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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Pain / Problems / Adversity
- Published: 12/01/2013
Is this a storey of your princess?
This is a storey of a Little, Sweet, Indian, Christian Girl, who’s father loves Her a lot, and she loves, cares and respects him equally. Her father has taken bank loans to make his family happy and in comfort. Her mother died in a train accident in Mumbai local when she was just seven and there after her life changed drastically. As a eldest child of her father, she took care of her younger brother Ijiy and took other responsibilities of daily house chorus. After her mother’s expiry, she went to her grand parents in Kerala and lived there for couple of years.
Her father married another women, so as to take care of his children. Initially she used to take care of both, but after having bay girl, she lost interest in the Girl and started scolding and hating that little sweet Girl. Mopping floors and cleaning kitchen and crockery became domain of that Girl. Otherwise a flamboyant Girl with friends in a school, became quite and feared Girl at home. Her father kept mum on her step mother’s allegations and objections on Her. She used from broke inside everyday, but thanked God for giving her this beautiful life; at the same time.
She and Her younger brother were in Baby sitter for some time, where she undergo a molestation attempt by the husband of the lady, day care agency’s owner; but couldn’t tell her father. At the age of 7 she got so much matured that, she didn’t wanted to make her dad more stressed after losing his wife. Once more, she was attempted by her uncle when she was home alone, she fought and send him back. She hates him even more today as he has became a priest and people respect him as a God.
She choose to become a nurse after her higher school studies, keeping in mind that, she’ll go abroad and work in middle east countries to relieve her father from loan debts and will collect some funds for her marriage and for her younger sister’s marriage. As she knew that, one of her aunt is a nurse and earns hefty salary in one of the middle eastern government hospital.
She used to stay in hostel while pursuing her GNM with her friend Nummy, they used to share every good and bad, ugly and worst with each other. She used sleeping pills in hospital for her stress management, as She used to feel very lonely and discarded. Meanwhile she came in a contact with a Boy, who learnt her pain and used to talk nice with her over phone. He used to listen to her carefully and give her, her lost pride and self respect . They became very close friends and later fell in love. She proposed him and He accepted. Top of the surprise was that, all this happened over a phone. Finally they decided meeting and seeing each other as both were excited to meet each other.
Their relationship continued till date, completing almost six years, almost one fifth of their lives, both are so happy and complementing each other. The boy understands this Girl very well and tries to make her happy, of which she has been deprived for years. The family of boy loves the Girl and are happy with their selection of each other. Girl also loves the family of Boy, especially his mother. She finds Her own mother in her ‘to be’ mother in law.
Now Her father is looking for her a perfect Christian match. She is very innocent and cares her father like anything. She cries alone all the time as she knows that she has to choose one, either her father or his Love. She cries in bed, cries in bathroom, Cries in train, cries on duty. Sometimes she thinks of ending her life, while standing on local train’s platform, thinks jumping in front of moving train, sometimes she think why she was not with her mother when she jumped from Mumbai local after rumors of fire.
She wanted to confess her love to her father, But fears that her father might not accept, might not agree on their relationship, because the boy is a Muslim. Both the Boy and Girl want blessings of their parents….. parents of both…… with them throughout their lives.
This is a poem She is carrying in Her bag since last 4 weeks to read it in front of Her father, but not finding courage to confront.
Give her courage of Mariyam,
Give her strength of Noah,
Oh Father of all, Beneath earth and Heaven above!!!
Please listen to this request of her … … …
AMEN !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I won’t tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
You are such a God in my life,
But your life is like walking on a knife.
You poured so much happiness on us,
Still god tested you every now and thus.
You never expressed this, but by your eyes every moment,
Whenever I saw them, even my mind couldn’t make a movement
I never knew how to express my thoughts!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Amma used to support and relieve your pain,
But all her efforts were taken by the train.
You lost your soul,
where did you made the foul??
I got matured just by that day,
Taking care of Ijiy and supporting you in every way
You are my friend and Great Good God!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I won’t tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Granny and Grandpa were too much caring,
But life without you was so much boring.
I used think about, You and Amma,
Talking to You was like, life support in Coma.
After the Amma has gone, life was not so clear,
Babysitter tried molesting me, I got inside fear,
Adding to your pain was not my Spot!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
New life begun, when new Amma came,
She took your care, and cared us the same.
