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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 12/25/2013
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Bryce turned in his covers, trying to will himself back to sleep. It can't be time for school already, he thought. He looked lazily around the room for a few moments, then forced himself to sit up straight in his bed. His back ached from the way he had been sleeping, so he yawned and stretched his arms and legs. He rubbed his hazel eyes, now red from exhaustion, and swung both legs over the side of his bed.
Bryce didn't have the drive he usually did on school mornings. He used to look forward to going everyday, not because of school itself, but because he got to see his friends. High school actually was going great for him. He was in two math classes higher than regular sophomores, and was on really good terms with all of his teachers. But lately, he had been feeling down, and he couldn't really explain why.
He trudged to the hall bathroom where he inspected his not-so-attractive morning appearance in the mirror. His wavy, dirty-blonde hair, which usually looked, as he would say, angelic, now was matted with little strands of hair that stood up on various spots of his head. He then inspected his smile. Straight and mostly white, he thought. Then his body. He wasn't the buffest guy out there, but he was no stick either. He flexed his arm muscles then chuckled because he realized he didn't really have any. Maybe getting more muscular would get her attention.
Her. He paused for a moment, then shook his head, trying to shake off the feeling that nestled deep in his gut that he continuously pushed down any time he felt it crawling back up. Since when do I care what she thinks, he asked himself, and carried on getting ready for school.
Bryce had a list of friends, but when it came to close, there were only two that came to mind. Charley and Julie.
Charley had been in Bryce's life since second grade and they were practically brothers and told each other anything and everything. They live two houses away from each other, and hung out nonstop.
Then there was Julie. Julie had joined the gang in seventh grade. He remembers that day. He was sitting at his usual spot at lunch, when he looked over to see her. Her long brown, wavy hair that fell so gracefully over her shoulders, and those brown puppy-dog-like eyes that stared back at him. She sat alone at the other side of the lunch room, so he went over and invited her to sit with them; she's been with them ever since. Bryce and Julie continually grew closer, and even began hanging out outside of school. They went to sporting events together, parties, and sometimes even to each other's house just for dinner. He considered her to be one of his best friends. But lately he got a weird feeling around her, a feeling he didn't know how to describe.
BRING. BRING. The lunch bell tolled and Bryce awoke from his day dream. He didn't remember anything that the physics teacher talked about-all that was on his mind was Julie. When he entered the lunch room, he saw his already sitting at their table; then he spotted Julie. She looked very nice today. Her hair was in an elegant braid that fell over her right shoulder and the red in her shirt made her brown eyes look even more stunning. As he neared the table, his stomach began to feel queasy, and the palms of his hands began to sweat. He didn't know why he felt like this. He noticed that through out the lunch period, he couldn't even look her in the eyes. When the bell rang for the end of lunch, Julie pulled Bryce aside.
"Hey Bryce, are you okay?"
"W-wha? Oh. Yeah, yeah! I'm fine!" He laugh uncomfortably.
"Okay, because you were just acting kind of strange today," She gave him one of those innocent smiles that made the cute dimple on her cheek stand out, and Bryce felt weak in the knees. "Anyways, do you want to hang out after school?"
"Sure!" His heart began to beat faster. "Where?" he asked.
"Meet me at the park in front of the pond at 5:30." she said. They exchanged goodbyes and he watched her walk off in the opposite direction. He stomach was wild with butterflies. Why are you so excited, he thought, its not the first time you guys have hung out alone. 5:30...5:30...he said to himself over and over. School couldn't seem to end fast enough.
When it finally did, he raced home on his bike. When he entered his house, he glanced at the kitchen clock-it read 4:30. Okay an hour to get ready, he thought. He took a quick shower, then ran to his room and dug through his closet. No matter what he pulled out, he didn't think it was good enough to wear in front of Julie, the girl who he was once comfortable with wearing no shirt and basketball shorts around. He snuck into his older brothers room, and took the nice white flannel shirt he wore to an internship. He won't mind, Bryce thought. He slipped it on and, while a little long on the arms, fit nicely. He found the nicest pair of jeans he owned and slipped them on. Im ready, he thought. He headed toward the front door when he stopped abruptly. One last thing. He ran into his dad's room and took his Axe spray off the shelf and sprayed it all over himself. He ran back out to the front door and took a glance at the clock. 5:45!!! Oh no, he thought, she'll think I stood her up! He ran out the door and hopped onto his bike. He peddled quickly down to the park where she said they'd meet. Once he reached it, he hopped off his bike. She's still here, he thought, and he began to relax a little.
