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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Friends / Friendship
- Published: 02/10/2014
Paradoxes and Portals
Born 1999, F, from Wrexham, Wales, United KingdomIn a large room with glass walls and lots of desks stood a strict looking alien female she was human looking but the 3 eyes and tentacles gave it away.
"Right class take your seats. I'm miss Korag. Now introduce yourself" the Alien lady said pointing to a green eyed girl.
"I'm Elizabeth people call me Liz. I'm a robot sort of, I appear human but you know I've got a computer brain pretty much" The red- haired girl told the class.
"I'm Freddy Hercules. I'm human but I can travel through time ps no free rides!" A brown haired human girl stood up.
"Uh I'm Barry Moment I'm human and I don't understand how these walls aren't broken?" A blonde boy looked around confused
"They're made of special glass which we'll learn about later next!" The teacher replied
The next 30mins went on like that until it was break time.
"Liz is it?" Barry came over to the girl who was hovering around a garden with many colourful plants Barry had never heard of.
"Yes Im Liz youre Barry. What do you need?" Liz stopped in her tracks and turned to Barry.
"Nothing I just wanted to say hello. I don't know half of these plants" Barry confessed
"Hello too. These bright pink flowers are roselias they are my favourite."
Suddenly a green portal appeared right next to Barry! Him and Liz jumped into cover quickly
"What the…?" Said Barry
A brown haired girl with emerald eyes jumped out of the portal and fell on the floor
"She looks familiar" Barry whispered to Liz
"That is Freddy Hercules from our class earlier" Liz explained
"Dammit, this is the past, not the future!" Freddy said tapping what looked to be a wristband by her shoulder
The portal shut off unexpectedly and scared Freddy
"Woah! Why is this thing broken?!" She said angrily
"Because it is not real" said Liz coming out of cover
"What do you mean it's not real! Course it is! I'm a time traveller!" Freddy said angrily
"I'd go with Liz here! Not that you're lying but you know, Liz knows stuff" Barry said standing up
"And you are…?" Freddy folded her arms analysing the brown eyed boy
"Oh uh I'm moment, Barry moment"
"Well listen here, Barry. I've done this before and I'm pretty sure I'd know if this was fake! Wait what's this?" Freddy surveyed the mechanism with an open mouth
"This isn't real!"
"I told you" liz said
"Shut up robot girl! If this is fake, then where's my one and how did I get here?" Freddy said angry and shocked all at the same time
"Maybe we can help!" Barry suggested
"How? I'm stuck in the past now so I have to avoid myself for about…6 months till time catches up with itself!" Freddy paced up and down
"Why do you have to avoid yourself?" Barry asked confused
"If I bumped into past me it would create a time paradox duh!" Freddy said exasperated
"A para-what?" Liz and Freddy looked at Barry like he was an ape
"A paradox is a potentially serious conflict between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity" liz explained
"English?" Barry asked
"Basically paradox=hole in space=bad" Freddy said in the simplest way she could
"How bad?" Barry asked her
"Well it depends if I bump into me that would be pretty bad but I have to try not to change the past because that would alter the future which creates a humongous Hole in the space-time continuum which would be disastrous" Freddy told him
"Like being kicked out of school disastrous?"
"Like exploding the universe in an infinite loop of paradoxes and nothingness disastrous!" Freddy said worried.