Ijiy and me were so happy again,
But the life is an Oasis, you know it again.
The passion of Love was never as my Amma,
Mopping floor and utensils became my daily life drama.
I washed and mopped quickly whenever broken any Pot!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Uncle tried the same, the baby sitter tried once,
Where is Lord ‘Krishna’, I find everyone here ‘Kans’.
I yelled at him and, came aback pissed,
Today people respect him, saying he is a priest.
Pain is filled IN, upto a NECK, and a LOT !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
I passed my school, I passed my college,
But never shared my pain, as no one was so privileged.
I was looking for a shoulder to cry a loud,
But all were betrayers and friends in a doubt.
I tried clearing every now and then my thoughts !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Nummy was a friend and we learnt together profession,
She kept making me, and me to her confession.
One sleeping Pill was, bestie to get OFF tension,
No.s rose to 8, through the course of duration.
I just used to sleep, and then learn and then sleep,
No one ever cared my life, never asked, never peeped.
You were paying heavy loans and running the house boat !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Days passed, Years passed and passed the time of thoughts,
I passed my studies and helped serving pots.
I feel so great to see you happy, but my heart inside rots,
I am denying my words, my pledge to my Prince, Forgive me my good GOD.
I’ll sacrifice my Love! my Prince! My Sweetheart!
I’ll break every relationship and every knot.
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
He is a prince of my dreams, and I am princess of his thoughts,
He cared me every moment, second and every slot.
He cared me for six years, and talked to my heart.
He stole my sleeping Pills, my lonely life, my stress cart,
I’ll die every day if I lose him, in the name of God.
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
He cares me so much, no one would ever can,
He love me, my family and you, and he’s your fan.
He’ll help you, your work, your family as his clan,
I am crying- crying and dying -dying, please listen if you Can.
I wont be happy with relation you have sought !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
I’ll work there and earn better and will send you back the butter,
But life won’t be smooth with sheikhs and Ibboy in Qatar.
My heart wont accept Ibboy everyone will know this later,
Lives will be ruined together, like a set of used food platter.
He’s Ammi is so sweet, she called me daughter of God !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Oh Father!!!(1openedheart)
Is this a storey of your princess?
This is a storey of a Little, Sweet, Indian, Christian Girl, who’s father loves Her a lot, and she loves, cares and respects him equally. Her father has taken bank loans to make his family happy and in comfort. Her mother died in a train accident in Mumbai local when she was just seven and there after her life changed drastically. As a eldest child of her father, she took care of her younger brother Ijiy and took other responsibilities of daily house chorus. After her mother’s expiry, she went to her grand parents in Kerala and lived there for couple of years.
Her father married another women, so as to take care of his children. Initially she used to take care of both, but after having bay girl, she lost interest in the Girl and started scolding and hating that little sweet Girl. Mopping floors and cleaning kitchen and crockery became domain of that Girl. Otherwise a flamboyant Girl with friends in a school, became quite and feared Girl at home. Her father kept mum on her step mother’s allegations and objections on Her. She used from broke inside everyday, but thanked God for giving her this beautiful life; at the same time.
She and Her younger brother were in Baby sitter for some time, where she undergo a molestation attempt by the husband of the lady, day care agency’s owner; but couldn’t tell her father. At the age of 7 she got so much matured that, she didn’t wanted to make her dad more stressed after losing his wife. Once more, she was attempted by her uncle when she was home alone, she fought and send him back. She hates him even more today as he has became a priest and people respect him as a God.
She choose to become a nurse after her higher school studies, keeping in mind that, she’ll go abroad and work in middle east countries to relieve her father from loan debts and will collect some funds for her marriage and for her younger sister’s marriage. As she knew that, one of her aunt is a nurse and earns hefty salary in one of the middle eastern government hospital.
She used to stay in hostel while pursuing her GNM with her friend Nummy, they used to share every good and bad, ugly and worst with each other. She used sleeping pills in hospital for her stress management, as She used to feel very lonely and discarded. Meanwhile she came in a contact with a Boy, who learnt her pain and used to talk nice with her over phone. He used to listen to her carefully and give her, her lost pride and self respect . They became very close friends and later fell in love. She proposed him and He accepted. Top of the surprise was that, all this happened over a phone. Finally they decided meeting and seeing each other as both were excited to meet each other.
