he starts to laugh like I’m some kind off freak show. Does he think this is funny or something?
“Look princess I’m more than capable of looking after myself so why don’t you just hurry home” He says while laughing like a sick maniac.
Is he being serious? I came all the way at 12 in the night, risking my parents trust just to be laughed at by him. Now I’m getting mad.
“There’s no need to be rude okay, I just came here to warn you that you might be risking your safety, I mean we don’t what could happen right? It’s not like we can see the future or anything, so please don’t take any chances” I say.
He bursts out laughing once more. What is wrong with this guy? I’m only being nice.
“Look princess I already told you I am more than capable of looking after myself.” He says.
“Stop calling me princess!”
“Fine let’s go with something else then.” He says while giving me a smirk.
“Stop it you’re making me mad!”
“Is that why your face is all red or is it because I’m making you nervous?”
“Why would on earth would I feel nervous around you” I say through clenched teeth.
“Oh I don’t know maybe because I’m just so hot I’m making you blush.” He says then chuckles.
This guy is pathetic I seriously made a big mistake coming here to advise him or at least give him a warning.
“You’re pathetic” I say.
“I’m pathetic? You’re the one that came here like insane person in her pajamas giving me lame advice”
I stare down at my outfit.
“It wouldn’t be so lame once you’re in danger now would it.”
“I won’t be in danger okay and I think you should go back home since its way past your curfew” He says while grinning.
“How would you now if you won’t be in danger, like I said it’s not like you can see the future or anything?” I say through clenched teeth.
“I can see the future okay princess so I just know. The next future I see unfolding is that you’re most probably going to go home fuming about how awesome I am. “He says then gives me a wink.
Unbelievable! He is being such a pain in the neck. Why can’t he just listen to me instead of being such an air -head? He is really pissing me off.
“Look i didn’t come here to annoy you” Then he rudely interrupts.
“Are you sure because I think you really annoyed me.” He says while smiling.
“Well I had no intentions on doing that so I’m sorry. I just wanted to warn you because danger lurks at every corner and we have to always be careful” I say in the nicest way possible.
“Aww that’s really sweet blondie but I think you should take your own advice. I mean who the hell comes outside at 12 in the night to give really lame and boring advice which sounds more like a graduation speech to an anonymous person by the streets.” He says.
“That tears it I’m going home.” I say giving my best angry look possible.
“Something you should have done a long time ago “He says sarcastically.
“Whatever” I say stomping back “Screw you” So effin mad at him.
“Screw you as well. Oh and thanks for the safety precaution, you should go tell it to someone who’s about to die I bet they’ll die instantly without hesitation.” He says sarcastically.
“You’re so annoying” I yell at the top of my lungs.
“Oh yeah as well as I recall you’re twice as annoying as I am. Bye princess”
I was too lazy to reply back his last comment so I just hurry back home. He is such a pessimist. I march back up to my bedroom and look at my clock, it was 1.15. Wow I spent more than an hour arguing with him and ended getting no results out of that argument. I look out my window and see him sitting there. I stare outside observing him and I realized he is kind of cute, and he looks so innocent when he isn’t arguing then suddenly he looks at my window and sees me staring at him, he gives me a flying kiss and starts to chuckle. Can’t believe for a second there I thought he was innocent.
In school I bet I look like half dead zombie and I know this because Alex can’t stop staring at me.
“What happened? “ He asks.
“Nothing” I fib. It’s not like I’m going to tell him I went to give advice to a stranger at 12 in the night and ended up without success. “I just had a tough night”
“Nightmares?” He says.
“Hey you remember my facts “I say smiling.
“Of course “He says grinning. We head of too class in silence. Unfortunately, it was not my lucky day because we had a surprise test. My mind was completely blank throughout the whole test. Hopefully I pass.
“How do you think you did?” Alex asks.
“Not sure actually “
The day pasts by in a long blur. When I head home I’m already exhausted. I skip lunch and straight start on my homework. When I’m done I decide to watch PLL as usual, but I can’t seem to concentrate. I kept thing about that stranger I met yesterday. Yes, he may be a bit annoying who am I kidding he’s very annoying, but there’s something about him that and I can’t quite out my finger on it. He just seems so mysterious like he’s hiding something behind those big brown eyes.
In the evening I decide to go for a jog. As I’m running I spot something at the corner of my eyes. It was on the bench the annoying guy sat on yesterday. I ran across the street and stared down at the bench. There was a book on it, I picked it up and flipped through the pages. It was about Major Greek and Roman Deities. It looked so boring but there’s a chance it might be the strangers book. I grabbed it and jogged back to the house because it looks like it was about to rain. I ran up to my room and placed the book on my desk.
By nightfall I was starving, serves me right for not eating lunch. I head downstairs to eat my dinner when I realize my whole family was not downstairs well just my mum and dad, my siblings were there. There was a note taped on the fridge which said: Sorry we had to miss dinner today darling. Something came up at work. Make sure and you’ll eat something. There are plenty of things in the fridge to eat. Don’t wait up for us. Xx Mum.
I opened the fridge and found frozen pizzas, popped them into the microwave and sat down with my siblings. When the pizza was ready we ate it while watching TV. By 10 my siblings were in bed so I just started cleaning up the kitchen then flipped through a bunch of channels until I finally settled with Teen Wolf. An hour passed and I could feel my eyelids pulling me down. As I was about to sleep my parents startled me by unlocking the front door.
“Sorry to awake you darling” they say.
“It’s ok”
“You should go to bed”
“Nahh I want crash late since there is no school tomorrow.”
“Okay, good night we’re exhausted so we’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“Okay night”
By 12 I can’t seem to stay up so head upstairs. Something made me look outside my window and there he was sitting at the bench. Should I go outside? It doesn’t seem worth it. Then I remember the book I found outside it has to be his. I grab it and head outside. When he sees me coming he rolls his eyes and smiles.
“Back so soon princess did you find more safety precautions for me?” He says then burst out laughing.
“No! I was just wondering if this is yours” I say handing him the book.
“Yes where did you find it?”
“Here” I say pointing to the bench.
“Thanks” he says me a smile.
The sweetest smile I have ever seen sweeter than Alex’s smile.
“Don’t you want to sit” He says pointing the space next to him.
Should I? It sounds crazy to sit next to a person you don’t even know at 12 in the night. But something about him made me feel safe so I sat down anyways. The awkward silence seem to last longer than I expected. Then I finally started talking since he wasn’t going to start the conversation.
“So…..where do you live?” I ask.
“Somewhere around this world” He says while grinning.
“I know that but where exactly?”
“I don’t really stay anywhere here when my time is up I have to go”
I have no idea what he meant so I just changed the topic.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“You seem to have a lot of questions to ask. What are we playing 20 questions or something?”
“Sorry” I say looking away.
“My name is James” He says.
“Oh well um nice to meet you James” I say.
Then he bursts out laughing exactly as he did the first time I spoke to him.
“As I recall the first time we met wasn’t very nice.”
“Right, I’m sorry about that. Plus, it was your fault anyways”
“My fault” He says pretending to be offended. “Fine I’ll take the blame since you seem like a person who loves to win an argument.
“Me? As I recall you won the argument” I say.
“Whatever yacker”
“Yeah, that your new name, do you like it? I spent really long time thinking about it”
“Oh so you were think about me” I say sarcastically.
“No” He says. But I could tell he was blushing.
“Anyways yacker I think you should head home”
“No, why did you pick yacker as my name anyways? Plus why did you pick it? For all we know yesterday would have been the last time we saw each other.”