"But who would want to destroy the universe?" Barry said by now he was so confused
"That's what I'm going to find out!" Freddy said determinedly
"You can't save the universe in 6 months by yourself! We can help!" Barry held his hand up for a high five
"Fine you can help" Freddy said walking past him
"So uh what do we do now?" Barry asked
"Let's go to my dorm, we can figure everything out now" Freddy said leaving the gardens
"Males are not allowed in the female dormitories" Liz told them as they trailed after Freddy
"It's fine it's not as if we're doing anything!" Freddy said quickening her pace
"Uh what will your roommate think?" Barry said shyly
"My roommate? Who cares what she thinks? I thought you guys wanted to help?" Freddy said stubbornly
"Fine" Barry said reluctantly
They walked over to the girls dorms with neat names above them. They walked over to the green door that read Hercules and Armstrong
"Let's go!" Freddy said shoving the door open with great power
"Oh hi!" A brown haired girl with glasses jumped as they burst in. She dropped a book so Barry helped her grab it
"Oh I see you're reading…paradox and portals yeah I'm pretty smart on them" Barry said while Freddy and Liz just stared at him
"Oh really? I'm borrowing it off Freddy" the girl told him
"Wait what Barry?! You only just learned what a paradox was like 5 minutes ago!" Freddy told the girl
"Wait Freddy you literally just walked out and you were wearing different clothes" the girl with glasses said confused
"Oh yeah about that…" Freddy was stumped
"I'm Annie Armstrong by the way" the girl said shaking Barry's hand
"Uh Barry" he told her
"Just Barry?" She asked
"Oh yeah moment, Barry moment" Barry explained nervously. Freddy and Liz looked at each other and laughed.
"Anyway Freddy, explain the change of clothes?" Annie asked smiling at Barry
"Well I guess honesty is the best policy…basically someone switched my time travelling device with a fake one so I'm stuck in the past for six months whilst trying not to create a paradox" Freddy blurted out
"Wow. Erm. Okay. That's…interesting so why is Barry and Liz was it? Here?"Annie asked confused
"We thought we might be able to help what with Liz's brain and my um my…I can uh help?" Barry scratched his head puzzled
"Well they both witnessed my portal appear so I couldn't really leave them out." Freddy explained flopping on her bed
"Right so you're just going to avoid yourself for 6 months?" Annie asked
"Yep!" Freddy said
"Why not actually try to find and stop whoever switches the time thingy up?" Annie asks
"That. Is a great idea!" Barry agreed
"Ohh yeah that could work!" Freddy realised.
"Yeah but for now where are you going to sleep as slightly younger you is going to be here?" Liz asked Freddy
"Oh yeah, dammit!" Freddy said angrily
"Speaking of present you, we need to plot where and what she's doing at moments in time so you don't bump into her" Annie said
"I see, well I think the first day, today I was trying to make friends by going to the big picnic at lunch but I can't remember what happened next." Freddy tried to think back unsuccessfully. They all sat and thought for a moment until Barry finally spoke
"Why don't me and Annie go to the picnic to see what you're doing and what you do next so you and Liz can stay behind and plot it all?"
"That's actually not a bad idea, in fact coincidentally I brought some walkie-talkies so you take these and we'll have the other one." Liz said taking to walkie-talkies out of her bag.
"Let's go then shall we?" Annie asked
"Oh uh yeah let's go" Barry said as they left the dorm.
"I wonder what they're doing and what you were doing" Liz answered
"Did you know memory loss can be a side effect of time travel?" Freddy told Liz as they got pens and paper
"Oh really where did you hear that?" Liz asked
"I can't remember" Freddy told her
Meanwhile Barry and Annie were hiding behind a bench watching the picnic.
"Ooh I see her!" Annie says spotting past Freddy through binoculars.