Their relationship continued till date, completing almost six years, almost one fifth of their lives, both are so happy and complementing each other. The boy understands this Girl very well and tries to make her happy, of which she has been deprived for years. The family of boy loves the Girl and are happy with their selection of each other. Girl also loves the family of Boy, especially his mother. She finds Her own mother in her ‘to be’ mother in law.
Now Her father is looking for her a perfect Christian match. She is very innocent and cares her father like anything. She cries alone all the time as she knows that she has to choose one, either her father or his Love. She cries in bed, cries in bathroom, Cries in train, cries on duty. Sometimes she thinks of ending her life, while standing on local train’s platform, thinks jumping in front of moving train, sometimes she think why she was not with her mother when she jumped from Mumbai local after rumors of fire.
She wanted to confess her love to her father, But fears that her father might not accept, might not agree on their relationship, because the boy is a Muslim. Both the Boy and Girl want blessings of their parents….. parents of both…… with them throughout their lives.
This is a poem She is carrying in Her bag since last 4 weeks to read it in front of Her father, but not finding courage to confront.
Give her courage of Mariyam,
Give her strength of Noah,
Oh Father of all, Beneath earth and Heaven above!!!
Please listen to this request of her … … …
AMEN !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I won’t tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
You are such a God in my life,
But your life is like walking on a knife.
You poured so much happiness on us,
Still god tested you every now and thus.
You never expressed this, but by your eyes every moment,
Whenever I saw them, even my mind couldn’t make a movement
I never knew how to express my thoughts!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Amma used to support and relieve your pain,
But all her efforts were taken by the train.
You lost your soul,
where did you made the foul??
I got matured just by that day,
Taking care of Ijiy and supporting you in every way
You are my friend and Great Good God!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I won’t tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Granny and Grandpa were too much caring,
But life without you was so much boring.
I used think about, You and Amma,
Talking to You was like, life support in Coma.
After the Amma has gone, life was not so clear,
Babysitter tried molesting me, I got inside fear,
Adding to your pain was not my Spot!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
New life begun, when new Amma came,
She took your care, and cared us the same.
Ijiy and me were so happy again,
But the life is an Oasis, you know it again.
The passion of Love was never as my Amma,
Mopping floor and utensils became my daily life drama.
I washed and mopped quickly whenever broken any Pot!!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Uncle tried the same, the baby sitter tried once,
Where is Lord ‘Krishna’, I find everyone here ‘Kans’.
I yelled at him and, came aback pissed,
Today people respect him, saying he is a priest.
Pain is filled IN, upto a NECK, and a LOT !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
I passed my school, I passed my college,
But never shared my pain, as no one was so privileged.
I was looking for a shoulder to cry a loud,
But all were betrayers and friends in a doubt.
I tried clearing every now and then my thoughts !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Nummy was a friend and we learnt together profession,
She kept making me, and me to her confession.
One sleeping Pill was, bestie to get OFF tension,
No.s rose to 8, through the course of duration.
I just used to sleep, and then learn and then sleep,
No one ever cared my life, never asked, never peeped.
You were paying heavy loans and running the house boat !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
Days passed, Years passed and passed the time of thoughts,
I passed my studies and helped serving pots.
I feel so great to see you happy, but my heart inside rots,
I am denying my words, my pledge to my Prince, Forgive me my good GOD.
I’ll sacrifice my Love! my Prince! My Sweetheart!
I’ll break every relationship and every knot.
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
He is a prince of my dreams, and I am princess of his thoughts,
He cared me every moment, second and every slot.
He cared me for six years, and talked to my heart.
He stole my sleeping Pills, my lonely life, my stress cart,
I’ll die every day if I lose him, in the name of God.
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
He cares me so much, no one would ever can,
He love me, my family and you, and he’s your fan.
He’ll help you, your work, your family as his clan,
I am crying- crying and dying -dying, please listen if you Can.
I wont be happy with relation you have sought !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
I’ll work there and earn better and will send you back the butter,
But life won’t be smooth with sheikhs and Ibboy in Qatar.
My heart wont accept Ibboy everyone will know this later,
Lives will be ruined together, like a set of used food platter.
He’s Ammi is so sweet, she called me daughter of God !!!
Oh Father!!! You are so close to my heart,
But I wont tell you, cause I love you and fear a lot… ___________ (2)
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