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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Life Experience
- Published: 12/27/2013
This is a story about a girl named Nikki, she had all black hair,blue eyes,lushes red lips and a lovely but pale face. She was born in New York, Queens on July 15, 1997 to a drug dealing father and a dope headed mother, Her father always loved her ever since the day she was born her mother on the other hand barely noticed she was around. When Nikki was 12 her dad got shot by a cop, every one said it was because he was a man running from the law, after he died she lived with her mom and no one took care of her. However when Nikki turned 15 her mother over dosed so she moved in with her older brother, Marcus. He had a nice house and a car although no one really knew where the money came from most believed that he followed in his fathers footsteps which was true. By day he was Marcus James Franklin a machanic, but by night he was Quikk a drug dealing rap mastermind and some how he managed to hide this from every one that he was close to including Nikki. Marcus lived this same life since he was 14 manly because when he was 11 years old his mother sold him for crack and he never went home after that because the person she sold him to taught him everything he needed to know to survive in the real world. However one day Nikki found his gun while he was at work and when he came home she was on the couch crying when he asked her what was wrong she put the gun on the table and said “What do you need this for,” he just walked away without saying any thing. The next morning Nikki awoke to the sounds of birds chirping from out her window still nothing could take her mind off of her brother being in danger of loseing his life, but when she looked on the night stand she noticed a note writen to her by Marcus, this is what it said.
Dear Nikki,
I know you are afraid to lose me because I am the only family you have left and I feel the same every day because I love you so much because you will always be my baby sister and any time you need something im here for no matter what happens.
On her first day back to school she was too scared to tell her friends about what she found out conserning her brother so once she got to school she just sat and staired at the wall until her friends came up to her and asked her what was wrong. She told them she didn’t want to talk about it but they insisted that she told her and as her eyes glisined with tears she said, “its Marcus he’s doing the same thing my father died doing and im just so scared to see him die,” her friend Jenni hugged her and told her not to cry because Marcus knows what he is doing. Her other friend, Shaundi, told her that she would walk her to class and as they were on their way to 1st period Shaundi put her arm around Nikki and whispered into her ear “Nikki I know you miss you father but hurting yourself won’t make it any better” Nikki asked her what she meant and Shaundi replied that she noticed the cuts on her arms “I love you Nikki and so does Jenni and your brother so there is no need for that” Nikki nodded her head at Shaundi. That night as she was laying in bed crying Marcus came into her room and sat next to her and confronted her as well about cutting herself all she said was “because I miss dad more than anything” “I know” he replied to her then he layed next to her under the covers she rapped her arms around him and said “Marcus, did you mean what you said in the letter” he looked at her and said, “of cousre I did I love you like you’re my own child I would do anything to keep you safe.” As he started to get out of her bed she stopped him and said, “Marcus can you um sleep with me tonight” “why” he said “because you’re my big bubba and I haven’t been able to tell you that for 8 long hard years of my life also the whole three days I’ve been here we haven’t had a long conversation so for the first time in 8 years can you please talk to me till I fall asleep you can leave once I do he smiled and said “yes sis but I won’t leave because I miss protecting and gaurding over you while you sleep. So they talked and they talked mostly about what had been going on in the past 8 years. The next morning Nikki awoke to Marcus cooking her breakfest once she walked into the kitchen he had already finished cooking her food so she just sat down at the table to eat, once she was done she hugged Marcus tightly and wispered, “I missed you,” he smiled and said, “hurry up youll be late for school.” As she was walking to school she saw a car with black tinted windows drive past her, she didn’t think much of it until the car past by her a second time but a lot slower this time. Then at one point the windows rolled down and suddenly the people in the car opened gun fire on Nikki and sped away but she got up and luckly she was not hit at all she quickly called Marcus “Hello” she said “hey whats wrong” he replied to her “I don’t know why but a black car just drove by me and started shooting can you please come pick me up” Nikki rambled “yes where are you” he sayed quickly “a block away from the house” Nikki replied “ok I’ll be there in a minute” Marcus said and hung up when he