"Where?" Barry asked
"She's walking the other way let's go!" Annie dragged Barry align as they sneakily followed Freddie into a glass dome
"Uh not more glass buildings" Barry sighed
"Shush! It's the time central building" Annie explained
"What's a time central building?" Barry asked confused yet again
"It's where the time keepers stay, I wonder what Freddie is doing there?" Annie said solemnly. They walked carefully towards the large dome. Freddy looked around suspiciously so Barry and Annie jumped behind a nearby bush
"Pshh Annie here Freddie do you hear me?" Annie grabbed the walkie-talkie
"Uh yup yup I hear you" Freddie's muffled voice spoke through the talkie
"Do you remember going into the time-central building?" Annie asked in a hush tone
"Uh um awwww er I remember going in I just don't remember why" Freddie spoke confused
"Ok what do we now?" Barry wondered out loud
"Pssh Liz here, guys I think we should regroup" Liz told them
"Ok on our way" Barry said as him and Annie rushed back
While they waited for Annie and Barry, Freddy and Liz gathered supplies
"What are we doing again?" Freddie asked watching Liz
"I need some things out of my suitcase follow me to my dorm." Liz said rushing out of the dorm. They walked into Liz's dorm and opened her suitcase
"I always pack spy gear wherever I go incase something comes up. Take my laptop." Liz told Freddy and they came back to Freddy's dorm with an armful of supplies
"What a coincidence!" Barry noted
"Oh oh I remember something! The more you stay in the past or future the more your memory, the more your memory, what's the word? G goes! Goes! That's it! The more your memory goes!" Freddie said rubbing her head.
"Ok that's not good" Liz said just as Annie and Barry came through the door
"Ok Annie, Barry take these" Liz said handing them headsets
"Ok so we communicate by these right?"
"Right and Annie take this" Liz gave Annie a pair of glasses
"Uh I already have glasses" Annie said confused
"These will allow me to see what you guys see through my laptop and finally take this" Liz finished handing them both a piece of paper
"And this is?" Barry asked
"You've seen doctor who right?" Liz asks
"Doctor, who?" Barry said confused
"It's an old earth show. We have DVDs of it here in the archives it's awesome! Anyway that's called phsycic paper it allows people to see what you need them to see" Liz explained
"What now?" Annie said standing by the door
"Go find past Freddie and see what she's up to in the time centre building" Liz told them and gestured to the door.
"So let's get this straight, if I don't get back soon, I'm going to forget everything" Freddie told mor to herself then anyone else
"Yeah I guess. Who would do such a thing" Liz replied
"Uh what oh yeah beats me" Freddie said
"But then again why are we stuck in here?"
"Well I'm monitoring the laptop and if you go outside then it's probable you will meet someone and interfere with you know, time and stuff" Liz told her
"How am I going to live like this for 6 months! Where will I sleep?!" Freddie said confused
"Um we'll we'll sort that out later" Liz wondered
"What are they doing?" Freddy said staring at the screen
"I don't know" Liz said also confused
5 minutes ago Annie and Barry had got back to the time centre
"Here we are! Let's find past or present or something freddy!" Barry said happily
"Right. I guess we're going in!" Annie replied. They approached the entrance reluctantly and we're met by a uniformed guard. He had crimson skin, it was gooey and blood-like. Barry backed away slightly as he came nearer.
"What are you doing here?!" The alien questioned them
"Uh uh uh uh" Barry stuttered
"Physic paper" Liz whispered into the headsets
"Oh yeah! I'm…Jill and this is…" Annie gestured to Barry
"Uh, jack!" Barry lied
"Jack and Jill? Seriously?" Freddie's sarcastic voice buzzed into the earpieces
"What are you here for?" The red goo dripped from the alien and hit the floor in a rhythmic beat similar to Annie and Barry's hearts which we're pumping fast as they tried to think
"We're just…inspecting the um building, making sure everyone is on form" Annie told the angry looking alien as he stared madly at her
"I need to see your id!" He told them in a harsh deep voice
"Here!" Barry and Annie handed him the phsycic paper
"I see. Sorry about that" the dripping alien apologised
"No it's good, you're doing a great job!" Barry told the man
"Keep it up!" Annie smiled as they walked away
"Uh thanks?" The alien smiled confusedly
"Woo that was close" Barry sighed
"Jack and Jill? Really guys?" Freddie said sarcasticly
"sorry it was the first thing that came to my head" Annie explained.
"Moving on, where the heck are we going?" Barry asked
"Uh let me see, are there any signs around?" Liz asked
"Uh I don't know can't you just use some high tech computery stuff?" Barry asked flustered.