She sat in front of the pond, her hair still in the braid from earlier, but her outfit too had changed into something a bit nicer. She heard him walking up behind her and she turned around.
"Bryce! You're here!" She patted a small spot next to her on the grass. He walked over and sat down. "You look nice," she said, "What's the occasion?" He realized he had definitely overdressed.
"Family thing..." he lied.
"I see." she said. She leaned over and sniffed the air. "Is that...Axe??" she asked.
"Oh! Uh this...uh..." he stuttered. He cleared his throat, "Wh-why do you care?" he said trying to sound tough.
"Well geeze," she said a bit sarcastically, "I think you smell nice." She gave him another heart-melting smile. He now noticed how beautiful her eyes looked in the sunset, and how she smelt faintly of strawberries. He noticed how flawless her bronze skin was and how her dark brown braid looked angelic. He then noticed her lips, and the soft curve they had and the lushness they possessed. He imagined what they would be like...on his.
"Julie..." He said, not being able to say anything else.
"What's up?" She said as she turned to face him. He scooted closer to her, so close that their shoulders and hips were touching.
"I, um..." His hazel eyes were nearly blinded by the light that shone when her eyes gazed into his.
"What is it?" she asked with a slight giggle.
"Julie," he started, "You're one of my best friends, and I think that I'm...I'm.." He trailed off, not being able to breathe.
"You're what?" She searched his eyes for an answer. He then, with a gentle and swift motion, lifted his hands to her soft cheeks and leaned in. Their lips met. At first, Julie didn't react, but after a few seconds, she began to kiss back. Julie lifted one hand and grazed Bryce's face. He pulled her in closer and began to kiss her deeper. He pulled away. Their foreheads and noses touching, he whispered, "I love you" and pulled her lips back to his.
More than a Friend(B. Hopeful)
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Bryce turned in his covers, trying to will himself back to sleep. It can't be time for school already, he thought. He looked lazily around the room for a few moments, then forced himself to sit up straight in his bed. His back ached from the way he had been sleeping, so he yawned and stretched his arms and legs. He rubbed his hazel eyes, now red from exhaustion, and swung both legs over the side of his bed.
Bryce didn't have the drive he usually did on school mornings. He used to look forward to going everyday, not because of school itself, but because he got to see his friends. High school actually was going great for him. He was in two math classes higher than regular sophomores, and was on really good terms with all of his teachers. But lately, he had been feeling down, and he couldn't really explain why.
He trudged to the hall bathroom where he inspected his not-so-attractive morning appearance in the mirror. His wavy, dirty-blonde hair, which usually looked, as he would say, angelic, now was matted with little strands of hair that stood up on various spots of his head. He then inspected his smile. Straight and mostly white, he thought. Then his body. He wasn't the buffest guy out there, but he was no stick either. He flexed his arm muscles then chuckled because he realized he didn't really have any. Maybe getting more muscular would get her attention.
Her. He paused for a moment, then shook his head, trying to shake off the feeling that nestled deep in his gut that he continuously pushed down any time he felt it crawling back up. Since when do I care what she thinks, he asked himself, and carried on getting ready for school.
Bryce had a list of friends, but when it came to close, there were only two that came to mind. Charley and Julie.
Charley had been in Bryce's life since second grade and they were practically brothers and told each other anything and everything. They live two houses away from each other, and hung out nonstop.
Then there was Julie. Julie had joined the gang in seventh grade. He remembers that day. He was sitting at his usual spot at lunch, when he looked over to see her. Her long brown, wavy hair that fell so gracefully over her shoulders, and those brown puppy-dog-like eyes that stared back at him. She sat alone at the other side of the lunch room, so he went over and invited her to sit with them; she's been with them ever since. Bryce and Julie continually grew closer, and even began hanging out outside of school. They went to sporting events together, parties, and sometimes even to each other's house just for dinner. He considered her to be one of his best friends. But lately he got a weird feeling around her, a feeling he didn't know how to describe.