“Well, Yacker because you like to talk a lot” I smile when he says that. “And I know you’ll come and see me again because remember I can see the future” Then he winks at me.
“No you can’t” I say.
“Yes ….i can” He says smiling.
“Fine if you can see the future can you tell me what I’m going to get on my Math test which I did today?” I say.
“Hmm I can tell you’re going to get a perfect right on 80%” He says while smiling.
I sigh. “Whatever I doubt you are right” I say getting up. “I should head back home in case my parents get up I wonder where I am” I say. “By the way my name Zoe”
“Okay. But you are definitely going to see that I am right. Zoe huh… nice name but I’m sticking to yacker. Oh by the way tomorrow you’re most probably not going to have the best day in school. Meet me here tomorrow here and tell me if I’m right” He says smiling.
In school I’m getting ready to receive my math result and shockingly I full of enthusiasm I think it’s because I get to prove James wrong.
“You seem excited” Alex says smiling.
“Just in a good mood” I say. James seems wrong already he said I’m going to have the worst day ever.
As my teacher hands me my test paper I felt my whole heart collapse. James was right I did get 80%. I was so shocked. How on earth did he know that? Maybe he can really see the future. No that sounds crazy.
“Wow you got higher than me. Alex says grinning. But you don’t really look happy”
“No I fine just shocked that I got an A.”
Schooling hours seem to pass on like forever and the whole time I kept thinking about James. He was in my mind the whole day. My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.
During recess I still can’t seem to concentrate on anything, especially my food. When I’m eating with Alex all of a sudden Jenna walks over to table and asks Alex to sit with her.
“Umm but I’m sitting with Zoe” He says awkwardly.
“Yes I can see that.” She says looking at like I’m the most disgusting thing on the planet. “But I want you to sit with me it’s like we get to spend so little time together these days. And by that I mean since she arrived.
I couldn’t believe her I felt like getting up getting and giving her a slap. But instead I just shut up.
“Why don’t you sit with us” Alex says. I give him my death then he starts getting nervous.
“Yeah right like it’s me dream to sit next to her” She says in the most devious way possible.
“Look have I offended you in some way?” I ask sarcastically.
“Yes you have you’re sitting with my boyfriend” She says.
Alex looks like he’s ready to fall of the chair on that comment.
“Pfffftt he’s your boyfriend? I thought you guys broke up” I say.
“No we didn’t break up we just called it of” She says smiling slyly.
“Technically we did break up” Alex says.
“No we didn’t baby. I still love.”
“You have never told me that” He says offensively.
“Well I didn’t think the time was right”
I felt so weird being in the middle of their love life argument. As I got up to leave Alex grabbed me back down.
“Look…. I’m sorry but we are no longer together so I think it’s best we just stay friends” He says while smiling at her.
“What about the time you told me that I was the one you thought about every day?” She says clearly trying to make me jealous.
“Umm” He says turning his towards my direction then hers.”
“Or how you like me seeing me every day because I make your heart pick up speed.” She says.
Their relationship conversation seems to go on like forever. Then I start to just stare at a blank space until the voices around me sounds like a blur. Suddenly unexpectedly, I feel water being splashed at my face and I was alert to my surroundings once more.
“This is your all fault” She says.
She was holding her water bottle in her hand and I was dripping wet. Everyone in the canteen turned to stare at me. I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life.
“Jenna!!!” Alex yells. “What’s your problem you don’t have to bring Zoe in this you know? This is our problem not hers it’s not like she had something to do with it.” He says.
“She has everything to do with it! Ever since she came you seem to hang out with her a lot. I mean I know we are done but that doesn’t mean you should ignore me.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you and before Zoe came to this school you didn’t care if I’d hang out with you or not. Plus you’re the one that broke up with me.”
Now she looks embarrassed. She just turns and walks away. I run into the girl’s washroom and stare at my image. I look terrible. My make –up had smudged and my shirt was all wet and wrinkly. This was definitely the worst day ever James had once again won. I might as well skip school and go home saying I’m sick. I take out my cellphone and let my parents know that I’m coming home because I feel sick.
I rush out to my locker and find Alex waiting there for me he looks upset and worried.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry about Jenna she can be very mean to people” He says.
“No kidding” I say.
“I’m still really sorry I feel really bad” He says.
That’s what I love about him he is so sweet and considerate.
“It’s okay don’t worry about” I say then shut my locker. “Anyways I’m going home …faking a fever” I say.
“Oh …..Really?” He looks upset that I’m going home early.
“Yes, so can you text me the homework’s” I say.
He nods then as I’m about to leave he gives me a hug. It felt so amazing and the best part was I hugged him back. Could it be that I’m falling for Alex? The hug lasted longer than I expected but I was glad it lasted longer.
When I reach home my mum asks me what happen and I explain. Then i quickly head up to my room after that and take a bath. Suddenly my mum comes in my bedroom and says that she has to head off for a meeting and if anything goes wrong call her.
I spend my time ready pride and prejudice while waiting for Alex to text me. Then I start daydreaming about the hug Alex gave me. Could there be a possibility that he likes me? Then I’m startled by the door bell ringing. I race downstairs and open the door and Alex was standing there. Then my stomach started getting butterflies.
“Come in.” I say while smiling.
“I was just thinking about you” I say.
“Obviously you would think about me, I mean who doesn’t like thinking about me” He says while grinning.
“So there is no homework today” He says.
“You could have texted me instead then” I say.
“I know but I wanted to see if you were okay”
“Yeah I’m fine don’t worry about it” I say while giving him a reassuring smile.
We sit down and talk for a while. Then time seem to have past so fast because I realize he was with me for 5 hours straight. It was almost nightfall.
“Well I should get going” He says.
“Okay” I say. I was kind of disappointed that he had to leave so soon.
When he was almost out the door I feel him grab my hand and it sent goose bumps up my skin. He slowly looks up at me and I smile I’m still really sorry he says.
I didn’t really want this moment to stop then I tip toed and kissed him on his cheek. He couldn’t stop smiling when I did. When he left I just realized that I won because it wasn’t the worst day for me it was an amazing day. James was definitely wrong about that.
By midnight I see James sitting on the bench so I creep out my house slowly making sure not to awake my parents.
When he sees me he smiles.
“Oh my god you were right about my score how did you know it was going to be 80%?” I ask quizzically.
“I told you I can see the future”
“No you can’t”
“Yes I can”
“You said I was going to have the worst day ever but it turned out to be such an amazing day for me” I say while smiling a little thinking about Alex.
“Well some futures can be changed but to do so is filled danger”
“What?” I was so confused.
“What I mean is that your marks were a future that I could see clearly because it was already confirmed but as for things that happen in your life it can be changed. Not all futures are very clear you know.”
“That’s ridiculous, you’re lying.” I say
“Fine believe whatever you want yacker” He says and rolls his eyes at me.
This is seriously the sassiest guy I ever met.
“Okay I have to tell you something really big. You’re probably going to think I’m lying at least I know I’m telling the truth so maybe it may answer all your questions” He says turning to face me.
“Umm okay” I say confused.
“Okay what I’m going to tell you may sound crazy” he says.
“I think I can handle it go on”
“Some of the answers to my life is in that book you found yesterday. The reason I’m always here is because I have nowhere else to go. I was actually sent to earth by a group of people known as the high priestess”. He says.
“Who are they?”
“Before the time of the Great Purge, girls would be chosen at birth for the priesthood. They'd be taken away from their families and brought up as initiates in the Old Religion. They send people to earth because of the dangers that corrupts our world. The High Priestesses were the chief servants of the Triple Goddess. They were a group of highly skilled and powerful sorceresses, mistresses of magic and spell and detained the power over life and death. They lived on the Isle of the Blessed, where they guarded the Cup of Life .