"How on earth did he get into this school?" Freddy whispered to Liz.
"I heard that!" Barry said angrily "and I don't know either" he continued.
"Right. I can see a sign saying 'Time Space Contium Room' that sounds pretty dangerous, why the heck is it in a school?" Annie stopped walking. Barry also stopped and looked at the sign, it was pretty big so it must be important he thought.
"This is starting get a bit weird" Liz replied watching them on the computer.
"Starting? Did you see the massive red alien dude?!" Barry retorted.
"Freddie that room sound familiar?" Liz just ignored him
"Uh what? Sorry I was just checking my SpaceBook, maybe I'll be able to stop past me writing all those stupid posts" Freddie wasn't one for concentration. In fact it seemed like only Liz and Annie were prepared for school.
"Time and Space Contium room? Sound familiar?" Annie sighed asking again.
"I'm…yes! Yeah! I'm pretty sure! Is it a big Green sign that looks really suspicious?" Freddy asked excitedly
"Yes…" Annie said she was getting tired of this. 'Go to space school, they said. Make friends, they said' Annie couldn't help but feel a little tiresome. It had been a long first day.
"Hey you two!" Her thoughts were interrupted by a posh looking guy in a suit.
"Jack, Jill" Annie pointed towards herself and Barry and held up the pyschic paper
"Nice try, psychic paper doesn't work on me" The tall pale man in the suit said
"Ok well who are you exactly?" Barry asked
"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." Liz whispered into the headsets
"What?" Freddy asked confused
"I, am the time keeper." The man said.
"Dun dun dun! Plot Twist!" Freddy said, Liz rolled her eyes.
"You two are coming with me!" The time keeper grabbed Annie and Barry
"What did we do?! Apart from you know, lying and trespassing" Barry struggled against him.
"Damn! The cameras lost sight, the glasses must've been broken or something!" Liz exclaimed.
*Next part (depending on success) coming soon!*
Paradoxes and Portals(Charlotte Clarke)
In a large room with glass walls and lots of desks stood a strict looking alien female she was human looking but the 3 eyes and tentacles gave it away.
"Right class take your seats. I'm miss Korag. Now introduce yourself" the Alien lady said pointing to a green eyed girl.
"I'm Elizabeth people call me Liz. I'm a robot sort of, I appear human but you know I've got a computer brain pretty much" The red- haired girl told the class.
"I'm Freddy Hercules. I'm human but I can travel through time ps no free rides!" A brown haired human girl stood up.
"Uh I'm Barry Moment I'm human and I don't understand how these walls aren't broken?" A blonde boy looked around confused
"They're made of special glass which we'll learn about later next!" The teacher replied
The next 30mins went on like that until it was break time.
"Liz is it?" Barry came over to the girl who was hovering around a garden with many colourful plants Barry had never heard of.
"Yes Im Liz youre Barry. What do you need?" Liz stopped in her tracks and turned to Barry.
"Nothing I just wanted to say hello. I don't know half of these plants" Barry confessed
"Hello too. These bright pink flowers are roselias they are my favourite."
Suddenly a green portal appeared right next to Barry! Him and Liz jumped into cover quickly
"What the…?" Said Barry
A brown haired girl with emerald eyes jumped out of the portal and fell on the floor
"She looks familiar" Barry whispered to Liz
"That is Freddy Hercules from our class earlier" Liz explained
"Dammit, this is the past, not the future!" Freddy said tapping what looked to be a wristband by her shoulder
The portal shut off unexpectedly and scared Freddy
"Woah! Why is this thing broken?!" She said angrily
"Because it is not real" said Liz coming out of cover
"What do you mean it's not real! Course it is! I'm a time traveller!" Freddy said angrily
"I'd go with Liz here! Not that you're lying but you know, Liz knows stuff" Barry said standing up
"And you are…?" Freddy folded her arms analysing the brown eyed boy
"Oh uh I'm moment, Barry moment"
"Well listen here, Barry. I've done this before and I'm pretty sure I'd know if this was fake! Wait what's this?" Freddy surveyed the mechanism with an open mouth
"This isn't real!"