BRING. BRING. The lunch bell tolled and Bryce awoke from his day dream. He didn't remember anything that the physics teacher talked about-all that was on his mind was Julie. When he entered the lunch room, he saw his already sitting at their table; then he spotted Julie. She looked very nice today. Her hair was in an elegant braid that fell over her right shoulder and the red in her shirt made her brown eyes look even more stunning. As he neared the table, his stomach began to feel queasy, and the palms of his hands began to sweat. He didn't know why he felt like this. He noticed that through out the lunch period, he couldn't even look her in the eyes. When the bell rang for the end of lunch, Julie pulled Bryce aside.
"Hey Bryce, are you okay?"
"W-wha? Oh. Yeah, yeah! I'm fine!" He laugh uncomfortably.
"Okay, because you were just acting kind of strange today," She gave him one of those innocent smiles that made the cute dimple on her cheek stand out, and Bryce felt weak in the knees. "Anyways, do you want to hang out after school?"
"Sure!" His heart began to beat faster. "Where?" he asked.
"Meet me at the park in front of the pond at 5:30." she said. They exchanged goodbyes and he watched her walk off in the opposite direction. He stomach was wild with butterflies. Why are you so excited, he thought, its not the first time you guys have hung out alone. 5:30...5:30...he said to himself over and over. School couldn't seem to end fast enough.
When it finally did, he raced home on his bike. When he entered his house, he glanced at the kitchen clock-it read 4:30. Okay an hour to get ready, he thought. He took a quick shower, then ran to his room and dug through his closet. No matter what he pulled out, he didn't think it was good enough to wear in front of Julie, the girl who he was once comfortable with wearing no shirt and basketball shorts around. He snuck into his older brothers room, and took the nice white flannel shirt he wore to an internship. He won't mind, Bryce thought. He slipped it on and, while a little long on the arms, fit nicely. He found the nicest pair of jeans he owned and slipped them on. Im ready, he thought. He headed toward the front door when he stopped abruptly. One last thing. He ran into his dad's room and took his Axe spray off the shelf and sprayed it all over himself. He ran back out to the front door and took a glance at the clock. 5:45!!! Oh no, he thought, she'll think I stood her up! He ran out the door and hopped onto his bike. He peddled quickly down to the park where she said they'd meet. Once he reached it, he hopped off his bike. She's still here, he thought, and he began to relax a little.
She sat in front of the pond, her hair still in the braid from earlier, but her outfit too had changed into something a bit nicer. She heard him walking up behind her and she turned around.
"Bryce! You're here!" She patted a small spot next to her on the grass. He walked over and sat down. "You look nice," she said, "What's the occasion?" He realized he had definitely overdressed.
"Family thing..." he lied.
"I see." she said. She leaned over and sniffed the air. "Is that...Axe??" she asked.
"Oh! Uh this...uh..." he stuttered. He cleared his throat, "Wh-why do you care?" he said trying to sound tough.
"Well geeze," she said a bit sarcastically, "I think you smell nice." She gave him another heart-melting smile. He now noticed how beautiful her eyes looked in the sunset, and how she smelt faintly of strawberries. He noticed how flawless her bronze skin was and how her dark brown braid looked angelic. He then noticed her lips, and the soft curve they had and the lushness they possessed. He imagined what they would be like...on his.
"Julie..." He said, not being able to say anything else.
"What's up?" She said as she turned to face him. He scooted closer to her, so close that their shoulders and hips were touching.
"I, um..." His hazel eyes were nearly blinded by the light that shone when her eyes gazed into his.
"What is it?" she asked with a slight giggle.
"Julie," he started, "You're one of my best friends, and I think that I'm...I'm.." He trailed off, not being able to breathe.
"You're what?" She searched his eyes for an answer. He then, with a gentle and swift motion, lifted his hands to her soft cheeks and leaned in. Their lips met. At first, Julie didn't react, but after a few seconds, she began to kiss back. Julie lifted one hand and grazed Bryce's face. He pulled her in closer and began to kiss her deeper. He pulled away. Their foreheads and noses touching, he whispered, "I love you" and pulled her lips back to his.
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