“What world? What cup?” I’m so confused.
“The underworld. The cup of life is a source of magic and it can be used to create an immortal army. At the time of the Old Religion, the High Priestesses performed a blood sacrifice to open the Veil between this world and the Spirit world and release the Do Rocha .They also use dark magic to summon from the depths of the Underworld the Fomorroh, a creature that they revered. This would allow them to take over the minds of their enemies, binding them to their will” He says.
“So wait let me get this straight are you a dead person” I ask.
He starts to laugh.
“Not everyone from the underworld has to be dead you know.” He says.
“Oh okay. But why were people using magic to kill one another?”
“Because magic corrupts people’s mind, it is supposed to be used for good but people take advantage of it because in the wrong hands magic can become a powerful weapon. This is known as dark magic.”
“Dark magic?”
“The denomination of dark magic is to indicate a form of corrupted and evil magic which is actually wrong, magic is basically neutral, not good nor bad. What's important is how magic is used .Anyway, there are some applications of magic or some spells whose effects or purposes are undoubtedly evil and can only be used to inflict harm upon someone.”
“So you have magic?”
“Yes” He says.
“How did you get it?”
“I was born with it”
“Wow, so anyone can be born with magic?” I ask.
“No only some people are gifted enough to be born with magic. My parents happened to be roman gods and goddess so that’s how I have magic.”
“Roman gods, what is that?”
“My dad happens to be Osiris which means god of the underworld and afterlife. My mum is Wadjet which means goddess of protection. They sent me away to earth for a while because of the dangers in the underworld. They couldn’t come with me because of their gifts which are protection and my dad; well he had to stay because he is the god of the underworld after all.
“Wow your life seems to have so many surprises. But wait if your father and mother are god and goddess wouldn’t that make you one as well?”
“Yes I’m the god for moon. Well, not yet a god so still like a prince”
“Why aren’t you a god yet?”
“Because I’m not married. Well I was supposed to get married but then I had to come here”
“How can you get married so early you look so young, like 17”
“Well for God’s and goddess it’s better if we get married earlier so we can use our powers earlier and we have to so trainings of such” He says.
“So… who were you planning to marry? I ask, silently hoping he had no one in mind.
“Well I was supposed to marry the Princess Aphrodite also known as Princess Venus she happens to be goddess of love and beauty.” He says.
“Wow she must be really pretty I suppose”
“She is really pretty “He says smiling.
“Well that’s good I hope you both will be happy with each other. So when can you go back?” I say while smiling.
“When I get the feeling it’s safe to go back. My parents will send me signs of some kind to show that it is safe to come back”
“So until then you’ll just sit out here?”
“Yup, the good thing is I get to spy on you”
What a perv.
“Do you see this sign on my arm?” He asks showing his hand to me. It was like a tattoo.
“Yes, what does it represent?”
“ It’s a mark that everyone gets if they leave the underworld and once the mark has vanished it shows that it is safe to come back.” He says.
“Look the mark is almost half gone” I say pointing to the mark.
“Yes that means I’ll maybe have 1 more day to stay then I have to leave.” He says.
I felt like I was going to miss arguing with him if he left.
“Will you be here tomorrow?”
“Yes but I will be my last day”
“Why are you going to miss me yacker?”
“As if” I sat sarcastically.
“So does this mean you get to go back to marry your Princess Venus?” I ask.
“Yes it does”
I actually felt happy for him.
“I should get going, it’s already 2 I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say.
“No problem yacker I’ll be counting the seconds” He says then smiles.
When I head up to my bedroom it feels as if I just came back from a History lesson from hearing all those old religion stuff. But I was glad James gets to go home because he does seem lonely here. I’m definitely going to miss him. As a few minutes pass, I couldn’t fall asleep not because of James but because of Alex. I grab out my cellphone and start texting Alex he might be asleep but I should give it a shot anyways.
Zoe: Alex are you asleep? If you are don’t answer.
He immediately answers.
Alex: No I’m not asleep having a movie marathon. Why is something the matter?
Zoe: No I just couldn’t sleep.
Alex: Are you having nightmares?
Zoe: No I’m just thinking about something.
Alex: Are you thinking about me:p?
Zoe: Oh please you’re so vain…..yes I was: /
Alex: HaHAHAH I knew it. I was thinking about you to.
Zoe: Liar you said you were having a movie marathon.
Alex: Oops don’t worry I’ll think about you tomorrow.XD
Zoe: LOL okay goodnight.
Alex: Goodnight beautiful.
When I read his last text it definitely made go to sleep having sweet dreams.
Since it’s a Sunday I get up late and then do some reading. I read until noon then eat lunch with my siblings. I start to get bored then drive around town. By nightfall I so anxious from waiting. Why couldn’t it be midnight already?
I lay around doing random stuff such as painting my nails, drawing back the tattoo I saw on James’s hand and sketching. Before I know it’s 11.35 and everyone in my house is asleep. I grab a sweater and head outside I see him sitting there and I rush over.
“So this is it?” I ask.
“I guess”
He shows me his tattoo its almost gone, all that’s left is just a blur.
“So when exactly do you go?”
“When it’s precisely midnight.”
We talk for a while, then it’s 2 minutes to midnight James gets up and says a few words under his breath. I think it has to be spells. Then he takes out a heart locket, it looks so beautiful like a pretty gem. Then he walks towards me and places it around my neck.
“Here this is for you whenever you want to have a debating competition with me, you just say my name 5 times out loud and it will summon me.”
“Thank you.” I say smiling.
“Welcome. Take care Yacker. I think I’ll miss you a lot” he says.
“Really” I say sarcastically.
“Yes, yes don’t let it get to you”
Then I start laughing. I hug him and then he says a few more words under his breath then the whole road turns into a flaming orange portal.
“Well this is goodbye yacker I had some good times with you. But I hope in the future you don’t come running out like a weirdo to give me advice.” He says then winks at me.
I start to laugh.
“By the way if you think you had the most amazing day in school, tomorrow you’re going to have the best day ever. Trust me Alex likes you a lot.” He says.
Then I blush remembering he could see the future. Then he blows me a flying kiss and disappears and I have never felt so empty without his presence.
I go home and sleep dreaming about how much I miss him.
In school I still think about James. When I’m opening my locker I see a note inside. I opened it and started reading.:-
Dear beautiful,
I came to find love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. You can’t find love, love finds you. That’s why it’s called falling in love because you don’t force yourself to fall in love you just fall. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until that special person comes and steals my heart. For me that special person is you. Every night I think about you with the hopes of having you in my dream. Our time together is just quite never enough. You always turn my bad days good and my good days better. You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you. Just when I thought love could never be a part of me, that’s when you came along and showed me happiness. Your beauty got my attention but your personality stole my heart. Life is short there is no time to leave important words unsaid, that’s why I wrote you this letter. When I saw you the first time I thank god for introducing me to the most beautiful angel. I have to always force myself to look away from you because I easily get lost in your eye. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me. Zoe I’m amazed whenever I look at you, not just because of your looks but because i=of the fact everything I have ever wanted is right in front of me. A hug can make my day but it has to be from a certain person and that person is you Zoe. Plus I seriously didn’t think it was possible to smile this much until I met you. Just by looking in your eyes I know I love you. Besides I can’t be just friends with someone I’m madly in love with. Every moment I spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true. I hope you feel the same way about me: ) If you be my star I’ll be your sky. I promise. I love you for who you are on the inside, The lovely looking outside is just a bonus. True love doesn’t have a happy ending because true love never ends.