"I told you" liz said
"Shut up robot girl! If this is fake, then where's my one and how did I get here?" Freddy said angry and shocked all at the same time
"Maybe we can help!" Barry suggested
"How? I'm stuck in the past now so I have to avoid myself for about…6 months till time catches up with itself!" Freddy paced up and down
"Why do you have to avoid yourself?" Barry asked confused
"If I bumped into past me it would create a time paradox duh!" Freddy said exasperated
"A para-what?" Liz and Freddy looked at Barry like he was an ape
"A paradox is a potentially serious conflict between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity" liz explained
"English?" Barry asked
"Basically paradox=hole in space=bad" Freddy said in the simplest way she could
"How bad?" Barry asked her
"Well it depends if I bump into me that would be pretty bad but I have to try not to change the past because that would alter the future which creates a humongous Hole in the space-time continuum which would be disastrous" Freddy told him
"Like being kicked out of school disastrous?"
"Like exploding the universe in an infinite loop of paradoxes and nothingness disastrous!" Freddy said worried.
"But who would want to destroy the universe?" Barry said by now he was so confused
"That's what I'm going to find out!" Freddy said determinedly
"You can't save the universe in 6 months by yourself! We can help!" Barry held his hand up for a high five
"Fine you can help" Freddy said walking past him
"So uh what do we do now?" Barry asked
"Let's go to my dorm, we can figure everything out now" Freddy said leaving the gardens
"Males are not allowed in the female dormitories" Liz told them as they trailed after Freddy
"It's fine it's not as if we're doing anything!" Freddy said quickening her pace
"Uh what will your roommate think?" Barry said shyly
"My roommate? Who cares what she thinks? I thought you guys wanted to help?" Freddy said stubbornly
"Fine" Barry said reluctantly
They walked over to the girls dorms with neat names above them. They walked over to the green door that read Hercules and Armstrong
"Let's go!" Freddy said shoving the door open with great power
"Oh hi!" A brown haired girl with glasses jumped as they burst in. She dropped a book so Barry helped her grab it
"Oh I see you're reading…paradox and portals yeah I'm pretty smart on them" Barry said while Freddy and Liz just stared at him
"Oh really? I'm borrowing it off Freddy" the girl told him
"Wait what Barry?! You only just learned what a paradox was like 5 minutes ago!" Freddy told the girl
"Wait Freddy you literally just walked out and you were wearing different clothes" the girl with glasses said confused
"Oh yeah about that…" Freddy was stumped
"I'm Annie Armstrong by the way" the girl said shaking Barry's hand
"Uh Barry" he told her
"Just Barry?" She asked
"Oh yeah moment, Barry moment" Barry explained nervously. Freddy and Liz looked at each other and laughed.
"Anyway Freddy, explain the change of clothes?" Annie asked smiling at Barry
"Well I guess honesty is the best policy…basically someone switched my time travelling device with a fake one so I'm stuck in the past for six months whilst trying not to create a paradox" Freddy blurted out
"Wow. Erm. Okay. That's…interesting so why is Barry and Liz was it? Here?"Annie asked confused
"We thought we might be able to help what with Liz's brain and my um my…I can uh help?" Barry scratched his head puzzled
"Well they both witnessed my portal appear so I couldn't really leave them out." Freddy explained flopping on her bed
"Right so you're just going to avoid yourself for 6 months?" Annie asked
"Yep!" Freddy said
"Why not actually try to find and stop whoever switches the time thingy up?" Annie asks
"That. Is a great idea!" Barry agreed
"Ohh yeah that could work!" Freddy realised.
