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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 01/17/2014
The murder that changed Old England
Born 1997, F, from Mavern, United Kingdom.jpg)
Once there was a king called King Daniel, who ruled a little village called Cape Villa. He was very popular with the people as he said inspiring words that made people understand who they really were and made people feel good about themselves. Every time people heard he was going to say an inspiring speech or make an announcement about something amazing, everyone would be there, even the ones that didn't like who they were, but all that was about to change very soon.
One fine Thursday morning, he announced that he was doing a speech, but not what everyone thought. He said “I put myself on the internet as an inspiring speaker that would help people understand who they are, and another village not far away has requested for me to come”. The village is called Himalayan town and the people are dull and unhappy all the time and they need a bit of inspiration, so I am leaving tomorrow and will be back on Saturday. You will have my adviser in charge as your king while I am gone, and his assistant will accompany me on my trip, and just to let you know... this will happen frequently.”
He packed his bags that night and as soon as he was done he went to bed as a long day was about to start.
The next morning, when everyone was awake, he said his goodbyes to the people of the happy town, which he was proud of, and left. When he was halfway there, the Himalayan town king’s adviser ran up to him and handed him a notice of emergency saying “the king has fallen ill and has requested for you not to attend until he is well again.” The visiting king replied “I will do what your king requests and tell him to contact me when he is well again and we can organize another meeting.” Then he rode his mighty horse back to the village to tell them the news only to find everyone sad again, and when they saw him their faces lit up and they all greeted him. He told them the news and they were overjoyed as they knew they would never have the king’s adviser in power ever again as he was bad last time he was king. Yes it was true that the king’s adviser had been the king before Daniel became king. Then they all had a flashback to 10 years ago.
10 years ago the king’s adviser, who is called Herman, was king, he made all the wrong choices which angered people and caused a lot of departures from the village and they all moved to the Himalayan village which was full of happy people all year round as Daniel was king there. Then Herman realized what he had done and asked his adviser to send a message to King Daniel which read “My people are unhappy and are departing and heading to your town as I make all the wrong choices and it makes everyone unhappy and would I be doing the right thing if I asked for you to be in charge and rule my village and this will only happen if I become your adviser and travel with you wherever you go?” Daniel replied back and accepted his offer and that was when everything changed and most of the people who departed returned back to the village and everyone has been that way ever since.
The king realized he can’t play this role moving around to all different villages because the one he will most have inspire is the one he has been ruling for so long. So Daniel sent a message to the king saying he will never come as he has a village to take care of. So he always said speeches at the village from that day on but it didn't stop there. That night he had this weird dream that people from the Himalayan village were crying because their king had died. He woke up suddenly to the news that the king from the Himalayan village had died. They had offered King Daniel the chance to be their king. He didn't want to leave but if he didn't, then people would die so he decided to accept it.
The next morning before anyone got up he received a message saying the king ruling the Himalayan was murdered and they need him to be king as they are still upset and he was told if he wanted the job to leave immediately, and he needed to get into another village because he had to fulfill his duties here and needed to help another village realize what they were all about. So he packed everything he owned and left before everyone woke up. When everyone woke up, they headed to the palace as he would have been giving his most famous inspiring speech that he has said once before, only to find he had left the village to go to the Himalayan town, to where they never wanted a king they wanted more land and they were never peaceful people.
When the loyal king arrived, he was greeted with knives and swords in hand, and they killed him. Some years after that, the Himalayan people invaded the village and killed all the people and claimed the land, which had very little food. All of the village people died from starvation. The people that survived left the village with the amount of food that was left. The land still remains empty to this day........ THE END!!!!!!!!!
The murder that changed Old England(Megan Padian)
Once there was a king called King Daniel, who ruled a little village called Cape Villa. He was very popular with the people as he said inspiring words that made people understand who they really were and made people feel good about themselves. Every time people heard he was going to say an inspiring speech or make an announcement about something amazing, everyone would be there, even the ones that didn't like who they were, but all that was about to change very soon.
One fine Thursday morning, he announced that he was doing a speech, but not what everyone thought. He said “I put myself on the internet as an inspiring speaker that would help people understand who they are, and another village not far away has requested for me to come”. The village is called Himalayan town and the people are dull and unhappy all the time and they need a bit of inspiration, so I am leaving tomorrow and will be back on Saturday. You will have my adviser in charge as your king while I am gone, and his assistant will accompany me on my trip, and just to let you know... this will happen frequently.”
He packed his bags that night and as soon as he was done he went to bed as a long day was about to start.
The next morning, when everyone was awake, he said his goodbyes to the people of the happy town, which he was proud of, and left. When he was halfway there, the Himalayan town king’s adviser ran up to him and handed him a notice of emergency saying “the king has fallen ill and has requested for you not to attend until he is well again.” The visiting king replied “I will do what your king requests and tell him to contact me when he is well again and we can organize another meeting.” Then he rode his mighty horse back to the village to tell them the news only to find everyone sad again, and when they saw him their faces lit up and they all greeted him. He told them the news and they were overjoyed as they knew they would never have the king’s adviser in power ever again as he was bad last time he was king. Yes it was true that the king’s adviser had been the king before Daniel became king. Then they all had a flashback to 10 years ago.
10 years ago the king’s adviser, who is called Herman, was king, he made all the wrong choices which angered people and caused a lot of departures from the village and they all moved to the Himalayan village which was full of happy people all year round as Daniel was king there. Then Herman realized what he had done and asked his adviser to send a message to King Daniel which read “My people are unhappy and are departing and heading to your town as I make all the wrong choices and it makes everyone unhappy and would I be doing the right thing if I asked for you to be in charge and rule my village and this will only happen if I become your adviser and travel with you wherever you go?” Daniel replied back and accepted his offer and that was when everything changed and most of the people who departed returned back to the village and everyone has been that way ever since.
The king realized he can’t play this role moving around to all different villages because the one he will most have inspire is the one he has been ruling for so long. So Daniel sent a message to the king saying he will never come as he has a village to take care of. So he always said speeches at the village from that day on but it didn't stop there. That night he had this weird dream that people from the Himalayan village were crying because their king had died. He woke up suddenly to the news that the king from the Himalayan village had died. They had offered King Daniel the chance to be their king. He didn't want to leave but if he didn't, then people would die so he decided to accept it.
The next morning before anyone got up he received a message saying the king ruling the Himalayan was murdered and they need him to be king as they are still upset and he was told if he wanted the job to leave immediately, and he needed to get into another village because he had to fulfill his duties here and needed to help another village realize what they were all about. So he packed everything he owned and left before everyone woke up. When everyone woke up, they headed to the palace as he would have been giving his most famous inspiring speech that he has said once before, only to find he had left the village to go to the Himalayan town, to where they never wanted a king they wanted more land and they were never peaceful people.
When the loyal king arrived, he was greeted with knives and swords in hand, and they killed him. Some years after that, the Himalayan people invaded the village and killed all the people and claimed the land, which had very little food. All of the village people died from starvation. The people that survived left the village with the amount of food that was left. The land still remains empty to this day........ THE END!!!!!!!!!
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