That was the sweetest thing I have read and I’m hundred percent confirm it is from Alex. I’m definitely keeping this letter forever. Suddenly Alex walks to my locker and asks me what’s going on casually.
“Oh I just got a secret admirer”
“Yeah I’m hundred percent confirm it’s you”
He starts to blush and I’m so scared if he might faint.
“Oh okay yes it’s from me. How did you know?”
“Well it was kind of obvious, but the part that I was confirm it was you was the hug part”
“I’m so sorry if you don’t accept it’s okay”. He says nervously.
I just grab him by the hand and kiss him on his lips. I swear that was the best kiss ever, I could feel my whole skin tingling. When I let go of him he can’t stop smiling.
“So how does it feel to have your first kiss?” I ask.
“That was the best moment of my life! Oh my god.”
We start to laugh. I could tell that he is still blushing. He holds my hand and we walk to class still laughing like crazy people.
I did miss the moonlight prince (James) but I have my own prince charming here so I still felt like a princess. Alex has definitely stole my heart.
My Moonlight Prince(Julia Sheela)
I hate my life! Ever since my family and I moved, everything has been a disaster. My dad is a lawyer in one of the most successful firms in Manchester. One day, he comes home saying that his job got transferred to LA.I felt my whole world crash before my very eyes. I still can’t believe it.
My phone alarm starts buzzing at 6 .30 in the morning and I think to myself, it’s my first day of school in a new school. Millions of questions run through my head. What if I don’t fit in, what if I can’t keep up with my studies considering I might find it different to my old school. I get ready and head downstairs for some breakfast. I see a note taped on the fridge from my mum, which said, Help yourself to anything in the fridge. PS: GOOD LUCK for your first day at school.
I grab an apple from the fridge and head out to my car. I’m going to need more than luck to survive my first day, I’ll need a miracle. As I park my car I take a deep breath and walk in. This school seems much bigger than my old school. The hallway is practically flooded with students. I see some friendly faces which I guess is a good thing. Then I hear the bell ring. Great I’m already going to be on teachers hate lists before I even meet them. I grab out my locker combination from my bag in a hurry. All of a sudden I hear a loud crash, I’m lying on the floor and my head is pounding. I start to see this blurry image of a guy with blue eyes and brown hair. His voice echoes through my head. I can’t really hear what his saying because I feel like I’m in a trance.
“Are you ok?” he asks.
“Umm yeah….I think so”
“Oh my god, thank goodness. I’m really sorry about that.”
“What happened actually?”
“Well, I was in hurry and when I opened my locker it kind of ….umm it hit your face”
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to it was an accident. I’ll make it up to you”
“No, no it’s alright .I’m fine.”
He looked embarrassed so I felt quite bad for him, plus at least I finally managed to start a conversation with someone on my first day in a new school. At that exact moment I realized something, I’m lying on the hallway and talking to this really cute guy but he must probably think I look ridiculous. I quickly stood up and he helped me.
“Thanks “I said.
“Welcome. So are you new in this school?”
“Yes, I just got transferred here.”
We both quickly take out things from our locker in silence.
“So what’s your name?”
“Zoe. Yours?”
“Alex. I like you name. It’s really pretty”
Then he gives me this really cute smile that sends goose bumps up my arm.
“So how old are you?” he asks.
“How old do you think I am?” I say.
“Not sure it’s hard to say”
“Is it”
“Yeah. It’s kind of hard to say”
“Give me a guess” I say.
“Umm... 15”
“Are you serious?”
“No I saw you drive in this morning”
“So you were spying on me?” I say.
We both start laughing. It’s so weird it’s like we just met and we can easily click of. Maybe high school won’t be so bad after all.
“Oh please, why on earth would I waste my time spying you when there are over hundreds of hot girls in this school to spy on?”
“Hahaha, you know I’m joking right?”
“About be not being hot?”
“Nah you are hot but you don’t expect me to give you the satisfaction of knowing it”
“Ah …you see there’s where you’re wrong because you just did”
“Well played”
“Yes. I am a girl who can take a joke you know.”
He starts to laugh uncontrollably.
“Anyways my guess is that you are 16 “
“Good guess. My guess is you are 16 as well”
“Not bad, new girl has definitely got amazing guessing skills”
“I should be getting to my class by now, wouldn’t want to be late on my first day.”
“Aren’t we already late? Anyways what class do you have right now?”
“Good same as me let me walk you there”
“Okay, let’s go”
I smile at him. He is so sweet. I’m already starting feel my confidence rising. As we walked into the class the teacher didn’t mind us being late because Alex explained how he accidently hit me with his locker door. I sat down next to him. Then the teacher started her lesson.
“Okay class as some of you would know my name is Mrs. Narv and I will be your English teacher throughout the whole year. So for today I won’t be starting on lessons so we can have an ice breaking session. You will all come up to the front to tell us little bit about yourself. Everyone gets about 2 minutes or more If you like.” She says.
The whole class seems to burst into excitement I’m guessing it’s because we won’t be learning anything for the first day.
“Would anyone like to go first? Anyone, come one don’t be shy” She says.
No one seems to want to go, at that exact moment I did something really dumb I made eye contact with Mrs. Narv and she called me up to go first. Never ever make eye contact with a teacher was definitely the first lesson to be learnt in a new school. I was as nervous as I walked to the front of the class. My palms started to get really cold. I thought I could faint on the spot.
Mrs. Narv gives me her kindest smile and as if she could read my mind she tells me not to be nervous and everything will be okay. I see Alex giving me thumbs up sign and I smile at him.
“Okay class silent down. Umm?”
“Right Zoe will be going first. Okay go on my dear”
I take a deep breath and proceed.
“Hi everyone. My name is Zoe. I’m new at this school my dad got transferred that’s why I moved”
Then I freeze on the spot, wrecking my brain to say something more but nothing pops up.
“Why don’t u tell us some of your likes. “Mrs. Narv says.
“Well I like to read, collect lucky charms, travel, write poems and I also like the band Paramore”
“Ughhh, boring” says a girl with blonde hair.
I feel my face turn bright red. That was so embarrassing. Then the whole class starts to laugh at me. Remember when I said I felt my confidence rising but now I think it just collapsed right to the ground. I hear the whole class start to laugh because of her nasty comment.
“Jenna, that wasn’t very nice of you. Can you please apologize to her?” says Mrs. Narv
“I’m so very sorry” she said.
Even a deaf person could hear the sarcasm in her voice but I just smiled and pretended it was okay. I quickly walked and sat back down at my desk.
“You did well, ignore her she usually gives newbies a hard time” said Alex.
“Yeah no problem I didn’t mind”
“Are you sure?” he asks giving me his sweet smile once more.
“Yes I’m sure. It’s not like I’m allowed to strangle people on my first day at school” I say giving him a smirk.
He then starts to laugh. As time pass I start to feel better. Soon everyone gets their turn to talk and I realize not everyone has a terrible attitude like Jenna. When it came to her turn I realized that she can be friendly but maybe just to people she’d consider calling as a friend.
During recces I was all prepared to strangle Jenna literally. She seems to already hate me before even knowing me. My bag was next to me and she dumped all her food on it and said it was an accident. Clearly it wasn’t because I’m not that stupid.
By the time school ends I feel exhausted and grossed out. Unfortunately, in this school co-curricular activities can’t be an option. So I ended picking cooking since Alex said it was fun, plus I was lazy to make a decision to pick something so I just went with his idea.