"Yeah but for now where are you going to sleep as slightly younger you is going to be here?" Liz asked Freddy
"Oh yeah, dammit!" Freddy said angrily
"Speaking of present you, we need to plot where and what she's doing at moments in time so you don't bump into her" Annie said
"I see, well I think the first day, today I was trying to make friends by going to the big picnic at lunch but I can't remember what happened next." Freddy tried to think back unsuccessfully. They all sat and thought for a moment until Barry finally spoke
"Why don't me and Annie go to the picnic to see what you're doing and what you do next so you and Liz can stay behind and plot it all?"
"That's actually not a bad idea, in fact coincidentally I brought some walkie-talkies so you take these and we'll have the other one." Liz said taking to walkie-talkies out of her bag.
"Let's go then shall we?" Annie asked
"Oh uh yeah let's go" Barry said as they left the dorm.
"I wonder what they're doing and what you were doing" Liz answered
"Did you know memory loss can be a side effect of time travel?" Freddy told Liz as they got pens and paper
"Oh really where did you hear that?" Liz asked
"I can't remember" Freddy told her
Meanwhile Barry and Annie were hiding behind a bench watching the picnic.
"Ooh I see her!" Annie says spotting past Freddy through binoculars.
"Where?" Barry asked
"She's walking the other way let's go!" Annie dragged Barry align as they sneakily followed Freddie into a glass dome
"Uh not more glass buildings" Barry sighed
"Shush! It's the time central building" Annie explained
"What's a time central building?" Barry asked confused yet again
"It's where the time keepers stay, I wonder what Freddie is doing there?" Annie said solemnly. They walked carefully towards the large dome. Freddy looked around suspiciously so Barry and Annie jumped behind a nearby bush
"Pshh Annie here Freddie do you hear me?" Annie grabbed the walkie-talkie
"Uh yup yup I hear you" Freddie's muffled voice spoke through the talkie
"Do you remember going into the time-central building?" Annie asked in a hush tone
"Uh um awwww er I remember going in I just don't remember why" Freddie spoke confused
"Ok what do we now?" Barry wondered out loud
"Pssh Liz here, guys I think we should regroup" Liz told them
"Ok on our way" Barry said as him and Annie rushed back
While they waited for Annie and Barry, Freddy and Liz gathered supplies
"What are we doing again?" Freddie asked watching Liz
"I need some things out of my suitcase follow me to my dorm." Liz said rushing out of the dorm. They walked into Liz's dorm and opened her suitcase
"I always pack spy gear wherever I go incase something comes up. Take my laptop." Liz told Freddy and they came back to Freddy's dorm with an armful of supplies
"What a coincidence!" Barry noted
"Oh oh I remember something! The more you stay in the past or future the more your memory, the more your memory, what's the word? G goes! Goes! That's it! The more your memory goes!" Freddie said rubbing her head.
"Ok that's not good" Liz said just as Annie and Barry came through the door
"Ok Annie, Barry take these" Liz said handing them headsets
"Ok so we communicate by these right?"
"Right and Annie take this" Liz gave Annie a pair of glasses
"Uh I already have glasses" Annie said confused
"These will allow me to see what you guys see through my laptop and finally take this" Liz finished handing them both a piece of paper
"And this is?" Barry asked
"You've seen doctor who right?" Liz asks
"Doctor, who?" Barry said confused
"It's an old earth show. We have DVDs of it here in the archives it's awesome! Anyway that's called phsycic paper it allows people to see what you need them to see" Liz explained
"What now?" Annie said standing by the door
"Go find past Freddie and see what she's up to in the time centre building" Liz told them and gestured to the door.
"So let's get this straight, if I don't get back soon, I'm going to forget everything" Freddie told mor to herself then anyone else
"Yeah I guess. Who would do such a thing" Liz replied
"Uh what oh yeah beats me" Freddie said
"But then again why are we stuck in here?"