found her she was standing on the side of the road shaking he stopped and she quickly jumped into the car he asked her if she was ok she said she was scared so, so scared. Once they got home Marcus told her he thinks he might know who shot at her, it was the East Bloods, a rival gang, only 3 blocks away they must have found out that Nikki was his sitser and wanted to take them both he told to not go to school for a little while so she didn’t but what also did not know was that Marcus planned to take out his rivals. So the next night him and a friend went over to the rivals terratory bringing with them several weapons when they got there they waited for the other gang members to show up but Marcus never came home that night because what really happened was as they waited the rivals snuk up behind them and ambushed them while they were inside the car killing them with fatal gun wounds. When Nikki found out she instantly started crying because she knew her biggest fear had just happened and she knew from what Marcus told her that they would be back for her as well the only thing she knew to do was call her brothers friend, Slick, the only person who could keep her safe and she knew he would. So she called him and told him what happened to her brother he said he would come and pick her up in 10 minutes and just as he said 10 minutes later he pulled up in the drive way she had already packed a bag while she was waiting for him she even took Marcus’ hand gun with her. Slick brought her to his hide out which no one knew about she knew Slick since she was 7 years old and he was 8 so their was a close connection meaning they were more closer than friends. He showed her to her room and let her get comfortable then later on he went to her room and sat next to her by the bed he knew she was dying inside so he asked her if there was anything he could do to make her feel better she said in the sweetest and saddest voice “can you please hold me,” he told her yes and he wrapped his arms around her gently and she told him that Marcus and her were the only two people in the world that could give her that type of comfrot. Later on that night as it was storming she crept down the hall and once she got to Slicks bedroom she quickly climbed into bed with him and wrapped her arms around him as he did the same to her she told him she loved him and he said the same to her so she fell a sleep in his arms and the next morning she was kind of surprised to wake up in his arms. But once he woke up he said he had to go handle some buisness and he left for about 3 hours when he came back he rushed into the secluted building bleeding out of his arm. When Nikki tried to stop the bleeding it only got worse that day Slick bleed to death in Nikki’s cold fraggle arms and at this point she had no idea of what she could posibaly do. So that night she called Shaundi and told her everything that had happened and that she loved her then she called Jenni to tell her the same thing. And that night as she was laying in a bath tub full of water she took a knife and cut 5 of the deepest gashes into her wrist and bled to death and the next day October 14, 2013 she was found dead by her friend Shaundi.
Sixteen(Gavin Nathan Dauzat)
This is a story about a girl named Nikki, she had all black hair,blue eyes,lushes red lips and a lovely but pale face. She was born in New York, Queens on July 15, 1997 to a drug dealing father and a dope headed mother, Her father always loved her ever since the day she was born her mother on the other hand barely noticed she was around. When Nikki was 12 her dad got shot by a cop, every one said it was because he was a man running from the law, after he died she lived with her mom and no one took care of her. However when Nikki turned 15 her mother over dosed so she moved in with her older brother, Marcus. He had a nice house and a car although no one really knew where the money came from most believed that he followed in his fathers footsteps which was true. By day he was Marcus James Franklin a machanic, but by night he was Quikk a drug dealing rap mastermind and some how he managed to hide this from every one that he was close to including Nikki. Marcus lived this same life since he was 14 manly because when he was 11 years old his mother sold him for crack and he never went home after that because the person she sold him to taught him everything he needed to know to survive in the real world. However one day Nikki found his gun while he was at work and when he came home she was on the couch crying when he asked her what was wrong she put the gun on the table and said “What do you need this for,” he just walked away without saying any thing. The next morning Nikki awoke to the sounds of birds chirping from out her window still nothing could take her mind off of her brother being in danger of loseing his life, but when she looked on the night stand she noticed a note writen to her by Marcus, this is what it said.
Dear Nikki,
I know you are afraid to lose me because I am the only family you have left and I feel the same every day because I love you so much because you will always be my baby sister and any time you need something im here for no matter what happens.