Cooking class was fun and I did manage to make some new friends. I guess my first day wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t that good either. What surprised me the most is Alex is a much better cook than me. At least when the teacher tried his cookies she didn’t have to spit it out. Maybe my cookies were meant to feed the dead or maybe make someone die on the spot, who knows it may come in handy not that I’m having anyone particular in mind …Jenna.
Cooking class ended early but we still can’t go back because it’s considered as ditching school. So I ended up talking with Alex for the next 35 minutes.
“So do how do you like your first day “He asks.
“Not so bad but it could have been better”
“So do you live nearby? “He asks.
“Yes I do.”
Then we just sit there at the stairs in awkward silence. Why can’t I think of anything to say? I look at my watch and see that only a measly 5 minutes has pass by.
“Okay this is lame “He says.
I couldn’t agree more.
“Let’s play a game” He says.
“What kind of game”
“Hmmm...Tell me 10 facts about yourself that’s rather strange and that you have never told anyone before “He says.
“ Lol. Why? ”I say.
“To entertain me” He says while smiling.
“Wow I’m supposed to give out information to a guy who slammed his locker door at my face so it’ll entertain him.”
Then I see him blush.
“I’m still really sorry about that” He says.
“OMG, I’m just messing with okay. Please don’t be sorry. Okay I ‘ll tell you 10 facts about myself if you tell me 10 about yourself” I say while grinning.
He gives me his adorable laugh again.
“Deal” He says.
“Let me see, the first fact about myself is well I cry a lot when my hero dies in a movie”
“For real” He asks while laughing.
“Yes I know it’s kind of ridiculous”
“Still can’t believe it.Next”
“I’m scared of cats, I hate the color pink, I hate it when it’s sunny, I’m not of fan homework, I always have trouble sleeping at nights cause I suffer from nightmares, I have Atelophobia, I have a habit of cracking my knuckles a lot a, I always throw up when I over think too much and lastly I think I hate that girl named Jenna who have fabulous comments for me” I say.
When I’m done he starts laughing.
“What?” I say smiling.
“Nothing it’s just that you really did impress me there” He says.
“Yes and I’m not a person who’s easily impressed. I think next time I see a cat at the sidewalk I’m going to drag you towards it”
We start laughing until I feel my eyes start to tear up.
“Who is a fan of homework anyways” He says.
“Sheesh I ran out of ideas okay. Your turn “I say.
“Okay let’s see I used to think that Barbie dolls were kind of pretty”
Even with his first fact I can’t stop laughing.
“I have a habit of daydreaming constantly, I used to draw on the walls in my room because I felt that papers weren’t big enough, I haven’t had my first kiss, I have Anuptaphobia which means fear of staying single, I have always wanted to have blonde hair instead of brown, I’m afraid of the dark, I can’t stand seeing girls cry because I wouldn’t know what to do and something I see in a girl is her amazing personality and smile.” He says.
“Wow you have interesting facts as well”
“Fear of staying single…seriously?”
“Hey it could happen”
“So you really never had your first kiss?”
Part of me loved that fact the most.
“Yes. I know it does seems rather lame. But I’m waiting for the right person.’”
“No I think awesome. Hey you only gave me 9”I say.
“Oh, umm let me think. OH yeah you know your new best friend” He says.
“My new best friend?”
“I was referring to Jenna”
“OMG kill me please...”I say.
“She was my first girlfriend”
It felt as if my whole heart was about to exploded.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes I’m serious she was my first girlfriend”
“What happened?”
“Well, we kind of called it off because we had nothing in common and she always loves to start an argument”
“How long did it last?”
“About a month”
“I’m surprised it lasted that long, who called it off?”
“What was she like? I mean was she nice?”
“Yes she was nice but sometimes she can be rather moody”
“Wow I’m shocked she was nice”
“Hahaha even I’m shocked coming to think of it”
“So you didn’t have your first kiss with her?”
I was excited about that part. He seems so sweet, kind and everything charming I could think about.
We start laughing but still can’t believe it. I look at my watch and realized that it’s precisely time to go back. So we get up and head over to our cars.
“Bye” I call out to him.
“Bye” He says giving me his amazing smile.
As I’m about to start the car he turns to me and asks:-
“What is Atelophobia?”
“Fear of imperfection” I say.
“But I think you are really perfect to me”
As he drives off, I think to myself that is the sweetest comment anyone has ever given me.
In the afternoon I spend some time doing my homework then went to watch PLL. When the commercial comes on, I start to replay the conversation Alex and I had earlier. He is so sweet and kind, maybe moving wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I do miss my old friends dearly and I never stop thinking about them but maybe change won’t be so bad. Then my show comes back on and I watch it for a few more hours.
By nightfall I go downstairs to have dinner with my family.
“Hi darling, how’s school?” asks mum.
“Fine” I say.
“Make any friends?” she asks while putting spaghetti on my plate.
“That’s nice to hear” She says smiling.
We chat away while eating then I head up to my room to read a book since there’s not much homework for today. I search my bookshelf for a book and finally settled with Harry Potter. I’m not much of a Harry Potter fan but I bought the books because my best friend recommended them. As I start reading I realize it wasn’t such a bad book it had many plot twists and amazing magic. The magic part was my favorite; it reminded me of watching Merlin.
I think I must have dozed off because when I get up all the lights in my house is switched off. I creep out my bedroom to go to my parent’s room and I find them fast asleep. I creep back to my room and grab my cellphone from the table to check the time; it was 12.05 in the morning. I should be getting back to bed. As I walk over to my bedside I feel a pair of eyes staring at me, I turn to my window and see a guy with dark blonde hair and black clothing sitting at the bench opposite my house. I stare at his face properly and realize that he might be around the same age as me. What is he thinking? Sitting outside alone in the dark, doesn’t he know the world can be a dangerous place?
I throw on my sweater and rush downstairs. As I’m halfway walking over to him I think to myself what am I doing? For all I know he could be dangerous as well, plus my parents wouldn’t be very happy with the idea of me being outside late at night. Anyways I’m willing to take my chances if it means I get to teach him something about protecting himself. When I reach him he gives me a quizzical look.
“Hi” I say.
“Umm hi” He says awkwardly.
Then he just looks away. Is he trying to ignore me? Am I like bothering him?
“Look I think you should go home it’s already really late and it can be dangerous since you are sitting here alone. Plus you parents might be worried sick about you and aren’t you freezing? So I think it’s for the best if you go home.” I say smiling at him.
When I’m done he starts to laugh like I’m some kind off freak show. Does he think this is funny or something?
“Look princess I’m more than capable of looking after myself so why don’t you just hurry home” He says while laughing like a sick maniac.
Is he being serious? I came all the way at 12 in the night, risking my parents trust just to be laughed at by him. Now I’m getting mad.
“There’s no need to be rude okay, I just came here to warn you that you might be risking your safety, I mean we don’t what could happen right? It’s not like we can see the future or anything, so please don’t take any chances” I say.
He bursts out laughing once more. What is wrong with this guy? I’m only being nice.
“Look princess I already told you I am more than capable of looking after myself.” He says.
“Stop calling me princess!”
“Fine let’s go with something else then.” He says while giving me a smirk.
“Stop it you’re making me mad!”
“Is that why your face is all red or is it because I’m making you nervous?”
“Why would on earth would I feel nervous around you” I say through clenched teeth.
“Oh I don’t know maybe because I’m just so hot I’m making you blush.” He says then chuckles.
This guy is pathetic I seriously made a big mistake coming here to advise him or at least give him a warning.
“You’re pathetic” I say.