"Well I'm monitoring the laptop and if you go outside then it's probable you will meet someone and interfere with you know, time and stuff" Liz told her
"How am I going to live like this for 6 months! Where will I sleep?!" Freddie said confused
"Um we'll we'll sort that out later" Liz wondered
"What are they doing?" Freddy said staring at the screen
"I don't know" Liz said also confused
5 minutes ago Annie and Barry had got back to the time centre
"Here we are! Let's find past or present or something freddy!" Barry said happily
"Right. I guess we're going in!" Annie replied. They approached the entrance reluctantly and we're met by a uniformed guard. He had crimson skin, it was gooey and blood-like. Barry backed away slightly as he came nearer.
"What are you doing here?!" The alien questioned them
"Uh uh uh uh" Barry stuttered
"Physic paper" Liz whispered into the headsets
"Oh yeah! I'm…Jill and this is…" Annie gestured to Barry
"Uh, jack!" Barry lied
"Jack and Jill? Seriously?" Freddie's sarcastic voice buzzed into the earpieces
"What are you here for?" The red goo dripped from the alien and hit the floor in a rhythmic beat similar to Annie and Barry's hearts which we're pumping fast as they tried to think
"We're just…inspecting the um building, making sure everyone is on form" Annie told the angry looking alien as he stared madly at her
"I need to see your id!" He told them in a harsh deep voice
"Here!" Barry and Annie handed him the phsycic paper
"I see. Sorry about that" the dripping alien apologised
"No it's good, you're doing a great job!" Barry told the man
"Keep it up!" Annie smiled as they walked away
"Uh thanks?" The alien smiled confusedly
"Woo that was close" Barry sighed
"Jack and Jill? Really guys?" Freddie said sarcasticly
"sorry it was the first thing that came to my head" Annie explained.
"Moving on, where the heck are we going?" Barry asked
"Uh let me see, are there any signs around?" Liz asked
"Uh I don't know can't you just use some high tech computery stuff?" Barry asked flustered.
"How on earth did he get into this school?" Freddy whispered to Liz.
"I heard that!" Barry said angrily "and I don't know either" he continued.
"Right. I can see a sign saying 'Time Space Contium Room' that sounds pretty dangerous, why the heck is it in a school?" Annie stopped walking. Barry also stopped and looked at the sign, it was pretty big so it must be important he thought.
"This is starting get a bit weird" Liz replied watching them on the computer.
"Starting? Did you see the massive red alien dude?!" Barry retorted.
"Freddie that room sound familiar?" Liz just ignored him
"Uh what? Sorry I was just checking my SpaceBook, maybe I'll be able to stop past me writing all those stupid posts" Freddie wasn't one for concentration. In fact it seemed like only Liz and Annie were prepared for school.
"Time and Space Contium room? Sound familiar?" Annie sighed asking again.
"I'm…yes! Yeah! I'm pretty sure! Is it a big Green sign that looks really suspicious?" Freddy asked excitedly
"Yes…" Annie said she was getting tired of this. 'Go to space school, they said. Make friends, they said' Annie couldn't help but feel a little tiresome. It had been a long first day.
"Hey you two!" Her thoughts were interrupted by a posh looking guy in a suit.
"Jack, Jill" Annie pointed towards herself and Barry and held up the pyschic paper
"Nice try, psychic paper doesn't work on me" The tall pale man in the suit said
"Ok well who are you exactly?" Barry asked
"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." Liz whispered into the headsets
"What?" Freddy asked confused
"I, am the time keeper." The man said.
"Dun dun dun! Plot Twist!" Freddy said, Liz rolled her eyes.
"You two are coming with me!" The time keeper grabbed Annie and Barry
"What did we do?! Apart from you know, lying and trespassing" Barry struggled against him.
"Damn! The cameras lost sight, the glasses must've been broken or something!" Liz exclaimed.
*Next part (depending on success) coming soon!*
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