On her first day back to school she was too scared to tell her friends about what she found out conserning her brother so once she got to school she just sat and staired at the wall until her friends came up to her and asked her what was wrong. She told them she didn’t want to talk about it but they insisted that she told her and as her eyes glisined with tears she said, “its Marcus he’s doing the same thing my father died doing and im just so scared to see him die,” her friend Jenni hugged her and told her not to cry because Marcus knows what he is doing. Her other friend, Shaundi, told her that she would walk her to class and as they were on their way to 1st period Shaundi put her arm around Nikki and whispered into her ear “Nikki I know you miss you father but hurting yourself won’t make it any better” Nikki asked her what she meant and Shaundi replied that she noticed the cuts on her arms “I love you Nikki and so does Jenni and your brother so there is no need for that” Nikki nodded her head at Shaundi. That night as she was laying in bed crying Marcus came into her room and sat next to her and confronted her as well about cutting herself all she said was “because I miss dad more than anything” “I know” he replied to her then he layed next to her under the covers she rapped her arms around him and said “Marcus, did you mean what you said in the letter” he looked at her and said, “of cousre I did I love you like you’re my own child I would do anything to keep you safe.” As he started to get out of her bed she stopped him and said, “Marcus can you um sleep with me tonight” “why” he said “because you’re my big bubba and I haven’t been able to tell you that for 8 long hard years of my life also the whole three days I’ve been here we haven’t had a long conversation so for the first time in 8 years can you please talk to me till I fall asleep you can leave once I do he smiled and said “yes sis but I won’t leave because I miss protecting and gaurding over you while you sleep. So they talked and they talked mostly about what had been going on in the past 8 years. The next morning Nikki awoke to Marcus cooking her breakfest once she walked into the kitchen he had already finished cooking her food so she just sat down at the table to eat, once she was done she hugged Marcus tightly and wispered, “I missed you,” he smiled and said, “hurry up youll be late for school.” As she was walking to school she saw a car with black tinted windows drive past her, she didn’t think much of it until the car past by her a second time but a lot slower this time. Then at one point the windows rolled down and suddenly the people in the car opened gun fire on Nikki and sped away but she got up and luckly she was not hit at all she quickly called Marcus “Hello” she said “hey whats wrong” he replied to her “I don’t know why but a black car just drove by me and started shooting can you please come pick me up” Nikki rambled “yes where are you” he sayed quickly “a block away from the house” Nikki replied “ok I’ll be there in a minute” Marcus said and hung up when he found her she was standing on the side of the road shaking he stopped and she quickly jumped into the car he asked her if she was ok she said she was scared so, so scared. Once they got home Marcus told her he thinks he might know who shot at her, it was the East Bloods, a rival gang, only 3 blocks away they must have found out that Nikki was his sitser and wanted to take them both he told to not go to school for a little while so she didn’t but what also did not know was that Marcus planned to take out his rivals. So the next night him and a friend went over to the rivals terratory bringing with them several weapons when they got there they waited for the other gang members to show up but Marcus never came home that night because what really happened was as they waited the rivals snuk up behind them and ambushed them while they were inside the car killing them with fatal gun wounds. When Nikki found out she instantly started crying because she knew her biggest fear had just happened and she knew from what Marcus told her that they would be back for her as well the only thing she knew to do was call her brothers friend, Slick, the only person who could keep her safe and she knew he would. So she called him and told him what happened to her brother he said he would come and pick her up in 10 minutes and just as he said 10 minutes later he pulled up in the drive way she had already packed a bag while she was waiting for him she even took Marcus’ hand gun with her. Slick brought her to his hide out which no one knew about she knew Slick since she was 7 years old and he was 8 so their was a close connection meaning they were more closer than friends. He showed her to her room and let her get comfortable then later on he went to her room and sat next to her by the bed he knew she was dying inside so he asked her if there was anything he could do to make her feel better she said in the sweetest and saddest voice “can you please hold me,” he told her yes and he wrapped his arms around her gently and she told him that Marcus and her were the only two people in the world that could give her that type of comfrot. Later on that night as it was storming she crept down the hall and once she got to Slicks bedroom she quickly climbed into bed with him and wrapped her arms around him as he did the same to her she told him she loved him and he said the same to her so she fell a sleep in his arms and the next morning she was kind of surprised to wake up in his arms. But once he woke up he said he had to go handle some buisness and he left for about 3 hours when he came back he rushed into the secluted building bleeding out of his arm. When Nikki tried to stop the bleeding it only got worse that day Slick bleed to death in Nikki’s cold fraggle arms and at this point she had no idea of what she could posibaly do. So that night she called Shaundi and told her everything that had happened and that she loved her then she called Jenni to tell her the same thing. And that night as she was laying in a bath tub full of water she took a knife and cut 5 of the deepest gashes into her wrist and bled to death and the next day October 14, 2013 she was found dead by her friend Shaundi.
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