“I’m pathetic? You’re the one that came here like insane person in her pajamas giving me lame advice”
I stare down at my outfit.
“It wouldn’t be so lame once you’re in danger now would it.”
“I won’t be in danger okay and I think you should go back home since its way past your curfew” He says while grinning.
“How would you now if you won’t be in danger, like I said it’s not like you can see the future or anything?” I say through clenched teeth.
“I can see the future okay princess so I just know. The next future I see unfolding is that you’re most probably going to go home fuming about how awesome I am. “He says then gives me a wink.
Unbelievable! He is being such a pain in the neck. Why can’t he just listen to me instead of being such an air -head? He is really pissing me off.
“Look i didn’t come here to annoy you” Then he rudely interrupts.
“Are you sure because I think you really annoyed me.” He says while smiling.
“Well I had no intentions on doing that so I’m sorry. I just wanted to warn you because danger lurks at every corner and we have to always be careful” I say in the nicest way possible.
“Aww that’s really sweet blondie but I think you should take your own advice. I mean who the hell comes outside at 12 in the night to give really lame and boring advice which sounds more like a graduation speech to an anonymous person by the streets.” He says.
“That tears it I’m going home.” I say giving my best angry look possible.
“Something you should have done a long time ago “He says sarcastically.
“Whatever” I say stomping back “Screw you” So effin mad at him.
“Screw you as well. Oh and thanks for the safety precaution, you should go tell it to someone who’s about to die I bet they’ll die instantly without hesitation.” He says sarcastically.
“You’re so annoying” I yell at the top of my lungs.
“Oh yeah as well as I recall you’re twice as annoying as I am. Bye princess”
I was too lazy to reply back his last comment so I just hurry back home. He is such a pessimist. I march back up to my bedroom and look at my clock, it was 1.15. Wow I spent more than an hour arguing with him and ended getting no results out of that argument. I look out my window and see him sitting there. I stare outside observing him and I realized he is kind of cute, and he looks so innocent when he isn’t arguing then suddenly he looks at my window and sees me staring at him, he gives me a flying kiss and starts to chuckle. Can’t believe for a second there I thought he was innocent.
In school I bet I look like half dead zombie and I know this because Alex can’t stop staring at me.
“What happened? “ He asks.
“Nothing” I fib. It’s not like I’m going to tell him I went to give advice to a stranger at 12 in the night and ended up without success. “I just had a tough night”
“Nightmares?” He says.
“Hey you remember my facts “I say smiling.
“Of course “He says grinning. We head of too class in silence. Unfortunately, it was not my lucky day because we had a surprise test. My mind was completely blank throughout the whole test. Hopefully I pass.
“How do you think you did?” Alex asks.
“Not sure actually “
The day pasts by in a long blur. When I head home I’m already exhausted. I skip lunch and straight start on my homework. When I’m done I decide to watch PLL as usual, but I can’t seem to concentrate. I kept thing about that stranger I met yesterday. Yes, he may be a bit annoying who am I kidding he’s very annoying, but there’s something about him that and I can’t quite out my finger on it. He just seems so mysterious like he’s hiding something behind those big brown eyes.
In the evening I decide to go for a jog. As I’m running I spot something at the corner of my eyes. It was on the bench the annoying guy sat on yesterday. I ran across the street and stared down at the bench. There was a book on it, I picked it up and flipped through the pages. It was about Major Greek and Roman Deities. It looked so boring but there’s a chance it might be the strangers book. I grabbed it and jogged back to the house because it looks like it was about to rain. I ran up to my room and placed the book on my desk.
By nightfall I was starving, serves me right for not eating lunch. I head downstairs to eat my dinner when I realize my whole family was not downstairs well just my mum and dad, my siblings were there. There was a note taped on the fridge which said: Sorry we had to miss dinner today darling. Something came up at work. Make sure and you’ll eat something. There are plenty of things in the fridge to eat. Don’t wait up for us. Xx Mum.
I opened the fridge and found frozen pizzas, popped them into the microwave and sat down with my siblings. When the pizza was ready we ate it while watching TV. By 10 my siblings were in bed so I just started cleaning up the kitchen then flipped through a bunch of channels until I finally settled with Teen Wolf. An hour passed and I could feel my eyelids pulling me down. As I was about to sleep my parents startled me by unlocking the front door.
“Sorry to awake you darling” they say.
“It’s ok”
“You should go to bed”
“Nahh I want crash late since there is no school tomorrow.”
“Okay, good night we’re exhausted so we’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“Okay night”
By 12 I can’t seem to stay up so head upstairs. Something made me look outside my window and there he was sitting at the bench. Should I go outside? It doesn’t seem worth it. Then I remember the book I found outside it has to be his. I grab it and head outside. When he sees me coming he rolls his eyes and smiles.
“Back so soon princess did you find more safety precautions for me?” He says then burst out laughing.
“No! I was just wondering if this is yours” I say handing him the book.
“Yes where did you find it?”
“Here” I say pointing to the bench.
“Thanks” he says me a smile.
The sweetest smile I have ever seen sweeter than Alex’s smile.
“Don’t you want to sit” He says pointing the space next to him.
Should I? It sounds crazy to sit next to a person you don’t even know at 12 in the night. But something about him made me feel safe so I sat down anyways. The awkward silence seem to last longer than I expected. Then I finally started talking since he wasn’t going to start the conversation.
“So…..where do you live?” I ask.
“Somewhere around this world” He says while grinning.
“I know that but where exactly?”
“I don’t really stay anywhere here when my time is up I have to go”
I have no idea what he meant so I just changed the topic.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“You seem to have a lot of questions to ask. What are we playing 20 questions or something?”
“Sorry” I say looking away.
“My name is James” He says.
“Oh well um nice to meet you James” I say.
Then he bursts out laughing exactly as he did the first time I spoke to him.
“As I recall the first time we met wasn’t very nice.”
“Right, I’m sorry about that. Plus, it was your fault anyways”
“My fault” He says pretending to be offended. “Fine I’ll take the blame since you seem like a person who loves to win an argument.
“Me? As I recall you won the argument” I say.
“Whatever yacker”
“Yeah, that your new name, do you like it? I spent really long time thinking about it”
“Oh so you were think about me” I say sarcastically.
“No” He says. But I could tell he was blushing.
“Anyways yacker I think you should head home”
“No, why did you pick yacker as my name anyways? Plus why did you pick it? For all we know yesterday would have been the last time we saw each other.”
“Well, Yacker because you like to talk a lot” I smile when he says that. “And I know you’ll come and see me again because remember I can see the future” Then he winks at me.
“No you can’t” I say.
“Yes ….i can” He says smiling.
“Fine if you can see the future can you tell me what I’m going to get on my Math test which I did today?” I say.
“Hmm I can tell you’re going to get a perfect right on 80%” He says while smiling.
I sigh. “Whatever I doubt you are right” I say getting up. “I should head back home in case my parents get up I wonder where I am” I say. “By the way my name Zoe”
“Okay. But you are definitely going to see that I am right. Zoe huh… nice name but I’m sticking to yacker. Oh by the way tomorrow you’re most probably not going to have the best day in school. Meet me here tomorrow here and tell me if I’m right” He says smiling.
In school I’m getting ready to receive my math result and shockingly I full of enthusiasm I think it’s because I get to prove James wrong.
“You seem excited” Alex says smiling.
“Just in a good mood” I say. James seems wrong already he said I’m going to have the worst day ever.
As my teacher hands me my test paper I felt my whole heart collapse. James was right I did get 80%. I was so shocked. How on earth did he know that? Maybe he can really see the future. No that sounds crazy.
“Wow you got higher than me. Alex says grinning. But you don’t really look happy”
“No I fine just shocked that I got an A.”
Schooling hours seem to pass on like forever and the whole time I kept thinking about James. He was in my mind the whole day. My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.
During recess I still can’t seem to concentrate on anything, especially my food. When I’m eating with Alex all of a sudden Jenna walks over to table and asks Alex to sit with her.
“Umm but I’m sitting with Zoe” He says awkwardly.
“Yes I can see that.” She says looking at like I’m the most disgusting thing on the planet. “But I want you to sit with me it’s like we get to spend so little time together these days. And by that I mean since she arrived.
I couldn’t believe her I felt like getting up getting and giving her a slap. But instead I just shut up.
“Why don’t you sit with us” Alex says. I give him my death then he starts getting nervous.
“Yeah right like it’s me dream to sit next to her” She says in the most devious way possible.
“Look have I offended you in some way?” I ask sarcastically.
“Yes you have you’re sitting with my boyfriend” She says.
Alex looks like he’s ready to fall of the chair on that comment.
“Pfffftt he’s your boyfriend? I thought you guys broke up” I say.
“No we didn’t break up we just called it of” She says smiling slyly.
“Technically we did break up” Alex says.
“No we didn’t baby. I still love.”
“You have never told me that” He says offensively.
“Well I didn’t think the time was right”
I felt so weird being in the middle of their love life argument. As I got up to leave Alex grabbed me back down.
“Look…. I’m sorry but we are no longer together so I think it’s best we just stay friends” He says while smiling at her.
“What about the time you told me that I was the one you thought about every day?” She says clearly trying to make me jealous.
“Umm” He says turning his towards my direction then hers.”
“Or how you like me seeing me every day because I make your heart pick up speed.” She says.
Their relationship conversation seems to go on like forever. Then I start to just stare at a blank space until the voices around me sounds like a blur. Suddenly unexpectedly, I feel water being splashed at my face and I was alert to my surroundings once more.
“This is your all fault” She says.
She was holding her water bottle in her hand and I was dripping wet. Everyone in the canteen turned to stare at me. I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life.
“Jenna!!!” Alex yells. “What’s your problem you don’t have to bring Zoe in this you know? This is our problem not hers it’s not like she had something to do with it.” He says.
“She has everything to do with it! Ever since she came you seem to hang out with her a lot. I mean I know we are done but that doesn’t mean you should ignore me.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you and before Zoe came to this school you didn’t care if I’d hang out with you or not. Plus you’re the one that broke up with me.”
Now she looks embarrassed. She just turns and walks away. I run into the girl’s washroom and stare at my image. I look terrible. My make –up had smudged and my shirt was all wet and wrinkly. This was definitely the worst day ever James had once again won. I might as well skip school and go home saying I’m sick. I take out my cellphone and let my parents know that I’m coming home because I feel sick.
I rush out to my locker and find Alex waiting there for me he looks upset and worried.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry about Jenna she can be very mean to people” He says.
“No kidding” I say.
“I’m still really sorry I feel really bad” He says.
That’s what I love about him he is so sweet and considerate.
“It’s okay don’t worry about” I say then shut my locker. “Anyways I’m going home …faking a fever” I say.
“Oh …..Really?” He looks upset that I’m going home early.
“Yes, so can you text me the homework’s” I say.
He nods then as I’m about to leave he gives me a hug. It felt so amazing and the best part was I hugged him back. Could it be that I’m falling for Alex? The hug lasted longer than I expected but I was glad it lasted longer.
When I reach home my mum asks me what happen and I explain. Then i quickly head up to my room after that and take a bath. Suddenly my mum comes in my bedroom and says that she has to head off for a meeting and if anything goes wrong call her.
I spend my time ready pride and prejudice while waiting for Alex to text me. Then I start daydreaming about the hug Alex gave me. Could there be a possibility that he likes me? Then I’m startled by the door bell ringing. I race downstairs and open the door and Alex was standing there. Then my stomach started getting butterflies.
“Come in.” I say while smiling.
“I was just thinking about you” I say.
“Obviously you would think about me, I mean who doesn’t like thinking about me” He says while grinning.
“So there is no homework today” He says.
“You could have texted me instead then” I say.
“I know but I wanted to see if you were okay”
“Yeah I’m fine don’t worry about it” I say while giving him a reassuring smile.
We sit down and talk for a while. Then time seem to have past so fast because I realize he was with me for 5 hours straight. It was almost nightfall.
“Well I should get going” He says.
“Okay” I say. I was kind of disappointed that he had to leave so soon.
When he was almost out the door I feel him grab my hand and it sent goose bumps up my skin. He slowly looks up at me and I smile I’m still really sorry he says.
I didn’t really want this moment to stop then I tip toed and kissed him on his cheek. He couldn’t stop smiling when I did. When he left I just realized that I won because it wasn’t the worst day for me it was an amazing day. James was definitely wrong about that.
By midnight I see James sitting on the bench so I creep out my house slowly making sure not to awake my parents.
When he sees me he smiles.
“Oh my god you were right about my score how did you know it was going to be 80%?” I ask quizzically.
“I told you I can see the future”
“No you can’t”
“Yes I can”
“You said I was going to have the worst day ever but it turned out to be such an amazing day for me” I say while smiling a little thinking about Alex.
“Well some futures can be changed but to do so is filled danger”
“What?” I was so confused.
“What I mean is that your marks were a future that I could see clearly because it was already confirmed but as for things that happen in your life it can be changed. Not all futures are very clear you know.”
“That’s ridiculous, you’re lying.” I say
“Fine believe whatever you want yacker” He says and rolls his eyes at me.
This is seriously the sassiest guy I ever met.
“Okay I have to tell you something really big. You’re probably going to think I’m lying at least I know I’m telling the truth so maybe it may answer all your questions” He says turning to face me.
“Umm okay” I say confused.
“Okay what I’m going to tell you may sound crazy” he says.
“I think I can handle it go on”
“Some of the answers to my life is in that book you found yesterday. The reason I’m always here is because I have nowhere else to go. I was actually sent to earth by a group of people known as the high priestess”. He says.
“Who are they?”
“Before the time of the Great Purge, girls would be chosen at birth for the priesthood. They'd be taken away from their families and brought up as initiates in the Old Religion. They send people to earth because of the dangers that corrupts our world. The High Priestesses were the chief servants of the Triple Goddess. They were a group of highly skilled and powerful sorceresses, mistresses of magic and spell and detained the power over life and death. They lived on the Isle of the Blessed, where they guarded the Cup of Life .
“What world? What cup?” I’m so confused.
“The underworld. The cup of life is a source of magic and it can be used to create an immortal army. At the time of the Old Religion, the High Priestesses performed a blood sacrifice to open the Veil between this world and the Spirit world and release the Do Rocha .They also use dark magic to summon from the depths of the Underworld the Fomorroh, a creature that they revered. This would allow them to take over the minds of their enemies, binding them to their will” He says.
“So wait let me get this straight are you a dead person” I ask.
He starts to laugh.
“Not everyone from the underworld has to be dead you know.” He says.
“Oh okay. But why were people using magic to kill one another?”
“Because magic corrupts people’s mind, it is supposed to be used for good but people take advantage of it because in the wrong hands magic can become a powerful weapon. This is known as dark magic.”
“Dark magic?”
“The denomination of dark magic is to indicate a form of corrupted and evil magic which is actually wrong, magic is basically neutral, not good nor bad. What's important is how magic is used .Anyway, there are some applications of magic or some spells whose effects or purposes are undoubtedly evil and can only be used to inflict harm upon someone.”
“So you have magic?”
“Yes” He says.
“How did you get it?”
“I was born with it”
“Wow, so anyone can be born with magic?” I ask.
“No only some people are gifted enough to be born with magic. My parents happened to be roman gods and goddess so that’s how I have magic.”
“Roman gods, what is that?”
“My dad happens to be Osiris which means god of the underworld and afterlife. My mum is Wadjet which means goddess of protection. They sent me away to earth for a while because of the dangers in the underworld. They couldn’t come with me because of their gifts which are protection and my dad; well he had to stay because he is the god of the underworld after all.
“Wow your life seems to have so many surprises. But wait if your father and mother are god and goddess wouldn’t that make you one as well?”
“Yes I’m the god for moon. Well, not yet a god so still like a prince”
“Why aren’t you a god yet?”
“Because I’m not married. Well I was supposed to get married but then I had to come here”
“How can you get married so early you look so young, like 17”
“Well for God’s and goddess it’s better if we get married earlier so we can use our powers earlier and we have to so trainings of such” He says.
“So… who were you planning to marry? I ask, silently hoping he had no one in mind.
“Well I was supposed to marry the Princess Aphrodite also known as Princess Venus she happens to be goddess of love and beauty.” He says.
“Wow she must be really pretty I suppose”
“She is really pretty “He says smiling.
“Well that’s good I hope you both will be happy with each other. So when can you go back?” I say while smiling.
“When I get the feeling it’s safe to go back. My parents will send me signs of some kind to show that it is safe to come back”
“So until then you’ll just sit out here?”
“Yup, the good thing is I get to spy on you”
What a perv.
“Do you see this sign on my arm?” He asks showing his hand to me. It was like a tattoo.
“Yes, what does it represent?”
“ It’s a mark that everyone gets if they leave the underworld and once the mark has vanished it shows that it is safe to come back.” He says.
“Look the mark is almost half gone” I say pointing to the mark.
“Yes that means I’ll maybe have 1 more day to stay then I have to leave.” He says.
I felt like I was going to miss arguing with him if he left.
“Will you be here tomorrow?”
“Yes but I will be my last day”
“Why are you going to miss me yacker?”
“As if” I sat sarcastically.
“So does this mean you get to go back to marry your Princess Venus?” I ask.
“Yes it does”
I actually felt happy for him.
“I should get going, it’s already 2 I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say.
“No problem yacker I’ll be counting the seconds” He says then smiles.
When I head up to my bedroom it feels as if I just came back from a History lesson from hearing all those old religion stuff. But I was glad James gets to go home because he does seem lonely here. I’m definitely going to miss him. As a few minutes pass, I couldn’t fall asleep not because of James but because of Alex. I grab out my cellphone and start texting Alex he might be asleep but I should give it a shot anyways.
Zoe: Alex are you asleep? If you are don’t answer.
He immediately answers.
Alex: No I’m not asleep having a movie marathon. Why is something the matter?
Zoe: No I just couldn’t sleep.
Alex: Are you having nightmares?
Zoe: No I’m just thinking about something.
Alex: Are you thinking about me:p?
Zoe: Oh please you’re so vain…..yes I was: /
Alex: HaHAHAH I knew it. I was thinking about you to.
Zoe: Liar you said you were having a movie marathon.
Alex: Oops don’t worry I’ll think about you tomorrow.XD
Zoe: LOL okay goodnight.
Alex: Goodnight beautiful.
When I read his last text it definitely made go to sleep having sweet dreams.
Since it’s a Sunday I get up late and then do some reading. I read until noon then eat lunch with my siblings. I start to get bored then drive around town. By nightfall I so anxious from waiting. Why couldn’t it be midnight already?
I lay around doing random stuff such as painting my nails, drawing back the tattoo I saw on James’s hand and sketching. Before I know it’s 11.35 and everyone in my house is asleep. I grab a sweater and head outside I see him sitting there and I rush over.
“So this is it?” I ask.
“I guess”
He shows me his tattoo its almost gone, all that’s left is just a blur.
“So when exactly do you go?”
“When it’s precisely midnight.”
We talk for a while, then it’s 2 minutes to midnight James gets up and says a few words under his breath. I think it has to be spells. Then he takes out a heart locket, it looks so beautiful like a pretty gem. Then he walks towards me and places it around my neck.
“Here this is for you whenever you want to have a debating competition with me, you just say my name 5 times out loud and it will summon me.”
“Thank you.” I say smiling.
“Welcome. Take care Yacker. I think I’ll miss you a lot” he says.
“Really” I say sarcastically.
“Yes, yes don’t let it get to you”
Then I start laughing. I hug him and then he says a few more words under his breath then the whole road turns into a flaming orange portal.
“Well this is goodbye yacker I had some good times with you. But I hope in the future you don’t come running out like a weirdo to give me advice.” He says then winks at me.
I start to laugh.
“By the way if you think you had the most amazing day in school, tomorrow you’re going to have the best day ever. Trust me Alex likes you a lot.” He says.
Then I blush remembering he could see the future. Then he blows me a flying kiss and disappears and I have never felt so empty without his presence.
I go home and sleep dreaming about how much I miss him.
In school I still think about James. When I’m opening my locker I see a note inside. I opened it and started reading.:-
Dear beautiful,
I came to find love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. You can’t find love, love finds you. That’s why it’s called falling in love because you don’t force yourself to fall in love you just fall. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until that special person comes and steals my heart. For me that special person is you. Every night I think about you with the hopes of having you in my dream. Our time together is just quite never enough. You always turn my bad days good and my good days better. You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you. Just when I thought love could never be a part of me, that’s when you came along and showed me happiness. Your beauty got my attention but your personality stole my heart. Life is short there is no time to leave important words unsaid, that’s why I wrote you this letter. When I saw you the first time I thank god for introducing me to the most beautiful angel. I have to always force myself to look away from you because I easily get lost in your eye. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me. Zoe I’m amazed whenever I look at you, not just because of your looks but because i=of the fact everything I have ever wanted is right in front of me. A hug can make my day but it has to be from a certain person and that person is you Zoe. Plus I seriously didn’t think it was possible to smile this much until I met you. Just by looking in your eyes I know I love you. Besides I can’t be just friends with someone I’m madly in love with. Every moment I spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true. I hope you feel the same way about me: ) If you be my star I’ll be your sky. I promise. I love you for who you are on the inside, The lovely looking outside is just a bonus. True love doesn’t have a happy ending because true love never ends.
That was the sweetest thing I have read and I’m hundred percent confirm it is from Alex. I’m definitely keeping this letter forever. Suddenly Alex walks to my locker and asks me what’s going on casually.
“Oh I just got a secret admirer”
“Yeah I’m hundred percent confirm it’s you”
He starts to blush and I’m so scared if he might faint.
“Oh okay yes it’s from me. How did you know?”
“Well it was kind of obvious, but the part that I was confirm it was you was the hug part”
“I’m so sorry if you don’t accept it’s okay”. He says nervously.
I just grab him by the hand and kiss him on his lips. I swear that was the best kiss ever, I could feel my whole skin tingling. When I let go of him he can’t stop smiling.
“So how does it feel to have your first kiss?” I ask.
“That was the best moment of my life! Oh my god.”
We start to laugh. I could tell that he is still blushing. He holds my hand and we walk to class still laughing like crazy people.
I did miss the moonlight prince (James) but I have my own prince charming here so I still felt like a princess. Alex has definitely stole my heart.
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